NATIONAL EDITION | Volume 13 • Issue No. 688 September 9, 2022 | - News Update 24X7 | South Asian Views On Global News

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NATIONAL EDITION | Volume 13 • Issue No. 688 September 9, 2022 | - News Update 24X7 | South Asian Views On Global News Subscribe Free ePaper & News Updates on WhatsApp. Send us ‘hi’ 7735268353to 26 B e s t J e w e l r y S e l e c t i o n f o r a l l A g e s w w w r e g a l j e w e l s c o m w w w r j b u l l i o n c o m 22KT 2GOLD 2KT GOLD 24KT 2GOLD 4KT GOLD D I A M O N D DS I A M O N D S S I L V E SR I L V E R 2625 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL 260659 625 W Devon Ave Chicago, IL 60659 7 7 3 2 6 2 4 3 7 7 Inside 06 18 15Read More Read More Read More 28 By Astro Friend Chirag – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla Biden, Truss commit to stand up against Russia, economic woes ContractorMilitary At Heart Of US Navy’s ArrestScandalBiggestEscapesHouse The INS Vikrant A complete story It’s not India’sdecade,India’sit’scentury BobMcKinsey’sSternfels Want to Cutdiabetes?reversedowncarbsto55percent,increaseproteinto20percent,saysICMR

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5/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022

For most Americans, that means one COVID-19 shot, once a year, each fall,” Biden said in a statement. Starting this week, at tens of thousands of convenient pharmacies, doctor’s offices, and community health centers, and other places, Americans age 12 and older can go get this new fall COVID-19 vaccine, he said. Biden said that the new vaccine provide the strongest protection from the new Omicron strain of the COVID-19 virus, which did not exist when the original vaccine was developed.
Biden, Truss commit to stand up against Russia, economic woes

“They then notified US Marshals who went to the house and verified that he was no longer there. As of now multiple leads are being investigated.”
The judge had previously signalled her inclination to approve a special master, asking a department lawyer during arguments this month, “What is the harm?”
Military Contractor At Heart Of US Navy’s Biggest Scandal Escapes House Arrest
US President Joe Biden has announced the launch of an annual COVID-19 vaccine for all Americans above 12 years of age, a move which he said would protect his fellow countrymen against this deadly disease and its variants.

A federal judge on Monday granted a request by former President Donald Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review documents seized by the FBI from his Florida home last month and also temporarily halted the justice department’s use of the records for investigative purposes.The decision by US district judge Aileen Cannon came despite the objections of the justice department, which said an outside legal expert was not necessary in part because officials had already completed their review of potentially privileged documents.

‘We are launching a new vaccine our first in almost two years with a new approach. For most Americans, that means one COVID-19 shot, once a year, each fall’
U.S. intelligence officials believe that the Russians could look to purchase additional North Korean military equipment in the future.
President Joe Biden spoke by phone on Tuesday to congratulate new British Prime Minister Liz Truss and both leaders promised to strengthen their relationship as they stand together against Russia. “I look forward to deepening the special relationship between our countries and working in close cooperation on global challenges, including continued support for Ukraine as it defends itself against Russian aggression,” Biden said in a tweet. The two leaders could meet as soon as the U.N. General Assembly later in September. Truss won a leadership race for the governing Conservative Party on Monday and took over from Boris Johnson as prime minister on Tuesday, as Britain faces its most daunting set of challenges in decades.
Washington: A military contractor who pleaded guilty in the US Navy’s worst ever corruption scandal has escaped house arrest in San Diego, the US Marshals Service said Monday. “Leonard Francis cut off his GPS monitoring ankle bracelet Sunday morning,” Supervisory Deputy US Marshal Omar Castillo told AFP in a statement.Widely known as “Fat Leonard,” Francis was due to be sentenced in three weeks, US media said. Francis, a Malaysian national who ran a military contracting company out of Singapore, pleaded guilty in 2015 to offering some $500,000 in bribes to Navy officers to steer official work to his shipyards, carrying out work on US vessels that prosecutors say he overcharged the Navy for, to the tune of $35 million.
Last week, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky, endorsed the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices’ (ACIP) recommendations for use of updated COVID-19 boosters from Pfizer-BioNTech for people ages 12 years and older and from Moderna for people ages 18 years and older.
“We are launching a new vaccine our first in almost two years with a new approach.
“Leonard Francis cut off his GPS monitoring ankle bracelet Sunday morning,” Supervisory Deputy US Marshal Omar Castillo told AFP in a statement. Widely known as “Fat Leonard,” Francis was due to be sentenced in three weeks, US media said.

Judge allows Trump bid for review of files
Francis was due to be sentenced in three weeks, US media said.(Representational)
Aswarned.people crank up their air conditioners, the state forecast record levels of energy use that could exceed supply Monday evening, said Elliot Mainzer, president of California Independent System Operators, which runs the state’s electrical grid.
The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that the cut-off GPS bracelet was found in the house, while neighbors said they had seen U-Haul moving trucks coming and going at the property in the days leading up to his escape.
A U.S. official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the intelligence determination, said Monday that the fact Russia is turning to the isolated state of North Korea demonstrates that “the Russian military continues to suffer from severe supply shortages in Ukraine, due in part to export controls and sanctions.”
Just like your annual flu shot, you should get it sometime between Labour Day and Halloween. It’s safe, it’s easy to get, and it’s free,” he said. “It’s simple, and it’s easy to understand:
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.83536 USA NEWS HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia NewsdeskHiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
US: Russia to buy rockets, artillery shells from North Korea

Police were sent to his San Diego residence on Sunday after the agency monitoring his ankle bracelet reported a problem with the device, Castillo said. “Upon arrival they noticed that nobody was home,” he said.
If you are vaccinated and 12 and older, get the new COVID-19 shot this fall. This once-a-year shot can reduce your risk of getting COVID-19, reduce your chance of spreading it to others, and dramatically reduce your risk of severe COVID-19,” Biden said.
Joe Biden announces launch of annual Covid-19 vaccine for Americans above 12 years of age
US: California facing chance of blackouts amid brutal heat wave California will face its highest chance of blackouts this year as a brutal heat wave continues to blanket the state with triple-digit heat, officials have
The state could fall 2,000 to 4,000 megawatts of electricity short of its power supply, which represents as much as 10 per cent of normal demand, he said. State energy officials said the electrical load on Tuesday potentially could hit 51,000 watts, the highest demand ever seen in California.
Updated COVID-19 boosters add Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 spike protein components to the current vaccine composition, helping to restore protection that has waned since previous vaccination by targeting variants that are more transmissible and immuneevading, CDC said.
The decision by US district judge Aileen Cannon came despite the objections of the justice department
The Russian Ministry of Defense is in the process of purchasing millions of rockets and artillery shells from North Korea for its ongoing fight in Ukraine, according to a newly downgraded U.S. intelligence finding.
“As the virus continues to change, we will now be able to update our vaccines annually to target the dominant variant.
7/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022 1-800-318-2596 Paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services LIFE COVERAGEHAPPENS.PAIYE. Agar aap ko health coverage chahiye kyon ki aap job kho baethe hain, ya 26 saal ke ho gaye hain, coverage paana ab bahut hi easy hai. Aap ke paas seemit samay hai to find an affordable, low-cost plan at

Pakistan authorities are struggling to contain their biggest lake from bursting its banks after a last-ditch attempt to drain it failed. Water levels in Manchar Lake, in the southeastern Sindh province, had risen to dangerously high levels after days of record monsoon rains. The attempt to breach it displaced up to 100,000 people from their homes.

A 25-year-old man went missing after falling into a rain swollen stream in the southern city of Ulsan, according to the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, which didn’t immediately report more casualties. Fires were reported at a major steel plant operated by POSCO in the southern city of Pohang, but it wasn’t immediately clear whether they were caused by the storm. Government officials have put the nation on alert about potential damages from flooding, landslides and tidal waves unleashed by Hinnamnor, which they said would be the most powerful storm to hit the country in years.
On Sunday, officials breached the lake after it had flooded two rural towns, in hopes that it would prevent it from further bursting its banks and inundating more densely-populated areas.
Canada stabbings: One suspect found dead
China quake: 50,000 people relocated
The turnout in the election was 82.6 per cent. The total number of votes rejected was 654. The total number of valid votes given to each candidate was as follows: Rishi Sunak 60,399, Liz Truss 81,326. Therefore, I give notice that Liz Truss is elected as the leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party.” The BBC immediately pointed out that Truss’s 57.4 per cent to Rishi’s 42.6 per cent was a clear win but not the landslide the foreign secretary’s supporters had predicted.

Hundreds of children have already died in nutrition centres across Somalia, the UN children’s agency (UNICEF) said on Tuesday, a day after the global body warned that parts of Somalia will be hit by famine in the coming months.

Pakistan floods: Officials struggle to stop biggest lake overflowing
It’s right we now unite behind the new PM, as she steers the country through difficult times, says former chancellor
Liz Truss, the new Conservative Party leader who beat former chancellor Rishi Sunak to replace Boris Johnson, will take charge as Britain’s new Prime Minister on Tuesday after an audience with the Queen in Scotland. The 47-year-old foreign secretary, who follows Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May as the third female leader of the Tory party, will travel to the 96-year-old monarch’s Balmoral Castle residence in Aberdeenshire to become the first leader of the majority party to not be invited to form a government at Buckingham Palace in London.
The vaccine is a new version of CanSino’s one-shot Covid drug, the first in the world to undergo human testing in March 2020 and which has been used in China, Mexico, Pakistan, Malaysia and Hungary after being rolled out in February 2021.
More than 700 children have died in Somalia nutrition centres, UN says
But on Monday, the province’s minister for irrigation told Reuters the water level of the lake had “not come down”. Sindh province produces half of the country’s food supply, exacerbating fears that many will face serious food shortages in a country already struggling with an economic crisis. Floods in Pakistan have affected some 33 million people and killed at least 1,314, including 458 children, Pakistan’s National Disaster Management Agency said. Estimates suggest the floods have caused at least $10bn (£8.5bn) of damage.
Damien Sanderson (left) was found dead but Myles Sanderson is still at large Canada police have said that one of the two suspects in Sunday’s mass stabbings in Saskatchewan has been found dead. The body of Damien Sanderson, 31, was found in the James Smith Cree Nation, home to several victims, they said.The two suspects were brothers and police say Myles Sanderson is still at large and believed to be in the city of Regina.On Sunday, 10 people were stabbed to death in one of the worst acts of violence in Canada’s recent Thehistory.attacks - which left another 18 people injured - happened in a remote region of Saskatchewan.

Liz Truss prepares to take charge as new UK Prime Minister
China became the first country to approve a needle-free, inhaled version of a Covid-19 vaccine made by Tianjin-based CanSino Biologics Inc., pushing the company’s shares up as much as 14.5% Monday morning in Hong Kong. China’s National Medical Products Administration approved CanSino’s Ad5-nCoV for emergency use as a booster vaccine, the company said in a statement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Sunday.
Rishi Sunak loses to Liz Truss, but does better than expected Rishi Sunak lost out to Liz Truss in the Tory leadership contest but he did better than expected. A brief spell of drama descended on the Queen Elizabeth II conference centre in Westminster, just round the corner from 10 Downing Street, as the result was announced around 12.35pm on Monday. “I, Sir Graham Brady, returning officer for the Conservative and Unionist Party leadership election, declare that the total number of eligible voters was 172,437.

The Horn of Africa region is on track for a fifth consecutive failed rainy season. A famine in 2011 in Somalia claimed more than a quarter of a million lives, most of them children. “Some 730 children have been reported to have died in food and nutrition centers across the country between January and July this year but the numbers could be more as many deaths go unreported,” UNICEF Somalia representative Wafaa Saeed told a Geneva press briefing.
Typhoon leaves 20,000 homes without power in South Korea

The storm came just weeks after the capital Seoul and nearby regions were battered by heavy rainfall that unleashed flashfloods and killed at least 14 people.
Thousands of people were forced to evacuate in South Korea as Typhoon Hinnamnor made landfall in the country’s southern regions on Tuesday, unleashing fierce rains and winds that destroyed trees and roads, and left more than 20,000 homes without power.
Over 50,000 people have been relocated to safer locations after damage to buildings due a powerful earthquake of 6.8-magnitude that jolted Luding County in China’s southwest Sichuan province which claimed the lives of 46 people. As of Monday night, 16 people were missing and over 50 injured, Wang Feng, deputy director of the Sichuan provincial emergency management department told a media briefing in Chengdu.

World’s first Covid vaccine you inhale approved in China
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9/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH 2022 AT 7:15PM (Doors open at 6:15PM) PABST THEATER, 144 E Wells St, Milwaukee, WI 53202 TICKETS VIP, $125, $85, $60 (Includes all fees except for sales tax) Group discount $5 per ticket Min for group rate 10+ tickets all bought at same time to qualify. Not valid for VIP TICKETS AT , Pabst Theater Ticket Box Indian Groceries and Spices 414 771 3535 VIP TICKETS - CONTACT YOGESH AT 414 -467-3032 MilwaukeeInternalMedicineAssociates YKINSURANCE.COM LIGHT INDIAN SNACKS FOR SALE AT VENUE CAFÉ INDIA MISSED THE SHOW IN CHICAGO COME TO MILWAUKEE ONLY 1 ½ HOURS FROM CHICAGO PABST THEATER OFFERS AMAZING SOUND SYSTEM AND EXPERIENCE Milwaukee Events

News Breif
The Delhi CM again pushed for a plan to upgrade all 10 lakh government schools in the country Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi alleging that more than 80 per cent government schools in the country are worse than junkyards.

