NATIONAL EDITION | Volume 13 • Issue No. 686 August 26, 2022 | - News Update 24X7 | South Asian Views On Global News EXCLUSIVE STORE NOW OPEN ON DEVON AVENUE

FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.83532

of student loans in a massive debt forgiveness programme. Biden’s approval rating shoots up to over 40 India HouseindispensableispartnertoUS:WhiteOfficial The United States sees India as an indispensable partner, the White House asserted even as the two countries are pursuing their own national interests in Ukraine 06Read More 06Read More TheclaimwhistleblowerthatTwitter hired Indian Govt ‘agents’ and gave them access to its data How to pick the best programweight-loss
US President Joe Biden’s approval surpassed following a series successes executive order passage of the climate cancelling
on abortion rights; historic
with his
40 per cent since June this year
change; healthcare and inflation reduction bills in Congress; and his
NATIONAL EDITION | Volume 13 • Issue No. 686 August 26, 2022 | - News Update 24X7 | South Asian Views On Global News Subscribe Free ePaper & News Updates on WhatsApp. Send us ‘hi’ 7735268353to 13 14 B e s t J e w e l r y S e l e c t i o n f o r a l l A g e s w w w r e g a l j e w e l s c o m w w w r j b u l l i o n c o m 22KT 2GOLD 2KT GOLD 24KT 2GOLD 4KT GOLD D I A M O N D DS I A M O N D S S I L V E SR I L V E R 2625 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL 260659 625 W Devon Ave Chicago, IL 60659 7 7 3 2 6 2 4 3 7 7 Inside 26
ratings have

FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.83534 FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.83532 hi INDIA is published weekly by hi INDiA, Inc. 3152 W. Devon Ave, C-3 Chicago, IL 60659 hi INDiA, Inc. All right reserved as to the entire content. hi INDiA is a trademark of hi INDiA Inc. Copyright DISCLAIMER2022 hi INDiA makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of the content and assumes no liability or responsibility for any error or omission in the content. hi INDiA is not responsible or liable for any claims made in advertisements. Any questions or comments concerning advertisements or classifieds in this newspaper should be directed to the advertiser. The views, advice, opinions and information in letters to the editor, analysis section, legal section or any other article in this publication are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent those of hi INDiA, Inc. hi INDiA weekly newspaper distribute free copies for readers, community for benefit of our readers as well as advertiser. hi INDiA reserves it’s right to distribute copies limited to 1 free copy per reader which is available in the stores near to your area, However if you need more copies, reader can call us and we will send you the copies via mail or deliver to you @ $2.00 per copy. We distribute our copies only at major Indo-Pak stores, where we have obtained the permission from the owner of the location. We reserve the right to protect our copies from illegal activities like, picking up more than one copy for other than reading purposes. We watch our inventory at the stores constantly and we will notify authorities of any and all illegal activities as well as will file law-suite for the punitive damages.*NOTICE PUBLISHED WEEKLY Hi INDIA CORPORATE OFFICE : 6525 N. Crawford ave., Lincolnwood, ILL advt@hiindiaweekly.com60712 EAST COAST : Tel.: PUBLISHER- MANAGING EDITOR Hemant hemant@hiindiaweekly.comBrahmbhaatt(773)552-6083 MAIN OFFICE Tel: (773) 338-0222 Fax: (773) 338-0688 EDITOR C. H. Murthy INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR Yogesh brahmbhatt SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT Ajai ZofeenAgnihotriMaqsood CONTRIBUTING REPORTERS Dr. Nilesh D. Mehta AditiST.BrahmbhattLOUIS Ashwin Patel, (314) 423.9990 MILWAUKEE BUREAU MILWAUKEE ADVERTISING Dinesh Sanghavi (414) 771.3535 AHMEDABAD BUREAU YOGESH BRAHMBHATT ADVERTISING Hemant Brahmbhaatt GRAPHIC DESIGNER YogeshIbrahimBrahmbhattKeriwalaJitendraKumar PHOTO / WEB SITE Jinesh Modi / Vijay Shah ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE Purnima Brahmbhatt @hiindia /hiindialive /hiindiaNews 773-526-8353 SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS 330 Georgetown Square Wood Dale, IL 60191 COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing No Cost to You O p e n 7 d a y s At-Home Pickup COVID-19 Positive? We test for variants Travel Certificates 330 Georgetown Square Wood Dale, IL 60191 630-214-3800 Email : COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing No Cost to You O p e n 7 d a y s At-Home Pickup COVID-19 Positive? We test for variants Travel Certificates

5/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022

Washington, Aug 25 (IANS) US President Joe Biden’s approval ratings have surpassed 40 per cent since June this year following a series of successes with his executive order on abortion rights; historic passage of the climate change; healthcare and inflation reduction bills in Congress; and his cancelling of student loans in a massive debt forgiveness programme.
Nine ammunition and storage bunkers in Deir al-Zour province were hit early on Wednesday, US military officials said. Activists said six guards were killed, while Iran denied links to the targets. President Joe Biden ordered the strikes “to defend and protect US forces” in Syria following several attacks on them blamed on Iranbacked groups. On 15 August, two drones attacked the al-Tanf Garrison, in the southern desert, and rockets landed near the Green Village base in Deir al-Zour. Neither attack caused any casualties. About US 1,000 troops are operating out of the bases, without the permission of the Syrian government, as part of the US-led global coalition against the jihadist group Islamic State (IS).
Biden, who inherited a battered legacy from his predecessor Donald Trump battling a post-Covid economy, joblessness, high inflation, threats of a recession, has bolstered his image with his recent successes with the inflation reduction act, capping drug prices for the poor, better healthcare package for the urban middle class from insurers, upholding women’s abortion rights, and doing his best to write off as much of the $1.7 trillion debt incurred by 45 million students.
“People can finally crawl out under that mountain of debt,” he said. An estimated 43 million Americans owe a combined total of $1.6tn in federal student debt. Nearly one-fifth owe less than $10,000.
US President Joe Biden will cancel up to $10,000 (£8,474) in federal student loans for millions of Americans who earn less than $125,000 each year.
Google has breached an EU court ruling by sending unsolicited advertising emails directly to the inbox of Gmail users, Austrian advocacy group said on Wednesday in a complaint filed with France’s data protection watchdog. The Alphabet unit, whose revenues mainly come from online advertising, should ask Gmail users for their prior consent before sending them any direct marketing emails, said.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.83536 USA NEWS HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndiaHiIndiaNewsdeskNewsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Gregory Gumucio | Haven Soliman New York: (IANS) US federal prosecutors have charged three nonIndians who ran a nationwide yoga business with a multi-million dollar tax fraud. Announcing the filing of charges against them, prosecutor Damian Williams said they were arrested on Wednesday in Washington state. Gregory Gumucio, Michael Anderson and Haven Soliman ran the organisation called “Yoga to the People” (YTTP), which grew from modest beginnings in New York City to a multi-million dollar outfit spread across six states, as well as with a presence in Israel and Spain.
The United States sees India as an indispensable partner, the White House asserted even as the two countries are pursuing their own national interests in Ukraine
The temporary student loan pause, first put in place in March 2020, will also be extended a final time until 31 December of this year.
Google targeted over ad emails
Embattled police chief Pete Arredondo fired A police chief accused of botching the response to the fatal shooting of 19 schoolchildren and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas, has been sacked. The local school board voted unanimously to fire Pete Arredondo, who had been on leave since June.His lawyers said in a written statement that he had been unaware anyone was inside the classrooms with the shooter. The firing came three months to the day since the attack and two weeks before the new school term begins.
His actions on restrictions on gun laws to keep citizens secure against trigger happy mass killers, the raid on Trump’s Florida residence and his string of successes in the blue states with Trump backed candidates losing to challengers in the primaries in the blue states boosting democrats chances has shown him of as being decisive and strong.
Mr Biden will also forgive $20,000 of debt for students on Pell Grants, which applies to those in greatest financial need.
Non-Indian leaders of US yoga business charged in multi-million tax fraud
“We see the (Indian) partners as indispensable partners. And the USIndia Strategic Partnership is grounded in our shared commitment to the advancement of a free and open IndoPacific region,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters during her daily news Theconference.presssecretary was responding to a question if the relationship is drifting apart in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. “You’ve heard the President say this, the rule of law and the promotion of human freedom and dignity,” she said. “We are confident in our relationship, and in the years ahead, we’ll continue to stand together to defend the rules-based order; foster greater peace, prosperity, and security for our people; advance a free and open Indo-Pacific; and together, address the challenges we face around the world,” Jean-Pierre said in response to the question.
The United States sees India as an indispensable partner, the White House asserted Wednesday even as the two countries are pursuing their own national interests in Ukraine.
Biden’s approval rating shoots up to over 40
India is indispensable partner to US : White House Official
The President’s new high ratings woke up Americans on Wednesday morning from their slumber as his image went up, though not fully, but in a small measure, as he decided to cancel loans of students of up to $10,000 for families with incomes below $1,50,000 in keeping with his election pledge to waive the debt before August 31.
US President Joe Biden’s approval ratings have surpassed 40 per cent since June this year following a series of successes with his executive order on abortion rights; historic passage of the climate change; healthcare and inflation reduction bills in Congress; and his cancelling of student loans in a massive debt forgiveness programme.
Washington, Aug 25 (IANS) US President Joe Biden’s administration has finalised a rule to fortify the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) programme as it faces legal challenges, aiming to preserve protections for hundreds of thousands of “Dreamers”. The rule, set to go into effect October 31, codifies into federal regulation the 2012 programme that shields more than 600,000 undocumented immigrants from deportation and allows them to work legally in the US, reports dpa news agency. For the past 10 years, the programme has been governed by a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memorandum. “Today, we are taking another step to do everything in our power to preserve and fortify DACA, an extraordinary program that has transformed the lives of so many Dreamers,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement late Wednesday.
US strikes Iran-backed groups’ facilities in Syria after base attacks
Biden admin issues final rule on protections for ‘Dreamers’

7/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022 1-800-318-2596 Paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services LIFE COVERAGEHAPPENS.PAIYE. Agar aap ko health coverage chahiye kyon ki aap job kho baethe hain, ya 26 saal ke ho gaye hain, coverage paana ab bahut hi easy hai. Aap ke paas seemit samay hai to find an affordable, low-cost plan at Who is Eligible • 60 years old and above • U.S Citizen or Permanent Resident • Limited Physical activities Mobility ShoppingErrands / Errands Housekeeping cozy environment Provide safe and Preparation MedicationReminderReminderCompanionship DailyActivityLiving Personal Care Care For Soul, Inc. Professional home care service of providing best in-home care to seniors... Do you have an lovedelderlyone at home? Are you aging alone at home? What can we do for seniors Our dedicated well trained team of Care Givers will assist you and provide the care you need. DES PLAINES 1181 S. ELMHURST RD, DES PLAINES, IL 60018 T: 847-553-4345 F: 847-621-2637 SCHAUMBURG 959 W. Golf Road, Schaumburg, IL 60194 T: 847-278-1294 F: 847-278-1561 BOLINGBROOK 128 N. BOLINGBROOK DR, BOLINGBROOK, IL 60440 T: 630-796-6393 F: 331-777-9138 NILES 9118 W GOLF RD NILES, IL 60714 T: 847-983-0041 F: 847-983-4756 MAIN OFFICE 512 HIGGINS RD. PARK RIDGE, IL 60068. T: 847-764-8101 F: 857-518-5300 CHICAGO 2705 W. DEVON AVE. CHICAGO, IL 60659 T : 773-654-1236 F : 773-654-1240 HANOVER PARK 2426 W. ARMY TRAIL RD. HANOVER PARK, IL 60133 T: 630-855-5339 F: 630-855-5349 careforsoulinc

Smoke from forest fires has recently reached the capital Moscow, limiting visibility in the city.
US sends ambassadorfirstto Sudan in 25 years
Forest fires in Russia burn over 100,000 hectares in 3 days
TrussOpposingcan cost
World’s first hydrogenpowered trains begin passenger service in Germany Berlin: (IANS) Almost four years after the start of trial operations, the world’s first passenger train network powered by hydrogen was launched in the German federal state of Lower Saxony. The 14 trains with hydrogen fuel cell drive produced by French manufacturer Alstom are to replace diesel trains, Xinhua news agency quoted the local transport authority of Lower Saxony, LNVG, as saying on Wednesday. Five of the new trains are already in operation, with the others to follow by the end of the year.
The US has sent its first ambassador to Sudan in 25 years, two years after it removed it from the list of countries that sponsor terrorism. Sudan was added to the list of countries that sponsor terrorism in 1993 after accusations that it supported al-Qaeda, whose founder Osama bin Laden lived in Sudan from 1992 to 1996. In 2020, Sudan appointed its first ambassador to the US in 23 years.
India breaks streak of UN abstentions on Ukraine, votes against Russia
Rishi dear Opinion polls among a sample of 160,000 Tory party members who have already returned their ballot papers suggest Truss has taken an unbeatable lead HiIndia Newsdesk Liz Truss could kick Rishi Sunak out of the Commons unless he votes for her budget and other economic measures in the Commons. This was the implication behind a very loaded question put to him at the hustings held in Birmingham on Tuesday night as the Tory leadership contest draws to a close. Opinion polls among a sample of 160,000 Tory party members who have already returned their ballot papers suggest Truss has taken an unbeatable lead although Rishi’s team still maintains the result is not a foregone conclusion.
Imran being told to stop confrontation with military Islamabad, Aug 25 (IANS) There are some renewed efforts being made from within the Pakistan Tehreek-eInsaf (PTI) and by the Punjab Chief Minister to stop party Chairman and former Prime Minister Imran Khan from confronting the military establishment, sources said. Informed sources said that from the PTI, the person who is working really hard in this respect is former Minister Faisal Vawda, The News reported. Pervez Khattak, the former Defence Minister, is also making efforts, they added. From the PML-Q, the coalition partner of PTI in Punjab, the province’s Chief Minister Pervaiz Elahi and his son Moonis are also pressing Khan to cool down. The PTI Chairman is being advised that confrontation with the establishment will not benefit the party or him.
Forest fires in Russia continued to spread and have consumed nearly 110,000 hectares of land in just three days up to Thursday. Moscow, Aug 25 (IANS) Forest fires in Russia continued to spread and have consumed nearly 110,000 hectares of land in just three days up to Thursday. A report by the state-run TASS news agency said that a total of 126 forest fires were recorded, and the area affected by wildfires increased by 8,000 hectares during the past three days.
Going against Moscow’s stance, India on Wednesday joined 12 other members of the Council to vote for inviting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to speak via a remote video link.China abstained on the vote and Russia naturally voted against the invitation, but because it was a procedural matter it did not count as a Whenveto. the meeting began, Russia’s Permanent Representative Vassily Nbenzia, objecting to Zelensky’s video link arrangement, demanded he should come in person to the Council chamber and asked for the vote, which ended up showing Moscow’s isolation. Although this was the first time India had not abstained on a matter linked to Ukraine and voted with the west, a diplomatic source played down its significance. The source said Wednesday’s vote was different from the issues India had abstained on and those were more substantial.“It was (only) for or against Zelensky’s participation” in the meeting through a video link, the source pointed out.
California is expected to put into effect on Thursday its sweeping plan to prohibit the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035, a groundbreaking move that could have major effects on the effort to fight climate change and accelerate a global transition towards electric vehicles. “This is huge,” said Margo Oge, an electric vehicles expert who headed the Environmental Protection Agency’s transportation emissions programme under Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. “California will now be the only government in the world that mandates zero-emission vehicles. It is Theunique.”rule,issued by the California Air Resources Board, will require that 100 per cent of all new cars sold in the state by 2035 be free of the fossil fuel emissions chiefly responsible for warming the planet, up from 12 per cent today.
The Far East region’s Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is the worst hit area, where about 75,000 hectares of forest were engulfed by fire, Xinhua news agency quoted the report as saying. The Republics of Komi and Ryazan and the Nizhny Novgorod Oblast in western Russia have also suffered wildfires.
California sets in motion plan to put brake on gasoline cars
Breaking its streak of abstentions on votes related to Ukraine, India has voted for a procedural matter that Russia opposed at the UN Security Council Breaking its streak of abstentions on votes related to Ukraine, India has voted for a procedural matter that Russia opposed at the UN Security Council.
Speaking during a meeting with regional officials on Wednesday, President Vladimir Putin said there was a risk that forest fires could worsen in the European part of Russia and its Far East. According to TASS, the country has mobilised over 5,000 people to extinguish the fires.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.83538 INTERNATIONAL NEWS HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk

