hi INDiA | March 26, 2021 | The Community First

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t e i i r o w nly s sleep ho h w g o w t no oup ight n i s t /hiindialive FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021 r / EASTCOAST 773.526.8353 @hiindia n /hiindiaNews et ad a MIDWEST 1 e g each b h A , as ht. T eep k a e l aig of s e w t ly m s n r o ec eque alls ou b y f r the ly, f have ome , e i c k e, rs. e ag l. S opl ed qu alanc etfu othe sis tir eir b forg c thanagno e e ti th Th di se becom toma own er’s. n of p r o nd e sym thei zheim inati e r l b I wantoto f ‘Virat Kohli has been that B12 deficiency can ‘I am oo l Atoldom mo n hav b y r c r o e 12 red ion pressuring, disrespecting e a a politician various to due occur ove, itBis oft entiabecome b r c s t o y i n ll d f oduct e d t a m i lig h e Lloyd David : e umpires that’ reasons like demactuanot h d t i z w e e V ri y, y rs. ne lls, pr , ma facto entur l a r l y he d n bel p o p l e n o s mi rve ce lism a ese 0th c r t i c u ine, he N o f p e this t i a 2 g l” v of ne etabo he n s , p b a lamms. 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In 2011, president Barack mo public b determining prevailing wage t i e Obama tapped him to and methods for d t TAXATION – ACCOUNTING –serve FINANCE Session on “India- V evalevels, t eofficial release said following the HiIndia Newsdesk a on the advisory group on an HiIndia Newsdesk l v Financial Advisory & Business Consulting e a r Indian-American physician prevention, health promotion, US ITThe Cooperation & has on Monday. gannouncement Washington,: Biden Administration IRS/AUDIT REPRESENTATION – Domestic &Int'l Issues g a integrative and public OVDP Representation proposed an 18-month delay in the effective date This proposed rule follows an initial 60-day Vi v e k Mu r t hy h a s b e e n and

99 Songs is about one man’s struggle against the old and new world: AR Rahman

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City Council rejects anti-CAA RESOLUTION INSIDE PAGES

Biden Admin proposes 18-month delay in calculating Senate confirms Dr Vivek Murthy as US Surgeon General prevailing wages of H-1B and other visas


of a final rule on calculating the prevailing wages delay announced earlier this month.

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New book chronicles Indian fugitives who escaped to UK

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FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021


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FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021




Biden tasks Harris with tackling migrant influx on US-Mexico border US President Joe Biden has put Vice-President Kamala Harris in charge of controlling migration at the southern border following a big influx of new arrivals.

HiIndia Newsdesk Mr Biden said he was giving her a “tough job” but that she was “the most qualified person to do it”. The numbers of people arriving have grown since Mr Biden took office. They include hundreds of unaccompanied minors who are being held in immigration detention facilities. Mr Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump, was widely criticised over his government’s treatment of young migrants at the USMexico border. Since January, the Biden administration has reversed a policy of turning away unaccompanied children, instead choosing to process them and place them with sponsoring families in the US.

Oscar-nominated actor George Segal dies ages 87

US gun control: Biden calls for a ban on assault weapons

773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Boulder shooting: Ten victims and suspect identified by police

HiIndia Newsdesk Colorado officials have identified the gunman and 10 victims aged between 20- and 65-years-old who were killed in a mass shooting inside a grocery store. The attack at a King Soopers market in Boulder ended when police arrested the lone suspect after exchanging gunfire.

Who are the victims?

Their names are: Denny Stong, 20 Neven Stanisic, 23 Rikki Olds, 25 Tralona Bartkowiak, 49 Suzanne Fountain, 59 Teri Leiker, 51 Eric Talley, 51 Kevin Mahoney, 61 Lynn Murray, 62 Jody Waters, 65

Who is the suspect?

HiIndia Newsdesk George Segal, the US actor who was Oscar-nominated for his performance in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, has died at the age of 87. The New Yorker starred alongside Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in the 1966 film adaptation of Edward Albee’s play. He went on to play comic roles in shows like The Goldbergs and Just Shoot Me. His wife Sonia Segal said she and her family were “devastated” to confirm he died on Tuesday in California. She added Segal had died “due to complications from bypass surgery”.

Ten people were killed at a supermarket in Colorado on Monday

HiIndia Newsdesk President Joe Biden has vowed to take “common-sense steps” to crack down on firearms following two mass shootings in the US in less than a week. He renewed his call to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and urged Congress to pass bills that would end loopholes in background checks. Mr Biden was speaking a day after 10 people were shot dead in a Colorado

grocery store. Eight people were killed inside spas in Georgia last week. But the president has an uphill task. The right to bear arms is protected by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. While Democrats have called for stricter gun control measures in the aftermath of mass shootings, many conservatives, including former President Donald Trump, see any restrictions as infringing on this constitutional right.

Virginia governor signs bill Black residents to get to abolish death penalty reparations in Evanston, Illinois HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk

Virginia has become the first Southern US state to abolish the A suburb of Chicago is to become the first city in the United death penalty after its governor signed into law a bill that ends States to pay reparations to black residents who have capital punishment. suffered housing Governor Ralph Northam discrimination. said the repeal would stop a The city council in “machinery of death” with a Evanston, Illinois, history of racial disparities. voted 8-1 to It comes at a time of distribute $25,000 renewed national debate (£18,000) each to on the topic of executions. 16 eligible black Virginia has executed households to use more people than any other state except Texas since capital for home repairs punishment was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1976. or as down payments on property. The funds come mostly Since then, the vast majority of executions have taken place in from a new tax on legalised marijuana. the Southern US states that made up the former slave-owning Black Americans were disadvantaged by racist housing Confederacy. Executions are still authorised in 27 states across decisions. To be eligible, residents must be a black person the country, though several have enacted a moratorium on who lived in Evanston between 1919 to 1969, or a descendant carrying the punishment out. of such a person.

Ac t i ng U S attor ne y Mi cha el Dougherty stressed the investigation was “in its early stages” but Ahmad Al Aliwi Al Issa, 21, was the only suspect involved. He said Mr Al Issa was from Arvada, Colorado, and had lived most of his life in the US. On Monday, authorities said the investigation would take “no less than five days to complete”.






FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021




FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

India News

Daily Covid count crosses 50k for the first time since November 6

HiIndia Newsdesk The daily count of coronavirus cases in India crossed 50,000 for the first time since November 6. On Wednesday, 53,476 new infections were detected, of which Maharashtra reported 31,855, a new peak for the state. Mumbai and Pune have both set new records for daily cases. Punjab, second-highest state with covid cases, reported 2,613 new infections. Active cases rise by more than 26,000 in a day, the highest record since the outbreak of the virus. There are total 3.95 lakh active cases in the country and 251 deaths reported on Thursday. A new double mutant variant of coronavirus has been identified in India, according to the A new double mutant variant of coronavirus has been identified Ministry of Health. A total of 206 cases of the in India, according to the Ministry of Health. A total of 206 cases of double mutant variant (E484Q + L452R) have the double mutant variant (E484Q + L452R) have been detected in been detected in Maharashtra, the data show. The Maharashtra, the data show.

Centre said there is no direct link of the new variant detected with the ongoing surge in the state. While Gujarat, Pune, Delhi and Haryana have banned public celebrations of Holi, Mumbai has placed restrictions on the festival. The Uttar Pradesh government has issued a set of guidelines asking senior citizens and vulnerable groups to stay away from celebrations and said no processions or gatherings will be allowed without prior administrative permission. In its briefing on Covid-19 on Wednesday, the Centre flagged Maharashtra and Punjab as “states of grave concern showing recent surge”. Maharashtra has consistently reported more than 25,000 new cases every day for a week now In Punjab, where over 320 coronavirus samples have been found to be from the UK lineage — implying that the UK variant could be behind the recent surge — the number of daily new cases has been consistently over 2,000 for more than a week now.

India Delays Big Exports Of AstraZeneca Shot As Infections Surge: Report

HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: India has put a temporary hold on all major exports of the AstraZeneca coronavirus shot made by the Serum Institute of India (SII), the world’s biggest vaccine-maker, to meet domestic demand as infections

Nitish has adopted RSS-BJP culture: Rahul

HiIndia Newsdesk Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday said Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar has completely transformed himself into the RSS-BJP mould, arguing that the forces which disrobed democracy in this brutal manner cannot be called a government. The former Congress president, who has often been accused of nurturing a soft corner for Nitish, seems to have finally given up with the realisation that the Janata Dal United leader has adopted the RSS-BJP culture as manifested through the mindless violence against MLAs on the Assembly premises. Rahul was one among many Opposition leaders who felt Nitish’s political philosophy was not in tune with the RSS ideology and he would return sooner or later. Tuesday’s incident shocked many political parties as they issued a joint statement condemning the police brutality which they described as an “unprecedented attack on India’s democracy”.

rise, two sources told. The move will also affect supplies to the GAVI/WHObacked global COVAX vaccine-sharing facility, through which 64 lower-income countries are supposed to get doses from SII, the programme’s procurement and distributing partner UNICEF told Reuters. “We understand that deliveries of COVID-19 vaccines to lower-income economies participating in the COVAX facility will likely face delays following a setback in securing export licences for further doses of COVID-19 vaccines produced by the Serum Institute of India (SII), expected to be shipped in March and April,” UNICEF said in an email.

Ravi Shastri posted a group picture with India players after the team’s win in 1st ODI vs England.

Man thrashed, forced to chant ‘Pakistan Murdabad’ slogan in Delhi; one arrested

Modi government passes Delhi bill in Parliament

HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk In a horrific video doing the rounds on social media, a man in Delhi’s Khajuri Khas was seen mercilessly thrashing another person as he forced him to chant “Hindustan Zindabad” and “Pakistan Murdabad” slogans. Taking note of the incident after the video went viral, a case was registered against the attackers. One of the accused was arrested, Delhi Police said late Wednesday night. As per reports, the man seen in the video is an accused in Delhi riots case that rocked the northeast area of the national capital in 2020. Delhi Police said the main accused seen in the video was arrested and an FIR registered based on the viral video clip. The video begins with a person forcing a man who is lying on the road to chant ‘Pakistan Murdabad’ slogans. Another man, who is not seen in the video, asks him to raise his volume as his attacker holds him by his collar. As the main accused beat him up, he kept asking the man to chant “Hindustan Zinadabad” and ”Pakistan Murdabad” slogans, the video purportedly showed.

The Narendra Modi government found little support outside its ranks when it passed a bill in Parliament on Wednesday that is being seen as a bid to clip the wings of the Arvind Kejriwal dispensation in Delhi. Some of the parties opposed to the changes sought to be brought in through the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2021, staged a walkout as the Rajya Sabha voted it in.Of all the Opposition parties, the Trinamul Congress made a particular point of being present for the consideration and passage of the bill despite the first phase of Assembly elections in Bengal being just a couple of days away. Trinamul leader Derek O’Brien made a lastminute effort to delay the voting by urging the Chair to invoke the residuary powers provided under Rule 266 of the Rajya Sabha.






FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021




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FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021

North Korea fires two ballistic missiles into Sea of Japan




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine 76% effective in updated US trial results The latest data was based on 190 infections among more than 32,400 participants in the United States, Chile and Peru. The earlier interim data was based on 141 infections through Feb. 17.

HiIndia Newsdesk North Korea has fired two ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan, says the US and Japan - the first such test since Joe Biden became US president. Pyongyang is banned from testing ballistic missiles, considered threatening weapons, under UN Security Council resolutions. Both Japan and South Korea have both condemned the test. It comes just days after North Korea reportedly fired two non-ballistic missiles into the Yellow Sea.

this week in a report that was criticised for using outdated information. US health officials had publicly rebuked the drugmaker for not using the most up-to-date information when it published an interim analysis on Monday that said the vaccine was 79% effective. The latest data was based on 190 infections among more than 32,400 participants in the United States, Chile and Peru. The earlier interim data was based on 141 infections through Feb. 17. “The primary analysis is consistent with our previously released HiIndia Newsdesk interim analysis, and confirms that our COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca said its COVID-19 vaccine was 76% effective is highly effective in adults,” Mene Pangalos, executive vice at preventing symptomatic illness in a new analysis of its president of BioPharmaceuticals R&D at AstraZeneca said in major US trial – a tad lower than the level announced earlier a statement.

EU leaders to discuss Netanyahu falls short of boosting vaccine supplies majority amid vote count

Facebook removes accounts of ‘China-based hackers’ targeting Uighurs HiIndia Newsdesk

Facebook has removed a group of China-based hackers it says targeted members of the Uighur community living abroad. It said hackers used malicious websites and apps to infect devices and allow for remote surveillance, with journalists and activists targeted. A majority of the cyber attacks didn’t happen directly on Facebook but used the social media platform to share links to infected sites.

Africa took less Covid measures with more cases

Africa had more cases of Covid-19 in the second wave last year than in the first, yet did not implement stricter measures, a study shows. The study published on Wednesday by medical journal Lancet shows that at the peak of the first wave in July last year, the mean daily number of new cases was 18, 273 It progressed to about 23,790 cases per day by 31 December, with 73% of African countries being affected by the second wave.

EU leaders are to hold virtual talks to discuss ways of boosting Covid vaccine supplies and improving the rollout of doses across the 27-nation bloc. The European Commission will on Thursday ask leaders to support plans for added controls on vaccine exports, which could affect supply to the UK. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson earlier warned against imposing “blockades”. The virtual summit comes as a third wave of coronavirus infections sweeps across much of mainland Europe.US President Joe Biden will also dial in to the talks later on Thursday to discuss EU-US relations.

HiIndia Newsdesk Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu could struggle to secure enough seats in parliament to stay in power, incomplete results from Tuesday’s election show. With almost 90% of votes counted, his right-wing bloc is on course to win 59 seats - two short of the threshold.In a surprise development, an Arab party which is projected to get five seats could hold the balance of power. The final outcome will among other things determine the course of Israel’s relations with the Palestinians. The Arab party, Raam, has not declared whether it will support the efforts of Mr Netanyahu - an unnatural ally - to form a governing coalition or those of the bloc of parties opposed to him remaining in office.

Suez Canal blocked after Citigroup urges staff to ship runs aground go Zoom-free on Fridays

HiIndia Newsdesk The giant container ship that has been blocking the Suez Canal for more than a day has been partially refloated and traffic along the fastest shipping route from Europe to Asia is expected to resume soon, marine agent GAC said on Wednesday. The 400-metre, 224,000-tonne Ever Given was stranded on Tuesday morning after losing the ability to steer amid high winds and a dust storm, the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) said in a statement. About 30 per cent of global container ship traffic passes through the canal each day, carrying everything from fuel to consumer goods. The main alternative route for ships travelling between Asia and Europe, around the African cape, takes a week longer to navigate.

HiIndia Newsdesk In a move to combat fatigue triggered by remote working during the Covid-19 pandemic, Citigroup Inc has declared “Zoom-Free Fridays” and encouraged employees to limit calls outside work hours.While Wall Street is known for its tough work culture, the remote working during the pandemic has been particularly gruelling for most employees, taking enormous toll on their health and mental wellbeing. “I know from your feedback and my own experience, the blurring of lines between home and work and the relentlessness of the pandemic workday have taken a toll on our well-being,” chief executive officer Jane Fraser said in a memo seen by Reuters on Tuesday.