Zofeen Maqsood
Manjot Kaur, Missing Juvenile from Long Island Found
“In India, daily 27 crore students go to school daily, out of which 18 crore students go to government schools. The condition of 80 per cent government schools is worse than a junkyard. If we are giving such education to crores of our children, imagine how the country will be developed,” Kejriwal said in his letter written in Hindi. “You have made a plan for the modernisation of 14,500 schools but if we work at this pace, it will take 100 years to upgrade all our government schools. I request you to prepare a plan for the redevelopment of all 10 lakh government run schools in the country,” he added.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835310 INDIA NEWS HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
New Delhi: Searches by the Income Tax Department are underway at Delhibased independent thinktank Centre for Policy Research. The action is “connected to” simultaneous raids in Haryana, Maharashtra and Gujarat, among other places, “over funding of more than 20 registered but non-recognised political parties”, sources have so far told NDTV. No response has yet been received from the OnceCPR.headed by academician Pratap Bhanu Mehta, a prominent critic of the BJP government, the CPR governing board is at present chaired by Meenakshi Gopinath, a political scientist who taught at Jawaharlal Nehru University and was principal of Lady Shri Ram College in New Delhi. The president and chief executive is Yamini Aiyar. Members of the board include former foreign secretary Shyam Saran and IIM professor Rama Bijapurkar.
September 1. It said that the study is important because inappropriate use of antibiotics is a significant driver of antibiotic resistance in India.
Zofeen Maqsood Another Sikh Elderly Attacked in New York

The study also said that an overlap in regulatory powers between national and state-level agencies complicate antibiotics availability, sales, and consumption in the country.
About funding, the thinktank says on its website that being recognised as a notfor-profit society by the Government of India, contributions to it are taxexempt. “CPR receives grants from a variety of domestic and international sources, including foundations, corporate philanthropy, governments, and multilateral agencies,” it says, adding that “a full accounting of annual finances and grants” is available on the website. Established in 1973, it describes itself as “a non-partisan, independent institution dedicated to conducting research that contributes to high quality scholarship, better policies, and a more robust public discourse about the issues that impact life in India”. As for the alleged connection with illicit funding of political parties, it’s worth context here that, as per latest data from last year, India has 2,858 parties that have registered themselves with the Election Commission of India, of which 2,796 unrecognised, meaning they have not fulfilled minimum criteria to have independent recognition.
Kejriwal slams govt schools
‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ a turning point, marks a new beginning, says Congress

A study has highlighted the excessive use of antibiotics like azithromycin by Indians during and before COVID-19 pandemic. The research, published in Lancet Regional Health-Southeast Asia, said that most of these drugs were not approved by the central drug regulator and called for “significant policy and regulatory reform”. The research was published in the reputed journal on
The “Bharat Jodo Yatra” is a turning point in Indian politics and marks a “new beginning”, said the Congress ahead of the party’s most ambitious endeavour to rejuvenate the party and gain political relevance ahead of the 2024 general Formerelections.Congress president Rahul Gandhi took part in a prayer meeting at Rajiv Gandhi memorial in Sriperumbudur Wednesday morning. He is scheduled to attend an event at 4:30PM in Kanyakumari where Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin, Rajasthan’s Ashok Gehlot and Chhattisgarh’s Bhupesh Baghel will be present. Stalin will present a national flag made of khadi to Rahul who will hand it over to Seva Dal workers who will manage the Yatra throughout.
Indians Use Antibiotics Excessively, Azithromycin On Top: Lancet Study
In concerning news coming from New York, yet another incident involving the assault of a Sikh elderly took place in New York. Yesterday at around 9.30 pm, 82-year-old Onkar Singh was brutally assaulted and attacked while he was taking a walk after dinner. The incident happened by 112th Street and Liberty Ave. Former candidate for NY State Senate D 15, Japneet Singh wrote on social media about the incident. He wrote that the Sikh elderly was quite shaken up. The 82-year-old told the perpetrators, “Take my money, but please don’t hit me.”
“Although the per-capita private-sector consumption rate of antibiotics in India is relatively low compared to many countries, India consumes a large volume of broad-spectrum antibiotics that should ideally be used sparingly,” the study said. The study also acknowledged the contribution made by Aashna Mehta, from New Delhi-based Public Health Foundation of India. The researchers said they analysed data from PharmaTrac, a private-sector drug sales dataset gathered from a panel of 9,000 that are representative of sales figures across India.
The Lancet study said that an overlap in regulatory powers between national and state-level agencies complicate antibiotics availability.

The 13-year-old Long Island girl who had gone missing has been found. Manjot Kaur was last seen at her residence in Franklin Park on September 3 at 10.40 pm according to Nassau County Police. The Nassau County detectives worked hard and were able to find Manjot in less than 12 hours. Manjot was found in New Hyde Park early in the morning. On Monday September 5, the police announced that she had been found.

Income Tax Raids At Top Thinktank Centre for Policy Research In Delhi

Governing board of the institute is chaired by Meenakshi Gopinath, a political scientist who taught at JNU, was principal of Lady Shri Ram College
Continuing from Tuesday when he had termed the prime minister’s decision to modernise 14,500 schools “a drop of water in the ocean”, Kejriwal again pushed for a plan to upgrade all 10 lakh government schools in the country.
11/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022 Who is Eligible • 60 years old and above • U.S Citizen or Permanent Resident • Limited Physical activities Mobility ShoppingErrands / Errands Housekeeping cozy environment Provide safe and Preparation MedicationReminderReminderCompanionship DailyActivityLiving Personal Care Care For Soul, Inc. Professional home care service of providing best in-home care to seniors... Do you have an lovedelderlyone at home? Are you aging alone at home? What can we do for seniors Our dedicated well trained team of Care Givers will assist you and provide the care you need. DES PLAINES 1181 S. ELMHURST RD, DES PLAINES, IL 60018 T: 847-553-4345 F: 847-621-2637 SCHAUMBURG 959 W. Golf Road, Schaumburg, IL 60194 T: 847-278-1294 F: 847-278-1561 BOLINGBROOK 128 N. BOLINGBROOK DR, BOLINGBROOK, IL 60440 T: 630-796-6393 F: 331-777-9138 NILES 9118 W GOLF RD NILES, IL 60714 T: 847-983-0041 F: 847-983-4756 MAIN OFFICE 512 HIGGINS RD. PARK RIDGE, IL 60068. T: 847-764-8101 F: 857-518-5300 CHICAGO 2705 W. DEVON AVE. CHICAGO, IL 60659 T : 773-654-1236 F : 773-654-1240 HANOVER PARK 2426 W. ARMY TRAIL RD. HANOVER PARK, IL 60133 T: 630-855-5339 F: 630-855-5349 careforsoulinc

London,: Indian-origin Suella Braverman is likely to be the only British politician of Indian heritage in the new Cabinet, if UK media speculations are to be believed that Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is on course to beat Rishi Sunak to be elected Conservative Party leader and British Prime minister on Monday. Truss, 47, is said to be pencilling in her top team and is looking at elevating Braverman to replace Priti Patel as Home Secretary. A contender in the early rounds of the Tory leadership contest, 42-year-old Goan-origin Braverman currently holds the post of Attorney General. She had thrown her weight behind Truss after being knocked out in the second round of ballots of fellow Tory MPs in mid-July and called on her supporters to follow suit. “Liz is ready now to be PM. She won’t need to learn on the job. And the job is hard and needs to be done properly. The party has had a difficult six years and stability is urgently and swiftly needed,” said Braverman.
Gujarati-origin Patel, who was appointed Home Secretary by Boris Johnson in July 2019, described it as “the honour of my life” to deliver reforms for the country’s police and immigration system and fighting terrorism. Her letter also references a controversial Rwanda asylum policy to deport illegal migrants to the African nation as part of a wider strategy to crack down on illegal migration. “It is vital that your successor backs all aspects of these policies on illegal migration to ensure full implementation and delivery of the New Plan for Immigration and Nationality and Borders Act,” she writes. The 50-year-old MP for Witham in Essex and Johnson loyalist was among a few frontline ministers who had chosen not to declare their support for either of the two finalists in the Tory leadership contest – Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak. Earlier on Monday, she praised her former boss in Parliament, telling interrupting Opposition MPs to “shut “I’mup”. proud to serve in this government and I’d like to thank the Prime Minister [Boris Johnson],” she said.
Street named after A R Rahman in Ontario
The city of Markham in Ontario, Canada, has honored A R Rahman, the Mozart of Madras, by naming a street after him. The legendary Indian musician shared the news on his social media accounts while on his musical tour in Canada. He has also shared pictures from the inauguration ceremony.

Gujarat-origin Priti Patel resigns as UK Home Secretary, plans to support Truss as a backbencher

The portfolio of the Home Secretary is expected to be handed to another Indianorigin minister, Suella Braverman.
Singapore: A 27-year-old Indian-origin Singaporean has been sentenced to jail for two years for driving an ambulance under the influence of alcohol and causing an accident during which his passenger was Ginjured.Mohanavarooman Gopal Oyyappan, who was sentenced to jail on Monday, had 183 mg of ethanol in every 100 ml of his blood, more than double the prescribed drink-driving limit of 80 mg per 100 ml. He was behind the wheel of a private ambulance that belonged to his employer in 2020, shortly after the relaxation of movement restrictions due to the covid-19 pandemic. He then collided with some guard rails in the middle of Seletar Expressway (SLE). On Monday, Mohan was also fined 4,000 Singaporean dollars and disqualified from driving all classes of vehicles for 10 years upon his release from prison. He began serving his sentence immediately, according to a report by Today tabloid newspaper. Oyyappan pleaded guilty in July to four charges, including drinkdriving, dangerous driving causing grievous hurt and driving without a valid Class 3 or 3A licence. He also admitted to an unrelated charge of voluntarily causing hurt. About six months before the ambulance accident, he got into a fight while drinking at a coffee shop and punched a patron in Punggol Housing Estate. For dangerous driving causing grievous hurt, Oyyappan could have been jailed for up to five years. As he is a serious offender, he could also additionally have been jailed for up to a year and fined up to 10,000 Singaporean dollars.

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Biden names Arun Subramanian as New York district court judge

Subramanian will be first South Asian judge on the US District Court for the Southern District of New York President Joe Biden has nominated Indian American attorney Arun Subramanian to the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. If confirmed, he would be the first South Asian American judge on the powerful Abench.partner at Susman Godfrey LLP, he chairs the firm’s pro bono practice and focuses on consumer protection, antitrust, commercial class actions, and contract and tort Subramanian’slitigation.nomination was announced by the White House Friday with eight other federal judicial nominees “all of whom are extraordinarily qualified, experienced, and devoted to the rule of law and our Constitution.” “These choices also continue to fulfill the President’s promise to ensure that the nation’s courts reflect the diversity that is one of our greatest assets as a country—both in terms of personal and professional backgrounds,” the announcement said .
For example, if confirmed, this slate would include the first South Asian judge to serve on the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, it noted. It would also include the first women of color to serve on the US District Court for the Eastern District of Washington and the first Black women to serve on a US District Court in the state of Washington. The slate would also include the second Hispanic man to serve on the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York and the only LGBT Article III judge actively serving on the US District Court for the Northern District of California.
The Indian-origin senior minister, a close ally of Johnson, was widely expected not to be included in the top line-up of Prime Minister elect Truss’ top team London: UK Home Secretary Priti Patel on Monday resigned from the Cabinet in a letter to the outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson and said she plans to support his successor Liz Truss from the backbenches of Parliament.
Indian-origin man jailed for drunken driving in Singapore
Suella Braverman may be only Indianorigin MP in new UK Cabinet

The winner of two Oscars, a BAFTA Award, a Golden Globe and two Grammy Awards, said, despite reaching the milestone of three decades in the Indian film industry earlier this month, he now feels more responsible towards his work and motivating others. “I feel like this gives me immense responsibility to do much more and be inspiring, not to get tired and not to retire yet. Even if I get tired I’ll remember that I have more things to do, more people to connect with, more bridges to cross,” he said.
The Indian-origin senior minister, a close ally of Johnson, was widely expected not to be included in the top line-up of Prime Minister elect Truss’ top team. In her resignation letter addressed to Johnson, 50-year-old Patel highlighted her many achievements in the post, including a Migration and Mobility Partnership signed with India, among other countries, to tackle illegal “Imigration.congratulate Liz Truss on being elected our new leader and will give her my support as our new Prime Minister,” she wrote in her resignation letter. “It is my choice to continue my public service to the country and the Witham constituency from the backbenches once Liz formally assumes office and a new Home Secretary is appointed. From the backbenches, I will champion many of the policies and causes that I have stood for both inside and outside of government,” she said. “I have signed new international returns agreements with India, Albania, Serbia, Nigeria, and Pakistan, with work underway to negotiate more agreements and to remove more people who should not be in this country and who have abused our hospitality,” she wrote, with reference to some of her work as the head of the Home Office.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has given a “clean chit” to Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in the excise policy case, the AAP claimed on Tuesday, saying the probe agency would otherwise have raided the senior leader’s house as he is named the key accused. On Monday, the Arvind Kejriwal-led party had said the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), too, had given a clean chit to Sisodia. The agency, however, categorically denied it saying the case remains under investigation and it has not absolved anyone of the charges. The AAP’s claim comes after the ED conducted searches across Delhi and five states as part of its money laundering investigation into the alleged irregularities in the now-scrapped Delhi Excise Policy.ED officials said around 30 premises in Delhi, Telangana, Maharashtra, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka are being searched and individuals named in the case are being raided. But these do not include the premises linked to Sisodia or any other government servant.

‘To keep the spirit of 1971 alive, it is also very necessary that we face such forces together, who want to attack our mutual trust’
The company got manufacturing and marketing approvals from the Drugs Controller General of India for its Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray as part of an accelerated approval process. “Phase 3 trial in India met the key endpoints and demonstrated reduction of viral load of 94 per cent in 24 hours and 99 per cent in 48 hours,” the official statement said. As for the pandemic status today, India saw a single-day rise of 4,417 coronavirus infections, which is the lowest in three months, as per government data updated at 8 am on Tuesday.
Traffic restrictions will be put in place in the parts of central Delhi on Thursday when Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Central Vista Avenue, officials said on Tuesday. The avenue that will be open to the masses on September 8 stretches from Vijay Chowk to India Gate. Delhi Police said elaborate arrangements have been made in order to facilitate the safety of pedestrians, including children and to ensure smooth movement of traffic in the New Delhi district. General traffic will be diverted from the specific roads from 6 pm to 9 pm. According to the traffic advisory, traffic movement will be diverted from roads such as -- Tilak Marg (From C-Hexagon to Bhagwan Dass Road Crossing), Purana Quila Road (From C-Hexagon to Mathura Road), Shershah Road (from C-Hexagon to Mathura Road).
Previous Congress Government
New Delhi: A nasal vaccine against Covid-19, developed by Bharat Biotech, has been approved by the drug controller, for “restricted use” among adults “in emergency situation”, said Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya. “India has harnessed its science, research and development, and human resources... under PM Narendra Modi’s leadership,” the minister said. In February, in what was the country’s first such anti-Covid drug, Mumbaibased Glenmark launched a nasal spray (branded FabiSpray) in partnership with SaNOtize, for treatment of adult patients.