9/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022
New Delhi Television Ltd. said the Adani Group, will need approval from India’s markets regulator for its hostile takeover bid, amid wider concerns that the acquisition may muzzle the country’s independent press. The conglomerate, led by Asia’s richest person Gautam Adani, needs approval from the Securities and Exchange Board of India to buy NDTV, as the news outlet is known. That’s because its founders and current owners Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy have been barred from dealing in shares for two years through Nov. 26, the media house said in an exchange filing Thursday.
The convicts were released by the Gujarat government on Independence Day under an outdated remission policy, which turned into a huge political controversy.
Raju Srivastava Gains
NDTV Says Adani Group Needs Regulator’s Nod After Hostile Bid
AAP leader Dilip Pandey said the BJP “is preparing to break 40 MLAs” but projected confidence that all MLAs would attend the meeting.
New Delhi: Comedian Raju Srivastava, who has been under hospitalization for the past 15 days after suffering a cardiac arrest, gained consciousness on Thursday. Raju Srivastava gained consciousness today after 15 days, he’s being monitored by doctors at AIIMS Delhi, said Garvit Narang, personal secretary of the actor to news agency ANI. Raju Srivastava had been admitted to a Delhi hospital on August 10 after he suffered a heart attack. He was experiencing chest pain and collapsed while working out at the gym. Raju Srivastava’s personal secretary in a statement to news agency ANI stated that the health condition of Raju Srivastava is improving. The 58-year-old was running on the treadmill in a gym when he complained of chest pain. He underwent an angioplasty the same day. Earlier, Raju Srivastava’s younger brother shared a video message to reveal details about his brother’s health.
New Delhi: Arvind Kejriwal’s “emergency” meeting of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLAs today produced a reassuring headcount as the party accused the BJP of offering ₹ 20 crore to its MLAs to topple its government in Fifty-threeDelhi. of AAP’s 62 MLAs in Delhi attended the meeting at the Chief Minister’s home. Those missing are all accounted for and pledged their support on the speaker phone with Arvind Kejriwal, AAP leader Saurabh Bharadwaj said. At least 12 MLAs said they had received BJP offers and each pledged support to Mr Kejriwal “till their last breath”, he Aftersaid.the meeting, Mr Kejriwal and his MLAs went in a large group to Mahatma Gandhi’s memorial Rajghat “to pray for the failure of the BJP’s Operation Lotus”. “I have heard that they are trying to bribe 40 MLAs to cross over. I am happy that not a single MLA has given in,” Mr Kejriwal told reporters.
New Delhi: Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez in a plea before the Appellate Authority of PMLA clearly stated that it is surprising that like her some other celebrities, notably, Norah Fatehi was also conned by main accused Sukesh Chandrashekhar in the ₹ 200 crore extortion case. Jacqueline Fernandez said Nora Fatehi and other celebrities who received gifts from the main accused Sukesh Chandrashekhar are made whereaswitnessessheissoughttobedraggedasanaccused.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835310 INDIA NEWS
HiIndia NewsdeskHiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Hemant Soren says he hasn’t yet received any communication while he’s seen “several media reports” about Election Commission’s report to Governor Ranchi: Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren today said he hasn’t yet received any communication while he’s seen several media reports and BJP’s statements about the Election Commission “recommending his disqualification as a MLA”. The BJP, though, is confident that its plea has succeeded, and sought mid-term polls “on moral grounds”. Contents of the EC’s report aren’t public yet. “It apparently seems that BJP leaders, including a BJP MP and his puppet journalists, have themselves drafted the ECI report, which is otherwise a sealed cover report,” Mr Soren reacted angrily in a statement. The BJP, which has accused Mr Soren of giving himself a mining lease and thus sought his disqualification, is already moving to the next political step. “Hemant Soren should head towards mid-term polls, on moral grounds,” said BJP MP Nishikant Dubey, “Assembly should be dissolved and there should be elections in all 81 assembly constituencies. BJP has been demanding this.”
New Delhi,: (IANS) Following a meeting of AAP MLAs and a visit to Rajghat on Thursday, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that he must have done good deeds in his past life and that’s why he has someone like Manish Sisodia by his side.“I must have done good deeds in my previous life, that’s I’ve got someone like Manish Sisodia with me. He rejected their (BJP) offer,” Kejriwal told reporters.
New Delhi: India will seek broader consensus before it supports US-led efforts to cap the price of Russian oil, which American officials are expected to push for this week when they travel to Mumbai and New Delhi. India is hesitant to join the plan unless a consensus is reached with all buyers, according to people familiar with the matter, asking not to be identified because the deliberations aren’t public. That message will likely be conveyed to US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo and his team at meetings with government officials and company executives from Wednesday to Friday.
New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday sought the Gujarat government’s response on a plea challenging the release of 11 men convicted for the gangrape of Bilkis Bano during the 2002 Gujarat riots. The bench headed by Chief Justice N V Ramana also asked the petitioners to implead those who have been granted remission as parties in the matter. The bench also posted the matter for hearing after two weeks.
15 days, he’s being monitored by doctors at AIIMS Delhi, said Garvit Narang, personal secretary of the actor.
“BJP Tried To Poach 40 MLAs “: AAP Prays At Rajghat For ‘Op Lotus’ Failure
“BJP Drafted It”: Jharkhand CM On “Sealed Report” About Disqualification
India To Tell US That Russia Oil Price Cap
Must’ve done good deeds in past life so got someone like Sisodia: Kejriwal
Actor FernandezJacquelineAllegesBiasAfterNoraFatehiMadeWitnessJacquelineFernandezsaidNoraFatehiandothercelebritieswhoreceivedgiftsfromthemainaccusedSukeshChandrashekhararemadewitnesseswhereassheissoughttobedraggedasanaccused.
Bilkis Bano Case: Supreme Court Notice To Gujarat Over Convicts’ Release

11/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022 HIRING CAREGIVERS / CNA FOR SENIOR CARE QuProviding ality Homecare Ser vices By Caring Professionals Competitive Pay | Full & Part -Time Positions Flexible Work Schedule | Paid In-Service Training Transportation Benefits | Health Benefits & More Starting Pay OUR$15.50/hourRateCAREGIVERS HELP WITH DAILY CHORES SUCH AS: 1210 S. Highland Ave. Lombard, IL 60148 Tel: (630) 953-1950 489 W. Boughton Road Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Tel: (630) 679-1580 8104 S. Roberts Rd. Justice, IL 60458 Tel: (708) 594-2273 2225 W. North Ave. Melrose Park, IL 60160 Tel: (708) 344-2273 5200 Main Street Skokie, IL 60077 Tel: (847) 329-8500 4310 W. Lawrence Ave. Chicago, IL 60630 Tel: (773) 685-2273 1717 W Golf Road Mount Prospect, IL 60056 Tel: (847) 427-2273 2900 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL 60659 Tel: (773) 274-1380 1837 Larkin Ave. Elgin, IL 60123 Tel: (847) 608-9352 1830 W Army Trail Rd. Hanover Park , IL 60133 Tel: (630) 372-2475 1024 S McHenry Ave. Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Tel: (815) 455-2273 OUR LOCATIONS

FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835312 DIASPORA NEWS
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
I want to change UKIndia relationship to make it more two-way: Rishi Sunak London,: Britain’s prime ministerial candidate Rishi Sunak said he wants to change the UK-India relationship to make it a more two-way exchange that opens up easy access to UK students and companies in India. During a campaign hustings event hosted by the Conservative Friends of India (CFIN) diaspora organisation in north London on Monday evening, the former Chancellor greeted the largely British Indian gathering with a mix of traditional greetings such as “namaste, salaam, khem cho, and kidda”. He even broke into Hindi: “Aap sab mere parivar ho (you all are my “Wefamily).”know the UK-India relationship is important. We represent the living bridge between our two countries,” he said, in response to a question about bilateral ties from CFIN co-chair Reena Ranger. “I want to make sure that it’s easy for our students to also travel to India and learn, that it’s also easy for our companies and Indian companies to work together because it’s not just a one-way relationship, it’s a twoway relationship, and that’s the type of change I want to bring to that relationship,” he said.
“We understand your frustration and disappointment and want to assure you that we are working to improve the situation. In fact, we have been processing applications throughout the year, including study permits for the September 2022 intake,” it said. “Many thousands of students in India are receiving their visas each week. We will continue to make every effort to reduce wait times against an unprecedented volume of applications received,” the mission said.
Jalandhar: Japgobind Singh, whose family hails from Jalandhar, has been making waves in Canada as he has got the solo pilot’s licence just at the age of 16. Hailing from Buttaran village near Bhogpur here, he has created a history abroad as in Canada, no one can even get a driving license at this age. The report has brought excitement across the entire Punjabi diaspora there. Japgobind Singh reportedly started his pilot training in British Columbia and after training in Alberta and Ontario, his final training was completed in Quebec. His father Gurlal Singh is the former general secretary of the Punjabi Press Club of BC and is now a resident of Ottawa. He had moved to Canada about 20 years ago. Gurlal’s younger brother Hardial Singh Buttar is a farm activist here.
Dr. Shah was awarded the most prestigious Clarence E. Earle Memorial Award at the annual meeting. This prestigious honor was in recognition for his outstanding contribution to the technical literature pertaining to lubricating greases during the year, especially the Grease guidebook that Bill Tuszynski and he edited. In addition he along with the authors in the handbook was also awarded the Golden Grease Gun Award which acknowledges his valuable work within the grease AIndustry.fewmonths ago, Dr. Shah was honored with a fellow position at the IOP. The Institute of Physics (IOP ) is one of the world’s largest professional bodies and learned societies for physics headquartered in Dr.London.RajShah is widely recognized worldwide for his contributions to the field of Fuels, Lubricants, and Greases. His specialization is in the development of laboratory analytical instrumentation used primarily in the petroleum laboratory.
NEW YORK, NY- Dr. Raj Shah, director at Koehler Instrument Company and Adjunct professor at State University of New York, Stony Brook, was recently felicitated with two prestigious awards by his peers In Toronto at the NLGI Annual NLGImeeting.isa professional society, primarily composed of companies worldwide who manufacture and market lubricating oils and greases and companies associated with it.
A new study published by the University of Texas at Dallas’ Institute of Urban Policy Research, says that Indian American business leaders are thriving in the Dallas- Fort Worth metroplex area. The study conducted in partnership with the Indian American CEO council also found that the average salary of an Indian American in the region is $59,000, as opposed to an average salary of $39,000 that is earned by a non-Asian American. The study also says, “Indian Americans are twice as likely to work in management roles as compared to other Asian identities. Over 220,000 IndianAmericans live in D-FW, accounting for 40% of all Asian Americans in the D-FW area. And they’re leading in the workplace.
From left: Arun Agarwal, Indian Ambassador to the U.S. Taranjit Singh Sandhu, Sanjiv Yajnik and Consul General of India in Houston Aseem Mahajan pose for a photo at a luncheon in Dallas.(Indian American CEO Council) The co-chairs of the Indian American CEO Council facilitated a study about the Indian American workforce in Dallas-Fort Worth.
Record over 130 Indian-Americans at key positions in Biden admin.
Working to reduce wait time for visas for students: Canadian High Commission in India New Delhi: With a large number of Indians facing long waiting times for Canadian visas, Canada’s High Commission here said it understands their “frustration and disappointment”, and assured that it is working to improve the situation. The Canadian High Commission, in a series of tweets on Thursday, said thousands of Indian students were receiving their visas every week and that it would continue to make every effort to reduce the wait time.
Zofeen Maqsood Indian ReceivesResearcherAmericanWorldwideHonors
Indian American Business Leaders Thriving in Dallas-Fort Worth Area: University of Texas Study
Washington: US President Joe Biden has appointed more than 130 Indian-Americans to key positions in his administration so far, the best representation from the community that makes up around one per cent of the American population. In doing so he has not only fulfilled his promise to the community that he had made as a presidential candidate in 2020, but also shattered the record of his predecessor Donald Trump who had appointed more than 80 IndianAmericans and his previous boss Barack Obama, who had appointed over 60 Indian-Americans to key positions during his eight years of presidency. More than 40 Indian-Americans have been elected at various state and federal levels including four in the US House of Representatives. Not to miss the more than 20 Indian-Americans leading top US Whilecompanies.thefirst-ever presidential appointment was done during the time of Ronald Reagan, this time Biden has appointed Indian-Americans to almost all departments and agencies of his “Indian-Americansadministration. have been imbued with the sense of seva (service) and this is reflected in their enthusiasm to pursue positions in public service instead of the private sector,” Silicon Valleybased entrepreneur, philanthropist and venture capitalist MR Rangaswami told PTI. “The Biden administration has now appointed or nominated the largest group to date and needless to say we are proud of our people and their accomplishments for the United States,” Rangaswami founder and head of Indiaspora, a US-based global organisation for Indian-origin leaders. Indiaspora keeps a track of Indianorigin leaders. More than 40 IndianAmericans have been elected at various state and federal levels including four in the US House of Representatives
At 16,
HiIndia Newsdesk