News Update Top Stories of the Week


THE NATION FIRST March 25th 2021 | hiindia.com





FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021



LARGEST SOUTH ASIAN DIASPORA NETWORK IN NORTH AMERICA | ADVERTISING 773.552.6083 | Send US WhatsApp on 773.526.8353 to receive or stop News Updates

Kangana Ranaut gets partial relief in defamation case filed by Javed Akhtar

India’s Current Covid Wave Could Peak In 2nd Half Of April: SBI Report The SBI report said localised lockdowns or restrictions have been “ineffective” and that mass vaccination is the “only hope” to win the battle against the pandemic.

HiIndia Newsdesk The Andheri court in Mumbai has granted bail to Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut on Thursday after she moved the court for the cancellation of the bailable warrant that the court issued against her in the defamation case, brought against her by lyricist Javed Akhtar. She has been granted bail upon furnishing a surety of ₹15,000 and a cash surety of ₹20,000, Bar and Bench reported.

HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: India is witnessing an increase in the daily new pandemic. cases of COVID-19 since February, “clearly indicating a “Considering the number of days from the current level of daily second wave”, a report by the State Bank of India (SBI) said. new cases to the peak level during the first wave, India might The second wave may last up reach the peak in the second to 100 days, when counted half of April,” it said. from February 15, it said. Focusing on the economic Based on trends till March indicators, the SBI report said 23, the total number of the business activity index, coronavirus cases in India in based on high frequency the second wave is expected indicators, has declined in to be around 25 lakh, the the last week, adding that forecast said. the impact of the lockdown The 28-page report said or restrictions imposed by localised lockdowns certain states might become or restrictions have been visible next month. “ineffective” and that mass The report also calls for vaccination is the “only hope” an increase in the pace of to win the battle against the vaccination across states.

“Being Made Scapegoat,” Says Arrested Cop Sachin Waze

HiIndia Newsdesk Mumbai: Suspended police officer Sachin Waze, Sixty-two bullets have been found from Sachin arrested in the Mukesh Ambani explosives scare Waze’s house, which are unaccounted for, the case, had a considerable amount unexplained of investigators said. “Only 5 of the 30 bullets given for ammunition in his house and should be questioned his service revolver have been found. The accused further, the National Investigation is not telling where the rest went,” Agency said today. Sachin Waze’s the NIA added. Sachin Waze was remand with the agency -- which is arrested for his links with Mansukh investigating the whole issue – ends Hiran, the man who owned the today. Sachin Waze claimed he is SUV in which the explosives were being made a scapegoat in the case, found. Investigators say they found but the court agreed with the probe evidence that the two had met agency and granted them further on February 17, when Hiran had custody till April 3. handed Waze the keys to the vehicle “We want the custody of the accused for further which he later claimed was stolen. investigation,” the NIA told the court.

“Should Be Completely Back To Normal By 2022-End”: Bill Gates

HiIndia Newsdesk Warsaw: The world should be back to normal by the end of 2022 thanks to COVID-19 vaccines, Bill Gates said in an interview f o r Po l i s h n e w s p ap e r Gazeta Wyborcza.“This is an incredible tragedy,” the Microsoft co-founder said on the pandemic, adding that the only good news was the access to vaccines. “By the end of 2022 we should be basically completely back to normal,” Gates said. Gates, a billionaire who stepped down as chairman of Microsoft Corp in 2014, has through his philanthropic Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation committed at least $1.75 billion to the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trinamool Spends More Than BJP, As “PM Wants To Stop Arvind Kejriwal Bengal Tops In Facebook Political Ads At Any Cost”: Manish Sisodia On Bill

HiIndia Newsdesk Kolkata: Among the four states and one Trinamool Congress which seeks to union territory that are going to polls return to power in West Bengal for the from March 27, West Bengal emerged third consecutive term, exceeds that of as the topper in spending for political advertisements on Facebook this year, the BJP, the main rival of the Mamata Banerjee-led party, in 90 days till March according to data available with the 22, the data revealed. social media platform. During the period, political parties of Besides West Bengal, assembly elections will be held in three other states Assam, West Bengal spent about ₹ 3.74 crore on poll-related campaigns which fall under Kerala and Tamil Nadu and in the union Facebook’s advertisement category of territory of Puducherry. The Faceb o ok ad sp end of the ‘social issues, election or politics’.

HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra tokenism. That’s why they have lost Modi wants to stop Delhi Chief Minister sleep over it,” Mr Sisodia said at a press Arvind Kejriwal from developing the conference. national capital, which is why he got “PM Modi is doing things to stop the the bill that gives Lieutenant Governor development of Delhi, of India. He is the more power passed in parliament, Prime Minister of India, he can do good Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia work anywhere; but he won’t,” he added. has alleged. The Government of National Capital “Everyone is talking about the Modi Territory of Delhi Bill makes it clear model (of development). People are that the term “government” in Delhi talking about how the Modi model is means the Lieutenant Governor and his failing and that Arvind Kejriwal can opinion has to be taken before the Delhi be an alternate...Kejriwal doesn’t do government takes any executive action.


News Update Top Stories of the Week /hiindialive

FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021


THE NATION FIRST March 24th 2021 | hiindia.com





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New covid double mutant variant identified in 18 states in India: Govt

Can’t bring petrol, diesel under GST for next 8-10 years: Sushil Modi

“Though VOCs and a new double mutant variant have been found in India, these have not been detected in numbers sufficient to either establish or direct relationship or explain the rapid increase in cases in some states,” the ministry said.

HiIndia Newsdesk A new “double mutant variant” of the coronavirus has been “Since INSACOG initiated its work, 771 variants of concerns detected in 18 states in the country in addition to many (VOCs) have been detected in a total of 10787 positive other strains or variants s a mp l e s s h a r e d by of concern (VOCs) which S t a t e s / U Ts . T h e s e have also found abroad, the include 736 samples Health Ministry said today. positive for viruses of “ T hou g h VO C s and the UK (B.1.1.7) lineage. a ne w double mutant 34 samples were found variant have been found positive for viruses in India, these have not of the South African been detected in numbers (B.1.351) lineage. 1 sufficient to either establish sample was found or direct relationship or positive for viruses explain the rapid increase of the Brazilian (P.1) in cases in some states. lineage. The samples Genomic sequencing and with these VOCs have epidemiological studies are continuing to further analyse the been identified in 18 States of the country,” the health ministry situation,” the ministry said in its press release today. said today.

India logs 47,262 Covid-19 cases in a day

HiIndia Newsdesk India recorded 47,262 fresh coronavirus cases in a day, the highest single-day rise so far this year, taking the nationwide Covid-19 tally to 1,17,34,058, the Union health ministry said on Wednesday. The active caseload registered an increase for the 14th day in row and was recorded at 3,68,457, comprising 3.14 per cent of the total infections, while the recovery rate further dropped to 95.49 per cent, the ministry data updated at 8 am said.

Aamir Khan tests positive for COVID-19 HiIndia Newsdesk

Ac tor Aamir Khan is the latest celeb to test positive for the coronavirus. The actor is currently working on his film Laal Singh Chaddha, an official remake of Tom Hanks-starrer Forrest Gump. Spokesperson of Aamir Khan confirmed, “Mr. Aamir Khan has tested positive for Covid 19. He is at home in self quarantine, following all the protocols and he’s doing fine. All those who came in contact with him in the recent past should get themselves tested as a precautionary measure. Thank you for all your wishes and concern.” Ranbir Kapoor and Kartik Aaryan and Sanjay Leela Bhansali had also tested positive earlier this month.

Will make a ‘son of the soil’ the CM if voted to power: PM Modi

HiIndia Newsdesk Bengal has brought together the nation Bengal was the land of icons like Bankim through ‘Vande Mataram’, and on this Chandra Chattopadhyay, Rabindranath land, CM Mamata Banerjee was terming Tagore and Subhas Chandra Bose and people “bohiragoto”, Prime Minister on this land, no Indian was an outsider. Narendra Modi said on Wednesday, “Bengal brought together the people of announcing that if voted to power, a India through Vande Mataram, and on son of the soil will be made the BJP that land, Mamata-didi is talking about chief minister of the state. Addressing ‘bohiragoto’. No Indian is an outsider an election rally in Kanthi in the Purba here, they are children of Bharat Mata,” Medinipur district, Modi said that he said.

A year ago today

Wednesday marks the first anniversary of the formal announcement of the national lokdown, which triggered the biggest exodus by foot from the cities since the Partition. The picture above shows a group of migrant workers walking back to their native places on March 27, 2020, three days after Prime Minister Naredra Modi imposed the lockdown at a few hours’ notice.

HiIndia Newsdesk BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi on Wednesday said it is not possible to bring petrol and diesel under the GST regime for the next eight to 10 years as it would cause an annual revenue loss of Rs 2 lakh crore to all states. Centre and states collectively collect over Rs 5 lakh crore tax on petroleum products, Modi told the Rajya Sabha while participating in a discussion on the Finance Bill 2021. TMC MP Derek O’Brien said his party MPs have rushed to the national capital to stop the “bulldozing” of bill that seeks to give more power to the Delhi Lieutenant Governor, in Rajya Sabha.

Shiv Sena alleges collusion between BJP and some Maha officials

HiIndia Newsdesk Stating that the BJP’s “key motive” is to create instability in Maharashtra by imposing President’s Rule, the Shiv Sena on Wednesday alleged “collusion” between the BJP and some officials with an aim to weaken the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government. The Sena also referred to the “phone tapping episode” and the disappointment expressed by Sanjay Pandey, a DG rank officer, that he was sidelined to claim the collusion.

Amit Shah assures action against culprits after nuns harassed in UP

HiIndia Newsdesk Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday assured strong action against those who allegedly harassed nuns belonging to a Kerala-based congregation during their train journey via Jhansi in Uttar Pradesh. Addressing a rally in Kerala, Shah said, “I want to assure the people of Kerala that the culprits behind this incident will be brought to justice at the earliest”. The issue was raised before Shah by party’s Kanjirappally assembly candidate for April 6 polls, K J Alphonse, who is his former ministerial colleague in the union cabinet.



News Update Top Stories of the Week


THE NATION FIRST March 23th 2021 | hiindia.com





FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021



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Mithun Chakraborty Missing From Punjab’s Request To Centre As 81% BJP’s Final List For Bengal Polls New Covid Cases Found To Be UK Strain Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh has requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to urgently allow vaccination for younger people as 81 per cent of Covid samples tested in the state showed infection by the UK variant of the virus. HiIndia Newsdesk Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh has requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to urgently allow vaccination for younger people as 81 per cent of Covid samples in the state showed infection by the UK variant of the virus. The B117 -- an extremely virulent form of the virus -- is largely affecting younger people and the UK authorities have found that the Covishield vaccine is effective against it, the Chief Minister has said. Genome sequencing was done on 401 samples from Punjab recently and the results showed 81 per cent samples were of the B117 virus, which started spreading in the UK since November.

HiIndia Newsdesk Kolkata: The West Bengal BJP today released what could be its final list of candidates for the upcoming Assembly polls. It has 13 names - but no Mithun Chakraborty. From Rashbehari, the seat many believed was reserved for the ‘Dada’ of Bengali cinema, the party has fielded retired Lieutenant General Subrata Saha, who was in charge of Kashmir during crucial years. BJP sources had earlier said that the prestigious south Kolkata seat was being kept open for the actor ever since he shared the dais with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the BJP’s mega Brigade Parade Ground rally in Kolkata on March 7.

Former Chief Economic Advisor Ashok Lahiri, fielded earlier from Alipurduar in North Bengal and then replaced, has been named from Balurghat.

Sachin Vaze stayed at 5-star hotel using Gandhi Peace Prize for forged Aadhaar card, fake name: NIA Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

HiIndia Newsdesk The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Monday conducted a search in a five star hotel in South Mumbai where

Astra jab is 79% effective, says US study

suspended assistant police inspector Sachin Vaze, arrested for his alleged role in planting the explosive-laden Mahindra Scorpio found abandoned near billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s residence last month, was staying recently. NIA officials said that a team conducted a search in a room in the Trident hotel at Nariman Point where Vaze reportedly resided from February 16 to February 20. Vaze reportedly booked the hotel room with a forged Aadhar card using his photograph with fictitious name, said an NIA official.

HiIndia Newsdesk

The Narendra Modi government on Monday conferred the Gandhi Peace Prize on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, ahead of the Prime Minister’s Bangladesh visit that coincides with the first phase of polling in Bengal. On March 27, the first day of voting in Bengal, Prime Minister Modi is scheduled to pay obeisance at Orakandi in Bangladesh, the birthplace of Harichand Thakur, founder of the Matua sect that the BJP is wooing in these elections.

From April 1, Vaccine For All Those Who’re 45 Or Older

Jaya Bachchan: ‘Manual scavenging an embarrassment for India’

At present, only citizens who are above 60 and those over 45 with other illnesses are allowed to get vaccination. HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk The coronavirus vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford provided strong protection against Covid-19 in a large clinical trial in the US, completely preventing the worst outcomes from the disease while causing no serious side effects, according to results announced on Monday. The findings, announced in a news release from AstraZeneca, may help shore up global confidence in the vaccine, which was shaken this month when more than a dozen countries, most ly in Europ e, temp orar i ly suspended the use of the shot over concerns about possible rare side effects. The trial, involving more than 32,000 participants, was the largest test of its kind for the shot. The vaccine was 79 per cent effective overall in preventing symptomatic infections, higher than observed in previous clinical trials. The trial also showed that the vaccine offered strong protection for older people, who had not been as wellrepresented in earlier studies.

New Delhi: Citizens who are 45 and older can be vaccinated from April 1, the government said today, ramping up the inoculation drive as Covid cases surge in many states. “I appeal to every citizen who is 45 or above to register for vaccination,” Union Minister Prakash Javadekar said, announcing the expansion of the drive that started in January. At present, only citizens who are above 60 and those over 45 with other illnesses are allowed to get vaccination.

“This decision has been taken by cabinet on the basis of the advice of the coronavirus Task Force and experts,” said Mr Javadekar. According to the minister, 4.85 crore people have received at least one dose of the Covid vaccine and 80 lakh have received the second dose. Mr Javadekar was asked on Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh’s appeal to the centre to widen the scope of vaccinations to younger people, given the spike in cases of the UK variant in his state.

HiIndia Newsdesk Samajwadi Party MP Jaya Bachchan on Tuesday said that the continued practice of manual scavenging is an embarrassment for the country and the Centre needs to address this issue and respond to it. Highlighting the degraded plight of manual scavengers in Rajya Sabha, Bachchan said, “Why have we not done away with manual scavenging yet and not been able to provide protector gears to them when we talk about progress in other areas.” Appealing to the Centre to provide a response on their issues, Bachchan said, “You do Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, this is a part of Swachh Bharat.” Bachan also asked Railway Minister Piyush Goyal to address the issue of railways employing manual scavengers. Bachachan emphasized on the need to provide scavengers “dignity and rehabilitation” and punish the “contractors who do not provide them with proper gears.”



FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Biden Admin proposes 18-month delay in calculating Senate confirms Dr Vivek Murthy as US Surgeon General prevailing wages of H-1B and other visas of certain immigrants and non-immigrant workers, including those on the popular H-1B visas. The proposed delay will provide the Department of Labour with sufficient time to consider the rule’s legal and policy issues thoroughly and issue an upcoming Request for Information and gather public comments on the sources and methods for determining prevailing wage levels, an official release said following the HiIndia Newsdesk Washington,: The Biden Administration has announcement on Monday. proposed an 18-month delay in the effective date This proposed rule follows an initial 60-day of a final rule on calculating the prevailing wages delay announced earlier this month.

New book chronicles Indian fugitives who escaped to UK

HiIndia Newsdesk London: A new book on some high-profile, as well as lesser-known Indian extradition cases, attempts to decode why the UK is considered a safe haven for those wanting to escape the law in India. ‘Escaped: True stories of Indian fugitives in London’, released worldwide on Monday, tracks 12 cases involving alleged offenders wanted in India to stand trial for offences ranging from loan defaults to murder. The book, by London-based journalists and researchers Danish and Ruhi Khan, includes a recap of the more recent cases involving former Kingfisher Airlines boss Vijay Mallya and diamond merchant Nirav Modi, wanted in India on fraud and money laundering charges, as well as some historic ones including those of former Indian Naval officer Ravi Shankaran and musician Nadeem Saifi.

Oxford probes alleged bullying of Indian student Rashmi Samant HiIndia Newsdesk

London: The University of Oxford on Tuesday said a probe was underway and that it “investigates thoroughly” every complaint related to harassment or equality, following allegations of cyber bullying surrounding Rashmi Samant, the first Indian woman to be elected President of the Oxford Student Union (SU), who was forced to resign amidst controversy over some of her past social media posts. S ome Br it ish Hindu groups have also raised concerns around comments made online by a university staffer from the history faculty with the local Thames Valley Police, urging an investigation into a possible hate crime. The police force confirmed that it had “received a report of an alleged hate incident”. The comments under scrutiny, posted with an image of Samant’s family on Instagram by Dr Abhijit Sarkar, made references to their Hindu faith and also categorised their home state of Karnataka as a “bastion of Islamophobic forces”.

“An investigation into these online comments is ongoing and we must allow time for this formal process to be followed. In cases such as these, student support is provided through their college and department,” an Oxford University spokesperson said. “The university is fully committed to creating an environment where people of all backgrounds, including our Hindu students and staff, can feel welcome, valued and respected,” the university said, adding that it has strong policies in place to protect staff a n d s t u d e nt s against “all forms of harassment, including online harassment”. Samant has been working on completing her MSc course in Energy Systems at the university remotely from her hometown in Udupi, after she flew back to India in the wake of her resignation. She said the continued “cyber bullying” makes it difficult for her to consider returning to the university at this stage

President Joe Biden’s surgeon general, a role in which his top priority would be responding to the coronavirus pandemic that has severely hit the country. Dr Murthy, 43, would occupy the position of America’s Surgeon General for the second time. In 2011, president Barack Obama tapped him to serve HiIndia Newsdesk on the advisory group on Indian-American physician prevention, health promotion, Vi v e k Mu r t hy h a s b e e n and integrative and public confirmed by the Senate as health.

Indian national in US sentenced to 2 years for deleting company’s 1,200 user accounts HiIndia Newsdesk Wa s h i ng ton : A n In d i an national has been sentenced by a US court in California to two years in prison, who after being fired by his company accessed its server and deleted over 1,200 Microsoft user accounts, according to a statement. Deepanshu Kher was arrested when he flew from India to the United States on January 11, 2021, unaware of the outstanding warrant for his arrest. “This act of sabotage was destructive for this company,” said Acting US Attorney Randy Grossman on Tuesday.

Oxford University probes alleged cyber bullying of Indian student HiIndia Newsdesk London,: The University of Oxford on Tuesday said a probe is underway and that it “investigates thoroughly” every complaint related to harassment or equality, following allegations of cyber bullying surrounding Rashmi Samant, the first Indian woman to be elected President of the Oxford Student Union (SU) who was forced to resign amidst controversy over some of her past social media posts. Some British Hindu groups have also raised concerns around comments made online by a university staffer from the history faculty with the local Thames Valley Police, urging an investigation into a possible hate crime.

Delhi-to-Toronto flights bringing most Covid cases to Canada HiIndia Newsdesk

Toront: lights from New D e l h i to Toronto are bringing in the largest number of international passengers testing positive for the novel coronavirus, according to data issued by Health Canada. There are two daily flights between the two cities, operated by Air India and Air Canada. The period from March 3-19 shows that almost all the New Delhi-Toronto flights carried Covid-positive passengers. Passengers in the three-row range of each Covid-positive person on the flight are deemed as impacted.



North Korea fires two ballistic missiles into Sea of Japan




FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021


AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine 76% effective in updated US trial results The latest data was based on 190 infections among more than 32,400 participants in the United States, Chile and Peru. The earlier interim data was based on 141 infections through Feb. 17.

HiIndia Newsdesk North Korea has fired two ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan, says the US and Japan - the first such test since Joe Biden became US president. Pyongyang is banned from testing ballistic missiles, considered threatening weapons, under UN Security Council resolutions. Both Japan and South Korea have both condemned the test. It comes just days after North Korea reportedly fired two non-ballistic missiles into the Yellow Sea.

this week in a report that was criticised for using outdated information. US health officials had publicly rebuked the drugmaker for not using the most up-to-date information when it published an interim analysis on Monday that said the vaccine was 79% effective. The latest data was based on 190 infections among more than 32,400 participants in the United States, Chile and Peru. The earlier interim data was based on 141 infections through Feb. 17. “The primary analysis is consistent with our previously released HiIndia Newsdesk interim analysis, and confirms that our COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca said its COVID-19 vaccine was 76% effective is highly effective in adults,” Mene Pangalos, executive vice at preventing symptomatic illness in a new analysis of its president of BioPharmaceuticals R&D at AstraZeneca said in major US trial – a tad lower than the level announced earlier a statement.

EU leaders to discuss Netanyahu falls short of boosting vaccine supplies majority amid vote count

Facebook removes accounts of ‘China-based hackers’ targeting Uighurs HiIndia Newsdesk

Facebook has removed a group of China-based hackers it says targeted members of the Uighur community living abroad. It said hackers used malicious websites and apps to infect devices and allow for remote surveillance, with journalists and activists targeted. A majority of the cyber attacks didn’t happen directly on Facebook but used the social media platform to share links to infected sites.

Africa took less Covid measures with more cases

Africa had more cases of Covid-19 in the second wave last year than in the first, yet did not implement stricter measures, a study shows. The study published on Wednesday by medical journal Lancet shows that at the peak of the first wave in July last year, the mean daily number of new cases was 18, 273 It progressed to about 23,790 cases per day by 31 December, with 73% of African countries being affected by the second wave.

EU leaders are to hold virtual talks to discuss ways of boosting Covid vaccine supplies and improving the rollout of doses across the 27-nation bloc. The European Commission will on Thursday ask leaders to support plans for added controls on vaccine exports, which could affect supply to the UK. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson earlier warned against imposing “blockades”. The virtual summit comes as a third wave of coronavirus infections sweeps across much of mainland Europe.US President Joe Biden will also dial in to the talks later on Thursday to discuss EU-US relations.

HiIndia Newsdesk Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu could struggle to secure enough seats in parliament to stay in power, incomplete results from Tuesday’s election show. With almost 90% of votes counted, his right-wing bloc is on course to win 59 seats - two short of the threshold.In a surprise development, an Arab party which is projected to get five seats could hold the balance of power. The final outcome will among other things determine the course of Israel’s relations with the Palestinians. The Arab party, Raam, has not declared whether it will support the efforts of Mr Netanyahu - an unnatural ally - to form a governing coalition or those of the bloc of parties opposed to him remaining in office.

Suez Canal blocked after Citigroup urges staff to ship runs aground go Zoom-free on Fridays

HiIndia Newsdesk The giant container ship that has been blocking the Suez Canal for more than a day has been partially refloated and traffic along the fastest shipping route from Europe to Asia is expected to resume soon, marine agent GAC said on Wednesday. The 400-metre, 224,000-tonne Ever Given was stranded on Tuesday morning after losing the ability to steer amid high winds and a dust storm, the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) said in a statement. About 30 per cent of global container ship traffic passes through the canal each day, carrying everything from fuel to consumer goods. The main alternative route for ships travelling between Asia and Europe, around the African cape, takes a week longer to navigate.

HiIndia Newsdesk In a move to combat fatigue triggered by remote working during the Covid-19 pandemic, Citigroup Inc has declared “Zoom-Free Fridays” and encouraged employees to limit calls outside work hours.While Wall Street is known for its tough work culture, the remote working during the pandemic has been particularly gruelling for most employees, taking enormous toll on their health and mental wellbeing. “I know from your feedback and my own experience, the blurring of lines between home and work and the relentlessness of the pandemic workday have taken a toll on our well-being,” chief executive officer Jane Fraser said in a memo seen by Reuters on Tuesday.


FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021





773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

South India News

Telangana Finance Minister T Two held for shooting Harish Rao presents state budget video at Mecca Masjid

HiIndia Newsdesk Telangana Finance Minister T Harish Rao began presenting the state budget at 11.30 am Thursday. The state cabinet, presided over by chief minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao, met on Wednesday evening at the CM’s camp office Pragathi Bahavan and approved the state budget

for the year 2021-22 to be presented to the assembly on Thursday. The budget session of Telangana Assembly and Council began on March 15 with Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan’s address. Vote of Thanks to the Governor’s address was proposed on March 17. A general discussion on the budget and question hour is scheduled for March 20 and 23. The session will conclude on March 26. Earlier, the Chief Minister’s Office suggested a ‘promising budget’ this year. In a statement from the CMO on March 6, CM K Chandrasekhar Rao was quoted as saying that the state incurred a loss of Rs 50,000 crore due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact has risen to Rs 1 lakh crore.

HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad: Two youngsters, who sitting atop the moving car. trespassed into the historic Mecca “Later, they posted the video on their Masjid and allegedly made videos on social media accounts, which instantly the premises, were arrested by the became viral on various social media Hussainialam police platforms forcing here on Monday. the police to initiate Police said action against Mohammed Adil Ali the duo,” said K (22) along with his Ramesh, Inspector friend Mohammed (Hussainialam), Abdul Khusro (24), adding that based on both friends and the content, police re s i d e nt s of t he had registered a case Hussainialam area, under section 295 took a car into the premises of the (defiling place of worship with intent mosque on Sunday and made videos, to insult the religion) under the IPC.

Burglary gang arrested At 47, Telangana woman Asaduddin Owaisi takes Covid jab, in Hyderabad swims across the Palk Strait urges people to get vaccinated HiIndia Newsdesk

Hyderabad: A six-member Nepali gang, including a woman, which allegedly carried out a series of burglaries in the city was arrested by the Rachakonda CCS officials and Nacharam police here on Wednesday. The police recovered cash, gold and silver ornaments, all together worth Rs.13 lakh, apart from tools used to break into the houses. The arrested persons were identified as Lil Bahadur Kami, Janvi, Amar Bahadur, Ashok Singh, Ram Bahadur and Vishwa Karma.

Fire breaks out in house in Dabeerpura HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad: Property worth a few lakh rupees was gutted in a fire that broke out in a house in Dabeerpura on Tuesday night. According to fire officials, the fire started in the penthouse of a building located in Farhatnagar around 1 am. A fire tender from Malakpet rushed to the spot and doused the flames. It took around one hour for the firemen to control the fire. Gym equipment and other household articles were gutted.

Mercedes Benz launches new model in Hyderabad

HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad: Mercedes Benz Mahavir Motors has launched the new E-Class in three variants E 200, E 220 d, and E 350 d, in Hyderabad. While launching the car, Yashwant Jhabakh, Chairman, Mahavir Motors along with CEO KK Shetty said that E class has been the most desired sedan over the years and in India it had been the one that has brought in the luxury saloon way back in 1996.

HiIndia Newsdesk Upon setting her foot on the shores of Dhanushkodi in Tamil Nadu, Hyderabad’s Goli Syamala stood tall and proud. On Friday afternoon, the 47-year-old achieved the unique feat of successfully swimming across the Palk Strait, a distance of over 30 miles through open sea between Sri Lanka and India, in 13 hours and 45 minutes. Before heading home, she said she wanted to swim across the Palk Strait in 10 hours. “I crossed the Sri Lankan waters in 5 hours. The Indian side was very rough. I struggled a lot due to strong currents.” Back in 2004, Bula Choudhury, who is a former national women’s swimming champion, had achieved the feat at the age of 34.

HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad: After having taken the COVID-19 vaccine, All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen Chief and MP Asaduddin Owaisi has appealed to people to come forward and take the vaccine shots. He further appealed people to not to believe any sort of rumours regarding the vaccination. Owaisi said, “I and my wife took the Covishield vaccine today. The number of corona cases is again increasing. I appeal to the people to take the utmost care and to come forward to take the vaccine shots.” As on Day-66 of the vaccination drive, more than 4.72 Cr COVID-19 vaccine doses were administered. More than 19.65 lakh vaccine doses were given till 7 pm on Monday.

University of Hyderabad allows 2,000 more students to return to campus HiIndia Newsdesk

T h e Un ive r s it y of Hyderabad (UoH) Thursday announced the next phase of reopening of its campus, allowing another 2,000 students to return to the varsity. Earlier, the university had allowed 1,300 students, including research scholars and final semester students in the Sciences and practical disciplines such as performing arts and fine arts, to return to the campus and stay in the hostels. According to a statement from UoH, the Vice-Chancellor has approved the recommendations of the Task Force headed by Prof. Vinod Pavarala to permit the return of all terminal semester post-graduate students who will complete their respective programmes and graduate in June. Besides, all Ph.D. scholars, except those who joined in 2020-21, can

resume their research work from the campus. However, all the Master’s students who joined the University in 2020 will continue to have online classes for now. Meanwhile, the varsity maintained that the return of students will be entirely voluntary and the University will continue teaching-learning activities online for those who wish to remain at their homes. After reviewing the current situation with Covid-19, the progress of the vaccine drive, and guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the varsity’s Task Force has mandated that all students returning in the latest phase must produce a Covid-19 negative report from an RT-PCR test, sign an undertaking, and spend a minimum of three days in isolation at a campus facility.






FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021

Venus Williams Knocked Out Of Miami Open By Zarina Diyas

HiIndia Newsdesk Three-time champion Venus Williams was dumped out of the Miami Open on Monday in straight sets by Kazakhstan’s Zarina Diyas. Diyas, ranked 89th in the world, had lost her only previous match against seven-time major winner Williams, but saw off the American 6-2 7-6 (12-10). “I’m very happy with the win, it was very tough,” Diyas said after her victory. “Venus, I looked up to her when I was little, she’s such a legend. So for me, it’s a really special win.” Elsewhere, Shelby Rogers overcame fellow American Madison Brengle 6-3 6-3 to set up a second-round clash with fifth seed Elina Svitolina. “I’m really happy to get through that one, she’s a really tricky player,” Rogers said. “It’s actually my first win at this site. The last time I was here, I was spectating, as an injured person! So I’m very happy to be here.”

