hi INDiA | Aprill 22, 2021 | The Community First

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Mu m b a i I n d i a n s

catpain Rohit Sharma The India Open Super 500 tournament, one of the last fighters. Soon after the start ofwas the HiIndia Newsdesk entists, led by an fined Rs 12 lakh three qualifying events for the Tokyo Olympics, was on pandemic, clinicians found that a weak MIDWEST / EASTCOAST /hiindialive FRIDAY, APRIL 773.526.8353 for maintaining a 23, 2021 @hiindia /hiindiaNews rcher, has identified 1 Monday postponed due to raging COVID-19 pandemic slow over-rate during Indian-origin Vanita Gupta response to SARS-CoV-2 interferon A es that fight SARSthe IPL match against in the country. Scientist scripts history infection resulted in some of the more Delhi Capitals on Tuesday. he virus that causes Spots a Set of as first Indian“Mumbai Indians captain Rohit severe cases of Covid-19. HiIndi ding to Sumit K. Sharma has been fined after his team Human Genes American to be This knowledge led Chanda and his r and director of The India Open Super 500 tournament, one of the last three maintained a slow over-rate during that Could US’ associate collaborators to searchtheir forIPL the2021 human qualifying events for the Tokyo Olympics, was on Monday match againstHiIndia Delhi Newsdesk nd Pathogenesis postponed due to raging COVID-19 pandemic in the country. Capitals at the MA Chidambaram Fight Covid-19 attorney genes that are triggered by interferons, anford Burnham The USD Minister 400,000 India Open was scheduled to be held Stadium, Chennai on April 20, ” the French Foreign Jean-Yves Infection generalas interferon-stimulated known genes behind closed doors in the national capital from May 11 to 16. IPL said in a statement. iscovery Institute, Le Drian on Tuesday said that the BAI is left with no option “Considering the current challenges, (ISGs), which act to limit SARS-CoV-2 ained new insights announce the postponement country but hastoset a target of having of the tournament for the infection. AB De Villiers to 20,000 exploits the human time being, ” Badminton Association of India (BAI) general Indian students in France “We found that 65 ISGs controlled secretary Ajay Singhania said at a virtual press conference. e are still searching discuss T20 World by 2025.“Several Thererounds wereof10,000 Indian discussions were held with BWF as well as SARS-CoV-2 infection, including Sumit K. Chanda, professor and director eel so that we can the Delhi government and other stakeholders and accessing students studying in the European Cupvirus’ return and Pathogenesis some that inhibited the ability the safety of players and officials BAI needed to take this ntivirals,” Subscribe Chanda Free of the Immunity nation indecision. 2019,” according to 2,73,810 new positive cases Programme India have reported to enter cells, some that suppressed S o u t h A f r i c a n ished in theNews journal Updates officials at the French Embassy. b a t s m a n A B d e manufacture of the RNA that is the Villiers said“We he ishave set a target—it is to have on WhatsApp.that affect disease severity and also virus’s lifeblood, and a cluster of genes op en to a return enes helpSend control 20,000 us ‘hi’tosuggest possible therapeutic options. that inhibited assembly of the virus, t o i n”t e r n a t i o n a l Indian students in France by an greatly assist The genes in question are related to cricket at this2025, year’s and we will make it. We want 7735268353 Chanda explained. tanding of factors Twenty20 World Cup in India interferons, the body’s frontline virus toand bring French and Indian youth will discuss his future with national| hiindia.com - News Update 24/7 HiIndia Newsdesk NATIONAL EDITION | Volume 13 • Issue No. 615 APRIL 23, 2021 | THE COMMUNITY FIRST even coach Mark Boucher during the closer,” Minister Le Drian said.



Roger Federer Says He Will Play At Roland Garros

Sikhs in US feel targeted Richard Verma appointed as Mastercard’s Head of NON-STOP after FedEx CREMATIONS shooting Rajasthan Royals holdGlobal Public Policy

gin artist o display Milan

Roger Federer confirmed on Sunday he will play the French Open at Roland Garros this year having skipped the 2020 edition to recover from knee surgery. Federer, a 20time Grand Slam winner, captured Roland Garros for the Sikh community.“I’ve been scared to go only time in 2009.HiIndia His lastNewsdesk appearance in the French capital back,” Singh said. “I don’t know why this in 2019 ended in a semi-final loss to Rafael Nadal, now a Washington: happened still. Was it random, or was it 13-time champion. Should Nadal triumph again in June, he will win a record-setting F o r m21st e r major. U S“Hi everyone! Happy because of who I am?” While the motive to let you know that I will play Geneva and Paris. Until then toto play in Switzerland for last week’s rampage remains under I will use the timeAmbassador to train. Can’t wait again,” the 39-year-old on Twitter. IndiasaidRichard investigation, leaders and members Federer, who Singh willVe turn 40 ain August, rm h a s has played just one Amolak Jammu, Journalist of the Sikh community say they feel a tournament in 2021, winning one match in Qatar in & on Editor of Punjab Weekly, been appointed as return General collective trauma and believe more must March his from Counsel 13Times months on the sidelines after undergoing two bouts of knee surgeries. has passed away. hi INDiA and Head of Global Public Policypays be done to combat the bigotry, bias and He had been intending return to action tribute to Singhtoand sends deep on clay in Madrid of Mastercard, according violence they have suffered for decades in from May 2 but will now haveto hisan only pre-Paris warm-up condolences to his family. announcement by May the16.American in Geneva from the country. Amid intense pain, they’re Roland Garros will startservices on May 30, a week later than multinational financial channeling their grief into demands originally scheduled. corporation. The announcement for gun reform and tougher Ruled outhate of thecrime remainder of Indian on Thursday from Mastercard came statutes, and calls for outsiders educate Premier to League 2021, England Ben Stokes received as ita appointed Tim Murphy, the themselves about theirall-rounder Sikh neighbours. farewell from Rajasthan Royals as general counsel, to the “ We a r e t i m e a n he d went t i mback e home a g a ion n Fridaycompany’s with a jersey with the name of his father, newly created position of chief disproportionately facing senseless and who passed away last December. administrative officer. often very targeted attacks, ” said Satjeet Stokes lost his father Ged, who died Kaur, executive director of the Sikh battle with at 65 after a year-long brain cancer. Ged,that a former rugby Coalition, a New York-based group Chennai Supe player and coach, had been suffering that while it is has urged investigatorsfrom to brain examine cancer bias for some time and not want anyo was there in Christchurch for as a possible motive inStokes the shootings. Dhoni, 39, wh more than a month taking care of his “getting old an ailing father. “When you ar Stokes will be out of action for ‘up have to keep to 12 weeks’ as his fractured left challenge the index finger will require surgery that their IPL mat will take place in Leeds on Monday. guaranteeing The 29-year old flew back home on but at least if Friday night. be a big posit Indian Premier League (IPL). The 37-year-old retired f rom international cricket in 2018 but said in April last year he would consider a comeback at the T20 World Cup if it was delayed by a year to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