Hyderabad: Four arrested after attempt to rob jeweler fails HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad: The Mailardevpally police arrested four persons who had attempted to rob a jeweler at Madhuban colony and seized a country made gun from them. The arrested persons are identified as Madhuram (36), Gopa Ram (65), Danish Khan (32) and Kailash (32), all natives of Rajasthan. One of their associates Mahesh is absconding.
Inauguration of extended flyover at postponedChandrayangutta
Now, Tamil culture & heritage mandatory for engineering students at Anna University
Anna University Vice Chancellor, R.Velraj told IANS that the curriculum for the courses is being prepared and would be released before the commencement of the first semester classes. He also said that the university has decided to include these two subjects as part of engineering studies for the students to understand the rich Tamil cultural heritage and to make the students connect with their roots, appreciate, and preserve it.
It would transform Tamil Nadu into the most favoured destination for manufacturing of footwear and leather products in Asia, he said and appealed to the industries to popularise ‘Make In Tamil Nadu’ products in a global arena.
Tamil Nadu government inks pact for Rs 2,250 crore investment in leather sector
Cops bust racket,educationalfakecertificates6arrested Hyderabad: Six persons were arrested by the Rachakonda police for their alleged involvement in a fake educational certificates racket busted on TheTuesday.arrested persons are identified as Muqtar Ahmed (40), Mohd Feroz (42), Mohd Farooq Ali (44), Mohd Sarfaraz (30), Mohd Zubair Ali (30) and Syed Athifuddin (25). One of their associates Kaleemuddin is absconding.
The engineering students of Anna University in Tamil Nadu will now have to learn the heritage and culture of the state in their engineering syllabus. The university has designed two unique courses, Ariviyal Tamil (Scientific thoughts and studies in Tamil) and Tamilar Marabu (Heritage of Tamils).
Raja Singh remarks against Prophet: Tension continues in Hyderabad Hyderabad: Tension continues in the city following the GroupsMohammedcommentsderogatoryofBJPlegislatorTRajaSinghagainstProphetandhissubsequentreleaseonbailonTuesday.ofyoungsters continued their protest in the city. Reports of protest came in from Amberpet, Tallabkatta, Charminar, Moghalpura, Khilwat, Bahadurpura and Chanchalguda. The surroundings of Charminar continued to be witness the maximum late night protest. The police presence was beefed up and additional policemen deployed at the monument. The police closed down the Puranapul Bridge and Moosarambagh bridge as a precautionary measure. Police intensified patrolling in all areas of the city. A police vehicle was damaged by a group of protesters at Moghalpura.
The Tamil Nadu government signed five memoranda of understanding (MoUs) for an investment worth Rs 2,250 crore in the footwear and leather sector, on Tuesday in the presence of Chief Minister M K Stalin who unveiled the ‘Tamil Nadu Footwear and Leather Products Policy 2022’. The policy is aimed at attracting Rs 20,000 crore investment in the leather sector by 2025 and in creating employment opportunities to 2 lakh people.
The Vice Chancellor also said that the course material will be printed in both Tamil and English. He said that the preference was for preparing the material in Tamil language only as it would help the students have a better grip on the mother language. However, with several students from outside the state joining the classes as well as students who passed under the CBSE stream also having difficulties in Tamil, the material is being prepared in English Annaalso. University has also included an English practical laboratory as a paper for the first semester for improving the English language efficiency of the Thestudents.students will also be taught another foreign language during the second semester in a communication laboratory. The students, according to officials of Anna University will be taught subjects in fintech and blockchain in addition to their main semester courses.
Chennai,: (IANS) The engineering students of Anna University in Tamil Nadu will now have to learn the heritage and culture of the state in their engineering syllabus. The university has designed two unique courses, Ariviyal Tamil (Scientific thoughts and studies in Tamil) and Tamilar Marabu (Heritage of TheTamils).university has made both these courses mandatory for all engineering students with Ariviyal Tamil being taught for the first semester and Tamilar Marabu for the second semester. The courses are taught to provide an insight to the students into the rich culture and heritage of the state. The courses would also provide the students detailed information on the engineering techniques that were practiced in Tamil Nadu to construct architectural marvels.
Hyderabad: The State government is planning to develop a ‘Wind Garden’ in one of the lung spaces that is located either in the city or its vicinity. Unlike the regular parks that provide space for leisure and recreation, the concept of Wind Garden is said to help bring down the temperatures in the vicinities by around 4 degrees Celsius. Following a decision to develop such a facility, authorities are now mulling over the location of the first Wind Garden in the city.
“In order to achieve the USD 1 trillion economy by 2030, Tamil Nadu should attract capital intensive high-tech industries and employment intensive industries,” he said while speaking at the Tamil Nadu Footwear and Leather Sector Conclave 2022 here. KICL SEMS, Wagon International, KICL, Walkaroo and KICL (footwear cluster) are the five firms with which the state government signed the MoUs. These would generate jobs to 37,450 people. Also, the Chief Minister laid the foundation stone for a Rs 400 crore mega footwear manufacturing park at Panapakkam, Ranipet, on the occasion.
13/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022 SOUTH INDIA NEWS HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Telangana govt to develop ‘Wind Garden’ at Sanjeevaiah Park
Hyderabad: The inauguration of the extended flyover at Chandrayangutta that slated to be held on Tuesday has been postponed. According to the officials, the flyover with extended parts is now expected to be inaugurated on August 27. The existing Chandrayangutta flyover was of 400 metres, and another 674 metres have been added.

How has Twitter responded? In a statement, a Twitter spokesperson said that Zatko was fired from his role in the company in January 2022 for “ineffective leadership and poor “Whatperformance”.we’veseen so far is a false narrative about Twitter and our privacy and data security practices that is riddled with inconsistencies and inaccuracies and lacks important context. Mr Zatko’s allegations and opportunistic timing appear designed to capture attention and inflict harm on Twitter, its customers and its shareholders. Security and privacy have long been company-wide priorities at Twitter and will continue to be,” the company spokesperson said. How could the revelations impact Twitter’s ongoing legal actions? The revelations come as Twitter is engaged in two high-profile legal battles — one with India’s central government over some of its content blocking orders, and another with Tesla CEO Elon Musk over his attempt to pull out of his earlier $44 billion bid to buy the social media company. Last month, Twitter had moved the Karnataka High Court asking for the overturning of the government’s order to block 39 links. Twitter has argued that the blocking orders were beyond the purview of the law. Twitter has also sued Musk for wanting to terminate his deal of buying the company. Notably, in this legal action, Musk has alleged that the company’s decision to challenge MeitY’s blocking orders was a “departure from the ordinary course” and put its business in India “at risk”.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835314
Mr Zatko’s allegations and opportunistic timing appear designed to capture attention and inflict harm on Twitter, its customers and its shareholders
“The company did not in fact disclose to users that it was believed by the executive team that the Indian government had succeeded in placing agents on the company payroll,” Pieter ‘Mudge’ Zatko, former head of safety at Twitter said in his complaint filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. He alleged that the company had “knowingly” permitted an “Indian government agent [to have] direct unsupervised access to the company’s systems and user data”.
T he Nepal government is in a fix on whether to allow the Indian Army to recruit Nepali youths under the Narendra Modi governments newly launched Agnipath scheme of short-term recruitment into the armed forces. New Delhi has apparently asked Kathmandu’s views on the matter as India’s Gorkha regiment plans to recruit Nepalis, for which tests are scheduled for August 25 in Butwal and September 1 in Nepali media reports, the delay over giving decision has reached to the office of Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba who discussed the matter with Foreign Minister Narayan Khadka and some senior Nepal government officials.
It is unclear whether there is any link between Zatko’s claims about the company staffing a “government agent” and these employees that Twitter was mandated to hire under the IT Rules, 2021. Zatko told The Washington Post that evidence to support this claim had been shared with US intelligence.
In February last year, MeitY notified the Information Technology Rules, 2021. These rules mandated social media companies to hire key personnel — nodal officers — who would solely liaison with law enforcement agencies to assist them in investigations. The companies were also required to hire a compliance officer, who would ensure compliance with the rules, and a grievance officer, who would resolve user complaints.
The Nepal government is in a fix on whether to allow the Indian Army to recruit Nepali youths under the Narendra Modi governments newly launched Agnipath scheme of short-term recruitment into the armed forces.
In his complaint, Zatko also said that in countries where Twitter was needed to have a physical presence and fulltime employees, “the threat of harm to Twitter employees was sufficient to cause Twitter to seriously consider complying with foreign government requests that Twitter would otherwise fundamentally oppose”. He added that the Government of India, along with the governments of Russia and Nigeria, “sought, with varying success, to force Twitter to hire local FTEs (full-time employees) that could be used as leverage”. Before joining Twitter, Mudge held senior positions at Google and Stripe, and the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), where he received the highest award available to civilian, non-career employees.
A former senior Twitter executive has alleged that the Indian government “forced” Twitter to hire individuals who were “government agents”, and who got access to vast amounts of user data on the social media platform, according to a whistleblower disclosure with United States regulators.
Confusion in Nepal over recruitment in Gorkha regiments due to Agnipath scheme
Who could these alleged “government agents” possibly be?
The whistleblower claim that Twitter hired Indian Govt ‘agents’ and gave them access to its data
The allegations have come at a time when Twitter is involved in a legal battle with the Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY) over its content blocking orders.
It is not clear if the former head of safety who was fired by Twitter in Jan 2022 is referring to the full-time India-based employees that the company was required to hire under Indian law.
What has Twitter’s whistleblower alleged?
A Twitter spokesperson said that Zatko was fired from his role in the company in January 2022 for “ineffective leadership and poor performance”.
But there is no decision yet whether to allow India to recruit Nepali youths in Indian Army or not as 75 per cent those who get selected would have to return home after four years and that could invite huge social costs. Government officials in Kathmandu have said they were still mulling over the matter saying the Indian government did not discuss the matter with the Nepali side before launching the scheme and only informed that it has resumed the recruitment under the new scheme. The Indian Army had postponed the Gorkha recruitment due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As soon as the new scheme was launched on June 14, the Indian Army via the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu wrote to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeking approval for the selection and recruitment in Butwal and Dharan, and sought security support from the local administrations during the recruitment process, according to the Nepali media reports. After the government of Nepal failed to communicate to the Indian side whether it will allow the Indian Army to start the recruitment process, the latter has stopped short of making public the recruitment dates. As per the Agnipath scheme announced by the Modi government in India, it will be recruiting 46,000 “Agniveers”. Upon completing the four-year service, the “Aginveers” will return to society as a disciplined, dynamic, motivated, and skilled workforce for employment in other sectors to pursue their career in the job of their choice, as per the Indian government plan. The provision will apply to the Gorkha regiment, a dedicated force of the Indian Army that only hires Nepali nationals and Nepalispeaking people. Some sections in Nepal have raised questions about the Agnipath scheme, saying whether it will violate the Tripartite Agreement between then British, India and Nepali governments signed in 1947 that ensures the recruitment in the Indian Army and ensured equal pay and pension and other facilities on par with the Indians.

When is a company ‘over leveraged’?
Bloomberg’s report, however, noted that in Adani’s case, “CreditSights’ analysts… said they draw “comfort” from the group’s strong relationships with banks as well as the administration of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi”. Also, “the (Adani) group has a “strong track record of churning out strong and stable companies” through its flagship, Adani Enterprises Ltd., and has built a portfolio of “stable infrastructure assets tied to the healthy functioning” of the Indian Bloombergeconomy,said.
A company or business is said to be “over leveraged” if it has unsustainably high debt against its operating cash flows and equity. Such a company would find it difficult to make interest and principal repayments to its creditors, and may struggle to meet its operating expenses as well. In the latter case, the company may be forced to borrow even more just to keep going, and thus enter a vicious cycle. This situation can ultimately lead to the company going bankrupt.
The report also mentions governance risks: “Since the 6 listed Group companies are separate legal entities, the provision of inter-company loans by a performing company to its stressed sister entity would be a relatedparty transaction and raise corporate governance issues.”
Being over leveraged constraints companies’ growth plans. If payments are not paid in time, it may lose assets, which may be taken over by creditors, who may also launch legal proceedings to recover their money. The inability to repay existing debts puts limitations on future borrowing by the company. Also, an over leveraged company will find it extremely difficult to get in new sets of investors, all of which will add up to further diminish its financial present and future.
Just as a loan from a bank can help an individual buy a home or a car, lead to an improvement in her quality of life, and perhaps enable her to contribute better to her society in tangible and intangible ways, debt can help a company grow and expand, create more jobs and make profits, and ultimately contribute to the GDP growth of the country itself. However, it is critical for companies to manage their debt well, just as it is critical for individuals to make timely repayments of their loans. While taking on debt is sometimes a better option to raise capital than, say, issuing stock, which would dilute ownership, borrowing more than they can repay lands companies in trouble. Companies typically borrow in anticipation of future demand, and when that does not work out, they find it difficult to sustain the debt burden. This is the reason many real estate companies that took on debt in anticipation of a housing boom went bust when the apartments they planned or built did not sell. A company that is less leveraged is better placed to manage situations in which revenues fall.
Adani Group’s House of Debt
CreditSights remains “cautiously watchful” of the Adani Group’s largely debt-funded expansion appetite, the report states: the report has drawn up a number of credit concerns ranging from the group’s overly-leveraged aggressive expansion to forays into new or unrelated businesses, environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks, risks emanating from competing with the likes of Reliance Industries and, last but not least, limited evidence of equity capital injections by Gautam Adani and his family.
What happens when a company is leveraged?over
The report puts the spotlight on several weighty financial concerns that besiege the Adani Group and have worried market analysts and shareholders across “In general, the group has been investing aggressively across both existing and new businesses, predominantly funded with debt, resulting in elevated leverage and solvency ratios. This has understandably caused concerns about the group as a whole, and what implications it could have on the group companies that are bond issuers. In the worst-case scenario, overly ambitious debt-funded growth plans could eventually spiral into a massive debt trap, and possibly culminate into a distressed situation or default of one or more group companies.”
Governance risks
Credit Research Firm Red-Flags
redit research firm CreditSights has redflagged the Adani Group’s over-leveraged expansion bid vis-a-vis the Reliance conglomerate. In a research note, the credit research firm raises the worst-case scenario possibility of the group’s “overly-ambitious debt-funded growth plans” eventually spiralling into a massive debt trap, and possibly culminating in a distressed situation or default of one or more group companies.
The report mentions the astronomical rise of Gautam Adani’s wealth and his recent feat of displacing Bill Gates to occupy the position of the fourth-richest man in the world. However, it cuts a sour note for Gautam Adani by adding, “this is paper wealth, and largely tied to the value of his holdings in the Adani Group’s stocks, which have risen significantly in recent years. It is difficult to gauge the family’s ability to inject their own funds in a scenario where any of the Group companies require equity injections by the promoter.”
Some foreign investors in Adani Group stocks also include certain opaque funds, such as Albula Investment Fund, Cresta Fund and APMS Investment Fund, all of which are registered at the same address in Port Louis, Mauritius. The majority of these funds’ assets under management (AUM) is in Adani Group stock and there is little clarity regarding the ultimate, beneficial owner of these funds. Though there was news last year regarding the stock regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) investigation for alleged stock price manipulation, SEBI has since cleared the Adani Group companies of any potential irregularities.
Why does a company have to take on debt?
After the Reliance and Tata groups, the Adani Group is the third largest conglomerate in India based on a total market capitalisation of over $200 billion, as of August, 2022. Founded in 1988 as a commodity trading business by businessman Gautam Adani, the Group has expanded rapidly across key industry verticals such as energy, utilities and transportation. The Group has six established listed entities, namely Adani Enterprises (AEL), Adani Green Energy (AGEL), Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone (APSEZ), Adani Power, Adani Total Gas and Adani Transmission.
15/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022 CURRENT AFFAIRS
The report draws up a number of credit concerns posed by the Adani Group, ranging from its overly-leveraged aggressive expansion to forays into new/unrelated businesses and risks emanating from competing with the likes of Reliance Industries.

