hi INDiA | June 4, 2021 | The Community First

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US To Announce Details Of Global Distribution Of 80 Million Vaccine Doses






FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021



Joe Biden recently announced a plan to release 20 million more doses over six weeks, bringing the total earmarked for shipping out by the end of June to 80 million.

“Get A Shot, Have A Beer”: Biden’s Push To Boost Covid Vaccination Rate hiindia.com

Currently, 63 percent of adults have received at least one shot of a coronavirus vaccine. Twelve states have crossed 70 percent and more are expected to get there this week, Joe Biden said.

I was anxious… see you when I see you: Naomi

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NATIONAL EDITION | Volume 13 • Issue No. 621 JUNE 4, 2021 | THE COMMUNITY FIRST | hiindia.com - News Update 24/7 FIERB STROPS eh sa sraet ni trefieS miT s’RKK aidnI ni laedro 91-divoC sllaRemembering cer Won’t be defined Education by what we lost to Amrit Patel – important pillar this virus, but how a man of all of India- US ties: we responded to it’ trades and a Ambassador Malala Yousafzai gentle soul Sandhu atakloK eht fo t rap saw ohw ,t refieS miT yltneserp si ,LPI eht ni maet srediR thginK y rot adnam yad-41 sih gniogrednu w eN ot n r u t er s i h g n i wo l l of e n i t n ar au q .91-divoC morf gnirevocer retfa dnalaeZ

llaf ythgiM ehT

I Virus disaster leaves deep ‘Bhoot Police fits perfectly between Goa Gone and Stree’ scarsGoon Arjun Kapoor REVEALS India’s economy

yllebrednu ylgu s’gniltserw

‘The four-letter word that pushed me through was hope’

dedne tI .ytreporp revo thgif a htiw detrats t , n o i pm a h c l a n o i ta n r o i n u j r e m r o f a h t i w dnA .htaed ot netaeb gnitteg ,rahknahD ragaS cipmylO emit-owt a ,noipmahc dlrow-xe na retfa detserra gnitteg ,ramuK lihsuS ,tsilladem eerht ot esolc rof nur eht no gnieb .skeew tup ohw ,lihsuS ,yadnuS nO s’gniltserw dlrow no aidnI dniheb ecaf sih dih ,pam sa lewot etihw-wolley a l a i c e pS s’e c i loP i h l e D dedarap lennosrep lleC .saremac fo tnorf ni mih wo l l e f d n a d n e i r f s iH ,tawarehS yajA reltserw t rihs-t kca lb a gni ra ew ’s l a m i n a r o f y c r e M ‘ h t i w .mih ot txen saw ,ti no debircsni gnissorc-ssirc neeb dah owt ehT yad eht ,5 yaM ecnis spoc gnidave sredrob etats RIF eht ni denoitnem era htoB .tnedicni eht retfa noitcud ba ,redrum fo de succa nee b evah dna morf llaf citamard a s’tI .ycaripsnoc lanimirc dna evitucesnoc ta delladem ohw etelhta na fo ecarg

tserra s’ramuK lihsuS ta redrum eht dna muidatS lasartahhC ylgu s’gniltserw esopxe eht ngilam dna yllebrednu .arahka delbaf s’yrtnuoc

y rtnuoc a ni taef detnedecerpnu na — scipmylO ni sladem laudividni owt fo latot dnarg a dah taht degella eht ,ti evah dluow etaf sA .y rutnec tsal eht siht dereggirt taht hsalc yldaed eht rof eunev esab tnenamrep s’lihsuS saw stneve fo ecneuqes tsom s’yrtnuoc eht dna sedaced owt naht erom rof s’ihleD weN – enil ylbmessa gniltserw cifilorp .muidatS lasartahhC saw lihsuS ,4 yaM ,tnedicni eht fo thgin eht litnU amla suomaf sih ta drah gniraperp eb ot dias eht rof tuc eht ekam ot hsup lanif taht rof retam eht rof derongi saw eh hguohT .scipmylO oykoT fo tol a evah llits I“ .pu evig t’ndid eh ,sreifilauq ”,siht ekil dne t’now )reerac( tI .em ni tfel gniltserw siht si ,srednow eno woN .ylevissimsid ,dias dah eh ihleD ni secruoS ?sdne reerac suoirtsulli sih woh eht ni detluassa dna denifnoc saw ragaS yas eciloP desaeler pilc eht retfa tuB .tnemesab lasartahhC a dniheb gnidih lihsuS gniwohs – eciloP ihleD yb ylgu neesnu raf os s’gniltserw ,lariv tnew – lewot tuoba srepsihw eht dna desopxe tog yllebrednu .deifilpma tog erutluc ydahs s’arahka eht


sretekcirc iwiK rehto htiw aidnI evael ton dluoc erofeb sruoh 42 tsuj tset evitisop a denruter eh retfa ,emoh kcab gniylf retfa woN .y rtnuoc eht gnivael y rotadnam yad-41 a gniogrednu yltneserp si eh .enitnarauq ym dna evitisop detset d’I dlot dna edisa dellup tog I“ ksedsweN aidnIiH saw I .tfel enoy reve nehw yawa thgiarts knas traeh dlrow s’trefieS miT namstab-repeektekciw dnalaeZ weN aidnI ni tfel llits yllacisab reyalp saesrevo ylno eht gnitset retfa knas traeh sih dna tnemom a rof deppots sgniht nehw s’tahT .tnemanruot elohw eht fo tuo wo n e h t g n i r u d 9 1 - d i vo C d e d a e r d e h t r o f e v i t i s o p eht dlot trefieS lanoitome na ”,laer tib elttil a tog .nosaes )LPI( eugaeL reimerP naidnI dednepsus .’dlareH dnalaeZ weN‘ ,)RKK( srediR thginK atakloK fo trap a saw ohw ,trefieS

After a 7.3% contraction in 2020-21 ever recorded by tahw yb-dethe nifed sharpest eb t’noW kcab snaF :0202 ORUE pael tnaig s’seliB enomiS t u b , s u r i v s i h t o t t s o l e w India - the ni ton tub smuidats ni nemrelatively ow rof muted recovery puts India at odds with countries i ot deseeing dnopser ew waohswift srebmun emas elyrebound tS oT syas aWthey devorppA-beleC like United States and China that ’tare iazfasuoY alalaM s l r i G r o F s e s s erD lanoitidarT emerge from the pandemic, and suggests deeper damage has been ekil — 0202 fo setaudarg eht lla oT“ ym gnissim osla m’I ,uoy fo lla gniht eno tub gnivlove speek dna cimanyd s’ti ,emas eht sniamer reven noihsaF raey siht ynotrillion merec noitaudargbefore the crisis hit. done to an economy worth around—eh$2.9 dna hsilyts eht si yrtsudni noihsaf naidnI eht ni decalper eb reven nac taht t ssorcA .enola ton era ew dna ksedsweN aidnIiH

ot gnisae snoitcirtser surivanoroc htiW e r e h t , s m u i d a t s o tn i k c a b s n a f w o l l a n i t s a l ta e r e h p s o m ta e m o s e b l l i w n a e p o r uE e h t ta s e i t i c t s o h 1 1 e h t .pihsnoipmahC .srehto naht emos ni eroM , s n a f l l a e m o c l e w o t s n a l p t s e pa d u B e poh uk a B dna grubsreteP .tS el ih w .y tica pa c muida ts rieh t fo %05 e su ot , m a d r e t s m A e k i l s e i t i c r o ja m r e h t o t u B gnieb era nodnoL dna hcinuM ,tserahcuB d l u o c ta h t s e c n a d n e t ta h t i w s u o i t ua c er o m .spoleved suriv eht woh ot gnidrocca etautculf e h t d n a l g n E n i y l b a ro va f s s er g orp s g n i h t fI nodno L ni muidatS y elbmeW yticapac-000,09 e h t r o f y t i c a pa c % 5 2 n a h t e r o m ta e b d l u o c .11 yluJ no lanif eht dna slanifimes muidats eht ,ffyurC nahoJ taerg etal eht retfa demaN ehT .yticapac-009,45 sti fo %52 esu ot gninnalp si ta semag C puorG eerht yalp lliw sdnalrehteN airtsuA ,eniarkU tsniaga ,anerA ffyurC nahoJ eht tsoh osla lliw madretsmA .ainodecaM htroN dna ni pu-srennur eht neewteb hctam 61 fo dnuor a .B dna A spuorG

eno decrof sah 91-DIVOC ,dlrow tub loohcs fo tuo stneduts noillib dna yraropmet si siht ,su fo tsom rof dna noitacude ruo eunitnoc lliw ew .dias ehs ”,smaerd ruo wollof eht woh no detnemmoc neht ehS sevil egnahc ylbacoverri lliw sisirc yllaicepse ,slrig ynam tuB“ .slrig fo reven lliw ,seirtnuoc gnipoleved ni fo esuaceB .moorssalc eht ot nruter otni decrof eb lliw yeht ,sisirc siht sboj gniyap wol ro segairram ylrae nehw dna ,seilimaf rieht troppus ot eb lliw sksed rieht ,nepo-er sloohcs ”.dias ehs ”,ytpme ew taht gniyas yb dedulcnoc ehS tub sisirc eht yb ton denifed eb lliw ssalc ehT“ .ti htiw laed ew yaw eht tahw yb denifed eb t’now 0202 fo ew woh tub ,suriv siht ot tsol ew sruoy si dlrow ehT .ti ot dednopser uoy tahw ees ot tiaw t’nac I dna ,won ”.ti fo ekam

ksedsweN aidnIiH derediorbme taoG enotsenihR erutangis a dah seliB enomiS saw hguoht tnemetats laer ehT .dratoel eht fo kcab eht no ffo gnurps enips tsetaerg ’scitsanmyg elamef nehw edam ekip elbuod oknehcruY a otni flesti dehcnual dna draob eht dah namow rehto oN .yadrutaS no cissalC SU eht ta tibro noititepmoc ni ekip elbuod oknehcruY yksir eht deirt reve .seliB erofeb ekil ot y rt t’noD .gniniart ekil ti oD‘ ,gnikniht tsuj saw I“ etamitigel a ,tsanmy g naciremA eht ”’,gnihtyna odrevo .dias ,gat )emiT llA fo tsetaerG( TAOG eht ot tnamialc ot dnah ym esiar I sa noos sa ycnednet a evah I esuaceB“ tsael ta tub ,tib elttil a did I dna ,sgniht rewoprevo fo dnik woh fo duorp m’I dna tluav wen a s’tI .teef ym no saw I ”.tnew yadot

nahtaP nafrI :retsam ton ,etam reh m’I otohp derrulb s’efiw revo msicitirc ot sdnopser ksedsweN aidnIiH

ehS .llew sa ereh siht tsop r e h yb c ip s i h t d er r ul b reh m’I ,seY dnA .eciohc nafrI .”retsam reh ton etam r eh torb si h h ti w gno l a eht gnipleh neeb sah fusuY negyxo ,doof htiw ydeen , srota l i tn ev , sr e dn i l y c cte ,srotartnecnoc negyxo e va w d n o c e s e h t g n i r u d ehT .aidnI ni 91-divoC fo .noitadnuof nahtaP ’srehtorb eht aiv enod si noitanod sih gniciov rettiwT no evitca neeb osla sah nafrI a deteewter eH .enitselaP ekil srettam no snoinipo .eussi eht no llew sa sretekcirc ngierof morf steewt wef morf kalf werd osla eh ,enitselaP no teewt sih roF .tuanaR anagnaK ssertca doowylloB

-lla naidnI remroF sah nahtaP nafrI rednuor dna msicitirc ot dednopser derrulb a revo steewt etah a fa S ef i w s i h fo er ut c ip detsop otohp eht nI .giaB m a r g a t s n I s’n o s s i h n o ecaf s’efiw s’nafrI ,tnuocca msicitirc ot del derrulb saw si retekcirc adoraB eht taht laever ot reh gniwolla ton sih si ti taht deifiralc dlo-raey-63 eht ,siht oT .ecaf reh etam reh m’I“ dias dna ecaf reh rulb ot eciohc s’efiw ”retsam ereh ton erutcip emas eht htiw tnuocca sih morf deteewt nafrI morf neeuq ym yb detsop si erutcip sihT “ ,gniyas em teL .etah fo tol gnitteg era eW .tnuocca s’nos ym

With horror-comedies gradually finding their mark with the Bollywood junta, the next one to test the waters will be Bhoot Police, starring Saif Ali Khan, Arjun Kapoor, Yami Gautam and Jacqueline xpectations for India’s finanhalting Fernandez. restoration from the


moncial progress are being revised etary shock of the COVID-19 pansharply decrease as a the surge pening about how movie demic. like that. It’s a little in folks shedding their jobs and downgradis more than a horror-comedy, Economists m o r e c e r e b rare al defaulting Arjun on debt counsel a extra ing their estimates as a variety of Kapoor said, “Bhoot and it’s still got


Police is a horror-comedy of

its own goofiness,

ydaer stnaruatseR erom stfil dnaloP sa snoitcirtser cimednap

deraperp dnaloP ni stnaruatser ynaM ya d i rF e d i s n i s r e mo t s u c e mo c l e w o t snoitcirtser nwodkcol fo shtnom gniwollof .ssenisub tucrednu ylpeed taht o t d e w o l l a e r e w s tn e m h s i l b a t s e d o oF yticapac %05 ta eciv res roodni emuser senilced ydaets detroper yrtnuoc eht retfa .shtaed dna snoitcefni surivanoroc wen ni rof dettimrep era osla seitrap gniddeW esoht gnidulcxe ,elpoep 05 naht erom on a ,wasraW nI .detaniccav ylluf era ohw tnaruatser ,elpoep noillim 2 tsomla fo ytic , s ro o l f d e b b u r c s , d o o f d e k o o c s r e k ro w stnalp pu decurps dna erutinruf denaelc seiretae shtnom eht gnirud ytsud tog taht .deldi erew

ot emit s’ti ,sgniddew remmus fo tesno eht htiW .sraew lanoitidart rengised etiruovaf ruo ekil meht gnilyts yb ytitnedi wen a slrig rof sesserd lanoitidart evig thgil ti eb ,tneve yreve rof tif si etteuohlis elbatpada tey elitasrev ehT .seitirbelec .gniddew noitanitsed tcefrep-erutcip a ro ynomerec ajup a ekil snoisacco

ebordraw raew naidnI s’ttahB ailA s ko o l c i n h t e tuo d na t s fo l l u f s i - g n i d d e w a r o f t c e f r e p e r a ta h t t n e c e r r eH . l a i n n e l l i m g n i p p o h ihcasaybaS yb tiftuo gnippord waj atruk klis der peed a fo desirpmoc argahg tevlev lager a htiw deriap ot hcuot loohcs dlo na dedda taht .elbmesne yrtlus llarevo reh ydaer-ytrap a sevig roopaK ivhnaJ sdray xis lanoitidart eht ot etadpu gninnod yb etteuohlis ecnagele fo iras niuqes deuh calil gninnuts a yletinifed taht artohlaM hsinaM yb .ebiv ’?lrig taht s’ohW‘ a rof seog dna ytrap liatkcoc s’dneirf a gnivaH sihT ?thgiltops eht laets ot tnaw nehw ruoy yletinifed si elbmesne .ot-og tbuod ni


gnooM – puc ¼ ,retaW – spuc 2 ,lad ½ ,eehG – psbt 1 ½ ,areeJ – psbt ,regnig detarG – psbt deppohC – puc ½ ,torrac( seiggev ¼ ,)nikpmup ,ikual hcniP ,reppeP – psbt ,redwop regniG fo ,niawjA fo hcniP ruhcmA fo hcniP ,etsat ot tlaS ,redwop irusaK fo lufdnaH hsinrag ot ihteM

puos lad gnooM :dohteM

.esnir doog a lad eht eviG .setunim 03 tsael ta rof lad gnoom fo puc ht¼ kaoS * ylhserf psbt ½ dna areej psbt ½ etuaS .rekooc erusserp a ni eehg psbt 1 taeH * .ti ni regnig detarg .setunim wef rof tsaor dna lad gnoom ddA * .setunim 2 rof kooc dna seiggev deppohc puc ½ ddA * .seltsihw 2-1 rof emalf muidem no kooc dna retaw spuc 2 ddA * niawja ,)hcnip a( redwop regnig yrd ,redwop reppep psbt ¼ dda ,dekooc nehW * .tlas dna ,)hcnip a( ruhcma ,)hcnip a( dna ,liob a ot emoc puos eht tel ,noops eht fo kcab eht gnisu lad eht hsaM * .ihtem irusak emos dda yllanif .toh evreS *

information – from the speed of cheques bouncing to the quantity of mortgaged gold jewelry up on the market – exhibits the extent of the Continue on Page No.13

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FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021


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FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021




FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021

NEWS BREIF FBI says Russialinked group hacked meat supplier


Biden visits killing site in Tulsa, creates history

HiIndia Newsdesk Joe Biden on Tuesday became the first sitting US President to visit the site in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where hundreds of Black Americans were massacred by a white mob in 1921, and he said the legacy of racist violence and white supremacy still resonates. Biden came to Tulsa to put a spotlight on an event that epitomises the country’s history of brutal racial violence, despite the massacre being largely under the radar in US classrooms and history books for years. “We should know the good, the bad, everything,” Biden said in a speech to the few survivors of the attack on Tulsa’s Greenwood district and their descendants. “That’s what great nations do. They come to terms with their dark sides. And we’re a great nation.” Biden said the deadly January 6 attack on the US Capitol and efforts by a number of states to restrict voting were echoes of the same problem. Insurance companies did not cover the damages and no one was charged for the violence.


