hi INDiA | November 18, 2022 | The Community First

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Republicans narrowly win back the House

New York: Museum of Broadway opens

NATIONAL EDITION | Volume 13 • Issue No. 697 November 18, 2022 | hiindia.com - News Update 24X7 | South Asian Views On Global News Subscribe Free ePaper & News Updates on WhatsApp. Send us ‘hi’ to 7735268353 Inside 04 04 12-13 Read More Aftab Poonawala Watched Dexter, Dated Another Woman Post Chopping her into 35 Pieces Shraddha Walker Murder



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Will Work With Anyone”: Biden

Biden said after US media projected a narrow Republican win in the House after last week’s mid-term elections.

Washington: President Joe Biden congratulated his Republican opponents Wednesday for winning control of the US House of Representatives and said he was willing to work with them and serve the American people.

“The American people want us to get things done for them,” Biden said after US media projected a narrow Republican win in the House after last week’s mid-term elections. “And I will work with anyone -- Republican or Democrat -- willing to work with me to deliver results for them,” Biden said in a statement.

Republicans narrowly win back the House

US midterms:

While the party’s margin in the House of Representatives is razor-thin, it is enough to stall President Joe Biden’s agenda for the next two years.

But Democrats will keep control of the Senate when the new Congress convenes in January.

A handful of seats remain to be called.

The Republicans - who had hoped to win back control of both chambersunderperformed expectations in last week’s midterms.

But they won the seat they needed for their House majority on Wednesday when California’s 27th district went to incumbent Mike Garcia.

The Republican party is now projected to win between 218-223 seats in the 435seat House, according to CBS. But with votes in several cliff-hanger races still being tallied, their majority may not be clear for days or even weeks.

Kevin McCarthy, who was picked by rank-and-file Republicans on Tuesday to be their nominee to replace Democrat Nancy Pelosi as the next Speaker of the House, celebrated having “officially flipped” the chamber.

“Americans are ready for a new direction, and House Republicans are ready to deliver,” the California congressman tweeted on Wednesday night.

China won’t be able to attack Taiwan in near future, says US General

A top US general said China’s military won’t be capable of invading Taiwan for some time, and President Xi Jinping would probably conclude attacking soon would be a disaster anyway.

New York: Museum of Broadway opens

The deadly blast in Poland that killed two and stoked fears the Kremlin’s war would escalate into a wider conflict was likely an accident caused by Ukraine’s air defense responding to a Russian missile barrage, Western leaders said Wednesday.

The leaders of NATO and member state Poland both said that early indications suggested the incident was not a deliberate Russian attack.

Launching an invasion would be a “very difficult military operation to execute, and I think it’ll be some time before the Chinese have the military capability and they’re ready to do it,” General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at a Pentagon briefing on Wednesday.

He said the Chinese leader “would conclude that an attack on Taiwan in the near future would be an excessive amount of risk, and it would end in a strategic debacle for the Chinese military.” Milley’s comments echoed his past remarks that while China may want to be ready for an invasion by 2027, its military isn’t ready yet.

If you’re in New York City, you can’t miss out on Broadway. The legendary Theater District in Midtown Manhattan has its hub on Times Square, located at the junction of Broadway, Seventh Avenue and 42nd Street. Beginning in the late 19th century and over the course of the 20th, dozens of theaters settled in the district.

The Museum of Broadway now presents New York’s centuriesold theater history in a colorful, multimedia show.

In the first of the four exhibition rooms, visitors embark on a journey back in time to 1732, when the first play was staged in New York. At that time, theaters in New York City settled in what is now the Financial District.

Following the end of the American Civil War in 1865, the theaters gradually migrated north along Broadway, settling toward the turn of the 20th century in what is now Times Square.

NASA Launches Mega Rocket ‘Artemis 1’ On Maiden Flight To Moon

Florida, US: NASA launched the most powerful rocket ever built on a journey to the Moon on Wednesday, in a spectacular blaze of light and sound that marked the start of the space agency’s new flagship program, Artemis. The 32-story tall Space Launch System (SLS) blasted off from the storied Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 01:47 am (0647 GMT). “We are going,” tweeted the space agency. The launch came despite technical issues that ate into the two-hour launch window that opened at 1:04 am.

US Actor Denise Richards, Husband Shot at in Road Rage Incident in Los Angeles: Report

LOS ANGELES — Actor Denise Richards was unharmed after shots were fired in a road rage incident Monday, a representative said.

Richards was heading to a film and TV studio in a pickup truck with her husband, Aaron, who had slowed as they looked for street parking when a passing motorist opened fire. The incident was first reported by TMZ. Jill Fritzo, a representative for Richards, confirmed the account. No one was injured. TMZ reported that police were called after someone at the studio spotted gunshot damage on the

Ford Shelby F-150 truck. It was not clear whether anyone went to the scene to take a report.

The Los Angeles Police Department, which has jurisdiction in the area of the studio, said that it had no record of such a report and that no investigation was underway. A spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, whose deputies crisscross the area because they patrol nearby jurisdictions, including public transportation rail and bus lines, said the same.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 4 USA NEWS
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Poland and NATO say deadly blast was likely accident caused by Ukrainian air defense
Republicans have secured the 218 seats needed for a majority in the lower chamber of Congress a week after the midterm elections, the BBC’s US partner CBS News projects.
“The American people want us to get things done for them,”
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Twitter workers get a Musk deadline

Xi Jinping scolds Justin Trudeau over media ‘leak’

Iran: Protest alive on social media

Elon Musk says Twitter is a software and servers company at its heart and wants employees to decide by Thursday evening if they want to remain a part of the business, according to an email the new owner sent to Twitter workers.

Musk wrote that employees “will need to be extremely hardcore” to build “a breakthrough Twitter 2.0” and that long hours at high intensity will be needed for success. Musk said Twitter will be much more engineering-driven, with employees who write “great code” comprising the majority of the team.

Three more nations set to join Europe’s Schengen visa scheme

A brief scolding that the Chinese leader Xi Jinping gave to Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, at the end of a summit in Indonesia has offered a glimpse into Xi’s muscular style of personal diplomacy — and has left an awkward image that Trudeau would probably rather forget.

A short video caught by a news cameraman shows Xi smiling tightly as he spoke to Trudeau at a concluding reception for the Group of 20 meeting in Bali on Wednesday.

But the words that came out of Xi’s mouth were chilly. Xi chided Trudeau, accusing him of leaking details of a brief conversation they had the previous day. “Everything we discussed has been leaked to the paper. That’s not appropriate,” Xi says, speaking through a translator. Trudeau nods curtly. Xi shakes his head, telling Trudeau, “that’s not the way the conversation was conducted.” Xi goes on to say that “sincerity” is needed for fruitful discussion.

Won’t sacrifice quality for speed in trade deals: UK PM Rishi Sunak

Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania have fulfilled conditions to enter the European Union’s visa-free travel regime and should benefit from participation “without any further delay,” the bloc’s executive arm said, calling for other members’ approval. The countries have significantly contributed to the well-functioning of the so-called Schengen area, including during the time of the pandemic and when faced with the consequences of the war in Ukraine, and they should be permitted to become full members, the European Commission said in a statement on Wednesday.

The final decision still rests with the EU justice ministers, who are expected to vote on the matter Dec. 8.

Britain is in talks with several countries, including India, over new trade deals, as it attempts to establish itself as an independent trading country

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Tuesday his government would take the time to get free trade agreements with other nations right, and not sacrifice quality for speed in future trade deals under his post-Brexit trade policy.

Sunak was asked about comments by a former minister criticising Britain’s trade deal with Australia, an agreement which was negotiated before he was prime minister and which he himself has previously described as one-sided. “Going forward, I want to make sure that we don’t sacrifice quality for speed when it comes to trade deals, and that’s going to be my approach,” Sunak told the BBC at the G20 summit in Indonesia, adding the Australia deal had some good aspects. “I want to take the time to get trade deals right - right for Britain.” Sunak had criticised the Australia deal in August, when he ran against former trade minister Liz Truss to be leader. Truss won that contest but resigned less than two months later after her fiscal plan spooked markets.

PM Modi, Chinese President Xi shake hands at side event at G20 Summit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping shook hands Tuesday at a side event at the G20 Summit here, a gesture sparking interest because of the strained bilateral relations over a border clash two years back.

A live video feed for the media from the welcome dinner hosted by Indonesian President Joko Widodo for G20 delegates showed the brief exchange between the two leaders.

There had been some speculation over a possible bilateral meeting between the two leaders on the margins of the Group of 20 Summit, which began Tuesday. But

In Iran, warnings are mounting that authorities are planning to totally cut off public access to the internet to prevent large demonstrations.

There have been numerous calls on internet forums for rallies from November 15 to 17, to commemorate the 2019 protests over a spike in fuel prices.

At that time, about 1,500 people were killed in nationwide protests in less than two weeks, according to human rights organizations. It was one of the bloodiest crackdowns by security forces in the history of the Islamic Republic.

Twitter very slow in India: Musk

the agenda made known by both sides so far does not mention such a meeting. Since the June 2020 Galwan Valley clash in which 20 Indian soldiers were killed there has been no one-on-one meetings between the two leaders. India has been consistently maintaining that peace and tranquillity along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) are important for the overall development of bilateral ties. In September, Prime Minister Modi and President Xi came face-to-face at the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Uzbek city of Samarkand for the first time since the start of the border standoff in eastern Ladakh.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has said Twitter is “very slow” in India and many other countries.

“Twitter is very slow in India, Indonesia & many other countries. This is a fact, not a “claim”. 10 to 15 secs to refresh homeline tweets is common. Sometimes, it doesn’t work at all, especially on Android phones. The only question is how much delay is due to bandwidth/latency/app,” Musk, Twitter’s new owner, tweeted.

UK removes Pak from high risk list

The UK government has removed Pakistan from its list of “High Risk Third Countries”, which covers jurisdictions perceived to have unsatisfactory money laundering and terrorist financing controls.

The list, which is now made up of 26 countries including the likes of Iran, Myanmar and Syria, also removes Nicaragua as high risk in an amendment tabled in Parliament on Monday. It replicates countries listed as high risk or under increased monitoring by the FATF, an intergovernmental organisation founded in 1989 on the initiative of the G7 to develop policies to combat money laundering and to maintain certain interest.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 6 INTERNATIONAL NEWS
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There had been some speculation over a possible bilateral meeting between the two leaders
7 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022

News Breif

Meta Appoints Sandhya Devanathan As New India Head

India’s G20 chair will be inclusive and decisive: PM Narendra Modi

Modi was handed over the gavel by the Indonesian President Joko Widodo who holds the outgoing Presidency of the G-20 grouping.

formally on December 1, he said, “Over the next one year, we will strive to ensure that the G-20 acts as a global prime mover to envision new ideas and accelerate collective action.”

Highlighting the key issues and priorities, the Prime Minister said, “The sense of ownership over natural resources is giving rise to conflict today, and has become the main cause of the plight of the environment… For the safe future of the planet, the sense of trusteeship is the solution.

MINDFUL that the world is still emerging from the devastating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and continues to grapple with multiple challenges including geopolitical tensions and a global slowdown amid rising food and energy prices, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Wednesday said India’s G-20 presidency will be “inclusive, ambitious, decisive, and action-oriented”. Modi was handed over the gavel by the Indonesian President Joko Widodo who holds the outgoing Presidency of the G-20 grouping. With just a fortnight before India takes over the Presidency

LiFE i.e., ‘Lifestyle for Environment’ campaign canmake a big contribution to this. Its purpose is to make sustainable lifestyles a mass movement.”

“The need today is that the benefits of development are universal and all-inclusive. We have to extend the benefits of development to all human beings with compassion and solidarity,” he said. In the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine war and China’s aggressive behaviour in the Indo-Pacific region, Modi also flagged concerns of peace and security in the world.

New Delhi: Meta Platforms appointed Sandhya Devanathan as its India head today, days after Ajit Mohan quit to join rival Snap Inc.

WhatsApp’s India head Abhijit Bose and Meta Platforms’s public policy director in India Rajiv Aggarwal also resigned earlier this week.

Devanathan’s appointment comes at a time when Facebook is facing regulatory challenges in India with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration tightening laws governing Big Tech companies. The company has for years faced criticism for doing little to curb the spread of fake news and hate speech in India.

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Devanathan has been with Meta since 2016 and will move into her new role in January.

Bruce Willis Going Through “Really Difficult Times”: Sylvester Stallone

Delhi Murder Accused To Be Produced Via Video Amid Protests Outside Court

shouting “hang him, hang him”. In visuals, some are heard shouting “hang the jihadi”, angry over the murder of Shraddha Walkar, whose body he cut up into pieces after the murder in May, kept those in a fridge and dumped the pieces in a jungle over the next 18 days.

Morbi Civic body blames Ajanta Manufacturing for bridge collapse

Giving a health update on Hollywood star Bruce Willis, who suffers from a psychological condition called aphasia, his friend Sylvester Stallone said that the actor is going through a tough time.

“Bruce is going through some really, really difficult times. So he’s been sort of incommunicado,” Stallone said in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter published this week. The Rocky actor added that not speaking to Willis “kills me” and “it’s so sad.”

New Delhi: Lawyers shouted slogans demanding the death penalty as Aftab Poonawala, the accused in the macabre killing of his girlfriend Sharaddha Walkar in Delhi, was produced before a local court via video conference at 4 pm today.

Police feared he would be attacked, which is why the court permitted using a video link from the jail. A large group of lawyers were seen outside the courtroom,

The murder case has reignited social media debates on “love jihad”, a term the right-wing uses to accuse Muslim men of luring Hindu women to convert them into Islam. The right-wing cites Shraddha Walkar’s murder case as the latest warning of the alleged trend. Aftab Poonawala and Shraddha Walkar, who’d met on dating app Bumble, had moved to Delhi only in mid-May this year after living together in their hometown Vasai near Mumbai for at least a year before that.

“Some Roles Will No Longer Be Required”: Amazon Begins Mass Layoffs

decided to consolidate some teams and programs. One of the consequences of these decisions is that some roles will no longer be required,” hardware chief Dave Limp wrote in a memo to workers on Wednesday.

“It pains me to have to deliver this news as we know we will lose talented Amazonians from the Devices & Services org as a result,” he added. Limp said the company notified impacted employees and will continue to work closely with each individual to provide support, including assisting in finding new roles.

Ahmedabad, Nov 17 (IANS) Morbi Nagar Palika on Thursday squarely blamed the Ajanta Manufacturing Ltd (Oreva group) for the October 30 bridge collapse saying it not only opened the bridge for the public sans approval, but also without scientific testing of its sustainability and fitness. The charges were made in an affidavit filed before the Gujarat High Court by Morbi Nagar Palika in-charge Chief Officer Naran Muchhar.

In the tragic accident, around 140 people, including 51 children, were killed, following which the Gujarat High Court initiated a suo motu proceedings in the case.

RBI was consulted on DeMo: Centre

San Francisco: Amazon has begun the process of cutting jobs across the company this week, US media reports said on Wednesday.

“After a deep set of reviews, we recently

The New York Times this week reported that Amazon was planning to lay off approximately 10,000 employees in corporate and technology roles. The report said the cuts would be the largest in the company’s history.

The figure makes up roughly 3 percent of its corporate workforce, and the total number of layoffs “remains fluid” and could change.