CAST DOUBT ON INDIA’S IPL 2021 farewell for Ben Stokes

HiIndia Newsdesk

Hyderabad– Madhuri Srikanth, an Indian-origin artist with roots i n Te l a n g a n a , has received a special invite to ks at ‘Romantica’, exhibition, to be between April 23



e Indian artist to case her works at nized by M.A.D.S., t gallery, located n Milan districts. y town in North Madhuri has been three of her works

HiIndia Newsdesk Indianapolis,: Ajeet Singh had to steel himself for a return to work at a FedEx warehouse in Indianapolis on Tuesday for the first time since a former employee shot dead eight people, including four members of Indianapolis’ tightly knit

Biden names 2 IndianAmericans to key jobs

Americans launch organisation to lly empower South Asian community

desk roup of Indianyed a key role in in US presidential nced the formation America (SAFA) – firewood furnaces at a crematorium in as and t aims to advance the western Indian state of Gujarat have been owerment running of the so long without a break during the CO-


VID-19 pandemic that metal parts have begun to Asians formelt. Biden “We are working around the clock at 100% capacity A after assessing to cremate g impact of their bodies on time,” Kamlesh Sailor, the president during the 2020 of the trust that runs the crematorium in



HiIndia Newsdesk

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d Georgia senate which led to the the White House, sentatives, and the

I do say


FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021


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773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST




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FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021

NEW FORMS OF THE VIRUS, SAME FIGHT! It’s been a long year of change. And now, even COVID is changing—with new forms of the virus called variants that may spread more easily. But one thing is the same: our determination to help slow the spread of COVID. If we remain vigilant and continue what we’ve been doing—wearing masks, keeping 6 feet apart, and getting vaccinated when it’s our turn—we can beat this virus together. Learn more at cdc.gov/coronavirus Brought to you by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.





773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Vanita Gupta scripts history as first IndianAmerican to be US’ associate attorney general

US imposes fresh sanctions on Myanmar


FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021

Prominent Indian-American civil rights lawyer Vanita Gupta has been confirmed by the US Senate as associate attorney general, making her the first person of colour to occupy the third highest position at the Department of Justice. Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski broke away from her party colleagues to support Gupta (46), giving the Democrats 51 votes to see her through the historic confirmation on Wednesday. The Senate voted 51-49 to confirm Gupta. Vice President Kamala Harris was present in the Senate to cast her vote in case of a tie. The two parties have 50 members each in the 100-seat United States Senate.

HiIndia Newsdesk

Vanita Gupta is also the first civil rights lawyer to serve at one of the top three positions at the Department of Justice.


“Congratulations to Vanita Gupta on making history as the first woman of colour to serve as associate attorney general. Now, I urge the Senate to confirm Kristen Clarke. Both are eminently qualified, highly respected lawyers who are dedicated to advancing racial equity and justice,” President Joe Biden said. Gupta is also the first civil rights lawyer to serve at one of the top three positions at the Department of Justice. Senate Majority Leader, Senator Chuck Schumer, who played a key role in her confirmation, said Gupta is the firstever woman of colour and civil rights attorney to serve in the role. “She will bring a long overdue perspective to our federal law enforcement agency,” he said.

HiIndia Newsdesk The US on Wednesday imposed fresh Myanmar-related sanctions, targeting two state-owned enterprises in the latest in a series of punitive actions following the country’s military coup as Washington said it would take further action. The US treasury department in a statement said it blacklisted Myanma Timber Enterprise (MTE) and Myanmar Pearl Enterprise, adding that the pearl and timber industries are economic resources for the Myanmar military.

Minneapolis police to “It Looks Like A Threat”: US Senators face US federal probe Question Apple, Google’s Actions

HiIndia Newsdesk A US federal investigation has been launched into policing practices in the city of Minneapolis, a day after one of its former officers was convicted of the murder of George Floyd. The justice department will look at whether there has been a pattern “of unconstitutional or unlawful policing”, Attorney General Merrick Garland said. It follows national outrage over the killing of Mr Floyd by Derek Chauvin. The former officer was convicted of all charges against him on Tuesday. Chauvin was filmed kneeling on Mr Floyd’s neck for more than nine minutes during an arrest in May 2020. Mr Floyd, an unarmed African American, was pronounced dead an hour later. His death sparked protests across the US and worldwide, and calls for police reform.