Vista inauguration: Cops issue advisory
AAP claims Sisodia clean chit
Must face together forces that attack mutual trust: Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said India and Bangladesh should jointly face terrorist and fundamentalist forces that threaten to attack mutual trust between the two countries. Modi made these remarks after bilateral talks with Hasina,BangladeshvisitingPrimeMinisterSheikhwhomade a strong pitch for early
Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya tweets that it’s “a big boost to India’s Fight against Covid-19”
Owing to the torrential downpour that lashed the state capital for the last couple of days, several areas are still under water with houses and vehicles partially inundated, there by affecting normal life.
Cyrus Mistry cremated in Mumbai

Former Tata Sons chairman Cyrus Mistry, who died in a car accident, was cremated in Mumbai on TheTuesday.lastrites were performed as per Hindu customs in an electric crematorium at Worli in central Mumbai. Mistry, 54, who headed the salt-to-software conglomerate Tata Sons from 2012-16 before an unceremonious exit, and his friend Jahangir Pandole were killed in a road accident in neighbouring Palghar district of Maharashtra on Sunday afternoon.
Bengaluru Flooding: CM Blames

13/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk News Breif Bharat Biotech’s Nasal Vaccine Against Covid-19 Cleared For Use
Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai today blamed the previous Congress governments’ ‘maladministration’ and unprecedented rains in Bengaluru for the deluge. He said, despite all odds, his government has taken it up as a challenge to restore the rain battered city, and make sure that such things don’t recur in the future.
Suresh Raina retires from IPL, ready to go free agent to play in T20 leagues around the world Suresh Raina, the IPL giant, has finally freed himself from the shackles of Indian cricket. He has retired from IPL and Indian domestic cricket, and is now ready to play in the T20 leagues around the world. Will the Hundred in England, the CPL in West Indies, the BBL in Australia, the UAE league pick up Raina? Of all the modern-day Indian batsmen, who saddled pre-IPL days with the IPL era, Raina took to T20 like a duck to water. His Test cricket days were threatened, the ODI cricket itself would slowly lose its buzz, and he identified T20 as the universe where he belongs. It was his spiritual home where he got the elusive respect. He found all he had to do was to tweak a bit to his batting to fit right into the T20 world. In one technical aspect, he is certainly the lodestar of T20 and cricketmodern-dayinIndia.

conclusion of the Teesta water sharing agreement. “Today we also stressed on cooperation against terrorism and fundamentalism. To keep the spirit of 1971 alive, it is also very necessary that we face such forces together, who want to attack our mutual trust,” Modi said. India and Bangladesh signed seven agreements after the talks between Modi and Hasina, including one on sharing of waters of Kushiyara river which is expected to benefit the regions of southern Assam and Bangladesh’s Sylhet region.
“Karnataka, especially Bengaluru has not received unprecedented heavy rain.. for the last 90 years such rain has not been recorded. All the tanks are full and are overflowing, some of them have breached, and there have been continuous rains, every day it is raining,” Mr Bommai said.
Karnataka mutt seer sent in judicial custody till September 14 in sexual assault case
Hyderabad: One person was killed and three others injured when a car rammed into the parapet wall of Tolichowki flyover on Sunday night. According to the police, four persons were travelling in the car when the driver who was driving at a high speed rammed it into the parapet wall of the flyover while on way from Shaikpet towards the city. One person died on the spot while the remaining three sustained injuries. All the injured are shifted to hospital while the body of the person who died was shifted to Osmania Hospital mortuary. A case was registered.
Hyderabad: Rachakonda Police Commissioner, Mahesh Muralidhar Bhagwat visited Saroornagar Lake and inspected the immersion of Ganesh idols on Sunday evening. During the visit, he directed the staff to make all required arrangements and ensure foolproof security measures at the place. Interacting with presspersons, he said the police are extending all support to the devotees and asked them to cooperate with the police. He appealed to the devotees to visit the lakes and ponds which are notified by the GHMC and police for immersion of the idols.
Hyderabad: The unique wastewater surveillance system developed by city-based researchers from Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT) to track SARS-CoV-2 is set to become an advanced warning system and a surveillance tool to hunt other infectious diseases including monkeypox and dengue. The noninvasive mass surveillance system developed by CCMB and IICT, which are Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) institutions, came into limelight during the Covid pandemic, when researchers used it to accurately estimate the spread of the coronavirus in Hyderabad and elsewhere, without conducting Covid tests on individuals.
A 13-year-old boy was allegedly killed by a woman who spiked his soft drink as she did not want him to perform better than her daughter at school, said the police in Puducherry Monday. Based on the complaint lodged by the boy’s parents, the accused identified as Sahayarani Victoria from Karaikal was arrested by the police Sunday and later remanded in judicial custody.
“The investigation is underway. The accused has been booked under section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The post-mortem was conducted and the body was handed over to the parents. The final rites were completed yesterday (Sunday). After receiving the post-mortem reports, we will get to know the actual reason behind the death of the student,” a senior police official told.
One killed, three injured in accident on Tolichowki flyover

TN Police probe Class 11 student after infant’s body found near school toilet

Shivamurthy Murugha Sharanaru was arrested last week for alleged sexual assault of two minor students
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835314 SOUTH INDIA NEWS HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
A local court in Karnataka’s Chitradurga Monday handed over influential Lingayat mutt chief Shivamurthy Murugha Sharanaru, who was arrested for alleged sexual assault of two minor students, in judicial custody till September 14. The Chitradurga police who had taken Shivamurthy in police custody appeared before the court Monday morning. The court directed them to hand over Shivamurthy in judicial custody for nine days. The police officials who questioned Shivamurthy had taken him to the mutt for spot mahazar. They appeared before the court and informed them that they would not need police custody anymore.

TN to roll out Delhi model school plan, Kejriwal to launch scheme
The Tamil Nadu government is all set to inaugurate on Monday the Schools of Excellence and Model Schools Scheme, which is broadly based on schools in Delhi with upgraded Ininfrastructure.aneventtobe held at the state-run Bharathi Women’s College, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal would launch the scheme here in the presence of his Tamil Nadu counterpart M K Stalin.As many as 26 Schools of Excellence and 15 Model Schools are covered under the scheme, apparently in the initial phase. ‘Thagaisal Palligal’ and ‘Mathiri Palligal’ are the official Tamil names for the SoE and Model Schools. Stalin would launch the Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammayar memorial ‘Puthumai Penn’ (Modern Woman) Scheme, under which a monthly financial assistance of Rs 1,000 would be provided to girl students, who studied in government schools from classes 6-12, pursuing higher education.

Chennai, (IANS) : The Cuddalore police have commenced a probe into an incident wherein a Class 11 student of a government school near Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu gave birth and the body of the infant was found dumped near the school toilet.Police have started the probe on who impregnated the minor. The school authorities found the body of the infant near the school toilet on Thursday and informed the Bhuvanagiri police. Police commenced an investigation and on Friday evening they found the girl who admitted that she had given birth to the child. She said that she had pain and went to the toilet and gave birth to the child. While the girl said that the child was stillborn, police said that it would have died as she delivered it without any assistance.
Puducherry: Woman kills daughter’s classmate for scoring higher marks, say police
Bengaluru’s Day 3 Of Flooding - Power Cuts, Water Supply Hit Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has said Rs.300 crore will be released to tackle the emergency situation in Bengaluru Bengaluru: Several areas of Bengaluru remain waterlogged following heavy rainfall that has bared the damage caused by unplanned development in the rapidly growing city. Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has said the state government has decided to release ₹ 300 crore to tackle the emergency situation. An additional ₹ 300 has been earmarked for other flood-affected districts. Schools and colleges have declared a holiday owing to waterlogging in key areas of the city. As offices continue to function, several people were seen using tractors to make their way through the waterlogged roads.Powers cuts have been reported in several areas. Water supply to some localities has been disrupted after a pumphouse in Mandya was flooded. The Chief Minister has said the pumphouse is being cleaned. He said 8,000 borewells would supply water in affected areas. In areas with no borewells, water will be supplied through tankers.

Sewage surveillance system to help track monkeypox, dengue in Hyderabad
Rachakonda CP inspects Ganesh idols immersion at Saroornagar lake

It’s not
“Many individuals have stated that it is India’s decade. I truly assume it is India’s century once we have a look at a few of the uncooked components right here. India is the longer term expertise manufacturing unit for the world. By 2047, India would have 20 per cent of the world’s working inhabitants,” Sternfels said in an interview with Economic Times. “India has leapfrogged on the digital scale. All these are the uncooked supplies to do one thing particular for not solely the Indian financial system however probably for the world,” he McKinseyadded. plans a “disproportionate commitment” to India and that’s why its global board will be coming to the country in December. The firm has 5,000 people in India, a number he wants to double to 10,000.
15/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022 CURRENT AFFAIRS M
down in terms of new investment
“ major Apple’s recent decision to shift part production of its flagship iPhone 14 model for worldwide shipping from India, with a negligible time lag of a few weeks post its slated launch on September 7, bears testimony to such an optimism!
cKinsey & Co CEO Bob Sternfels has said that India would be the world’s future expertise manufacturing unit as it should have 20 per cent of the globe’s working inhabitants by 2047. Sternfels said it will not just be India’s decade, but India’s century, with all key components in place - a big working inhabitants, multinational corporations reimagining world provide chains, and a rustic leapfrogging at digital scale-to obtain one thing particular not only for the Indian financial system, however probably for the world.
I wish to truly take two or three large strategic bets in order that I can come out on prime,” he added. He also hailed India’s digitalization growth and said “India has leapfrogged on the digital scale. All those are the raw materials to do something special for not only the Indian economy but potentially for the McKinseyworld.” plans a “disproportionate commitment” to India for which its global board will be coming to the country in December, said Sternfels to the Economic Times. The company has 5,000 people in India, a number it wants to double to 10,000. “I’m bringing our global board here in December because we are going to make a disproportionate commitment to India. We are about 5,000 people in India now-both in India practice and global centres-and it’s my aspiration to get to 10,000. We are about 40% women today, and I want that to be 50%. We turn 100 in 2026, so my question is, what can we be in 2026 in India,’ said Sternfels in the interview. On being asked how McKinsey performed in India during the Covid-19 Pandemic Sternfels said to the Economic Times, “Our growth in India has consistently been in double digits and is underpinned by these great client references. Our people processes are global and when we look at the performance of our Indian partners globally. They are disproportionately successful.”
“At the beginning of 21st century, China embarked on an accelerated growth path occupying the second largest economy tag. We believe, that with the right policy perspective and realignment in global geopolitics our current estimates might even undergo an upward revision!” the report further said.
India’s current GDP growth of 13.5 per cent in Q1FY23 should take it well past Germany and Japan to make it the third largest economy by 2029. India should now focus on broad-based growth of empowerment to increase per capita income, the SBI said in its economic research report

I truly assume it is India’s century once we have a look at a few of the uncooked components right here. India is the longer term expertise manufacturing unit for the world. By 2047, India would have 20 per cent of the world’s working inhabitants,
Pip Germany In 2027, Japan In 2029: SBI Report
The move by Apple, the most recognisable face of tech infused innovation in the last two centuries, that captures aspirations of an upwardly mobile population, should open the flood gates for other major conglomerates to follow suit,” it said.

I ndia is well poised to become the third largest economy by 2029, ahead of Germany and Japan. “India should surpass Germany in 2027, and most likely Japan by 2029 at its current rate of growth. This is a remarkable achievement by any standards,” the SBI said in its Ecowrap report titled, India Set To Become 3rd Largest Economy By 2029: India Surpassed The Size Of UK Economy In December 2021 Itself. India’s current gross domestic product (GDP) growth in Q1FY23 was 13.5 per cent. At this rate, India is likely to be the fastest growing economy in the current fiscal, the report said. It said India has undergone a large structural shift in the last few years and is now the fifth largest economy. India surpassed the UK as the fifth largest economy as early as December 2021 and not recently as is being claimed, it said. “The share of India’s GDP is now at 3.5 per cent, as against 2.6 per cent in 2014, and is likely to cross 4 per cent in 2027, the current share of Germany in global GDP!” the report added.
India To Be 3rd Largest Economy By 2029
Sternfels also spoke about the current scandals which have hit McKinsey, the state of the worldwide financial system, inflation woes and deglobalization. Reacting to a question regarding what the CEOs are telling concerning the state of their corporations, Sternfels said, “One of many issues that I did over the previous 12 months was get out and speak to purchasers, and I’ve talked to over 500 of our CEOs within the final 12 “ wish to play offence and protection on the similar time. So defensive measures… shore up the steadiness sheet, enhance effectiveness, and make sure the firm can face up to shocks. They’re additionally saying, my steadiness sheet is more healthy than it was in both of these downturns. And
The report said that India should now focus on a broad-based growth of empowerment to lift India’s per capita income from current levels, adding that this would “also act as a force multiplier for a better tomorrow”.
India will also benefit given that China is showing signs of gradually slowing
ilmmaker Karan Johar, on Friday, urged everyone to start treating Indian cinema as one industry rather than dividing it into different categories. Karan delivered an important message for all during a press event of ‘Brahmastra’ in Hyderabad. He said that Indian cinema should be addressed as the Indian film industry and not Bollywood or Tollywood.
Actor-comedian Raju Srivastava, who has been undergoing treatment at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) following cardiac arrest, has shown further minor improvement. A source gave the update regarding Raju Srivastava’s health and also revealed that the comedian is still on the ventilator and under Theobservation.58-year-old stand-up comedian was admitted to AIIMS on August 10. Srivastava had collapsed after experiencing chest pain while running on the treadmill in a gym. He underwent an angioplasty the same day. His trainer took him to the hospital. At the time of the heart attack, Raju Srivastava was in Delhi to meet some leaders of the state.