The Centre on Wednesday defended the 2016 demonetisation policy, saying “the withdrawal of the legal tender character of a significant portion of total currency value was a well-considered decision” taken after extensive consultations with the RBI. The decision was kept closely guarded to root out the menace of black money, money laundering, tax evasion and other illegal activities, the Narendra Modi government said in an affidavit filed on Wednesday evening in the Supreme Court. The affidavit has been filed in response to the bench’s recent directive to file one justifying the demonetisation.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 8 INDIA NEWS
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk Amazon’s spokesperson Kelly Nantel said as part of the annual operating planning review process,
certain roles are no longer necessary.
Sandhya Devanathan

Indian students in US surge by 19% in 2021-22: Report

US, the report, which is sponsored by the US Department of State and implemented by the non-profit Institute of International Education (IIE), said. China showed a drop of nine per cent in the latest round, with the number of Chinese students pursuing higher education in the US going down from 3,17,299 in 2020-21 to 2,90,086 in 2021-22.

A decade ago, there were 2,35,597 Chinese higher education students in the US. The rise in Indian numbers came after the slump caused by pandemic years.

The presence of Indian students in American universities has increased by 19 per cent compared to the last year, and nearly 21 per cent of over one million foreign students are Indian students, a US government report said.

New Delhi, Nov 15 (IANS) The presence of Indian students in American universities has increased by 19 per cent compared to the last year, and nearly 21 per cent of over one million foreign students are Indian students, a US government report said.

In 2021-22, 1,99,182 students with India as their place of origin were pursuing higher education in the US, as against 1,67,582 in 2020-21, according to the Open Doors Report, an annual survey on international students released Monday. In 2012-13, there were 96,654 Indian students in higher education in the US.

The rise in Indian students moving

Indian-origin minor kidnapped in South Africa

to the US is likely to overtake China in 2022-23, with 82,000 visas issued between June and August - the highest number among all countries.

The year 2021-22 saw 62,000 student visas being issued, said Don Heflin, Minister Counsellor for Consular Affairs at the US embassy in New Delhi.

In contrast, China fell behind India as strict quarantine norms and travel restrictions due to Covid made it harder for Chinese students to acquire visas.

Heflin said that around 110,000-120,000 visas are issued to Chinese students, which fell to around 50,000.

In 2021-22, China and India collectively accounted for 52 per cent of all international students in the

Between 2018-19 and 2019-20, as well as 2019-20 and 2020-21, the number of Indian students enrolled in US universities had fallen by 4.4 per cent and 13.2 per cent respectively.

The 19 per cent increase in Indian students studying in America was largely driven by graduate students, Heflin said. A majority of Indian students chose Math and Computer Science, Engineering and Business, and Management, according to a US embassy official.

Overall, the total number of international students pursuing higher education in the US went up from 9.14 lakh in 202021 to 9.48 lakh in 2021-22.

“It is clear that Indian students and their parents recognize the value of US education, one that prepares them to leverage their newly gained know-how to tackle the world’s challenges and readies them for future opportunities, whether that’s in Artificial Intelligence, emerging technologies or entrepreneurship and innovation,” Gloria Berbena, minister counselor for Public Diplomacy, said.

New scheme to grant 3,000 UK visas to Indians annually

economies, and the next decade will be defined by what happens in this region,” Sunak said in a statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office.

“I know first-hand the incredible value of the deep cultural and historic ties we have with India. I am pleased that even more of India’s brightest young people will now have the opportunity to experience all that life in the UK has to offer, and vice-versa, making our economies and societies richer.”

Indian-origin Sikh wins 2023 NSW Australian of the Year award

Melbourne, Nov 14 (IANS) Indianorigin Sikh Amar Singh has been honoured with the New South Wales Australian of the Year award for supporting the community impacted by floods, bushfires, drought and the Covid-19 pandemic.

Singh, 41, is the founder and President of ‘Turbans 4 Australia’ -- a charity organisation that assists people facing financial hardship, food insecurity, homelessness and those impacted by natural calamities. “Our President and Founder was named NSW Local Hero this week! We are beyond proud of you Amar,” Turbans 4 Australia tweeted last week. Singh, who was awarded in the Local Hero category, founded the charity in 2015 after experiencing racial slurs and insults because of his Sikh turban and beard, a New South Wales (NSW) government release stated.

“A co-worker once told me I looked like a terrorist. While simply going about my daily life, strangers on the street have asked me if I’m carrying a bomb, or what I’m hiding under my turban,” Singh, a strong advocate of multiculturalism and interfailth dialogue, said.

Ami Bera announces candidacy for Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Abirah Dekhta, a student of Rylands Primary School, was sitting in her school transport vehicle when she was abducted on the morning of November 4.

Abirah is one of five children of cellphone businessman Aslam Dekhta and wife Salama, who live in Rylands and are originally from India, the Cape Times reported.

Fowzia Veerasamy, chairperson of the Gatesville Neighbourhood Watch, said they had handed over CCTV footage to the police, but there were no fresh leads.

London: (IANS) In a new scheme introduced by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to fortify bilateral and economic ties, 3,000 Indians will be granted visas annually to come to the UK.

Under the new UK-India Young Professionals Scheme, the country will offer 3,000 places annually to 1830 year-old degree educated Indian nationals to come to the UK to live and work here for up to two years.

The move comes as Sunak met Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the first time on the sidelines of the ongoing G20 summit in Indonesia.

“The Indo-Pacific is increasingly crucial for our security and our prosperity. It is teeming with dynamic and fast-growing

The scheme will be reciprocal. Nearly a quarter of all international students in Britain are from India, and Indian investment into the UK supports 95,000 jobs across the UK.

“The launch of the scheme is a significant moment both for our bilateral relationship with India and the UK’s wider commitment to forging stronger links with the Indo-Pacific region to strengthen both our economies,” the Downing Street statement read.

The UK is also negotiating a trade deal with India, which would build on the UK-India trading relationship, already worth 24 billion pounds, and allow the UK to seize the opportunities presented by India’s growing economy.

Bera currently serves as Frontline Chair for the DCCC and is on his way to be re-elected for the sixth consecutive year, Bera is responsible for overseeing the efforts to reelect Democratic Members of Congress in competitive seats. Bera announced his candidacy in a letter to members of his party in the House of Representatives.

9 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 DIASPORA NEWS
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk Zofeen Maqsood Indian-origin Sikh Amar Singh Johannesburg: (IANS) South African police continue to search for an eight year-old Indian-origin girl who was kidnapped by two armed men in Gatesville, Cape Town, two weeks ago, local media reports said. Indian American Congressman Ami Bera has announced his candidacy for the Democratic Congress Campaign Committee (DCCC).

Bommai emphasises cooperation with US in pharma sector

Telangana CM rules out early Assembly polls

be held as scheduled.

He, however, said that since there are only about 10 months left for the elections, party leaders and cadres should gear up for the polls from now.

KCR also asked the party leaders to take to people a plethora of welfare and development schemes being undertaken by the state government.

Hydrabad News

Bengaluru: (IANS) Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Tuesday emphasised the importance of setting up a working group of US officials and Karnataka’s administration for increasing pharma related research and development as well as drug production in the state.

He was interacting with a delegation led by Rahul Gupta, Director - White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, at his office.

Rahul Gupta explained in detail about the measures taken by President Joe Biden’s office to increase cooperation between India and the US in drug policy formulation and drug production and in narcotic drugs’ control.

He agreed to initiate the necessary dialogue in this direction and sought the cooperation of Bommai to facilitate more investments by US companies in the pharma sector in Karnataka.

Bommai stated that Karnataka has already become a hub of drug research and welcomed more investments by US companies in drug and vaccine production.

Hyderabad: (IANS) Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar on Tuesday ruled out early Assembly elections in the state, but asked the party leaders to start preparations for the elections scheduled in the latter part of next year.

At a key meeting of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) at the party headquarters Telangana Bhavan here, KCR, as the Chief Minister is popularly known, made it clear that elections will

On TRS’ victory in the recent byelection to the Munugode Assembly seat, the Chief Minister asked the party leaders to continue working with the same spirit. TRS MPs, MLAs, MLCs and party executive members attended the meeting. KCR also made it clear that sitting MLAs will get party tickets again. He advised the MLAs to remain among people, interact with them and if there are any problems, bring them to the government’s notice.

K’taka changes dome-like structures on bus stops in Mysuru

Telangana govt proposes to develop 104 link roads in Hyderabad

Hyderabad: In a boost to the city’s infrastructure, the State government under Missing Links Projects (Phase-III) has proposed to develop 104 link roads at a cost of Rs 2,410 crore. The works related to the development of the link roads will be grounded in the coming days. Among them, in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) limits a total of 72 roads measuring 95.47 km with Rs 1,160 crore will be developed and in its surrounding 10 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), 32 roads measuring 103.45 km will come up with an estimated cost of Rs 1,250 crore.

Telangana State Archives and Research Institute to go digital

Mysuru: (IANS) After being warned by Hindu activists and the BJP MP for Mysuru Kodagu Pratap Simha, authorities in Karnataka have changed the shape of dome-like structures atop bus stops in the city. The activists and the MP claimed that the three domes, one big and two smaller ones, had given the bus stops the look of a mosque.

The authorities have now erected a “kalash” (sacred pot) on the domes overnight.

The bus stops are located in Mysuru’s Krishnaraja Assembly constituency.The MP had given a deadline of four days to bring down the dome-like structures.He added that if they were not demolished, he would do it himself with a JCB.

leaves worth Rs 2 crore seized off Tamil Nadu, fishermen held

Hubballi (Karnataka), : (IANS) Two people were arrested on Tuesday on the charges of kidnapping and assaulting a boy for talking to a college girl here. The arrested were identified as Mohammad Ghouse, a resident of Talawara Oni in Keshwapur and Sohail, a resident of Shabarinagar. The other two accused Prateek and Sourabh have managed to escape and police have launched a manhunt for them. On November 9, the accused raised objection over the boy talking to a girl student of a private college located near Akshaya Park in Hubballi which lead to a quarrel. The accused kidnapped the boy and assaulted him near Kusugal Road. The victim complained about the matter to the Gokul Road police after which police swung into action and arrested the accused.

Acting on inputs, the Coast Guard ship ‘Vajra’ intercepted four boats - two belonging to India and the other two to Sri Lanka - off Tamil Nadu coast on Monday. A check revealed the boats to have been engaged in smuggling of the leaves that are used for ‘beedis’ (leaf-wrapped cigarettes).

belonging to India and the other two to Sri Lanka – off Tamil Nadu coast on Monday. A check revealed the boats to have been engaged in smuggling of the leaves that are used for ‘beedis’ (leafwrapped cigarettes).

Over 100 bags containing 2.8 tonne of ‘tendu’ (East Indian ebony) leaves worth Rs 2 crore were seized near the Gulf of Mannar, said the Coast Guard here on Tuesday.

Acting on inputs, the Coast Guard ship ‘Vajra’ intercepted four boats – two

The fishermen in the boats belonging to Lanka, upon seeing the Coast Guard, tried to flee but were apprehended near the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL). A total of 104 bags was confiscated, a release said.

The four boats were taken to the harbour in Thoothukudi and the fishermen handed over to the authorities concerned for legal action, the release said.

Hyderabad: Students, research scholars, historians and history enthusiasts will soon be able to access archives of the Telangana State Archives and Research Institute at the click of a button as the institute will soon launch a digital library. To start with, former Hyderabad Secretariat files from 1896, departmental records of GAD, Home from 1890 to 1947 and Persian records comprising jagirs from 1880-1880, land grants transactions and Army records pertaining to the Nizam period will be made available in the digital library. Following this, a staggering 1.55 lakh historical records pertaining to the Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb periods will be kept in the digital library. Initially, the Institute will make available archival content as reference material in the digital library and upon request, a photocopy of the material will be provided with user charges. For this initiative, the Institute is coming up with a new website. Access to the digital library will be through the user ID and password.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 10 SOUTH INDIA NEWS
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K’taka student kidnapped, assaulted for talking to college girl; 2 held

India Largest Contributor To Last Billion as World Population Crosses 8B Mark

India was the largest contributor to the 8 billion (177 million) and will surpass China, which was the second largest contributor (73 million) as the world’s most populous nation by 2023.

United Nations: As the world population touched 8 billion on Tuesday, India was the largest contributor to the last billion, having added 177 million people, the UN said.

The UN Population Fund (UNFPA), in a special graphic to mark the global population reaching eight billion, said Asia and Africa have driven much of this growth. These two continents are expected to drive the next billion by 2037, while Europe’s contribution will be negative due to its declining population.

“India, the largest contributor to the 8 billion (177 million) will surpass China, which was the second largest contributor (73 million) and whose contribution to the next billion will be negative, as the world’s most populous nation by 2023,” UNFPA said.

The UN said that it took about 12 years for the world population to grow from 7 to 8 billion, but the next billion is expected to take about 14.5 years (2037), reflecting the slowdown in global growth.

The world’s population is projected to reach a peak of around 10.4 billion people during the 2080s and is expected to remain at that level until 2100.

For the increase from 7 to 8 billion, around 70% of the added population was in low-income and lowermiddle-income countries.

For the increase from 8 to 9 billion, these two groups of countries are expected to account for more than 90% of global growth, the UN said.

Between now and 2050, the global increase in the population under the age of 65 will occur entirely in low-income and lower-middle-income countries, since population growth in high-income and upper-middleincome countries will occur only among those aged 65 or more, it said.

The World Population Prospects 2022, released in July this year said that India’s population stands at 1.412 billion in 2022, compared with China’s 1.426 billion.

India is projected to have a population of 1.668 billion in 2050, ahead of China’s 1.317 billion people by the middle of the century.

According to UNFPA estimates, 68% of India’s population is between 15-64 years old in 2022, while people aged 65 and older were 7% of the population. The report said that the global population is growing at its slowest rate since 1950, having fallen under 1% in 2020.

The world’s population could grow to around 8.5 billion in 2030 and 9.7 billion in 2050.

China is expected to experience an absolute decline in its population as early as 2023, the report said.

At the launch of the report in July, undersecretarygeneral for Economic and Social Affairs Liu Zhenmin said that countries where population growth has slowed must prepare for an increasing proportion of older persons and, in more extreme cases, a decreasing population size.

“China provides a clear example. With the rapid ageing of its population due to the combined effects of very low fertility and increasing life expectancy, growth of China’s total population is slowing down, a trend that is likely to continue in the coming decades,” Liu said. The WHO pointed out that China has one of the fastest-growing ageing populations in the world.

“The population of people over 60 years in China is projected to reach 28% by 2040, due to longer life expectancy and declining fertility rates,” the WHO said.

In China, by 2019, there were 254 million older people aged 60 and over, of whom 176 million were older than 65.

In 2022, the two most populous regions were both in Asia: Eastern and South-Eastern Asia with 2.3 billion people (29% of the global population) and Central and Southern Asia with 2.1 billion (26%).

China and India, with more than 1.4 billion each, accounted for most of the population in these two regions.

More than half of the projected increase in the global population up to 2050 will be concentrated in eight countries: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines and the United Republic of Tanzania.

Countries of sub-Saharan Africa are expected to contribute more than half of the increase anticipated through 2050, the report added.

11 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 CURRENT AFFAIRS
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Inspired by ‘Dexter’

The man, who killed his live-in partner after an argument over marriage in May, cut her body into pieces and disposed them off over the next two to three months in a forest area of the city, Delhi Police sources said.

Police arrested Aftab Poonawala, 28, Saturday for killing Shraddha Walkar, 27. On May 18, the two got into a fight and the accused strangled the woman, said the police. They had been fighting because Walkar wanted him to marry her. “He told us during the interrogation that he wanted to silence her but she died. He kept the body at his home for two days,” said a police officer.

Poonawala allegedly told the police he was inspired by the US television crime series Dexter. “He followed what the main character did to chop the body and discard it,” said the source.

According to police sources, Poonawala hacked Walkar’s body and kept the parts in small black poly bags. “He bought a new fridge and a saw. He used it to chop the body in pieces,” said a source.

How horror unfolded in a first-floor flat, under nose of neighbours

To remove the stench of the body from the rented flat in the Chattarpur Pahadi area where they lived, Poonawala bought room fresheners, agarbattis or incense sticks, and other items.