‘Virat Kohli has been pressuring, Torch relay for Tokyo Olympics disrespecting umpires : David Lloyd kicks off its 121-day journey


Shreyas Iyer Ruled Out Of ODI Series With Shoulder Injury

HiIndia Newsdesk Shreyas Iyer has been ruled out of the remainder of the three-match ODI series against England after dislocating his shoulder while fielding in the first ODI. Iyer suffered a freak injury in the eighth over of the England innings in Pune on Tuesday as he attempted to field the ball. He was seen grimacing in pain as he lay on his back on the ground, and he had to be carried off the park immediately after. He took no further part in the match. Later, BCCI in an update said Iyer had “subluxated” his left shoulder. “He has been taken for further scans and won’t take any further part in the game,” BCCI tweeted on Tuesday.

McGrath Celebrates Prasidh Krishna’s Success On ODI Debut HiIndia Newsdesk Former England cricketer David Lloyd criticized the Indian skipper saying that the 32-year old has disrespecting and pressuring the umpires every chance he gets. “Kohli also suggested England were pressuring umpires to give the ‘soft signal’ as out when Dawid Malan took a low catch in the fourth T20. Firstly, the soft signal is there to leave as much authority as possible with the on-field umpires,” Lloyd wrote in his coloumn for the Daily Mail. “And I don’t know if England put pressure on Nitin Menon in Ahmedabad, but I do know one thing — Kohli has been pressuring, disrespecting and remonstrating with umpires throughout this tour.” “There have also been a number of altercations in India which, when copied, will permeate through every level. There was another on Tuesday near the end of the India innings. You should not confront an opposition player on the field. It’s just not done. And the toothless International Cricket Council have done nothing.”

HiIndia Newsdesk The torch relay for the postponed Tokyo Olympics began its 121-day journey across Japan on Thursday and is headed toward the opening ceremony in Tokyo on July 23.The relay began in northeastern Fukushima prefecture, the area that was devastated by the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and the meltdown of three nuclear reactors. About 18,000 died in the tragedy. The first runner with the torch was Azusa Iwashimizu, a key player in the Japan team that won the Women’s World Cup in 2011. Wearing a white track suit, she carried the torch out of the J-Village indoor soccer training center and was surrounded by 14 other members of that 2011 World Cup squad and coach Norio Sasaki at the rear. They were also decked out in white track suits. The ceremony was closed to the public because of the fear of spreading COVID-19 but was streamed live.

HiIndia Newsdesk The pacer became the toast of the Indian team’s victory and was praised for his fighting spirit. Showering accolades on the Karnataka pacers was former Australianlegend Glenn McGrath under whom Krishna, who plays for Kolkata Knight Riders, honed his bowling skills in 2017 at MRF Pace Academy. McGrath, who had earlier taken to social media to congratulate Prasidh on being selected in the Indian squad, wrote, “Congratulations Prasidh @skiddyy on taking 4/54 & breaking the Indian record for most wickets taken by a bowler on ODI debut. Well done mate #cricket

‘Our father was with us in the dressing room’: Pandya brothers Krunal Pandya revealed he carried his father’s backpack with him to the dressing room to feel the departed soul’s presence. The Pandya’s, who lost their father just a couple of months back, shared their pain and sense of satisfaction after Krunal’s success in the first match. “Our father passed away in the early morning on January 16 and that day I was playing Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy match in Vadodara. He was supposed to come to watch the match and he had kept his backpack ready with his clothes, shoes, and hat. So when I got to play my debut match here in Pune, I took that bag along with me to the dressing room. So that he could be here while I was playing,” said Krunal while speaking with Hardik in a post-match interaction. “This was the first time our father was in

the dressing room with us while you made your debut and he will always be with us,” said Hardik, who was with his father when he breathed his last. Listening to his elder brother, Hardik said,” Having seen you batting, I really felt-good I got out because I saw something special today.” After his knock, Krunal broke down in tears during a post-innings interaction with Murali Kartik. Krunal then asked for the interview to be cut short. The cameras later showed his brother Hardik Pandya going up to him and clasping him in a hug.




FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021 FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021



773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

‘I am told that I want to become a politician, it is not like that’ Kangana Ranaut


Kangana Ranaut spoke at the trailer launch of her upcoming film Thalaivi in Mumbai and shared that she has no connection with politics.


ctor Kangana as a citizen. I’ve no connection with Ranaut, who politics, at all.” celebrates Kangana then said that she doesn’t her birthday understand why people get upset when on Tuesday, launched she talks about these issues. She said, the trailer of Thailaivi “Some people get extremely upset and and spoke about her ask why do I talk about nationalism, political ideas. She why am I so concerned to talk about said that whatever she farmers law. They have a problem with says on social media that. They can say whatever they want platforms has nothing to do about that, but how dare I speak. They with politics as she has no were so hurt and pained, they created “political connections.” a scene, which we all saw.” T h e Na t i o n a l Aw a r d - Kangana also opened up about the winning actor was talking at time when her property in Mumbai the Mumbai trailer launch was demolished. “When I was going on Tuesday night. through this mess, I’d also go to shoot. She said, “For me, the world They (the makers) had also put up a of politics is quite unknown. set of Rajya Sabha, Parliament, where If today, I talk about the I was getting assaulted, in terms of country, nationalism, farmers what Jaya Maa had experienced. We or laws which directly affect were simultaneously shooting these me, I’m told that I want to scenes. It would feel very uncanny as become a politician, it’s not if reel and real-life has blended. It was like that. I react to everything very mysterious,” she said.

Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah cast ‘You have lost a lot of weight and I’m jealous’ : Jethalal, Daya, Tapu get an animated twist Ekta Kapoor wishes Smriti Irani on her birthday

A l s o t A w ‘L Q l p c a r

99 Songs is a

man’s struggle a and new world:

99 Songs is a story abou discovery of a strugglin to be a successful music


Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah is being turned into an animated series, which will air on a kids’ channel next month. The sitcom’s characters, Jethalal, Daya, Bapuji and Tapu, will regale with their antics in a fresh storyline, distinct from the show, which has been on air since 2008. The drama revolves around residents of Gokuldham, who solve their day-to-day problems with a tinge of humour. This April, the channel rolls out the red carpet for the funloving members of Gokuldham society in their latest offering. In a fantastical world where anything is possible, expect the unexcepted as the animated series will see Jethaalal, Daya, Bapuji and Tapu cook up a storm of new rib-tickling moments, topped with fresh twists and turns that will leave kids amazed.

Actor-turned-politician Smriti Irani is celebrating her birthday on Tuesday. Her BFF Ekta Kapoor took to Instagram to share a loving yet cheeky post for her. Sharing some throwback pictures of them together, Ekta called her a super ‘mom, wife, friend, human and leader’. However, she was quick to add that given Smriti has lost a lot of weight, she is jealous, and even requested her to get off her diet. Wishing her buddy, Ekta Kapoor wrote, “Happie bday buddy ! There is no one. Like u ! A super mom… wife …friend …human and a leader extraordinaire ! Today get off ur diet pls ! U have lost a lot of weight n I’m jealous ! Happie bdayyy.” Ekta Kapoor and Smriti Irani go a long way – when she signed up for Kapoor’s Ghar Ek Mandir. Impressed with her screen presence and acting abilities, she soon offered her the lead role in Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Sidharth Shukla teases fans about his new project, says ‘something’s coming up’ Television star Sidharth Shukla on Saturday teased fans with a picture and a video from a dance rehearsal, leaving them curious about the possibility of an upcoming project. Sidharth, who keeps his followers updated about his work life through social media engagement, didn’t reveal anything this time except writing, “Something’s coming up…” Of course his dance posture has impressed his fans, who cannot stop gushing over the picture and the video the Bigg Boss 13 winner posted on Instagram. Some are wondering if the dance is for a sequence in Sidharth’s debut web-series, Broken But Beautiful season three.

escribing his maiden produ “experiential movie”, music ma the film revolves around a m navigate the struggles of both t The musical drama movie is a story about of a struggling singer who wants to be composer. Directed by debutant Vishwes 99 Songs stars newcomers Ehan Bhat an Rahman has also co-written the movie, w under his banner YM Movies. “As part of my production company, YM to collaborate with Jio Studios in bring experiential movie. ’99 Songs’ is about on against the old and the new world. And th is music,” the Oscar winner, who ha composed the music for 99 Songs, said in a statement. Actors Lisa Ray, Manisha Koirala, Aditya Seal, composer-drummer Ranjit Barot, and Indian Ocean’s Rahul Ram will be seen in supporting roles in the film. “It’s my pleasure to introduce the film’s director Vishwesh Krishnamoorthy and a talented cast comprising Ehan Bhat and Edilsy Vargas. It was a great experience working with icons like Manisha Koirala and Lisa Ray, and music legends Ranjit B a r o t a n d R a h u l R a m ,” Rahman added.



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FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021 773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST


I am platform Richa Chadha, Pratik Gandhi agnostic begin shooting for web series

Ananya Panday

Ananya Panday, who will soon be seen in Liger alongside Vijay Deverakonda in Liger, talks about exploring other content platforms.

Actor Ananya Panday says she would love to foray into the digital space as she believes in telling stories, regardless of the medium. “I’m looking forward to doing something in a digital space. As an audience member, I have only watched interesting things online like Ludo’, ‘Paatal Lok’, ‘The Crown’, ‘The Queen’s Gambit’, etc. “There are such lovely stories to tell. As an actor, I’m quite platform agnostic. I’m ok with my work coming out on the big screen or even on a smaller screen as long as it reaches the right audience,” Panday told.

about one against the old AR Rahman

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Madhuri Dixit, Waheeda Rehman recreate ‘60s magic

Richa Chadha and Pratik Gandhi starrer Six Suspects is being directed by Tigmanshu Dhulia. It is an adaptation of author Vikas Swarup’s book of the same name.

Bollywood superstar Madhuri Dixit, recreated 60s magic with legendary star Waheeda Rehman, by grooving on the senior actor’s iconic song from the movie ‘Teesri Kasam’. Be it treating fans with her alluring snaps, or be it wooing them with her graceful acting skills, Bollywood’s ‘Dhak-Dhak’ girl Madhuri Dixit leaves no stone unturned to amaze her fans.

Actors Richa Chadha and Pratik her director. Gandhi have teamed up for a web- “So thrilled to tick this one off my bucket series, Six Suspects, the official list. Collaborating with a director on adaptation of author Vikas Swarup’s my wish list… began my career with 2016 book of the same name. The him (cuz he was acting in Gangs of series, being helmed by Tigmanshu Wasseypur). Happy Storytelling Day, Dhulia, went on floors in February Tigmanshu Dhulia,” Richa wrote, end. While the makers have managed captioning the Instagram story. Six to keep the news under wraps, Richa Suspects is a murder-mystery set in Chadha on Sunday shared a video Delhi. The series adaptation is being from the set and showered praise at produced by Reel Life Entertainment.

Sanjay Dutt receives COVID-19 vaccine shot in Jamie Foxx to play boxing Mumbai legend Mike Tyson in biographical series Tyson

Oscar-winning American actor Jamie Foxx has been rolled in to play boxing legend, Mike Tyson, in the upcoming biographical limited series titled ‘Tyson’. According to Variety, the series titled ‘Tyson’ will span the whole of the legendary boxer’s life. The project has not finalized a network or streaming service yet, but will soon go on floors as big names have been rolled in for the same.

Veteran Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, on Tuesday became the latest Indian celebrity to take the first jab of the COVID-19 vaccine. The 61-year-old star took to his Twitter handle and shared a picture of him taking the vaccination shot at the BKC jumbo vaccination centre in Mumbai. Along with the picture, which sees him posing with the medical staff, he tweeted, “Received my first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine today at the BKC vaccine centre. I want to congratulate Dr Dhere and his entire team for doing such a wonderful job! I have so much love & respect for them and their hard work. Jai Hind!”

M Movies, I’m happy ging together this ne man’s struggle he antidote as

Karan Johar announces Shanaya Kapoor’s Bollywood debut Nick Jonas’ brother Frankie Jonas opens up about drug abuse, journey to sobriety: ‘I hated life’

Frankie Jonas, 20, the youngest brother “This is by no means the eloquent of Kevin, Joe and Nick Jonas and explanation I hope to give on a much brother-in-law to Priyanka Chopra more serious mode than this. However and Sophie Turner, recently opened from a very young age I struggled with about his fight with suicidal thoughts, drinking and drugging as an escape drug abuse and his journey to sobriety. because I hated life, and I didn’t want In a TikTok video on March 22, he to be here,” Jonas said in the video, candidly opened up about his struggle which was posted in response to a fan with “drinking and drugging as an who asked him about his experience escape because I hated life.” with addiction.

Bollywood actor Sanjay Kapoor’s daughter Shanaya Kapoor has joined ace filmmaker Karan Johar’s new talent management agency Dharma Cornerstone Agency (DCA). here had been speculation, and now it’s official. Karan Johar will launch Shanaya Kapoor, daughter of Sanjay and Maheep Kapoor. On Monday, it was announced that the star kid will start shooting for her debut feature in July. Details about the project and the co-actor are under wraps. As soon as Karan Johar and Shanaya posted the news, it reignited the nepotism debate. “The Karan Johar Rojgar Yojna is back,” wrote a social media user. Another took a jibe by posting, “Now, waiting for Khushi Kapoor’s debut.”



FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021



When Paula Begoun is introduced to her audience comprising 100+ members on a Zoom call, she assumes a calm demeanour, ready to bust some beauty myths and talk about the many products she will be launching in the second phase of her revolutionary skincare brand, Paula’s Choice. Her journey in the industry has been a long one, and it began when her book Blue Eye Shadow Should Be Illegal was published in 1986. From there, it has only been an onward journey. From being referred to as “The Cosmetics Cop” at Oprah Winfrey’s show, to publishing 19 bestselling books and launching her own beauty brand on the internet in 1995, Begoun is one of the few established no-nonsense insiders of the beauty industry where rampant misinformation continues to thrive.

Do you think Indian consumers have become more informed? What could be the possible reason?

While there is definitely more information available and accessible to consumers, regrettably, a lot of the skincare advice on the internet is often misleading or outright wrong. People end up making serious skincare mistakes that are either damaging to the skin or not helpful.


773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Cosmetics Cop

Paula Begoun

‘Frustrating to see the utterly erroneous things about skin and skincare being repeated over and over,’ says author, and founder of skincare brand, Paula’s Choice

Even when consumers can find reliable studies and research, it’s incredibly difficult to decipher. I’ve been studying skincare for 40 years and have a background in science, and even I can get confused. I have to continually read studies to keep up with the facts about what works and what doesn’t.

What myths you would like to debunk for your Indian consumer base?

Myths, by definition, are not based on facts, but rather fantasy or folklore and have nothing to do with science or research. These myths aren’t merely an opinion, they are according to what current research says is true. Sadly, there are so many myths it’s impossible to list them all, but here are a few that come to my mind first: Skin repairs itself best at night Research shows just the opposite is true: skin actually heals better during the day than it does at night because during the day, you are moving around more, leading to increased blood flow and oxygen intake, which, in turn, stimulates healing far more than just lying still in bed does.

One Good Thing

An artist preserves Wuhan’s COVID memories Chinese artist Yang Qian speaks during an interview at her studio in Wuhan in central China’s Hubei province on Sunday, Jan. 24, 2021. Yang, who worked as a volunteer delivering vital supplies to hospitals and residents during the city’s pandemic 76-day lockdown, is using her art work to make sure that history is not forgotten.