773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

US To Announce Details Of Global Distribution Of 80 Million Vaccine Doses Joe Biden recently announced a plan to release 20 million more doses over six weeks, bringing the total earmarked for shipping out by the end of June to 80 million. HiIndia Newsdesk San Jose, Costa Rica: President Joe needs... without any political strings Biden will announce within days the attached,” the top US diplomat said, details of a plan to export 80 million referring to the global vaccine-sharing coronavirus vaccine doses to other program. countries “without any political strings Biden recently announced a plan to attached,” US Secretary of State Antony release 20 million more doses over six Blinken said Wednesday. weeks, bringing the total earmarked “In a few short days, in fact possibly as for shipping out by the end of June to early as tomorrow, the president is going 80 million. to announce in more detail the plan that The boost followed pressure on the Biden he put together to push out 80 million administration from other governments vaccines around the world,” Blinken said to use the United States’ large vaccine at the US embassy in San Jose on his last surplus to help struggling countries, day of a Latin American visit. now that significant progress has been “We’re going to do that in coordination made in rolling out vaccinations at with Covax... based on science and home.

HiIndia Newsdesk A Russian cyber-criminal group was behind a ransomware attack that has targeted the world’s largest meat processing company, the FBI has said. The FBI said it would was working to bring the REvil group to justice for the hack on JBS. The cyberbreach over the weekend shut some JBS operations in the US, Canada and Australia. REvil - also known as Sodinokibi - is one of the most prolific and profitable cybercriminal groups in the world. “We have attributed the JBS attack to REvil and Sodinokibi and are working diligently to bring the threat actors to justice,” the FBI statement said.


NFL agrees to “Get A Shot, Have A Beer”: Biden’s drop race bias in Push To Boost Covid Vaccination Rate concussion claims Currently, 63 percent of adults have received at least one shot of a coronavirus vaccine. Twelve states have crossed 70 percent and more are expected to get there this week, Joe Biden said. HiIndia Newsdesk Washington, United States: Drink a beer, sit back for a haircut -- and get your Covid-19 vaccination. That was President Joe Biden’s message Wednesday in launching a huge final push to inoculate 70 percent of the US adult population by the national holiday of July 4th. “That’s right: get a shot, have a beer,” President Joe Biden said in a speech announcing the campaign to meet his Independence Day target. The White House has recruited everything from big brewers like Anheuser-Busch to small Black-owned barber shops to spearhead the effort. “We’re asking the American people for help,” Biden said. “It’s going to take everyone..., so we can

declare independence from Covid-19 and free ourselves from the grip it has held over our life for the better part of a year.” Biden said the country is on the cusp of achieving the 70 percent goal. Currently, 63 percent of adults have received at least one shot of a coronavirus vaccine. Twelve states have crossed 70 percent and more are expected to get there this week, Biden said. Just over half of adults have been fully vaccinated, leading to a plunge in the toll from the virus, which has killed nearly 600,000 Americans. Biden said daily cases are below 20,000 for first time since March 2020 and death rates are down more than 85 percent.

HiIndia Newsdesk The NFL has said it will stop settling concussion lawsuits using a racebased formula that assumes black players have a lower level of cognitive function. America’s top-flight football league also pledged to review previous brain injury claims that have been settled via the practice known as race-norming. Two black players filed a civil rights lawsuit over the practice. More than 2,000 former NFL players have lodged dementia claims, but fewer than 600 have received compensation.

Trump administration secretly seized phone records of New York Times reporters HiIndia Newsdesk The Trump Justice Department secretly editor of The Times, condemned the seized the phone records of four New action by the Trump administration. York Times reporters spanning nearly “Seizing the phone records of journalists four months in 2017 as part of a leak profoundly undermines press investigation, the Biden administration freedom,” he said in a statement. “It disclosed Wednesday. threatens to silence the sources we It was the latest in a series of revelations depend on to provide the public with about the Trump administration secretly essential information about what the obtaining reporters’ communications government is doing.” Last month, records in an effort to uncover their after the disclosures about the seizures sources. Last month, the Biden Justice of communications records involving Department disclosed Trump-era Post and CNN reporters, President seizures of the phone logs of reporters Joe Biden said he would not allow the who work for The Washington Post and department to take such a step during the phone and email logs for a CNN his administration, calling it “simply, reporter. Dean Baquet, the executive simply wrong.”


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India News

SC asks for vaccine roadmap

Same Rules For All: Serum Institute

Directing the Centre to “undertake a fresh review of its vaccination policy addressing the concerns raised”, the bench of Justices D Y Chandrachud, L Nageswara Rao and S Ravindra Bhat sought detailed information in the form of an affidavit in two weeks.

HiIndia Newsdesk Underlining that “our Constitution does not envisage courts to be silent spectators when constitutional rights of citizens are infringed by Executive policies”, the Supreme Court said Tuesday that the Centre’s policy of arranging free Covid-19 vaccine jabs

Mehul Choksi Denied Bail By Dominica Court

The government has so far not given any manufacturer indemnity or protection against legal action for any severe side effects.

should get indemnity protection against liabilities if foreign companies are granted it,” Serum sources said today. “Serum is hoping that rules should be same for everyone,” the sources added. The Serum Institute produces Covishield - the Indian name for for the 45-plus age category, Health Oxford-AstraZeneca’s shot - and is Care Workers (HCW) and Front Line involved in trials for three new antiWorkers (FLW) while asking the 18-44 Covid vaccines. age group to pay for the vaccination by HiIndia Newsdesk Yesterday, Health Ministry sources state and Union territory governments New Delhi: After Pfizer and said other countries have granted and private hospitals was “prima facie Moderna, Covishield-maker Serum this concession and “there is no arbitrary and irrational”. Directing the Institute of India (SII) has asked for problem” in granting indemnity or Centre to “undertake a fresh review of indemnity from liability, according legal protection from any claims its vaccination policy addressing the to sources. All vaccine makers, linked to the use of a company’s concerns raised”, the bench of Justices D whether Indian or foreign, should COVID-19 vaccine. Y Chandrachud, L Nageswara Rao and be granted the same protection, the “If these companies have applied for S Ravindra Bhat — the order in the suo Emergency Use Authorisation in motu matter of Covid-19 management Adar Poonawalla-led company has India then we are ready to give them heard May 31 was uploaded Tuesday — reportedly told the government. indemnity,” the sources said. sought detailed information in the form “Not just Serum Institute of India (SII), all the vaccine companies of an affidavit in two weeks.

Elon Musk’s Tesla Has Started Hiring For Senior Roles In India: Report The world’s second-richest man on Jan. 13 tweeted “as promised” in response to a report on a Tesla-focused blog that the automaker was in talks with several Indian states to open an office, showrooms, a research and development center -- and possibly a factory. HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: A Dominican court court today denied bail to Mehul Choksi the fugitive diamond trader wanted over the ₹ 13,500 crore loan fraud case in India - for illegally entering into the Caribbean island nation from Antigua. Choksi, who appeared before the magistrate court on a wheel chair in a blue T-shirt and black shorts, pleaded not guilty for the alleged crimes before the court and submitted he was allegedly kidnapped into the Island.

More than 2,000 Uttarakhand cops test positive HiIndia Newsdesk More than 2,000 Uttarakhand Police personnel tested positive for Covid-19 in the second wave and 93 per cent of them had received both doses of the vaccine before contracting the infection, according to data shared by authorities. The data, which was shared on Tuesday, says 2,382 policemen tested positive while they were on duty between April and May. Among them, 2,204 have already recovered while five deaths were reported. According to the data, two of the five policemen who died had comorbidities.

Tesla Inc. has begun recruiting for leadership and senior level roles in India, according to a person familiar with the matter, as it gears up to break into one of the world’s biggest emerging car markets. The California-based maker of electric vehicles is recruiting for positions including a head of sales and marketing, and a head of human resources, the person said, asking not to be identified. A Tesla fan club tweeted last week the company had brought on board a senior legal counsel.

Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk all but confirmed Tesla would enter India in January after months of speculation. The world’s second-richest man on Jan. 13 tweeted “as promised” in response to a report on a Tesla-focused blog that the automaker was in talks with several Indian states to open an office, showrooms, a research and development center -- and possibly a factory. Local media reported last month that Prashanth Menon, who has been with Tesla for around four years, was elevated to country CEO.

SC raises serious doubts about govt’s ‘liberalised’ jab policy HiIndia Newsdesk The Supreme Court on Wednesday raised “serious doubts” about the Na r e n d r a Mo d i g o v e r n m e n t’s “liberalised” vaccine policy of “fixing higher prices as a competitive measure” and said it’s the responsibility of the Centre and not the states to provide free vaccination. If the Centre’s bulk buying of Covid vaccines is why it’s charged a lower price than the states and private hospitals, it’s all the more reason the Union

government should use its “unique” position as a “monopolistic buyer” to procure all the doses and provide them free to all Indians, the court said. The bench of Justices D.Y. Chandrachud, L. Nageswara Rao and S. Ravindra Bhat said the Centre’s policy of allowing vaccine manufacturers to charge the states higher rates violated the fundamental right to equality, as did its policy of providing free vaccination only to those aged 45 and above.

Alapan chapter closed with his retirement: Mamta

HiIndia Newsdesk Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday refused to comment on the tug of war between the Bengal government and the Centre over Alapan Bandyopadhyay, former chief secretary and now the chief advisor to the chief minister, saying the chapter was over with the 1987-batch officer retiring on May 31. “The Alapan Bandyopadhyay chapter is over…. He has retired,” said the chief minister during a news conference at Nabanna on Wednesday. “The state government will give full support to whatever is going on with him,” she said, making it clear that she would stand by the bureaucrat, whom the Centre targeted since Mamata, along with him, skipped a Cyclone Yaas review meeting convened by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Kalaikunda last Friday. Bandyopadhyay was showcaused by the Union home ministry asking him to explain why action would not be taken against him under Disaster Management Act, 2005, for not attending the review meeting of the Prime Minister in Kalaikunda.


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India News

Gautam Foundation found guilty India’sGambhir official figures grossly ofunderstate hoarding Covid Delhi informed truedrug, scale ofHC pandemic



NEWS BREIF India top court criticises vaccination drive

With help of experts, The New York Times analysed case death counts over time, along with was The and Drugs Controller General of India large-scale antibody test results, to arrive at severalapossible estimates submitting new report to the court after it was reprimanded for giving a chit to Gambhir’s Evenclean in countries with robust foundation earlier. s u r v e i l l a n c e d u r i n g t h i s official Covid-19 figures

The pandemic, the numb er of HiIndia Newsdesk in India grossly understate the The DCGI was submittinginfections a new report to the court after is probably much true scale of the pandemic in the India’s Supreme Court has sharply it was reprimanded for giving clean the chit number to Gambhir’s highera than of country. Last week, India recorded criticised the federal government foundation earlier. The Drugs Controller submitted that confirmed cases because many the largest daily death toll for any over its coronavirus vaccination action would be taken without delay against the organisation, people have contracted the virus country during the pandemic programme. The judges asked the drug dealers as also in other such not cases which would be but have been tested for it. — a figure most likely still an government to explain why it was brought to its notice. On Friday, a report by the World undercount. mandatory to register on an app for AAP MLA Praveen Kumar has also been found guilty of Health Organisation estimated In consultation with more than getting a jab. The court said this would similar offences under thethat Drugs Cosmetics Act, of the HiIndia Newsdesk the and global death toll a dozen experts, The New York hamper vaccinations across rural court was informed. EarlierCovid-19 in the casemay related to the hoarding HiIndia Newsdesk be two or three Times has analysed case and death The Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) has found India where internet access is difficult. of medicines, the Delhi High Court had dismissed the DCGI’s times higher than reported. counts overGambhir time in India, along guilty of unauthorisedly Newjudges Delhi: also Indiaquestioned needs to print the Gautam Foundation The whether earlier reports, giving cleanThe chitsundercount to Gambhir and Kumar.and The of cases with the results of large-scale cash to support the economy stocking, procuring and distributing Fabiflu medicine to federal policy was making individual division bench of Justicesdeaths Vipin Sanghi andis Jasmeet Singh in India most likely antibody tests, to arrive at several that has been damaged by the COVID-19 patients, the Delhi High Court was informed on states compete against each other for had ordered a fresh reporteven and investigation on Monday. more pronounced, for possible estimates of the true scale protracted COVID-19 crisis, one Thursday. vaccines. technical, cultural and logistical of devastation in the country. of the country’s top bankers Uday reasons. Because hospitals India’s official Covid statistics Kotak has told. This expansion, are over whelmed, many report 26,948,800 cases and 307,231 said the chief executive of Kotak Covid deaths occur at home, deaths as of May 24. Mahindra Bank, needs to be done especially in rural areas, and So far, India has conducted three in two parts - one for those at the are omitted from the official national serosurveys during the bottom of the resources pyramid, count, said Kayoko Shioda, Covid-19 pandemic. All three and the other for protection of analysis examination. an epidemiologist at Emory have found that the true number jobs forand sectors affected by the HiIndia Newsdesk Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine is currently University. Laboratories that of infections drastically exceeded pandemic. being India could confirm the cause of death At a time Tiwary, 37, died on May 30 and was a the number of confirmed caseswhen at “In mymanufactured view, this is thein time to by Dr Reddy’s are equally swamped, she said. first officer on the Boeing 777 aircraft. the time in question.Air India’s pilots expandLaboratories. the balance sheet of the “The Serum Institute of India (SII) have repeatedly All of them were operating widegovernment, duly supported by the put up an application to the Drugs demanded bodied aircraft being flown for overseas RBI (Reserve Bank of India)... for Controller General oforIndia (DCGI) vaccination for flights, and were a part of Vande Bharat monetary expansion printing on Wednesday seeking permission crew and their Mission. On May 4, following a threat by of money. Time has come for us to to manufacture theof COVID-19 families, it has its pilots to stop flying if not vaccinated, be doing some that... If not vaccine, now, Sputnik V, in India, a source told news emerged that at Air India had said it would organise HiIndia Newsdesk when?” Mr Kotak ”said. agency Press Trust of India. least five senior pilots with the national to inoculate all of its employees HiIndiacamps Newsdesk Pune: The Serum Institute of India The Serum Institute of India has already carrier succumbed to Covid during May. by the end of the month. However, (SII) has applied to the Drug Controller told the government that it will be able diamond Official sources in Air IndiaNew and Delhi: the Fugitive three of its camps were cancelled due General of India (DCGI) seeking to manufacture and supply 10 crore merchant Mehul Choksi -pilots’ union identified the pilots who to non-availability of vaccines, and permission to manufacture COVID-19 Covishield doses in June, while it is also one of India’s most wanted in died as Captain Prasad Karmakar, the drive commenced with a delay on vaccine Sputnik V in the country, manufacturing the Novavax vaccine, connection May with 15. theThe Punjab Captain Sandeep Rana, Captain airline had earlier held sources said today. the regulatory clearance for which is loan fraudcamps case for its employees Amitesh Prasad, Captain G National P S Gill Bank vaccination The Pune-based vaccine manufacturing awaited from the United States. -has been captured from and Captain Harsh Tiwary. aged over 45 years. firm has also sought approval for test Dominica while trying to flee to Cuba, sources have said. The 62-year-old had gone missing earlier this week from the Caribbean island nation of Antigua and Barbuda, where he fled in 2018. Sources said Mehul Choksi had reached Dominica -- a tiny island nation in the Caribbean -- by boat. With a lookout circular issued against him, he was caught by the local police and is currently in their custody.