He made multiple trips to the Mehrauli area over the next two to three months and emptied the packets with chopped body parts. “We have been told that he removed the intestines first so that it could decompose easily,” added the source.

The police said Poonawala, who worked in a call centre in Gurgaon, was arrested after Walkar’s family lodged a case against him. The woman’s family had filed a missing person report in Mumbai after she stopped responding to their calls in May.

They met on a dating app three years ago. Both belonged to Mumbai and had shifted to Delhi a few months ago. “They left Mumbai after their parents didn’t accept their relationship. There had been some issues and the couple decided to go to Rishikesh for a trip before settling in Delhi,” said the officer.

The murder mystery was uncovered only after the victim’s father, Vikas Walker, came to Delhi in search of his daughter. As per a police complaint registered by her father in Mumbai, one of Shraddha’s friends informed Vikas that his daughter’s phone had been unreachable for two months.

The complaint also stated that Aftab was abusive to Shraddha and used to beat her up, and she had informed her family about this. The victim’s last known location was discovered to be Delhi during the initial investigations, so the case was transferred to Delhi Police, who eventually apprehended the accused on November 13.

The single-room apartment is located on the first floor in a congested lane. And while the accused used agarbatti, dhoop, potpourri and room fresheners to mask the stench, there was evident odour even on Monday. On a table, a bowl of potpourri still remained, while dust had settled on the furniture.

The accused bought a new fridge, to store the body parts, from a nearby dealer on May 16.

Their downstairs neighbour works at a private firm and often spends the day at his workplace. On the first floor, a neighbour, who refused to be named, said, “We shifted here in July. I have never seen or heard about the woman. We would see Aaftab going to work or roaming around, but never suspected anything. He was always polite.”

Another neighbour, Kusum Lata, said she “might” have seen the woman once or twice when the couple first moved in. “A lot of youngsters live here and

invite their friends. He would play loud music and sometimes we would hear arguments but that is very common here…”

A shopkeeper said he would see Aftaab regularly but there was nothing suspicious about him. Many in the neighbourhood thought he lived alone. Police said he would step out around 1-2 am to dispose of the body parts, over two-three months. Police said the area has several young tenants who are out during late hours, so his movements didn’t evoke suspicion.

A police officer said, “It took him almost a day to cut and pack the body into small poly bags. He did all this in the bathroom and wiped the floor several times.”

To dispose of the parts, he walked to dumping yards, cremation grounds and jungle areas. “After almost two-three months, he discarded the head and the torso,” said the officer.

Live-in partner’s body in the fridge, accused brought another woman home on a date

As per the report, Aftab installed the dating App Bumble shortly after the murder. On the dating app, he got in touch with another woman who was a psychologist by profession. Notably, Bumble is the same dating app where he got in touch with Shraddha for the first time in 2019, stated Indian Express while quoting sources.

The report further mentioned that the other woman whom Aftab got in touch with on the dating app had visited his house a couple of times in June and July. Shraddha’s body parts were still in the fridge and the kitchen while Aftab hosted the new woman at his flat.

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A man who killed girlfriend bought fridge to store chopped body parts, fresheners to hide smell
HiIndia Newsdesk
How the murder mystery was uncovered?

Before he was arrested by the Delhi Police for the alleged murder of his live-in partner Shraddha Walkar, Aaftab Poonawala was questioned multiple times, including twice at the police station, by the local police in Vasai in Maharashtra’s Palghar district. Aaftab was arrested last Saturday by the Delhi Police for allegedly strangling Shraddha Walkar after a fight. He sawed her body into more than 30 pieces which he kept in a refrigerator at the house they shared in South Delhi’s Mehrauli before dumping them over two to three months in a nearby forest area, according to the police. Trouble for Aaftab began in September when Shraddha’s close friend, Laxman Nadar, contacted her father and prompted

In Delhi Murder Of Woman By Partner, Key Evidence That Is Missing

them to approach the Manikpur police station in Vasai with a missing person complaint. The local police did not want to file the complaint citing jurisdiction issues as Shraddha went missing from Delhi. Shraddha’s father, who did not wish to go to Delhi, then went to a senior police officer from Mira Bhayander Vasai Virar (MBVV) after which the local cops took suo moto cognisance and filed a missing complaint in October. The Manikpur police began their investigation by recording statements of Shraddha’s family members and Nadar following which Aaftab’s name came up. They then called for call data records (CDRs) and ascertained that Shraddha was with Aaftab till the couple reached Delhi from Himachal Pradesh

where they went for a trip together. The police also ascertained that the couple met a person, Badri, on their trip and after becoming friendly they stayed at his place for a few days somewhere near Delhi before moving into a new flat on rent in the national capital, where she was murdered.

“We called Aaftab from Delhi for questioning in the last week of October. He said after Shraddha’s mother passed away (in 2020) she had become frustrated and took up fights with him over petty issues. He said she left him after a fight in May. She did not inform him where she was going. He then said she came back after a few days and again left with all her belongings,” said a police official.

The Delhi Police says it wants at least one more week’s custody of the 28-year-old to complete its investigations and gather all evidence. He has been in custody for five days. The police have yet to find the weapon that Aftab Poonawala used to cut up his girlfriend’s body into 35 pieces after strangling her on May 18.

What is still missing

• The knife or saw used to cut up Shraddha’s body

• Parts of her body are missing. Ten bags of body parts were found when the police took Aftab to the forest on Tuesday.

• The clothes worn by Aftab and Shraddha on the day of the murder have not been found. Aftab has told the police that he disposed of Shraddha’s bloodstained clothes in the civic garbage van.

• Shraddha’s mobile phone has not been found.

Aaftab, Shraddha

Aaftab Poonawala, the 28-year-old accused of killing his 27-year-old live-in partner Shraddha Walkar on May 18, chopping her body into over 30 parts and disposing them over 2-3 months, is learnt to have told police the two had recently been arguing over who would go to Mumbai to fetch their luggage to Delhi – since both of them were facing a cash crunch. While Delhi police are

taking everything with a grain of salt – on Wednesday they moved an application in court to conduct a narco test on Aaftab – investigators say he has pointed to money issues becoming a factor in the couple’s relationship of late, since both had left their jobs in Mumbai and backpacked across Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand before they came to Delhi and took up a house on rent for Rs 9,000.

13 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022
‘bold, did not bat an eyelid throughout questioning’ Vasai police
“We called Aaftab from Delhi for questioning in the last week of October. He said after Shraddha’s mother passed away (in 2020) she had become frustrated and took up fights with him over petty issues.”
‘argued over who would spend to make trip to Mumbai’, say police

News Breif

Indonesia hands over G20 presidency to India as Bali Summit ends


Indonesian President Joko Widodo handed over the G20 presidency to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who said taking over the Presidency of the grouping is a matter of pride for every citizen in India.

“Together with every countries’ efforts, we can make the G20 summit a catalyst for global welfare,” Modi said.

The handing over ceremony comes at the conclusion of the two-day G20 summit which ended with the member states finalising the joint declaration.

Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra said that India has contributed ‘constructively’ to drafting of G20 ‘outcome document’.

The G20 comprises 19 countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the UK, the USA and the European Union (EU).

Bhopal, Nov 15 (IANS) Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Tuesday said that “every person living in India is a Hindu”, adding the DNA of Indians is same.

He also asserted there was no need for anyone to change his way of offering rituals.

Addressing the gathering of large participants of Swayamsevaks (Sangh volunteers) in Ambikapur on the occasion of “Janjatiya Gaurav Diwas” in Chhattisgarh’s Surguja district, he reiterated that unity in diversity is India’s age-old feature.

“Hindutva is the only idea in the world that believes in taking everyone along,” Bhagwat said.

Time to invest in Indian, South Asian languages: UK MP

Indonesia on Wednesday handed over the G20 presidency to India for the coming year as the Bali summit of the grouping ended here with the member states finalising the joint

“Kidnapped” Gujarat Leader Appears, Withdraws From Polls, AAP Blames BJP

New Delhi: Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) alleged today that one of its candidates in Gujarat had been “kidnapped” and forced at gunpoint to withdraw his nomination for next month’s election.

AAP first claimed, in a blizzard of tweets, that Kanchan Jariwala, the party’s candidate from Surat (East), had been missing since yesterday.

“BJP has kidnapped AAP candidate Kanchan Jariwala,” Manish Sisodia told reporters. Shortly afterwards, Mr Sisodia said Mr Jariwala had surfaced and had been brought to the Gujarat election returning office surrounded by 500 policemen.

“There is pressure on him to withdraw his nomination. He has been forced to sit in the poll office and is being pressured by policemen. I want to tell the Election commission that this is an open threat to democracy,” Mr Sisodia alleged.

Flagging his allegations to the Election Commission, he tweeted: “A candidate was kidnapped. They got him to withdraw his nomination at gunpoint. What can be a bigger emergency for the Election Commission? So we have come to the Election Commission with an appeal for immediate action.”

Together, they account for over 80 per cent of the global GDP, 75 per cent of international trade and two-thirds of the world population.

New Delhi, Nov 16 (IANS) Asserting that there has been a steep decline in British students learning South Asian languages, UK MP Gareth Thomas has said that it’s time to invest in languages like Gujarati, Hindi and Tamil, to bolster bilateral relations.

“There has been a steep decline since 2015 in the number of UK students studying Gujarati, Urdu and other languages prevalent across South Asia at GCSE level,” Thomas, a LabourCooperative Party parliamentarian for the Greater London constituency of Harrow West, tweeted.


Biden’s ‘Salute’

To PM Modi At G20, Day After Warm Handshake

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden exchanged greetings when they met during a visit to a mangrove forest in Bali on the sidelines of the G20 summit.

This came a day after President Biden walked over to the Prime Minister to shake his hand before they took their seats next to each at the summit.

Photos shared by Prime Minister Modi on Twitter showed world leaders planting mangrove saplings to send out a message on the fight against climate change. The warm interactions between the Prime Minister and the US president come against the backdrop of India’s refusal to toe the West line on the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Trump announces official bid for 2024 presidential election

Washington, Nov 16 (IANS) Former US President Donald Trump has officially announced his third run for the White House, kicking off the 2024 presidential election cycle even as the country is still wrapping up the 2022 midterms, which have left him a much diminished figure on account of the defeat of Republican candidates backed by him.

“To make America great again, I am today announcing my candidacy for the President of the United States,” Trump announced at an event on Tuesday at Mar-a-Lago, his resortcum-residence in Palm Beach, Florida.

The former President read from a teleprompter, which he had disparaged earlier as a prop for less accomplished speakers, and stuck to the script, which was also unusual. And, he seemed to lack the energy that he is known to display at campaign rallies.

It was a very mellowed version of Trump that Trump put up.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 14 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK
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Everyone living in India is a Hindu, says Mohan Bhagwat
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said taking over the Presidency of the grouping is a matter of pride for every citizen in India

News Breif

Pay $121.5 mn: US to Air India

“Largesse Of State...”: Gujarat High Court’s Strong Remarks On Morbi Bridge Tragedy

awarded for maintenance of a 150-year-old bridge in Morbi that collapsed on October 30 killing over 130 people. It observed that the Morbi civic body was not represented in the court despite a notice: “They are acting smart.”

It pointedly asked officials to come back with answers on whether any condition for certifying fitness of the bridge before its reopening was part the agreement, and who was the responsible person to certify that. “The state shall also place on record reasons why disciplinary proceedings against chief officer of the civic body aren’t commenced,” it said.

Morbi bridge collapse: “Why was tender not floated? Why weren’t bids invited?” Chief Justice says to the Gujarat’s top bureaucrat

“The largesse of the state seems to have been granted without there being any tender floated in this regard,” the order later noted. “Why was the tender for the repair work of a public bridge not floated? Why weren’t bids invited?” Chief Justice Aravind Kumar said to the Chief Secretary, the state’s top bureaucrat, at the opening hearing of the case that will be heard on Wednesday too. The Morbi municipality had given the 15-year contract to Oreva Group, which is best known for the Ajanta brand of wall clocks. “The municipality, a government body, has defaulted, which ultimately killed 135 people,” the court said as a preliminary observation, and asked if the Gujarat Municipalities Act, 1963, was complied with.

The US has ordered Tata-group owned Air India to pay a whopping USD 121.5 million as refunds and USD 1.4 million as penalties for extreme delays in providing refunds to passengers due to the cancellation or change in flights, mostly during the pandemic, officials said.

Air India is among the six airlines that have agreed to cough up a total of over USD 600 million as refunds, the US Department of Transportation said on Monday.

Air India’s policy of “refund on request” is contrary to the Department of Transportation policy, which mandates air carriers to legally refund tickets in the case of cancellation or change in flight, officials said. The cases in which Air India was asked to pay the refund and agreed to pay the penalty were before the national carrier was acquired by the Tatas.

According to an official investigation, Air India took more than 100 days to process more than half of the 1,900 refund complaints filed with the Department of Transportation for flights that the carrier cancelled or significantly changed.

G20 summit: Modi interacts with Biden, Sunak and Macron

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had informal interactions with US President Joe Biden, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, French President Emmanuel Macron and several other global leaders on Tuesday on the sidelines of the G20 summit here and exchanged views on a range of issues.

In an address at the G20 summit here, Modi said that climate change, the

Covid-19 pandemic, the developments in Ukraine and the global problems associated with it have caused havoc in the world and rued that the global supply chains are in “ruins”. Referring to India’s upcoming G-20 presidency, Modi said he was confident when the leaders of the grouping meet in the “holy land of Buddha and Gandhi, we will all agree to convey a strong message of peace to the world.”

“PM @narendramodi and @POTUS @ JoeBiden interact during the @g20org Summit in Bali,” the Prime Minister’s Office said in a tweet.

Modi also met UK’s Prime Minister Sunak, their first face-to-face interaction since he assumed power last month.

Nabeela Syed thanks IndianAmerican ‘friend’ for poll win

New Delhi, Nov 15 (IANS) Indian-American Nabeela Syed, who was recently elected to Illinois’ lower house, thanked her IndianAmerican campaign manager and friend Anusha Thotakura, for her victory in the November 8 midterm polls.

The recent college graduate and a firstgeneration hijab-wearing Indian-American Muslim woman, trounced Republican incumbent, Chris Bos.

“The story of this campaign cannot be told without telling the story of my incredible friend and campaign manager, Anusha Thotakura,” Syed tweeted on Tuesday.

“When we met in high school debate 9 years ago, I never would’ve guessed we would have done so much together a” from knocking

on doors in Georgia to flip the Senate to working on successful school board races... And now, this historic campaign,” Syed, the youngest member of the state’s House of Representatives, wrote in a series of tweets. Thotakura, 24, is a program director at Citizen Action, an Illinois-based political coalition that has led campaigns for fair taxes, affordable and quality health care, retirement security.

It was during the Covid-19 pandemic, when Syed and Thotakura contemplated running for office. Born in Palatine -- an upper-middle-class neighbourhood in Illinois -- Syed is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in political science and business.

New York prosecutor returns looted antiquities to India, Pakistan

New York, Nov 15 (IANS) New York public prosecutor Alvin Bragg has returned to India and Pakistan hundreds of looted ancient statues and figurines, some as old as 5,500 years, that were brought into the US by a network allegedly masterminded by Subash Kapoor, a convicted antique smuggler. Bragg’s office in Manhattan said that 235 antiquities from India, including many sacred images from temples, had been seized during investigations into the multinational predations of Kapoor across India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and other countries.

BJP will sweep Gujarat Assembly polls, says Amit Shah

Ahmedabad,: (IANS) Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday exuded confidence that BJP will once again romp to power with a thumping majority breaking all records in next month’s Assembly polls.