Amy Klobuchar said Apple, Google can “exclude or suppress apps that compete with their own products”.

HiIndia Newsdesk A panel of U.S. senators questioned officials from Technology SA and dating services giant Match Group, Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google on Wednesday which owns the Tinder app, have long complained that about the dominance of their mobile app stores and mandatory revenue sharing for sales of digital goods whether the companies abuse their power at the and strict inclusion rules set by Apple’s App Store for expense of smaller competitors. iPhones and iPads, along with Google’s Play store for Amy Klobuchar, the top Senate Democrat on antitrust Android devices, amount to anticompetitive behavior. issues, said Apple and Google can use their power Representatives for Apple and Google told senators to “exclude or suppress apps that compete with their the companies’ tight control over their stores and the own products” and “charge excessive fees that affect associated revenue-sharing requirements are needed competition.” to enforce and pay for security measures to protect App makers like music streaming service Spotify consumers from harmful apps and practices.

US Shares Details Of Sanctions Ready To Lift With Iran

HiIndia Newsdesk Paris: The United States has shared with Iran details of the sanctions it is prepared to lift under a return to a nuclear accord, a senior official said Wednesday. The United States and Iran are taking their second break from indirect talks in Vienna on how to restore a 2015 nuclear

Representatives for Apple and Google told senators the companies’ tight control over their stores and the associated revenue-sharing requirements are needed to enforce and pay for security measures to protect consumers from harmful apps and practices.

accord backed by President Joe Biden, after his predecessor Donald Trump walked away. “This time, we have gone into more detail,” a senior US official said of the latest EU-led talks. “We have provided Iran with a number of examples of the kind of sanctions that we believe we would need to lift in order to come back into compliance and the sanctions that we believe we would not need to lift,” he said. The official said the United States has also described a third category of “difficult cases” in which Trump reimposed sanctions that are not related to nuclear activity but were done “purely for the purpose of preventing” Biden from re-entering the deal.

“Today We Did It”: Joe Biden Over US Administering 200 Million Vaccine Doses

HiIndia Newsdesk Washington: President Joe Biden on Wednesday hailed his government’s “s t u n n i n g ” a c h i e v e m e n t i n administering 200 million Covid-19 vaccine shots across the United States

ahead of schedule. Biden said the landmark had been reached a week before he hits his administration’s 100-day mark -- the deadline he’d announced for meeting the 200 million doses challenge. “Today we did it, today we hit 200 million shots,” he said in a televised speech from the White House. This is “an incredible achievement for the nation.” Biden called the 200 million shots in 100 days a “goal unmatched in the world or in prior mass vaccination efforts in American history.” “The progress we’ve made has been stunning,” he said.






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FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021

Mexico cartel used explosive drones to attack police

HiIndia Newsdesk Suspected criminals in Mexico have used drones to drop explosives on police, injuring two officers. Officials think the powerful Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) is behind Tuesday’s attack in the western state of Michoacán. In August, two rigged drones were found in the car of suspected CJNG members. The drones are thought to be the latest weapons in a deadly war between the drugs cartel and the security forces and vigilantes opposed to them.

Princess Latifa: UN calls for ‘concrete’ proof of life from UAE




Vladimir Putin warns West not to cross ‘red line’

HiIndia Newsdesk President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia good relations with all participants of on Wednesday delivered an annual international society”. address replete with threats against the “The organisers of any provocations West but, despite intense tensions with threatening the fundamental interests of Ukraine, stopped short of announcing our security will regret their deeds more new military or foreign policy moves. than they have regretted anything in a Russia’s response will be “asymmetric, long time,” Putin told a hall of governors fast and tough” if it is forced to defend its and members of Parliament. interests, Putin said, pointing to what he “I hope no one gets the idea to cross the claimed were western efforts at regime so-called red line with Russia — and we change in Belarus as another threat to will be the ones to decide where it runs Russia’s security. in every concrete case.” He pledged that Russia “wants to have

Australia provokes China anger over scrapped deals HiIndia Newsdesk The UN has called for the United Arab Emirates to provide “concrete” proof that Princess Latifa Al Maktoum, the daughter of Dubai’s ruler reportedly being held in detention, is alive. In a statement issued in Geneva on Tuesday, UN human rights experts also said she should be released “urgently”. Princess Latifa tried to flee Dubai in 2018. In footage shared with BBC Panorama, she says commandos drugged her and flew her back to detention. The UN says it needs more information. Dubai’s royal family has previously said Princess Latifa is safe and being “cared for at home”. On 5 March, the UN said it was still awaiting further details from the UAE - two weeks after an initial request for proof of life. In Tuesday’s statement, the UN experts called on the government of the UAE once again to “provide meaningful information” on Princess Latifa’s fate “without delay”. T h e y a s k e d f or “ i n d e p e n d e nt verification of the conditions under which she is being held, and for her immediate release”. “The statement issued by the Emirates authorities’ merely indicating that she was being ‘cared for at home’ is not sufficient at this stage,” the statement said.

773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Deadly blast hits luxury venue in Quetta

HiIndia Newsdesk A bomb explosion at a luxury hotel in the Pakistani city of Quetta has killed at least four people and wounded 12. The Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan is suspected to have been the target of the attack in the car park of the Serena Hotel, correspondents say. He is understood to be in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan province near the Afghan border, but was not present at the scene at the time. The Pakistani Taliban have claimed the attack, without giving details.