“We, in our own tiny way, are trying to reach every corner (of the country with our film). Like SS Rajamouli sir said, this is Indian cinema. Let’s not call it anything else. We keep giving it a wood...Bollywood, Tollywood. We are not in the woods anymore, we are out of them. We are proudly part of Indian cinema. Each and every film will be now from Indian cinema,” he emphasised. Earlier in April 2022, ‘KGF’ star Yash also asked everyone to stop classifying Indian cinema into sub-categories.
The director was speaking about how distant the filmmakers and writers have become from the real issues of India when he praised the work of Javed Akhtar.
“I think people have moved on. It’s high time we have to understand that it’s one industry and stop classifying it into categories. After that so much has changed. If it would not have changed, people would not have accepted it (pan Indian films with star cast from different film industries) in such a big way,” he had said, referring to the release of his film ‘KGF 2’ and SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus ‘RRR’. ‘KGF 2’ starred Sanjay Dutt and Raveena Tandon apart from Yash, while ‘RRR’ featured Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn alongside Ram Charan and Jr NTR. During a press event of ‘Brahmastra’ in Hyderabad, Karan said that Indian cinema should be addressed as the Indian film industry and not Bollywood or TollywoodIlaiyaraaja records with symphony orchestra in Budapest for ‘Music School’ One of India’s finest music directors, Isaignani Ilaiyaraaja, has got the background score of the musical film, ‘Music School’, orchestrated and recorded in Budapest, Hungary. Sources say that the much-awaited musical with compositions by Ilaiyaraaja is getting its final touches in Budapest. Featuring 11 songs, ‘Music School’ has been written and directed by Papa Rao Biyyala. The film includes three songs from the Oscar-winning and much-loved classic ‘The Sound of Music’. The film is produced by the Hyderabad-based company Yamini Films. The producers planned to record background music in Budapest to match the quality of the music from ‘The Sound of Music’.
Sara Ali Khan He May Be A Communist But It Doesn’t Matter: Vivek Agnihotri

F ilmmaker Vivek Agnihotri, who shot to fame with his hit movie ‘The Kashmir Files’ , has shared praise for famous lyricist and writer Javed Akhtar. The director was speaking about how distant the filmmakers and writers have become from the real issues of India when he praised the work of Javed Akhtar. During a live chat with The Cārvāka Podcast on Friday, Vivek spoke about how Javed stayed true to the Hindi language in ‘Lagaan’. “Even a man like Javed Akhtar, the bhajans he wrote for Lagaan were pure Hindi. ‘Madhuban mein Radha..’ there is not a single Urdu word in it. Because these were well-read, intelligent people who were tied to the roots of India. He may be a communist, he may fight against the right-wing, it doesn’t matter,” he said. He also praised his films and the characters of angry young men fighting a corrupt system. “All of Javed Akhtar’s heroes, all of them were either a labourer’s son, a teacher’s son and he would fight a dacoit or a mill owner or a zamindar. He would fight a corrupt police inspector or corrupt MLA. In which movie of recent times would you find MLAs, MPs, Police inspectors, IAS officers as the villains? It’s as if India has no issues at all. The only issues are whether you are sleeping with this person or that person. That’s where they have brought Bollywood,” he said.
Karan Johar: Each and every film will be now from Indian cinema F
Amazon miniTV – Amazon’s free video streaming service, today released a fresh new episode of India’s first weekly courtroom comedy reality show, ‘Case Toh Banta Hai’ featuring the talented and effervescent Sara Ali Khan. The Bollywood starlet who is known for posting funny knock-knock and Namaste Darshakon videos on social media, was at her hilarious best as she showcased her comic side with face off with one of the characters on the Duringshow. interrogation, Janta Ka Lawyer, Riteish Deshmukh asked her, “Sara ji vacations aur break ek insaan ke mental aur physical health ke liye kitna important hota hai?” To which Sara Ali Khan replied “Bahut bahut important hota hai, I make sure main saal mein kam se kam do vacations par jaaun aur main ek hafte mein paanch din se zyada kaam nahi karti hoon (It’s very important. I make sure to take at least two vacations in a year and not work more than five days week”.
I make sure to not work more than 5 days a week
In a shocking turn of events, the mega pre-release event of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s ‘Brahmastra’ in Hyderabad’s Film City has been cancelled. The fan event was scheduled to take place from 7:00 pm onwards on Friday. However, the organisers decided to cancel the event at the last moment due to “unforeseen Ascircumstances.”perasource, the organisers did not get the police’s approval. Also, apparently, a political rally planned in the city may also be a reason for the police personnel being stretched. Apart from the film’s cast, Telugu stalwarts SS Rajamouli and Jr NTR were also expected to grace the event.

Raju underimprovement,healthSrivastava’sshowsminorstillobservation

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835316

‘Brahmastra’ pre-release event cancelled

After a tough competition among the six finalists, 14-year-old Mohammad Faiz from Jodhpur turned out to be the winner of ‘Superstar Singer 2’ and lifted the trophy and a cash prize of Rs 15 lakh. His soulful rendition of romantic tracks such as ‘Pehla Nasha’, ‘Kesariya’ and ‘Koi Mil Gaya’ not only impressed the judges but also the special guests, including Bollywood actresses of the yesteryear such as Padmini Kolhapure and Poonam
Bollywood star Ranveer Singh has made his first startup investment in the directto-consumer (D2C) brand SUGAR Cosmetics, the company announced on Saturday. It, however, did not divulge the investment figure. SUGAR Cosmetics started off as a D2C brand in 2015 and then ventured into offline trade in 2017.

TheDhillon.young talents were mentored by Salman Ali (‘Indian Idol 10’ winner), Pawandeep Rajan (‘Indian Idol 12’ winner), Arunita Kanjilal (‘Indian Idol 12’ first runner-up) and Sayli Kamble (‘Indian Idol 12’ second runner-up) and Mohammad Danish (‘Indian Idol 12’ third runner-up).
To celebrate the National Cinema Day on September 16, Swara Bhasker-starrer ‘Jahaan Chaar Yaar’ tickets will cost just Rs. 75 across the country as the Multiplex Association of India (MAI) offers a special price to celebrate cinema.

Ranveer Singh Makes His First Startup Investment In SUGAR Cosmetics
Currently, it is clocking annual sales of more than Rs 550 crore with a physical presence with more than 45,000 retail touch points across the country.
‘If you stay natural and loyal, people will work with you: Shehnaaz Gil B igg Boss 13 GillShehnaazfameisall set to star in not one, but two

Kapil Sharma hosts ‘golden girls’ Kapil Sharma took to Instagram to share photos as he shot for an episode of The Kapil Sharma Show‘s new season. Kapil, who will see seen in an all-new avatar on the show, shared a series of selfies with the ‘Golden Girls’ who made India proud at the recent Commonwealth Games 2022. Sharing the post, Kapil wrote, “It was a pleasure hosting our Golden Girls on #tkss who made the whole Nation proud in CommonWealth Games 2022” He shared the details of each player and wrote, “Pic 1 – @pvsindhu1 gold medal in badminton Pic 2 – #lovelychoubey Gold Medal in Lawn Bowl. Pic 3 – @ zareennikhat Gold Medal in BoxingPic 4 – #ruparanitirkey Gold Medal in Lawn Bowl. Pic 5 – #pinkisingh Gold Medal in Lawn Bowl. Pic 6 – #nayanmonisaikia Gold Medal in Lawn Bowl.”
TheBollywoodbig-ticketfilms.actorwillbeseensharingthescreenwithSalmanKhaninKisiKaBhai,KisiKiJaan,andin100%,alongwithJohnAbraham,RiteishDeshmukhandNoraFatehi.ShehnaazrecentlywalkedtheredcarpetattheFilmfareAwardsheldinMumbai, and spoke about how people who used to make fun of her are now appreciating her work. Talking to Zoom, she said in Hindi, “Times change. Everybody comes with their own luck and things can work out for them in their own way. So, never judge anyone or comment negatively about them, it can backfire on Aboutyou.”making her Bollywood debut soon, Shehnaaz said, “I’ve now entered this industry and now I want to stay here. I think one should always be natural. If you stay natural and loyal, people will work with you because they relate with you.” Spilling the beans on her two upcoming films, one with Salman Khan and other with John Abraham, Shehnaaz shared, “Salman Khan is a big star, he has given me this opportunity, he has opened the doors for me. About my other film, I’d like to thank Sajid Khan… (I’m the) main lead… The film also stars John Abraham and Riteish Deshmukh and Nora Fatehi.”
Kangana Ranaut is a ‘brilliant director’ V eteran Bollywood actor Anupam Kher, who is working with actress Kangana Ranaut in her upcoming directorial ‘Emergency’, has called her a “brilliant director” and shared how the two jammed on the sets of the Duringfilm. a recent media interaction Anupam Kher spoke with RJ Siddharth Kannan about working with Kangana on the film. The actor said: “I recently did a schedule with Kangana and she’s a brilliant director. She would whisper suggestions in my ear that would just leave me Tomesmerised.”whichKangana replied: “Always so kind and gracious.” ‘Emergency’ is Kangana’s second directorial after her 2019 release ‘Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi’, in which she played the titular role of Rani Lakshmi Bai. Like her first directorial, Kangana will be essaying the central character of India’s former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in ‘Emergency’.Thefilmwill unravel the story behind one of the darkest chapters of Independent India’s history when civil rights were curbed and elections were suspended.
The MAI also said that 75 tickets were a ‘thank you’ gesture for moviegoers who contributed to the successful re-opening of cinemas post the pandemic-induced Producerlockdowns.Vinod Bachchan delighted on MAI announcing National Cinema Day on September 16: “I think this is wonderful news for cinema lovers all across the Country. MAIs decision to celebrate national cinema day by offering tickets at Rs. 75 to consumers might bring audiences together to enjoy a day in the theatre.”
17/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022
Veteran Bollywood actor Anupam Kher, who is working with actress Kangana Ranaut in her upcoming directorial ‘Emergency’, has called her a “brilliant director” and shared how the two jammed on the sets of the film.

Kapil Sharma has new family in The Kapil Sharma Show, Srishty Rode is his ‘mohalle ki raunak’ Indian television’s popular comedy show, The Kapil Sharma Show is returning with its new season on September 10. Ahead of its release, the makers introduced the new characters who will be joining host Kapil Sharma in this season. Also, with the new characters, it looks like the entire plot of the show has been revamped. As per the new promo, while Kapil will be playing Kappu Sharma, Sumona Chakravarti will be essaying the role of his wife Bindu. The new comedians, Sidharth Sagar, Gaurav Dubey, Ishteyak Khan and Srikant Maski, who have joined the show, will be seen in different roles, ranging from Kappu’s brother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law to his friend Chandan’s wife Maski.

“I have admired SUGAR’s ability to build a tremendous fan-following over the years and I’m excited to be a part of this journey and help the brand achieve its mission of providing Indian women access to premium and quality makeup products specially formulated for them,” said Singh.
Swara Bhasker’s ‘Jahaan Chaar Yaar’ Tickets To Be Priced At Rs 75

Mohammad Faiz From Jodhpur Bags ‘Superstar Singer 2’ Trophy

The INS Vikrant is 262 metres long and 62 metres wide, making its flight deck bigger than two football fields. The aircraft carrier displaces around 4,3000 tonnes when fully loaded, with a maximum designed speed of 28 knots with endurance of 7,500 nautical miles, which is equivalent to around 14,000 Thekm. 18-floor high ship has close to 2,400 compartments, designed to house 1,600-strong crew. It also has specialised cabins to accommodate women officers and sailors. The aviation hangar is as big as two Olympic-size pools that can accommodate around 20 aircraft. There is a well-equipped kitchen that can serve a diverse menu. It also has a unit that makes 3,000 rotis per hour. Its medical complex has a 16-bed hospital along with modular emergency operation theatre, physiotherapy clinic, Intensive Care Unit, pathology set up, radiology wing with a CT scanner and X-Ray machines, a dental complex, isolation ward and telemedicine Infacilities.itsfully operational mode, the carrier will have an air wing consisting of 30 aircraft comprising of Russian-origin, carrier-capable MiG-29K fighter jets and airborne early warning control helicopter Kamov-31 helicopters, US origin MH-60R multi-role helicopters, in addition to homegrown Advanced Light Helicopters (ALH) and Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) (Navy). Vikrant uses the Short Take Off but Arrested Recovery (STOBAR) model with a skijump for launching aircraft, and a set of three arrester wires for their recovery onboard.
“The induction and reincarnation of Vikrant is not only another step towards strengthening our defence preparedness, but also our humble tribute to the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters for the Independence of the nation and our brave soldiers during the 1971 war.” the Indian Navy has said. Along with the pennant number R11, the newly commissioned INS Vikrant also carries forward the motto of its predecessor – “Jayema Sam Yudhi Sprudhah” – from the Rigveda which means: “I conquer those who fight against me”. But what gives context to this motto is the previous part of this verse in Rigveda which, while addressing Hindu deity Indra, says: “Strengthened by the thunderous weapon given by you, we Whenconquer…”fully operational the mighty aircraft carrier will not just be a strong deterrent but also act as a floating airbase on blue waters and will be a sovereign territory of India in the middle of the oceans. Indigenous design and construction The plan for building an indigenous aircraft carrier started taking shape as the old INS Vikrant neared its decommissioning in the late 1990s. After it was retired, India relied on INS Viraat, which had then been serving the Indian Navy for over 10 years, after its earlier 25 year stint with the Royal Navy as HMS Meantime,Hermes.thedesign and construction of the Indigenous Aircraft Carrier-I (IAC-I) was sanctioned in January 2003. Cochin Shipyard Ltd (CSL), a public sector shipbuilding entity under the Ministry of Shipping, was tasked to build the ship. This was the first warship construction project for the CSL.
The first major milestone for IAC – also referred to as Project 71 (P71) — was ceremonial steel cutting in April 2005. Other ceremonial events followed soon.
In any ship’s life there are four key ceremonial occasions – keel laying, launching, commissioning and Keeldecommissioning.layingceremony originates from the tradition of laying one central timber that forms the backbone of the ship. For modern ships, keel laying is marked by placing the first of the modular components of the ship being placed in the dock. The keel of the IAC-I was laid on February 28, 2009. Launching is when the ship is transferred from the building site into the waters.
The IAC was launched on August 12 in 2013 and by that time, 80% of its structure had been fabricated and all the major machinery including turbines, alternators and gearboxes were installed.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835318 CURRENT AFFAIRS
The INS Vikrant
Milestones along the way
The IAC was launched out into the Ernakulam Channel in a pontoon assisted precision manoeuvre. It was moved out of the building dock to be positioned in the refitting dock where the next phase of outfitting was completed. On June 10, 2015, the IAC was undocked. The equipment, amenities and apparatus onboard
As far as the origin of the word goes, the ‘Vi’ prefix in the Sanskrit word denotes something that is distinctive or extraordinary, and the ‘krant’ suffix means to move or advance in a direction. The word Viraat which means magnanimous, can also be found in the same chapter of Gita in a later verse and is the name of the now decommissioned and dismantled British-origin Centaurclass aircraft carrier of the Indian Navy.
A complete story
The commissioning of India’s first indigenously designed and manufactured aircraft carrier marks a defining moment in the history of the Indian Navy. INS Vikrant, the namesake and a successor to the nation’s beloved first aircraft carrier, will catapult India to a select club of the world’s great Naval powers.
India also joins the elite group of nations – the US, Russia, France, the UK and China – who are capable of designing and constructing aircraft carriers. Also, with a displacement of 43,000 tonnes when fully loaded, INS Vikrant is set to be the seventh largest among the carriers or carrier classes in the world.