Pankaj Tripathi’s cool advice: If you lose it, you’ll create chaos
Sidharth Malhotra-starrer Shershaah and Ranveer Singh’s 83 are the top nominees at the 67th Filmfare Awards. The two films have bagged 19 and 15 nominations, respectively, closely followed by Vicky Kaushal-starrer Sardar Udham and Taapsee Pannu-led Rashmi Rocket with 13 and 11 nods each, the organisers said Sunday in a press release. Shershaah, 83 and Sardar Udham will vie for the top honour of best film along with Ramprasad Ki Tehrvi, the directorial debut of veteran actor Seema Pahwa.
/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835316 ENTERTAINMENT
She’s ‘more than close friends’ with Sidharth Malhotra
I haven’t changedanything,doneOTThasmycareer
The new episode of the weekly show ‘Koffee with Karan’ Season 7 will be available to stream on Disney+ Hotstar, Thursday, August 25, at 12 midnight. Rumour mills have been abuzz with the hush-hush alleged romance of ‘Shershaah’ lead acting pair - Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra
Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone arrive in Chennai for Jawan shoot Bollywood actors Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone on Sunday arrived in Chennai for the shoot of Atlee directorial Jawan. In a video doing rounds on the internet, Deepika can be seen sporting a dark blue denim jumpsuit. Shah Rukh, meanwhile, kept it casual. If reports are to be believed, Deepika Padukone has a cameo in Jawan. She reportedly plays Shah Rukh Khan’s wife in the film. The movie is all set to hit theatres on June 2, 2023 and will be released in five languages
Aamir Khan film sinks further in second weekend
Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha continued its lacklustre performance in its second weekend at the box office. The film, that had been in production for over 10 years and took 3 years to make, will barely be able to cross Rs 60 crore at the box office and is emerging as Aamir’s worst debacle in a decade. The film raked in around Rs 4.65 crore in its second weekend, taking its total collection to Rs 55 crore, according to Box Office India. Laal Singh Chaddha is looking at a lifetime collection of Rs 60 crore. The film has performed worse than Aamir’s previous film Thugs of Hindostan, which at least opened with Rs 55 crore.
Kangana Ranaut reiterates she will sue magazine Hours after Kangana Ranaut claimed that she is planning to sue a film magazine, which had nominated her for Thalaivii, due to “unethical, corrupt and totally unfair practices” in the past, the magazine has hit back at the actor, calling her statements “patently false” accusations. Kangana slammed the film magazine after bagging a nomination for her performance in Thalaivii and claimed that they had conveyed to her in 2013 that, if she doesn’t attend their award show or dance on stage, “I won’t get awards”
Pankaj Tripathi, who is set to reprise his role of Madhav Mishra, silver medalist and lawyer, in the upcoming season of ‘Criminal Justice’, has shared that in real life he is very similar to his character in the show given his patience level. Drawing the Venn diagram of himself and the character, which essentially looks like concentric circles, Pankaj said: “I am very similar to Madhav Mishra. Just like him, I can also keep my cool in the face of challenging situations. I tell myself that things will get better with time so I need not worry too much.” With wit and humour by his side, Madhav Mishra is known for his patience in the face of toughest of situations, something that Pankaj deeply believes in. “I have always believed that it is important to keep your patience and cool. When you lose it, it leads to more chaos,” he said.
Shershaah, 83 lead nominations for 67th Filmfare Awards
In the eighth episode of Season 7 of his show, KJo, who is known for manifesting Bollywood love stories on the ‘Koffee With Karan’ couch, engaged in a chat with Kiara as she openly admitted that she and Sidharth are “more than close friends”. Kiara, who made her debut on the show appeared with her ‘Kabir Singh’ co-star Shahid Kapoor, for the eighth episode. During the show, Karan poked a question on marriage, Kiara took the conversation further, revealing that she believes in the institution of marriage. “I have seen beautiful marriages around me, and I see that happen in my life too. But I will not reveal when that is happening,” she Consideringsaid. the news is almost confirmed, Karan and Shahid say they would dance together to the song ‘Dola re Dola’ whenever the wedding happens and confirm their invitation.
He gained the spotlight with his work in shows such as ‘Delhi Crime’, ‘Mirzapur’ and ‘Selection Day’, so naturally, acclaimed actor Rajesh Tailang credits his popularity to digital platforms and says that OTT has supported him. Talking about how the web space has changed his career, Rajesh said: “I haven’t done anything. OTT has changed it. It is because of OTT that I have been able to reach out to more people, explore more characters. OTT has definitely supported me as an actor.” He added: “I could even reach out to the youth because of this and got to play characters that I wanted to portray.” Rajesh will be seen returning as police officer Bhupinder in the second instalment of ‘Delhi Crime’, which is slated to release on August 26.
R umour mills have been abuzz with the hush-hush alleged romance of ‘Shershaah’ lead acting pair - Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra but, Kiara who recently appeared on the Karan Johar-hosted chat show ‘Koffee With Karan’, spilled the beans on the kind of equation that she shares with Sidharth.
The third season of ‘Criminal Justice’ titled ‘Criminal Justice: Adhura Sach’ deals with a twisted case at hand: the death of a popular child star Zara Ahuja with the prime suspect of her murder - her own brother, Mukul Ahuja. The show, directed by Rohan Sippy, also stars Shweta Basu Prasad, Swastika Mukherjee, Purab Kohli, Aditya Gupta, Deshna Dugad and Gaurav Gera.

Oscar winner Ariana DeBose to star in Prime Video, Blumhouse’s House of Spoils
After being a popular child actor, Jannat Zubair is now reaching newer heights professionally as a social media creator. Today, she has more than 43 million followers on Instagram, almost akin to a top Bollywood star. Presently seen in Khatron Ke Khiladi 12, the 20-year-old has left not just host Rohit Shetty, her co-contestants but also the audience amazed with her neversay-die attitude. Talking about her journey, Jannat, in a recent chat with, shared that like most people, she too had presumed herself as a weakling on the stunts-based show. “People feel I am young and thus very delicate. But this show has helped me prove that I am stronger than I appear. Because of my physicality, I too had my share of apprehensions about whether I could pull off tough tasks compared to the men. However, I realised that your height, weight, and gender, nothing matters above your willpower. And I am so glad that I have broken the perception around me.”
Actor Archana Puran Singh took to Instagram to share an update on the upcoming season of The Kapil Sharma Show. The Jalwa actor shared a BTS video from the promo shoot of the new season. Sharing the video from her car, Archana said, “Hi guys, guess where I am shooting today…for the new season of The Kapil Sharma show. I know you all are so excited to have the show back. We are coming back very soon and today is the promo shoot. So look out for further details on our posts and stories of the whole cast. I am so excited to be back to be with you guys.”
Actor Krushna Abhishek, who became an integral part of Kapil Sharma’s comedy show, The Kapil Sharma Show, has decided not to return for another season. However, he hasn’t had a fall-out with host Kapil Sharma. Instead, the actor has had disagreements with the producers. As per an ETimes report, Krushna decided to not return to the show as the producers were not ready to match his fees requirement. A source close to the show told the publication, “One of the major concerns was the fee. Eventually, monetary differences prompted him to leave KrushnaTKSS.”was a fan-favourite thanks to the various characters that he played on the show, including Dharmendra, Sapna, Jaggu Dada and others. The producers are still hopeful about working things out with the actor. The source also ruled out the rumours of differences between Kapil and Krushna as a reason of the latter’s exit from the popular show.
‘If you don’t like me, don’t watch me’ Alia Bhatt
Archana shares BTS clips from new season of The Kapil Sharma Show
17/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022 ENTERTAINMENT
Actor and supermodel Milind Soman has stepped into the shoes of Sam Manekshaw, the 1971 Indo-Pakistan war hero, for the upcoming film ‘Emergency’, directed by Kangana Ranaut. While Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade and Mahima Chaudhry have already joined the film’s cast, Milind now has been roped in to essay the role of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, who was the Chief of Army Staff during the War of 1971.
Krushna Abhishek became a fan-favourite on The Kapil Sharma Show, thanks to the various characters that he played, including Dharmendra, Sapna, Jaggu Dada and others.
Milind Soman to play 1971 IndoPak war hero Sam Manekshaw in ‘Emergency’
Jannat Zubair says ‘no-kissing policy’ is for life : ‘This is the reason I am not focussing on OTT’
Krushna Abhishek quits Kapil Sharma Show after disagreement with producers over ‘monetary issues’: report
Actor Ariana DeBose is set to topline Prime Video and Blumhouse’s psychological thriller movie House of Spoils. The movie comes from Blow the Man Down filmmakers Bridget Savage Cole and Danielle Krudy, and is based on their original idea, reported entertainment website Variety.DeBose, who won the Oscar for best supporting actress earlier this year for her performance in Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story, will play an ambitious chef who opens her first restaurant — a farm-to-table affair on a remote estate — where she battles kitchen chaos, a dubious investor and crushing self doubt. But the pressure heats up thanks to the powerful spirit of the estate’s previous owner who threatens to sabotage her at every turn. The project is being touted as a “tense, psychological and sensuous thriller that will leave hearts pounding and mouths watering”. It will start production later this year and premiere on Prime SavageVideo.Coleand Danielle Krudy will direct the project from their own script. The movie will be produced by Jason Blum for Blumhouse; Alex Scharfman, Lucas Joaquin, and Drew Houpt for Secret Engine; and Adam Hendricks and Greg Gilreath for Divide/Conquer. Chris McCumber and Jeremy Gold of Blumhouse Television will serve as executive producers.
TV actor Nupur Alankar quits industry, takes sanyas Active on television industry for almost three decades, actor Nupur Alankar has renounced showbiz and has taken sanyas from the worldly life. She is seen dressed in saffron robes and is visiting pilgrimage sites, now headed to the Himalayas. The actor took sanyas in February this year. She said she was always inclined towards spiritualism and had been following adhyatm, so it was a matter of time before she devoted herself completely to it, she told.
B ollywood actor Alia Bhatt, daughter of filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt and actor Soni Razdan, has often fielded questions on nepotism. But now, the actor has said that she would prefer her work to do the Aliatalking.said that when she was attacked for being a product of nepotism, she felt bad and thought, “Why is this happening for no reason?”. But then, she decided to let her work speak for itself. She said, “I can’t keep defending myself verbally. And if you don’t like me, don’t watch me. I can’t help it. People have something to say. Hopefully, I will prove to them with my movies that I am actually worth the space I Aoccupy.”confident Alia, basking in the success of a much-appreciated performance in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Gangubai Kathiawadi (and Netflix’s Darlings) also felt that she has shut down her haters with the movie, and is having the “last laugh,” at least until she “delivers a flop”. The actor also said that it is not her fault that she was born to parents who work in the film industry. She asked, “How can I control where I am born, bhai?” and also said that if her children would want to be in the acting business, they will have to work hard to prove their calibre.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835318 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia NewsdeskHiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Guwahati: Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia was on August 23 summoned by a court in Assam to appear in person before it on September 29 in a criminal defamation case filed by the northeastern state’s Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma. The Chief Judicial Magistrate of Kamrup, Monmee Sarma, issued the summons to Sisodia for allegedly making defamatory statements against Sarma. Sisodia, referring to media reports at a press conference in New Delhi on June 4, had said that while the Assam government procured PPE kits for Rs 600 a piece from other companies, Sarma gave urgent supply orders to the firms of his wife and son’s business partners for Rs 990 a piece.
The search operation is being carried out at premises of several senior leaders including MLC Sunil Singh, RS MPs Ashfaq Karim and Faiyaz Ahmed, ex-MLC Subodh Rai
Tejashwi Yadav said, “I am a cricketer and this partnership will create tumult. This is a neverending innings, it will be historic. Our partnership will be long. No one is going to be run out”
The state-of-the-art Amrita Hospital has been constructed over a period of six years with the support of Mata Amritanandmayi Math
Nitish Kumar wins test of strength in Bihar assembly after the opposition BJP walks out “Rs 20 Crore To Join, 25 Crores To Get Others”: AAP’s Charge Against BJP
New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party today took on the Narendra Modiled union government, accusing it of trying to topple the Delhi government “by hook or crook”. The BJP is using central investigation agencies against its leaders, the party claimed. Five senior AAP leaders in a press conference today slammed the BJP for allegedly trying to lure AAP MLAs with cash and threats. The BJP has denied the charge and accused AAP of trying to “deviate and deflect” from questions around alleged corruption in the liquor policy for which Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia was recently raided by the Central Bureau of Investigation AAP’s(CBI). national spokesperson and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh claimed he would “expose” how the PM Modi-led government is using central agencies to bring down the government in the national capital. Bihar Chief Minister won the trust vote as the opposition staged a walkout in the Assembly.During the debate on the motion of confidence, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said that the Central government is taking credit for state government schemes. He alleged that Har Ghar Jal was a state government’s scheme. “The scheme for roads in rural areas was launched under Atal Bihari Vajpayee govt.
CBI searches at premises of RJD leaders on day of Bihar Assembly session
Haryana Governor Bandaru Dattatreya and Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar were also present at the event. Speaking on the occasion, Prime Minister Modi said India is a country where healthcare and spirituality are closely linked. He added that COVID-19 was a perfect example of a successful spiritualprivate partnership that helped create awareness and implement the world’s largest vaccination drive. The hospital has patient-centric wards and OPDs and a hi-tech, fully-automated centralised laboratory.
Faridabad: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday inaugurated a 2,600-bed private hospital here that is equipped with cutting-edge technology, including a centralised fully-automated laboratory.
Manish Sisodia Summoned by Assam Court in Defamation Case Filed By Himanta Biswa Sarma
New Delhi: The Adani Group said on Tuesday its media unit will buy a majority stake in NDTV after indirectly acquiring 29.18% of the television channel, which the promoters of the company said was done without consent or Adani’snotice.indirectly bought a 29.18% stake in New Delhi Television Ltd and said it will launch an open offer for another 26% stake. The open offer would be worth Rs 493 crore ($61.73 million), according to a press release issued by the Earliercompany.onTuesday, Adani said it bought Vishvapradhan Commercial Pvt Ltd (VCPL) for Rs 114 crore. VCPL owns warrants of NDTV shareholder RRPR and on Tuesday exercised its rights to convert those warrants into shares amounting to 99.5% of RRPR.
“Efforts to break the MLAs of Delhi have begun,” he said, adding that the BJP tried a ‘Shinde’ onManish Sisodia but the attempt failed.
The CBI on Wednesday carried out searches at 25 locations, including at an under-construction mall in Gurugram believed to being built by a firm owned by Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav, in connection with the alleged landfor-jobs scam, officials said. The searches are being carried out in Delhi, Gurugram, Patna, Madhubani, Katihar among others. The under-construction Urban Cubes mall in sector 71 of Gurugram is being constructed by a company Whiteland in which Yadav’s family has a stake in ownership, they said.
Adani Group Set to Acquire Majority Stake in NDTV
The Chief MonmeeMagistrateJudicialofKamrup,Sarma,issuedthesummonstoSisodiaforallegedlymakingdefamatorystatementsagainstSarma.
In a statement filed with the BSE, NDTV said that “this exercise of rights by VCPL” was done without any prior intimation or conversation with the company’s promoters.
Tejashwi Yadav
PM Opens ‘India’s Largest’ Hospital In Haryana’s Faridabad
Riniki Bhuyan Sarma, the wife of the Assam chief minister, had on June 21 filed a Rs 100-crore defamation case against the Delhi deputy CM, who had alleged corruption in giving PPE supply contracts at above market rates. No toll plazas, cameras to read number plates, deduct toll: Gadkari unveils plan The government is moving ahead with a plan to remove toll plazas across India’s national highways and instead rely on automatic number plate reader cameras, which will read vehicle number plates and automatically deduct toll from the linked bank accounts of vehicle owners. A pilot of this scheme is underway and legal amendments to facilitate this transition are also being moved, Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari said. He added that tests have shown that the camera misses about 10 per cent of the number plates because they had text beyond nine words and numbers.
Be A Historic Innings, No Run Out”:

Indian Woman Pilot finds place in SFO Aviation Museum Zofeen
Jammu, Aug 22 (IANS) A soldier, injured in the August 11 terrorist suicide attack in J&K’s Rajouri district, succumbed in the hospital on Monday, taking the toll of killed army personnel to five, officials said. Defence Ministry spokesman, Lt Colonel Devender Anand, tweeted: “In a solemn wreath-laying ceremony Lt Gen Upendra Dwivedi, Army Cdr Northern Command & all ranks paid homage with full Military Honours to the #braveheart Havaldar Satyapal who succumbed to his injuries; fought #gallantly during the terrorist attack in #Rajouri sector”. Arvind Kejriwal My Guru, Won’t Betray Him,” Says Manish Sisodia: 10 Facts “Arvind Kejriwal My Guru, Won’t Betray Him,” Says Manish Sisodia
Patients from poor or rich spectrum will get all treatment, tests and even operations, in the case of accidents, on government expenses,” AAP leaders said.
Ahmedabad, Aug 22 (IANS) Delhi Chief Minister and AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal said here on Monday that the Central agencies “can arrest Manish Sisodia and even him” till the Gujarat elections are concluded.
“If AAP is voted to power (in Gujarat), there will be free education in elementary schools; private schools will not be allowed to increase unjustified fees, and free health service will be offered to all.
It is reported that the detainee is a native of a Central Asian country
“Once the elections are over, this all will be on the backburner,” he added. Kejriwal and his deputy Sisodia are on a two-day Gujarat tour. Addressing the mediapersons in Ahmedabad, he said, “The Central agency can arrest Sisodia in a day or two, who knows they may even arrest me and others... all cases against Sisodia are baseless, but this all action will continue till Gujarat Assembly elections are over.” “Sisodia is one of the best education ministers, instead of handing over the nation’s education department, he is being harassed with cases, he deserves to be honoured with Bharat Ratna,” Kejriwal asserted. Meanwhile, Sisodia, who has claimed that he was offered to join BJP with assurance that all cases against him will be closed, avoided to disclose the name of the person who made the offer. The Delhi Deputy Chief Minister said that the person (who made the offer) claimed he had played a role in bringing Suvendu Adhikari, Baijayant Panda, and Himanta Biswa Sarma into the BJP. “You ask them who was behind the deal, you will come to know about the person who made the offer to me,” he responded to mediapersons on query over disclosing the name.
“The Federal Security Service has identified and apprehended in Russia a member of the outlawed (by the Russian Federation) Islamic State international terrorist organization. The detainee is a native of a Central Asian country, who planned to commit a terrorist attack against a member of India’s ruling circles by blowing himself up,” the FSB Accordingreported.tothe Russian intelligence service, the foreign national was recruited by one of the Islamic State’s ringleaders as a suicide bomber sometime between April and June 2022, while in Turkey. “His ideological indoctrination was conducted remotely via Telegram messenger accounts and during personal meetings in Istanbul with an IS representative,” the Center for Public Relations reported. The FSB noted that the terrorist swore allegiance to the IS Amir, after which he was instructed to leave for Russia, draw up the necessary documents and fly to India to commit this act of terrorism.
19/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
‘Central agencies may arrest Sisodia, even me till Guj polls’: Kejriwal
Sisodia is one of the best education ministers, instead of handing over the nation’s education department, he is being harassed with cases, he deserves to be honoured with Bharat Ratna
Soldier injured in Rajouri ‘Fidayeen’ attack succumbs
Zoya Agarwal, a senior Air-India pilot of aircraft Boeing-777 has made her place in San Francisco Aviation Luis A Turpen Aviation museum popularly known as SFO Aviation Museum. The aviation museum recognized Agarwal for her being the first Indian woman pilot to fly an aircraft above the North Backpole. in 2021, in a first ever, an allwomen team of pilots led by Zoya Agarwal covered the world’s longest air route from San Francisco to Bengaluru in India. The team covered a record breaking distance of approx. 9941 miles. As reported by the ANI, Agarwal told ANI, “I was amazed to see that I’m the only living object over there, I am just humbled honestly. I can’t believe that I am a part of a prestigious aviation museum in the USA.”
Goa govt to sign ‘save soil’ MoU with Sadhguru’s Isha Outreach Panaji, Aug 22 (IANS) The Goa government will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ‘Isha Outreach’ of Sadhguru Jagadish Vasudev on August 23 to save soil and coast of the state, an official said on Monday. The programme of signing the MoU with Isha Outreach will take place at Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Indoor Stadium, Taleigao, Goa. Sadhguru Jagadish Vasudev, Union Minister Shripad Naik, Goa environment Minister Nilesh Cabral and other ministers will be present on the occasion. Chief Minister Pramod Sawant had appealed that youth should participate in the movement of ‘Save Soil’ started by Sadhguru. According to Sawant, exchange of expertise, training and empowerment of stakeholders and public awareness is the motto of the programme.
For Durga Puja Celebrations, Mamata Banerjee’s Big Announcement
Russia detains IS bomber planning to target ‘ruling’ party politician over Prophet remarks MOSCOW, August 22. /TASS/. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) has taken into custody a member of the international terrorist organization, the Islamic State (IS - outlawed in Russia), who was plotting a suicide bombing attack on a member of India’s ruling establishment, the Russian Federal Security Service’s Center for Public Relations (CPR) told TASS on Monday.
Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today announced that her government shall increase the grant to Durga Puja organising committees in the state from ₹ 50,000 to ₹ 60,000. The concession on electricity charges incurred by puja committees shall also be raised to 60 per cent from the current 50 per cent. The Bengal Chief Minister also said that a mega rally will be organised in Kolkata on September 1 to thank UNESCO for the inclusion of Kolkata’s Durga Puja on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Kolkata’s Durga Puja is the first festival in Asia to have received this recognition from UNESCO. Ms Banerjee also declared that all state government offices will remain closed from September 30 to October 10 to mark the annual autumnal festival.

Elie Y. presidentKatzand CEO of National Retail Solutions NEWARK, NJ – Throughout history, consumers have used different payment options for shopping. Before the 1950s, cash was the primary form of payment. However, since its inception, the credit card has revolutionized how consumers shop for products. When consumers want to make a big purchase, many prefer to pay with a credit card instead of cash. However, in an effort to save money by reducing credit card processing fees, some businesses only accept cash as payment, making it inconvenient for customers who have to pay with loose cash from their wallets. Credit card payment acceptance poses inconveniences and expenses to business owners, including processing fees and card fees and surcharges can directly, negatively affect a company’s revenue. The average credit card processing fee ranges from 1.5% to 3.5% on each transaction. The fee ranges vary depending on which credit card company the consumer uses. For example, if the consumer uses a Visa, the range is from 1.3% to 2.4%. No matter what card the customer uses to pay, a credit card transaction fee is inevitable. The fees associated with credit card payment acceptance, plus hidden additional fees that are often detailed in very fine print within long contracts, can severely impact a retailer’s bottom line.
Bharatiya Senior Citizens Of Chicago Celebrated Shri Krishna Janamashtami
NAPERVILLE, IL – State Senator Laura Ellman announced more than $17 million in funding for road and bridge improvement projects across the 21st “ByDistrict.repairing and replacing our aging infrastructure, we quite literally keep our communities connected,” said Ellman (D-Naperville). “In order to get to work, go to school, or visit our loved ones, we need safe and reliable roads and bridges.”
The NRS point of sale (POS) and NRS Pay FeeBU$TER are ideal for independent convenience, grocery tobacco, liquor, hardware and gas station c-stores. For more information, visit or call (833) 289-2767.
As part of IDOT’s latest MultiYear Plan under Rebuild Illinois, local communities will see 14 infrastructure projects totaling $17,089,000 over the next six years. Some of the most vital projects coming to the area include: · $9,332,000 for replacement of the Washington Street bridge in Naperville $1,972,000 for improvements on 87th Street in Naperville · $183,000 for bridge repairs on IL-38/ Roosevelt Road at Winfield Creek · $379,000 for improvements on Batavia Road in Warrenville The multi-year plan has allocated $34.6 billion in construction projects across Illinois over the next six fiscal years. The $34.6 billion will go to highway reconstruction and preservation, bridge improvements, strategic expansion, system support such as engineering and land acquisition, and safety and system modernizations.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835320 COMMUNITY NEWS HiIndia HiIndiaHiIndiaNewsdeskNewsdeskNewsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
CHICAGO, IL- Indian Seniors of Chicago celebrated Lala’s birthday with the tune of ‘Nand Gher Anand Bhayo, Jai Kanaiya Lalki’. Lala’s birthday was celebrated with the tune of ‘Nand Gher Anand Bhayo, Jai Kanaiya Lalki’ by more than 900 members of the Bharatiya Senior Citizens of Chicago on Friday, August 19 at the hall of the Rana Regan Community Center in Carol Stream, IL,
State Senator Laura Ellman Announces
National Retail Solutions (NRS), a leading provider of POS systems, can help owners accept credit cards with NRS Pay, without breaking the bank. NRS Pay FeeBU$TER eliminates transaction fees for retailers and has a $0 monthly fee if they process $18,000 or more monthly. NRS Pay FeeBU$TER works in tandem with the NRS POS to help merchants save money, by drastically reducing processing transaction fees while helping run and manage the store. With all NRS Pay plans, a free card reader is included with zero hidden fees, no long-term contract and no early termination fees.
NRS Pay FeeBU$TER And The NRS POS – A Dynamic Duo With ZERO Credit Card Processing Transaction Fees
Says Elie Y. Katz, president and CEO of National Retail Solutions (NRS), “We founded NRS with a mission of helping USA independent retailers survive and thrive with affordable point of sale (POS) technology that helps them compete. Big box stores have much larger budgets than the brick-and-mortar shops, and we truly feel for the struggles of the smaller stores. We added NRS Pay credit card processing to our offerings, to complement the NRS POS in providing clean, honest checkout solutions for merchants. In the retail world, we unfortunately know all too well how shady and confusing credit card processing companies can be. We strive to offer superior products and services combined with integrity that this industry needs and deserves.”
Maha Aarti performed by Pt. Joshi ji GRAYSLAKE, IL- Shri Krishna Janmashtami was celebrated with great joy and exuberance by the Hindu community at the Hindu Mandir of Lake County, Grayslake, IL on Thursday evening, August 18, 2022. The day marks the birth of Lord Krishna who is considered to be the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. Hundreds of devotees thronged the temple decked up with flowers and embellishments that depicted several Krishna leelas to offer their prayers and have the Darshan of Bala Gopal. The main attraction of the day was many charming kinds dressed as Lord Krishna and Goddess Radha. In the evening, temple priests performed Lord Ganesh Pujan followed by Bala Gopal and Radh Krishna Pujan by following all the Vedic rituals and mantras. Shriman Narayaneeyam was also chanted by a group of devotees lead by Rajesh Ramana. Three dance programs were also presented by both children and adults. Uma Iyer, Sangeeta Singh, and Ravi sang numerous melodies Kirtans, Bhajans and chanted the Holy names of Lord Krishna in chorus. At midnight, Baby Krishna was incarnated out of flower petals while devotees were chanting “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya.” After Maha Abhishekam, the deities of Baby Krishna, Radha Krishna were adorned with beautiful new dresses, ornaments, and flowers. Lord Krishna’s Avatar was watched with teary eyes, filled with love and devotion for the Supreme Lord. A Live Baby Krishna with his father Vasudev was welcomed from the main door into the Shrine to bless everyone with his beautiful smile. Traditional Home-made Prasadam was offered to the Lord.
More Than $17 Millions In Rebuild Illinois State Senator Laura Ellman
At Hindu Mandir Of Lake County
US Senator Jon Ossoff To Lead Eight-Day Delegation To India Senator Jon Ossoff
WASHINGTON, DC- in a bid to bolster relations between India and US, Senator Jon Ossoff will lead an eight-day economic delegation to India starting from August 30. US Senator Ossoff made this announcement in a recent video message while congratulating the Indian people on the historic occasion of the 75th anniversary of India’s Independence. “I am coming to strengthen the friendship between our nations and to meet the next generation of Indian leaders,” Ossoff said. 35-year-old Ossoff is the youngest United States Senator elected in three decades. As per an official statement from his office, United States Senator Jon Ossoff from the State of Georgia announced that he will lead an eightday economic delegation to India. The delegation will arrive in Mumbai on August 30 and depart New Delhi on September 6, 2022.”We will also work to represent the Indian American community in Georgia, where the growing Indian diaspora is a thriving and beloved part of our community,” Senator Ossoff added. In 2021, he won a crucial underdog election to secure the Senate majority for the Democratic Party. During his first two years in office, Senator Ossoff has written and passed legislation to strengthen civil rights, boost domestic solar energy manufacturing, and improve public health while leading bipartisan investigations of abuse and corruption as the Chairman of the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
Shri Krishna Janmashtami Celebrated