Jimmy Lai sentenced to 14 months for prodemocracy protests

HiIndia Newsdesk Hong Kong pro-democracy media tycoon Jimmy Lai has been sentenced to 14 months in prison after being found guilty of unauthorised assembly. Mr Lai, 73, was one of several activists in court who were earlier found guilty of charges relating to pro-democracy protests in 2019. The founder of the Apple Daily tabloid is a fierce critic of Beijing.

Thousands across Russia defy ban on protests HiIndia Newsdesk Australia has scrapped agreements government has no sincerity in tied to China’s Belt and Road initiative, improving China-Australia relations,” prompting anger from Beijing and a spokesperson said in a statement. adding further strain to tense relations It is the first time Canberra has used between the countries. the powers to veto deals made by states, The federal government used new local governments or public universities powers to rip up two deals made with foreign countries. The laws allow between the state of Victoria and China. the government to cancel agreements Canberra said it was backing away from deemed to threaten Australia’s national the agreements to protect Australia’s interest. national interest. In addition to the China deals, Foreign The Chinese embassy in Australia Minister Marise Payne also scrapped branded the move “provocative”. agreements with Iran and Syria. They It said the action by Canberra was were a memorandum of understanding “bound to bring further damage to sealed between Victoria’s education bilateral relations, and will only end up department and Iran, signed in 2004, hurting itself.” and a 1999 scientific cooperation “It further shows that the Australian agreement signed with Syria.

HiIndia Newsdesk Thousands of people around Russia have joined unauthorised rallies to protest against the detention of jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny. They are calling for Navalny, who has been on hunger strike for weeks, to receive proper medical care. More than 1,000 people were reportedly arrested.




FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021






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FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021



India News

With 3.14 Lakh Covid Cases, India Records World’s Biggest Daily Spike

India reported over 3 lakh cases of the novel coronavirus on Thursday, the highest daily increase in infections the country has recorded in the pandemic so far. No country has recorded more cases in a single day. There were 2,104 deaths reported on the same day, another record for India. With 3,14,835 new cases, the total infections stand at 1,59,30,965. The toll, meanwhile, stands at 1,84,657. Amid the oxygen crisis in the national capital, the Delhi High Court came down strongly on the Centre on Wednesday, saying it seemed that “human lives are not that important..

HiIndia Newsdesk

India Coronavirus Cases: The centre has assured that “oxygen demand and supply is being monitored round the clock”.

“Need Solution, Not Hollow Speech”: Rahul Gandhi

HiIndia Newsdesk In a sharply-worded tweet, the Congress MP from Kerala’s Wayanad targeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his address to the nation on Tuesday, calling it a “hollow speech”. “I am quarantined at home and I continue to see tragic stories being reported from across the country. India has not just been hit by the coronavirus crisis but has been battered by the anti-people policies of the government. The country doesn’t need hollow speeches and useless festivals.... India is in dire need of a solution,” the Congress leader wrote in a tweet in Hindi

for the state”. “Beg, borrow or steal. It is a national emergency,” the judges said. The court’s observations come as several private hospitals reached out to the Delhi government regarding depleting oxygen supplies. The Maharashtra government, meanwhile, announced fresh restrictions on office attendance, marriage ceremonies and travel. The new set of restrictions will come into effect from 8 pm on Thursday and will remain in force until 7 am on May 1. Goa also decided to impose a night curfew till April 30 to tackle the pandemic.

Britain’s Heathrow Airport Refuses To Allow Extra Flights From India The move by Britain comes after it detected more than 100 cases of a coronavirus variant first identified in India, Health Minister Matt Hancock said on Monday. HiIndia Newsdesk Britain’s Heathrow Airport has refused to allow extra flights from India before the country is added on Friday to Britain’s “red-list” of locations from which most travel is banned due to a high number of COVID-19 cases, the airport said on Wednesday. The move by Britain comes after it detected more than 100 cases of a coronavirus variant first identified in India, Health Minister Matt Hancock said on Monday.

“We’ve made the difficult but vital decision to add India to the Red List. This means anyone who is not a UK or Irish resident or a British citizen cannot enter the UK if they’ve been in India in the previous 10 days,” Hancock had told parliament. Heathrow Airport’s refusal to allow extra flights from India was reported earlier by the BBC, with the airport adding that it turned down the requests from airlines because of concerns about queues at passport control.

773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Sitaram Yechury’s son dies of Covid-19

HiIndia Newsdesk Communist Party of India (Marxist) general secretary Sitaram Yechury on Thursday said his son Ashish Yechury died of Covid-19. “It is with great sadness that I have to inform that I lost my elder son, Ashish Yechury to COVID-19 this morning. I want to thank all those who gave us hope and who treated him - doctors, nurses, frontline health workers, sanitation workers and innumerable others who stood by us,” Yechury wrote on Twitter.

Oxygen, bed crisis as Covid-19 cases surge

HiIndia Newsdesk India’s count of active Covid-19 patients surged overnight by over 125,000 to cross 2.15 million on Wednesday, double the peak during the first wave last September, portending additional strain on healthcare resources struggling with shortages of beds, oxygen and critical care staff. Health authorities on Wednesday detected 295,041 new Covid-19 cases and recorded 2,023 deaths, the highest so far, but experts predict the daily casualty count is likely to increase in the coming days, given the lag between new cases and deaths.

Covid-19 pandemic: Few Uttar Pradesh hospitals rip Pfizer: Will supply Covid-19 vaccine infections after vaccines oxygen veil, blame Yogi only through govt. channels

HiIndia Newsdesk Only three to four persons per 10,000 vaccinated with either Covaxin or C ovishield have developed Covid-19 infections after two doses, India’s health research agency said on Wednesday, releasing preliminary results of real-world efficacy. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMCR) said it had counted 695 (0.04 per cent) infections among 1,737,178 people who had received two Covaxin doses and 5,014 (0.03 per cent) infections among 15,732,754 people who had received two Covishield doses. “These are very small numbers and not at all worrisome,” said Balram Bhargava, the ICMR’s director-general. “We call infections after vaccinations breakthrough infections. The two vaccines we’re using are designed to reduce infections and prevent severe disease and deaths.”

HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk Pfizer has decided to Several private Covid prioritise orders from the hospitals in Lucknow government, and supply have put up notices doses of its Covid-19 accusing Uttar Pradesh vaccine “only through chief minister Yogi government contracts” Adityanath and the in India. Centre of failing to provide oxygen and requested families to shift patients elsewhere, prompting This may potentially mean that the American drug giant’s vaccine, developed with BioNTech, may not some helpless relatives to bemoan a “non-existent be available through private hospitals in the country government”. In the notice pasted at its gate on Wednesday afternoon, — unless the Centre or state governments decide to sell doses to these facilities. The decision by Pfizer comes Mayo Medical Centre at Gomti Nagar and Make Well at a time when India has opened up its immunisation Hospital and Trauma Centre said: “After repeated strategy, and allowed companies the option of charging request to the UP CM/Central Govt, we are not able to states and private hospitals a potentially higher rate get enough oxygen supply. Hence we are requesting the for their vaccines. While expressing the company’s family members of those patients who are on oxygen commitment to making its vaccine available in India, a support (to) please take their patients to (a) higher centre for further management. We are extremely sorry Pfizer spokesperson reiterated its decision to prioritise governments in their immunisation programmes for the inconvenience.” “during this pandemic phase”.




FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021





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Top Stories of the Week

3.14 lakh cases, a global record No country has recorded more cases in a single day

HiIndia Newsdesk

India reported over 3 lakh cases of the novel coronavirus on Thursday, the highest daily increase in infections the country has recorded in the pandemic so far. No country has recorded more cases in a single day. There were 2,104 deaths counted on the same day, another record for India. With 3,14,835 new cases, the total infections stand

at 1,59,30,965. The toll, meanwhile, stands at 1,84,657. Amid the spike, the Maharashtra government announced fresh restrictions on office attendance, marriage ceremonies and travel. The Supreme Court Thursday asked the Centre to put in place a national policy on issues relating to the supply of oxygen, essential drugs and method of vaccination.

During the hearing, the court also said that it will examine the judicial power of the High Courts to declare lockdown amid the Covid-19 pandemic. A bench headed by Chief S A Bobde and also comprising of Justices L N Rao and S R Bhat issued notice to the Centre and said it would hear the matter on Friday.

SC asks Centre to show ‘national plan’ Elections : Despite Covid surge, on oxygen supply, vaccination method voter turnout till 1.30 pm nears 60%

HiIndia Newsdesk Taking suo motu cognisance of the prevailing covid-19 pandemic situation

Sonia to PM: vaccine policy arbitrary

HiIndia Newsdesk Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Thursday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the new Covid-19 vaccine policy, terming it as arbitrary and discriminatory and urged him to intervene immediately to reverse it. In a letter to the prime minister, the Congress chief alleged that the new vaccine policy implies that the central government has abdicated its responsibility of providing free vaccines to all Indians between 18 and 45 years of age.

in the country, the Supreme Court on Thursday asked the Centre to put in place a national policy on issues relating to the supply of oxygen, essential drugs and method of vaccination. During the hearing, the court also said that it will examine the judicial power of the High Courts to declare lockdown amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier on Tuesday, the SC had put on hold the Allahabad High Court order imposing “almost complete lockdown/curfew in five major cities of Uttar Pradesh”.

HiIndia Newsdesk Voter turnout in the West Bengal climbed up to 57.30% at 1.30 pm on Thursday from 37.27% at 11 am, data put out by the Election Commission of India showed. The sixth phase of polls kicked off in West Bengal at 7 am on Thursday. Polling is being conducted at 14,480 polling stations in 43 Assembly constituencies across parts of North 24 Parganas, Nadia, Uttar Dinajpur and Purba Bardhaman. Among the 306 candidates whose political fate will be decided during this phase are

‘Not a time for A vs B’: Centre says in HC on oxygen supply

HiIndia Newsdesk Many hospitals treating Covid-19 patients in Delhi have said that their oxygen stock has reached critical levels. The high court has been asked to direct the Centre and Delhi government to ensure proper supply of medical oxygen. More hospitals in Delhi moved the high court on Thursday, pleading the replenishment of oxygen so that they can continue providing care to

coronavirus disease (Covid-19) patients. The fresh one to approach the high court is Saroj Super Specialty in Rohini. The bench of justices Vipin Sanghi and Rekha Palli heard a fresh matter by Saroj after a plea from Max Healthcare on Wednesday. It once again asked the Centre what steps have been taken to ensure proper oxygen supply to hospitals. The Delhi govt told the court that oxygen plants in Durgapur, Rourkela and Kalinganagar (in Odisha) have been asked to deliver oxygen to hospitals in Delhi. “The intention is there, but the plants are at far off places making it difficult for them to bring oxygen. It will take two days,” said senior advocate Rahul Mehra, appearing for the Delhi government.

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heavyweights such as Bharatiya Janata Party’s national vice-president Mukul Roy, TC ministers Jyotipriyo Mallick and Chandrima Bhattacharya, and CPI(M) leader Tanmay Bhattacharya. Also among the prominent names are film director Raj Chakraborty and actor Koushani Mukherjee, who are TMC’s candidates from the Barrackpore and the Krishnanagar North constituencies respectively. The sixth phase of polls is being held in the midst of an unprecedented Covid-19 surge.