T he commissioning of India’s first Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC-1) into the Navy as INS Vikrant marks a defining moment. The first ever aircraft carrier to be indigenously designed and constructed, INS Vikrant will strengthen the country’s standing as a ‘Blue Water Navy’ — a maritime force with global reach and capability to operate over deep seas. With it, India also joins the elite group of nations – the US, Russia, France, the UK and China – who are capable of designing and constructing aircraft carriers. Also, with a displacement of 43,000 tonnes when fully loaded, INS Vikrant is set to be the seventh largest among the carriers or carrier classes in the INSworld.Vikrant, with pennant number R11, was the first-ever aircraft carrier that was operated by the Indian Navy. The ship was officially laid down in 1943, and was being built for the Royal Navy as HMS (Her Majesty’s Ship) Hercules when the constitution was put on hold after World War II ended. Like many other ships at the time, the under-construction HMS Hercules was put up for sale by the United Kingdom, and was purchased by India in 1957. The construction work was completed and the ship was commissioned in the Indian Navy as INS Vikrant in 1961. The ship operated its aircraft fleet with a catapult assisted system and ski-jump during its Comparedservice.tothe new INS Vikrant, the old one had less than half its displacement and was over 210 metres in length against 260 metres of the present one. R11 saw significant action during the 1971 war with Pakistan when it led the Naval blockade of East Pakistan.
The ship was decommissioned in 1997 after 36 years of service. Over the next 15 years, it was preserved as a museum ship before being finally sold to be dismantled. Onward: The name, the motto, pennant number and the spirit The Sanskrit word Vikrant, which means courageous, finds its origins in various scriptures including the Bhagwad Gita. The sixth shloka in the first chapter of the Gita, while describing the valour of some Generals from the army of Pandavas, uses the adjective ‘Vikrant’.
They are also trying to retrieve data from a chip assembled in the vehicle - similar to a black box, officials said.
The car tried to overtake another vehicle from the wrong side when it hit a road divider on a bridge over the Surya river at Charoti Naka, police had said yesterday.

Liz Truss Defeats Rishi Sunak To Become New UK PM Liz Truss, 47, campaigned on a platform of slashing taxes and worked.ministryparticularlybureaucraticbulldozing“orthodoxy”,inthefinancewheresheonce
It appears that the driver lost control of the car, which was speeding, and this led to the accident, they added.
Bengaluru: Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommai has assured IT companies about a discussion on the estimated loss of ₹ 225 crore due to rain and waterlogging in Bengaluru.He said that he will discuss the damages and compensation due to rain and waterlogging in the state capital.

CBI officer pressured to frame me in false case, committed suicide: Sisodia
with Jehangir Pandole, Anahita Pandole and Darius Pandole, when the accident took place at around 2.30 pm on Sunday.
Cyrus Mistry was travelling from Gujarat’s Udwada to Mumbai along
Mr Shah, sources said, had accused the former Maharashtra Chief Minister of being responsible for the split in his party and the subsequent events. His “greed”, Mr Shah said, was the reason a section of his party had turned against him, brushing off any BJP hand in the rebellion by Eknath Shinde and the subsequent toppling of the Maha Vikas Aghadi government headed by Mr UddhavThackeray.Thackeray, Mr Shah said, had not only betrayed the BJP but also “betrayed the ideology and also insulted the mandate of the people of Maharashtra”.
Uddhav Thackeray Needs To Be Taught A Lesson: Amit Shah

“We will call the IT companies and speak with them related to the issues that they are facing due to waterlogging. We’ll also discuss the compensation and other related damages that have been caused due to rain,” Mr Bommai told ANI.
Karnataka Chief Minister To Discuss Rs. 225 Crore
Mumbai: Shiv Sena’s Uddhav Thackeray has betrayed the BJP and must be “taught a lesson”, Union home minister and the BJP’s chief strategist Amit Shah said at a meeting of party leaders in Mumbai today. “We can tolerate anything in politics but not betrayal,” sources quoted Mr Shah as saying at the meeting.
A special court here on Monday extended Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut’s judicial custody by another 14 days in a money laundering case linked to alleged irregularities in the redevelopment of a Mumbai ‘chawl’.

Raut extendedcustody
Cyrus Mistry’s funeral on Tuesday morning in Mumbai Mumbai, Sep 5 (IANS) The funeral of Cyrus P. Mistry, a scion of the Shapoorji Pallonji Group and former Chairman of Tata Group, shall be held here on Tuesday morning, his family said here.The last rites of Mistry, 54, who was killed in a road accident in Palghar on Sunday afternoon, shall be performed at the Worli Crematorium at 11 a.m. Tuesday, the family said.
The curtain airbags did not open for Cyrus Mistry and Jahangir Pandole because they both were not wearing the seat belts, officials said.
Anahita Pandole, a Mumbai-based gynecologist, was driving the car, a Mercedes. Jehangir Pandole, who was sitting next to Mr Mistry in the back seat, also died in the accident, while Anahita Pandole and her husband Darius Pandole were seriously injured.

New Delhi, Sep 5 (IANS) Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Monday alleged that a Deputy Legal advisor of anti-corruption branch of Central Bureau of Investigation committed suicide two days ago because he was under pressure to frame me in false case. “A CBI officer committed suicide two days earlier. It has come to know that the officerJitendra Kumar - was the Deputy Legal Adviser in the Anti-Corruption Branch of the CBI. He was looking after the legality of the fake FIR against me. He was being pressurised to approve the arrest by making a case against me in an illegal way,” Sisodia said in a press briefing here.
19/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Mumbai: Former Tata Sons chairman Cyrus Mistry, who died in a car accident on Sunday, was not wearing a seat belt, early investigations reveal according to police sources.

Loss to IT Companies Due To Rain
Amit Shah had accused the former Maharashtra Chief Minister, Uddhav Thackeray of being responsible for the split in his party and the subsequent events.
Rahul promises waiver of farm loans of up to Rs 3 lakh

It appears that the driver lost control of the car, which was speeding, and this led to the accident, sources said.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Monday promised loan waiver of up to Rs 3 lakh to farmers of Gujarat, LPG cylinder at Rs 500 instead of Rs 1,000, free electricity to farmers and up to 300 units of free power to general consumers if his party comes to power in the state. Addressing the Congress’s booth-level workers at the ‘Parivartan Sankalp Rally’ at the Sabarmati riverfront in Ahmedabad, Gandhi made a host of promises to people of Gujarat, where the Assembly polls are due later this year.
The police are analysing the footage captured by the CCTV cameras near the spot and the car is being investigated to ascertain if it had any mechanical issues.
News Breif
New Delhi: Liz Truss was named as the UK’s next Prime Minister today, winning an internal leadership contest of the ruling Conservative party at a time when the country faces an industrial unrest and a recession. She beat her rival, former finance minister Rishi Sunak, by 81,326 votes to 60,399, after a summer-long often bad-tempered and divisive party leadership contest sparked by Boris Johnson’s resignation in July. “We need to show that we will deliver over the next two years. I will deliver a bold plan to cut taxes and grow our economy,” Truss said after the result was announced.
Cyrus Mistry Was In Back Seat, Wasn’t Wearing Seat Belt: Sources

Zed urged Naperville Community Unit School District 203 Superintendent Dan Bridges and Board President Kristin Fitzgerald; and Indian Prairie School District 204 Superintendent Dr. Adrian Talley and Board President Laurie Donahue; to work towards adding Diwali as an official holiday in their schools in Naperville; and persuading the Naperville private, charter, parochial schools to follow. He also sought the wholehearted support of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet Bishop Ronald Hicks on this issue.

Rajan Zed indicated that holiday on Diwali in Naperville schools would be a step in the positive direction in view of the reported presence of a substantial number of Hindu students; as it was important to meet the religious and spiritual needs of Hindu pupils.

Dozens Of Shootings, Eight WeekendDuringHomicidesLaborDayInChicago
Religious Statesman Rajan Zed Honored
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835320 COMMUNITY NEWS HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
CHICAGO, IL- Shiv purana katha held in the presence of Pujya Swami Keval Anand Saraswati from August 21 to August 27, 2022 at Sri Jalaram Mandir in Hoffman Estates, a town near Chicago. More than 500 Jalaram devotees benefited from this story every day. Shri Sanjaybhai and Manjulaben Vora, Shri Manishbhai and Smitaben Patel as main hosts and Shri Bakulbhai and Ranjanben Thakkar and Shri Sanghani served as co-hosts in Shiva Purana Katha. Seven days prasad service from Mr. Kantibhai and Induben and donation of groceries for seven days from Nirav Grocery Store. More than 500 devotees benefited from Katha Sravana every day during the seven days of Katha. Excellent food and prasad arrangements were made by Sri Jalaram Mandir for all the devotees during the seven days. Prasad were distributed after the katha time. During the katha excellent seating arrangements were provided by the volunteers of Sri Jalaram Mandir, Pujya Sri Kevalananda Saraswati told how to lead the life to Shiva in a wonderful way and the events of Shivaji’s life like Shiva Vivah, Krishna Janmhotsav and Kartike’s Janmhotsav were celebrated. At the beginning of the story, the children of Sri Jalaram Mandir Balvihara briefly described the day ahead, on the day of the completion of the story, the narrator Sri Kevalananda Saraswati performed a farewell pooja to Pothiji. and given protection and prasad. A gift of Rudraksha bearing Lord Shiva to the host by Sri Jalaram Temple. At the end of the program, Shri Rajubhai Thakkar, President of Shri Jalaram Mandir thanked Photo/Video Journalist Shri Jayanthi Oza of Chicago News Media for providing seven days of live broadcast on Facebook and photography services.

‘Shiva Purana Katha’ Organized By Sri Jalaram Mandir Chicago

NAPERVILLE, IL -Hindus are urging all Naperville (Illinois) public, private, charter, parochial schools to close on their most popular festival Diwali; which falls on October 24 this year. Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada today, said that it was simply not fair with Hindu pupils in Naperville schools as they had to be at school on their most popular festival, while schools were closed around other religious days. Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, stated that since it was vital for Hindu families to celebrate Diwali day together at home with their children; closing schools on Diwali would ensure that and would also display how respectful and accommodating these schools were to their Rajanfaith.Zed indicated that holiday on Diwali in Naperville schools would be a step in the positive direction in view of the reported presence of a substantial number of Hindu students; as it was important to meet the religious and spiritual needs of Hindu pupils. If schools had declared holidays around other religious days, why not Diwali, Zed asked. Holidays of all major religions should be honored and no one should be penalized for practicing their religion, Zed added. Rajan Zed suggested both the school districts (which have jurisdiction over Naperville public schools) and all private, charter, parochial schools in Naperville; to seriously look into declaring Diwali as an official holiday; thus recognizing the intersection of spirituality and education. Zed noted that awareness about ‘other’ religions thus created by such holidays like Diwali would make their students well-nurtured, well-balanced, and enlightened citizens of tomorrow.
CHICAGO, IL – eight homicides and dozens of shootings over the Labor Day weekend, according to preliminary reports by law Sixenforcement.ofthehomicides involved firearms, while one was a stabbing and one victim was fatally struck by a vehicle as he walked on a sidewalk. Shortly after midnight on Sunday morning, a 29-year-old male was shot and killed during an argument in a home on the South Side. Chicago police are also investigating the death of a 22-year-old male who was run over by a sedan on a sidewalk on Sunday morning as a homicide. Dozens of other shootings have also left victims wounded in Chicago through Sunday evening. Last year, 797 people were murdered in Chicago, which was 25 more than 2020 and the most since 1996, according to police data. Despite the violence over Labor Day weekend, homicides are down about 16% this year to 444, as of Aug. 28.
Rajan Zed receiving Chief’s Commendation Award from RPD Deputy Chief Zachary Thew RENO, NV-Religious statesman Rajan Zed was presented with “Chief’s Commendation Award” by Reno Police ZedDepartment.wasconferred with this special award for “his contributions in the diverse faith communities of Northern Nevada and putting the City of Reno on the world map with his peacebuilding Reverendefforts”.

Father Stephen R. Karcher, Presiding Priest of Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church, honored Rajan Zed with “Interfaith Peace & Leadership Award” for his commitment and initiatives contributing to nurturing interfaith understanding and peace among communities. Bishop Luther James DuPree Junior of Rehoboth Holy Temple Church of God in Christ presented a testimonial to Zed, describing him as “Global Religious ReverendStatesman.Dawn M. Blundell, President of Fallon Community Interfaith Group and a Senior Pastor at Epworth United Methodist Church in Fallon, presented Rajan Zed with Certificate of Appreciation “for leadership and commitment to interfaith work in rural Nevada communities”. Nevada Metherd of Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Reno presented an appreciation testimonial. Rajan Zed, who had been bestowed with “World Interfaith Leader Award”; is the President of Universal Society of Hinduism, Senior Fellow and Religious Advisor to Foundation for Religious Diplomacy. He is on the Advisory Board of Interfaith Peace Project, Interfaith Relations Officer of Nevada Interfaith Association.
Hindus Press For Diwali Holiday In Naperville Schools

Around noon yesterday, RGV agents investigated a residence in San Benito suspected of harboring noncitizens. Agents apprehended six migrants, all illegally present in the U.S. No caretaker was identified.
21/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022 COMMUNITY NEWS HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Apology For Bulldozer Display
Early this morning, MCS agents observed subjects load into a KIA near the Rio Grande in Hidalgo and depart the area. Agents located the vehicle and attempted to initiate a vehicle stop. The driver failed to yield and led agents on a vehicle pursuit. The vehicle stopped in an open field near Military Highway and the occupants bailed out. Agents apprehended three subjects. The driver was not located. Border Patrol processed all subjects accordingly.
Vattikuti RoboticLaunchesFoundationBestSurgeryGlobalCompetition
In the letter, the association addressing Mayors of Edison and Woodbridge says, “Dear Mayors Joshi and McCormac, We are writing to offer our sincere apologies for certain aspects of our 2022 Indian Independence Day parade that reflected poorly on our organization and offended the Indian American minority groups, specially Muslims.” The letter also says, “Unfortunately there was a bulldozer among the floats in the parade which is a divisive image that did not reflect our mission. Earlier Samip Joshi the mayor of Edison, NJ criticized the inclusion of bulldozer, Edison town council president Joyce Ship-Freeman and council member Margot Harris both had criticized the usage of bulldozer.
Dr. Lokesh Tantuwaya, 55, (Photo courtesy: Tri-city Medical Centre) Dr. Lokesh Tantuwaya, 55, pleaded guilty for performing spinal surgeries at corrupt hospital SAN DIEGO, CA- An Indian American neurosurgeon pleaded guilty to a federal criminal charge for accepting approximately $3.3 million in bribes for performing spinal surgeries at a now-defunct Long Beach hospital whose owner later was imprisoned for committing a massive workers’ compensation system scam. Lokesh Tantuwaya, 55, of San Diego, pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit honest services fraud and to violate the federal Anti-Kickback statute. He has been in federal custody since May 2021 after he was found to have violated the terms of his pretrial release. According to his plea agreement and statements at today’s change-of-plea hearing, from 2010 to 2013, Tantuwaya accepted money from Michael Drobot, who owned Pacific Hospital in Long Beach, in exchange for Tantuwaya performing spinal surgeries at that hospital. The bribe amount varied depending on the type of spinal surgery. Pacific Hospital specialized in surgeries, especially spinal and orthopedic procedures. Drobot conspired with doctors, chiropractors and marketers to pay kickbacks and bribes in return for the referral of thousands of patients to Pacific Hospital for spinal surgeries and other medical services paid for primarily through the California workers’ compensation system. During its final five years, the scheme resulted in the submission of more than $500 million in medical bills for spine surgeries involving kickbacks. Tantuwaya entered into contracts with Drobot and Drobot-owned companies. Tantuwaya admitted in his plea agreement that he knew or deliberately was ignorant that the payments were being given to him in exchange for bringing his patient surgeries to Pacific InHospital.furtherance of the scheme, Tantuwaya met with Drobot and Drobot’s employees. Tantuwaya further admitted to depositing bribe checks into his bank Tantuwayaaccounts. admitted that he knew the receipt of money in exchange for the referral of medical service was illegal and that he owed a fiduciary duty to his patients to not accept money in exchange for taking their surgeries to Pacific Hospital. In total, Tantuwaya received approximately $3.3 million in illegal Inpayments.April2013, law enforcement searched Pacific Hospital, which was sold later that year, bringing the kickback scheme to an end. To date, 23 defendants have been convicted for participating in the kickback scheme. United States District Judge Josephine L. Staton scheduled a December 9 sentencing hearing, at which time Tantuwaya will face a statutory maximum sentence of five years in federal prison. The FBI, IRS Criminal Investigation, United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General, and the California Department of Insurance investigated this matter.