Printing Money To Save Economy: Uday Kotak

Five senior Air India pilots Serum Institute Applies To Drug Authority To Manufacture Covid Vaccine Sputnik V die of Covid in May

Mehul Choksi’s Dramatic “Share Response ASAP”: Capture After Escape By Boat Centre To Social Media Platforms On Digital Rules

Farmers’ memo to ‘company sarkar’

BJP applauds Yogi on managing pandemic ‘effectively’ No one has the guts to arrest me, says Ramdev

SC quashes FIR against Vinod Dua for sedition over his YouTube show

TheNewsdesk unequivocal praise from HiIndia

HiIndia Newsdesk

B.L. Santhosh suggested that New Delhi: The government on Wednesday wrote to major party’sthey tophadleadership social media platforms the on whether complied with new digital rules taking had effectreposed on the day and for their faith inasked Hindutva response “ASAP, preferably today”. poster boy Adityanath Platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter were given

three months to comply with the in newcharge rules that require them secretary of organisation, Yoga guru Ramdev on Wednesday suggested that the party’s top leadership said no one had the guts to arrest Social media platforms were given poster had reposed faith in Hindutva him, his declaration coming boy Adityanath. on a day the Indian Medical Newsdeskthree months to comply with the new “In five weeks, @myogiadityanath’s HiIndia Newsdesk Association appealed toHiIndia rules that require them to appoint adaily Uttar the Pradesh reduced the new case The Supreme Court on Prime Thursday Bodies floating corpses officer in India, set up a Minister to book the in rivers, compliance count by 93%.… Remember it’s a state quashed a sedition case against veteran buried under riverbeds, crematoriums “owner of Patanjali products” on with a 20+ crore population. mechanism and When scribe Vinod Dua for his alleged overflowing, people cryinggrievance for oxygen response sedition charges for “spreading municipality CMs couldn’t take down content within 36 hours ofmanage a comments Prime Minister and hospital beds, a government fear” against against Covid vaccination. city of 1.5 cr population, Yogiji managed Narendra Modi in hisbhiYouTube show twisting the knife wound “Arrest to kisi ka baap nahin kar sakta Swami Ramdev ko,into the gaping a legal order. quite effectively,” Santhosh tweeted late last year, saying a 1962 verdict entitles by threatening sufferers into silence, lekin shor macha rahe hain (Not even someone’s father can on Tuesday in Uttar a compliance officer innight. India,BJP set leaders up a grievance every to protection. Yogi ”Adityanath hasappoint managed the arrest journalist Swami Ramdev, but they are makingbut a noise), he told to Pradesh said that during the meetings response mechanism and take down content within 36 hours A bench comprising U U Lalit pandemic “quite effectively”. reporters in Haridwar,Justices when asked about the #ArrestRamdev overthe Monday Tuesday, of a legal order. nThe held note from Ministryand of Electronics and Vineet however, declined The assessment of performance has campaign onSaran, Twitter. Santhosh indirectly made it clear that and ITBJP asked the companies to give information on the status the prayer of Dua thatmy noarrest. FIR should be they beencall made by a central leader “They are demanding Sometimes me a thug the party would go to the polls under registered against any media personnel who had been Pradeshand to stressed: “Please confirm and share your compliance or maha-thug. It doesn’t matter to me. I have become usedsent to toofUttar the leadership Adityanath and asked with years’ experience unless gauge organisational preparedness ASAP and preferably todayofitself. ” The companies such 10 things, ” Ramdev said. Callscleared for his arrest havethe come after response everyone todetails ensureofbetter coordination by a committee, saying it would amount before the Assembly elections due early have to give the name and contact a chief compliance Ramdev called allopathy a “stupid science” and alleged that between government and theofficer party to an encroachment into the domain medicines of next for year. The unequivocal from officer,praise a nodal contact person,the a resident grievance lakhs had died after taking allopathic Covid-19. to win the trust of the people. the executive. B.L. Santhosh, the BJPand national general a physical address of the company in India.

No jab, no salary in Uttar Pradesh’s Firozabad district HiIndia Newsdesk

Farmer leaders on Wednesday told the community to be ready for a prolonged agitation till the 2024 general election and described the government as a “company sarkar”, an insinuation that its inflexibility on the new farm laws stemmed from its links to big business. “If this wereHiIndia a partyNewsdesk sarkar (government), it would have The May salaries of state government yielded by now. But this is a employees in Uttar Pradesh’s Firozabad company sarkar,” Bharatiya Kisan district will be withheld if they don’t Union leader Rakesh Tikait said get at least one dose of coronavirus in an online interaction with vaccine in the next three days, the journalists. administration has decreed. The event was hosted by the Indian The anti-Covid vaccination drive is not Women’s Press Corps on a day the compulsory anywhere in the country. farmers completed six months Charchit Gaur, the chief development of agitation Delhi’stold borders. officer of the on district, reporters on No response so far come to after Wednesday thehas decision was taken a letter the farmers had written it was found that many employees were on getting Friday to the Prime Minister not vaccinated. seeking his intervention towards He said district magistrate Chandra the resumption of talks with Vijay Singh had issued an oralthe order as government, which on in enough vaccine dosesbroke were down available January 22. hospitals. government



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An armed and angry mob of Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill and clashed with police on Wednesday as Congress convened to validate Joe Biden’s presidential win. What led to the siege, and why is Trump being blamed?



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Top Stories of the Week

No Problem

Pfizer, Others To Get Indemnity? In another key waiver, the drug regulator has done away with the requirement of India-specific trials for foreign vaccines approved by specific countries and WHO for emergency use. HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: To speed up approvals for Pfizer and Moderna in India, the government may grant a major concession requested by them - indemnity from liability. Health Ministry sources have said other countries have done it and “there is no problem” in granting indemnity or legal protection from any claims linked to the use of a company’s COVID-19

Chidambaram joins ‘print more money’ club

vaccine. “If these companies have applied for Emergency Use Authorisation in India, then we are ready to give them indemnity,” the sources said. “It is expected that they will be granted indemnity against legal proceedings along the lines of what has been allowed in other countries for Pfizer and Moderna,” they added. In another key waiver, the drug regulator has done away with the requirement of India-specific trials for foreign vaccines approved by specific countries and WHO for emergency use. DCGI has waived the requirement for foreign companies to carry out “postlaunch bridging trials” and to test the quality and stability of their vaccines in India if they have approvals from specific countries or health bodies. Pfizer, which is ready to offer 5 crore doses to India between July and October, had in talks with the government stressed on indemnity, sharing efficacy trials and approvals for its vaccine in various countries and by WHO.

Google: new IT rules not applicable to us

HiIndia Newsdesk

Legal issues involved in bringing Mehul Choksi back to India

HiIndia Newsdesk A private jet is said to have reached Dominica on May 28 to ferry him back to India. But the matter is now facing a legal hurdle with the jeweller’s lawyers approaching Dominica’s Supreme Court, which has stayed his movement out of the country and is set to hear the matter on Wednesday. Choksi’s legal team has asserted that contrary to claims made by Antiguan authorities, the jeweller did not flee Antigua but was abducted by laying

India’s best chance of getting Choksi back to India is to convince the Dominican court that it has a strong legal case against him and that he is a fugitive. Sources said India would also argue that his sole intention of acquiring Antiguan citizenship was to escape the clutches of the law in India. a honey trap. The legal team has claimed Choksi was befriended by a woman over the last six months, called to an apartment in Antigua on May 23, and abducted by a group of men from there. He was then allegedly beaten up and forced into a yacht before being ferried to Dominica. Indian agencies pursuing Choksi say he may have surrendered his passport, but India has not accepted this and a certificate of surrender of passport has not been issued. More importantly, they say Interpol has issued a Red Notice against Choksi for financial crimes committed in India, and this would be argued in court. India has already sent all relevant case papers to Dominica. Choksi remains an Antiguan citizen even though the government there has begun a legal process to revoke his citizenship; this has been challenged in an Antiguan court by the jeweller. India’s best chance of getting Choksi back to India is to convince the Dominican court that it has a strong legal case against him and that he is a fugitive. Sources said India would also argue that his sole intention of acquiring Antiguan citizenship was to escape the clutches of the law in India.

First, it was billionaire banker Uday Kotak. Now it’s ex-Congress finance minister P. Chidambaram who has joined the print money club. Chidambaram has told the government to “print money” if necessary to spur growth after what he called the “darkest year” for the

economy in four decades. This is “not the time to worry about the fiscal deficit,” Chidambaram told reporters in a video call. “This is the time to act boldly and decisively -- to borrow and spend (and) if necessary print money.” “Spend on healthcare, spend on infrastructure, but spend and, as part of spending, spend on welfare measures, which today means cash transfers plus distribution of rations,” he said. Chidambaram was speaking after government data showed that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) shrank 7.3 per cent in the financial year to March 31 from a year earlier.

Centre cancels CBSE Class XII board exams

HiIndia Newsdesk The CBSE Class XII board exams for this year will be cancelled in view of the pandemic, it has been decided at a meeting chaired by the Prime Minister. The national board will come out with “well-defined objective criteria in a time-bound manner” to assess the students. Those seeking to improve their performance will get the option of appearing in traditional pen-and-paper exams “as and when the situation becomes conducive”. This is the first time the decision to cancel a CBSE board exam has been taken at the level of the Prime Minister.

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HiIndia Newsdesk Google LLC has contended that Information Technology rules for digital media are not applicable to its search engine, and urged the Delhi High Court on Wednesday to set aside a single judge order which applied the rules on the company while dealing with an issue related to removal of offending content from the internet.

Media reports on vaccine factually incorrect: Govt

HiIndia Newsdesk T he Un i on he a lt h m i n ist r y on Wednesday termed as “factually incorrect and without any basis” media reports alleging that while the Centre has promised 120 million doses of antiCovid vaccines in June, only around 58 million doses were administered of the 79 million doses available in May. According to the ministry’s data at 7 am on June 1, between May 1-31, a total of 61.06 million vaccine doses were administered by the states and Union territories. A total of 16.22 million balance and unutilised doses were available with the states. The total number of vaccine shots available from May 1-31 was 79.45 million, the ministry said in a statement.









An armed and angry mob of Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill and clashed with police on Wednesday as Congress convened to validate Joe Biden’s presidential win. What led to the siege, and why is Trump being blamed?





FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021




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Top Stories of the Week

BREIF NEWS ‘Government of India should buy and

Second wave rendered 1 crore Indians jobless

distribute vaccines, not states’: SC

The apex court said that it was upon the Centre to procure the vaccines for the whole country. It asked the rationale behind adopting the dual policy.

HiIndia Newsdesk Over 10 million Indians have lost their jobs because of the second wave of COVID-19, and around 97 per cent of households’ incomes have declined since the beginning of the pandemic last year, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) chief executive Mahesh Vyas said on Monday. The unemployment rate measured by the think-tank is expected to come at 12 per cent at the end of May as against 8 per cent in April, Vyas told, adding this signifies that about 10 million or 1 crore Indians have lost jobs in this period.

China Reports First Human Case Of H10N3 Bird Flu

HiIndia Newsdesk China: A 41-year-old man in China’s eastern province of Jiangsu has been confirmed as the first human case of infection with the H10N3 strain of bird flu, China’s National Health Commission (NHC) said on Tuesday. The man, a resident of the city of Zhenjiang, was hospitalised on April 28 after developing a fever and other symptoms, the NHC said in a statement.

HiIndia Newsdesk The Central government on Monday faced several tough questions about its COVID-19 vaccination policy from a three-Judge Bench of the Supreme Court of India. A 3-Judge Bench comprising Justices DY Chandrachud, L Nageswara Rao, and S Ravindra Bhat asked questions to the

Central Government on the rationale of the dual pricing and procurement policy of COVID-19 vaccines. Justice Chandrachud raised the issue as to whether 50% of the population between the age of 18 to 45 would even be able to afford the vaccines and noted that in order to alleviate such a divide, a uniform policy for both procurement and distribution had to be established. The Centre has been given two weeks to respond to these issues and concerns. The apex court said that it was upon the Centre to procure the vaccines for the whole country. The Bench sought for the vaccination policy and directed the Centre to explain the rationale behind adopting the dual policy. It further questioned the rationale for the Centre procuring vaccines for those above the age of 45 and leaving the 18 to 45 age group. It stated that data last week showed that nearly 50% of the COVID-19 cases between May 1 and May 24 were from the 18-40 group, from 49.70% between May 1 and May 7 to 47.84% between May 22-24.

After paddy record, wheat Goa Govt seeks retrial of procurement at all-time high Tejpal rape case HiIndia Newsdesk Amid protests against the three farm laws, the procurement of wheat has soared to an alltime high, a record seen with paddy as well. The latest data available with the Food Corporation of India (FCI) shows wheat procurement reached 405 lakh metric tonnes (LMT) till May 29 in the ongoing rabi marketing season (RMS)—4 per cent higher than 390 LMT in RMS 2020-21. The current year’s wheat procurement figure is the highest ever. This is also the first time that wheat procurement has crossed the 400 LMT mark. In the current rabi marketing season, the highest wheat procurement—132 LMT—has been reported from Punjab. The state is followed by Madhya Pradesh (127 LMT) and Haryana (84.93 LMT).

HiIndia Newsdesk Seeking a retrial in the case w h e re Tar u n Te jp a l w a s acquitted of sexual assault charges, the Goa government has in its amended appeal filed in the High Court of Bombay at Goa stated that the trial court had disbelieved the woman “on the basis of a conception of how a victim is expected to behave while being sexually assaulted”. This finding of the court, the state government said, was “unsustainable in law and is coloured by prejudice and patriarchy”. The High Court is expected to hear the case on Wednesday, June 2. The 58-year-old Tejpal is former editor-in-chief of Tehelka. Contesting Tejpal’s acquittal, the Goa government has also stated that the trial court was “pedantic, illogical and harsh” in considering the statement of the woman.

India’s daily Covid caseload lowest in 54 days

Mystery woman not Choksi’s girlfriend but part of team that abducted him

HiIndia Newsdesk India reported 1,27,510 fresh COVID-19 cases, the lowest in 54 days, while the daily positivity rate dropped to 6.62 per cent, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Tuesday. With the fresh cases, India’s tally of coronavirus cases rose to 2,81,75,044, out of which 2,59,47,629 people have recuperated from the disease. The COVID-19 death toll climbed to 3,31,895 with 2,795 fresh fatalities, the lowest reported in 35 days, and the active cases were recorded below 20 lakh after 43 days, the data updated at 8 am showed. While the case fatality rate has increased to 1.18 per cent, the data stated. However, recoveries continue to outnumber daily new cases for 19 successive days.

HiIndia Newsdesk Mehul Choksi was indeed with a woman when he landed in Dominica but she was not his girlfriend. Sources close to the fugitive businessman have told reporters that she was a part of the team involved in his abduction, torture and arrest. The sources further said the woman was staying in Antigua. She started meeting Choksi during morning and evening walks, befriended him and on May 23 called him to an apartment to meet her. Choksi claimed that when he got there, a group of people abducted him and took him to Dominica where he was arrested. He alleged through his lawyers that people with links to India were the ones who abducted him in collaboration with Antiguan officials.

Month After Trinamool Win, Defectors Who Joined BJP Queue Up To Return HiIndia Newsdesk Kolkata:One of the biggest challenges faced by West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in the months leading up to the state election was the massive exodus of her party’s leaders to the BJP. The constant stream reinforced talk of the Trinamool Congress’s collapse. But on May 2, Mamata Banerjee scored a victory and stunned all by the scale of it. The Trinamool Congress won 213 of 292 assembly seats -- the BJP bagged 77. Now, reverse migration is the new trend with a rising number of Trinamool defectors in the BJP seeking reentry into Ms Banerjee’s party.

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An armed and angry mob of Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill and clashed with police on Wednesday as Congress convened to validate Joe Biden’s presidential win. What led to the siege, and why is Trump being blamed?



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1 11


Top Stories of the Week

India’s daily Covid caseload drops below 1.80 lakh after 45 days

Ravindra Jadeja reveals team India’s retro jersey for WTC final HiIndia Newsdesk

All-rounder Ravindra Jadeja on Saturday shared a glimpse of Indian cricket team’s ‘Rewind to 90s’ look for their upcoming final of the World Test Championship against New Zealand, set to take place in Southamptom from June 18-22, 2021. Sharing a picture of himself in the team jersey on the social media platforms, Jadeja wrote, “Rewind to 90’s #lovingit #india.” With a few days left in the WTC final, Indian cricketers including Jadeja have started their preparations for the inaugural summit clash in Southampton. Jadeja had a terrific season with Chennai Super Kings in the recently-shelved Indian Premier League (IPL) 2021 with an outstanding performance against Royal Challengers Bangalore.