India to get Russia’s Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine only by end-May HiIndia Newsdesk India will start receiving Russia’s Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine by endMay, its local distributor Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories told Reuters on Thursday, a later than expected schedule that could slow the country’s immunisation drive. “We are targeting to have the first batches imported by (fiscal) Q1, and are trying our best to have them by end-May,” a Dr. Reddy’s spokesman told. “Sputnik is going to be made in India in a few months. We expect the Indiamade vaccine to start being available from the second quarter of the fiscal (year).” India’s ambassador to Moscow said last week deliveries of Sputnik V to the country were expected to begin this month, the TASS news agency reported.









An armed and angry mob of Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill and clashed with police on Wednesday as Congress convened to validate Joe Biden’s presidential win. What led to the siege, and why is Trump being blamed?




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Top Stories of the Week

Oxygen tanker leak kills 22 HiIndia Newsdesk

New Delhi: Twenty two COVID-19 patients died today due to lack of oxygen, Nashik district collector said, after an oxygen tanker leaked outside a hospital in the Maharashtra city causing oxygen supply to be halted for around 30 minutes. All the victims were on ventilators and in need of constant oxygen supply. The incident occurred at the city’s Zakir Hussain Hospital which is a Covid-dedicated facility. Around 150 patients were either oxygendependant or on ventilators. Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope promised the government will look into the matter and conduct a thorough probe. “As per the information

Nashik oxygen leak: Around 31 patients out of 80 who need oxygen have been shifted to other hospitals.

available with us, 11 patients who were on ventilators at the hospital in Nashik have died. The leakage was spotted at the oxygen tank which was supplying oxygen to these patients. The interrupted supply could be linked to the deaths of the 11 patients in the hospital,” Mr Tope said. “We will issue a statement later after the investigation is over,” he added. Visuals from the hospital show rapidly leaking gas from the tanker and covering the surrounding areas in white fumes. Panic struck the patients and their family members as the oxygen supply was stopped. Heartwrenching visuals show families trying to help the patients as they gasp for breath.

‘When Manmohan Singh Gives Suggestions, Listen’: Priyanka Gandhi Hits Out

PM: Use lockdown as last resort

The Congress leader said it is the government’s failure that the country is faced with shortage of vaccines, oxygen and remdesivir. HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi today castigated the Centre for not taking the opposition parties into confidence even when the nation was facing an unprecedented health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. Emphasising that this was a moment for the entire nation to stand together, she hit out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government for allegedly ridiculing even his predecessor Dr Manmohan Singh’s earnest recommendations. Targeting PM Modi himself in an interview with ANI, she said he must now stop his “public relations exercise” and talk to the people and opposition parties over the

Covishield price hiked for states, hospitals

crisis. The Congress General Secretary in charge of Uttar Pradesh claimed the Centre was willing to talk to even Pakistan’s InterServices Intelligence, but not Opposition leaders. “Today I do not think that there is any opposition leader who is not giving constructive and positive suggestions. And all the political parties are saying that we are with you (Centre),” she said. “Manmohan Singh ji was Prime Minister for 10 years. Everyone knows how dignified a person he is. If he is giving suggestions... then suggestions should be taken up with the same dignity with which they were offered,” she said, asking that if opposition leaders do not raise their voice, who will.

PM Praises Tata Group’s “Compassionate Gesture” To Ease Oxygen Crisis

HiIndia Newsdesk Prime Minister Narendra Modi o n Tu e s d a y ruled out a countrywide lockdown and urged the states to use the measure as a last resort. In an address to the nation amid signs that the healthcare system is being overwhelmed in some states, Modi emphasised expanding the vaccination campaign and the health infrastructure. “Humein desh ko lockdown se bachana hai (We have to save the country from a lockdown),” Modi said in the 20-minute address. Modi mentioned that Ram Navami falls on Wednesday and hailed the importance of Ramazan while urging people to observe Covid protocols.

Cop convicted of killing George Floyd

Tata Group’s announcement came soon after PM Modi’s address to the nation on the escalating Covid crisis where he said the government is trying to meet the huge demand for oxygen. HiIndia Newsdesk Serum Institute of India (SII), the world’s largest vaccine maker, on Wednesday announced a price of Rs 600 per dose for Covid vaccine supplies to private hospitals and Rs 400 per dose to state governments. In a statement posted on its Twitter handle, SII said it will address the limited capacity by scaling up the vaccine production over the next two months. “Going ahead, 50 per cent of our capacities will be served to the Government of India’s vaccination programme, and the remaining 50 per cent of the capacity will be for the state governments and private hospitals,” it said.

N e w D e l h i : T h e Ta t a G r o u p’s announcement on Twitter to import 24 cryogenic containers to transport liquid oxygen was praised by Prime Minister Narendra Modi who called it a “compassionate gesture” as the country battles an acute oxygen shortage due to exploding Covid cases. The announcement came soon after the Prime Minister’s address to the nation on the escalating Covid crisis where he said the government is trying to meet the huge demand for oxygen. The conglomerate praised PM Modi’s address to the nation where he likened the second, more deadly wave of coronavirus with a storm. “PM Narendra Modi’s

HiIndia Newsdesk

appeal to the people of India is laudatory and we at the Tata Group, are committed to doing as much as possible to strengthen the fight against COVID-19. To mitigate the oxygen crisis, here is one such effort to boost health infrastructure,” the Tata Group tweeted. They followed the tweet with: “The Tata group is importing 24 cryogenic containers to transport liquid oxygen and help ease the oxygen shortage in the country.” Within minutes, the Prime Minister responded to the tweet praising the Tata Group’s newest contribution. The multinational company is known for its contribution to various causes through its philanthropic affiliate Tata Trusts.