On August 31, RGV agents received information of possible noncitizens attempting to board a private plane at the South Texas International Airport in Edinburg. Upon arrival, Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) troopers requested assistance with two vehicle pursuits that was initiated at the airport. Both vehicles eventually came to a stop, where multiple people were observed fleeing into the nearby brush. Agents arrested 13 noncitizens from the Dominican Republic and El Salvador. During the pursuit, a DPS vehicle was struck by one of the fleeing vehicles. DPS took custody of both drivers and vehicles.Laterthat evening, McAllen Border Patrol Station (MCS) agents responded to a report of a suspicious Ford F250 near the Rio Grande in Los Ebanos. A Texas Constable working Operation StoneGarden encountered the truck and two subjects after the truck was immobilized in sand. Responding agents arrested four noncitizens in the brush running from the vehicle toward the Rio Grande. Edinburg Police Department officers arrived and took custody of the stolen vehicle and two U.S. citizens to face state charges.
A DPS pilot was hit by an SUV as migrants were trying to flee the area. (Texas DPS) EDINBURG, TX – Rio Grande Valley Sector (RGV) Border Patrol agents made 30 arrests from four migrant smuggling events. Agents interdicted a smuggling event at an airport and recovered a stolen vehicle.

Indian Origin Neurosurgeon Faces 5 Years In Federals Prison For Taking $3.3 Million In Bribes
Smugglers Attempt To Use Airplane To Smuggle Migrants
Indian Business Association Issues
The “KS National Robotic Surgery Video” competition has been organized in India since 2015 and is international for the first time this year. “The global healthcare system has benefited from the Vattikuti Foundation’s library of award-winning robotic surgery videos from India, and we wanted to enrich this library with international experiences. For the 2022 competition, the foundation is pleased that the number of submissions in the past has quadrupled,” said Dr. Mahendra Bhandari, CEO of the Vattikuti Foundation. The international jury to select the winners includes robotic surgeons Dr. David Neal, Professor of Surgical Oncology, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences at the University of Oxford, UK; dr Sherry M. Wren, Vice Chair and Professor of Surgery, Stanford University, USA, and Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Professor of Urology and Associate Dean, AIIMS, New Delhi.

NEW JERSEY- The Indian Business Association has issued an apology for parading a bulldozer during India’s Independence Day parade in the United States’ New Jersey held on August 14.
DETROIT, MI – As robotic surgery slowly becomes mainstream, US-based robotic surgery evangelist The Vattikuti Foundation announced on September 10 a unique video competition for robotic surgeons from around the world to be judged by an international panel of judges is Oxford and Stanford Universities and AIIMS based in New Delhi. From around 100 submissions, the three best winning videos from the fields of urology, gynaecology, general surgery, hepato-gallbladder-pancreas surgery, bowel, head and neck, pediatric and joint replacement surgery will be announced.

Vedant Patel took the briefing room in the headquarters of the US State Department to represent the country on foreign policy issues before the media.

UMSCM Marks Patotsav & India’s Independence Day

Celebration of Daslakshana Festival Held in Presence of Acharya Lokeshji in Canada
Pili Tobar, former White House deputy communications director said: “It’s so great to see Vedant Patel at the podium”.
CHICAGO, IL: Umiya Mataji Sanstha Chicago Midwest (UMSCM) hosted Third Annual Patotsav, held at Umiya Mata Mandir at West Chicago, IL, recently. The four-day festival included recital of Bhagwat Parayan and a cultural program to commemorate India’s Independence Day. Bhagwat Katha was started on August 11 with Pothi Yatra and Kalash Yatra. All the devotees of the organization enthusiastically participated. Next day, the aarti of Lord Krishna was performed followed by the Mahaprasad. On Aug 13th, a beautiful description of Lord Krishna in Gokul and how Lord Krishna married Mata Rukamani was narrated. The final day saw a mahayagna. India’s Independence Day was celebrated with 15 different performances. “Poojantray’’ a book in Sanskrit, Gujarati and English authored & published by Umiya Mataji Sansthan was released.
Revered Acharya Dr Lokeshji, the founder of Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti and World Peace Center who came from India said that the Dasalakshana Mahaparva has great spiritual significance in Jainism, it is a special festival of self-realization, selfpurification

17 Indians caught while crossing into US illegally
New York: Seventeen Indians were among a group of 100 migrants apprehended while illegally climbing over a fence into the US at a border post in California, the authorities said. The San Diego Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended a group of 100 migrants from Africa, Asia, and South America around 2 am on Tuesday. They were caught climbing over the fence a half mile east of Border Field State Park, the US Customs and Border Protection agency said. All were transported to a nearby station, where they were medically evaluated and cleared by medical personnel. The group comrising 79 single adults, 18 family unit members, and three unaccompanied juveniles, were determined to be citizens of 12 countries, including Somalia (37), India (17), Afghanistan (6), Pakistan (4), and Brazil (3). Of the 1,45,618 migrants apprehended in San Diego Sector for the 2022 fiscal, 44,444 consisted of migrants coming from countries other than Mexico.

Acharya Lokeshji World Peace Center who came from India said that the Dasalakshana Mahaparva has great spiritual significance in Jainism, it is a special festival of self-realization, self-purification. On this occasion lakhs of Jains spread across the country and the world worship Daslakshana Mahaparva. During this time, all the religious people try to develop themselves by doing spiritual rituals like penance, meditation, self-cultivation, chanting, silence etc. to free their souls from karmic bondage. It is noteworthy that even before this, Paryushan festival has been organized in presence of Acharya Lokeshji many times in England, Singapore, Malaysia, AcharyaAmerica. Lokeshji said that despite the extreme materialistic development, the attraction towards spirituality is increasing in western countries like Canada. He said that materialistic resources can only provide means of happiness but peace of mind cannot be obtained from them. Acharya Lokeshji said that happiness and peace are not related to matter and situation, but to our state of mind. Knowledge and yoga are infallible weapons for peace of Acharyamind. Lokesh said that people’s attraction towards Indian culture based on sacrifice and restraint proves that spirituality is the only path to inner peace. A person can lead a healthy, happy and blissful life by adopting the moderation based lifestyle as propounded by Lord Mahavir.
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Vedant Patel becomes first IndianAmerican to hold daily US State dept press conference
Vedant Patel, the Principal Deputy Spokesperson for the US Department of State, has created history by becoming the first Indian-American to hold the daily State Department news conference that his fellow colleagues said did with the utmost professionalism and clear Withcommunication.StateDepartment Spokesperson Ned Price on vacation, the 33-year-old Patel from California on Tuesday took the briefing room in the Foggy Bottom headquarters of the State Department to represent the country on foreign policy issues before the media. During his briefing, Patel covered topics ranging from Russia’s unlawful invasion of Ukraine, negotiations around the JCPOA and Liz Truss becoming the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. His next in-person briefing is scheduled for VedantWednesday.Patelmade an impressive debut from the podium. “Kudos to” Vedant Patel on his podium debut, tweeted Matt Hill, senior Associate Communications Director at the White House. “Representing the United States on the world stage is a huge responsibility, and Vedant did it with the utmost professionalism and clear communication,” Hill said.
“Congrats my friend on an amazing debut,” she tweeted. Patel, who was born in Gujarat, is a graduate from the University of California, Riverside, and previously served as an Assistant Press Secretary and Spokesperson for President Biden in The White House. Prior to that he served as a spokesperson on the Presidential Inaugural Committee and the Biden-Harris Transition. He also held communications positions on the Biden Campaign both in the primary and general election.
Vedant Patel has created history by becoming the first Indian-American to hold the daily State Department news conference. (Twitter/@MattHill46)
VANCOUVER, CANADA- The most important festival of Jainism Dasalakshana Parv has started in Vancouver, Canada from August 31 in the presence of eminent Jainacharya Dr. Lokeshji, which will continue till September 10. Mr. Vijay Jain, President and Mr. Rajat Jain, Vice-President of Center Greater B. C. Vancouver told that during this time, alongwith worship of Lord in temple, discourses and solutions to curiosity on ten religions will be done by Acharya Dr. Lokeshji. There is tremendous enthusiasm among the devotees, especially among the youth, regarding the Dasalakshana Mahaparv under the guidance of Dr. Lokeshji in Canada for the first time. Revered Acharya Dr Lokeshji, the founder of Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti and
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835322 COMMUNITY NEWS
TRS hits back at FM with PM’s pictures on LPG cylinders

Naseeruddin Shah and Javed Akhtar as agents of Tukde-Tukde gang - a pejorative term coined by supporters of the BJP to target its critics. The Madhya Pradesh minister accused the two actors and the lyricist of only being vocal about issues in BJP-ruled states. “People like Shabana Azmi, Naseeruddin Shah and Javed Akhtar are the agents of sleeper cell of TukdeTukde gang who create ruckus only on incidents that happen in BJP-ruled states,” Mr Mishra said. Ms Azmi has been very vocal about the Bilkis Bano case in which the convicts were freed by the Gujarat government, 15 years after they were jailed. “I have no words (for Bilkis Bano) except that I am deeply ashamed. I have no other words,” Ms Azmi had said.
“I wouldn’t be Serena if there wasn’t Venus. So thank you, Venus. She is the only reason Serena Williams ever existed. It all started with my parents, they deserve everything. I am so grateful to them. These are happy tears, I guess,” Serena 23-timesaid.Grand Slam winner Serena Williams crashed out of the ongoing US Open on Friday after going down in the third round to Croatia’s Ajla Tomljanovic. Regarded one of the greatest players to ever play the sport, Serena went down 5-7, 7-6, 1-6 in the third round.
News Breif
Nitish Kumar’s Opposition Unity Call For 2024 After BJP’s Manipur Coup
“It exposes their bad mentality,” said Madhya Pradesh minister Narottam Mishra

AAP’s Arvind Kejriwal has been on an all-out campaign in Gujarat to dislodge the BJP from the state that it has ruled for 24 years.

Narendra Modi’s photo at a PDS shop, supporters of Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) on Saturday pasted Modi’s posters on LPG cylinders. The posters put up on cooking gas cylinders carried Modi’s photographs along with price of each cylinder Rs 1,105.TheTRS took the jibe at the Prime Minister over the massive hike in the price of cooking gas during the last eight years.
New Delhi: A day after five of six MLAs of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s Janata Dal (United) in Manipur joined the ruling BJP, a war of words over each other’s political decimation has ensued between the former coalition partners.

“Shabana Azmi, Naseeruddin Shah Sleeper Cell Of...’”: Minister
AAP Winning 7 Of 12 Seats In Surat: Arvind Kejriwal Warns Of “Anger”
The Madhya Pradesh minister accused the two actors and the lyricist of only being vocal about issues in BJP-ruled states. HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra on Saturday termed film personalities Shabana Azmi,
“The people of Surat are very angry ever since the attack. We have done a survey in Surat and found that AAP is winning seven out of 12 seats,” he said, announcing that he would be performing an ‘aarti’ this evening at the Ganesh pandal in Surat where Mr Sorathiya was attacked.
A war of words over each other’s political decimation has ensued between the former coalition partners.
India, US developing strong relationship: India’s ambassador to US India and the United States (US) were developing a close relationship in as many as five key areas which could be helpful for both the nations, said Indian ambassador to the United States (US) Taranjit Singh Sandhu during his visit to Amritsar here on Saturday. Amritsar, Sep 3 (IANS) India and the United States (US) were developing a close relationship in as many as five key areas which could be helpful for both the nations, said Indian ambassador to the United States (US) Taranjit Singh Sandhu during his visit to Amritsar here on Sandhu,Saturday.who hails from Amritsar, paid obeisance at Golden Temple and visited Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) head office Teja Singh Samundri Hall, named after his grandfather Teja Singh Samundri. He said both India and the US were developing a strong and close relationship in areas of defence and strategic affairs, healthcare, energy including the environment, climate change, solar and battery technology, IT, digital startup and innovation etc.

Covishield vax death case: Bombay HC issues notices to Centre, Bill Gates, SII Mumbai, Sep 3 (IANS) The Bombay High Court has issued notices to the Serum Institute of India (SII), Pune, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and the Centre in a case filed by an Aurangabad man alleging that his medico daughter died due to the side-effects of the Covishield vaccine and sought Rs 1,000-crore as compensation.