Finland police probe PM Marin’s monthly breakfast expenditure

HiIndia Newsdesk The single day rise in coronavirus cumulative tests conducted so far cases was recorded at 1,73,790, for detection of COVID-19 in the the lowest in last 45 days, taking country to 34,11,19,909. India’s total tally of COVID-19 The active cases have further cases to 2,77,29,247, according to reduced to 22,28,724 with a the Union health ministry data decline of 1,14,428 cases being updated on Saturday. recorded in the active caseload. The daily positivity further It now comprises 8.04 per cent d e cl i ne d to 8 . 3 6 p e r c e nt , of the total infections, while the remaining below 10 per cent for national COVID-19 recovery rate five consecutive days, while the has improved to 90.80 per cent. weekly positivity rate dropped to The number of people who have 9.84 per cent, it said. recuperated from the disease The death toll climbed to 3,22,512 with 3,617 daily deaths, the surged to 2,51,78,011 while the case fatality rate stands at 1.16 data updated by the ministry at 8 am showed. per cent, the data stated. The daily recoveries outnumbered Also, 20,80,048 tests were conducted on Friday taking the total the daily new cases for the 16th consecutive day.

Petrol crosses Rs 100 Centre Recalls Bengal a litre in Mumbai Chief Secretary Petrol price was increased by 26 paise per litre and diesel by 28 paise a litre. The increase -- 15th this month -- took petrol and diesel prices to a fresh alltime high across the country.

HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: The centre has issued an order to recall West Bengal’s top bureaucrat from the state on a day a row broke out over a meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. Bengal Chief Secretary Alapan Bandyopadhyay’s tenure was HiIndia Newsdesk extended for three months only four Petrol price on Saturday crossed the Rs 100-a-litre mark in days ago, before Friday’s order to recall him to the centre came. Mumbai after the 15th increase in fuel prices this month. The centre has asked Bengal to send Mr Bandyopadhyay to Petrol price was increased by 26 paise per litre and diesel by 28 the Department of Personnel and Training’s office in Delhi paise a litre, according to a price notification of state-owned by May 31 morning. The development comes hours after Ms fuel retailers. The increase — 15th this month — took petrol Banerjee skipped a meeting with PM Modi to assess the impact and diesel prices to a fresh all-time high across the country. of Cyclone Yaas, choosing instead a quick 15-minute interaction The price of petrol, which had already crossed the Rs 100- with him at an airbase where his flight landed. She was to attend mark in several cities in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and a cyclone damage review with PM Modi but left after handing Maharashtra, breached the psychological barrier in Mumbai him a report. The centre alleged Ms Banerjee kept PM Modi on Saturday. and governor Jagdeep Dhankhar waiting for half-an-hour.

49 lakh to 21: mobility data Don’t take on China alone, says pegs Kumbh’s numbers down ex-Australia PM Kevin Rudd HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk Finland’s police on Friday announced they were investigating Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s monthly expenditure on meals, after a tabloid reported her family’s breakfast was being illegally subsidised using taxpayer’s money. According to a report by Iltalehti, Marin has been claiming around 300 euros every month for breakfast at her official residence in Helsinki, Kesaranta. However, insisting she was not breaking any rules, Marin said the same perk was also enjoyed by her predecessors, AFP reported.

HiIndia Newsdesk EVEN as the second Covid wave raged across the nation, the Uttarakhand government officially announced that on the three key days of the Kumbh, April 12, 13, and 14, a total of 49 lakh devotees had taken a dip in the Ganga at Har Ki Pauri and linked ghats in Hardwar. Under fire for this gathering — the Uttarakhand High Court last week called holding Kumbh a “mistake” — officials in the state government and the district administration, after a detailed review, have assessed that the attendance figure was almost 70% down, to an estimated 15 lakh, for these three days. When contacted, Sanjay Gunjyal, Inspector General of Police, Kumbh Mela, said: “The footfall on April 12 was only 21 lakh; on April 13 around 3 lakh and on April 14, about 12 lakh.” This is sharply lower than what the government had claimed earlier

Countries should unite against China’s growing economic and geopolitical coercion or risk being singled out and punished by Beijing, former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has told the BBC. Mr Rudd said governments in the West should not be afraid to challenge China on issues such as human rights. Around the world, countries are navigating a new geopolitical order framed by the rising dominance of China. “If you are going to have a disagreement with Beijing, as many governments around the world are now doing, it’s far better to arrive at that position conjointly with other countries rather than unilaterally, because it makes it easier for China to exert bilateral leverage against you,” Mr Rudd told the BBC’s Talking Business Asia programme. His comments come as relations between Australia and China have deteriorated to their worst point in decades. The relationship has soured following a series of economic and diplomatic blows dealt by each side. Australia has scrapped agreements tied to China’s massive infrastructure project, the Belt and Road Initiative. It also banned Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei from building the country’s 5G network.



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An armed and angry mob of Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill and clashed with police on Wednesday as Congress convened to validate Joe Biden’s presidential win. What led to the siege, and why is Trump being blamed? m

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FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021


For Punjab-born German poet, charity amidst pandemic lies at heart HiIndia Newsdesk Chandigarh: As Punjab-born German writer and four-times Poet-Laureate, Rajvinder Singh, saw painful images of Covid-19 patients dying due to lack of oxygen or hospital beds in India, he instantly looked for ways to help. He got in touch with a Sikh shrine in Ghaziabad’s Indirapuram that had started the “oxygen langar” for the needy people to save their lives and also with Delhi-based Shaheed Bhagat Singh Sewa Dal of Jatinder Singh Shunty of giving free of cost cremations or ambulance service. Singh told from Berlin on Tuesday that he immediately transferred whatever he had on his personal account to support the “oxygen langar”. “Only afterwards I spoke to members of the Punjabi Association, Berlin of which I am President, many helped generously.” He has single-handedly brought on board many Germans, particularly his Rotarians and Lions friends, to support these two initiatives—one of the ‘oxygen langar’ and another by Shunty.

Indian-American NGO raises USD 100,000 HiIndia Newsdesk Washington : An Indian-American non-profit body has raised USD 100,000 to help specially abled people in India tide over the impact of the second wave of Covid-19. Los Angeles-based ‘Voice of Specially Abled People’ (VOSAP) said Monday that it has raised close to USD 100,000 to help people with disabilities in India by providing them grocery, PPE kits, among others, during the pandemic. Most vulnerable in the society – people with disabilities (children or senior citizens or adults with disabilities) - have been hit hard in terms of death toll, loss of economic activities and struggle for survival, the NGO said in a statement. So far, over 4,500 grocery and PPE kits have been distributed in India with a goal to reach 10,000 specially abled people, a media release said.




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Education important pillar of IndiaUS ties: Ambassador Sandhu

HiIndia Newsdesk Education is an important pillar of Chancellor May is known as a highly India-US partnership, India’s top engaged educational leader with a diplomat in the United States said after passion for helping others succeed. a virtual meeting with the Chancellor In 2015, the then President Barack of the University of California, Davis. Obama honoured him with the Good discussion this afternoon with Presidential Award for Excellence Chancellor Gary May and his team on in Mentoring students in science, the big potential for knowledge and technology, engineering and maths. research partnership in agriculture, In 2021, he received the prestigious health, digital and climate change, L i f e t i m e Me nt o r Aw a r d f r o m said Taranjit Singh Sandhu, India’s t h e A m e r i c an As s o c i at i on for Ambassador to the US. the Advancement of Science for “Education is an important pillar of demonstrating extraordinar y India-United States partnership,” leadership to increase the participation Sandhu said in a tweet after the meeting of underrepresented groups in the Indian Ambassador to the United States with Chancellor May. fields of science and engineering. Taranjit Singh Sandhu.

11-year-old Indian-origin Yoga prodigy wins UK PM award

the coronavirus lockdown, on Tuesday received UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s daily Points of Light award. Ishwar Sharma, from Sevenoaks in Kent, started taking up Yoga when he was three years old after seeing his father practise daily and is a three-time World Yoga Champion. His autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has propelled him to help children through Yoga, particularly those with special needs like himself. “You have brought the joy of Yoga to hundreds of children globally during HiIndia Newsdesk lockdown. I was particularly inspired London: An 11-year-old Indian- to hear how you have helped children origin boy from south-east England, with special needs enjoy the activity you who has led daily Yoga classes for 40 enjoy and excel at,” Johnson said in a children across 14 countries during personal letter to Sharma.

Technology company Cloudgen admits to H-1B visa fraud involving Indians The technology company has admitted to committing fraud to bring Indians on the coveted H1-B visas to the US, according to a federal prosecutor HiIndia Newsdesk A technology company has admitted work for them, according to the office. to committing fraud to bring Indians “Su c h a c t i o n g av e C l o u d g e n a on the coveted H1-B visas to the US, competitive advantage by having a according to a federal prosecutor. steady ‘bench’ or supply of visa-ready Jomon Chakkalakkal, the corporate workers to send to different employers representative of Cloudgen, made based on market needs when the true the admission before a federal court process actually takes some time. Once in Houston, Texas, on behalf of the workers had obtained new employment, company on May 28, said acting federal the ‘switch’ would occur when the new Prosecutor Jennifer B. Lowery. third-party company filed immigration The prosecutor’s office in a news release paperwork for the foreign workers,” the circulated on Monday described the prosecutor’s office said. scam as a “bench and switch” ruse. Cloudgen took a percentage of the It said that under the scam, in order worker’s salary, which amounted to to obtain the H1-B visas, Cloudgen nearly $500,000 from 2013 to 2020 submitted “forged contracts” showing when the scam took place, it said. that third companies had work for the Chief Judge Lee Rosenthal of the persons it wanted to bring over. Southern Texas federal court is to But once the employees came to the US impose a sentence in September and it there was no job for them and they were could be a fine of as much as $1 million housed in different locations across the and probation for five years. US, while Cloudgen would try to find

Pentagon Spokesman Condoles Death Of India America Today Editor

HiIndia Newsdesk New York: Tejinder Singh, the founder editor of the Washington-based India America Today newspaper has died, according to a tweet from the publication. On Tuesday, Pentagon Spokesperson John Kirby paid tributes to Singh calling him “a real gentleman, good reporter, damn good reporter.” He said at his regular news briefing, “We’d here at the Pentagon would like to take a moment to — to express our condolences and sympathies for the passing of Mr. Tejinder Singh.” He “asked tough questions and produced good stuff, but he was a heck of a man and a gentleman as I said, and we’re going to miss him,” Kirby added.

Emirates further extends suspension of passenger flights from India HiIndia Newsdesk DUBAI: UAE flag carrier Emirates has announced the further extension of its passenger flights from India until June 30 in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic situation in the South Asian country. The Dubai-based airline had announced the suspension first on April 24 as a devastating second wave of the pandemic hit India, leading to record high number of daily cases and deaths. Last week, it had extended the suspension till at least June 14.






FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021

South India News


Hyderabad techie returns home after four years in Pakistan jail: ‘Saw several like me there’ After Prasanth went missing on April 11, 2017, his father Babu Rao lodged a complaint with the Madhapur police station in Cyberabad on April 29. A case was registered in this regard and as efforts were on to trace him, the family received a video message from him in 2019 that he was detained in Pakistan. HiIndia Newsdesk After spending four years in a Pakistan jail, Hyderabad-based software professional Vaindam Prasanth returned home safe on Tuesday. Prasanth, a native of Visakhapatnam, according to police, had illegally crossed over to Pakistan while ‘trying to go to Switzerland on foot’. The 32-year-old was arrested in 2017 on suspicion that he was an Indian spy. He was released on May 31, 2021, and Hyderabad-based software professional Vaindam Prasanth returned home safe on Tuesday handed over to Indian Authorities, said Cyberabad police commissioner government for bringing him back at there, hailing from different states, VC Sajjanar on Tuesday. Speaking the earliest. languishing for years. to the media, Prasanth thanked the “I saw several people like me over It is very difficult to come back once

you are there because you know the situation between India and Pakistan. I never thought I could return in four years,” he said. After Prasanth went missing on April 11, 2017, his father Babu Rao lodged a complaint with the Madhapur police station in Cyberabad on April 29. A case was registered in this regard and as efforts were on to trace him, the family received a video message from him in 2019 that he was detained in Pakistan. The family immediately approached the Cyberabad police, the state government, and the Government of India for assistance to bring him back.

Consignment of 3 million doses of Sputnik V vaccine from Russia land in Hyderabad A GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo (GHAC) press release said the vaccine consignment arrived from Russia on a specially chartered freighter RU-9450 which touched down at Hyderabad Airport at 03.43 hours. HiIndia Newsdesk

TS making entire nation proud: KCR HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao extended greetings to the people of Telangana on the eve of its eighth formation day. The Chief Minister said after numerous agitations and sacrifices, the State was achieved democratically and is now making the entire country proud with its achievements. He expressed happiness that strong foundations were laid for sustainable development of the State within seven years of its existence. In a statement issued here on Tuesday, the Chief Minister stated that the State government is putting into reality the movement’s slogans. Infrastructure is being developed to address issues pertaining to irrigation, drinking water, electricity, education, medicine, and roads among others with both short-term and long-term goals in a planned manner. He said Telangana, created as the 29th State in India, is proud to have become a model State for the rest of India in terms of development and welfare.

A consignment of three million doses of Russia’s COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V landed at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport here on Tuesday. A G M R Hy d e r a b a d A i r C a r g o (GHAC) press release said the vaccine consignment arrived from Russia on a specially chartered freighter RU-9450 which touched down at Hyderabad Airport at 03.43 hours. “While GHAC has already handled several import shipments of vaccine prior to this, today’s shipment of

56.6 tonnes of vaccines is the single largest import shipment of COVID-19 vaccines handled in India till date. This shipment completed all processes and

Super speciality hospital for Jagitial soon: Kavitha

MLC K Kavitha examining the design of double-bedroom houses proposed to be constructed at Nukapalli in Jagitial district.

HiIndia Newsdesk Jagitial: MLC K Kavitha has promised to sanction a super speciality hospital at the proposed medical college in the district and said that she would discuss the issue with Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao. The Chief Minister had fulfilled the dream of local people by sanctioning a medical college, she said, after inspecting construction works of double-bedroom houses at Nukapalli Urban Housing Colony in Malyal mandal on Tuesday. A total of 4,520 double-bedroom houses

with an estimated cost of Rs 212 crore have been constructed in Nukapalli. Speaking to reporters, the MLC said Chandrashekhar Rao was fulfilling all promises made to the people of the district. As promised, the Chief Minister made Jagitial a district as well as sanctioned medical college. In order to fulfil the dream of owning a house, Chandrashekhar Rao launched the double-bedroom housing scheme. After Hyderabad, the highest number of 4,520 2BHK houses was sanctioned to Jagitial, she added. Jagitial MLA Dr Sanjay Kumar was regularly reviewing the construction of houses. Kavitha directed officials to allocate houses to beneficiaries by completing all works by June next year. She promised to extend her support for the development of Jagitial. MLAs Dr Sanjay Kumar and Sunke Ravishankar (Choppadandi), Jagitial Municipal Chairperson Boga Sravani, Collector G Ravi and others were present.

was dispatched in less than 90 minutes,” it said. The Sputnik V vaccine requires specialised handling and storage, required to be kept at a temperature of -20 C. GHAC has been working closely with the experts from the customers supply chain team, officials from customs department and other relevant stakeholders over an extended period of time to ensure that the necessary infrastructure and handling processes are fully in place at the Air Cargo Terminal for smooth handling of the vaccine shipments, it said.

Dr Vinay Nandicoori appointed as director of CCMB

HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad: Dr Vinay K Nandicoori, a well-known molecular biologist and scientist at DBT- National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, has now been appointed as the director of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad. Dr Nandicoori’s research interest extensively spans molecular signaling net works in Mycob ac ter ium tuberculosis, the micro-organism that causes TB. His research has found national and international relevance and recognition. Dr Nandicoori will succeed Dr Rakesh K Mishra as CCMB’s Director.



FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021




Community News

Sikh Community of Chicago Hosts a Farewell Luncheon

HiIndia Newsdesk CHICAGO, IL- Members of partnership with the Sikh the Chicago Sikh community community in their noble hosted a luncheon in honor cause. The newly appointed of Maj or Nanc y Powe rs , officers Mr. and Mrs Hughes Executive Director, Freedom to replace the Powers were also Center Program Development present at the luncheon and O f f i c e r, S a lv at i on Ar my, assured everyone to continue Harbor Light Center, Chicago, the close relationship with and her husband Major Merrill the Sikh community in the Powers, Administrative Officer, future as well. A “Lifetime Salvation Army Harbor Light Achievement Award” was Center, Chicago, on May given to the Sikh Religious 27, 2021, at the Maharaja Society of Palatine in July Restaurant, Rosemont, Illinois, 2019 by the Salvation Army. more than twenty members attended the event. The Powers Sikh Community of Chicago highly valued Major Powers’ are being promoted as City Commanders of Salvation Army friendship during their 20 years of service at Harbor Light and moving to Wichita Kansas after 20 years of service in Center, and will certainly miss Major Nancy Powers and Chicago. Major Merrill Powers, but wished them all the best in their Mr. and Mrs. Powers were honored with a plaque by the Sikh next assignment in Kansas. community to appreciate their services to humanity and

Bhartiya Seniors Citizen of Chicago Celebrated Mother’s Day & Gujarat Day

773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

NEWS BREIF American Telugu Association donated 400 Oxygen Units in India

HiIndia Newsdesk LAS VEGAS, NV – American Telugu Association a burgeoning Telugu organization on its altruistic mission displaying a passion for humanity donated 400 Oxygen concentrator units to the government hospitals and to the people of AP and Telangana states as part of its COVID-19 disaster relief efforts. In a press release, President Bhuvanesh Boojala quoted that “Our thoughts and prayers are with India. ATA has sent 400 Oxygen Concentrators to both the Telugu states as of now.

Sewa International to Build 100 Oxygen Generation Plants in India

HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk CHICAGO, IL – The meeting of Bhartiya Senior Citizens of HOUSTON, TX- Sewa International will be funding generation capability equitably to different parts Chicago was held on Saturday 29th at Rana Reagan Hall from the installation of 100 oxygen generation plants in of the country bridging the urban and rural divide 3:30 pm in which Mother’s Day, Gujarat Day was organized. hospitals across India to ease oxygen scarcity in the in India’s healthcare sector. The program was begun by BSC Secretary Rakshika Anjaria country, according to a press release. It has ordered “Based on our reading of the current situation, with ‘Ganesh Vandana Prathana’. Then Gaurang Shukla sang 20-tonn Zeolites (molecular sieves that absorb Sewa International has made a strategic decision Bhajan for those who died in the COVID Mahamari and in nitrogen and produce oxygen as a product) from to establish oxygen generating plants in India the hurricane. BSC President Shri Haribhai warmly welcomed Honeywell to establish up to 30 plants immediately. to enhance India’s capacity to face the present the (program organizer), all have been vaccinated and all It As part of these efforts, it has placed orders for 15 COVID-19 crisis. This will also make India futureis very gratifying that the health is also good In the Corona oxygen generation plants to be set up in the next ready to face a possible third wave of the pandemic,” epidemic in 2020-2021, our relatives and friends in India and 8-12 weeks at a cost of about $1.8 million. said Arun Kankani, Indian American president of other countries of the world have passed away. A tribute was Sewa International has started a fundraising Sewa International in Houston, Texas. It will still paid to all of them by observing two minutes of silence. campaign to construct these oxygen plants. A work out to be less expensive for hospitals than Sa Re Ga Ma Pa’s Singer Hitesh Master, Nipa Shah, Parth Patel, donation of $61,000, $81,000 or $121,000 can help buying oxygen cylinders or liquid oxygen from Bhupendra Soni, ‘Gujarati Jalso’ program performed super hit establish one such oxygen plant of the desired a vendor,” Sewa’s vice president for Technology Gujarati songs and Garba. size. The campaign will help distribute oxygen Services Anil Deshpande said.

Indian American UIC Goldwater Scholar Hoping to Build First Living Cell Prototype HiIndia Newsdesk

CHICAGO, IL – An Indian American recent Goldwater Scholar from the University of Illinois at Chicago, Ashma Pandya, is hoping to build the first living cell prototype. The honors college member, the university said in an April 26 report, held a human brain in her hands at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi during her junior year of high school. The experience led her to a question. “How did life first emerge from a primordial chemical soup of peptide chains and amino acids?” she wondered, according to the report. The question has driven her pursuit of science and eventually evolved into a dedicated research mission — to

build a prototype of the first living cell, according to the report. Pandya produced her first research publication as a senior in high school. The co-authored book chapter correlating antibiotic resistance to bacterial evolution was informed by her internship at the Bioinformatics Centre within the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research’s Institute of Microbial Technology in India, the university noted. Shortly after her family immigrated from India to Naperville in August 2019, she continued this research interest at the University of Illinois Chicago.






FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021


Loving Memory Remembering Amrit Vittaldas Patel – a man of all trades and a gentle soul

THE INDIAN COMMUNITY IN CHICAGO JUST LOST A RARE GEM new territories. It was perhaps this relentless approach towards life and work that made him live a true American dream. Today when we think of him, we are impressed by his versatility. Back in the late 70’s

way to work is to keep going and keep scaling new heights. He was an interesting personality and that was reflected in the fact that he was a film maker too. Much before Bollywood came to Chicago, it was our very own Amrit Bhai who

Amrit Bhai Patel belonged to the illustrious Patel family in the US. He was younger brother to Mafatbhai and Tulsibhai Patel of the famed Patel Brothers. He successfully ventured into many businesses and lived an inspiring life. Hi India News Desk


n May 29, Amrit Vittaldas Patel breathed his last, leaving many hearts heavy. He may have lost the battle to a prolonged illness but left behind a legacy of bravery, business acumen and a friendly charm. Amrit Bhai Patel, came to American as young man from his hometown of Mehsana in Gujarat. Back in the 70’s, when there weren’t many business opportunities for Indians, he was able to think out of the box and ideate many different businesses. He had been a pioneer in many ways and was amongst the early thought leaders and brought the concept of Ethnic grocery Business. He was a man, ahead of his times. Those who know him, will remember him as someone, who was always full of energy and a million ideas. He was friendly, outgoing and a community man --always there to help anyone. What made him an inspiration for many in the younger generation was the fact that he never shied away from trying new businesses. He was full of optimism about future. I still remember, when I met him arecently in his warehouse in the Schaumburg area he spoke enthusiastically about his latest flourishing business venture of bringing Indian traditional snacks and savouries to the US. His energy was infectious and he talked about starting something new and scale yet

and early 80’s he pioneered a few concepts that were unheard of in the desi community in America. He began with the business of grocery stores and then ventured into American grocery stores – an impressive feat for a young man from India to arrive on foreign shores. He understood the pulse of the community and knew what the people yearned for when they were away from their homelands. He was amongst the ones who began the concept of bringing entertainment shows and concerts from India to America. His business acumen was never settled with one success and he kept on re-inventing, he dabbled in the Motel business and was amongst the earliest proponents of bringing ethnic cultural shows to America. The garba, the dandiya and the culture rich shows that our younger generation can enjoy today with ease in America, is a legacy that was introduced by a few like Amrit Bhai. While he excelled in all his ideas, one of the most impressive and revolutionary businesses he ventured into was his concept called Amrit Ganga. He set up a bottled water plan in Haridwar to bring bottled mineral water straight from the Holy Ganga to America. The unique idea of having water from ganga, purified and bottled available in the US was indeed a masterstroke. What kept him going was perhaps his never-say-die attitude. His seemed to live with the philosophy that some work would reap great results, some would not but the

shot a Hindi movie entirely in Chicago area. The Hindi film titled Car Thief starred the legendary Dev Anand’s son Sunel Anand and Vijeyta Pandit. The film had an ensemble cast and included Hindi cinema stalwarts like Asha Parekh and Parikshit Sahani. He also started a fast food restaurant in Devon area and added towards making Devon Avenue a desi meets American food hub in the heart of Chicago. After having lived near Devon the family shifted towards Schaumburg. He also brought the splendid Ganesha Festival to the Chicago area and was also involved in travel business. Amrit Bhai was for the past many years involved in a credit card processing business that is now overseen by his son Anand Patel and daughter Zeena Patel. He is survived by his wife, his son and his daughter. He created a culture around him and brought the feeling of home closer every time you met. He will be dearly missed as a friend, philosopher, a kind soul and someone who infused energy into everything he did. He has left a lasting legacy. My condolences to Amritbhai’s Family.


-Hemant Brahmbhatt hi INDiA Publisher



FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

‘Bhoot Police fits perfectly between Go Goa Gone and Stree’

Arjun Kapoor REVEALS

With horror-comedies gradually finding their mark with the Bollywood junta, the next one to test the waters will be Bhoot Police, starring Saif Ali Khan, Arjun Kapoor, Yami Gautam and Jacqueline Fernandez.

‘Top martial artists in the world’ as per Google Bollywood actor Vidyut Jammwal shared a screenshot on his Instagram account that shows him as ‘Top Martial artists in the World’ according to the search engine Google. The screenshot shared by the actor features him along with the likes of Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee and Jet Li among others. Sharing the screenshot on Instagram, the Commando actor wrote, “Jai Hind #Kalaripayattu” As soon as the Jammwal shared the news, his fans congratulated him on the big feat. One of them commented on the actor’s post saying, “Always making the country proud!


pening about how the movie is more than a horror-comedy, Arjun Kapoor said, “Bhoot Police is a horror-comedy of course, in its essence and the way it’s been pitched to y’all, but for me, it’s an adventure of two brothers. It’s Saif Ali Khan and Arjun Kapoor who are actually brothers and are bickering constantly and there’s a back and forth and up and down and there is a camaraderie, a brotherhood, a bond, an emotion, but there’s also difference of opinion. So, there’s very interesting friction between two people who go on this journey.” Now comes the more exciting bits as Arjun added, “It’s an origin story of Bhoot Police, how Bhoot Police becomes. So, it’s quite fascinating to go into this space and I think it’s a very credible, commercial horrorcomedy, in the sense that it’s not itemised, it’s more story and character driven, it’s more driven by a particular situation they find themselves in and what happens around them rather then a situation with gags after gags; it’s not deigned

like that. It’s a little more cerebral and it’s still got its own goofiness, but you’ll have fun watching it. It lands somewhere in the middle of Go Goa Gone and Stree, I feel.” Among his other projects, Arjun Kapoor’s Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar, costarring Parineeti Chopra and directed by the maverick Dibakar Banerjee, recently had its OTT release on Amazon Prime Video, and is said to be really finding its audience since then, which it missed out in the theatres due to the coronavirus pandemic and ensuing partial lockdown.

‘The four-letter word that pushed me through was hope’

Madhuri Dixit is a ‘proud parent’ as son Arin graduates from high school

Netflix in Akhtar’s Salim Kh

Malaika Arora opens up about post-Covid struggle


alaika Arora wrote, “What defines strength? ‘You’re so lucky’, ‘It must have been so easy’ is something I hear regularly. Well yes, I am grateful for a lot of things in my life. But luck, played a very small role in it. And easy!? Boy! That, it was not. I tested positive on the 5th of September and it was really bad. Anyone out there calling a COVID recovery easy, is either blessed with great immunity or isn’t aware of the struggles of COVID. Having gone through it myself, “Easy” is not the word I’d choose. It broke me physically. Walking 2 steps felt like a herculean task. Sitting up, just stepping out of bed, wanting to stand in my window was a journey in itself. I gained weight, I felt weak, lost my stamina, I was away from my family and more. I finally tested negative on the 26th of September and I was so grateful that I did. But the weakness stayed. I felt disappointed that my body wasn’t supporting how my mind felt. I was afraid that I’d never gain back my strength. I wondered whether I’d even be able to complete one activity in 24 hours.” Malaika further shared, “My first workout was brutal. I couldn’t do anything well. I felt broken. But Day 2, I got back up and I told myself, ‘I am my own maker.’ And then day 3 and 4 and 5 and so on. It’s been about 32 weeks since I tested negative and I finally have started to feel like myself again. I’m able to workout the way I used to before I tested positive. I’m able Dr Mehbub Kapadia with his wife Seema Kapadia to breathe better and I feel strong both physically and mentally.”


umbai: Bollywood star Madhuri Dixit Nene took to social media on Sunday (May 30) to express pride and happiness on her elder son Arin graduating from high school. The actress took to Instagram on Sunday and wrote, “A proud moment for Ram and I, as Arin graduates from high school with flying colours. Congratulations Arin and to the graduating class of 2021. We appreciate how hard this year has been for all of you and we salute your resilience, strength, hardwork , and focus to rise above the situation and succeed. So, follow your passion and understand that one day you will have the power to make a difference, use it well. Wishing you success in everything you do. Love you always. #ProudParent #ClassOf2021 #GraduationDay.” In March this year, Madhuri made an Instagram post to celebrate her son’s 18th birthday. She wrote, “My baby is officially an adult. Happy 18th birthday, Arin. Just remember that with freedom comes responsibilities.

“Netflix is streaming r advanced c team and th soon,” a sou The Salimone of the Hindi film know the m their proce dialogues of blockbuster insight into in the 1980s watch to se with this sto Netflix is a p docu-drama “It’s an IP tha create. Rece by Shakun B





Barely understand politics and I wish to stay that way

Like her web debut Leila, Huma Qureshi’s latest offering, Maharani, has her leading from the front. And boy, does she grab your attention from the get-go. From an illiterate homemaker who is content running her kitchen to running the state, Qureshi lends at once a sensitive air and steely nerve to her Rani Bharti in the SonyLIV series. In a chat with mid-day, the actor talks about “delivering ignorance” with her eyes and why she will take “10 years to understand politics”. What was your first thought when the series was offered to you? We made the series between the two lockdowns. When the first lockdown happened, Subhash sir [Kapoor, creator] told me about the show. It was one of the first Zoom narrations of my life. I loved the story, the world [it is set in], and the character’s graph. How well-versed are you with Indian

n race to buy Zoya s documentary on han and Javed Akhtar

in the race to get the exclusive rights of this project. They are in conversation with Zoya and her he deal is expected to be locked urce told. -Javed story has already become hot topics of discussion in the trade and everyone is eager to making of this iconic duo and ess of cracking the script and of some of Indian cinema’s biggest rs. The trade is also expecting an o what went wrong with the duo s resulting in fallout. It’s wait and ee the facets that Zoya explores ory. platform that is planning to make a a on multiple Indian personalities. at the streaming giant is trying to ently, Sheila Anand documentary Batra released on their platform.

politics? I barely understand politics and wish to stay that way. I am an actor; delivering lines is my priority. But Subhash sir, writers Singh Nandan, Uma Shankar Singh are well-versed in politics as they have a background in journalism. By the time I figure out [politics], 10 years would go by. I’d rather just focus on acting.

Nawazuddin Siddiqui joins the cast of Tiger Shroff starrer Heropanti 2

Actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui has now joined the cast of the much-awaited sequel of Tiger Shroff ’s debut movie Heropanti. The film produced by Nadiadwala Grandson and directed by Ahmed Khan also stars Tara Sutaria in the lead. The first shooting schedule of Heropanti 2 was wrapped in Mumbai before the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic hit the country bringing everything to a halt. The second schedule of the film will resume once lockdown restrictions are lifted in Maharashtra and Nawazuddin will join the crew. Reportedly, he plays the antagonist whom Tiger will be seen taking on. Heropanti, which released in May 2014 was a blockbuster, and had Kriti Sanon opposite Tiger, while Heropanti 2 will see Tara Sutaria as the female lead. Music maestro AR Rahman has hopped on board as the music composer while Mehboob has been roped in as the lyricist.


FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021


The Family Man: What made the Manoj Bajpayee show a winner The makers of The Family Man are all set to drop the show’s second season after a long wait of almost two years. The thriller starring Manoj Bajpayee was an instant hit with the audience as soon as it released in 2019 and continues to be one of the most popular shows in India’s OTT space.

Manoj Bajpayee

There’s no debate about the fact that Manoj Bajpayee is a phenomenal actor but thanks to the wide acceptance of the OTT platforms, the Aligarh actor hit the mainstream spotlight with The Family Man, much like he did in his early days with Satya. With The Family Man, Bajpayee led the cast from the front and since he was present in more or less all the story arcs, his ubiquitous presence made the show all the more delightful.