Till now, Congress holds the record of winning the maximum number of seats ever. In 1985, under CM Madhavsinh Solanki’s leadership, it bagged as many as 149 seats in the 182-member Assembly.

Home Minister Shah, accompanied party’s Naranpura candidate Jitendra Patel, Ellisbridge candidate Amit Shah and Sanand candidate Kanu Patel while they filed their candidature forms before the election officer.

15 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk Ahmedabad: The Gujarat High Court today sought direct answers and slammed the manner in which the contract was The Tata-group owned company is among the six airlines that have agreed to cough up a total of over $600 million as refunds The Indian Prime
Minister had informal interactions with the world leaders and exchanged views on a range of issues

Fatima Sana Shaikh shares her struggle with epilepsy on social media

Bollywood actress Fatima Sana Shaikh, who will be soon seen as Indira Gandhi in ‘Sam Bahadur’, recently took to her social media to raise awareness about epilepsy which she has also been suffering from.

November is known as the Epilepsy Awareness Month. Fatima Sana Shaikh has been making a constant effort to address this among the people and raise awareness about the same. The actress addressed the cause while she opened up a conversation on her social media for people to share their stories, struggles, and challenges about the same.

Taking to the story section of her Instagram, she dropped a question writing: “It’s epilepsy month. Share your story, struggle, challenges Or just ask.”

She also opened up about when she learnt about her health condition, stating that it was during the time of ‘Dangal’ preparations she got to know about the disorder.

On being asked by one of her followers about when she found out about it, the actress wrote: “(I) was diagnosed when I was training for ‘Dangal’. I got an episode and woke up straight at the hospital... (I) was in denial first (for five years). And now, I have learnt to embrace it, and work and live around it.”

On how she has been working with this condition, Fatima wrote that she informs all her directors that she has epilepsy.

“They have always been very supportive and understanding. They know of the challenges they might face on the days I get an episode.”

Bollywood actress Fatima Sana Shaikh, who will be soon seen as Indira Gandhi in ‘Sam Bahadur’, recently took to her social media to raise awareness about epilepsy which she has also been suffering from.

Uunchai: Amitabh

Bachchan-Anupam Kher film scales greater heights

If you are not good, you won’t get your next job Abhishek Bachchan

ctors should aim for versatility and success in equal parts, says Abhishek Bachchan as he believes it is the only way to they can secure their next acting job.

Abhishek, who has shown his acting chops in movies such as Yuva, Dhoom, Bunty Aur Babli, Guru, Dostana, Paa, Manmarziyaan and Ludo, believes versatility alone will not guarantee an actor employment.

“It is important to be more versatile today than five to ten years ago. As an actor, if you want to be employed and remain employed, you have to be

Aversatile, so that the makers have the confidence that no matter what we give them they will be able to pull it off.

“With versatility, you have to be successful as well because if you are not good at it, you are not going to get your next job,” the 46-year-old actor told PTI in an interview.

Abhishek is one of the major Bollywood stars who ventured into the OTT space with the hit Prime Video series Breathe: Into the Shadows. He believes streaming platforms have opened the doors for new work opportunities for actors and exposed audiences to fine content from across the globe, thereby pushing content creators to put their best foot forward. “You have to be much more versatile today because there is that much more work and people are accepting different kinds of work,” he added.

Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan is returning to the big screen in a starring role after a hiatus of over four years. He is looking forward to the release Pathaan, which arrives on January 25, 2023. After that, he has Atlee’s Jawan and Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki, both of which are slated for release in 2023. On being asked if he is nervous about his upcoming releases, SRK replied, “I don’t think I need to be nervous, they are all going to be superhit films.” He further explained why his statement is not ‘arrogant’. “That’s the belief I sleep with, I wake up with and that’s the belief that makes the 57-year-old me do stunts, and work 18 hours a day. If I did not have that belief that I am making a product that lots of people are going to like then I won’t be able to do it. So. it’s not an arrogant statement, this is what I like to believe. It’s a child-like belief that ‘look, I have prepared my best, I have done my best I am going to pass with flying colours,’” said Shah Rukh.

Hrithik Roshan starts his fight club in Assam

Saiyami cycles for a cause

to mint money at the box office. After a good opening of Rs 1.81 crore on Friday, which was followed by Rs 3.65 crore on Saturday, the film is expected to have a healthy trend for the weekdays.

According to a report in Bollywood Hungama, Uunchai has collected between Rs 4.90 crore to Rs 5.20 crore on the third day, taking the total collection Rs 10.50 crore.

After Paresh Rawal tweeted that Hera Pheri 3 will star Kartik Aaryan, the franchise’s original star Akshay Kumar has confirmed that he will not be a part of the film. Akshay stated that the reason for his decision came amid some creative differences with the makers.

Akshay said, “Hera Phera has been a part of me and I have good memories about it. I am also upset that this film has still not been made, the third part. We have to dismantle things. We have to start thinking in a different way.”

As the grungy gangster of Vikram Vedha, Hrithik Roshan displayed his fighting skills on the streets of Lucknow. Now, he has chosen a far more ambitious backdrop to showcase his action prowess — the sky. Over a year since its announcement, the actor is set to kick off the aerial action thriller, Fighter. Sources tell mid-day that come November 18, director Siddharth Anand will call action on the film in Assam. “Hrithik is scheduled to leave for Assam today. The director has charted out a 10-day schedule in the north-eastern state.

Saiyami Kher pedalled for a cause. She covered over 75 kilometres as she participated in Mumbai Cyclathon 2022. The Breathe actor, who has never shied away from supporting an environmental cause and sports, said, “I have always loved cycling and always believed that it is a well-rounded exercise that not only keeps you fit, but also active.” Saiyami, who has Faadu releasing next, added, “Cycling is one of the easiest and economic mediums of commuting in the city.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 16 ENTERTAINMENT
Shah Rukh Khan is confident that Pathaan, Dunki, Jawan will be ‘superhits:
‘It’s not an arrogant statement’
Sooraj Barjatya’s Uunchai, starring Amitabh Bachchan, Anupam Kher, Neena Gupta, and Boman Irani,continues
Akshay Kumar says he backed out of Hera Pheri 3

Doesn’t want a biopic

Mithun Chakraborty

Veteran Bollywood actor Mithun Chakraborty, who will be seen gracing the Celebrating Disco Kings special episode of ‘Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Li’l Champs’ along with Padmini Kolhapure, doesn’t want a biopic on his life. Explaining his reason, the actor said that he has been through a lot in life and doesn’t want anyone else to face the same.

Elaborating on the same, Mithun spoke about how he was disrespected because of his skin colour.

“I never want anybody to go through what I have gone through in life. Everyone has seen struggles and fought through difficult days, but I was always called out for my skin colour. I have been disrespected for a lot of years because of my skin colour and I have seen days when I had to sleep with an empty stomach, and I used to cry myself to sleep,” he said. The actor also mentioned that there were days when he had to think about what his next meal will be, and where he will go to sleep. He further said: “I have also slept on the

Actor Siddhaanth Vir Surryavanshi dies at 46, collapses in gym

footpath for a lot of days. And that’s the only reason I don’t want my biopic to be ever made.

My story will never inspire anyone, it will break them down (mentally) and discourage people from achieving their dreams. I don’t want that to happen! If I can do it, anyone else can do it.”

Mithun’s life story left everyone extremely emotional on the set. He spoke to all the contestants and told them never to give up in life and to try harder and harder to achieve their dreams in life.

Armaan Malik wins ‘Best India Act’ at MTV Europe Music Awards

Mumbai: (IANS) Playback singer Armaan Malik, who is known for songs such as “Bol Do Na Zara”, “Jab Tak” and “Cale Aana”, has been feted with the 2022 MTV Europe Music Award for “Best India Act” for his English single “You”.

Actor, director and producer Prakash Raj plays a cop in the web series ‘Mukhbir: The Story of a Spy’, which tells the story of an Indian secret agent in Pakistan who played an important role in the 1965 war. The 57-year-old actor speaks about the reason behind saying ‘yes’ to his debut OTT series, and the USP of the show.

Raj plays ‘Bhagat’, an Intelligence Bureau officer who trains secret agents.

On being part of the series, he says: “OTT platforms have opened up so many opportunities. There are a dozen scripts I want to explore. Having said that, I look forward to roles where I would be relevant and only then choose to associate in that space.”

Alesia Raut

Actor Siddhaanth Vir Surryavanshi, known for his roles in shows like Kkusum, Waaris and Suryaputra Karn, died on Friday at the age of 46. The actor reportedly collapsed while working out at a gym. He is survived by wife, supermodel Alesia Raut and their two children.

Ghattamaneni Siva Rama Krishna

Murthy, popularly known as Krishna, passed away on November 15. He was 79. Krishna suffered a cardiac arrest early Monday, following which he was rushed to a private hospital in Hyderabad. The doctors, who treated him at Continental Hospitals, revealed that Krishna was brought to the hospital in an unconscious state and he was revived after performing 20 minutes of CPR.

The singer has won the award for the second time after his debut single, “Control”, won him the MTV EMA in the same category in 2020. Armaan attended the awards ceremony in Germany’s Dusseldorf, where he was bestowed with the accolade.

Surryavanshi, known for his roles in shows like Kkusum, Waaris and Suryaputra Karn, passed away on Friday aged 46. The actor reportedly collapsed while working out at a gym. He is survived by wife Raut and their two children.

Mumbai: (IANS) Musician Adnan Sami recently penned a scathing note attacking Pakistan establishment for harrassing him and saying he will expose all that in due time, which will leave many in shock. Adnan, who is been a citizen of

of himself.

The note read: “Many people ask me why I have such contempt towards Pakistan. The hard truth is that I have absolutely no contempt towards the people of Pakistan who have been good to me. I love everyone who loves me- period.”

The singer said that he has issues with Pakistan’s establishment because of how he was “treated”.

“However, I have major issues with the establishment. Those who truly know me will also know what that establishment did to me for many years which ultimately became one of the big reasons for me to leave Pak,” he added.

Thee Padma Shri awardee concluded: “One day, soon, I will expose the reality of how they treated me which no many know, least of all the general public which will shock many! I have remained silent about all this for many years, but will choose the right moment to tell all...”

Raut took to Instagram and posted a picture of the couple. “I love you and always will love you till I am alive @_siddhaanth_ . -24th Feb 2017 our 1st picture together. From this day onwards you always wanted to see me smile, love life, enjoy life, try new things, try and push my limits.”

Raut mentioned how the actor would take care of everything, reminding her to eat on time, being the only man who held her hand without fear and was ready to “always stand for me.” “I became a baby with you. Always craving for your attention. Your smile, love in your eyes for all, caring nature will be missed by me, Mark, Diza by all. Loving son. Loving brother. Loving father to your kids. Loving husband. Loving friend. I know you will be always guiding me as an angel. You are in an a happy n peaceful place. Love you love you love you...

17 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 ENTERTAINMENT
Prakash Raj makes his OTT debut with ‘Mukhbir: The Story of A Spy’
‘I will always love you till I am alive’:
Actor Siddhaanth Vir Surryavanshi died on Friday while working out in a gym. His wife, supermodel Alesia Raut, shared their first selfie ever as she penned a note.
Telugu superstar Krishna passes away at 79
Yesteryear Telugu movie star
Adnan Sami says he will ‘expose the reality’ of what Pakistan did to him
India since 2016, was born in the UK to a Pakistani father. Adnan has never minced words in criticising Pakistan. In the latest criticism, he has promised to ‘expose the reality’ of how the administration treated him. He took to Twitter to share a long note alongside a picture

Thanksgiving And Birthday Celebration

By Indian Seniors Of Chicago

CHICAGO, IL- The General Meeting of Indian Seniors of Chicago was held on Saturday, November 12, 2022 at 11:30 am at Manav Seva Mandir. About 170 members attended the meeting. The entire program was successfully managed by Mr. Bipinbhai Shah, member of the Executive Committee. In the beginning Bhupendra and Geeta Suthar, Usha Solanki and Panna Shah recited Sarva Dharma Prarthna and Hanuman Chalisa. Secretary Shri Hirabhai Patel presented incomedisbursement account for the month of October and announced the names of individuals and organizations who had donated to the organization.

Professor Sharadbhai Shah gave a lecture on the election of the 15th Legislative Assembly of Gujarat state to be held in December 2012. He said that the results of the elections to be held on December 1 and December 5 will be announced on December 8. Mr. Bipinbhai Shah gave information about Thanksgiving celebrated in the month of November. He gave

Cook County Awards $1.4 Million

information about the history and significance of Thanksgiving Day.

Chief guest Mr. Shivabhai Patel gave greeting cards to the birthday members then all members wished by singing ‘Happy Birthday to you’ song together. A group photographs was taken on this occasion.

Mr. Dilip Patel, member of the Executive Committee, demonstrated the photographs taken during the annual program held in the month of October. Secretary Mr. Hirabhai Patel congratulated the all for the New Year and thanked the volunteers who contributed to the success of the

annual program. All the brothers and sisters appreciated the selfless services rendered by volunteers.

President Dr. Narsinhbhai Patel wished the happy new year and explained the importance of exercise and yoga for a healthy life. In the general meeting which will be held in the month of January, the members were appealed to participate in the costume program corresponding to the Amrit Mohotsav of Azadi. He also appealed members to join December 31, 2012 program organized by Manav Seva Mandir.

Mr. Chirag Shah, Manager of Dynasty Home Care, gave detailed information about the benefits of Medicare, HMO, Citizenship, Medical Insurance, home Care benefits available to seniors from Government. He also answered member’s questions.

Mrs. Bhanuben Mehta and Mrs. Suryaben Mehta gave information about yoga. Simple exercises for eyes, feet, hands, shoulders etc. were demonstrated and the members accompanied them in all exercises. She also informed how yoga can be useful for leading a healthy and full life.

117 Arrests Made In Four Failed Smuggling Attempts

USCIS Announces Online Filing For Affirmative Asylum Applications

CHICAGO, IL- Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle awarded $1.4 million in Honor Grants, a program spearheaded by the CCVA, to expand programming offered by nonprofit organizations that serve the veteran community and their families.

“Supporting nonprofits doing the heavy lifting to assist our veteran community is essential,” said President Preckwinkle. “Honor Grants will help alleviate the financial burden for nonprofits while expanding much needed services and resources they offer our veterans. This programming is a crucial component in creating a better quality of life for those who have served.”

Nonprofit organizations receiving funding are listed below.

Organizations receiving $100,000 awards: • A Safe Haven Foundation • Benjamin O. Davis VFW Post 311 • Chicago Lighthouse • Featherfist, Inc.

• Illinois Armed Forces Legal Aid Network • Leave No Veteran Behind

• New Pisgah Community Service Organization • Office for MilitaryAffiliated Communities • The Village Legal and Community Project • Volunteers of America of Illinois, Inc Organizations receiving $50,000 awards:

• Arthur Lockhart Resource Institute • Dion’s Chicago Dream • Illinois Joining Forces Foundation

• IMD Guest House Foundation Road

Home • Merging Vets and Players • Military Outreach USA • Northwest Compass, Inc. • The Inner Voice, Inc. • An additional $80,000 in Honor Grants funding will be announced in spring 2023.


Falfurrias Border Patrol Checkpoint agents discovered 96 migrants from a sealed tractor trailer on November 10. Agents referred the vehicle to the secondary inspection area following a K-9 alert. Agents discovered the migrants hidden among rotten produce. The driver, a U.S. citizen was placed under arrest. The migrants are nationals of Mexico and South and Central America. All subjects were found to be in good health.