23/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Bihar BJP MP and Nitish Kumar’s former long time deputy Sushil Kumar Modi last night taunted the JD(U) over its MLA switching sides, and said the party will collapse in Bihar as well very soon.“After Arunachal, Manipur is also JDU free. Very soon Laluji will make Bihar also JDU free,” he tweeted in Hindi. Mr Kumar’s close aide and JD(U) national President Rajiv Ranjan Singh then hit back, asking Mr Modi not to “daydream” and dared him that the BJP would be wiped out in 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
New project on twin towers’ site Realty firm Supertech Ltd, which incurred a loss of about Rs 500 crore from the demolition of its twin towers, wants to develop a new housing project at the same place and it will seek refund of land cost and other expenses if authorities do not approve the plan, its Chairman R K Arora said. The nearly 100-metre-tall twin towers, Apex and Ceyane were demolished at 2.30 pm on August 28 as per a Supreme Court order that found their construction within Emerald Court premises in violation of norms.
“This is the kind of attack you do when you’re losing. The BJP is anxious about defeat. I want to tell them, that till now you were dealing with the Congress, but we are not Congress. We believe in Sardar Patel and Bhagat Singh. We are not afraid, we will fight,” Mr Kejriwal said.
The petitioner is Dilip Lunawat, who has contended that his daughter Snehal Lunawat, 33, who was also a Senior Lecturer at the SMBT Dental College & Hospital in Nashik, was compelled to take the vaccine along with all other healthworkers there. Dilip Lunawat said that his daughter was assured that the vaccines were completely safe and posed no risks/threats to her body, and attached his daughter vaccine certificate, and how she died on March 1, 2021, due to the alleged side-effects of the Covishield vaccine.
“...If There Wasn’t Venus”: Emotional Serena Williams
Ahmedabad: The BJP is anxious about losing Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s home state in the elections later this year, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Saturday, claiming that people were “very angry” about the “rising hooliganism” demonstrated by a recent attack on an Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) “Sixleader.crore people of Gujarat who learning about the attack on Manoj Sorathiya are very angry. They cracked his head in front of God. This is not the culture of our country. This is not Hindu culture. This is not the culture of Gujarat,” the AAP chief said at a news conference in Rajkot.

Liz Truss Set To Become UK PM
Australia will increase its permanent immigration numbers by 35,000 to 195,000 as it looks to shift its focus toward long-term migrants
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835324 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Kochi, Sep 2 (IANS) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday commissioned the INS Vikrant, India’s first indigenously-built aircraft carrier, at the Cochin Shipyard Limited here. After the unveiling, the Prime Minister said India has now joined the select club of nations who have developed indigenous aircraft carriers. Addressing the commissioning ceremony, Modi said: “INS Vikrant is a floating airfield, a floating town... and the power generated in it can light up 5,000 houses, while the cables can run to Kashi from Kochi.” He said that the carrier’s deck is the size of two football fields and its an example of the government’s aim to make India self-reliant even in the defence sector.
New Delhi: Activist Teesta Setalvad, in jail since June over allegations of “a conspiracy to destabilise the Gujarat government after the 2002 riots”, today got interim bail from the Supreme Court, which said the police had already got enough time to interrogate her. The court’s tone was consistent with its comments yesterday, when it said there is “no offence in this case over court which bail cannot be granted”, that too when “she is a lady”. She’d gone to the Gujarat High Court, which on August 3 posted her plea to six weeks later — something the top court didn’t particularly appreciate in its order today.

The Prime Minister said that despite the security of the Indo-Pacific region is “our priority, but in the past it was Modiignored”.also unveiled the new Naval Ensign, doing away with the colonial past and befitting the rich Indian maritime heritage.
Shivamurthy Murugha Sharanaru, 64, heads the Murugha Math, one of the key Lingayat seminaries. Two minor girls have accused him of rape and a case was filed six days ago
Bengaluru: Shivamurthy Murugha Sharanaru, a religious leader of Karnataka’s politically powerful Lingayat community, who was arrested yesterday over rape allegations, has been sent to police custody for four days by a local court. He was taken to the court this evening on a wheelchair from the intensive care unit of a hospital in Chitradurga, 200 km from Bengaluru, where he got admitted this morning due to health complications. The police had sought to keep the seer for five days for questioning. The court criticised the police for not informing it that the seer has been shifted to a hospital from the jail. It told the jail authorities to give the medical reports.
News Breif
The result of the summer-long campaign pitting the foreign secretary against former chancellor Rishi Sunak will be announced on Monday.

“Indian Naval flags carried a sign of slavery which has been replaced with a new one inspired by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj... The new Naval Ensign draws inspiration from the seal of great Indian emperor Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. It depicts steadfastness, the octagonal shape represents the eight directions symbolising the Navy’s multidirectional reach,” he added.
The police will have to ensure medical care to the seer in their custody, and he should be taken to hospital only if his health condition worsens, the court said.Another accused, Rashmi, has been arrested and three more are on the run.

Washington, Sep 2 (IANS) Global coffee chain Starbucks has named Indian-born Laxman Narasimhan its next Narasimhan,CEO. who currently heads health and hygiene company Reckitt, will join Starbucks in October and take over from its iconic interim CEO Howard Shultz in April. Narasimhan joins the growing ranks of Indian-descent CEOs heading leading US corporate giants. No relief for Indian students waiting to join Canadian universities, visa delays continue New Delhi, Sep 2 (IANS) India, with regard to the problems faced by college students enrolled in Canadian universities, said that New Delhi has taken up the matter with Canada to make sure that students are not affected and that the country will continue to take measures to assist Indian students who would like to go abroad to study.
Australia will increase its permanent immigration numbers by 35,000 to 195,000 in the current financial year as
262 metres long and 62 metres wide, INS Vikrant is the largest warship to be built in India. It can have 30 aircraft on board and a crew of nearly 1,600.
it looks to shift its focus toward longterm migrants, bringing some relief for businesses battling widespread staff Australiashortages.closed its borders for about two years during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic but those strict rules and an exodus of holiday workers and foreign students left businesses struggling to find staff and keep their businesses afloat.
Australia Increases Permanent Migration Visas To End Talent Crunch
Rape-Accused Karnataka Seer Gets 4-Day Custody, Went To Court In Wheelchair
PM commissions India’s 1st indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant

London: After a gruelling nationwide tour, a dozen hustings and three televised debates, Liz Truss appears poised to take over as the UK’s next prime minister heading into the close of voting by Conservative party members on Friday. The result of the summer-long campaign pitting the foreign secretary against former chancellor Rishi Sunak will be announced on Monday, before Prime Minister Boris Johnson formally tenders his resignation to Queen Elizabeth II the next day. Postal and online voting by the estimated 200,000 Tory members began in early August, a month after Johnson announced his resignation, and concludes at 5:00 pm (1600 GMT).Truss enjoys overwhelming support over Sunak in polling of the members.

Indian-born CEONarasimhanLaxmanisnewofStarbucks
Activist Teesta Setalvad Gets Bail In “Gujarat Conspiracy” Case From Supreme Court
Mushfiqur fromannouncesRahimretirementT20Is

Only Dhoni texted me after I left Test captaincy: Virat Kohli
An emotional Serena Williams suffered a third-round loss to Ajla Tomljanovic in the US Open, which might have been the last singles match of her glittering career.

Ahmedabad, (IANS): Union home minister Amit Shah on Saturday declared that the city of Ahmedabad would soon be developed into the biggest sports city in the world. Speaking at the unveiling function of the anthem and mascot for the 36th National Games at the EKA Arena, TransStadia here in Ahmedabad, Shah, said: “Ten years ago, when Modiji was the chief minister here, he started the Khel Mahakumbh. At that time Gujarat was nowhere in sports on the global “Now,map. we have the Narendra Modi Stadium, the largest stadium in the world, and very soon we will have the world’s biggest sports city too,” Shah said, addressing over 10,000 people at the majestic venue. The Home Minister, who is also the MP from Gandhi Nagar, led a power-packed audience at the glittering curtainfunction, including Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Anurag Thakur. The country’s grandest sporting extravaganza will take place in six cities of Gujarat, from September 29 to October 12. “Once upon a time, we Gujjus were mostly seen as just businessmen. But Modiji started Khel Mahakumbh 11 years back and that event has become so big that as many as 55 lakh youngsters took part in this edition. We even offered a whopping Rs 29 crore as prize money to the winners,” Gujarat chief minister Bhupendra Patel said. “We are delighted that the National Games are back after 7 years and this one will be the biggest and grandest ever,” Union Sports Minister Anurag Thakur said. “It normally takes years to organise an event of this scale but Gujarat did this in less than three months. It is all thanks to the efforts of the CM, with IOA supporting our initiative in a big way. Over 12,000 athletes, officials and support stage will enjoy not only the sporting extravaganza but also the Garba here,” he added.

Stylish batter Virat Kohli recalled the time when he left Test captaincy in January 2022 after the series against South Africa and said that former Indian skipper MS Dhoni was the only person who texted him after his decision. “When I left Test captaincy, I received a text from only one person that I have played with earlier, and that is MS Dhoni,” Kohli said in a media interaction after the Asia Cup match between India and Pakistan on Sunday. “Many people have my contact number, and there are many people who keep giving suggestions on TV, but I didn’t receive a message from any of them. So when a connection with any person is genuine enough, it comes out in such a manner, because there is a sense of security on both sides.
Extremely determined to play in FIH Hockey Pro League again: Gurjit Kaur

With tears in her eyes, Serena running the full gamut of emotions, managed to bring a smile to her face while talking to the tournament official after the match. “Thank you, Daddy,” Serena says. “I know you’re watching.”
Ravindra Jadeja could miss World Cup; spotlight on Axar Patel Ravindra Jadeja is all but out of the T20 World Cup, starting next month in Australia, after sustaining a knee injury which might require surgery to cure. Axar Patel is Jadeja’s replacement at the ongoing Asia Cup and could well be on board the flight to Australia in October. “We are taking a second opinion. It’s (Jadeja’s injury) not looking good at the moment and there are chances of him missing the T20 World Cup,” a top BCCI official said,

‘Round I’ almost went the distance. Round II turned out to be a nailbiter as well. But on this occasion, it was Pakistan who prevailed. Opener Mohammad Rizwan (71) played a stellar knock and spinner all-rounder Mohammad Nawaz (42) chipped in with a wonderful cameo after being economical with the ball early on as Pakistan chased down a challenging 182-run target and recorded a fivewicket win over arch-rivals India in Sunday’s Super Fours clash of the Asia Cup at the Dubai International Stadium.
Bengaluru, (IANS) : The Indian women’s hockey team players are currently finetuning a few aspects about their game at the National Camp in the Sports Authority of India campus, here.
Stylish batter Virat Kohli recalled the time when he left Test captaincy in January 2022 after the series against South Africa and said that former Indian skipper MS Dhoni was the only person who texted him after his decision.

‘End of an era’: Serena Williams career ends in third round loss to Ajla Tomljanovic
25/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022 SPORTS Asia Cup: Pakistan edge out India in a thrilling chase HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk

Williams was eliminated in the third round by Ajla Tomljanovic 7-5, 6-7 (4), Williams,6-1. who will turn 41 this month, said before the tournament she was preparing to end her tennis career. She didn’t specify if it would be after the US Open, where she earned six of her 23 Grand Slam singles titles.
Ahmedabad will have world’s biggest sports city, home minister Amit Shah
Union home minister Amit Shah on Saturday declared that the city of Ahmedabad would soon be developed into the biggest sports city in the world.
Following Bangladesh’s debacle in the ongoing Asia Cup, wicketkeeper batter Mushfiqur Rahim has announced his retirement from T20Is to focus on Tests and ODIs, he said in a tweet on Sunday. “I would like to announce my retirement from T20 INTERNATIONALS and focus on Test and ODI formats of the game,” he wrote on Twitter.
India’s dragflicker Gurjit Kaur expressed that the team is determined to qualify for the FIH Hockey Pro League. “We attained a lot of confidence after clinching the Bronze Medal in the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. Everyone has been improving steadily and we are moving forward well as a group. Currently, we are fully focused on the FIH Hockey Women’s Nations Cup. We are very determined to qualify for the FIH Hockey Pro League. We had a great experience in the last edition of the FIH Hockey Pro League and we are all looking forward to having an opportunity of representing India in the competition again,” said the Defender.
he first ever case of robotically assisted bioresorbable stent implantation in the world was done by the Department of Cardiology in the Advanced Cardiac Centre of the PGIMER here as an interventional procedure.
The Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) is the first centre in India where roboticassisted percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has been done. The robotic PCI has the advantage of a high degree of precision and cuts down radiation exposure. Newer bioresorbable stent with thinner struts (100 microns) developed in India have been introduced and now these stents dissolve in body over two-three years leaving the natural artery intact. Older generation bioresorbable stent had strut thickness of 150 microns.
A total of 18,101 positive cases have been confirmed so far, dpa news agency quoted the CDC as saying in its latest update on Tuesday.
The number of people infected with monkeypox in the US has crossed 18,000, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
PGI Chandigarh performs first robotically assisted bioresorbable stent implantation

Want to diabetes?reverse
Cut down carbs to 55 per cent, increase protein to 20 per cent, says ICMR
Since the first case of the infectious viral disease was confirmed in the US on May 18, cases spread across more than 60 jurisdictions in the country.