Gadar Memorial: Consul General Dr. T.V. Nagendra Prasad unfurled the national flag at the historic Gadar Memorial and read the President of India’s message to the nation. This was followed a cultural program by community members.
21/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022 COMMUNITY NEWS HiIndia
Sanjay Gupta
MSU’s Office of Institutional Equity is investigating a sexual misconduct complaint that was filed against someone who reported to Gupta. The school did not say if that person is still employed by the university.
“Our recent institutional history underscores the significance of a failure to report and the devastating impact it can have on individuals across our campus and beyond,” Gerkin Guerrant said, alluding to the Larry Nassar sexual assault scandal. “It is incumbent upon our leaders to understand their reporting responsibilities to further a safe, welcoming space for all students, employees and guests.”
Gupta, who has a Ph.D. in accounting and taxation from Michigan State, defended himself in a statement to Crain’s on Monday. “During the past few months, I’ve fully cooperated with the Office of Institutional Equity’s investigation, which remains ongoing, and I’ve acted accordingly with transparency to ensure a thorough and accurate report,” he said in a statement to Crain’s. “I’ve served MSU for 15 years, including the last seven as dean of the business school — and I’m confident the proper steps to initiate an investigation of alleged misconduct, which I took extremely seriously, had been taken and that mandatory reporting obligations had been met.” University employees are obligated to promptly report incidents of sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual misconduct, stalking and relationship violence that they observe or learn about in their professional capacity, that involve a university employee or that occur at a university-sponsored event or on university property. Gerkin Guerrant declined to elaborate on what led to Gupta’s resignation but said it was mutually agreed that he should resign.
Provost Teresa Woodruff appointed Judith Whipple as interim dean designee. The MSU board of trustees will meet Sept. 9 to consider the recommendation that she become interim Whippledean.isa logistics and supply chain management professor and interim associate dean for faculty and doctoral programs. A search for a new, permanent dean will begin this fall with the goal of hiring a replacement by July.
HiIndia Newsdesk
Acharya Lokeshji Visit To USA & Canada For Paryushan And Daslakshan Mahaparv
Golden Gate Bridge: The Indian American community marched along the famed Golden Gate in a ‘Tiranga Yatra’ waving flags and cries of ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai.” They concluded with the singing of the Indian anthem.
Series Of Events In Celebration Of India I-Day By Indian Consulate General Of San Francisco India Day Parade An Exemplary Success, Organized By ICO
NAPERVILLE, IL- Celebrating Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the eighth India Day Parade & Celebration on the occasion of India’s 76th Independence Day, organized by ICO in Naperville, turned out to be an extraordinary event. It was attended by over forty thousand Indian Americans from all over the USA to showcase their love for India along with local residents supporting this event. India Day Celebrations brings a magnificent platform for the IndiaAmericans to showcase their talents in the domains of art, dance, music, and culture. Exuberant public lined the grand parade route waving flags of both the United States and India. The Parade showcased cultural dances from over 20 states of India.Bollywood star, Guru Randhawa, as the Grand Marshall waved the Indian and US flag from the top of the float. The unique highlight of the parade this year was the presence of over 60 motor bikers of Indian Origin and a showcase of exotic cars. Evening kicked off with the American national anthem followed by the Indian national anthem. Consul General of India, Shri Amit Kumar, was the Guest of Honor. Congressman Bill Foster, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthy, Senate President Don Harmon, IL Treasurer Michael Ferric, Senator and Governor Nominee Darren Baily.
EAST LANSING, MI — The dean of Michigan State University’s business school defended himself Monday after abruptly resigning last week amid concerns over his leadership, including an alleged failure to report an allegation of sexual misconduct that was made against one of his subordinates. Sanjay Gupta had served as dean of the Eli Broad College of Business for seven years, after serving as acting dean for nearly a year. He resigned his post Friday, but remains a professor at the school, which he joined in 2007. Gupta made $523,566 as dean. His salary will drop by roughly $95,000 to $428,372, an 18 percent cut. “Those who take on leadership roles at MSU are expected to conduct themselves with careful and consistent attention to integrity and professionalism,” MSU spokesperson Emily Gerkin Guerrant said in a statement. “This leadership transition is the result of poor administrative oversight, including a failure to adhere to our mandatory reporting guidelines.”
Ex-MSU Indian Amerian Dean Defends Himself After Resignation
Acharya Lokeshji SEATTLE, WA- Paryushan –Dasalakshan Mahaparva has great spiritual significance in Jainism, it is a special festival of self worship, selfpurification. On this occasion, lakhs of Jains spread across the country and the world worship Paryushan-Daslakshana Mahaparva for 18 days. During this time, all the religious people try to develop themselves spiritually by freeing their souls from karmic bondage through spiritual rituals like penance, meditation, self-study, chanting, silence etc. This year, thousands of devotees will worship Paryushan festival in Seattle, USA from 24th to 31st August in the presence of eminent Jainacharya Dr. Lokeshji and Dasalakshan Mahaparv in Vancouver, Canada from 1-10th September. It is noteworthy that even before this, many times in England, Singapore, Malaysia, America, Paryushan festival has been organized in the presence of Acharya OnLokeshji.theoccasion of the departure of Acharya Lokeshji on his visit to America, Canada, a ceremony was organized at the Ashram in Delhi. On this occasion, while addressing the devotees, Acharya Lokeshji said that despite extreme materialistic development, incidents like stress, depression, divorce, suicide and gun-violence are increasing in western countries like USA, Canada. Acharyashree said that material resources can only provide means of happiness but peace of mind cannot be obtained from them. Acharya Lokeshji said that happiness and peace are not related to matter and situation, but to our state of mind. For peace of mind, knowledge and yoga are effectual weapons, that is why the attraction towards meditation, yoga and spirituality is increasing in western countries too. The youth there too moving on the path of spirituality for stress-release and peace of mind. Acharya Lokesh said that people’s attraction towards Indian culture based on sacrifice and restraint proves that spirituality is the only path to inner peace. A person can lead a healthy, happy and blissful life by adopting the moderation based lifestyle as propounded by Lord Mahavira.
San Francisco City Hall: The San Francisco city hall was the site of Indian flag hoisting Mayor London Breed extended a special gesture by lighting city hall in the tricolor, and designating the day as Indian-US Friendship & Heritage Day”
SAN FRANCISCO, CA- India’s 75th anniversary and the Indian Consulate, led by Consul General Dr. T.V Nagendra Prasad engaged the community in a series of events that drew enthusiastic response.
Provost Teresa Woodruff appointed Judith Whipple as interim dean designee. The MSU board of trustees will meet Sept. 9 to consider the recommendation that she become interim dean.

Kuwait Airways did a good job with the crew NEW YORK, NY-A mother gave birth to a baby on Sunday 21 August 2022 on Kuwait Airways flight KU117 from Kuwait to New York. The condition of the mother and baby was described as stable. Kuwait Airways did a good job with the crew in dealing with the emergency. Kuwait Airways said in a statement: “Comprehensive training that the company conducts regularly for its employees ensures that they are ready to respond to sudden Thisemergencies.isthesecond such incident on a Kuwait Airways flight this month. On August 2, 2022, a woman safely gave birth to a baby during a flight from Kuwait to the Philippines.
Dr. Tushar Patel addressing welcome and IACFNJ Committee Members
IACFNJ Celebrated India’s 75th Independence Day
ALEXANDRIA, VA. – A British national was sentenced to life in prison Friday for his role in an Islamic State hostage-taking scheme. Roughly two dozen Westerners were taken captive a decade ago by a notorious group of masked captors nicknamed “The Beatles” for their British accents. El Shafee Elsheikh received his sentence Friday in an Alexandria, Virginia, courtroom. The deaths of four American hostages — journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and aid workers Peter Kassig and Kayla Mueller — figured heavily in his April convictions on the eight counts. Three of the Americans were beheaded in videos broadcast online while Mueller was raped and then killed. Surviving witnesses testified about beatings, torture and other acts of cruelty. Elsheikh was extradited along with another British national, Alexanda Kotey, on the condition that the U.S. not pursue the death penalty. Kotey received his life sentence in April. Another Islamic State figure who spent five years as a propagandist for the terror group was sentenced in July to life in prison.
Woman Safely Give Birth During A Flight From Kuwait To NYC
The program started with IACFNJ President Dr. Tushar Patel’s welcome address and the background information on India’s independence and the remembrance of those freedom fighters who sacrificed for India’s independence, followed by Indian flag hoisting by the Guest of Honor Mr. Rajpal Bath, Aide to the Governor at the State of New Jersey along with IACFNJ committee members and temple management. The program included singing of the American and Indian Anthems followed by some patriotic and Bollywood dances by the young and talented artists. The master of ceremony was choreographed by two young and talented girls Naika Desai and Bhairavi Dave. In his address to the audience Mr. Raj Bath congratulated everyone and the organizers, kids and parents for a wonderful program.
Gov. Kathy Hochul NEW YORK, NY — New York will end the requirement that entire K-12 classrooms must quarantine if a student or teacher tests positive for COVID-19, Gov. Kathy Hochul said. Hochul announced Monday that the state updated its coronavirus guidance for schools to align with a new set of relaxed CDC guidelines on the virus.
The State of New Jersey Senate and General Assembly Joint Legislative Resolution by Senator Zwicker, Assemblyman Freiman and Assemblywoman Jaffer was given to IACFNJ in honor of their meritorious record of service and commitment to promote culture and heritage and celebrate cultural diversity.
FIA RecognizesChicagoDiasporaOnIndependenceDay (L-R) FIA Trustee Kanti S. Patel, President Rakesh Malhotra past president Rajesh Patel CHICAGO, IL: The FIA Chicago celebrated 75th Independence Day –Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav by recognizing the contributions of the Indian diaspora in Chicago during its annual Gala dinner.
ISIS Sentenced‘Beatle’To Life In Prison Over Deaths Of US Hostages
“The days of sending an entire classroom home because one person was symptomatic or tests positive, those days are over,” she said. The new guidance will be released later Monday to give parents a chance to adjust before children return to classrooms in the fall, Hochul said. The loosening of strict COVID-19 rules for schools across the state follows New York City education officials’ announcement last week that in-school testing for the virus and daily health screens won’t be required in the fall.
Consul General Amit Kumar released the annual FIA souvenir at this momentous occasion. Congressman Raja Krishnamurthy appreciated the efforts made by Federation of Indian Associations for organizing a series of events to commemorate Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav under the leadership of FIA President Rakesh Malhotra. Dr Bharat Barai connected with the audience remotely via zoom and congratulated the Indian diaspora. Addressing the audience via a video call Mitesh Patel, Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha greeted the Indian American community, thanked FIA, Chicago for their efforts and initiatives. FIA Chicago President Rakesh Malhotra presented the Prestigious Annual Community Excellence Awards to people including children for their work to strengthen US- India relations steadfastly.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835322 COMMUNITY NEWS HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
SOUTH BRUNSWICK, NJ- IndoAmerican Cultural Foundation of Central Jersey (IACFNJ), a non-profit organization in central jersey celebrated India’s 75th Independence Day on Saturday, August 20, 2022, from 2 to 5 p.m. at Shree Swaminarayan Temple – Vadtal Dham in South Brunswick, New ApproximatelyJersey. 250 people attended this fun-filled patriotic event which was free and open to all public. After 15 years of grand success and overwhelming community support, the organizers and executive committee of IACFNJ once again organized 2022 patriotic celebration of India’s Independence Day event with fun-filled entertainment and cultural activities, traditional Indian and patriotic dance performances, DJ, live music/singing and authentic Indian food which were open to all at an outdoor location of the temple grounds.
El Shafee Elsheikh (Alexandria Sheriff’s Office)
NY Classrooms Will End COVID Quarantines
: Gov. Hochul
USCIS Reaches Fiscal Year 2023 H-1B Cap
WASHINGTON, DC- USCIS has received a sufficient number of petitions needed to reach the congressionally mandated 65,000 H-1B visa regular cap and the 20,000 H-1B visa U.S. advanced degree exemption, known as the master’s cap, for fiscal year (FY) 2023. We have completed sending non-selection notifications to registrants’ online accounts. The status for registrations properly submitted for the FY 2023 H-1B numerical allocations, but that were not selected, will now show: Not Selected: Not selected – not eligible to file an H-1B cap petition based on this registration. We will continue to accept and process petitions that are otherwise exempt from the cap. Petitions filed for current H-1B workers who have been counted previously against the cap, and who still retain their cap number, are exempt from the FY 2023 H-1B cap. We will continue to accept and process petitions filed to: Extend the amount of time a current H-1B worker may remain in the United States;

Meet & Greet With BJP Spokesperson
HiIndia Newsdesk
Cricket Legend Sunil Gavaskar Launched Illinois Cricket Association In Chicago
Largest American Muslim Convention In Chicago
Chicago Board Of Elections Releases New Ward And Precinct Maps For The City Of Chicago
The amount of polling places in Chicago will not drastically change for the next few election cycles. In the 2022 Primary Election, the City of Chicago had a total of 1,043 polling places to serve 2,069 precincts, with many polling places serving double or triple duty. With 1,290 total new precincts, a similar number of polling places can more effectively serve those precincts.
Mir Khan, ISNA Board Member & Chairman, Convention Steering Committee and Ashfaq Syed, Secretary, Convention Steering Committee Chicago addressing press conference in Chicago CHICAGO, IL – Come September and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) will be hosting its 59th Annual Convention in Chicago from September 2-5 in Chicago. The theme this year is “Resilience, Hope, & Faith: With Hardship, Comes Ease”. ISNA’s Annual Convention is the largest gathering of Muslims in North America. One of the main public attractions is the annual bazaar which features over 550 vendors including clothing designers, booksellers, non-profit and much more. ISNA is widely regarded as the most significant convener of Muslims in North America.
Mir Khan, ISNA Board Member & Chairman, Convention Steering Committee, while addressing the press conference in Chicago said: “Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is the largest and oldest Islamic umbrella organization in North America. The Convention will have plenary sessions, main sessions, parallel sessions, round table discussion, health fair, young professionals sessions, around 200 renowned speakers, inspiring & leadership lectures, art exhibit, meet the author, largest bazaar in America, interfaith reception, entertainment, film festival, fashion show for ladies, young professionals banquet, photography exhibit, qira’at competition, matrimonial banquets, community service recognition luncheon, children’s program, babysitting, basketball tournament and more. There will be many featured speakers at this year’s Convention such as Khizr Khan, Siraj Wahhaj, Miko Peled, Sayyed Hossein Nasr, Dalia Mogahed and many wellknown community leaders.
23/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022 COMMUNITY NEWS HiIndiaHiIndiaNewsdeskNewsdeskHiIndiaNewsdesk
CHICAGO, IL – Today, the Chicago Board of Elections released new ward and precinct maps for the City of Chicago ahead of the upcoming November 8, 2022 General Election. A ward-by-ward break down of precinct changes is included at the end of this press release. The new ward boundaries were adopted by the Chicago City Council on May 19, 2022, as required every 10 years after the U.S. Census. The Illinois General Assembly recently passed legislation that gave the Board the authority to create new precincts containing up to 1,800 registered voters. The Chicago Board of Elections is now creating 1,290 precincts across all 50 Wards in Chicago, for a reduction total of 779 precincts. The average number of precincts per ward is 26, and the average number of voters per precinct is 1,165. Just previously, the City of Chicago had 2,069 voter precincts, with an average of 550-750 voters per precinct. For comparison during the last redistricting process in 2010, the Chicago Board of Elections reduced its precincts from 2,570 to 2,069, for a total reduction of 501 Pleaseprecincts.clickhere to view and download the new City of Chicago ward and precinct maps Many voters in Chicago will find themselves in new wards and precincts or assigned to new polling places. Polling places will be finalized by early October 2022 ahead of the November 8, 2022 General Election. Voters can check their new information by going Allyour-voter-information.html,2022GeneralElection.
CHICAGO, IL- Cricket Legend Sunil Gavaskar inaugurated the Illinois Cricket Association [ICA] amidst ceremonious fanfare and unhinged excitement from the cricketing fraternity at Wyndham Hotel in Schaumburg, Illinois. This ceremonial launching of Illinois Cricket Association unveiled inspiring stories of triumph, spirit of charity, robust pursuit and enthusiastic stewardship to advance cricket in Illinois; while lending formidable partnership to Gavaskar’s Heart2Heart Foundation. The launching ceremony Chicagoattracted community’s prominent business, civic and community leaders who joined in the inaugural ceremony hosted in partnership with Indian American Business Council. The greatest cricketer of all times Sunil Gavaskar shared the remarkable episodes of his cricketing journey that was replete with his magnificent recordbreaking performances on the pitch particularly against some of the world’s hostile fast bowlers. Inaugurating
Illinois Cricket Association, Cricket Legend Sunil Gavaskar congratulated the leadership of Illinois Cricket Association and praised them for their vision in launching an ambitious cricket tournaments enlisting youth in the Midwest America. Sunil Gavaskar in his heart-to-heart conversation recalled the glorious innings he played and added now he has embarked on a new altruistic journey batting for the children with congenital heart ailments and to provide them with free corrective surgeries. Nagasubramaniam ‘Subbu’ Iyer, President of Illinois Cricket Association in his welcome address reverentially thanked Cricket Legend Sunil Gavaskar for his legendary presence.
The most immediate change voters can expect to see is the number of election judges needed for each election in Chicago. Each election, the Board works to staff each precinct polling place with five election judges. With 1,290 total new precincts, that target number of judges would now be 6,450, instead of the current 10,345 target.
Dr. Sambit Patra Organized At Dallas
DALLAS, TX-Dr. Sambit Patra, the Chief Spokesperson of BJP, visited Dallas TX on August 19th, 2022 and was welcomed by the offshore BJP Chapter of Dallas. The meet-greet event took place at Ruchi Palace and was attended by more than 250 people. He was welcomed by the Dallas BJP Chapter’s President, Mr. Bheema Penta, and active volunteer Mr. Atman Rawal. Dr. Sambit Patra shared the platform with two other guests of honor, Mr. Christopher Schell, Senior Research Fellow at the United Service Institution of India in Washington D.C, and Mr. Atmacharan Reddy, former MP of BJP India from Dallas. President Bheema Penta and Atman Raval greeted Dr. Sambit Patra with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and Dr. Kiran Parekh, an active volunteer of the Dallas Chapter, introduced him to the attendees with high gratitude. Dr. Sambit Patra spoke to the attendees about the successes made by the BJP government during the last 8 years and how India has risen to its high position in the world. The successes he mentioned include removing Article 370 and verbal Talak (divorce) law, improving the lives of the people in the villages by providing homes and toilets, administering Covid Vaccines to the majority of India’s population, increasing highways across the nation, improving transportation and tourism, and many more. Dr. Patra also greeted everyone Happy Janmashtami and gave a different perspective of Lord Krishna to the audience.Mr. Ram Krishnan who was the emcee at the event introduced Mr. Christopher Schell. Mr. Schell spoke about his research on the different possible dangers from surrounding nations to India. Mr. Atmacharan Reddy spoke about Mr. Sambit Patra and the BJP party.