The pan Indian cast

The Family Man was leaps and bounds ahead of the curve when it cast Priyamani, Neeraj Madhav, Sundeep Kishan and Kishore from various regional industries and amazed the audience with the ensemble. The show aims to raise the stakes in the upcoming season as they have cast Samantha Akkineni in a pivotal role.

The well-balanced subplots

One of the biggest worries for a show which promises high-stakes crime drama is the creation of necessary but engaging

subplots and in that department, The Family Man was largely successful.Even the subplot that deals with Suchitra and Arvind’s will-they-won’t-they relationship was quite effective.

The twists

The Family Man kept pulling the rug from under our feet every couple of episodes. Moosa seducing the nurse and escaping custody, the shootout at the hospital, and constant tension through the last ten minutes of the series gave us just the right amount of twists and at no point, did they feel like they just existed for the sake of it.

The inspiration from real-stories

The Family Man isn’t completely based on one real story but is, in fact, inspired from many news stories that happen around us. In some cases, the references are quite obvious – like the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, or social media being used to spy on citizens; there are references here that require sharper general knowledge. This guessing game makes every episode quite an interesting watch.

Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan confesses her love for boyfriend Nupur Shikhare Actor Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan seems to be totally smitten by her boyfriend Nupur Shikhare, and her regular love-filled posts on Instagram are proof. Ira on Sunday, shared a video of several clicks with Nupur and just couldn’t get enough of her “cutie.” The video is a slideshow of adorable

moments between Ira and Nupur. These include their time together at parties, camping, mountains, birthday bashes, physical training, in the pool, and other activities. In her caption, Ira expressed her love as she wrote, “You’re my anchor. #love #dreamboy #hashtags feel stupid. I love you soo much, cutie!”


FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021





773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST


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FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021




Xi Jinping calls for more ‘loveable’ image for China in bid to make friends

773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST


In a comment seen as an expression of dissatisfaction with the current lot of “wolf warrior” diplomats and aggressive official media outlets, Xi spoke of the need for conveying the image of a “credible, loveable and respectable China.” HiIndia Newsdesk President Xi Jinping has asked China’s bellicose official media and “wolf warrior” diplomats to present the image of a “credible, lovable and respectable China” to the world, in what observers see as a rare admission of Beijing’s growing isolation exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Xi, 67, who carries the image of being the most powerful Chinese leader after ‘Chairman’ Mao Zedong with possible life-long tenure in power, in a candid conversation at a study session for the ruling Communist Party’s top leadership on Monday said that new concepts, domains and expressions should be created to tell China’s stories

The Australian millennials desperate for vaccines

HiIndia Newsdesk For most millennials it’s off-limits right now, a reality many argue is holding them back - and risking their future. Four months into Australia’s vaccine programme, most people aged under 40 still aren’t eligible to get the jab. The country has been running a rollout in stages based on age and vulnerability. The process has also been held up by supply issues, delivery failures and concerns over the AstraZeneca vaccine. Earlier this week in Sydney, the BBC observed a long queue outside a vaccination hub made up of many people who appeared to be millennials, aged between 25 and 40.

Chinese President Xi Jinping

in a better way. In a comment seen as an expression of dissatisfaction with the current lot of “wolf warrior” diplomats and aggressive

official media outlets, Xi spoke of the need for conveying the image of a “credible, loveable and respectable China.” He said a tone that displayed openness, confidence and conveyed modesty and humility must be maintained, the state-run China Daily said in its report on the speech. China needs a voice that matches its national strength and international status, it said. “It is necessary to give better play to the role of high-level experts and use platforms and channels such as important international conferences and forums and foreign mainstream media to speak out,” Xi said.

Fears of environmental disaster as oil-laden ship sinks off Sri Lanka

The Man Who Could Replace Israel’s Netanyahu

HiIndia Newsdesk Israel’s political opposition has pulled together a government designed to end Benjamin Netanyahu’s cumulative 15 years in power. If the coalition is ratified by parliament within the coming week, he’ll be replaced as prime minister by Naftali Bennett, a 49-year-old technology millionaire and former cabinet minister whose politics are further to the right than his own. To get where he’s gotten, though, Bennett’s agreed to ally in government with partners whose opposing views could moderate policy.

India’s absence at vote noted by Palestine HiIndia Newsdesk A chemical-laden cargo ship is sinking up and sinking. off the coast of Sri Lanka, sparking But rough seas and monsoonal winds fears of an environmental disaster. The hampered the operation, just outside Singapore-registered X-Press Pearl had the port of Colombo. been on fire for almost two weeks before “Salvors are trying to tow the ship to the blaze was put out this week. deep sea before it sinks to minimise Hundreds of tonnes of oil from fuel the marine pollution, but the rear area tanks could leak into the sea, devastating of the ship has drifted,” Sri Lanka Navy nearby marine life. The Sri Lankan and spokesman Captain Indika Silva told Indian navies had worked jointly over the BBC. The stern appeared to be the past days in an attempt to put out the resting on the seabed. fire and prevent the ship from breaking

Tanzanian MPs demand apology for ‘tight’ trousers incident HiIndia Newsdesk Female MPs in Tanzania have called for an apology to an MP who was ordered to leave parliament because of her trousers. A male MP said the way some women dressed invited ridicule to parliament. “Mr Speaker, an example there is my sister seated on my right with a yellow shirt. Look at the trousers she has worn, Mr Speaker!” Hussein Amar said in parliament on Tuesday. The Speaker then ordered the MP, Condester Sichwale, to leave. He added

that this was not the first complaint he had received about female Member of Parliaments’ attire, and told chamber orderlies to deny entry to anyone who was inappropriately dressed. While Mr Amar did not elaborate on what he found wrong with Ms Sichwale’s outfit, he quoted the parliamentary rules which allow women to wear trousers but stipulate that clothes should not be tight-fitting. He was unavailable to answer the BBC’s request for comment.

HiIndia Newsdesk Palestine has called out India’s abstention during the vote on the resolution, “Ensuring respect for international human rights law and humanitarian law in Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel”, at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva last week. India’s abstention did not affect the fate of the resolution which was adopted on May 27 with 24 countries voting in favour and nine against. In all, 14 countries abstained. The resolution empowers the council to urgently establish an ongoing independent, international commission of inquiry to investigate all alleged violations of international human rights laws in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel leading up to and since April 13, 2021, when the situation escalated in West Asia.



Virus disaster leaves deep scars on India’s economy

Continued From Page no. 1 ..financial injury from a devastating second wave of the illness. Some observers additionally worry the psychological blow from the virus catastrophe that ripped by India this 12 months killing tens of hundreds of individuals will go away shopper reluctant to spend. India’s authorities is sticking with a forecast that the economic system will develop 10.5% within the fiscal 12 months that began on April 1, however on Tuesday State Financial institution of India – the nation’s largest lender – slashed its progress forecast to 7.9% from 10.4%. A number of worldwide banks reminiscent of Barclays and UBS have additionally reduce their predictions. After a 7.3% contraction in 2020-21 – the sharpest ever recorded by India – the comparatively muted restoration places India at odds with nations like United States and China which can be seeing a swift rebound as they emerge from the pandemic, and suggests deeper injury has been performed to an economic system value round $2.9 trillion earlier than the disaster hit. The knock-on results of sub-par progress on a quickly growing economic system like India could possibly be important. “GDP progress of lower than 10% will likely be a – I will not use the phrase catastrophe, however it won’t be very stunning,” SBI’s Chief Economist Soumya Kanti Ghosh instructed Reuters after decreasing his forecast. The state of affairs has exacerbated unemployment that touched a 12-month excessive of 11.9% in Could from 7.97% in April, based on information from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Financial system. Rural unemployment that usually hovers round 6-7% additionally hit double digit ranges in Could, based on the privately owned agency. Final 12 months, India introduced a $266 billion package deal to assist the economic system throughout a strict nationwide lockdown to include the primary coronavirus wave. However this was largely liquidity assist given to banks to spice up firm credit score, with lower than a tenth of the sum used for welfare programmes for the poorest within the nation. . India didn’t launch job assist schemes on the size of these seen in some developed economies and the federal government has not introduced a significant stimulus package deal because the second wave hit. Surging unemployment, coupled with state lockdowns, a big enhance in hospitalizations and fatalities amid the second wave and fears of a 3rd wave, are prompting many individuals to chop spending.




Gross sales of products together with grocery, footwear, attire and wonder merchandise fell 49% in April, based on the Retail Affiliation of India, whose head Kumar Rajagopalan anticipates a much bigger decline in Could. In the meantime, gross sales of automobiles and bikes fell 30% in April over March and are anticipated to hunch by over 60% in Could as automakers together with Maruti Suzuki (MRTI.NS) and Hero MotoCorp (HROM.NS) halted manufacturing for a number of days amid rising infections. Dealerships stay closed. Whereas automobile gross sales bounced again after the primary wave final 12 months it was not on a scale seen elsewhere and the restoration was temporary. In lots of different economies demand for big-ticket purchases soared when pent-up demand was launched, with new automobile gross sales in Europe leaping 256% year-on-year in April. Shashank Srivastava, govt director at Maruti Suzuki, India’s largest carmaker, pointed to a deep psychological influence from the second virus wave because the surge in deaths and hospitalizations brought on

FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021


misery and worry amongst folks. (HDBK.NS), the nation’s larg“Vehicles are a discretionary buy est personal financial institution, that require folks to be in a very warned of additional delinquencies good state of mind,” he mentioned. within the coming months within DEFAULTS RISING the retail phase, which incorporates One in every of India’s largest loans given to people for private use. gold-financing firms, Manappuram Highlighting the extent of unFinance (MNFL.NS), auctioned certainty within the monetary sector, gold value about $55 million within HDFC Financial institution’s CEO the January-March quarter in con- Sashidhar Jagdishan mentioned on trast with $1.1 million within the an investor name that for the “first previous three quarters mixed. time in so a few years we could not The gross sales are being pushed have a grip of what’s occurring.” by rising defaults on mortgages secured on households’ gold jewelry In line with a survey carried which is usually handed on from era out by Indian polling company to era, an indication of long-term fi- CVOTER, dwelling requirements of nancial stress, consultants say. numerous folks have sharply fallen One other warning signal is an and most of the people don’t see increase in ‘cheque bounces’, which “any ray of hope within the coming generally happen when there are in- 12 months.” adequate funds in a person’s account CVOTER’s head Yashwant to satisfy deductions for mortgage Deshmukh instructed Reuters indifunds or settlement of bank card viduals are going to carry again on payments. shopping for a plethora of products In Could, the cheque bounce together with automobiles and as an price for mortgage funds doubled alternative spend on insurance covto 21% from a 12 months in the erage merchandise and on-line abilpast, whereas for bank cards it rose ity improvement programs to make to 18% from 10%, based on infor- themselves extra employable. mation from Creditas Options, a “No person’s going to splurge,” he fintech firm concerned in digital mentioned. mortgage collections and recoveries. Our Requirements: The HDFC Financial institution Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.



FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

I was anxious… see you when I see you: Naomi

Naomi Osaka has copped criticism and praise for her stance, and was fined USD 15,000 for skipping the conference after her first-round win on Sunday.

Naomi Osaka, the world number two, announced that she is withdrawing from the French Open, and will spend an unspecified amount of time away from court. Days before the event, on Thursday, she posted a message on social media claiming that she will boycott the mandatory post-match press conferences, citing mental health as her reason. Grand Slam rules however dictate that a player skipping the press conferences could be fined up to USD 20,000, and repeated infractions could even result in a default. Osaka has copped criticism and praise for her stance, and was fined USD 15,000 for skipping the conference after her first-round win on Sunday. On Monday however, she took to social media to announce that she’s withdrawing from the French Open.

Yuvraj Singh foundation to set up 1000 beds in hospitals across India

Boris Becker worried for Osaka’s career Naomi Osaka’s career could be in danger because of her mental health issues, according to six-time Grand Slam champion Boris Becker. While her admission of depression and anxiety has resulted in widespread support from the tennis community and beyond, Becker worries that not being able to deal with what is part of the life of a top-level athlete is a big problem.b“I heard her first response a couple of days ago about this media boycott and that is something to be always taken seriously, especially from such a young woman,” Becker told.

ICC to expand 50 over World Cup to 14 teams Hold World T20 every two years in next cycle

Former international cricketer Yuvraj Singh’s foundation YouWeCan on Tuesday announced setting up of 1,000 beds for critical care of Covid-19 patients across the country. This initiative, in partnership with OneDigital Entertainment, aims to strengthen the capacity of government, army, autonomous & charitable hospitals by setting up oxygenated beds, ventilators and BiPAP machines, along with other essential medical equipment which is required for critical care of COVID-19 patients. Singh said that the second wave of Covid-19 has been devastating. YouWeCan has started rolling out beds in Delhi NCR, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Telangana, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh.

The T20 World Cup will be held every two years during the next eight-year Futures Tours & Programme (FTP) cycle while the 50-over event will be a 14-team affair from the 2027 edition, the game’s governing body ICC said on Tuesday. Also as per PTI’s earlier report, the World Test Championship will have four editions in the next cycle apart from two

Champions Trophy. “The ICC Board today confirmed the schedule of ICC events from 2024-2031 with both the men’s Cricket World Cup and men’s T20 World Cup to be expanded and a men’s Champions Trophy to be re-introduced,” the global body said in a release issued after the board meeting.

‘I will never stop’: Serena Williams’ French Open 2021 outfit, hidden details

Serena Williams won the first scheduled night session in French Open history as she overcame two set points to beat IrinaCamelia Begu 7-6 (6), 6-2 under the lights

in the first round. Williams struggled with her first serve but moved well and played aggressively, charging forward when she had the chance. Facing a set point in the tiebreaker, she sprinted in and from the service line whacked a nervy swinging volley for a winner. she had two inspirational quotes on them, ‘je ne m’arrêterai pas’ and ‘je ne m’arrêterai jamais.’ It translated as ‘I will not stop’ and ‘I will never stop fighting.’

‘Don’t think India would underestimate New Zealand, they aren’t underdogs’ Agarkar New Zealand and India will play the ICC World Test Championship final on June 18 in Southampton. Ajit Agarkar believes that the New Zealand cricket team can no longer be deemed as underdogs in ICC tournaments and India will not take their opponents lightly. New Zealand and India will play the ICC World Test Championship final on June 18 in Southampton. According to Agarkar Virat Kohli and Co. will have to play well to defeat the Kiwis “I hope not. I don’t think the Indian team would be guilty to underestimate them (The Kiwis). I think the underdog tag has gone away from New Zealand. Every ICC tournament you look at – okay, this is the first of its kind, Test championship – every ICC tournament, whether it’s the T20 World Cup, the Champions Trophy, the World Cup; they always turn up, they’re always there in the thereabout.” “If not the finals, then in the quarterfinals or the semi-finals. And that’s a testament to their consistency. So, the underdog tag should go. Yes, there are, perhaps bigger names in some of the other teams and that’s why you count them as favorites.” Agarkar said on Star Sports’ show Cricket Connected. “So, I don’t think India will be underestimating them. They beat India comprehensively well when India toured New Zealand and the conditions are likely to be very similar to what India got in New Zealand. So, India will have to play well to beat New Zealand in this contest,” he added.




Twitter’s “Caketarians, Vadapaverians” On Virat Kohli’s “Vegetarian” Post Thanks to social media, details of what our favourite celebrities are wearing, where they are travelling and what they are eating are up for all of us to see. This exposure also leads to acute scrutiny of the lifestyle choices of our favourite actors and sportspersons. And now, Indian skipper Virat Kohli has found himself to be the subject of discussion on social media after he announced on Twitter that he was, in fact, a vegetarian and not a vegan. The post created quite a flutter on the microblogging platform with “vegetarian” turning into one of the top trending topics on the site. In a tweet, Mr Kohli said, “I never claimed to be vegan. Always maintained I’m vegetarian. Take a deep breath and eat your veggies (if you want).” The response came after fans pointed out that the cricketer’s claim of being a vegetarian was contradicted by a post that he shared about his diet recently. During an interactive session on Instagram on Saturday, he was asked about his diet. To this, he had said that his meals mainly comprised “lots of vegetables, some eggs, 2 cups of coffee, dal, quinoa, lots of spinach, love dosa too.”



FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021

Out of Box


Viral photo of Sonia Gandhi with Christian conversion book in background is morphed The viral photograph of Congress President Sonia Gandhi shows a book titled ‘How to convert India into a Christian Nation’ in the background along with the Holy Bible and a statue of Jesus Christ.