A total of 2,916 new confirmed cases were reported in the country in the last seven days. Although the numbers are still on the rise nationally, the speed of the outbreak is apparently slowing down, the CDC says.
The US has the world’s highest number of monkeypox cases. On August 4, the CDC declared monkeypox a public health emergency.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835326 HEALTH
Later, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had announced the Emergency Use Authorization of the JYNNEOS vaccine to be administered intradermally in individuals 18 years of age and older.
Around 60 to 75 per cent of our total calorie intake is in the form of carbohydrates and only 10 per cent comprises proteins.
The optimal nutritional requirement for remission of newly-diagnosed diabetes was found to be carbohydrates accounting for 49 to 54 per cent of energy consumption, proteins 19 to 20 per cent, fat 21 to 26 per cent and dietary fibres 5 to 6 per cent. Women need to cut their carbohydrate consumption by around two per cent more than the men to achieve the same results. Similarly, older individuals had to cut their carbohydrate consumption by one per cent more and increase their protein consumption by one per cent more than the young. For remission from pre-diabetes, the recommendations were 50 to 56 per cent carbohydrates, 18 to 20 per cent protein, 21 to 27 per cent fat, and threefive per cent dietary fibre. Physically inactive individuals were recommended a four per cent greater reduction in carbohydrates as against active individuals. Ideal food platter
So, what would an ideal plate look like? Says Dr Mohan, “Vegetables, not the starchy ones like potato, should make up half the plate. These could be any green leafy vegetables, beans, cabbage, cauliflower; these can be changed every day. A quarter of the plate should be protein such as fish, chicken or soya. A small quantity of rice or one or maximum two chapatis should make up the other quarter.” Why this study differs from others, according to Dr Mohan, is that the recommendations ask people to reduce the quantity of carbohydrates by a small amount. “There are many trials that have shown that drastic reduction in calories, such as consuming 800 calories or completely doing away with carbohydrates, have shown rapid weight loss and reversal of diabetes. Those findings are correct but the method is not sustainable.” Dr Anjana Mohan is the lead author of the study while Dr Seshadri Srinivasan from the Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education worked on the mathematical model for the study. The study was recently published in the journal Diabetes Care.
Now, if a person has three idlis instead of four and increases protein consumption -- preferably plant protein; fish and chicken also work but not red meat – then there can be a remission in diabetes, says Dr V Mohan, one of the study authors
The first ever case of robotically assisted bioresorbable stent implantation in the world was done by the Department of Cardiology in the Advanced Cardiac Centre of the PGIMER here as an interventional procedure.
The latest report from the Indian Council of Medical Research-India Diabetes (ICMR-INDIAB) is based on a detailed macro-nutrient consumption pattern study of 18,090 individuals, or one in six of the 1.1 lakh people enrolled in the study. A mathematical modelling was then used to determine the optimal consumption pattern. Diet the best medicine “The diabetes burden in India is rapidly increasing; we currently have 74 million people living with diabetes and another 80 million are pre-diabetic. Also, the pre-diabetics convert very fast to diabetes. It is estimated that India will have 135 million diabetics by 2045 –meaning almost double in the next 20 years or so. And, one of the main driving factors is the very high carbohydrate consumption in our population,” said Dr V Mohan, chairman of Dr Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre and one of the authors of the study. He said, “Around 60 to 75 per cent of our total calorie intake is in the form of carbohydrates and only 10 per cent comprises proteins. We have shown in several studies earlier that excessive consumption of white rice increases the risk of diabetes. Wheat is equally bad. Now, if a person is able to reduce the carbohydrate consumption slightly to 50 to 55 per cent, say three idlis instead of four and increase protein consumption — preferably plant protein; fish and chicken also work, but not red meat – then there can be a remission in diabetes.”
Food ratio for diabetes remission

The White House National Monkeypox Response team announced a series of actions to further accelerate the administration’s response to the outbreak and mitigate the spread of the virus. The LGBTQI+ community, especially men who have sex with men, is said to be most at risk of contracting the virus.
If you’re a pre-diabetic, just cut down on rice and rotis and increase your protein intake. This way you can halt Type-2 diabetes and even reverse it if you have been newly diagnosed, according to the country’s largest ongoing study on the disease. It recommends reducing carbohydrate consumption to just about 50-55 per cent of the daily energy consumed and increasing the protein intake to 20 per cent.
The case was performed by Yash Paul Sharma, Department of Cardiology head, and his team. The patient was a 47-year-old with coronary artery disease and 90 per cent stenosis of major coronary Patientarteries.underwent successful implantation of bioresorbable stents through the Corindus Robotic Arm of Cardiac Cath Lab.
Washington, Aug 31 (IANS) The number of people infected with monkeypox in the US has crossed 18,000, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
With 3,291 cases, California is the worst-affected state, followed by New York (3,197) and Florida (1,870).
The clinical registry of patients with newer generation bioresorbable stent and also robotic PCI is being carried out in the PGIMER, which has achieved least mortality (6.8 per cent) in patients with acute coronary syndrome, including cardiogenic shock and comorbidities, of all age groups.
US monkeypox cases cross 18,000
27/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022 MA ZHER M. SHAH-KHAN ATTORNEY-AT-L AW U.S. IMMIGRATION & VIS Labor Certifications Perm H-1B Work Visas L-1 Visas E-2 Investor Visas U Visas (Victim of Crime) VAWA Cases (Battered Spouses) Family Based Petitions Adjustment of Status CitizenshipFiance/Fiancee Visas Religious DeportationWorkersDefense 5797 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago, Tel: 7 7 3-583-6300 Fax: 7 7 www.visaprofession COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES Motels, Dunkin Donut's Grocery & Liquor Stores Gas Stations etc WIth or Without Real Estates Specialit y in SBA 7-A & SBA 504 Loans LOAN FOR PURCHASE & REFINANCE JYOTINDRA PATEL , (JP) Ph: (847) 581-9414, Fax: (847) 960-4996 Email: Ph: 630-343-9999 Tax Planning & Compliance Bookkeeping, Payroll & Sales Tax IRS State Representation ting on Planning gton St, 104B, Naperville, IL 60563 20% off NEW clients!W IN NAPERVILLE! 773 338 0222 Annuities Rohit A. Shah MBA, LUTCF Financial Repr esentative The Pietsch Financial Group, Inc 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181 Office Phone: 1 630 317 2504 Office Fax: 1 630 317 2539 Cell: 1 847 219 2536 847 970 19431 Email: Rohit Shah@GLIC Com d ce Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY or subsidiary of Guardian 2016 22707 Exp 8/18 Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax No.847-597-2401 Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COMROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Financial Representative ] Add and Variable ] Disability Income ] Life Insurance and ] Long Term Care Financial Representative of the Guardian Life Insurance Company America® (Guardian) New York, NY. The Pietsch Financial Group is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707. Exp 8/1860015Road,2021-114299 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 MOTEL HELP Seeking young energetic couple to manage Independent Motel in Chicago Suburbs. Good Salary with free accommodation. English and Legal Status must. Call 708-336-0641 1595 East Oakton Street, Des Plaines, IL 60018. Phone: 224.725.3747 EMAIL OR CALL US TODAY! Quick & Quality Printing Services COLOR COPIES, BLACK & WHITE COPIES, BUSINESS CARDS, FLYERS, POSTCARDS, MENUS, BROCHURES, ENVELOPES, BOOKLETS, MAGAZINE, SIGNS, POSTERS, BANNERS, DECALS VARIABLE DATA MAIL MERGE, COLLATING & FOLDING TICKETS & COUPONS WITH NUMBERING & PERFORATION SPIRAL & COMB BINDING & MUCH MORE DESIGN & PRINTING SOLUTIONS INSTANT DIGITAL PRINTING Printing made easier than ever! Call: 847-584-7617 Email: 1625 West Colonial Parkway, Inverness, IL 60061 (Near Harper College, Palatine, IL) ATTORNEY PARVEEN K . GOYAL NEED AN ATTORNEY? Real Estate, Immigration, Divorce, Personal Injur y & Other Legal Ser vices Professional & Affordable Legal Ser vices More than 30 years experience

Cancer: Ganesha says that some very happy moments are going to come in your life. You may plan to buy new assets. The day is beneficial for traders. Colleagues will be impressed by your performance in the workplace. With stiff work, even difficult tasks will be completed properly.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835328 LIFESTYLE
ZI: I have been a part of the sociopolitical milieu of our country as an activist at a grassroot level for a very long time. Having served in areas of Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra, I have worked with security personnel and seen their issues firsthand. In my official capacity as well, I have had the privilege of knowing retired as well as serving officials. But I think the inspiration of this book was first sown during a television debate that I was a part of a decade ago where an outrageous comment was made by one of the panelists, who while discussing the sacrifice of our paramilitary forces, said something like—“What did you expect? If you wear a uniform, you know that you will die.” The insensitivity of this comment enraged me. The fact that just because someone is a security personnel or a paramilitary force officer means that their lives are not precious or valued, is what enraged me. And I think I carried that rage for a decade! That is how that half an hour of television debate impacted me. I was angry. I was angry at this incident and the fact that people could be nonchalant about such things and not care how it impacts the families of the people who have lost their lives. This book was a chance to channel that anger, let the world know how things really take shape and how we need to value lives regardless of whether they wear a uniform or not. The book is inspired by the killings of 76 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel during the Maoist attack in Dantewada, Chhattisgarh in April 2010 and pays a tribute to the people who have given their lives in order to serve our nation. How did you arrive at this narrative and chose to make this as the subject for your debut novel?
Gemini: Ganeshji says that today you will show yourself capable. On the basis of luck, you can achieve some great achievements. Wealth and wealth remain the best sum of success. You can plan a trip to a good place. You will be able to feel a little relaxed by sharing your workload with someone.
Virgo: Ganesha says that today will be a happy day. Your image will be stronger. Will be able to get achievement from contacts and relationships. It will be more important to keep any information about your property confidential. Will be more interested in practical work than your own work. Do not be irresponsible about the job. Libra: Ganesha says that today there will be an atmosphere of fun in the family. Time
Aquarius: Ganesha says that today you will complete all the work with your wisdom. All your work will be finished by leaving the house after eating something sweet. You will get the support of political power. Good day for import traders. Be very careful about wealth or property transactions.
Leo: Ganesha says that today you should keep your thinking and behavior regular. Chances of buying jewelry and nutrients are being made. There will be an opportunity for progress by doing new experiments in business. Some kind of difficulties may come in front of you. Students should concentrate on their studies.
Sagittarius: Lord Ganesha says that today you will get full respect and fame from elders. The desire to get ahead of others can be intense today. Some big changes are expected in the economic situation. Experience is important in business, avoid making mistakes. A good time will be spent with a spouse.

Aries: Ganesha says that today will be a hard day for you. There will be progress in business activities. If you forget the old times and move forward, you will be blessed. Try to resolve any differences quickly. Women’s day will be spent in family work.
Author Bio: Celebrity Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla is the son of famous astrologer Bejan Daruwalla. He is known for his detailed astrological predictions on career, health, love, finance, and business. You can visit their website for guidance on problems related to your life and solve your problem with the help of expert astrologer Chirag Daruwalla. For guidance on problems related to your life you can talk to Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla on Call/Whatsapp: +91 9825470377 or also mail on: info@
Smriti Irani In A Freewheeling Chat About Lal Salaam

By Astro Friend Chirag – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Pisces: Ganesha says that today your expectations have to be restrained. Some people will be impatient to prove their point in the family. You can take part in any external activities. Good and practical ideas related to work will come to your headpiece.
Scorpio: Ganesha says that today you will be eager to do whatever you want. This time will be powerful for you. You will need to keep your hold on any family work. There can be an increase in your earnings and you can get a sudden monetary benefit or reward from somewhere.
9th September to 15th August 2022
is favorable for those doing iron and metal business. You will get wealth help from your relatives. You can make some changes to your daily routine life.
If you had to choose between playing it safe and making a statement this summer, pick the latter because 2022 is all about that dopamine dressing rush. Find your joy, follow your bliss and dress for your happiness! What better way to inject your wardrobe with the high-spirited energy of the season than by introducing some fun prints in a mix of colours? Sure, it may be a little louder than your usual look but it comes with a guarantee to bring a smile to your face Sip on some Piña Coladas by the pool in Triune’s Universal Love shirt andwatercolourfeaturingblotchesstatementswirlsinacottoncandycolourpalette.OutshinethesummersuninShopDrawn’s‘SheSellsSeaShellsontheSeaShore’shirtfeaturingfestiveseashellssetonared-orangebase.

Capricorn: Ganesha says that today you will have an abundance of confidence. You can start preparing to build or buy a new house soon. Will sympathetically carry out business plans. Prepare yourself for some new challenges.
Shivan & areaasymmetricalshirtIconomashNarresh’sResortfeaturinganprintandrelaxedfitiswhatourislandvacationdreamsmadeof!We’retakingatriptothedreamlikelandscapeoftheKoytoyuniversewiththeirprintedsatinbutton-down,areyoucoming?

Taurus: Ganesha says that you will live up to the expectations of family members. There will be peace in the mind. Getting new sources of income will solve the problem of wealth situation. You will get an opportunity to do creative work. Following your advice, someone is going to bring better results in the field of study.

29/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022 R COMMERCIAL, BUSINESS INVESTMENT Fax: 847 239 7438 1457 Della Dr, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 Realtor / Business Broker V I B H A D A N I BUY, SELL, RENT, LEASE! CALL or EMAIL 847 877 4324 Home 4 U Realty Moving Buyers to their Dream Homes

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31/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: MOTEL HELP Des Moines, Iowaમા આવલી ફ્ન્ાઈઝ મોટલમા ફ્નટડસ્ક તમજ હાઉસ્કીપીંગ માટ સસંગલ અથવા ્કપલની જરૂર છ. રહવાની સગવડ આપવામા આવશ. લીગલ સટટસ જરૂરી. Franchise Motel in Des Moines, Iowa needs Single or Couple for Frontdesk and Housekeeping. Accommodation will be provided. Legal Status must. Call Dipak Amin 319-601-0923 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: રસીન -માઉન્ટ પ્ઝન્ટ , વિસ્કોનનસન ખાત (વિ્ાગકો એરપકો્ટથી માત્ર ચા્ીસ વમવન્ટના અંતર) આિ્ી 75 રૂમની મકો્ટ્મા હાઉસક્વપંગ ્પ્ તમજ કિિસ અન રાતની વિફ્ટ ્રી િ્ તિા ફ્રન્ટ ડસ્ ્્ા્ની જરૂર છ. રહિાની સગિડ આપિામા આિિ. રસ ધરાિનાર વ્યન્તઓએ સપ્ ્રિકો. 75 Room Franchise Hotel in Racine-Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin (Only 40 minutes from Chicago Airport) hiring for Housekeeping Couple and Front Desk Clerk day and night shift opening. Accommodation will be provided. Interested Please call: 214-457-7733 HOTEL HELP Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: BAYMONT INN MOTEL HELP Franchise Motel in Addison, IL (near O’Hare Airport) seeking Housekeeper help. Part time or Full time. Experienced prefer.Good pay and accommodation will be provided. Call: 773-716-9645 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: Franchise Hotel, 45 miles far North from Chicago Airport, immediate needs Housekeeping, Front Desk Clerk & Manager. Fluent in English and Computer knowledge must. Good salary & accommodation will be provided. For more information Call Sam: 847-445-9037 Yogeshbhai:224-656-2020orHOTELHELP Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: MOTEL HELP Wanted Motel Manager Couple or Single and Housekeeper for Franchise Motel in St. Louis, MO Good Salary and Accommodation Provided. CALL: 314-497-3292 or 314-330-4621 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: મોટેલ -કન્વીનિયન્સ સ્ોર હેલ્પ શિકાગોથી એક કલાકના અંતર શિશિગન I-94 પર આવલી ફ્ચાઇઝ િોટલિા હાઉસકકશપંગ અન ફ્ટડસકન કાિ કરી િક તવા કપલની જરૂરછ. તિજ કનવીશનયનસ સટોરિા with Liquor, American & Indian Food લીકર અન િીટ સનડશવચન લગત કાિ કરી િક તવા વયક્તઓની જરૂર છ. રહવાની સગવડ આપવાિા આવિ Franchise Motel on I-94 in Michigan need couple for Housekeeping and Front Desk, also need help for Convinence Store with Liquor, American & Indian Food and Meat Sandwiches. Accommodation will be provided. Call: 269-903-9677 (Cell) or 269-426-8300 (S)

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835332