Nora Fatehi In Her Neon Blazer And Sequin Pants Nora Fatehi is not only known for her impeccable dance moves but also her jaw-dropping fashion choices that have been taking the Internet by storm. Her sartorial style is absolutely bold yet elegant in every sense. From rainbow silhouettes to colour coordinated outfits, the actress has her fashion game always on point. With the onset of summer, it’s time to welcome peppy colours and doing justice to that is actress Nora Fatehi, She meticulously reproduced the scene in an oil painting, right down to its torn papers and who was seen in a stunning and scribbled notices. vibrant Versace ensemble, which featured a neon orange double A second oil painting followed based on a photograph of a worker disinfecting a hospital breasted blazer paired with glittery hallway, rendered in shadowy hues of deep blue golden pants. To amp up the oomph and black. factor, she paired the look with a classic statement Saint Laurent bag “It is in such a severe situation (but) even in this atmosphere, there are still people who stand up and a pair of chic black heels. She let for us and protect us,” Yang said. her vibrant look do all the talking and opted for minimal makeup Soon after sending the mother-daughter pair and jewellery along with her signature side parted soft curls.

to hospital, Yang came down with a fever and cough and feared she had the virus. In tears, she went to a hospital to get tested and began writing her will. After what she calls the longest hour of her life waiting for the results, she was given the all-clear. One year on, Wuhan has largely returned to normal, its streets bustling with shoppers, its nightclubs throbbing until dawn and pensioners dancing to a Chinese rendition of a Katy Perry song along the neonlit Yangtze River.






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FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021




FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021


ot getting enough sleep is detrimental to both your health and productivity. Yawn. We’ve heard it all before. But results from one study impress just how bad a cumulative lack of sleep can be on performance. Subjects in a lab-based sleep study who were allowed to get only six hours of sleep a night for two weeks straight functioned as poorly as those who were forced to stay awake for two days straight. The kicker is the people who slept six hours per night thought they were doing just fine.




Six Hours Of Sleep Is As Bad As None At All Getting six hours of sleep a night simply isn’t enough for you to be your most productive. In fact, it’s just as bad as not sleeping at all.

Why Six Hours of Sleep Isn’t Enough

As you can imagine, the subjects who were allowed to sleep eight hours per night had the highest performance on average. Subjects who got only four hours a night did worse each day. The group who got six hours of sleep seemed to be holding their own, until around day 10 of the study. In the last few days of the experiment, the subjects who were restricted to a maximum of six hours of sleep per night showed cognitive performance that was as bad as the people who weren’t allowed to sleep at all. Getting only six hours of shut-eye was as bad as not sleeping for two days straight. The group who got only four hours of sleep each night


s people age, they become weak, get tired quickly, frequently lose their balance, have falls and become forgetful. Some elders are more symptomatic than others. Relatives often have their own diagnosis — age, dementia or Alzheimer’s. The truth may actually be a combination of all these factors. In the 20th century, the discovery of vitamins, particularly Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamine, shed new light on these symptoms. The Nobel prize was awarded to two sets of people for discovering and synthesising this vitamin. Cyanocobalamin is an “essential” vitamin. It is needed for red blood cell formation and proper functioning of nerve cells (neuron), production of DNA and RNA as well as proper metabolism and utilisation of food (carbohydrates, proteins and fats). Meat, eggs and milk contain Vitamin B12, so a deficiency can occur in vegans. For naturally occurring Vitamin B12 to be absorbed, there has to be adequate stomach acid. The B12 has to combine with the “intrinsic factor” produced by the cells lining the stomach. This compound is then absorbed in the intestines. The gut bacteria also independently manufacture Vitamin B12. Vegans get some B12 from this source. When Vitamin B12 levels are low, the production of red blood cells is altered, causing megaloblastic anaemia. Appropriate Vitamin B12 levels are needed during pregnancy. In conjunction with folic acid, it prevents developmental defects of the brain and spinal cord. It also helps maintain bone health and prevent osteoporosis. It decreases homocysteine levels in the blood and hence prevents age-related macular degeneration of the eye. The vitamin is essential for the production of serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical. Vitamin B12 supplements can help elevate mood and tackle depression aggravated because of an existing

performed just as poorly, but they hit their low sooner. One of the most alarming results from the sleep study is that the six-hour sleep group didn’t rate

their sleepiness as being all that bad, even as their cognitive performance was going downhill. The no-sleep group progressively rated their sleepiness level higher and higher. By the end of

773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

The same advice experts have batted around for decades is probably a good place to start: Have a consistent bedtime; don’t look at electronic screens at least 30 minutes before bed; limit alcohol intake (alcohol makes many people sleepy, but it can also decrease the quality and duration of sleep); and get enough exercise. the experiment, their sleepiness had jumped by two levels. But the six-hour group only jumped one level. Those findings raise the question about how people cope when they get insufficient sleep, perhaps suggesting that they’re in denial (willful or otherwise) about their present state. Other causes of sleep problems include physical, neurological, and psychological issues. Even stress and worry can negatively affect sleep. The CDC has called lack of sleep a health problem, and for good reason. Diet, exercise, mental health, and physical health all affect our ability to sleep, and in return, our ability to perform to our best.

Foods That Are High in Vitamin B12 1. Animal liver and kidneys

Organ meats are some of the most nutritious foods out there. Liver and kidneys, especially from lamb, are rich in vitamin B12.

2. Clams

The 12th vitamin

Cyanocobalamin is an “essential” vitamin, needed for red blood cell formation, proper functioning of nerve cells, production of DNA and RNA and proper metabolism

B12 deficiency can occur due to various reasons

• As the stomach itself produces less acid with increasing age; 30 per cent of people over the age of 50 years develop decreased stomach acidity. • Aggravated by thyroid disease and diabetes. • Metformin can interfere with B12 absorption. • Sometimes people with acid reflux take antacids and acid-suppressing medication such as omeprazole and pantoprazole for months. • Parts of the stomach and small intestine may have been surgically removed. This can also occur with weight loss surgery. • Crohn’s or coeliac disease may damage the intestines. • An autoimmune disease (pernicious anaemia) can attack the lining of the stomach. • The diet itself may be deficient in the vitamin. • Alcohol and smoking can damage the stomach lining.

Clams are small, chewy shellfish that are packed with nutrients. This mollusk is a lean source of protein and contains very high concentrations of vitamin B12. You can get more than 7,000% of the DV in just 20 small clams

3. Sardines

Sardines are small, soft-boned saltwater fish. They’re usually sold canned in water, oil, or sauces, though you can also buy them fresh.

4. Beef

Beef is an excellent source of vitamin B12. One grilled flat iron steak (about 190 grams) provides 467% of the DV for vitamin B12

deficiency. Signs and symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency are vague. The person may appear pale, lose weight, have palpitations, muscle weakness, fatigue, tingling in the extremities and loss of sensation in the hands and feet. It can cause an unsteady, wide-based gait and result in loss of balance. There may be mental confusion, forgetfulness and personality changes. Once deficiency of Vitamin B12 is suspected, it can be confirmed by blood tests. The haemoglobin is likely to be low (less than 12mg/dL). The red blood cells are abnormal in appearance and larger than normal. B12 levels in the blood can be tested to confirm the diagnosis. If the B12 levels are very low, injections may be required. Oral supplements are also available.






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FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021




Community News

773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

City Council rejects anti-CAA RESOLUTION RGV Border Patrol Agents Continue Apprehending Large Groups

Session on “India-US IT Cooperation & Opportunities”

HiIndia Newsdesk EDINBURG, TX – McAllen Border Patrol Station agents remained busy this weekend asHi they encountered India Desk three large groups of CHICAGO: After families bumpingand heads and crossunaccompanied alien children, each City Council, ing swords for months, the Chicago groupaswas thanmost 100 people. On city councils seen onemore of the powerful Saturday, MCS agents working near Consul General Amit Kumar inHavana, the United States after New York, has finally Texas, encountered a group given a thumbs-down a resolution of more than 145 illegalto aliens. Hours that raised a HiIndia Newsdesk hue cry over anti-Muslim CHICAGO, IL – Consul General Amit later,and another 108 India’s illegal aliens were Citizenship joined the session on India-US (Amendment) Act (CAA) as Texas. well as theKumar pitiable apprehended near La Joya, IT Cooperation and opportunities human rights situation in that country. Yesterday morning, agents working as part of IndiaSoft 2021 organized near Hidalgo, Texas, arrested a third by Electronics & Computer Software group consisting of 116 people. In Export Promotion Council (ESC). total, the three groups consisted Consul General provided a brief of nearly 300 family members and overview of potential and opportunities unaccompanied alien children, single between India & US for cooperation adults rounded out the rest of the in the field of IT and how Covid-19 groups.

accelerated the expansion of digital footprint in the economy. He said that advent of technology including IoT, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain technologies can be leveraged for realizing our development objectives, improving delivery of government services and productivity of our economy. The global IT demand is also shifting from traditional requirement of software services and systems integration. The event also saw addresses by Mr Nalin Kohli, Chairman INDIASOFT & Past Chairman, ESC, Mr Sanjay Chadha, Additional Secretary, Department of Commerce, Government of India, Dr Swati Kulkarni, Consul General of India at Atlanta, Mr Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, IT, Government of Telangana, Mr Saurabh Gaur Joint Secretary,, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India. Several other representatives from India based IT companies, USIBC, IT Serve also spoke.

10 Yr Old Indian Student from Kentucky Publishes Book of Poems During Pandemic

Maha Shivratri Celebration at Hindu Mandir of Lake County

HiIndia Newsdesk GRAYSLAKE, IL -Hindu Mandir of Lake County, Grayslake, IL celebrated Maha Shivratri festival, ‘the great night of Shiva’ with great devotion and Rudram chanting by Ritviks on Thursday, March 11, 2021 from evening to midnight with the sponsors of Pujas, Archana, and many devotees. Howe ver, amid t he ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the temple management put in place several restrictions and followed government guidelines to ensure the safety of the devotees who came to offer prayers and take Dharshan of Lord Shiva on that holy night.

Warm Welcome to Prism Health Labs for Mass Covid-19 Vaccination Camp

LOUISVILLE, KY – Shreyanshi were usually animals or kids her age, HiIndia Newsdesk Kumari, a 10-year-old Indian student her mother said. But when she started ] A rally organized by theworking United Indian American of Chicago outside Ald. Maria Hadden’s office in from Louisville, Kentucky, has just on the poemsCommunity in the winter Rogers Park to show opposition a resolution by Hadden in City Council published her first book of poems of 2020, tolittle did shesponsored know it would introduced it in the City Council Far North Side ward, which borders the bustling called “Pandemic 2020: Poetic Winter become last her summeDurfirst published book. ing the long-winding debate just for a symbolic West Ridge shopping district that boasts countless Evenings. ” “Her perseverance to catch the random Consul General in the Windy City, Amit Kumar with the flow of words and the rhymes. wordsthey and had makereceived it flow withSouth rhythm, measure, some aldermen said Asian restaurants, clothing shops, and jewIt Tabled took some time to of write first few reflects her work, ” Garimaelry Kumari bothinsides in recent as well as grocery stores. in the City Chicago in July last year thousands of messages from and as the daysHadden went by,ofthe to vote against it. Hadden’s resolution is one of several similar bypoems Alderwoman Maria the 49th Ward, months, most urging themadded. passion came along and it was if the hopestotodeplore inspire viokids across the But Hadden said it wasShe meant ceremonial introductions by council members the resolution was rejected onasWednesday by a 26words were talking to her, ” her mother globe to enliven their free time by the vast majority of which get the nod 18 vote, thanks to intense lobbying by the Indian lence against certain castes and religious minori- each year, Garima Kumari told India-West. “Her reading these poems and maybe, with hardly any This one clearly diaspora and India’s Consul General in the Windy ties in India. Stevecontroversy. Chirico (Mayor of Naperville), poetic sentences, attempts at striking make their own poems. She wishes Omayra Giachello (IDPHproponents Regional However, opponents say the proposal needstruck a nerve, however, prompting City, Amit Kumar. the rhythms, creating a flavor of the the poems leave a positive impact on Health Officer), Mehbub S. Kapadia lessly sowed division within Chicago’s Indian and opponents to line up for months to weigh in The resolution failed to gather majority supstory, and taking points from life society during this pandemic. MD (Prism Health Lab Executive Officer), American community with some council memduring public testimony at City Council meetings. port with 26 members voting against it, 18 voting Seema Kapadia and invited guest around – is such a lovely thing to Shreyanshi aims to contribute a Chicago Some Chicago area HiIndia Indian Americans who indive favor six abstaining, Chicago bers even suggesting that in.”and Shreyanshi’s literaryprompting talent major part ofaldermen her book proceeds Newsdesk should not get involved intofar-flung internal po-community have been calling into meetings said they were Mayor Lorito her Lightfoot to when say later goes back early years she that “Many organizations in the CHICAGO, IL: The partnership wrote short stories. Her characters working for a social cause. worried about with terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, members of the council felt uncomfortable (in litical situations. the City of Naperville and Shreyanshi Kumari,

“If we take this on, why not take on the Chinese ethnic cleansing debate?” said Southwest Side Ald. George Cardenas. “Why not deal with the IsraeliPalestinian conflict?

and some wereThe concerned “Hindu-phobia” Nationalabout India Hub, organized in Chicago. Some said they were the COVID-19 Vaccinationsore campover at Mall crackdown on farmers’ protests in India, and1:00 jourof India on March 16, 2021 from nalists being collared andpm thrashed India.Route pm to 6:00 at 776 S,inIllinois IL. The camp was Supporters 59, of Naperville, the resolution, meanwhile, by PrismitHealth Labs. wanted the Cityadministered Council to approve as a symbol Harish Kolasani, theAsian co-founder “We are a global city, I consider us a global city. of solidarity “with Chicago’s South commuof National India Hub his But we have many pressing issues here at home nity regardless of religion and caste.” shared The resoluexcitement over the opening of the tion also called on “the congressional delegation HiIndia Newsdesk that need our attention,” he said. HiIndia Newsdesk new location. He also announced the Hadden’s proposal failed by a 26-18 vote in a “That’s really the spirit ofPALATINE, why we should be administration to support legislaIL: The month of SELMA, CA- and The new U.S.federalofficial launch of India Hub, a onerare instance of a tight roll-call for a non-binding connecting on similar issuesApril in our sister countion and other action promoting secularism and was designated as “Sikh Attorney’s Office in the stop destination offering assistance Awareness and Appreciation E a s t e r n D i s ttolerance r i c t o fin India.” on a variety of important matters to Month” by the Illinois General C a l i f o r n i a M a r cAs h cities 1 0 around US, including Riverdale peoplethe of all ethnicities. Assembly. State of Illinois announced that Jatinderieet in Illinois, started to pass resolutions in earlymore 2020 Prism Health Labs has gained Governor J.B. Pritzker signed “Jyoti” Sihota wascondemning arrested state in India, and violence more accolades and49th has Ward won Bill HB 2832 into law on August on a federal indictment. another feather in its cap byvowed bringingto resident Pushkar Sharma and others 3, 2019 designating “April as The indictment ispush charging its mass vaccination mission to for the same in Chicago.

voting in favour of the resolution) because we don’t know the ins and out of what’s going on thereon the ground in India.” Hadden said her resolution was based on the feedback from her South Asian constituents, adding that the resolution aimed at holding a fellow democracy accountable.