New Delhi: A photograph of Congress President Sonia Gandhi has gone viral, which purportedly shows a bookshelf behind her with a book titled ‘How to convert India into a Christian Nation’. The image also shows a copy of the Holy Bible and a statue of Jesus Christ on the shelf. A Twitter user ‘No Conversion’, first shared the image with the caption ‘Who reads all these books?’. It was

retweeted by over 1,000 people and garnered more than 2,900 likes. The tweet has since been deleted. In another tweet, the user with over 2 lakh followers, accused the Congress of “rampant conversion appeasement, and brainwashing of young generation”. Several other Twitter users also shared the image with similar claims. It was widely shared on Facebook too.

News Anchor Announces Death Of Playwright William Shakespeare In Viral Blunder

Meet Tripat Singh, The 76-Year-Old Whose Fitness Journey Has Left The Internet In Awe

While most of us feel tired by just thinking of our next workout session, a 76-year-old is winning the Internet with his jaw-dropping fitness videos. Proving that age is just a number, Chandigarh’s Tripat Singh has gained the status of an Instagram celebrity thanks to his workout routines. Mr Singh, who has nearly 71k followers on the social media platform, is known for his exercise videos. In addition to this, he also practices a strict vegan diet. While fans of the septuagenarian have known all about his workout regime for a few years now, Mr Singh only recently spoke about his journey to becoming a fitness enthusiast. Sharing his journey with Humans Of Bombay on Monday, Mr Singh said that it was the death of his wife that led him on this path of self-care. In a video shared by the Instagram page, Mr Singh is seen with a photograph of his wife. The text accompanying the video quotes him as saying, “I’m Tripat and this is my wife, Manjeet. She passed away in 1999, and I was heartbroken without Manjeet. I was depressed for years. Our business dissolved. I became a couch potato.” Talking about how things changed, he said, “Manjeet would have been disappointed seeing me quit. So I decided to lift myself up in my 60s and train harder to lift myself again. Today I run a successful business. And I’m fitter than I ever was! And I feel my wife’s spirit and support in everything I do.” The footage features Mr Singh performing a variety of exercises ranging from lifting weights, working out using monkey bars and even lifting weights while hanging inverted from a monkey bar. The caption reads, “The comeback is always greater than the setback!”

What’s in a name?” William Shakespeare famously asked in the tragic romantic play, Romeo and Juliet. Centuries later, it seems that there can be quite a lot of drama attached to a name, especially when it belongs to the Bard himself. Viewers of a news channel in Argentina were amused and extremely confused to learn that the world had lost the 16th-century playwright after he took a COVID-19 jab, recently. Well, as you may have noticed the timelines are askew by a few centuries. The fact is that William Shakespeare, the playwright, was laid to rest at Stratfordupon-Avon following his death in 1616. It soon became clear that the TV anchor had confused the English playwright with a man of the same name. The British man in question died at the age of 81. The death of William “Bill” Shakespeare from Warwickshire was reported across the world as he held the distinction of being the second person in England to get

the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. His unique name had also added to the interest around him, causing him to trend on social media platforms. The unfortunate mixup, according to The Guardian, occurred on May 27 when Noelia Novillo, a newsreader on Canal 26 mourned the death of the “great man” during the 8 pm -10 pm slot. Sharing the news, she said, “We’ve got the news that has stunned all of us given the greatness of this man. We’re talking about William Shakespeare and his death. We’ll let you know how and why it happened.” She failed to realize the blunder even as the footage of the Warwickshire man appeared on the screen. She further added, “As we all know, he’s one of the most important writers in the English language — for me, the master. Here he is. He was the first man to get the coronavirus vaccine. He died in England at the age of 81.”



FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Keep Your Immune System Healthy Healthy lifestyle habits can help keep your immune system working to stave off illness and infection. Think of the immune system as an orchestra. For the best performance, you want every instrument and every musician in the orchestra to perform at its best. You don’t necessarily want one musician performing on double speed or one instrument suddenly producing sound at twice the volume it usually does. You want every component of that orchestra to perform exactly according to plan. When It Comes to Alcohol, Practice Moderation

Eat a Healthy Diet

Keep Stress Under Control

The nutrients you get from food — in particular, plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices — are essential to keeping your immune system functioning properly, according to Yufang Lin, MD, an integrative medicine doctor at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. “Many plant-based foods also have antiviral and antimicrobial properties, which help us fight off infection,” Dr. Lin says. When it comes to a diet that supports good immune health, focus on incorporating more plants and plant-based foods. Add fruits and veggies to soups and stews, smoothies, and salads, or eat them as snacks, Lin says. Carrots, broccoli, spinach, red bell peppers, apricots, citrus fruits (such as oranges, grapefruit, tangerines), and strawberries are all great sources of vitamins A and C, while seeds and nuts will provide protein, vitamin E, and zinc, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

According to a review published in the October 2015 issue of Current Opinion in Psychology, longterm stress leads to chronically elevated levels of as the steroid hormone cortisol. The body relies on hormones like cortisol during short-term bouts of stress (when your body goes into “fight-or-flight” response); cortisol has a beneficial effect of actually preventing the immune system from responding before the stressful event is over. But when cortisol levels are constantly high, it essentially blocks the immune system from kicking into gear and doing its job to protect the body against potential threats from germs like viruses and bacteria. Meditation (apps like Headspace and Calm can help), journaling, and any activity that you enjoy (such as fishing, playing golf, or drawing). Try to do at least one stress-reducing activity every day. Start small. Set aside five minutes at some point each day for fun and increase it when you can.

Get Plenty of Good Quality Sleep

Exercise Regularly (Outdoors, Don’t Smoke Cigarettes When Possible) Like alcohol, cigarette smoking can also

Your body heals and regenerates while you sleep, making adequate sleep critical for a healthy immune response, Lin says.

Regular exercise lowers your risk of developing chronic diseases (like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease), as well as viral and bacterial infections, according to a review in Frontiers in Immunology in April 2018. Exercise also increases the release of endorphins (a group of hormones that reduce pain and create feelings of pleasure) making it a great way to manage stress. “Since stress negatively impacts our immune system, this is another way exercise can improve immune response,” Lin says. t a minimum, try to meet the physical activity guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Adults should be getting at least 150 minutes (two and a half hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (like walking, jogging, or cycling) or 75 minutes (one hour and 15 minutes) of high-intensity aerobic exercise (like running) every week. You should also be doing strength training at least twice a week. Note: More activity has been found to be linked to even more health benefits, so aim high.

More specifically, sleep is a time when your body produces and distributes key immune cells like cytokines (a type of protein that can either fight or promote inflammation), T cells (a type of white blood cell that regulates immune response), and interleukin 12 (a pro-inflammatory cytokine), according to a review published in Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology. Sleep deprivation also elevates cortisol levels, which of course is also not good for immune function, Lin says. “Our immune system wears down as a result, and we tend to have [fewer] reserves to fight off or recover from illness.” The National Sleep Foundation recommends all adults get at least seven hours of sleep per night to optimize health. To ensure you get quality sleep, prioritize good sleep hygiene: Turn off the electronics at least two to three hours before bed, and avoid violent or stressful books or conversations, Lin says.

Drinking high amounts of alcohol is associated with a range of negative health effects, including lowered immune function. When you drink high amounts of alcohol, your body is too busy trying to detoxify your system to bother with normal immune system function, Kaplan explains. high levels of alcohol consumption can weaken your body’s ability to fight infection and slow down your recovery time. As a result, people who drink high amounts of alcohol face a greater likelihood of pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, alcoholic liver disease, and certain cancers, according to the same review.

affect immune health. “Anything that’s a toxin can compromise your immune system,” Kaplan says. In particular, the chemicals released by cigarette smoke — carbon monoxide, nicotine, nitrogen oxides, and cadmium — can interfere with growth and function of immune cells, like cytokines, T cells, and B cells, according to a November 2016 review in Oncotarget. Smoking also worsens viral and bacterial infections (especially those of the lungs, like pneumonia, flu, and tuberculosis), post-surgical infections, and rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the joints), according to the CDC. “Don’t smoke,” Lin says. And avoid secondhand smoke whenever possible. If you currently smoke, there are many resources available to help you kick your habit, including counseling, nicotine replacement products, prescription nonnicotine medications, and behavioral therapy, according to the CDC.



Glam guide for deep set eye makeup feat Shraddha Kapoor Work-ready makeup check! Step 1: Cleanse, tone, and moisturise your skin. Step 2: Get the primer to work on blemishes. Step 3: Conceal your eyelids and tap hush onto your eyelids. Step 4: Use a beige eyeshadow and blend uniformly all over your lids. Step 5: Work a thin flick with a brown kohl pencil. Step 6: Pick falsies to add oomph to your lashes. Step 6: Contour the area below your cheekbones with a soft brown shade. Step 7: Soak your lips in lip balm at first and enhance it with coral nude lipstick. Step 8: Finish it off with a setting powder/spray.




Celeb-Approved Ways To Style Traditional Dresses For Girls Fashion never remains the same, it’s dynamic and keeps evolving but one thing that can never be replaced in the Indian fashion industry is the stylish and designer traditional wears. With the onset of summer weddings, it’s time to give traditional dresses for girls a new identity by styling them like our favourite celebrities. The versatile yet adaptable silhouette is fit for every event, be it light occasions like a puja ceremony or a picture-perfect destination wedding. Alia Bhatt’s Indian wear wardrobe is full of standout ethnic looks that are perfect for a weddinghopping millennial. Her recent jaw dropping outfit by Sabyasachi comprised of a deep red silk kurta paired with a regal velvet ghagra that added an old school touch to her overall sultry ensemble. Janhvi Kapoor gives a party-ready update to the traditional six yards of elegance silhouette by donning a stunning lilac hued sequin sari by Manish Malhotra that definitely goes for a ‘Who’s that girl?’ vibe. Having a friend’s cocktail party and want to steal the spotlight? This ensemble is definitely your when in doubt go-to.


1. Use a darker shade to contour your crease. This shadows the blanket area and does not make it pop. 2. If you do not wish to use falsies, coat your lashes with waterproof mascara to do the trick.

Croatia ready to welcome foreign tourist

Sun loungers are out, beach bars are open and rave music is pumping. Hotels and restaurants are greeting visitors hoping to get a head start on summer after more than a year of coronavirus lockdowns and travel restrictions. Croatia has widely reopened its stunning Adriatic coastline for foreign tourists, becoming one of the first European countries to drop most of its pandemic measures. Now, the ability of people to go there depends on each country’s travel rules. The mood is relaxed in the Istria region, the northernmost part of the Croatian coast famous for its pebble beaches, thick pine forests, wine, and delicacies such as truffles, olive oil, goat cheese, and prosciutto.

FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021


Moong dal soup Method:

¼ cup – Moong dal, 2 cups – Water, 1 tbsp – Ghee, ½ tbsp – Jeera, ½ tbsp – Grated ginger, ½ cup – Chopped veggies (carrot, lauki, pumpkin), ¼ tbsp – Pepper, Pinch of Ginger powder, Pinch of Ajwain, Pinch of Amchur powder, Salt to taste, Handful of Kasuri Methi to garnish

* Soak ¼th cup of moong dal for at least 30 minutes. Give the dal a good rinse. * Heat 1 tbsp ghee in a pressure cooker. Saute ½ tbsp jeera and ½ tbsp freshly grated ginger in it. * Add moong dal and roast for few minutes. * Add ½ cup chopped veggies and cook for 2 minutes. * Add 2 cups water and cook on medium flame for 1-2 whistles. * When cooked, add ¼ tbsp pepper powder, dry ginger powder (a pinch), ajwain (a pinch), amchur (a pinch), and salt. * Mash the dal using the back of the spoon, let the soup come to a boil, and finally add some kasuri methi. * Serve hot.


Won’t be defined by what we lost to this virus, but how we responded to it’ Malala Yousafzai “To all the graduates of 2020 — like all of you, I’m also missing my graduation ceremony this year — and we are not alone. Across the world, COVID-19 has forced one billion students out of school but for most of us, this is temporary and we will continue our education and follow our dreams,” she said. She then commented on how the crisis will irrevocably change lives of girls. “But many girls, especially in developing countries, will never return to the classroom. Because of this crisis, they will be forced into early marriages or low paying jobs to support their families, and when schools re-open, their desks will be empty,” she said.” She concluded by saying that we will be defined not by the crisis but the way we deal with it. “The class of 2020 won’t be defined by what we lost to this virus, but how we responded to it. The world is yours now, and I can’t wait to see what you make of it.”

Restaurants ready as Poland lifts more pandemic restrictions

Many restaurants in Poland prepared to welcome customers inside Friday following months of lockdown restrictions that deeply undercut business. Food establishments were allowed to resume indoor service at 50% capacity after the country reported steady declines in new coronavirus infections and deaths. Wedding parties also are permitted for no more than 50 people, excluding those who are fully vaccinated. In Warsaw, a city of almost 2 million people, restaurant workers cooked food, scrubbed floors, cleaned furniture and spruced up plants that got dusty during the months eateries were idled.



FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021




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Medicare Plans?

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BU Requirements: Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:SALES •NowBilingual Gujrati-speaking • High school • Knowledge ROSATI'S PIZZA: 2 LOCATIONS, UPdiploma TO $15,385/WK. SUBS # 1 ASKING $150,000 & $225,000. LOW RENT of Microsoft Excel • Strong communication and phone skills AL'S BEE STRIP MAL Please FRIDAY, send resume to: /hiindialive SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 @ Medicare National Network 34

Looking for Hotel Help. RED ROOF INN Arlington Heights, IL : • $13.50/ Front Desk • $5with: Per Room Housekeeping (Housing Now MedicareHour: Advantage PPO Plans available Provided)

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Email: habeeban@saharahomecare.com

LA QUINTA INN Willowbrook, IL: • $55,000/ Per Year Wyndham Certified General Manager • $13.50 Front Desk • $5/per Room Houskeeping (Housing Provided) All jobs are 30 minutes from Downtown, Chicago



XoJ[ ÛT ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾB XdJl ʩ^@dBoXd0 3]l[f ěl ěEd5H al XoJ[Xd0 Seeki 773.526.8353 ʩ^@dBoXd0 3]l[f ělěEd5H XoJ[Xd0 ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾB XdJl /hiindialive C@ GASin STATI @ 34 @T[Sf GěZ Fl. Zal]dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 3]^l./hiindialive 34 In @T[Sf GěZ Fl . Zal ] dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 3]^l . LIQUOR STO BUY MEDICARE [fB[ ` ADVANTAGE XoJ[ al alÛFront ÛT T Desk [fB[ ěJl ěJlě ěPLANS!!! ` GěZˀ.Need GěZˀ.Need Front Desk // Night Night XoJ[ CALL FO XoJ[ al Û T Auditor. Fluent in English XoJ[ al Û T ʩ^@dBoXd03]l 3]l [f fělělěěEd5H Ed5H XoJ[Xd0 ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾB B XdJl XdJl Seekin Auditor. Fluent in English Guja ʩ^@dBoXd0 [ XoJ[Xd0 ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾ Seekin Insurance plans for ageXoJ[Xd0 65 under coverage. ʩ^@dBoXd0 3]l [ fělělěěEd5H XoJ[Xd0 ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾ Bfor XdJl Urgent need Single/Couple, preferably couple Also Need Front Desk /Ed5H Night Auditor. Fluent in English in ʩ^@dBoXd0 3]l [ f ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾ B XdJl `]dZl `dOPf `d0 G Sd F QZØYdS `0 T @ě @Zo. in Ch Ch @T[Sf GěZ Zal dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 3]^l `]dZl `dOPf `d0 G Sd F QZØYdS `0T @ě3]^l @Zo. ... C @T[Sf GěZ FlFl . ..Zal ]] dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 Direct or Obamacare or Marketplace are available @T[Sf GěZ Fl Zal ] dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 3]^l Gas Station located in Rockford, IL, lots of indian @T[Sf GěZ Fl . Zal ] dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 3]^l . Call: 773-632-6118 or 630-347-2723 [fB[ ěJl ě ` GěZˀ.Need Front Desk / Night atěě` NO consultation from us. // Night [fB[ Front Desk [fB[ěJl ěJl GěZˀ.Need Front Desk Night community. Attractive pay andfees will help you /for finding [fB[ ěJl ěAuditor. ``GěZˀ.Need GěZˀ.Need Front Desk Night Fluent in English Auditor. Fluent in English Auditor. Fluent in English Auditor. Fluent in English apartment near by Gas/ and No Paper required Also Need Front Desk /Station. Night Auditor. Fluent in English Call Medicare Broker Exce `]dZl `dOPf G SdMarketplace F QZØYdS `0work T @ě @Zo. Also Need Front Desk`d0 Night Auditor. Fluent in English

Call: 224-829-4848

HOTEL-HOUSEKEEPING JOB We are looking for Housekeeper for Hotel in below city’s, we will provide accommodation. Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:

• Albuquerque, NM. ($6 per Room + $2000 Bonus) • Las Cruces, NM ($5.50 Per Room + $2000 Bonus) • San Antonio, TX ($5 Per Room + $2000 Bonus) • Kansas City, MO ($5 Per Rooms + $2000 Bonus) • Columbia, MO ($5 Per Rooms + $2000 Bonus) • St. Joseph, MO ($5 Per Rooms + $2000 Bonus) FRIDAY, 2, 2021 • Dallas,APRIL TX ($4 Per Rooms) 773.526.8353 35 Call: 972-249-6637 or 847-334-3655 HOTEL JOB OPENING

GAS STATION HELP Under 65 Insurance- Direct or Obamacare available with NO consultation Fees MOTEL HELP `]dZl`dOPf `dOPf`d0 `d0G GSd SdF F QZØYdS QZØYdS `0 `0T T@ě @ě @Zo. @Zo. `]dZl NAVIN SHAH

`]dZl `dOPf `d0GSd F QZØYdS `0T@ě @Zo.