.Indian American High School romance Comedy ‘Never Have I Ever,’ season 3 has made it to No.2 on the newly released Top 10 rankings of Netflix Global Top 10 shows. During its opening three days, ‘Never Have I Ever’ was watched for 55 million Starringhours.Canadian actor Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, the series with its brown Indian dorky kid lead, Devi Vishwakumar, in an American high school setting has not only earned fans but is also critically acclaimed. Ramakrishnan, a Tamil Canadian was born and raised in Mississauga, Canada after her parents fled Sri Lanka due to a civil war. The series is created by Indian American Mindy Kaling and Lang Fisher. Never Have I Ever at No.2 On Netflix Global Top 10 HiIndia Newsdesk
HiIndia Newsdesk
Gandhi Statue Outside Hindu Temple in NY Vandalized
Sisodia No. 1 accused in liquor scam, Kejriwal chief of corruption: Anurag Thakur HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi, Aug 20 ArvindTargeting(IANS)DelhiChiefMinisterKejriwalovertheallegedirregularitiesin AAP government’s excise policy, Union minister Anurag Thakur said on Saturday that Deputy CM Manish Sisodia is the No. 1 accused in the case, while Arvind Kejriwal is the chief of corruption. Thakur also gave Manish Sisodia a new name - ‘Money Shh...’ - saying that he makes money and maintains silence.
HiIndia Newsdesk
Pakistan Pacer Shaheen Afridi Ruled Out Of Asia Cup With Injury
HiIndia Newsdesk
“The BJP-ruled central government is not worried about any excise fraud, it is worried about Arvind Kejriwal because they see him as the main challenger to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the upcoming general election,” Mr Sisodia said, adding that the 2024 election will be battle between the AAP and the BJP. Mr Sisodia denied any wrongdoing and said the Excise Policy was implemented with complete transparency. The minister also said that he will most likely be arrested in the coming days, but that won’t deter his party from doing the good work.
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In what is seen as a possible hate crime, a handcrafted statue of Mahatma Gandhi outside a Hindu temple in New York has been vandalized using a sledge hammer. It is reported that a group of six unidentified men committed the Theaction.New York City Police Department in a statement to news agency PTI said that “a group of six unidentified male individuals” damaged and vandalised “a religious statue with a sledge hammer in front of Tulsi Mandir located at 10326 111 Street”. The PTI further reported, that the police said, “The male individuals then fled toward Liberty Avenue and entered two vehicles, a white Mercedes Benz and a dark colour possibly a Toyota Camry with possible taxi/livery sticker on the back passenger window.” The police added that the miscreants were approximately aged between 25 to 30 years. The reported, “Surveillance video shows a person thrashing a statue of Gandhi with a sledgehammer on Tuesday, before smashing the head off and toppling it over.” The mandir staff discovered that the Gandhi statue was reduced to rubble and words “dog” and “Gandpi dog” were spray painted both in front of the temple and down the block.
HiIndia Newsdesk
New Delhi: A day after being raided by the CBI over allegations of corruption in the liquor policy, Delhi’s Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia launched a scathing attack on the centre and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for “misusing” the central agencies. Addressing a press conference, Manish Sisodia, who also handles the Excise Department, alleged that the CBI officials were instructed by the “high command” to raid his home. He claimed that to stop Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal because his work in the education and health sector is being discussed globally.
In a huge blow to Pakistan, star pacer Shaheen Shah Afridi has been ruled out of the upcoming Asia Cup with injury. Afridi has been advised 4-6 weeks rest by the Pakistan Cricket Board’s medical advisory committee, the board said in a statement on Saturday. Shaheen Afridi will also miss Pakistan’s home series against England.
Loan app scam: Rs 500 cr sent to China; 22 Indians arrested New Delhi, Aug 20 (IANS) The Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO) Unit of Delhi Police’s Special Cell has busted various modules of instant loan applications having Chinese connection, and arrested 22 people in the last two months for allegedly siphoning off Rs 500 crore to China by the hawala route or by investing in crypto-currency, an official duals were working on behest of Chinese nationals. Deputy Commissioner of Police KPS Malhotra said that hundreds of complaints were received by Delhi Police that instant loan applications are disbursing loans at higher rates and even after payment of loan, they are extorting money using the morphed nude pictures. “The IFSO took cognizance of the same and started analysing the complaints during which it was found that more than 100 such apps are involved in the loan and extortion racket,” Malhotra
2024 Polls AAP vs BJP Contest, Says Manish Sisodia After Raid
.“The BJP is not worried about any excise fraud, it is worried about Arvind Kejriwal because they see him as the main challenger to Prime Minister Modi in the upcoming general election,” Manish Sisodia said.
Thesaid. police carried out extensive technical analysis after which it was learnt that all the apps were seeking “malicious permissions” from the user. After obtaining the access permissions, the contacts, chats, messages and images of the user were being uploaded to the servers based in China and Hong Kong. The analysis of the money route also revealed that the money was being routed to China through Hawala and crypto-currencies.
Addressing the media at the party headquarters a day after the CBI raided the residence and office of Sisodia in connection with the case, Thakur said that the entire country and the world can now see the corruption of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP).
“We want permanent peace with India through dialogue as war is not an option for either of the countries,” The News quoted the premier as saying said while speaking to a group of students from the Harvard University. Sharif pointed out that Islamabad and New Delhi should have competition in trade, economy and improving the conditions of their people.
HiIndia Newsdesk
Pakistan, India can’t afford another war: Shehbaz Sharif Islamabad, Aug 20 (IANS) Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has reiterated his country’s strong resolve to maintain peace in the region, but added that sustainable peace in South Asia was linked to the resolution of Jammu and Kashmir issue in line with the UN resolutions and the wishes of Kashmiris, and nothing short of it would work.

VVS Laxman appointed India’s interim head coach for Asia Cup 2022
The head of the global cricketers union (FICA) warns the drain of talent from the international game to Twenty20 leagues is a bigger concern than ever and the official 2023-2027 calendar will do nothing to address the issue. Mushrooming T20 leagues have turned cricket’s labour market on its head, presenting a scenario where players can earn significantly more from these gigs than they possibly can from international cricket. “We have highlighted flight of talent away from international cricket as a critical issue for the game for a number of years, and it is now starting to impact on bigger countries, not just the smaller ones,” FICA chief executive Tom Moffat told Reuters. “Solutions to this issue require collective global thinking, collaboration, and compromise, to ensure a balanced global calendar that enables international cricket and domestic leagues to co-exist.”
The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has asked all state associations to postpone their elections by two months. Out of 38 affiliated units, more than 25 are due to have elections in September. Post Lodha Committee’s recommendation, all state units conducted their election with a new constitution in September 2019.
Jeanne Stagediagnosedwaswith4ovariancancer;Evertwentforacheckupanditwasfoundshehadageneticmutation.
25/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022 SPORTS HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Kobe Bryant’s widow was awarded $16 million as part of a $31 million jury verdict Wednesday against Los Angeles County for deputies and firefighters sharing grisly photos of the NBA star, his 13-year-old daughter and other victims killed in a 2020 helicopter crash. The nine jurors unanimously agreed with Vanessa Bryant and her attorneys that the photos invaded her privacy and caused emotional distress. She cried quietly as it was read. The jury deliberated 4 1/2 hours before reaching the verdict on Kobe Bryant Day, which is celebrated in LA on Aug. 24 because it represents his jersey numbers — 8 and 24 — and is the day after his birthday. He would have turned 44 on Tuesday. After the verdict, Vanessa Bryant posted a photo on Instagram of herself with her husband and daughter. “All for you!” the caption read. “I love you! JUSTICE for Kobe and AnGigi!”attorney for the county declined comment on the verdict outside the courtroom.
India secured a clean sweep in the ODI series against Zimbabwe on Monday when they won the 3rd match by by 13 runs. It was a hard-fought victory with Sikandar Raza almost guiding Zimbabwe over the finish line with his 115 off 95 balls. With the series wrapped up, all eyes will now turn to the Asia Cup and then the T20 World Cup. With the upcoming schedule set to be daunting, the Indian team let off some steam in the dressing room after beating Zimbabwe. Opener Shikhar Dhawan shared a video on Instagram where the India players were seen shaking a leg to the song Kaala Chashma and having a blast in general. In the match, Shubman Gill (130) struck a stroke-filled century to power India to 289 for eight. In reply, Zimbabwe’s innings ended at 276 in 49.3 overs thanks to Sikandar Raza’s brilliant 95-ball 115.Gill, who reached a major career milestone more than three years after making his India debut, shared a 140-run stand with Ishan Kishan (50 off 61) after the visitors decided to bat for the first time in the series. Gill was a treat to the eye during his innings comprising 15 fours and a six. Deepak Chahar once again impressed with the new ball while left-arm spinner Axar Patel got welcome wickets in the middle overs. With the upcoming schedule set to be daunting, the Indian team let off some steam in the dressing room after beating Zimbabwe.
India coach Rahul Dravid tests positive for Covid-19: Report
Mumbai, : (IANS) Days before India’s opening campaign in the Asia Cup T20 tournament in the UAE, the team has suffered a big blow with a report saying that head coach Rahul Dravid has tested positive for Covid-19. Dravid did not travel to Zimbabwe for the recently-concluded three-match One-day International series, which the KL Rahul-led side won 3-0. India are scheduled to open their campaign in the Asia Cup against archrivals Pakistan on August 28 and would like to avenge the 10-wicket loss against Babar Azam’s side in the ICC T20 World Cup in the UAE last year.
Emotional tennis legend Chris Evert, now cancer free, says her late sister saved her life
Team India’s ‘Kaala Chashma’ dressing room
The reason for the BCCI diktat is the Supreme Court’s pending order over the Board’s plea to abolish the cooling-off period for its office-bearers.
Tennis legend Chris Evert, in an emotional interview, talks about how her sister Jeanne, who passed away after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer saved her life. In an interview to, Evert, an 18-time singles Grand Slam winner, recalls an incident at an airport which resulted in a doctor’s visit a day later. Her sister Jeanne, who was also a WTA pro, was first diagnosed with cancer. Later it was found, following tests, that Evert had a genetic mutation which meant she was at a risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. Eventually, to Evert’s shock, test results showed she already had ovarian cancer. The airport story goes like this: Evert and her sister were running to catch a flight at the airport when Jeanne, athletic and fit, was struggling to keep up. Jeanne felt it was because of a lung infection. The next day she visited a doctor. “I look back and Jeanne is like walking, but huffing and puffing. And I said ‘Jeanne what is wrong’. And she said ‘I think I have a lung infection’. She made an appointment (with the doctor) and basically they found out that she was stage 4 of ovarian cancer. She lived for two more years,” Evert says.
Players body flags talent drain from international game to T20 leagues
Leading players from top countries are clearly already struggling to cope with the demands of international cricket’s packed calendar.
New Zealand pace bowler Trent Boult may already have set the trend earlier this month when he negotiated a “significantly reduced role” with the national team so he could priorities Twenty20 cricket.
celebrations after series win against Zimbabwe
BCCI asks associationsstatetopostponeelections
The NCA chief VVS Laxman has been appointed as the interim head coach of the Indian cricket team for the upcoming ACC Asia Cup 2022 on Wednesday. Laxman was there with the Indian team on their tour to Zimbabwe. He will replace Rahul Dravid who is down with Covid. Dravid has been under isolation. He tested positive on Tuesday before the team’s departure to the United Arab Emirates and will join them once he tests negative and is cleared by the BCCI medical team. India will begin their Asia Cup campaign on August 28 with a game against archrivals Pakistan.
Vanessa Bryant, center, Kobe Bryant’s widow, leaves a federal courthouse with her daughter, Natalia, left, and soccer player Sydney Leroux in Los Angeles, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2022. A federal jury has found that Los Angeles County must pay Bryant’s widow $16 million over photos of the NBA star’s body at the site of the 2020 helicopter crash that killed him. (AP)
Kobe Bryant widow awarded $16M in trial over crash photos