On November 8, a McAllen Border Patrol Station camera operator spotted several subjects running northbound from the Rio Grande near Abram. A Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) Air and Marine Operations (AMO) helicopter responded and observed several subjects loading into a black Volvo hatchback. A responding agent attempted to stop the vehicle, but the driver failed to yield. The vehicle came to stop, and the occupants

bailed out. Agents apprehended eight migrants

Guatemala. The driver was not located. Later that evening, Rio Grande City Border Patrol Station agents observed several suspected migrants move north from the Rio Grande and load into a white Dodge Ram near Roma. As agents attempted to initiate an immigration inspection, the driver veered off the road and crashed into a cinderblock wall. The occupants absconded from the vehicle. Agents apprehended three migrants who were not injured. The driver was not located.

That same day, Harlingen Border Patrol Station agents attempted to conduct a vehicle stop on a Nissan Xterra near Yturria. After agent’s activated their vehicle’s emergency equipment, the driver veered off the road into a ranch fence before coming to a stop. The occupants bailed out and absconded into nearby brush. Agents, with the assistance of CBP AMO helicopter, encountered 9 subjects determined to be in the U.S. illegally. The migrants were arrested, and the vehicle seized. The driver was not located.

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced today that Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, is available to file online for certain affirmative asylum applicants. USCIS continues to accept the latest paper version of this form by mail.

“The expansion of online filing is a priority for USCIS as we make our operations more efficient and effective for the agency and our stakeholders, applicants, petitioners, and requestors,” said USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou.

“The option to file affirmative asylum applications online is part of USCIS’ ongoing move to minimize reliance on paper records and further transition to an electronic environment.”

At this time, the option to file an online Form I-589 is only available for certain affirmative asylum applicants. Applicants may use their USCIS online account to file for asylum affirmatively with USCIS if they are physically present in the United States.

To file online, an applicant must first review the instructions on the USCIS website to determine whether their application may be submitted electronically.

With the addition of online filing for Form I-589, individuals can now file 13 USCIS forms online. The Forms Available to File Online page has links to file all of these forms. USCIS continues to accept the latest paper versions of all forms by mail.

Two young Indian Americans, Kanav Kariya and Ankit Gupta are featured in Fortune’s annual 40 Under 40 list which “shines a spotlight on influential individuals shaping business in 2022.”

“The founders, executives, investors, and activists on this year’s list are creating and seizing opportunity,” says the US business magazine. “They’re empowering others. They’re exploring new treatments for diseases that affect millions. They’re connecting people.”

“They’re building upon their successes as athletes and entertainers. They’re trailblazing in their industries,” it says.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 18 COMMUNITY NEWS
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk President Dr. Narsinhbhai Patel and Dilip Patel with Mr. and Mrs. Jani (Photo by Jayanti Oza) Rio Grande Valley Sector (RGV) Border Patrol agents interdicted four smuggling events leading to 117 arrests. from Mexico, El Salvador, and HiIndia Newsdesk
Two Indian Americans in Fortune’s annual 40 Under 40 list

First Indian Sikh Woman Elected To California Assembly

Hindu Mantras Opened Albany Town Council In Louisiana

conclude religious work.

Reciting from Brahadaranyakopanishad, Rajan Zed said “Asato ma sad gamaya, Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya, Mrtyor mamrtam gamaya”; which he then interpreted as “Lead us from the unreal to the real, Lead us from darkness to light, and Lead us from death to immortality.” Reciting from BhagavadGita, he urged councilmembers and others present to keep the welfare of others always in mind.

Time to confirm Ambassador to India, says Congressman

Ro Khanna

BAKERSFIELD, CA- Jasmeet Kaur Bains, a family physician from Bakersfield, made history by becoming the first Indian-origin Sikh woman to be elected to the California Assembly.

In a Democrat vs Democrat race for the 35th Assembly District in Kern County, Bains took an early lead over her opponent Leticia Perez.

According to the Kern County Election Results website, Bains led the race on Wednesday with 10,827 votes, or 58.9 per cent — while Perez trailed significantly with 7,555 votes, or 41.1 per cent.

Bains is a medical director at Bakersfield Recovery Services, a nonprofit that treats adults suffering from addiction.

In her campaign pitch, she said she would prioritize healthcare, homelessness, water infrastructure and air quality.

The daughter of immigrant parents from India, Bains watched her father build a business, starting as an auto mechanic and ultimately owning successful car dealerships. After college, Jasmeet worked with her father before pursuing her career in medicine. When the pandemic hit, Bains was on the frontlines, establishing field hospital sites to treat Covid patients. She has also spearheaded landmark mental health and addiction treatment programs.

ALBANY, LA- Hindu prayer started the day of Albany Town Council (Louisiana) on November 14, containing verses from world’s oldest extant scripture.

Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed delivered the invocation from ancient Sanskrit scriptures remotely before Albany Town Council. After Sanskrit delivery, he then read the English interpretation of the prayers. Sanskrit is considered a sacred language in Hinduism and the root language of Indo-European languages.

Zed, who is the President of Universal Society of Hinduism, recited from Rig-Veda, the oldest scripture of the world still in common use; besides lines from Upanishads and BhagavadGita (Song of the Lord), both ancient Hindu scriptures. He started and ended the prayer with “Om”, the mystical syllable containing the universe, which in Hinduism is used to introduce and

Zed, a global Hindu and interfaith leader, has been bestowed with the World Interfaith Leader Award. Zed is Senior Fellow and Religious Advisor to Foundation for Religious Diplomacy, on the Advisory Board of The Interfaith Peace Project, etc. He has been panelist for “On Faith”, a prestigious interactive conversation on religion produced by The Washington Post; and produces a weekly multi-faith panel “Faith Forum” in a Gannett publication for over 11 years. Hinduism, oldest and third largest religion of the world, has about 1.2 billion adherents and moksh (liberation) is its ultimate goal. There are about three million Hindus in the USA. Railroad established Albany in 1907-08, but it was incorporated in 1953. Taglines of Albany include: “Small town with a big heart”, “One red light and a whole lot of love”. Eileen BatesMcCarroll is the mayor.

Record 200,000 Indian students chose US for higher studies

With 19% increase, Indians make up one fifth of over one million foreign students in US. For the second year in a row, a record number of almost 200,000 Indian students chose the United States to pursue higher education, in the 202122 academic year, according to the Open Doors Report.

This marks a 19% increase over the previous year, according to the annual report released on Nov 14. Indian students now make up nearly 21% of

the over one million foreign students studying in the US.

In 2012-13, there were 96,654 Indian students in higher education in the US, noted the report published by the Institute of International Education (IIE) in partnership with the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

In 2021-22, more than double that number — 1,99,182 — of Indian students were pursuing higher education in the US, as against 1,67,582 in 2020-21, according to the report.

New York,: (IANS) It is time to confirm an Ambassador to India to strengthen the critical relationship between the two countries, top Indian-American Congressman Ro Khanna said.

“The US needs a strong defence and strategic partnership with India especially in the face of escalating aggression from China,” Khanna wrote in a tweet, which was in response to a Washington Post op-ed. “Two years into this administration, it’s time to confirm an ambassador to India to strengthen this critical relationship & our national security,” Khanna tweeted.

This is the longest period since 1947 that the US Embassy in Delhi has been without an envoy.

The op-ed by Ronak Desai, says that the inability to fill this vital post is just just one small part of a broader failure.

“By failing to confirm Garcetti, politicians in the Senate have deprived the United States of an essential instrument for shaping our relationship with this indispensable partner. The cascade of international crises upending the international order underscores the importance of preserving and strengthening foreign relations with India,” Desai wrote in the Washington Post.

The position of the US envoy in New Delhi has been lying vacant since President Joe Biden assumed office in January 2021, as Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s nomination is still in limbo.

Pappas: More Than 45,000 Properties Are In Cook County’s Tax Sale And 18,000 Owe Under $1,000

CHICAGO, IL- Treasurer Maria Pappas is urging 45,088 property owners to pay their delinquent bills immediately to prevent their unpaid taxes from being offered for auction at the Cook County Tax Sale that runs November 15 – 18, 2022. Properties with unpaid 2020 property taxes (due in 2021) will be offered at the Sale. More than $169 million is due on delinquent homes, businesses and land in the county. The owners were sent notices via certified mail informing them that their unpaid taxes could be auctioned, which would put a lien against their properties. However, more than 14,136 bills were returned

by the U.S. Postal Service. In addition to the mailings, the Treasurer’s Office published delinquency property tax lists in area newspapers.

Less than $1,000 is owed on 12,163 properties in Chicago and 6,100 properties in suburban Cook County. “Homeowners should make sure they are up to date on their taxes and getting all the exemptions they deserve, so they can rest easier in their home, which probably is the biggest investment of their lives,” Pappas said.

Owners can avoid the Tax Sale by paying the delinquent taxes and interest before the Sale begins. Check to see if your taxes are delinquent by visiting cookcountytreasurer.com. Use the box on the home page labeled “Avoid the Tax Sale” to search for your home or other property by entering a Property Index Number or an address. Property owners

can also use the website to make sure they are receiving the exemptions for which they qualify. These include the homeowner, senior and senior freeze exemptions.

Payment can be made in five ways:

* Online for free at cookcountytreasurer. com * At any Chase Bank location

* At any of more than 100 community banks where you have an account

* By mail

* At the Treasurer’s Office

Per Illinois law, an annual tax sale is conducted 13 months after the due date. But the pandemic delayed the 2018 and 2019 tax sales. The 2018 Tax Sale was held in November 2021, and the 2019 Tax Sale was held in May.

19 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 COMMUNITY NEWS
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk Indian-American Congressman Ro Khanna Jasmeet Kaur Bains

Board Meeting And Diwali Celebration By FIA Chicago

Missing Simi Valley Mom Found Dead; ExHusband Charged

CHICAGO, IL- Federation of Indian Associations (FIA) recently organized its Annual Board Meeting and Diwali Celebration at Big Suchir Restaurant, Downers Grove IL. The meeting was attended by the 100 strong FIA team as well as the advisory board members. FIA TEAM 2023 will be spearheaded by Incoming President Vinita Gulabani.

The event was presided by Chairman Sunil Shah and Founding Members Neil Khot, Mukesh Shah, Dhitu Bhagwakar and Current President Hitesh Gandhi. Richa Chand, General Secretary outlined the achievements of the FIA in the year 2022.

Founder President Sunil Shah Founder President Sunil Shah then announced Team 2023 President : Vinita Gulabani.

Executive Vice Presidents : Shital Daftari & Pratibha Jairath. Vice Presidents : Altaf Bukhari, Anu Malhotra, Richa Chand, Mike Shah & Chandini Duvvuri. G Secretary : Abir Maru, Treasurer : Vaishal Talati.

Jt Secretary: Suchitra Kukreja, Jt Treasurer: Neelam Jai.

Student Charged With Bringing Gun To High School Campus

Cultural Secretary: Pika Munshi, Jt Cultural Secretary: Ila Patel Chaudhari.

Directors:, Chetan Patel, Vibha Rajput, , Jitendra Bulsara, Vidya Joshi, Jesse Singh, Bharat Malhotra, N Nagasubramaniam Iyer, Hitesh Patel, Ashima Washington, Vikas Kalwani, Dr. Afroz Hafeez, Chandni Kalra, Nirav Patel, Murugesh Kasilingam, Pratik Deshpande and Hemendra Shah, Lakhinder Sharma, Mamta Taparia, Harry Sidhu, Ashwani Mahajan, Bob Bhavesh Patel, Deepa Sharma, Ganesh Kar, Sonia Luthar, Sumit Singh, Swati Kukian,, Manoj Rathod, Ramesh Nair, Rajesh Narayan New Directors: Guddi Vawal, Kavitha Rao, Anshul Bindal, Nipun Joshi, Chintan Patel, Sharda Jain, Vijay Muralidaran. Nilabh Dubey, Kaveeta Rawla, FIA Chicago was founded to bring Cultural awareness to the Chicagoland area and has now grown to serve the community by hosting many events for the community and helping the community grow. FIA Chicago plans to take on projects like Job Fair, Entrepreneurship camps and Youth Leadership Development Skill Camps.

Border Patrol Halted Two Human Smuggling Attempts At The I-35 Checkpoint

Zarbab Ali, 25, is accused of killing Rachel Castillo, 25. He has been charged with murder, lying in wait, and a knife enhancement. Ali didn’t appear in court Tuesday; he’s being held on a level 1 hold. The young mother was reported missing from her Simi Valley home on Nov. 10. Castillo had dropped off her two children with her ex-husband. Her sister, who lives with her, arrived at their apartment on East Country Drive and found a large amount of blood inside. Castillo’s phone and keys were there, as well as her car in its usual spot. Castillo’s body was later found on Nov. 13 in a remote area in the Antelope Valley.

Central Bond Court Access For The Weekend Of November 19 And 20

AURORA, IL- A student has been charged with bringing a gun to an Aurora high school Tuesday.

Shortly before noon, Aurora police officers responded to the campus of West Aurora High School for a report of a student with a firearm

The student was detained by officers and their backpack was searched. According to police, a firearm was retrieved, and the student was taken into custody.

Detectives determined that this was an isolated incident and that the student didn’t have specific plans for violence at the high school. The student was charged with five counts of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, one count of FOID Card violation and two counts of aggravated battery to a peace officer.

On Nov. 14, Border Patrol agents encountered a tractor that was pulling two additional tractors when it approached the primary inspection lane. A Service canine alerted the canine handler, subsequently sending the trailer through the non-intrusive scanner at checkpoint. Border Patrol agents discovered anomalies in the back of the sleeper area. The scan revealed several people inside. After further inspection, Border Patrol agents discovered a total of 14 people hiding in the sleeper compartment of the tractors that were in tow. Record checks revealed that they were all from Mexico and in the country illegally. The driver and undocumented individuals were taken into custody and were processed accordingly.

On Nov. 15, a tractor-trailer approached the primary inspection lane. Agents conducted an immigration inspection

of the driver when agents asked the driver to go through the non-intrusive scanner at checkpoint. The scan revealed anomalies in the sleeper area of the tractor. Agents discovered a total of five individuals in the sleeper compartment of the tractor.

Record checks revealed that they were all from Mexico and in the country illegally. The undocumented individuals along with the driver were taken into custody to be processed accordingly.

Follow Laredo Sector Chief Patrol Agent Carl E. Landrum on Twitter at @USBPChiefLRT, on Instagram at @ USBPChiefLRT and Facebook at US Border Patrol Laredo Sector for breaking news, current events, human interest stories and photos.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection welcomes assistance from the community. Citizens are encouraged to report suspicious activity to the U.S. Border Patrol while remaining anonymous by calling 1-800-343-1994.

CHICAGO, IL – Due to the replacement of existing ComEd power supply equipment serving the Leighton Criminal Courthouse, the courthouse will be closed all day this weekend, on Saturday and Sunday, November 19 and 20. The administration building will be open during this period.

Because of this closure, the Pretrial Division (central bond court) will conduct all bail hearings on Zoom on the weekend of November 19 and 20. For the court hearings normally conducted in Courtrooms 100 and 102, attorneys and court staff will log in by Zoom. Court staff from other offices should contact their offices for specific work arrangements.

The public will not be able to physically attend hearings on those dates. Instead, interested individuals may observe the hearings on the court’s YouTube feed. Here is the link for Courtroom 100, and here is the link for Courtroom 102. Only bail hearings are held on weekends.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 20 COMMUNITY NEWS
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk Zarbab Ali, 25 LAREDO, TX – Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents halted two human smuggling attempts at the I-35 checkpoint.

Punjabi Writer And Filmmaker Wins 2022 Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize

NEW YORK, NY- An author, researcher and filmmaker who has focused his work on the history and legacy of Sikhism was awarded Hofstra University’s 2022 Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize at a banquet Nov. 14 at the Crest Hollow Country Club. Amardeep Singh, co-managing director and co-founder of Lost Heritage Productions in Singapore, recently completed a 24-episode documentary series retracing the 16th century travels of Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh religion. The series, “Allegory: A Tapestry of Guru Nanak’s Travels” was filmed at more than 150 multi-faith sites in nine countries.