Month of April was Designated as Indian American Woman Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Arrested Global city for Filing Over $790,000 Month in Illinois Fraudulent Crop Insurance Claims Sister countries

Indian residents and business groups are important constituencies in and around Hadden’s Far North Side ward, which borders the bustling West Ridge shopping district that boasts an impressive Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month” in the state of Illinois. Sihota, 34, of Selma, with conspiracy concentration of South Asian restaurants, clothing shops, and to commit mail the City of Naperville. Mall of The event took place at Sikh Religious Society (SRS) Palatine fraud and mail fraud for the submission of over $790,000 leadership offered its prime HumanIndia rights Gurdwara. Aand mini temporary outdoor office of the Governor in fraudulent crop insurance claims, Acting U.S. Attorney location cost torights help Prism jewelry grocery stores. “Democracy, equalityfree andofhuman should was set up in the picturesque front lawn of the gurdwara Phillip A. Talbert announced.

goal.Sharma, Asian Media has not be partisanachieve issues,”its said a steering building, near “Nishan Sahib” to conduct the gubernatorial The indictment was unsealed following her arrest, the release been relentlessly covering the committee of Chicago Coalition for tries,” said. per their official protocol. Governor Pritzker resolution. signingshe ceremony said.According to court records, from at least November 2013 member vaccination campaign run by Human Rightsmass in India. proposal had stirred up a hornet’s Indian residents and business groups are imwasHer surrounded by overjoyed members of the Sikhnest community through September 2016, Sihota controlled her family’s farms Prism Lab with the sole purpose of proposal July, at in the of the gurdwara near “Nishan Sahib” he inconstituencies Fresno and Tulare Counties thatHadden’s produced table Hadden grapes, introduced thepremises city’s South Asian community after shewhere portant in and around communityher service and willincontinue signed the bill in the presence of more than 200 Sikhs and guests. plums and other crops. to do this.




a time when resolutions similar to this one were being passed in other US cities, such as San Francisco, Seattle, Albany, New York, and St. Paul, Minnesota. Hadden attributed much of the delay to the office of the Consul General of India in Chicago, which opposed the resolution, and with Mayor Lightfoot’s office also becoming involved, the administration negotiated the resolution down to less than half its original length. However, Hadden’s resolution came unstuck despite having been scaled back to remove specific language that sought to compare Modi to former President Donald Trump. The resolution also no longer made mention of mob lynchings of Muslims, or quotes by a high-ranking official comparing undocumented people in India to termites. Hadden’s resolution also expressed disappointment at the Indian government’s restrictions on Jammu and Kashmir as well as its passing of the CAA, which added a religion-focused provision to citizenship rules. Some 30 people gathered in front of Hadden’s office in Rogers Park on Monday morning to protest the resolution. Flyers referring to Hadden as “Maria Hateman” criticized her for sowing division among Indians in Chicago, and speakers appealed to her to create a resolution against “terrorist countries” instead.

Derogatory image

“We Indians here, Hindus, Muslims, Sikh, Christian, we are all united here,” said Sohan Joshi, a protest organizer. “Our children are living in harmony here. Why does (Hadden) have to bring a resolution that says we are not united?” Amitabh Mittal, general secretary of the World Hindu Council of America, who opposed the resolution, said before the vote, “This has nothing to do with America, but it creates a very derogatory image for future Indian generations.” MIDWEST / EASTCOAST


Millionaire who wants to live till 180 re-injects own stem cells at Rs.87L per session

Don’t dings show off the best Lightfoot Underestold reporters after the resolution nspired was architecture rejected on Wednesday that it was for the fedtimate @hiindia



eral Biden administration to make comments or pass a judgement such issues and not for the theonpowlocal city governments. er of “What you saw was reluctance on the part of walk the city council to weigh in on an issue so far away that many did not feel that they had enough



FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021

information,” she said in response to a question, adding that there are so many pressing issues in the city of Chicago.

Barai’s view

Dr Bharat Barai, a Chicago-based eminent IndianAmerican, welcomed the decision of the Chicago City Council. Dr. Barai, who along with several Indian-Americans had organised a campaign against the anti-CAA resolution, alleged that the Council on American Islamic Relations was behind the efforts to pass the resolution that was sponsored by Ald. Hadden. Indeed, ahead of the resolution, the Indian Consulate in Chicago is also believed to have reached out to the Mayor and all 50 Aldermen of the Chicago City Council. During the outreach by the consulate and the Indian-American community, most Aldermen had no background knowledge on any issues mentioned in the resolution. “We consistently reached out to all the 50 aldermen. We expressed our views against the decisive agenda of the resolution,” said community leader Amitabh Mittal. There was a wide acknowledgement that this was not a matter for the city council to get involved in. During the vote on the resolution, several aldermen of the council also voiced opposition to such measures.

Chicago’s council from time to time has voiced its opinion on national and international issues Hadden introduced her proposal in July, at a time when resolutions similar to this one were being passed in other U.S. cities, such as San Francisco, Seattle, Albany, New York, and St. Paul, Minnesota

that we have here... Majority of constituents (Indian community in Ward 28) are not in support of this resolution. I think we have more than enough work in the city of Chicago - to talk about oppression, to talk about racism, to talk about other issues that impact the members of the community.” “People have the right to propose any type of resolution, they wish, but unfortunately we cannot support (it),” Ervin said. According to the CAA, members of nonMuslim communities who have come to India from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan till December 31, 2014, and facing religious persecution there will not be treated as illegal immigrants, and be given Indian citizenship. Protests in Indian cities and universities eruptAlderman Raymond A Lopez described the resolution as divisive. “I am not in support of this ed in early 2020 because of CAA, which provides item. This is a very divisive issue.” My office was a path to citizenship for migrants coming from NO COMPROMISE ON INDIA’S 1 FEBRUARY 12, 2021 Afghanistan and Bangladesh — if they’re 773.526.8353 reached by FRIDAY, thousands of people communicating Pakistan, A or Jewish. SOVEREIGNTY, SAYS RAJNATH with us overwhelmingly in opposition to this reso- not Muslim lution. The SINGH Consul General of India has reached ON LADAKH STANDOFF 38,000 sqmuch km after it impacts the out to me. China Thatoccupied is how Besides the CAA, India’s ruling party has also 1962 war and 5,180 sq km given broader community and broader illegally by Pakistan to China in discussion. I ask implemented the National Register of Citizens Ladakh. Arunachal my colleagues to Invote ‘No’ in this item,” Lopez (NRC) in Assam, India, which shares a border Pradesh border, China claims 90,000 said. sq km of Indian land. India has not with Bangladesh. The NRC is a register of legal Aldermanaccepted Jasonthese Ervin said, “As a city, we must unjustified demands. citizens; in September 2019, almost 2 million We have maintained that bilateral and problems focus our energies on challenges relations can prosper only if there are Assam residents found out they were not on the list efforts from both sides.

Divisive proposal

Assam residents

Millionaire who wants to live tillFebruary 180 re-injects ownCOMMUNITY stem FIRST NATIONAL EDITION | Volume 13 • Issue No. 606 12, 2021 | THE y Oslo-based architects Snohetta on the Svartisen glacier, north of the Arctic circle, cells at Rs.87L per session The hotel will use 85 per cent less energy than a comparable property thanks to


GOVT RESPECTS FARMERS’ VOICE, THEIR French man sets world record for being immersed in ice PURE, BID TO POLLUTE: PM PROTESTS cubes for longest time

ries of channels cut through its roof that conduct light and heat into the interior.

ains dog e

e 2,000-year-old the age of one in ce. The remains side the infant's ntainers that may k related to the he pit.


American entrepreneur Dave Asprey, who wants to live till 180, got his stem cells re-injected into his body at $120,000 (over ₹87 lakh) per session. "As we age, our stem cells get exhausted. I do...intermittent fasting... [for]...more stem cells and...take my own stem cells, move them around inside the body so that I heal...like a young person," the 47-year-old millionaire stated.

he government and Parliament have great respect for farmers who are voicing their views on the three farm bills, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Wednesday, and asserted that he holds their agitation ‘sacred’, while making a fresh appeal to agitating farmers to resume talks with the Centre. In his reply in Lok Sabha to a discussion on the Motion of Thanks to the President’s Address,

Modi staunchly defended the three contentious farms laws and made it clear that the new system under these laws was not compulsory and only provided more options. He also attacked the opposition parties for ‘misleading’ farmers, saying those who are disrupting the House are doing so as per a ‘wellplanned strategy’ as they are unable to digest that people can see the truth.

hi INDiA

WhatsApp News Updates FREE Epaper

To receive replica of thethe hiPrime INDiA News As Congress members interrupted his speech, Minister said it wasUpdates a “well-designed attempt” to on WhatsApp forensure Free,that send a farmers sells don’t24-karat get to know the ‘truth’ about the laws. Restaurant

Romain Vandendorpe from France has set a world record for sitting immersed in ice cubes in a glass cabin for the longest time. The 34-year-old health worker sat in ice up to his neck for two hours, 35 minutes and 43 seconds, that's around 40 minutes more than the previous record. He said he'll donate the money raised to charity.

Indian-origin UK man finds WWII shelter in his lawn after 40 yrs, turns it into bar A 68-year-old Indian-origin UK man, Khandu Patel, discovered a World War-II air-raid shelter in the lawn of his home he's been living in for 40 years. Patel said he found the shelter when during the lockdown he decided to lift a


gold-layered burgers‘hi’ for to our official WhatsApp No. A Biden seeks more foreign workers Rs.4,300 in Colombia


while skirting H-1B visa uproar

A restaurant in Colombia is offering the king of delicacies - the gold plated burger! South China Morning Post reported that a restaurant Joe Biden’s Congress on his first day in in Bogota, Colombia immigration has turned the world's favourite foodoverhaul item into luxurious by adding gold - 24 seeks cuisine, to allow office drew quick Republican caratmore of it, to be exact. The restaurant is offering a opposition over its centerpiece: skilled foreign workers 24-carat burger to woo customers. the U.S. without stirring a faster path to citizenship The into restaurant industry has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, with restaurants around the widespread protest from labor for 11 million undocumented world laying off people, some shutting down, and groups, whose opposition immigrants in the U.S. Another many reporting unprecedented losses. A ban on public would butdine-in ruin prospects provision would allow more gatherings hasall turned restaurants into deliveryonlyfor outlets. The is on a what isluxurious alreadydish one of the themenu offoreign students and workers restaurant in the Colombian capital, and costs about

because they didn’t have papers proving they’d arrived before Bangladesh became independent in 1971. Citizenship is not the only issue creating tension in India, nor in Chicago’s Indian American communities. Supporters of the resolution say they are concerned about what they see as the deterioration of India’s democracy: the revocation of Article 370 in the Indian constitution that ensured autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir; the crackdown on media freedoms and arrests of journalists around the country; and the more recent agricultural deregulation, which resulted in protests so large that the new laws had to be put on hold. Chicago’s council from time to time has voiced its opinion on national and international issues. It’s also not the first time a South Asian political controversy has played out through 49th Ward politics. In 2014, Moore backed honorary street signs for former Bangladeshi President Ziaur Rahman at the behest of a group of ward residents, including one who had contributed $1,000 to his campaign.




FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021

RGV Border Patrol Agents Continue Apprehending Large Groups

HiIndia Newsdesk EDINBURG, TX – McAllen Border Patrol Station agents remained busy this weekend as they encountered three large groups of families and unaccompanied alien children, each group was more than 100 people. On Saturday, MCS agents working near Havana, Texas, encountered a group of more than 145 illegal aliens. Hours later, another 108 illegal aliens were apprehended near La Joya, Texas. Yesterday morning, agents working near Hidalgo, Texas, arrested a third group consisting of 116 people. In total, the three groups consisted of nearly 300 family members and unaccompanied alien children, single adults rounded out the rest of the groups.



Community News

Session on “India-US IT Cooperation & Opportunities”

Consul General Amit Kumar

HiIndia Newsdesk CHICAGO, IL – Consul General Amit Kumar joined the session on India-US IT Cooperation and opportunities as part of IndiaSoft 2021 organized by Electronics & Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC). Consul General provided a brief overview of potential and opportunities between India & US for cooperation in the field of IT and how Covid-19

accelerated the expansion of digital footprint in the economy. He said that advent of technology including IoT, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain technologies can be leveraged for realizing our development objectives, improving delivery of government services and productivity of our economy. The global IT demand is also shifting from traditional requirement of software services and systems integration. The event also saw addresses by Mr Nalin Kohli, Chairman INDIASOFT & Past Chairman, ESC, Mr Sanjay Chadha, Additional Secretary, Department of Commerce, Government of India, Dr Swati Kulkarni, Consul General of India at Atlanta, Mr Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, IT, Government of Telangana, Mr Saurabh Gaur Joint Secretary,, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India. Several other representatives from India based IT companies, USIBC, IT Serve also spoke.

10 Yr Old Indian Student from Kentucky Publishes Book of Poems During Pandemic LOUISVILLE, KY – Shreyanshi Kumari, a 10-year-old Indian student from Louisville, Kentucky, has just published her first book of poems called “Pandemic 2020: Poetic Winter Evenings.” with the flow of words and the rhymes. It took some time to write first few poems and as the days went by, the passion came along and it was as if the words were talking to her,” her mother Garima Kumari told India-West. “Her poetic sentences, attempts at striking the rhythms, creating a flavor of the story, and taking points from life around – is such a lovely thing to dive in.” Shreyanshi’s literary talent goes back to her early years when she wrote short stories. Her characters

HiIndia Newsdesk

Shreyanshi Kumari,

were usually animals or kids her age, her mother said. But when she started working on the poems in the winter of 2020, little did she know it would become her first published book. “Her perseverance to catch the random words and make it flow with rhythm, reflects in her work,” Garima Kumari added. She hopes to inspire kids across the globe to enliven their free time by reading these poems and maybe, make their own poems. She wishes the poems leave a positive impact on society during this pandemic. Shreyanshi aims to contribute a major part of her book proceeds to organizations in the community working for a social cause.

Month of April was Designated as Indian American Woman Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Arrested for Filing Over $790,000 Month in Illinois Fraudulent Crop Insurance Claims HiIndia Newsdesk PALATINE, IL: The month of April was designated as “Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month” by the Illinois General Assembly. State of Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed Bill HB 2832 into law on August 3, 2019 designating “April as Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month” in the state of Illinois. The event took place at Sikh Religious Society (SRS) Palatine Gurdwara. A mini temporary outdoor office of the Governor was set up in the picturesque front lawn of the gurdwara building, near “Nishan Sahib” to conduct the gubernatorial signing ceremony per their official protocol. Governor Pritzker was surrounded by overjoyed members of the Sikh community in the premises of the gurdwara near “Nishan Sahib” where he signed the bill in the presence of more than 200 Sikhs and guests.