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Derek Chauvin was found guilty of two counts of murder on Tuesday in the death of George Floyd, whose final breaths last May under the knee of Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer, were captured on video, setting off months of protests against the police abuse of Black people. After deliberating for about 10 hours over two days following an emotional trial that lasted three weeks, the jury found Chauvin, who is white, guilty of second-degree murder, thirddegree murder and second-degree manslaughter for the killing of Floyd, a Black man, on a street corner last year on Memorial Day.









An armed and angry mob of Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill and clashed with police on Wednesday as Congress convened to validate Joe Biden’s presidential win. What led to



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Top Stories of the Week

Lockdown in Delhi from tonight The lockdown will kick in at 10 pm tonight and stay in force till 5 am on April 26. The categories of professionals and individuals who were kept out of the ambit of the weekend curfew are likely to remain exempted during the week-long curfew as well. HiIndia Newsdesk The national capital will be under a lockdown from tonight till next Monday to check the spread of Covid-19. The decision was taken at a meeting between Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Lt Governor Anil Baijal on Monday.

Boris Johnson’s India Visit Next Week Cancelled Due To COVID-19

The lockdown will kick in at 10 pm tonight and stay in force till 5 am on April 26. The categories of professionals and individuals who were kept out of the ambit of the weekend curfew are likely to remain exempted during the week-long curfew as well. A detailed order will be issued soon, Kejriwal said, addressing a webcast. “The Covid situation in Delhi is grim,” he added. Delhi has seen close to 23,500 cases in the last 24 hours. On Sunday, Delhi recorded the biggest jump in its daily Covid tally with 25,462 fresh cases. The positivity rate has spiked to alarming levels causing an acute shortage of beds and leaving virtually no ICU beds vacant.

The Ministry of External Affairs said that the two sides will be holding a virtual meeting in the coming days

HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: British Prime Kingdom will not visit India next week. The two sides will Minister Boris Johnson has be holding a virtual meeting in the coming days to launch cancelled his April 25 visit to plans for a transformed India-UK relationship. Both leaders India due to current coronavirus attach the highest importance to taking the India-UK situation. He will instead hold partnership to its fullest potential and propose to remain in a virtual meeting with Prime close touch in this regard and look forward to an in-person Minister Narendra Modi later meeting later in the year,” said Arindam Bagchi, the official this month to launch their MEA Spokesperson in a response to media queries on Mr plans for the future UK-India Johnson’s visit. partnership, the Ministry of Mr Johnson’s office had last week announced the visit would External Affairs said in a statement. be shortened. It was originally organised to span three days “In view of the prevailing Covid situation, it has been decided and set to begin on April 26. by mutual agreement that the Prime Minister of the United

Kejriwal, Baijal urge migrant workers not to leave the city

HiIndia Newsdesk Announcing a week-long lockdown to tackle the surge in Covid-19 cases, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal Monday appealed to migrant workers to not leave the city, stressing that the restrictions will be lifted as soon as possible. The CM acknowledged that the lockdown will hit the daily wagers and the working class population. Lt Governor Anil Baijal also instructed the administration to take all possible steps to address the woes of the workers during the lockdown period, said a Delhi government official. “I appeal to all migrant workers to stay back. The lockdown will be in force for a brief period. I hope we won’t have to extend it. I have always opposed measures like lockdown, which cannot end Covid. It can merely slow down the spread of the infection. Over the next six days, we will beef up the medical infrastructure in the city in cooperation with the Centre,” Kejriwal said.

AB De Villiers to discuss T20 World Cup return HiIndia Newsdesk

2.73 lakh new cases; PM Modi holds review meeting

South African batsman AB de Villiers said he is open to a return to international cricket at this year’s Twenty20 World Cup in India and will discuss his future with national coach Mark Boucher during the Indian Premier League (IPL). The 37-year-old retired from international cricket in 2018 but said in April last year he would consider a comeback at the T20 World Cup if it was delayed by a year to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “We’re lined up to have a chat sometime during the IPL. But yes, we’ve been talking about it already,” De Villiers told reporters after scoring 76 for Royal Challengers Bangalore in Sunday’s 38-run win over Kolkata Knight Riders. “Last year, he (Boucher) asked me if I would be interested. I said, ‘absolutely’. And come the end of the IPL, we’ll have a look at where we’re at with regards to my form and my fitness.”Also, the situation with his team — he’s got to look at his guys who have been performing well … If there’s no space for me so be it. If I can slot in there, it’ll be fantastic if all those things fall in place.”

HiIndia Newsdesk India’s total tally of COVID-19 cases crossed the 1.50-crore mark with around 25 lakh cases being added in just 15 days. The nationwide tally of COVID-19 cases mounted to 1,50,61,919 with a record single-day rise of 2,73,810 coronavirus infections. India also reported 1,619 deaths in a new record high today. The total caseload is now 1.5 crore; 1.78 lakh people have died so far. This is the fifth straight day that over 2 lakh cases were reported. Maharashtra, Delhi and Karnataka saw the biggest singleday surge in the last 24 hours. Maharashtra logged 68,631 infections, Delhi reported 25,462 new cases while Karnataka saw a spike of 19,067 cases. The national capital will be under a lockdown from tonight till next Monday to check the spread of Covid-19. The decision was taken at a meeting between Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Lt Governor Anil Baijal on Monday.

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An armed and angry mob of Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill and clashed with police on Wednesday as Congress convened to validate Joe Biden’s presidential win. What led to the siege, and why is Trump being blamed?