Singh has written several books, including “Lost Heritage: The Sikh Legacy In Pakistan” and “The Quest Continues: Lost Heritage – The Sikh Legacy” and produced two documentaries based on his experiences traveling in Pakistan, “Peering Warrior” and “Peering Soul”.

The $50,000 Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize is bestowed every two years to recognize significant work to increase

interfaith understanding.

“Hofstra University is pleased to present the 2022 Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize to Amardeep Singh, for his work exploring and preserving Sikh heritage and culture,” Hofstra President Susan Poser said during the award ceremony. “As an author and independent filmmaker, Mr. Singh demonstrates a deep

NYC Lost 19,000 City Workers To COVID Pandemic. New Study

commitment to the values that Guru Nanak embodied and to the principles of religious understanding.” Before the banquet, Singh and his wife, Vininder Kaur, who directed and wrote the Guru Nanak docuseries, discussed the project at Hofstra University.

“Having the Guru Nanak prize at Hofstra provides our College of Liberal Arts

& Sciences faculty and students with an extraordinary opportunity, and one that aligns with our mission as an educational institution,” President Poser said.

A committee of faculty and administrators unanimously chose Singh from among 18 nominees, said Daniel Seabold, acting dean of Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

“The committee was greatly impressed by Amardeep Singh’s examination of Guru Nanak’s interest in seeking universal fellowship among people of diverse faiths,” Seabold said. Members “considered several worthy organizations whose work is larger in scale but decided that an award to Mr. Singh would be more impactful.”

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, Tenzin Gyatso was the first winner of the Guru Nanak Prize in 2008. Since then, eight individuals and organizations have been recognized with the prize, including 2020 cohonorees author and scholar Dr. Karen Armstrong and her global Charter for Compassion movement, and the Interfaith Center of New York.

“To receive the Guru Nanak Prize from Hofstra University is a humbling recognition of our belief that the essence of existence is love for togetherness,” Singh said. “His message of unity in diversity was, is and will remain a ray of hope for a united world.”

Ami Bera re-elected ensuring 5-member Indian-American ‘Samosa Caucus’ in US Congress

NEW YORK, NY — What do lawyers, correction officers and groundskeepers in common? They’re all public workers who are becoming more scarce in New York City, a new study found.

The city lost 19,000 public workers during the coronavirus pandemic, or 6.4 percent of its workforce, according to a study released this week by state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. It’s the largest drop in New York City’s public workforce since 2008’s Great Recession, the study found. DiNapoli warned the decline could impact public services.

“The pandemic caused a significant decline to the city’s workforce, and it is particularly troubling that turnover continues to outpace hiring,” he said in a statement.

“Without the hardworking individuals who keep this city running, critical

and essential services for our children and most vulnerable residents could be impacted.”

The decline between June 2020 and August 2022 didn’t affect all city agencies evenly, according to the study.

The Department of Correction led the city with a 23.6 percent drop in staffing, followed by the Department of Investigation and Taxi & Limousine Commission at 22.2 percent and 20.5 percent, respectively, the study found.

The NYPD also lost 6.7 percent of its staff, or roughly 3,400 workers, according to the study.

Among types of city jobs, executive assistants saw the biggest drop by percentage: 27.2 percent, according to the study.Correction officers, groundskeepers and gardeners and other types of workers saw similar declines hovering near 20 percent, the study found.

New York: (IANS) Ami Bera has been reelected to the House of Representatives, ensuring the “Samosa Caucus” has five Indian American lawmakers in Congress.

The longest-serving Indian American in Congress, Bera was declared winner on Tuesday night even as the counting of votes was continuing in his California House district a week after the November 8 election.

A doctor, Bera, 57, was first elected to Congress in 2012.

Bera joins reelected fellow Californian Ro Khanna, Raja Krishnamoorthi from Illinois and Pramila Jayapal from Washington State, and Shri Thanedar from Michigan elected for the first time. They lightheartedly call themselves the “Samosa Caucus”.

The last time there were five lawmakers of Indian origin in Congress was in 2020 when Kamala Harris was a senator before her election as Vice President.

Bera is campaigning for a leadership position in the House Democratic Party, Politico reported.

It said that he wrote to party colleagues making his case to be elected chairperson of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee citing his efforts as the head of its frontline programme that helped vulnerable party candidates blunting the Republican margin.

The committee works to elect party members to the House and its head, who ranks sixth in the party’s hierarchy in the House, wields considerable influence.

Although only 67 per cent of the votes were counted as of Tuesday, Bera was ahead of his Republican rival Tamika Hamilton by 13.2 per cent or 15,964 votes, a margin giving him a pathway to victory, declaring him the winner.

After constituencies were redrawn in the ten-yearly exercise, Bera moved from his constituency centred around California’s capital Sacramento to a nearby one that includes more suburbs while also retaining parts of Sacramento.

21 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 COMMUNITY NEWS
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk L-Honoree Amardeep Singh, NYS Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, Businessman and Philanthropist Sardar Tajinder Singh Bindra, Dean Hofstra Daniel Seabold and President Hofstra Univ Dr. Susan Poser
Ami Bera has been reelected to the House of Representatives, ensuring the “Samosa Caucus” has five Indian American lawmakers in Congress.
Ami Bera

News Breif

Forced religious conversion ‘very serious’ matter: Supreme Court

Terming forced religious conversion a “very serious” issue, the Supreme Court on Monday asked the Centre to step in and make sincere efforts to check the practice.

It also warned a “very difficult situation” will emerge if forced religious conversions are not stopped.

A bench of Justices M R Shah and Hima Kohli asked Solicitor General Tushar Mehta to enumerate measures to curb the practice through allurement.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday paid tributes to the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, on his birth anniversary, and recalled his contribution to the country.

New Delhi, Nov 14 (IANS) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday paid tributes to the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, on his birth anniversary, and recalled his contribution to the country.

While paying tributes to Jawaharlal Nehru, Modi tweeted, “Tributes to our former Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru ji, on his birth anniversary. We also remember his contribution to our nation.”

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was born on November 14, 1889 in Allahabad (now known as Prayagraj). Nehru was involved in the freedom movement led by Mahatma Gandhi and went to jail several times. Nehru became the first Prime Minister of Independent India. After Independence, he took over the command of the country for almost 17 years and died on May 27, 1964 in office.

“This is a very serious matter. Sincere efforts are to be made by the Centre to stop forced conversions. Otherwise very difficult situation will come. Tell us what action do you propose….You have to step in. “It is a very serious issue which

affects security of the nation and freedom of religion and conscience. Therefore, it is better that Union of India may make their stand clear and file counter on what further steps can be taken to curb such forced conversion,” the bench said. The apex court was hearing a plea filed


seeking direction to the Centre and states to take stringent steps to control fraudulent religious conversion by “intimidation, threatening, deceivingly luring through gifts and monetary benefits”.

PM On India’s G20 Presidency Theme: “One Earth, One

Family, One Future”


In a statement ahead of his visit to Bali for the G20 leaders’ summit,

“unwavering commitment” to collectively address key global issues.

“Chief Minister Has No Say”: Denied BJP Ticket, 6-Time Gujarat MLA Rebels

Ahmedabad: A six-time MLA who last won on the BJP ticket from Gujarat’s Waghodia segment, Madhubhai Shrivastav, has decided to contest as an Independent after the ruling party decided not to re-nominate him, and has said he rues having joined the party “at Narendra Modi and Amit’s insistence” 25 years ago.

Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel “cannot do anything” about the ticket as “everything is decided by the top leadership in Delhi”, said Mr Shrivastav,

Madhubhai Shrivastav, a local strongman-politician who was once named in a 2002 Gujarat riots case, says “only Delhi decides the tickets”

a local “bahubali” or strongmanpolitician who was once named in a 2002 Gujarat riots case. He said he hasn’t spoken to Mr Patel: “Why would I do that? I have a direct line with PM Modi and Mr Shah.” But he hasn’t spoken to them either after the ticket denial, he added.

Elon Musk Fires Over 4,000 Contractual Employees Without Notice: Report

New Delhi: The bloodbath at Twitter continued over the weekend as new owner Elon Musk fired over 4,000 contractual employees over the weekend without prior notice, a report said.

According to Platformer, roughly 4,400 contractual employees lost access to their official mail, online services, and also the company’s internal communications.

“Update: company sources tell me that yesterday Twitter eliminated ~4,400 of its ~5,500 contract employees, with cuts expected to have significant impact to content moderation and the

According to Platformer, roughly 4,400 contractual employees lost access to their official mail and online services.

core infrastructure services that keep the site up and running. People inside are stunned,” Platmormer’s Casey

Newton tweeted.

The fresh round of layoffs comes just a week after Musk fired 50 per cent of Twitter’s staff, around 3,700 employees, including 90 per cent of its employees in India. According to the report, the new job cuts were announced across Twitter’s global operations, affecting employees in content moderation, marketing, real estate, engineering, and other departments.

Since taking over Twitter in a $44 billion deal in October, Musk has fired over half of the company’s staff. Amidst the chaos, Twitter’s key security executives have also resigned from the platform.

EC scan on AAP ‘kidnap’ claim

The Election Commission of India on Wednesday asked Gujarat’s chief electoral officer P. Bharathi to inquire into the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) claim that one of its candidates was abducted and compelled by police to withdraw from the upcoming Assembly elections at the behest of the ruling BJP. The directive came after AAP leaders complained to the Election Commission.

AAP had on Monday alleged that its Surat (East) candidate Kanchanlal Lallubhai Jariwala and his family were missing. On Tuesday, Arvind Kejriwal tweeted: “Our candidate from Surat (East), Kanchan Jariwala, and his family missing since yesterday. First, BJP tried to get his nomination rejected. But his nomination was accepted.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 22 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK
HiIndia Newsdesk
PM Modi pays tribute to Nehru on his birth anniversary
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said he will hold extensive discussions with G20 leaders in Bali on key challenges such as reviving global growth, ensuring food and energy security and addressing issues relating to health and digital PM Modi said he will also highlight India’s achievements and its advocate Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay
Aam Aadmi Party had on Monday alleged that its Surat (East) candidate Kanchanlal Lallubhai Jariwala and his family were missing

News Breif

Shah Rukh Khan Stopped At Mumbai Airport, Later Allowed To Go

Corrupt will not be spared, says Modi in Hyderabad

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Saturday that those who looted the poor in Telangana will not be spared.

Hyderabad, Nov 12 (IANS) Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Saturday that those who looted the poor in Telangana will not be spared.

He stated this while addressing BJP workers at Begumpet Airport in Hyderabad soon after his arrival to inaugurate fertilizer plant at Ramagundam in Peddapalli district.

“I want to assure the people of Telangana that those who looted the poor will not be spared,” he said while calling on people to end corrupt and family rule in the state. Without naming Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS), Modi alleged that the corrupt were joining hands to escape action. “Attempts are being made by the corrupt to form an alliance,” he said.

Reports said the Bollywood star was detained by Customs over some expensive watches found in his baggage and had to payRs. 6.83 lakh in Customs Duty

According to reports, while Mr Khan and his manager were allowed to leave the airport after completion of Customs formalities, some members of his entourage, including his bodyguard, were detained the entire night for questioning and allowed to leave around morning. Reports said packaging for six expensive watches valued around ₹ 18 lakh were also found in the baggage of the star and those accompanying him.

Mr Khan attended the Sharjah International Book Fair 2022 yesterday, where he was honoured with the Global Icon of Cinema and Cultural Narrative Award for his contributions to international cinema and culture.

Himachal Votes In Assembly Election, BJP Hopes For Historic Second Term

Shimla: Over 55 lakh voters will vote in the 68 assembly segments in Himachal Pradesh today. At the nub of the fight is whether the BJP succumbs to the Himalayan state’s “rivaaj”, or tradition, of changing the government.

The ruling BJP, which is selling Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s face along with Jairam Thakur, has been insisting that “continuity” is key to development. Its chief argument is that the “double engine” — same party’s governments in state and at the Centre — will ensure work isn’t hindered. It cites another Himalayan state, Uttarakhand, as an

example of defeating the change-everyelection trend. The Congress, which says the election is about local issues, wishes the voters go by the four-decade tradition of voting out the incumbent. Beset with a leadership crisis ever since the death of veteran Virbhadra Singh, the party says it’ll sail back to power as its seat-wise ticket allocation has been “much better than before”.

Ex-WH advisor Vikrum Aiyer joins Heirloom Carbon

Former Pakistan spinner Danish Kaneria even went to the length of saying that Rahul Dravid shouldn’t be the coach of the Indian team in the shortest format.

Kaneria is of the opinion that Dravid lacks the ‘mindset’ required to guide the Indian team into becoming T20 world champions.

Kaneria also questioned the absence of a number of players like Rahul Tewatia, Mohammed Siraj, Umran Malik, etc. from the team.

An Indian national in the US faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison if convicted in an $8 million Covid-19 relief fraud scheme, according to court documents.

New York, Nov 11 (IANS) An Indian national in the US faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison if convicted in an $8 million Covid-19 relief fraud scheme, according to court documents.

Abhishek Krishnan, 40, has been charged by a federal grand jury in Newark, New Jersey, for fraudulently obtaining millions of dollars in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

Krishnan, who previously resided in Wake County, North Carolina, is charged with two counts of wire fraud, two counts of money laundering, and two counts of aggravated identity theft.

After returning to India, Krishnan allegedly submitted numerous fraudulent PPP loan applications to federally insured banks, including on behalf of purported companies that were not registered business entities. The fraudulent PPP loan applications allegedly included false statements about the companiesa� employees and payroll expenses, as well as falsified tax filings.

New York, Nov 12 (IANS) IndianAmerican Vikrum Aiyer, a former Barack Obama administration official, is set to join Heirloom Carbon, a renewable energy semiconductor manufacturing firm, as their top public policy chief.

Aiyer was the Deputy Director in American Civil Liberties Union, where he oversaw economic justice & gender justice campaigns in the National Political Advocacy Department.

In Gujarat Manifesto,

Congress Promises To

Rename Narendra Modi Stadium

Ahmedabad: Congress today promised to rename the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad to Sardar Patel Stadium, if it comes to power in Gujarat. Releasing the party’s manifesto for the forthcoming Assembly elections, senior Congress leader and Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said Congress will adopt the election manifesto as the official document in the first Cabinet meeting itself, if the party forms the government.

23 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Indian national charged in $8 mn Covid relief fraud scheme in US
Should Be India’s
Only In Tests, Not T20Is”:
Pakistan Star
HiIndia Newsdesk Election 2022: BJP is selling Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s face and insisting that “continuity” is key to development; Congress says the election is on local issues.


6 Rajiv Gandhi Killers Including Nalini Sriharan Freed By Supreme Court


Musk Warns

Twitter Staff: 80-Hour Weeks, No Free Food, No WFH...

The Tamil Nadu government had earlier recommended their release to the Governor, the Supreme Court noted while ordering their release.

New Delhi, Nov 11 (IANS) The Supreme Court on Friday ordered the release of all the six life-term convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case in view of the Tamil Nadu government’s recommendation.

In May, the top court had ordered the release of A.G. Perarivalan, who was sentenced to life imprisonment over the 1991 assassination of the former Prime Minister.

A bench comprising Justices B.R. Gavai and B.V. Nagarathna passed the order of releasing the convicts.

It added that court’s order pertaining to Perarivalan was applicable to all other convicts in the case and also noted that Tamil Nadu has recommended the release of all convicts in the case.

Convicts S. Nalini and R.P. Ravichandran had moved the apex court challenging the Madras High Court order, which refused to entertain their plea seeking release from the prison.

In response to the petitions, the Tamil Nadu government said both had served over 30 years in jail and it had approved the remitting sentence of all seven convicts over four years ago.