HiIndia Newsdesk SELMA, CA- The U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of California March 10 announced that Jatinderieet “Jyoti” Sihota was arrested on a federal indictment. The indictment is charging Sihota, 34, of Selma, with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and mail fraud for the submission of over $790,000 in fraudulent crop insurance claims, Acting U.S. Attorney Phillip A. Talbert announced. The indictment was unsealed following her arrest, the release said.According to court records, from at least November 2013 through September 2016, Sihota controlled her family’s farms in Fresno and Tulare Counties that produced table grapes, plums and other crops.

773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Maha Shivratri Celebration at Hindu Mandir of Lake County

HiIndia Newsdesk GRAYSLAKE, IL -Hindu Mandir of Lake County, Grayslake, IL celebrated Maha Shivratri festival, ‘the great night of Shiva’ with great devotion and Rudram chanting by Ritviks on Thursday, March 11, 2021 from evening to midnight with the sponsors of Pujas, Archana, and many devotees. Howe ver, amid t he ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the temple management put in place several restrictions and followed government guidelines to ensure the safety of the devotees who came to offer prayers and take Dharshan of Lord Shiva on that holy night.

Warm Welcome to Prism Health Labs for Mass Covid-19 Vaccination Camp

Steve Chirico (Mayor of Naperville), Omayra Giachello (IDPH Regional Health Officer), Mehbub S. Kapadia MD (Prism Health Lab Executive Officer), Seema Kapadia and invited guest

HiIndia Newsdesk CHICAGO, IL: The partnership with the City of Naperville and The National India Hub, organized COVID-19 Vaccination camp at Mall of India on March 16, 2021 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm at 776 S, Illinois Route 59, Naperville, IL. The camp was administered by Prism Health Labs. Harish Kolasani, the co-founder of National India Hub shared his excitement over the opening of the new location. He also announced the official launch of India Hub, a onestop destination offering assistance on a variety of important matters to people of all ethnicities. Prism Health Labs has gained more and more accolades and has won another feather in its cap by bringing its mass vaccination mission to the City of Naperville. Mall of India leadership offered its prime location free of cost to help Prism achieve its goal. Asian Media has been relentlessly covering the mass vaccination campaign run by Prism Lab with the sole purpose of community service and will continue to do this.






FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021



Liquor Store for sale at North Chicago, Lake County, IL. Asking $109K, Gross Sales $700K per year, Lotto Commission per year $30K, Rent/hiindialive FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021 26 $3000, 3000 Sq. Ft. Store. Inventory $125K to $150K






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773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 2021


/hiindialive MIDWEST / EASTCOAST 30,000 PRINT@hiindia EDITION | 68K 773.526.8353A /hiindiaNews

E-BLAST | 100K + VISITORS ONLINE hiindia.com | PRINT LIQUOR STORE FOR SALE LIQUOR STORE FORALL SALE ONLINE - EBLAST PLATFORM ONLY FOR $40 CLASSIFIEDS | FOR ADVERTISING 773 338 0222 Liquor Store for sale at North Chicago, Lake County, IL. Asking $109K, Liquor Store for sale atSTORE NorthFOR Chicago, ]LIQUOR SALE Lake County, IL. Asking $109K, c n u l l e s Y h A u Gross Sales $700K, Lotto Commission per year $30K, Rent $3000, 3000 Gross Sales $700K per year, Lotto Commission per year $30K, Rent Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color

]Liquor Store for sale at North Chicago, Lake County, IL.

Sq. Ft. Store. Inventory $125K to $150K

Sales $700K, Lotto Commission $3000,Asking 3000$109K, Sq. Ft.Gross Store. Inventory $125K to $150K per


yearH $30K, ORent T$3000, EL3000 HSq.EFt.LStore. P Inventory $125K Call Broker to $150K Raj Patel: 630-205-6353

Call Broker Raj Patel: 630-205-6353

86 Room]Call Hotel inRaj Chicago near Waukegan needs Broker Patel: 630-205-6353 ] Housekeeping couple. Accommodation provided. Legal status and previous housekeeping experience must.

Email: habeeban@saharahomecare.com Independent Motel in Marquette, MI needs a couple for Front Desk. Accommodation provided. Good pay.

Call Gill: 906-361-1718

Jtpfudl vtmu rNftdtubtk ytJuje 86 Yble ntuxj btxu ylwCJe ntWmrfrvkd fvjle sYh Au. hnuJtle mdJz ytvJtbt ytJNu. ]LIQUOR STORE FOR SALE jedj Tm sYhe. ]Liquor Store for saleMxu atxNorth Chicago, Lake County, IL.

Email: brentwoodmotelmarquette@gmail.com


Asking $109K,267-346-6742 Gross Sales $700K, Lotto Commission per Call: year $30K, Rent $3000, 3000 Sq. Ft. Store. Inventory $125K to $150K Independent ]Call MotelBroker in Marquette, MI needs a couple for Front Desk. Raj Patel: 630-205-6353 ] Accommodation provided. Good pay.

HOTEL HELP Baymont Inn in Stevensville, MI Hotel. indoor facility, looking for a couple to work housekeeping and Front desk positions.


26, 2021 Call Trushar FRIDAY, Patel FEBRUARY 269-369-6652


ટેનેસીમાં �ે ચાઈઝ હોટેલમાં નીચે �માણેની જોબ ઓ�પ�ન ગ છે .

Call Gill: 906-361-1718

* હોઉસ�ક પ�ગ * લો � માટેની હે �પ * નાઈટ ઓ�ડટર * Email: brentwoodmotelmarquette@gmail.com /hiindialive AGM. 773.526.8353 @hiindia MIDWEST આકષક /hiindiaNews પગાર અને રહે વાની સગવડ મલશે . પીક/ EASTCOAST અપ


કરવાની ���થા થઇ શકશે.

Call M. B. 30,000 PatelPRINT 334-657-8100 EDITION | 68K Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color

Sahara Homecare is hiring a receptionist for our Skokie/Mount Prospect location! Requirements: -Bilingual Hindi or Gujarati -High school diploma -Microsoft Excel familiarity -Strong communication and phone skills Send resume to


ONLINE hiindia.com | PRINT AmericInn in Munising, MI needs a couple for Front Desk. ONLINE EBLAST ALL Accommodation provided. Good pay.


Email: habeeban@saharahomecare.com PLATFORM ONLY FOR $40 CLASSIFIEDS | FOR ADVERTISING 773 338 0222Call Harjinder 956-373-0767


B XdJl B XdJl ]^l. ]^l. ht ht



773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST



An Accounting /Booking & Tax services company in Devon area, need person to perform accounting work: TheSahara Ideal candidate be: a receptionist for our Skokie/Mount Homecarewill is hiring -Have background and experience of -Bilingual Book-Keeping/Accounting. Prospect location! Requirements: Hindi or Gujarati -Must have basic Computer skills as well as attention for details. -Highresume school within diploma Excel familiarity -Strong send their 10-Microsoft days through

communication and phone skills

Email: americinn.munising@yahoo.com


મોટલ - કન્વીનવીયન્સ સટોર હે લ્પ

Beauty Salon for saleHousekeeper on the Illinois and Wanted forIndiana border.Franchise Profitable business, street MO. with good Motel inbusy St. Louis location. Owner is moving. Good Salary,

Email: Chicago1872@hotmail.com Send resume to Accommodation Provided. /hiindialive FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2020 773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST /hiindiaNews @hiindia call : 773 507 8645 26 Email: habeeban@saharahomecare.com CALL: 314-497-3292 or 314-330-4621

..lish 2723/hiindialive

Please call: 708-474-3884

] Fixed and Variable 773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST LIQUOR STORE HELP ]Add andVariable Variable| 68K 30,000 PRINT EDITION MOTEL HELP Annuities ] Fixed and HIRING-CLERICAL STAFF E-BLAST | 100K Income + VISITORS ]Disability Now hiring Store Associate for Cardinal Warehouse Front Desk Receptionist position available at the Comfort Inn and Annuities ] Disability ONLINE hiindia.com | PRINTand An Accounting /Booking & Tax servicesIncome companyStores in Devon area, Wine and Liquor, Northside Liquor Suites located in North Aurora, IL. English Communication ]Life Insurance and need person to perform accounting work: EBLAST PLATDisability IncomeALL Legal Status to work is-]aONLINE must. Living-accommodation provided with ] Life Insurance and The IdealCall candidate will be: ]Long Term Care ] Fixed and Variable competitive pay. FORM ONLY FOR $40 /hiindialive MIDWEST / EASTCOAST 773-931-7650 @hiindia CLASSIFIEDS | FOR ADVERTISING 773 338 0222 ] Life Insurance and/hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 -Have background and experience of Book-Keeping/Accounting.

classifieds @hiindia


B XdJl B XdJl 3]^l. Office Phone No. and 847-597-2400 Office Fax No.847-597-2401 ]Add Variable 3]^l.RohitROHIT A.-Must ShahA – MBA, LUTCF SHAHCall: Annuities have basic Computer skills as well as attention for details. Cell(215) Phone No. 239-4152 847-219-2536 Rohit A. Shah – MBA, LUTCF ROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Rohit A. ShahA – MBA, LUTCF ROHIT SHAHFinancial Representative Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM ght Rohit A. S Income Financial Representative Email]Disability send their resume within 10 days through ROHIT Financial Representative LUTCF Financial Representative ght MBA, Financia MBA, LUTCF SIMI ACCOUNTING SERVICES ]R Disability Income 1751 Lake Cook Road, Financial Financial Financial Representative Representative the Guardian Company America® 1751 (Guardian) New York, NY.Cook The Pietsch Road, Financial Group is The Pietsch Group, Inc. HELP WANTED TheFinancial Pietsch FinancialofGroup, Inc.Life Insurance Lake Representative ]Life Insurance and R E S T A U A N T F O R SALE 1TheS 450 Pietsch Financial Group, Inc. 2016-22707. The Pietsc Fixed Annuities STORE FOR SALE affiliateLIQUOR or subsidiary of Guardian. Exp 8/18 1 S not 450an Summit Ave, Suite 135 Fixed Annuities 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 Fixed Annuities Email: Chicago1872@hotmail.com 1 S 450 Su Suite 350 Summit Ave, Suite 135 Suite 350 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181 ] Life Insurance and Oak Brook glish Oak 773.526.8353 Brook Terrace, IL 60181 ws FRIDAY, SEMPTEMBER 18, 2020 264 D oveILr L60015 n, ]Long Term Care Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181for Convenient Disability Income 21 Disability Help wanted Store, GasIncome Station, Zo. Deerfield, IL 60015 Deerfield, Disability Income Zo. A Liquor for sale at Office NorthPhone Chicago, Lake County, IL.Fax Asking $109K, Great Investment શિકાગોથી એક કલાકનાં અં ત , મિશિગન I-94 પર આવે લી Office Pho call : 773opportunity 507 Phone: Store 1-630-317-2504 847-597-2400 Office No.847-597-2401 DInsurance es8645 Plainto es,acquire IL 6and 0018 OfficeOffice Sandwich &847-597-2400 Pizza Store inરેNo. Indiana. Need counter help Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Life Insurance and Office Fax: Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Life Rohit A. Shah – MBA, LUTCF ROHIT A SHAHOffice Phone No. Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Gross Sales $700K per year, Lotto Commission per year $30K, Rent Cell Phone No. અને 847-219-2536 Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Life Insurance and ફ્ેROHIT નA. ્ાઇઝ લLUTCF િાં હાઉસકીપીંગ ફ્નટડે કનું કાિ કરી િકે 2723 Shah – િોટે MBA, Office Rohit Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Cell: A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Indian Restaurant which is running in Convenient Store, Gas Station and સ Sandwich & Pizza Office Fax: Representative 1-630-317-2539 Cell: 1-847-219-2536 Financial I N C O M E T A X R E T U R N S Long Term Care Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM Office Fax No. 847-597-2401 Representative Cell: Financial 1-847-219-2536 $3000, 3000છેSq. Ft. Store. Inventory $125K toજે$150K Financial Representative B U S I N E S S E S F O R S A L E MBA, LUTCF તે વ ા કપલની જરૂર . તે િ જ કનવીનીયનસ સટોર િ ાં લીકર અન ે Long Term Care Office Fax No. 847-597-2401 1847-970-9431 Cell: Financial Representative 1-847-219-2536 store. Will if not experienced. Call Shunti SIngh Email: Roh Long inTerm 1-847-970-9431 Cell Phone No. train 847-219-2536 Lake successfully Chicago We d1751 oCare fiSuburbs. lin g InCook comeRoad, TaxEmail:Email: The Pietsch Financial Group, Inc. The Pietsch Financial Group,લગતુ Inc. ં કાિ કરી િકે તેવી વયશ્તઓની જરૂર છે. Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com 1-847-970-9431 િીટ સે ન ડવી્ને Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Call Broker Raj Patel: 630-205-6353 Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com 574-261-7281 ઇશનડયાનાિાં આવે લ ી િોટે લિાં હાઉસશકપપગ SOLD 224 SUB# 1 LOCATIONS IN CHICAGOLAND Fixed Annuities Professional 1Email S 450 Summit Ave, Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM Suite 135 Address: 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 Suite 350


મોટલ - કન્વીનવીયન્સ સટોર હે લ્પ


Financial Rep

Financial not an affi

Financial Representative of the Guardian Life Insurance Company America® (Guardian) New York, NY. The Pietsch Financial Group is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707. Exp 8/18 Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America®

Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com RetuofrThe n iGuardian ndiviLife duInsurance als. Company ofOakAmerica® Theઅથવા Pietsch Financial Group Inc. isછે not affiliate or subsidiary of Guardia Brook Terrace, IL 60181 રહે સગવડ FREE આપવાિાં આવિે . જરૂર Financial Representative (Guardian), New York, NY. તે િવજાની ફ્નટડે સક િાટે સસગલ કપલની . anઅનુ ભવ ના EmailTerrace, Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM Oak Brook IL 60181 Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. Disability Income Please Contact Teja @847-848-4658 Call: 856-938-9118 Now hiring Store Associate for Cardinal Warehouse Life Insurance and Call; 269-903-9677 BEAUTY SALON FOR(Cell) SALE Call Vijay Patel 574-261-7281 Winefrom and Liquor, Northside Liquor Stores Starting $45 Long Term Care

Deerfield, SUBS # 1: SALES UPTO $14,000 WK. LOCATIONS IN The Pietsch Financial Group Inc. is notIL an 60015 affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Exp 8/18

ે ન 8/18 હોય તો 1-630-317-2504 અિે ટ્Exp કરીિું. રહે વાની સગવડ આપવાિાં આવિે . The Financial Group Inc. is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Office Phone: mpany of America® (Guardian), NewWILL, York,Pietsch NY. AND COOK, KANE LAKE COUNTY. Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Registered Representative of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS). Securities products offered through Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Office 2016-22707 Phone No. 847-597-2400 Call uASKING s for$250,000 our Accounting Cell: PAS, member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of sidiaryOffice of Guardian. Exp 8/18 Fax: 1-630-317-2539 1-847-219-2536 AL'S BEEF & NANCY PIZZA: SALES $1.1 MILLION/YR America® (Guardian), New York, NY. No. 847-597-2401 1-847-970-9431 RegisteredFax Representative of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS). Securities products offered through Salonof Guardian. for sale on the Illinois and Indiana Cell: Office 1-847-219-2536 PAS is aBeauty wholly-owned subsidiary Pietsch Financial Group is not an affiliate or S e r v i c e s STRIP MALL: DUPAGE COUNTY, FULLY RENTED ASKING $549,000 PAS, member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com 1-847-970-9431 Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 border. Profitable business, busy street with good America® (Guardian), New York, NY. Life and Health, California Department of Insurance, License No. 2108969 PAPA PIZZA: HI VOLUME LOCATIONS, DUPAGE COOK PAS is a JOHN wholly-owned of Guardian. Pietsch Financial Group & is not affiliate or Life Insurance Company ofCalifornia Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com Financial Representative ofan The Guardian America® (Guardian), York, Date: NY. 01/31/2022 location. Owner is moving. Email Address: subsidiary Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM Effective Date: 01/17/2020,New Expiration


CALL : VIJAY PATEL 574-226-6938

Tel: 847-768-5903 / 847-800-1076 in St. Louis MO. Good Salary and By appointment only. Accommodation Provided.