15 Rooms Independent Motelor in Chicago looking for Call: 773-632-6118 630-347-2723 Call: Call: 773-632-6118 or 630-347-2723 Call Sonia Patel 309-222-5817 Couple immediate need for front desk, day and night with Phone: 773-459-0750, Fax:with 847-454-3989 housekeeping couple. Good salary accommodation MOTEL HELP


provided. 3-bed room house for living quarters. Must speak 15 Rooms Independent Motel in Chicago looking for www.myuhcagent.com/navinchandra.shah English and have aneed legal status. As Front Agentwith Motel in Dubuque, Iowa immediately needed ayou Couple immediate for front desk, dayDesk and night Fullcouple time job. Good hourly pay plus tips &and commission. Urgent need Single/Couple, preferably couple forHousekeeping. Living accommodation will be checking in and out the customer clean for the housekeeping couple. Good salary with accommodation will belocated provided. Legal status must. rooms out. provided. 3-bed room house forcheck living quarters. Must speak Gas Stations in after Kenosha, WI nearby Chicago,

Family or without family will help her. English and have atown legal& status. AsIndian Front Desk Agent you very beautiful lots ofwe community. will be checking in and out the customer and clean the Now Planswill available with: Fine Dining AMedicare Advantage Attractive payPPO and help for finding apartment near Indianyou rooms after check out.

Call Rudresh Trivedi 319-432-2702 847-284-6836 Call:Call: (269) 830-3468 or or Gas Station. Khushbu R by Trivedi 319-930-9843 (269) 330-0453 1167 S Elmhurst Rd. Des Plaines IL 60016 Call: 847-284-6836 Call: 847-284-6836 Call Vijay @ 262-705-6153 HIRING



This sma DUIRE &T Excel C Excel SM This is P This is mat sma sma stud REV (Attorney REG from fam


U.S Rasoi Specials /hiindialive 773.526.8353 EYPick EHomecare BRUp OWONLY Tis Hhiring Rfrom ESupervisors AD@hiindia R TO Wfor A10N TPMED /hiindiaNews F Sahara immediate 5E PM MA Why pay a premium for HIRING employment for our Chicago Devon Skokie locations! $2.99 15 R Regular Khichdi & Shaak or and Kadhi


Grand Rapids, Michigan ખાતે આવેલી 25 રૂમની મોટેલ ચોવીસ કલાક ચલાવવા માટે કપલની જરૂર છે . તમામ 25 વીકલી છે . કામનો ખાસ ભાર ન્થી. રસ Nowરૂમ Medicare Advantageઅને PPO Plansમન્થલી available with: ધરાવનાર વ્યક્ત સંપક્ક કરો.

Eyebrow Threaders wanted. FullSupervisors hours, good hourly pay plus Sahara Homecare is speak hiring for immediate Bilingual applicants that Hindi, Urdu, or Gujrati strongly $3.99 Vagherali Khichdi & Shaak or Kadhi employment for our Chicago and Skokie locations! commission excellent Tips.Devon Very and helpful owners preferred.and Applicants should have akind minimum high school $4.99 Palak Khichdi & speak Shaak or Kadhi Bilingual that Hindi, Urdu, or Gujrati strongly diploma,applicants be with familiar with Microsoft office including Excel and familyshould like& work environment. $5.99 Badshahi Khichdi Shaak Kadhi.high school preferred. Applicants have aor minimum

Medicare Plans?

have strong written and communication Please email your Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:SALES ROSATI'S PIZZA: 2 LOCATIONS, UPskills. TO $15,385/WK. diploma, with Microsoft office including Excel and Sadabe & familiar Masala Dosa ASKING $150,000 resume to& $225,000. LOW RENT$4.99

Bhavesh Patel: 616-818-5992

Call: 219-316-0344

• •

$0 Premium, $0 PCP visit, $0 Lab Test and & Mentalcommunication Health program have strong written skills. Please email your Khichdi 12Screening Oz Container & Shaak or Kadhi in 8 Oz Container $0 Colonoscopy,in Cancer and more under Preventive resume to care Test • No referral required, visit any doctor or Hospital in USA who accept Original Medicare under


ROOMMATE NEEDED habeeban@saharahomecare.com.

Medicare National Network

• •

Wanted Motel Manager couple or Single for Franchise Motel in St. Louis MO Good Salary and Accommodation Provided.


Seeki in Ch


Call: (516)-650-6573.

Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:



al ÛT

ʩ^@dBoXd0 3]l[f ělěEd5H XoJ[Xd0 ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾB XdJl @T[Sf GěZ Fl. Zal]dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 3]^l. @T[Sf GěZ Fl. Zal]dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 3]^l. [fB[ [fB[ ěJl ěJlě ě` ` GěZˀ.Need GěZˀ.Need Front Front Desk Desk // Night Night Auditor. Fluent in English Auditor. Fluent in English North Hindu parents looking a suitable match Also Indian Need Front Desk / Night Auditor.for Fluent in English `dOPf `d0 Sd T `]dZl `dOPf `d0G G Sd F F QZØYdS QZØYdS `0going T@ě @ě @Zo. @Zo. for son,`]dZl 45 yrs, Ht 5¹5’’, handsome, easy`0 & simple, Call: 773-632-6118 630-347-2723 divorced without kids, honestor w/good values, Ph.D; scientist/ researcher currently employed in a world renowned research institute on Long Island, NY. Email biodata w/recent photos: Email: apurva_tandon@yahoo.com

Wanted Housekeeper couple for independent Motel in Washington, IA.Accommodation Provided.




XoJ[ ÛT ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾB XdJl Call 630-957-8180 /XoJ[Xd0 847-274-3697 ʩ^@dBoXd0 3]l[f ěl ěEd5H al


CALL 314-497-3292 or 314-330-4621


Chicago born & raised (Patel) June 1986 34 years, in business, divorcee in FRIDAY, 2018. No kids. Looking OCTOBER 2, 2020for an 32 attractive nice personality USA Citizen Gujarati girl. Caste no bar

Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:


FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021


Motel in Champaign, Illinois need Housekeeper. Decent salary and accommodation provided

ર ્પવામાં

છે .


Worldwide ER coverage- India and other countries Built In Drug coverage with No Premium and No Deductible, Generic at $0 copay Outine Eye, Hearing & Dental check up at $0 copay Dental & Eyewear credit for covered services. Gym Membership & OTC catalogue items benefits TRY OUR SPECIAL KATHYAWADI THALI Virtual Doctor Visit and Nurse line at no cost Bajri Rotla,Ghee ,Gor, Ringan No Oro, Sev Tomato, Lasanya Bataka, Dual Advantage PPO Plan for Medicaid & Medicare Subscribers BUY MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PPO PLANS!!! Rajwadi Khichdi, Sukhadi, Kachori, Kadhi or Chass, Papad, Salad

Male Roommate needed. Furnished room with Air Condition, Refrigerators, Microwave, close to Devon (Chicago, IL). • • Good neighborhood. Should have legal status. • Job openings in Gas Station, Chicago • Job opening Gaswith:Station3525 at Chicago, IL. PPO Plansin available Call 773-818• Now Medicare Advantage Downtown. Good pay. Parking • Good pay.Please call provided TAKING ORDERS FOR 2019. FOR ALL EVENTS! or 918-428-9184 BUY MEDICARE Serious applicants only. Call: 847-981-4133 / 847-455-8888 / 630-877-2088 ADVANTAGE PLANS!!!



312-427-7087 773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST /hiindiaNews @hiindia Email : Sams.rasoi.catering@gmail.com Please call : 312-427-7087 Insurance plans for age 65 under coverage.

Under 65 Insurance- Direct or Obamacare


renov Labo H-1B sale. Ab L-1 V good SOLD E-2 I U Vi almost


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Auditor. Auditor. Fluent Fluent in in English English Also Need Front Desk /G Night Auditor. Fluent in English `]dZl `dOPf `d0 Sd F QZØYdS `0 `]dZl `dOPf `d0G/hiindiaNews Sd F QZØYdS773.526.8353 `0T T@ě @ě @Zo. @Zo. /hiindialive @hiindia Call: 773-632-6118 or 630-347-2723

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Medicare Plans?

Rajvi Gandhi


1457 Della Dr, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:SALES UP TO $15,385/WK. ROSATI'S PIZZA: 2 LOCATIONS,

ASKING $150,000 & $225,000. LOW RENT • $0 Premium, $0 PCP visit, $0 Lab Test & Mental Health program • $0 Colonoscopy, Cancer Screening and more under Preventive care Test • No referral required, visit any doctor or Hospital in USA who accept Original Medicare under

Medicare National Network

• Worldwide ER coverage- India and other countries • Built In Drug coverage with No Premium and No Deductible, Generic at $0 copay • Outine Eye, Hearing & Dental check up at $0 copay • Dental & Eyewear credit for covered services. • Gym Membership & OTC catalogue items benefits • Virtual Doctor Visit and Nurse line at no cost • Dual Advantage PPO Plan for Medicaid & Medicare Subscribers • BUY MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PPO PLANS!!!

MRI CT MAMMOGRAM ULTRASOUND BUY MEDICARE DEXA ADVANTAGE PLANS!!! X-RAY Insurance plans for age 65 under coverage. Direct or ObamacareHOURS: or Marketplace are available MON TO FRI: 10:00 AM TO 5:00 PM atSAT: NO consultation fees from us. 10:00 AM TO 3:00 PM

Under 65 Insurance- Direct or Obamacare available with NO consultation Fees SUN: CLOSED

Call Medicare and Marketplace Broker



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OUR MISSION 1167 S Elmhurst IS Rd. Des IL 60016 TOPlaines CREATE Rasoi Specials PAAN FO R ANWEALTH Y OCCFOR ASION Pick Up ONLY from 5 PM TO 10 PM FAMILIES We provide Indo-Pak paan for Parties, $2.99 Regular Khichdi & Shaak or Kadhi Marriages & any occassion from $3.99 Vagherali Khichdi &* or Kadhi Creating 50Shaak to 500 pcs. $4.99 Palak Khichdi & Shaak or Kadhi Wills and Call Chandrakant Patel$5.99 Badshahi Khichdi & Shaak or Kadhi. or815-518-8523 $4.99 Sada &773-338-1518 Masala Dosa

Khichdi in 12 Oz Container & Shaak or Kadhi in 8 Oz Container

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7 7 3,Gor, - 9 7 3Ringan - 0 2 0 0 No ( O Oro, ) o r Sev 7 7 3Tomato, - 4 1 2 - 1Lasanya 4 6 2 ( C eBataka, ll) RAJU PATEL Bajri Rotla,Ghee Rajwadi Khichdi, E mSukhadi, a i l : f r Kachori, e e w a y t Kadhi r a v e lor s @Chass, y a h oPapad, o . c o mSalad TAKING ORDERS FOR 2019. FOR ALL EVENTS!

Call: 847-981-4133 / 847-455-8888 / 630-877-2088 Email : Sams.rasoi.catering@gmail.com

OUR MISSION IS TO CREATE WEALTH (Attorney Goyal With a Doctor in Juris & MBA from the U.S. is the Member of Chicago Bar, NWSB, & Immigration Lawyers Assoc) FOR FAMILIES Call: 847-584-7617 Professional & Affordable Legal Services For your convenience payments plans are available Evenings & Saturdays appointments available

HIRALCollege) PATEL 1625 W Colonial Pkwy, Inverness, IL 60067, (near Harper Financial Services Professional

Call: 856-938-9118

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Tel: 773-583-6300 Fax: 773-583-6301 www.visaprofessional.com A match made for your wallet.


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] Fixed and Variable Annuities ] Disability Income ] Life Insurance and ] Long Term Care Rohit A. ShahA– MBA, LUTCF ROHIT SHAHFinancial Representative


FinancialFinancial Representative The Pietsch Group, Inc. 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181

1751 Lake Cook Road,

Fixed Suite Annuities 350 Disability Income Deerfield, IL 60015 Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Life Insurance and Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Long Term Care No. 847-597-2401 Cell: Office Fax 1-847-219-2536


AVINASH DESAI (Agent for 37+years) Call: 630-370-3011 (Cell) ]Add and Variable 630-795-6956 (O)

]Disability Income ASHISH DESAI (Agent for 15+years) Call: 773-793-3157 (Cell)and ]Life Insurance 630-795-5057 ]Long Term(O) Care

2001 Butterfield Suite Office Phone No. Rd, 847-597-2400 Office800 Fax No.847-597-2401 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Rohit A. Shah – MBA, LUTCF ROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Financial Representative Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM Financial Representative of the Guardian TheFinancial PietschRepresentative Financial Group, Inc. Life Insurance Company America® (Guardian) New York, NY. The Pietsch Group Ave, is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707. Exp 8/18 1 S Financial 450 Summit Suite 135 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181


Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Cell: 1-847-219-2536 1-847-970-9431 Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com

1-847-970-9431 Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM

ompany of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. bsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Exp 8/18

The Pietsch Financial Group Inc. is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Exp 8/18

Motels, Dunkin Donut's Grocery & Liquor Stores Gas Stations etc WIth or Without Real Estates

Registered Representative of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS). Securities products offered through PAS, member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. PAS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guardian. Pietsch Financial Group is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020

/hiindialive @hiindia MIDWEST / EASTCOAST Speciality in SBA 7-A/hiindiaNews & SBA 504 Loans 773.526.8353 LOAN FOR PURCHASE & REFINANCE


California Life and Health, California Department of Insurance, License No. 2108969 Effective Date: 01/17/2020, Expiration Date: 01/31/2022


HEALTH INSURANCE 2021 ANNUAL OPEN ENROLLMENT START FROM NOV 1ST THROUGH DEC 15TH 2020 • Enroll in 2021 Health Insurance Plan now! • IF already in plan year 2020 and need change or assistance during this critical time contact me. • Don’t let this enrollment period pass you by. • Get coverage by Dec 15th 2020. Plan starts form Jan1st 2021 • Medicare annual Enrollment period Oct 15th to Dec 7th 2020

For Appointment Call

JAYSHREE V. PATEL Licensed Insurance Agent 847-361-5632/ 630-606-1759 Email: bluehelp62@gamil.com

JYOTINDRA MOTEL PATEL, HELP (JP) Ph: (847) (847) 960-4996 Seeking young581-9414, energetic coupleFax: to manage Independent Motel Email:Good jyotindra26@hotmail.com in Chicago Suburbs. Salary with free accommodation. English and Legal Status must.

Call 708-336-0641

MOTEL FOR SALE Excellent 15 Rooms Motel for SALE in CHICAGO SUBURBS. This is perfect for the new owners who wanted to learn to start small. Manager’s Apartment with 3 Bedroom house. ROOM REVENUE is 245K. Asking for $385000.00. Price is nonnegotiable. Serious buyers only.

Call: 847-284-6836

MOTEL FOR SALE 15 Rooms non-franchise Motel located at Altamont, IL Fully renovated. Manager living quarter with 2BD/ Kitchen, need to sale. Absentee owner. Key start, nothing to spent anything. Very good business Regular occupancies 6 weekly, 2-3 walk inns, almost 60%. Asking price $349,000.00. Serious inquiries only.

PLEASE CALL: 331-575-0939


FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021





773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST




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