On May 18, the Supreme Court invoked its extraordinary powers to do complete justice under Article 142 of the Constitution, as it ordered the release of Perarivalan.

The warning came amid a tumultuous start to Elon Musk’s reign at Twitter -- a two-week period in which he has fired half of the company’s staff.

Elon Musk, in his first address to Twitter employees since purchasing the company for $44 billion, said that bankruptcy was a possibility if it doesn’t start generating more cash, according to people familiar with the matter.

The warning came amid a tumultuous start to Musk’s reign at the social media company -- a two-week period in which he has fired half of Twitter’s staff, ushered out most of the top executives and ordered the remaining employees to stop working from home.

One executive, who until Thursday had emerged as part of Musk’s new leadership team, Yoel Roth, departed, people familiar with the situation said. Another, Robin Wheeler, also resigned -- but Musk persuaded her to stay on, said some of the people, who requested anonymity to protect personal and professional relationships.

You Can Call Them ‘Chokers’ If You Want”: Kapil Dev

Former India captain Kapil Dev, who had helped the country won its first-ever World Cup in 1983, admitted that the team can be branded ‘chokers’ for their failure to go the distance in the T20 World Cup in Australia.

While Kapil admitted that there isn’t much wrong in putting the ‘chokers’ label on the Indian team, he also said that this is not the time to be too harsh as these are the same players who have brought laurels to the country with their performances over the years.

“Yes, we can call them chokers. That’s okay. They come close and then choke.”, Kapil told in a show on ABP News. “But don’t be too harsh. I agree, India played bad cricket, but we cannot be overly critical based on just one game,” he said.

PM Opens Bengaluru Airport’s New “Terminal In A Garden” Today

new terminal of Bengaluru’s

today. Terminal-2 (T-2) of the international airport has incorporated the concept of a “Terminal-in-a-garden”, a first of its kind.

Spread over a total area of 2,55,645 square meters, the terminal will have 22 contact gates and nine customs hand baggage screening. The gate lounge will have a seating capacity of 5,953.

Phase one of terminal-2 will have 15 bus gates, 90 check-in solutions, and 17

The Prime Minister said the terminal looked even more than the pictures, and said the increase in the number of airports also increases the potential of the youth of the country, giving rise to employment opportunities.

security check lanes and has a capacity of 25 million passengers every year.

Built at a cost of Rs 5,000 crore, the terminal is considered to be an architectural wonder. It will have lush greenery within and outside and the passengers’ experience is designed to be a walk in the garden.

Indian-American Nabeela Syed, 23, Scripts History In US Midterm Elections

New Delhi: Nabeela Syed has scripted history by becoming the youngest member to get elected to the Illinois General Assembly. In the recently held US midterm elections, the 23-year-old IndianAmerican defeated her Republican opponent Chris Bos. She received 52.3% votes in the election for the 51st District in the Illinois State House of Representatives.

Sharing her excitement on Twitter, Mr Syed said, “My name is Nabeela Syed. I am a 23-yearold Muslim, Indian-American woman. We just flipped a Republican-held suburban district.”

She added, “And in January, I’ll be the youngest member of the Illinois General Assembly.”

Nabeela Syed has also written a long note talking about her journey on Instagram. Talking about her mission, she said, “When I announced for State Representative, I made it a mission to genuinely engage in conversation with people – to give them a reason to get involved in our democracy and hope for better leadership that represents their values.”

Ms Syed added that she won this race “because we engaged in that conversation.” Thanking everyone for their support, Ms Syed said, “I knocked every door in this district. Tomorrow, I start knocking them again to thank them for placing their trust in me. I’m ready to get to work.”

Visiting India at a pivotal moment for global economy: US Treasury Secy

New Delhi, Nov 11 (IANS) US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Friday described the timing of her visit to India at “a pivotal moment for the global economy” when the world is dealing with lingering effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and spillovers from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “barbaric war” in Ukraine.

Speaking after visiting the Microsoft campus in Noida, Yellen said: “We are dealing with a confluence of headwinds. The lingering effects of the pandemic, spillovers from Putin’s barbaric war in Ukraine, and macroeconomic tightening as many countries grapple with inflation. “Emerging markets and developing countries are particularly under pressure. Tens of millions more people face extreme poverty and hunger since Russia’s war in Ukraine began.”

World Population To Reach 8 Billion On November 15, Says UN Report

The United Nations has estimated that the world’s population will reach eight billion by November 15. It has further said in a report that India will replace China as the world’s most populous nation in 2023.

The projection was revealed in UN World Population Prospects 2022 released on World Population Day on July 11 this year but is gaining traction now as the projected deadline is just days away.

The agency also stated that the global population growth fell below one per cent in 2020 for the first time since 1950.

The report said that more than half the projected increase in population up to 2050 will be concentrated in just eight countries: Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines and Tanzania.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 24 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK News
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Nabeela Syed, the 23-year-old IndianAmerican, defeated her Republican opponent Chris Bos.
Bengaluru: Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Kempegowda International Airport

FIFA World Cup 2022: TOP teams, Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and other stars

Thirty-two teams, 64 matches, 29 days. The first World Cup in the Middle East. League play around the world has paused and now football’s focus is on Qatar, whose national team opens the tournament with a match against Ecuador


A last chance for Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. Kylian Mbappé back on the biggest stage of all. Brazil bidding for a record-extending sixth title. One of the most eagerly anticipated World Cups in memory — as much for off-thefield reasons as those on it — begins Sunday in Qatar.

Thirty-two teams, 64 matches, 29 days. The first World Cup in the Middle East. League play around the world has paused and now football’s focus is on Qatar, whose national team opens the tournament with a match against Ecuador. Get ready for

a feast of soccer. There are eight groups of four teams, with the top two advancing to the 16-team knockout stage. There will be four games back-to-back per day — yes, four! — for most of the first two sets of group games, then simultaneous kickoffs for the last two games in each group. There’ll be no break for the knockout stage, which begins the day after the group stage ends. The first day without soccer comes on December 7 — the 17th day of competition.

World Cup: Report

Shaheen Afridi advised two-week rehab

New Delhi, Nov 15 (IANS) Though a new-look and depleted Indian cricket team will be taking on New Zealand in a white-ball series comprising three T20Is and as many ODIs starting from November 18, New Zealand will also be without some established players. The Black Caps captain Kane Williamson despite the new faces in the squad, India are still a formidable side and he is looking forward to the opportunity of playing them. He said the absence of players like Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli will be felt the talent and depth in India mean the series is going to be of the highest standard. “Some players resting and bringing in new players and will that make the nature of the cricket different? And I don’t think it will, although obviously, the likes of the players that aren’t here are big names and big draw cards. But the talent and the player depth in India certainly means that cricket’s going to be of the highest standard. And we’ve seen Indian teams that have had players that are resting travel the world and have some amazing clashes with other sides. So it’s just a little bit about the nature of the schedule and we know how passionate the Indian fans are and I’m sure they’ll be getting behind their team, as the Kiwi fans will over here too,” Williamson said.

New Delhi:(IANS) After the team’s disappointing exit at the semifinals stage from the recently-concluded Men’s T20 World Cup, the Indian cricket board will initiate measures to put the T20 team back on track. One of the steps reportedly under consideration is to use the experience and skills of M.S. Dhoni, in some capacity, to prepare and plan for the 2024 T20 World Cup.

India suffered a humiliating 10-wicket loss to England in the semifinals as the Men in Blue failed to bring home a T20 World Cup title once again.

A lot of criticism followed, where experts and fans slammed India’s ‘old-school’ approach to T20 cricket. There have been calls to split the coaches’ roles too and the issue could come up for discussion during the BCCI’s Apex Council meeting later this month. According to a report in The Telegraph, former India skipper M.S. Dhoni could be in for a stint with the Indian T20 side. The 41-year-old is likely to hang up his boots after IPL 2023 and post that, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) are keen to use his experience and skills in grooming the T20 side.

Indian cricket for a

time: Kane Williamson

New Zealand captain Kane Williamson believes Umran Malik is a super exciting talent and there are high hopes that the young pacer will be involved with Indian cricket for a long time. Umran, who made his IPL debut in 2021, played under the leadership of Williamson for Sunrisers Hyderabad as the SRH skipper backed the tearaway pacer for his raw pace.

“Umran is a super exciting talent. Spending time with him last year at the IPL and seeing his raw pace was a real asset to the team. To see him in the international scene now

has been an amazing rise for him. And I think when you’ve got that ability to bowl 150 mark as a fast bowler, it’s very exciting,” Williamson said during a media interaction organized by Amazon Prime Video on Tuesday (November 15), ahead of the India vs New Zealand series.

“I think by being in the squad, clearly there is high hopes that he will have an involvement with Indian cricket for a long time. Coming on on these tours where they’ve got the opportunity to play more and more, will certainly only help him on his journey.

Lahore: (IANS) Pakistan’s tearaway fast bowler Shaheen Shaheen Shah Afridi has been advised two weeks of rehabilitation for the injury he suffered during Sunday’s ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2022 final against England in Melbourne, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) informed on Monday.

The scan conducted on Monday morning prior to the team’s departure for Pakistan, has confirmed there were no signs of an injury and the knee discomfort was likely “due to a forced knee flexion whilst landing”, the PCB said in a release on Monday.

Australia Test, ODI Captain Pat Cummins Pulls Out Of

IPL 2023

Australia’s Test and ODI captain Pat Cummins has decided to pull out of IPL 2023. The star all-rounder announced about his decision on Twitter on Tuesday. Cummins cited the packed international calendar as the reason behind him skipping the Indian T20 event. Meanwhile, the player also thanked his IPL franchise Kolkata Knight Riders for understanding his decision. It is worth noting that Cummins’ announcement comes on November 15, the deadline day for all the 10 IPL teams to submit the list of the players retained and released.

Kane Williamson Gives His Opinion On Running Non-Striker Out

New Zealand skipper Kane Williamson spoke to NDTV on Tuesday, where he talked about the selection calls, the rise of Umran Malik, the debate over strike-rate in the shortest format and the series against India which will be played shortly after the World Cup. Running the non-striker out when he/she is too far ahead when the bowler is about to bowl, is being talked out a lot, and Williamson believes that this mode of dismissal is not an “attractive part of the game”.

25 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Umran Malik is an exciting talent, will be involved with
Williamson looking forward to an interesting series despite playing a new-look India
M.S. Dhoni likely to work with Team India for 2024 T20

Diabetes doesn’t develop overnight and we cannot always fault our genetics. The wrong diet patterns, lack of physical activities, long-term stress, late working hours without proper sleep, lack of adequate rest and environmental factors are equal triggers. To put it in a nutshell, at the end of the day, you are the one who decides about your health. As we make lifestyle modifications, a good diet, coupled with the right amount of exercise or daily yoga and pranayama, helps in attaining physical and mental strength. Naturopathy helps you achieve a diabetic-free lifestyle. Here are a few tips on how to go about a diabetic-free lifestyle:

* Soak two tablespoons of chia/basil seeds overnight in a glass of room temperature water. When you wake up, drink this water along with the soaked seeds on an empty stomach. Chia/basil seeds are a good source of soluble fibre, hence this drink helps in reducing the glycaemic load as well as insulin spikes in the body. Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants, Omega 3 fatty acids and magnesium too, which are proven to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Also 28.35 g of dried chia seeds yields nearly 10 g of fibre. An adult ideally should consume around 34 g of fibre each day.

* Make a juice using 2/3 raw amlas / Indian gooseberries and one glass of room temperature water. Have it early in the morning on an empty stomach. This juice is a good source of Vitamin C and also acts as a laxative which helps in ridding the body of accumulated toxins. It improves blood glucose metabolism, reduces sugar levels and precents cell insulin resistance.

* Replace one-time cereals with a millet dish (90-100gm of millets per day). For the next meal, replace the cereals with vegetables. This combination of low glycaemic index and fibre helps in preventing as well as in reversing diabetes

* Keep yourself hydrated by drinking a minimum of three litres of water every day.

* Replace sweet fruits with citrus fruits and semi-ripened fruits.

* Count the natural colours in your diet, that is follow a Rainbow diet. This means you must include a minimum of seven colours of fruits and vegetables in the diet. This arms the body with enough phytochemicals.

How diabetics should begin their day

A good diet, coupled with the right amount of exercise or daily yoga and pranayama, keeps your sugar in balance. Naturopathy can help you achieve a diabetic-free lifestyle, says Dr Cijith Sreedhar, CMO, Prakriti Shakti Clinic of Natural Medicine, CGH Earth, Kerala

* Sleep for seven to eight hours at night as this enhances the possibility of reversing diabetes by around 30 per cent.

* Strengthen the Soleus muscle by walking or other strength training, this being the single most important muscle that helps in glucose metabolism

* Burn belly fat with Yogic practices and Kriyas.

* Keep the levels of Vitamin D optimum by exposing yourself to sunlight or else resort to supplements.

* Short, cold applications/packs on the abdomen are an excellent method to improve your metabolism and vitality. This therapy assists in increasing the circulation to the abdomen area which in turn aids your digestion.

What is diabetes but the basic inability of the body cells to utilise insulin, which is known as insulin resistance. Due to this, though the pancreas produces

insulin, our cells are unable to use it for the uptake of glucose. Clinically, a fasting serum insulin level more than 60 pmol/L is considered as a state of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a complex metabolic abnormality and a common concern in both prediabetics and diabetics. It affects the ability of peripheral tissues to use insulin, thus impairing peripheral glucose utilisation and resulting in development of hyperglycemia. The main peripheral tissues involved are liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue as they are the main insulinsensitive sites. In insulin resistance, biochemical parameters like blood glucose level, blood triglyceride level, and blood cholesterol level increases whereas blood HDL cholesterol level decreases, which in turn contributes to cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.

answers health queries of individuals

I read that I need to walk 10,000 steps daily to stay healthy. I do not understand the statistic.

Ten thousand steps a day is the magic number worked out by researchers with data from around 78,000 participants. It is a distance of around eight kilometres, which can take up to an hour and 40 minutes to walk. The time varies with stride and speed. The steps can be taken any time during the day, not necessarily on your morning walk. Walking fewer steps also has benefits: 3,800 steps a day lowers the risk of dementia by 25 per cent; every 2,000 steps can reduce the risk of premature death by 10 per cent. Many people track their steps on wearable fitness devices or smartphones. The faster you walk, the greater the health benefits.

If I do intermittent fasting, can I lose weight fast?

Weight is determined by calories consumed minus calories expended. Intermittent fasting can eventually produce a calorie deficit. If you normally eat 4-5 meals and snacks a day (around 2,500- 3,000 calories), then cutting out two meals or snacks (because of intermittent fasting) will probably reduce your total caloric intake. Eventually, weight loss will occur, provided you do not eat extra during mealtimes. A deficit of 7,700 calories is needed to lose a kilo of weight. You can do this with fasting or by reducing the quantity of food eaten at each meal. Weight loss is faster and more efficient if it is combined with exercise.