1. How much cooking are you willing to do, and does the required cooking suit your skill level?
4. What’s the cost involved? Consider the cost of the weight-loss program itself, as well as any requirements for specific foods. For instance, a weight-loss plan that emphasizes plant foods will be less expensive than one centered around meats.
HEALTHHow to pick the best programweight-loss
8. Does the diet plan address your health problems? Say you have type 2 diabetes: Will you learn proper eating strategies to manage your condition?
Ň Set SMART goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. An example of such a goal is to try a new vegetable side dish twice a week. Ň Develop a weight-loss mindset. This involves replacing negative, selflimiting beliefs with more helpful thoughts. Research suggests that selfcompassion enhances motivation and resiliency, and it can help you adhere to a healthier diet.
According to a recent Gallop poll, 55% of people would like to lose weight, while 43% of people worry about their weight either some or all of the time. If you find yourself in this category and are considering a weight-loss program to support your goals, there are some factors to consider and pointers to increase your chances of success. Learn the top-ranked diets for weight-loss according to the U.S. News & World Report 2022 Best Diets — and how to pick the best one for you. T here’s no single best way to lose weight, but what all weight-loss plans have in common is that they produce a calorie deficit, meaning you’ll either eat fewer calories than you previously ate, or boost the number of calories you burn through exercise, or a combination of the two. Rather than focusing on the macronutrient breakdown of a plan (say, high protein or low fat), it’s better to consider a plan that matches your needs since adherence is the main driver of weight-loss success. For instance, if you dine out or travel frequently, a weight-loss program, like Jenny Craig, that emphasizes pre-packaged meals and largely limits these activities isn’t going to be the best fit. Here are 10 additional questions to ask yourself to narrow down the best diet plan for your needs:
Ň Reduce the time you spend in sedentary activities, like watching TV. Spend about an hour per da
7. Does the plan teach you how to change your behaviors? Unless a weight-loss plan addresses behavioral change, it’ll be hard to sustain any results.
Losing weight is one thing, but keeping it off is a bigger challenge. Here’s how to choose a diet plan that will work for you.
6. What type of support is built into the plan, and does the support match your personal needs? For instance, if all the support is text-based and you don’t want to be tied to your phone, this may not be the right fit for you.
9. Can the plan accommodate your dietary restrictions? If you’re a vegetarian or following a glutenfree diet, for instance, can you find enough variety among what’s offered, or will that be an additional challenge?
3. Are you looking for a weight-loss meal plan that guides you through breakfast, lunch and dinner or one that offers general advice?
Maintenance is the key to longterm success Unsurprisingly, losing weight is easier than keeping those excess pounds off. Despite the challenge, there are things you can do to improve your odds of success. Here are the factors that help.
You must understand that meditation isn’t a quick fix to all your life’s problems. It’ll take effort and time to reap the actual benefits from the practice. Initially, you’ll find it hard to keep out your thoughts and quieten your mind. However, the idea is to stop resisting your thoughts and embrace them as they come. You may notice things occurring around you, different types of sensations in the body, or possibly judging others or yourself. These are natural responses similar to breathing.
3. Be comfortable Sitting still for meditation is an issue with most beginners. Since you are not accustomed to sitting still, restlessness can arise, making it hard for you to meditate. You need to be aware of the fact that the body requires time to feel at rest and settle down. Therefore, it is important to continue with your practice, focusing on your breath for the entire time. Also another thing to consider is to maintain a comfortable position at all times to meditate successfully. While you may have seen people meditating in the lotus position, it’s not necessary that you should do the same. It would be best if you got into a position you can hold for long to continue your practice.
4. Keep your practice going Nothing comes easy in this world. Instead of looking for causes why you cannot keep up with the practice, keep an open mind and explore the difficulties with curiosity. Practising curiosity and acceptance within meditation can help you translate such feelings easily to daily life. There is no wrong or right way to meditate. You can be successful in your practice when meditating the way it best works for you. So, without hesitation keep trying various approaches until you find what works for you. As you start noticing greater peace, joy, compassion and love, you’ll know it is working.
Meditation for beginners Meditation is the subtle art of not doing anything and letting go of every effort to relax in one’s true nature, i.e. peace, joy and love. In today’s life, it is more a necessity than a luxury as it makes you stress-free, calm, healthy, happy and free from pain. So, if you’re aiming to start your meditation practice, here are some valuable tips to help you maintain your consistency and live happily and stress-free.
5. What’s the time commitment outside of cooking or planning meals? Do you have to attend weekly meetings or track your food? Is the amount of time required realistic for you?
Ň Follow the weight-loss plan. Keeping the weight off is tied to how well you adhere to the program, which includes the diet plan as well as attendance at group meetings (if offered), food tracking and so on. Ň Track what you eat and what you weigh. Numerous studies link these self-monitoring methods to maintaining weight loss.
ideal time for meditation is when you can make it work. If you try to meditate at a time that coincides with your responsibilities and schedule, you’ll end up feeling unmotivated and frustrated.
2. Find an appropriate time As a beginner, you might feel that there must be a specific time to meditate to gain its benefits. However, it’s not. The
10. How does the weight-loss plan address exercise, and are the activity recommendations doable for you? In addition to these questions, it’s also worth considering what (if anything) worked for you in the past and when and why it stopped working. Maybe you had successfully lost weight on a program but changed jobs or went through a breakup that interfered with your ability to lose weight at that time. Were there elements that you liked about the program? If so, you may want to re-enroll or find another weight-loss plan that will help you re-engage with those strategies.
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2. Does the diet eliminate any food groups, and if so, is that an eating pattern you can sustain? Think beyond the first few months and imagine living and eating this way for the next few years.
1. Don’t set any expectations

27/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022 MA ZHER M. SHAH-KHAN ATTORNEY-AT-L AW U.S. IMMIGRATION & VIS Labor Certifications Perm H-1B Work Visas L-1 Visas E-2 Investor Visas U Visas (Victim of Crime) VAWA Cases (Battered Spouses) Family Based Petitions Adjustment of Status CitizenshipFiance/Fiancee Visas Religious DeportationWorkersDefense 5797 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago, Tel: 7 7 3-583-6300 Fax: 7 7 www.visaprofession COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES Motels, Dunkin Donut's Grocery & Liquor Stores Gas Stations etc WIth or Without Real Estates Specialit y in SBA 7-A & SBA 504 Loans LOAN FOR PURCHASE & REFINANCE JYOTINDRA PATEL , (JP) Ph: (847) 581-9414, Fax: (847) 960-4996 Email: Ph: 630-343-9999 Tax Planning & Compliance Bookkeeping, Payroll & Sales Tax IRS State Representation ting on Planning gton St, 104B, Naperville, IL 60563 20% off NEW clients!W IN NAPERVILLE! 773 338 0222 Annuities Rohit A. Shah MBA, LUTCF Financial Repr esentative The Pietsch Financial Group, Inc 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181 Office Phone: 1 630 317 2504 Office Fax: 1 630 317 2539 Cell: 1 847 219 2536 847 970 19431 Email: Rohit Shah@GLIC Com d ce Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY or subsidiary of Guardian 2016 22707 Exp 8/18 Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax No.847-597-2401 Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COMROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Financial Representative ] Add and Variable ] Disability Income ] Life Insurance and ] Long Term Care Financial Representative of the Guardian Life Insurance Company America® (Guardian) New York, NY. The Pietsch Financial Group is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707. Exp 8/1860015Road,2021-114299 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 MOTEL HELP Seeking young energetic couple to manage Independent Motel in Chicago Suburbs. Good Salary with free accommodation. English and Legal Status must. Call 708-336-0641 1595 East Oakton Street, Des Plaines, IL 60018. Phone: 224.725.3747 EMAIL OR CALL US TODAY! Quick & Quality Printing Services COLOR COPIES, BLACK & WHITE COPIES, BUSINESS CARDS, FLYERS, POSTCARDS, MENUS, BROCHURES, ENVELOPES, BOOKLETS, MAGAZINE, SIGNS, POSTERS, BANNERS, DECALS VARIABLE DATA MAIL MERGE, COLLATING & FOLDING TICKETS & COUPONS WITH NUMBERING & PERFORATION SPIRAL & COMB BINDING & MUCH MORE DESIGN & PRINTING SOLUTIONS INSTANT DIGITAL PRINTING Printing made easier than ever! Call: 847-584-7617 Email: 1625 West Colonial Parkway, Inverness, IL 60061 (Near Harper College, Palatine, IL) ATTORNEY PARVEEN K . GOYAL NEED AN ATTORNEY? Real Estate, Immigration, Divorce, Personal Injur y & Other Legal Ser vices Professional & Affordable Legal Ser vices More than 30 years experience

• Voila! Your crisy uttapam is all ready to be devoured.
A single traumatic event is enough to disrupt our lives. This book is about allowing that disruption to yield us into woke personas and evolve into intelligentemotionallyhumans. This is a book self-sabotagingaboutbehavioursandresistingtheeffortstochange.
Digital extraordinairecreator Kusha Kapila was styled by Ayesha Amin Nigam for IIFA’s green carpet. The ITSOM gown with the chandelier shimmy tassels and the art-deco inspired design gave it a muchneeded glam update and elevated the look overall.
Food equals paradise Aren’t we all foodies at heart? It’s been proven that indulging in scrumptious meals has the ability to improve your mood. Moreover, it’s important to maintain good food habits for healthy living. Invest in your mind Your mind is your biggest investment. It’s the launching pad for your inner self and your overall life. And although there are several ways to keep your mind productive and induce it with knowledge, Masaba suggests, “Travel, and look at art as much as you can,” stating how “it is the only investment you can make for your creative brain.”
Masaba shared three pieces of “friendly advice” that she wishes she’d “learned sooner.”
BollywoodLIFESTYLE Is Increasingly Gravitating Towards Whites & Metallics & We’re Loving It
We often tend to cater to other people’s needs and have a habit of ensuring the happiness of our loved ones. But if one has to sacrifice their own emotions and mental health in the process, is there really a point in allowing this one-way Masaba’straffic?
Prioritise yourself
• Then, top the batter with finely chopped vegetables of your choice, and press lightly.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835328
All thanks to Alia Bhatt’s wedding trousseau, Pinterest has lost all its charm. No one’s scouring the app for inspiration anymore. Her white saree has seemingly ordained the great whites to be the new fashion bible for multiple A-listers. Safe to say, Bollywood is onto its next expedition – The Great White Phenomenon. And not only whites but also metallics and crystals. Their mélange is a pleasant concoction whether it’s saris, floor-length evening gowns, slip dresses, corsets or even a pantsuit. Ananya went along the good ol’ route of the iconic, sequin encrusted white saree with petal feather edges by Manish Malhotra. The styling was minimal with a pair of pearl drop earrings by Narayan Jewels serving as the perfect accessory. Tanya Ghavri strikes yet again. Celebrity stylist Tanya Ghavri went with this Faraz Manan set for Sara at this year’s IIFA Awards. With an old-school Nizami charm to it, the high-neck peplum flounce and the scalloped hem complemented the sharara pants effortlessly. Unexpected choice but definitely a frontrunner.
This crunchy, crispy uttapam can be made with just 1 tsp oil
These behaviours stem from “attachments that impact the ability to handle your emotional states,” as stated by Lisa Ferentz, writer of the book Letting Go of Self-Destructive Behaviors. And if gone unchecked, you may “lose the ability to show emotions and effectively communicate your needs to others, depriving you of emotional quotient (EQ),” writes Ferentz.
• Cook for five minutes on one side then flip it and cook for two to three minutes more. keep the flame on low.
Read these books to help boost your emotional intelligence
Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, this book breaks selflimiting beliefs and offers a powerful code of conduct that can experiencetransformrapidlyourlivesintoanew
Considering how humans are immersed most of the time in their minds, studies have extensively aimed at researching what makes it a healthy place to be in. And time after time. it has been scientifically proven that befriending books plays an essential role in making one socially intelligent by theelevatingmind.
• After brushing little ghee or oil, pour uttapam batter onto the pan.
• Sprinkle a pinch of salt, pepper, or red chilli powder on top.
first advice is, “You cannot make everyone happy, so don’t let them get under your skin.”
• Serve with coconut chutney and sambhar.
Backed with research, stories, and selfrealisation, this book helps you comprehend your emotions and stops them from developing into life hindrances.

29/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022 R COMMERCIAL, BUSINESS INVESTMENT Fax: 847 239 7438 1457 Della Dr, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 Realtor / Business Broker V I B H A D A N I BUY, SELL, RENT, LEASE! CALL or EMAIL 847 877 4324 Home 4 U Realty Moving Buyers to their Dream Homes

FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835330 Classifieds ALL PLATFORM ONLY FORFOR ADVERTISING 773 338 0222 30,000 PRINT EDITION 68K 100KE-BLAST+VISITORS ONLINE$40 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: GAS STATION FOR SALE Brand New Sunoco Gas Station Business with Property for sale possibly with Beer License. Nearby Northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Only serious inquiries. Call: 215-323-4844 Hawkey Motel in Washington, Iowa for sale 21 Rooms Independent Motel with a great 2 bed room apartment Very good business MOTEL FOR SALE For more info. call Peter: 319-621-8212 , , 21 , 2 , , Hawkey Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: Convenient food and liquor store in Villa Park, established over 30 plus years, owner retiring. Low goodwill, Long Term Lease available for quick sale. Call: Mr. Shukla -847-343-2118 Email: BUSINESS FOR SALE QUICK SALE Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: HOTEL HELP Franchise hotel located in Lake Bluff, IL (North Chicago Suburbs)NowHiring for: FRONT DESK/ MANAGER Must be fluent in English, have computer skills,and Experienceprofessionalism.ispreferred, and will train qualified candidates. HOUSEKEEPING COUPLES Experience is preferred, will train qualified candidate.Living accommodations provided. Text:872-395-3307 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: LIQUOR STORE HELP Now hiring Store Associate and Manager for Cardinal Warehouse Wine and Liquor, Call: 773-931-7650 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: 2005 LEXUS-ES 330, 90,000 miles, Asking $7,500 or best offer For more infomation please contact. 773-632-6118 or 630-347-2723 CAR FOR SALE

31/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: MOTEL HELP Des Moines, Iowaમા આવલી ફ્ન્ાઈઝ મોટલમા ફ્નટડસ્ક તમજ હાઉસ્કીપીંગ માટ સસંગલ અથવા ્કપલની જરૂર છ. રહવાની સગવડ આપવામા આવશ. લીગલ સટટસ જરૂરી. Franchise Motel in Des Moines, Iowa needs Single or Couple for Frontdesk and Housekeeping. Accommodation will be provided. Legal Status must. Call Dipak Amin 319-601-0923 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: રસીન -માઉન્ટ પ્ઝન્ટ , વિસ્કોનનસન ખાત (વિ્ાગકો એરપકો્ટથી માત્ર ચા્ીસ વમવન્ટના અંતર) આિ્ી 75 રૂમની મકો્ટ્મા હાઉસક્વપંગ ્પ્ તમજ કિિસ અન રાતની વિફ્ટ ્રી િ્ તિા ફ્રન્ટ ડસ્ ્્ા્ની જરૂર છ. રહિાની સગિડ આપિામા આિિ. રસ ધરાિનાર વ્યન્તઓએ સપ્ ્રિકો. 75 Room Franchise Hotel in Racine-Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin (Only 40 minutes from Chicago Airport) hiring for Housekeeping Couple and Front Desk Clerk day and night shift opening. Accommodation will be provided. Interested Please call: 214-457-7733 HOTEL HELP Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: BAYMONT INN MOTEL HELP Franchise Motel in Addison, IL (near O’Hare Airport) seeking Housekeeper help. Part time or Full time. Experienced prefer.Good pay and accommodation will be provided. Call: 773-716-9645 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: Franchise Hotel, 45 miles far North from Chicago Airport, immediate needs Housekeeping, Front Desk Clerk & Manager. Fluent in English and Computer knowledge must. Good salary & accommodation will be provided. For more information Call Sam: 847-445-9037 Yogeshbhai:224-656-2020orHOTELHELP Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: MOTEL HELP Wanted Motel Manager Couple or Single and Housekeeper for Franchise Motel in St. Louis, MO Good Salary and Accommodation Provided. CALL: 314-497-3292 or 314-330-4621 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: મોટેલ -કન્વીનિયન્સ સ્ોર હેલ્પ શિકાગોથી એક કલાકના અંતર શિશિગન I-94 પર આવલી ફ્ચાઇઝ િોટલિા હાઉસકકશપંગ અન ફ્ટડસકન કાિ કરી િક તવા કપલની જરૂરછ. તિજ કનવીશનયનસ સટોરિા with Liquor, American & Indian Food લીકર અન િીટ સનડશવચન લગત કાિ કરી િક તવા વયક્તઓની જરૂર છ. રહવાની સગવડ આપવાિા આવિ Franchise Motel on I-94 in Michigan need couple for Housekeeping and Front Desk, also need help for Convinence Store with Liquor, American & Indian Food and Meat Sandwiches. Accommodation will be provided. Call: 269-903-9677 (Cell) or 269-426-8300 (S)

FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835332