Call 773-931-7650

Wanted Motel Manager for Franchise Motel

subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. COUNTY, WITH PROPERTY The Pietsch Financial Group Inc. is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Exp 8/18 2021-114299 mpany of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. SALES $560,000/YR, ASKING $99,000/SARPINO'S PIZZA: LAKE COUNTY, California Life and Health, California Department of Insurance, License No. 2108969 Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color 21 Rooms Motel near O’hare Airport (Chicago, IL) needs bsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 8/18Date: 01/31/2022 Effective Date: 01/17/2020,Exp Expiration PHILLIPSRepresentative 66 GAS STATION: ASKING $99,000+INVENTORY. Gujarati vegetarian couple for housekeeping. Accommodation Registered of ParkROCKLAND Avenue SecuritiesCOUNTY, LLC (PAS). IL. Securities products offered through PAS, member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of 2021-114299 MONEY MAKER. and food provided. between pm for to 8Front pm Desk. ંCall ં MI Independent Motel in Marquette, needs a 12 couple

HIRING Call: 314-497-3292 or

America® (Guardian), New York, NY. PAS aHiring wholly-owned of Guardian.Company Pietsch Financial Group is not an affiliate orExecutives forsubsidiary Distribution Marketers/Sales GASisSTATION: MAHASKA COUNTY, IOWA. ASKING $225,000+ INVENTORY. subsidiary of PAS or Guardian.


Please MOTEL call: 708-474-3884 HELP

જગ્યા ત્યારથી સવયાર શું કયામ આટલી ચિ ચિતયા કરવી Accommodation provided. Good pay.



FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021 27 HIRING Wholesaler and Distributor in Elk Grove Village, IL are /hiindialive MIDWEST / EASTCOAST FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 2021 Manager, Warehouse looking to hire for Warehouse 773.526.8353 @hiindia /hiindiaNews 35 Helper, Drivers and Office help. Chicago based Shajdhari Sikh Khatri family looking for a North Indian Hindu parents looking for a suitable match Contact: 847-387-2923 suitable match for their Daughter 30 year, MBA. Working in for son, 45 yrs, Ht 5¹5’’, handsome, easy going & simple, a financing company in Downtown Chicago. Prefer Chicago divorced without kids, honest w/good values, Ph.D; based Khatri match. Please email biodata with photograph scientist/ researcher currently employed in a world renowned research institute on Long Island, NY. Email Sahara Homecare is hiring a receptionist for our Skokie/Mount biodata w/recent photos: Prospect location! Requirements: -Bilingual Hindi or Gujarati -High Email: apurva_tandon@yahoo.com @hiindia








Email: raviunited@aol.com

school diploma -Microsoft Excel familiarity -Strong communication and phone skills Send resume to

Call: (516)-650-6573.

મોટલ - કન્વીનવીય ન્સ સટોર હે લ્પ HIRING

શિકાગોથી એક કલાકનાં અંતરે , મિશિગન I-94 પર આવેલી Email: habeeban@saharahomecare.com Wholesaler and Distributorઅને in Elk Grove are ફ્ેન્ાઇઝ િોટેલિાં હાઉસકીપીંગ ફ્નટડે સકનુVillage, ં કાિ કરીILિકે looking to hire for Warehouse Manager, Warehouse Helper, તેવા કપલની જરૂર છે. તેિજ કનવીનીયનસ સટોર જેિાં લીકર અને Drivers and િકે Office િીટ સેનડવી્ને લગતુ ં કાિ કરી તેવhelp. ી વયશ્તઓની જરૂર છે. રહેવાની સગવડ FREE આપવાિાં આવિે.

CALL: 847-387-2923 Call; 269-903-9677 (Cell)

MATRIMONIAL Gujarati Family invites Matrimonial Correspondance for IndianBorn, Study in India BDS 4th year college Son, 21 years, Ht 5’-9”, slim. Looking for USA CItizen girl. Please send biodata and photograph. BEAUTY SALON FOR SALE Email: mapatel3097@gmail.com

RESTAURANT HELP Indian Restaurant located at Ashland Ave & Taylor Street, Chicago, IL looking for Food Runner, Waiter, /hiindialive MIDWEST / EASTCOAST @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 and Manager

GANDHI SELIM LAW, P.C. Contract Formation and Review, Landlord/Tenant Law, Personal Injury

Please Call: 224-388-2674

GAS STATION/C-STORE HELP Looking for employees, SIngle or Couple in Richmond, VA. Attractive salary.


Please cll: 704-307-6164

Chicago based Shajdhari Sikhand Khatri family looking for a ] Fixed Variable Annuities suitable match for their Daughter 30 year, MBA. Working in ] Downtown DisabilityChicago. IncomePrefer Chicago a financing company in Indian Restaurant looking for skilled Waiters Waitresses in Niles based Khatri match. Please email biodataorand with photograph ] Life Insurance location Job Type: Full-time. Pay: $8.00 - $18.00 per hour + Tips ] Long Term Care depending on the experience


Email: raviunited@aol.com ROHIT A SHAHMBA, LUTCF Call: 847 350 8301 1751 Lake Cook Road,

Rohit A. Shah – MBA, LUTCF Financial Representative FinancialFinancial Representative The Pietsch Group, Inc. 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181

MATRIMONIAL Brahmbhatt family invites correspondence for their Son, born in 1988, Ht 5’-11” Wt 75 kg, good looking, Athletic, healthy, BBA from Buffalo University, USA., Business owner, settled in Vadodara,Estate India,Planning, having USA VisaMatters, from good Familylooking, Law, well FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5,Criminal 2021 educated, well mannered, Upper Caste, NRI girls. 35 Real Estate Closings, Business Law, Please contact: (011) 925-577-0862

1635 W. Wise Rd, Suite 10A Schaumburg, IL 60193 Office: (847) 413-4455 Mobile: (847) 220-7338 www.gandhiselimlaw.com HIRING Wholesaler and Distributor in Elk Grove Village, IL are looking to hire for Warehouse Manager, Warehouse Moving Buyers to their Dream Homes Helper, Drivers and Office help. Contact: 847-387-2923 BUY, SELL, RENT, LEASE!

Rajvi Gandhi

Home 4 U Realty ] Add and Variable ] Disability Income IB HA DA NI ]V Life Insurance and ] Long Term Care CALL or EMAIL

Realtor / Business Broker

Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax No.847-597-2401 847-219-2536 Rohit A. Shah – MBA, LUTCFCell Phone No. 847-877-4324 ROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM Financial Representative Financial Representative


of the Guardian TheFinancial PietschRepresentative Financial Group, Inc. Life Insurance Company America® (Guardian) New York, NY. The Pietsch Fixed Suite Annuities Group Ave, is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707. Exp 8/18 1 S Financial 450 Summit Suite 135 350 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181 Disability Income Deerfield, IL 60015 Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Life Insurance and Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Cell: 1-847-219-2536 Long Term CareIL are Fax No. 847-597-2401 1-847-970-9431 Cell: Office 1-847-219-2536 Wholesaler and Distributor in Elk Grove Village, Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com 1-847-970-9431 Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 looking to hire for Warehouse Manager, Warehouse Helper, Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM The Pietsch Financial Group Inc. is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Exp 8/18 and Office help. pany of America® (Guardian), New York, Drivers NY.



1457 Della Dr, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

] Fixed and Variable CALL:Annuities 847-387-2923 ] Disability Income HOUSEHOLD HELP WANTED ] Life Insurance and A well-to-do senior citizen seeks a live-in person in New Jersey. Light

]Add and Variable ]Disability BEAUTY SALON FOR Income SALE ]Life Insurance and ]Long Term Care MATRIMONIAL

idiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Exp 8/18

Registered Representative of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS). Securities products offered through PAS, member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. PAS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guardian. Pietsch Financial Group is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. California Life and Health, California Department of Insurance, License No. 2108969 Effective Date: 01/17/2020, Expiration Date: 01/31/2022


cooking and normal household chores. Rohit A. ShahA– MBA, LUTCF ROHIT SHAHFinancial Representative Driving License desirable.


Financial Financial Representative The Pietsch Group, Inc. 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181

1751 Lake Cook Road,

Fixed Suite Annuities 350 Call: 908-642-3820 Disability Income Deerfield, IL 60015 Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Life Insurance and Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Long Term Care No. 847-597-2401 Cell: Office Fax 1-847-219-2536


Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax No.847-597-2401 Brahmbhatt familyOffice invites correspondence Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 for their Son, born Rohit A. Shah – MBA, LUTCF ROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM Financial inRepresentative 1988, Ht 5’-11” Wt 75 kg, good looking, Athletic, healthy, Financial Representative

BBA from Buffalo University, USA., Business owner, settled in Vadodara, India, having USA Visa from good looking, well educated, well mannered, Upper Caste, NRI girls. Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Please contact: (011) 925-577-0862 Cell: 1-847-219-2536

Representative the Guardian TheFinancial Pietsch FinancialofGroup, Inc.Life Insurance Company America® (Guardian) New York, NY. The Pietsch Financial Group is affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 1 S not 450an Summit Ave, Suite 135 2016-22707. Exp 8/18 Contact NOW Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181

Desk Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com 1-847-970-9431 CellFront Phone No. Receptionist 847-219-2536 position available in Baymont Inn Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com Motel in Addison, IL (Near O’hare Financial Representative of The Guardian Airport). Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. Email Franchise Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM The Pietsch Financial Group Inc. is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Exp 8/18

Call: 773-716-9645

any of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. diary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Exp 8/18


Registered Representative of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS). Securities products offered through PAS, member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. PAS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guardian. Pietsch Financial Group is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS or Guardian.

Are you ready for open enrollment?



FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021

Making up their minds just over a phone call, the friend, now in their 60s, went on a 4500 km journey that took a month and 10 days.


ometimes all you need is a great friend and a tank of gas”. Well, the famous lines from the Ridley Scott classic Thelma & Louise must surely be ringing in the ears of these three college friends from Chandigarh when they decided to go on a road trip. Making up their minds just over a phone call, the friends, now in their 60s, went on a 4500-km journey that took a month and 10 days. Speaking to Conde Nast Traveller, the trio -- Robin Nakai, wife Amrita, and their friend Usha -- explained how they drove through Udaipur, Mumbai, Ganpatipule, Panjim, Hampi, Bengaluru, and Chennai before flying to the Andamans. On their return journey,




Out of Box

Now In Their 60s, 3 College Friends Take 4,500 Km Road-Trip

However, in the end, the three friends made new memories, that too in the time of the pandemic.

‘Tell me, will Krunal play for India? Khelega yeh?’ Pandya’s late father used to ask

they stopped at Puducherry. “We have been a trio since the days of Bob Dylan and Woodstock in the 70s. We’ve done some crazy things together and always had each other’s back,” Robin added. The roads might be smooth in most of the places, but as Robin described his driving experience in Andaman, one should always be prepared to face the unknown. Robin adds that they took a flight to the Andamans after making stops at Bengaluru, Hampi, and Chennai and drove down from Port Blair in the south to Diglipur in the north. The distance between the two is 300km, but they spent 16 hours because of the road conditions. They passed through some of the dense forests with an escort vehicle. However, in the end, the three friends made new memories, that too in the time of the pandemic.

Bill Gates Says His Coding Skills Are Now “Rusty”

Yuvraj Singh’s Cheeky Comment On Mohammad Kaif’s Pic When Krunal Pandya broke down at the thought of his late father in the post-innings chat with the broadcasters after walloping the fastest ODI fifty on debut, his long-time coach Jitendra Singh rewound to a particular moment. “Tell me honestly, will Krunal play for India? Khelega yeh?’ is what his father used to ask. Not many know that more than Hardik, it was Krunal that his father Himanshu bhai dreamt would play for India. I can understand where KP’s emotional reactions came from. Krunal has his father’s name written on his bat.” But circumstances conspired to derail the dream. Around 2008, his father suffered his first heart attack. During the following years, till 2014, the family business didn’t do well. “Himanshubhai’s heart attack was the first blow. Then his business went down. The money dried up. One dream he had was about Krunal playing for India. Hardik was still young, then. But the financial troubles meant Krunal was distressed and distracted. He was young but the elder son. As the years went, especially during financial troubles, he started to drift. ‘Paisa kahan sey aayega (where will the money come from), how will the household run, should I get a regular job once I grow up? Thoughts like that,” coach Jitendra aka Jeetubhai told

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Former Indian cricketer Mohammad Kaif ’s Instagram is all about the recently concluded Road Safety World T20 Series. Fans were delighted to see the cricketer with other iconic players, once again on the field. Kaif posted a star-studded picture featuring himself along with Sachin Tendulkar, Irfan Pathan, Yuvraj Singh and others. In the caption, Kaif praised Tendulkar saying, “Last few days we saw him flying high on the ground. And now that the tournament is won, he remains so grounded while we fly. @sachintendulkar paaji.” Yuvraj Singh dropped a tongue-in-cheek comment on the post. “Aur bhi log hain team main bhai sahab,” he wrote. The Indian legends beat Sri Lanka Legends by 14 runs to clinch the trophy. Tendulkar shared the same snap on his Instagram timeline, captioning it as, “A team that chills together, wins together!”

Drone Flies Dangerously Close To Erupting Volcano

A drone has captured incredible footage of a volcano erupting from a dangerously close distance. The Fagradalsfjall volcano eruption had red lava spewing out of the ground and a crimson glow lighting up the night sky near Iceland’s capital Reykjavik on Friday night. It was an eruption that Icelanders had been expecting for several weeks. It did not cause any injuries or major disruptions.

Ever wondered if Bill Gates could still write the code that made him a billionaire? As the co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates is considered to be one of the pioneers of today’s home computing, but he admits that his programming skills are now a little “rusty”. Bill Gates, 65, took part in a Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ or AMA session following the publication of his new book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. During the AMA session, he answered a number of queries from curious fans and touched upon a number of topics, including the importance of synthetic meat and electric cars in combating climate change. But when one Reddit user asked Mr Gates if he still coded on his computer, the billionaire said his coding skills were now rusty, although he still loves trying new tools. “My code no longer goes into shipping products so I am rusty,” wrote Bill Gates. “I do like to try the new tools to understand how they help. I just did a review of the low-code tools where there is a lot of great innovation.” Bill Gates has been fixated on programming since he was 13. “I was 13 years old when I fell in love with programming,” he wrote on his blog, Gates Notes, in 2018. “My friends and I would spend hours creating new programs and plugging away in BASIC,” he said, adding that the introduction to computer science changed the course of his life.






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