I like to skip for exercise, but I can’t do it when it rains. Also, we shifted to a new apartment that doesn’t have enough space. Skipping is a very efficient way of burning calories. It works out to 10-15 caloriesper minute, even without using a rope. Spot jogging burns around nine calories per minute (60 steps a minute). Climbingstairs is also a very efficient way to burn calories — around eleven calories per minute. These exercises do not need any equipment. Do not exercise even in the house without proper footwear, as it can be hard on the knees.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 26 HEALTH
27 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 MA ZHER M. SHAH-KHAN ATTORNEY-AT-L AW U.S. IMMIGRATION & VIS Labor Certifications Perm H-1B Work Visas L-1 Visas E-2 Investor Visas U Visas (Victim of Crime) VAWA Cases (Battered Spouses) Family Based Petitions Adjustment of Status Citizenship Fiance/Fiancee Visas Religious Workers Deportation Defense 5797 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago, Tel: 7 7 3-583-6300 Fax: 7 7 www.visaprofession COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES Motels, Dunkin Donut's Grocery & Liquor Stores Gas Stations etc WIth or Without Real Estates Specialit y in SBA 7-A & SBA 504 Loans LOAN FOR PURCHASE & REFINANCE JYOTINDRA PATEL , (JP) Ph: (847) 581-9414, Fax: (847) 960-4996 Email: jyotindra26@hotmail.com X NAPERVILLE VISHRUT SHAH Ph: 630-343-9999 Tax Services for Individual & Business Tax Planning & Compliance Bookkeeping, Payroll & Sales Tax IRS State Representation Small Business Consulting on Planning gton St, 104B, Naperville, IL 60563 nternational Tax Experts 20% off NEW clients! W IN NAPERVILLE! 773 338 0222 LIQUOR STORE HELP Annuities Rohit A. Shah MBA, LUTCF Financial Repr esentative The Pietsch Financial Group, Inc 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181 Office Phone: 1 630 317 2504 Office Fax: 1 630 317 2539 Cell: 1 847 219 2536 847 970 9431 1 Email: Rohit Shah@GLIC Com d ce Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY or subsidiary of Guardian 2016 22707 Exp 8/18 Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax No.847-597-2401 Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM ROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Financial Representative ] Add and Variable ] Disability Income ] Life Insurance and ] Long Term Care Financial Representative of the Guardian Life Insurance Company America® (Guardian) New York, NY. The Pietsch Financial Group is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707. Exp 8/18 Road, 60015 2021-114299 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 MOTEL HELP Seeking young energetic couple to manage Independent Motel in Chicago Suburbs. Good Salary with free accommodation. English and Legal Status must. Call 708-336-0641 1595 East Oakton Street, Des Plaines, IL 60018. Phone: 224.725.3747 info@goodmansgraphics.com www.goodmansgraphics.com EMAIL OR CALL US TODAY! Quick & Quality Printing Services COLOR COPIES, BLACK & WHITE COPIES, BUSINESS CARDS, FLYERS, POSTCARDS, MENUS, BROCHURES, ENVELOPES, BOOKLETS, MAGAZINE, SIGNS, POSTERS, BANNERS, DECALS VARIABLE DATA MAIL MERGE, COLLATING & FOLDING TICKETS & COUPONS WITH NUMBERING & PERFORATION SPIRAL & COMB BINDING & MUCH MORE DESIGN & PRINTING SOLUTIONS INSTANT DIGITAL PRINTING Printing made easier than ever! Call: 847-584-7617 Email: goyallaw@gmail.com 1625 West Colonial Parkway, Inverness, IL 60061 (Near Harper College, Palatine, IL) ATTORNEY PARVEEN K . GOYAL NEED AN ATTORNEY? Real Estate, Immigration, Divorce, Personal Injur y & Other Legal Ser vices Professional & Affordable Legal Ser vices More than 30 years experience


Who wears crop tops to the office?

The traditional office dress code has long been over. Visible tattoos are acceptable and bluejeans and sneakers have become the norm in many workplace settings. Even rigid banking firms like Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase have eased up in recent years to embrace casual fashion

Shortly after Santina Rizzi graduated from Florida State University in spring 2021 with a degree in political science, she started working as a paralegal at a Miami law firm where the office dress code was business casual: button-up shirts, long skirts (or short skirts with

tights) and closed-toe shoes. Rizzi frequently opted for crop tops. She would often share her work looks on TikTok in “GRWM” — get ready with me — videos, earning her a reputation among followers and colleagues alike for violating the dress code. Now 22, Rizzi has a new full-time job as a social media

manager in Miami, but her crop tops remain. “I’m not going to buy clothes specifically for my job,” she said. “I’m stubborn that way.”

The traditional office dress code has long been over. Visible tattoos are acceptable and bluejeans and sneakers have become the norm in many workplace settings. Even rigid banking firms like Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase have eased up in recent years to embrace casual fashion. And look, Jason Sudeikis isn’t the only person wearing a hoodie to work events.

With employers offering incentives to get workers back in the office and the skyrocketing costs of, well, everything, the next evolution in our workplace wardrobes might just be the freeing of the midriff.

On TikTok, videos showcasing crop tops as work wear frequently draw criticism from users, including accusations of unprofessionalism and suggestions that the posters are merely cosplaying the lives of actual office workers. But the trend is also praised, particularly by members of Gen Z, as a stylish show of resistance against the status quo. And it’s not just online either: On recent weekdays in Midtown Manhattan, many women were spotted wearing crop tops as part of their work attire during the evening rush hour.

On occasion, Rizzi’s outfits for the day — consisting mostly of trousers from Zara, cropped tank tops and oversize blazers to cover up (“in case one of the partners were walking by”) — have been highlighted by TikTok’s For You feature, putting her videos in front of people she referred to as “career adults, 30, 40 years old.” “The comments were crazy,” she recalled. “Like, ‘I would fire this girl’; ‘This is so disrespectful’; ‘I don’t know what this generation’s doing.’

activities will remain.


This will keep people respecting you. So you have to keep your words and anger under control. Remember, this time too shall pass. If misunderstandings have created space between you and a friend, find a solution as soon as possible. This friendship is special for you too. This week there will be prosperity in legal disputes and court works. Work will be in progress.


There are chances of some auspicious ceremony taking place in the house, and there is also a possibility of completion of some auspicious work or festival. In spite of all this, any worry related to the family itself can be eating you inside. This week you will get unpleasant news. There will be good success in business-job.


Ganesha says that married life is going to be favorable this week. There will be tank trips related to the work area or religious field. Due to your dexterity and impressive personality, you will be able to please the opposition class. Maintain good behavior with parents, otherwise, you may have to face difficulties. .


Ganesha says that this week you will get wealth from more than one resource. Health will be favorable. Your married life happiness will grow up, and your brain will be happy with your spouse and children. You will get good news.

10th November 2022 to 17th November 2022

For single people, marriages are being made this week.


Ganesha says that this week, you will get better happiness and support from the family. There will be peace and tranquility on the job. You will see an increase in your passion and enthusiasm. There will be an unexpected success in the field of competition.


Ganesha says that there will be occupational trips this week, in which you will see positive results. Along with promotion in the workplace, you will get wealth and happiness. You will complete any task with ease. The happiness of married life will remain advantageous. Some kind of good news will brighten the happiness of the house this week.


Ganesha says that mellowness will remain in married life this week. Coincidences of profit will come. Will be profitable in

the business job. Promotion can increase jobs. Be a little careful about your health. You will be able to build good relations with others because of being good at communication. You will be successful in accumulating money.


Ganesha says that this week, you can get positive news from in-laws and family. Sudden financial gains are possible. You will get the progress of prestige in society. Will try to complete his work with full confidence in the field workplace. Good news will be received on behalf of your children this week.


Ganesha says that this week any kind of religious work or auspicious work can be completed in the house. Getting acquainted with new people will increase. There will be positive outcomes in married life. Interest in religious


Ganesha says not to say anything that will hurt him. It is possible that the people around you may remain upset, which can also affect your mood. But don’t worry because this too will pass. You just focus on your work.


Ganesha says that if someone is getting angry with you, then speak softly and get out of there, soon everything will be fine. You will be able to do your work on time. But do not give up hope of achieving your goal in any situation.


Ganesha says that every person has a different limit. Do not panic in any challenging conditions as you will be able to face them in a simple way. Just believe in yourself and keep moving forward with full confidence. Which one you were looking for for a long time can be found this week..

Author Bio:

Celebrity Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla is the son of famous astrologer Bejan Daruwalla. He is known for his detailed astrological predictions on career, health, love, finance, and business. You can visit their website bejandaruwalla.com for guidance on problems related to your life and solve your problem with the help of expert astrologer Chirag Daruwalla. For guidance on problems related to your life you can talk to Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla on Call/Whatsapp: +91 9825470377 or also mail on: info@ bejandaruwalla.com

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 28
Santina Rizzi in the plastic surgery office where she works as a social media manager in Miami. (Ysa Pérez/ The New York Times) A crop top paired with a blazer outside the Michael Kors show during New York Fashion Week in September 2022. (Simbarashe Cha/The New York Times) Young employees, many of them new to office jobs, are bringing crop tops, a wardrobe staple usually reserved for the weekends, into the workplace. (Simbarashe Cha/The New York Times)
29 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 BUY, SELL, RENT, LEASE! CALL EMAIL Home 4 U Realty Moving Buyers to their Dream Homes ACUPUNCTURE - Freedom FromPain Acupuncture is often used to treat musculoskeletal conditions (of bones & muscles) *Peripheral Neuropathy* Acute/Chronic neck & back pain (Sciatica)* Headache & Migraine *Acute chronic shoulder, wrist, knee & ankle pain, * Sport injuries * Joint pain * Arthritis * Fibromyalgia *Infertility * Smoking Cessation & Weight loss AffordableAc p nct re Rates: Initial Follo UpCons ltations 40 Special Package Rate: 3 visitsfor 99 byappointment Dr T Ra D ingra D C 534 C estn tDr, S ite 120, Hinsdale, I 60521 CA 630-664-2792
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 30 Classifieds ALL PLATFORM ONLY FOR FOR ADVERTISING 773 338 0222 30,000 PRINT EDITION 68K E-BLAST 100K + VISITORS ONLINE $40 Hawkey Motel in Washington, Iowa for sale 21 Rooms Independent Motel with a great 2 bed room apartment Very good business MOTEL FOR SALE For more info. call Peter: 319-621-8212 , , 21 , 2 , , Hawkey Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: Convenient food and liquor store in Villa Park, established over 30 plus years, owner retiring. Low goodwill, Long Term Lease available for quick sale. Call: Mr. Shukla -847-343-2118 Email: pbs98@hotmail.com BUSINESS FOR SALE QUICK SALE Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: HOTEL HELP Franchise hotel located in Lake Bluff, IL (North Chicago Suburbs) Now Hiring for: FRONT DESK/ MANAGER Must be fluent in English, have computer skills,and professionalism. Experience is preferred, and will train qualified candidates. HOUSEKEEPING COUPLES Experience is preferred, will train qualified candidate.Living accommodations provided. Text:872-395-3307 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: LIQUOR STORE HELP Now hiring Store Associate and Manager for Cardinal Warehouse Wine and Liquor, Call: 773-931-7650 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: GAS STATION HELP Gas Station located at River Grove, IL need Cashier, must be willing to work overnight. Experience preferred. Must Speak good English Call: 773-391-6682 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: Small manufacturing business for sale in Bensenville, IL, operating for 25 years, time to retire. Good for family run business. good growth potential. Priced for fast sale $425,000 Call 847-312-2806 BUSINESS FOR SALE Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: HOTEL HELP શિકાગો સબબમાઆવલી શવશવધ હોટલસમા 3 હાઉસકીપીંગ કપલસની જરૂર છ હોટલ હાઉસકીપીંગનો અનભવ તમજ લીગલ સટટસ જરૂરી. રહવાની સગવડ આપવામા આવિ. Call 215-239-4152 or 215-964-3016 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: Multiple Hotels near Chicago are looking for Front Desk Personnel. English Communication and Legal Status are a MUST to work. Living accommodation will be provided with competitive pay.. Call: 215-239-4152 or 215-964-3016 HOTEL HELP Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: Franchise and private Hotel in Western Suburbs of Chicago,IL need single person for Front Desk and couple for Housekeeping. We will provide accommodations as well. Call Umesh Patel: 847-208-8010 HOTEL HELP Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: Wanted Laundry Person and Housekeeper for Franchise Motel in St. Louis, MO. Good Salary and Accommodation Provided. Call: 314-497-3292 or 314-330-4621 MOTEL HELP Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: Seeking Hotel Operations Manager. Previous Hotel Management experience preferred. Salary plus accommodations provided. Call 314-330-4621 or 314-497-3292 HOTEL OPERATIONS MANAGER
31 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: મોટેલ -કન્વીનિયન્સ સ્ોર હેલ્પ શિકાગોથી એક કલાકના અંતર શિશિગન I-94 પર આવલી ફ્ચાઇઝ િોટલિા હાઉસકકશપંગ અન ફ્ટડસકન કાિ કરી િક તવા કપલની જરૂરછ. તિજ કનવીશનયનસ સટોરિા with Liquor, American & Indian Food લીકર અન િીટ સનડશવચન લગત કાિ કરી િક તવા વયક્તઓની જરૂર છ. રહવાની સગવડ આપવાિા આવિ. Franchise Motel on I-94 in Michigan need couple for Housekeeping and Front Desk, also need help for Convinence Store with Liquor, American & Indian Food and Meat Sandwiches. Accommodation will be provided. Call: 269-903-9677 (Cell) or 269-426-8300 (S) Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: BABYSITTR/HOUSEHOLD HELP નપરવિલ , ઇલલનોયમા ચાર અન એક િરના બ દીકરાઓની સભાળ, રસોઈ તમજ ઘરકામ માટ ગજરાતી બહનની જરૂર છ. વયાજબી પગાર તમજ રહિાની સગિડ આપિામા આિશ Call: (708) 688-9174 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: MOTEL HELP Des Moines, Iowaમા આવલી ફ્ન્ાઈઝ મોટલમા ફ્નટડસ્ક તમજ હાઉસ્કીપીંગ માટ સસંગલ અથવા ્કપલની જરૂર છ. રહવાની સગવડ આપવામા આવશ. લીગલ સટટસ જરૂરી. Franchise Motel in Des Moines, Iowa needs Single or Couple for Frontdesk and Housekeeping. Accommodation will be provided. Legal Status must. Call Dipak Amin 319-601-0923 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: રસીન -માઉન્ટ પ્ઝન્ટ , વિસ્કોનનસન ખાત (વિ્ાગકો એરપકો્ટથી માત્ર ચા્ીસ વમવન્ટના અંતર) આિ્ી 75 રૂમની મકો્ટ્મા હાઉસક્વપંગ ્પ્ તમજ કિિસ અન રાતની વિફ્ટ ્રી િ્ તિા ફ્રન્ટ ડસ્ ્્ા્ની જરૂર છ. રહિાની સગિડ આપિામા આિિ. રસ ધરાિનાર વ્યન્તઓએ સપ્ ્રિકો 75 Room Franchise Hotel in Racine-Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin (Only 40 minutes from Chicago Airport) hiring for Housekeeping Couple and Front Desk Clerk day and night shift opening. Accommodation will be provided. Interested Please call: 214-457-7733 HOTEL HELP Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: MOTEL HELP Wanted Motel Manager Couple or Single and Housekeeper for Franchise Motel in St. Louis, MO Good Salary and Accommodation Provided. CALL: 314-497-3292 or 314-330-4621 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: 21 Room Motel near O’Hare Airport (Chicago, IL) needs Gujarati vegetarian couple for housekeeping. Accommodation and food provided. Call between 12 pm-8 pm. ઓ’હર એરપોર (શિકાગો, ઇલિનોય) પાસ આવિી 21 રૂમની મોરિમા હાઉસકકશપંગ માર ગજરાતી િાકાહારી કપિની જરૂર છ જમવા અન રહવાની સગવડ આપવામા આવિ બપોરના 8 થી રાતના 8 વાગયા સધીમા સપક સાધો. Call:312-483-8935 / 773-988-5808 MOTEL HELP Email: Hvarma9691@gmail.com Gujarati, Hindu parents looking for a suitable match for 26 yrs. old handsome son, Ht - 5’11”, working in reputed Construction Design Firm in Los Angeles, California for a girl from Gujarati family, well educated, beautiful, slim girl from USA or Canada. Please send biodata and recent picture. MATRIMONIAL
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 32

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