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FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021 FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2021

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Top Stories of the Week

PM Modi seeks curtailment of Kumbh Mela amid surge in COVID-19 cases ‘I made a suggestion that now that the Shahi Snans were done, the rest of the events could be undertaken in a symbolic way,’ he tweeted about his conversation with Swami Awadeshananda Giri. HiIndia Newsdesk As COVID-19 cases in the country topped over 2.3 lakh cases on Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi sought a curtailment of the Kumbh Mela under way in Haridwar, suggesting to ‘akharas’ (congregations of Hindu seers) that the event be concluded with symbolic rituals. Tweeting on Saturday morning, Mr. Modi said that he had spoken to Swami Awadeshananda Giri over

the telephone and after enquiring about the health of Hindu seers gathered for the Kumbh suggested that the event be curtailed. “I made a suggestion that now that the Shahi Snans (rituals baths in the Ganga in specific dates) were done, the rest of the events could be undertaken in a symbolic way,” he tweeted about his conversation with the Swami.

EC Firm on Not Clubbing Remaining Phases, Reduces Campaign Hours

HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: Refusing to club the remaining three phases of elections in West Bengal, the Election Commission on Friday, April 16, reduced the time for campaigning by three hours in view of the renewed COVID-19 crisis. The poll panel ordered that campaigns now go on until 7 pm. Earlier the limit was 10 pm. It also extended the silence period from 48 hours to 72 hours in each of the remaining three of the eight phases of the West Bengal assembly polls to be held on April 22, 26 and 29. During the silence period, which is usually for 48 hours, parties and candidates cannot hold rallies and meetings. Meanwhile the ruling Trinamool Congress was sidelined in an all-party meeting held to raise the demand of clubbed phases on April 16.

HiIndia Newsdesk Mumbai: Serum Institute of India (SII) CEO Adar Poonawalla on Friday said the US needs to lift its embargo on raw material exports to help ramp up vaccine production. SII is currently manufacturing anti-coronavirus vaccine Covishield, developed by Astrazeneca and Oxford University. The vaccine is not only being used in India, but exported to a number of countries. Poonawalla had earlier admitted that SII has been facing problems in sending out required number of batches of vaccines due to the bureaucratic and governmentrelated hurdles.

HiIndia Newsdesk

second wave of the pandemic. “On the request of the Gujarat government, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has decided to depute 25 doctors and 75 paramedics from the paramilitary forces at the upcoming 900-bed COVID hospital to be set up by the DRDO in Ahmedabad,” a ministry official said.

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1,341 Deaths In 24 Hours

HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: India’s Covid caseload rose to 1.45 crore with 2,34,692 fresh infections - the sharpest-ever daily spike - as the country recorded over 2 lakh cases for the third straight day. With 1,341 deaths, India saw the deadliest day of the pandemic this year. Maharashtra and Delhi saw the highest-ever surge in infections in the last 24 hours. With 63,729 new infections, Maharashtra’s caseload is past the 37-lakh mark now. Delhi, which has surpassed Mumbai, has recorded over 8 lakh cases since the start of the pandemic; 19,486 cases were recorded in the last 24 hours.

Adar Poonawalla Economy in better shape Urges US To Lift Raw than during 2020’s Material Export Ban COVID-19 wave: CEA

Govt to send 25 doctors, 75 paramedics from central police forces to Ahmedabad Covid facility New Delhi: The Centre on Saturday decided to depute 25 doctors and 75 paramedics from the paramilitary forces at an upcoming 900-bed COVID hospital being set up by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in Gujarat’s Ahmedabad, officials said. Gujarat is one of the states from where a high number of COVID-19 cases are being reported during the

Record 2.34 Lakh Fresh Covid Cases In India

HiIndia Newsdesk

CEA Subramanian says uncertainty is much lower because of vaccination drive The Indian economy is in a better shape as compared to the previous COVID-19 wave witnessed last year because of vaccines, Chief Economic Adviser (CEA) K. V. Subramanian said on Friday. “There is a second wave therefore people should be careful about it and follow all regulations,” he said, speaking at an event organised by Amazon. “But overall compared to previous episode, we are in a better shape because vaccine is out and vaccination drive is proceeding. So uncertainty is much lower,” the CEA added. Following the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, India went in for one of the strictest lockdowns, leading to a massive contraction of about 24% in GDP. Beginning March this year, the second wave started rearing its head with a sudden jump in cases, forcing many States to go for localised restrictions. India added a record 2,17,353 new coronavirus infections in a day, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Friday. This is the second consecutive day that the country has reported over two lakh cases. “I think Indian economy is really equipped very well to usher in the significant growth that is happening in e-commerce,” he said.









An armed and angry mob of Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill and clashed with police on Wednesday as Congress convened to validate Joe Biden’s presidential win. What led to the siege, and why is Trump being blamed?



FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021




Indian-origin Scientist Spots a Set of Human Genes that Could Fight Covid-19 Infection A team of US scientists, led by an Indian-origin researcher, has identified a set of human genes that fight SARSCoV-2 infection, the virus that causes Covid-19. According to Sumit K. Chanda, professor and director of the Immunity and Pathogenesis Programme at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, the scientists have gained new insights into how the virus exploits the human cells it invades. “We are still searching for its Achille’s Heel so that we can develop optimal antivirals,” Chanda said in a paper published in the journal Molecular Cell. Knowing which genes help control viral infection can greatly assist researchers’ understanding of factors

Indian-origin artist Madhuri to display works in Milan

HiIndia Newsdesk

Sumit K. Chanda, professor and director of the Immunity and Pathogenesis Programme

that affect disease severity and also suggest possible therapeutic options. The genes in question are related to interferons, the body’s frontline virus

Sikhs in US feel targeted after FedEx shooting

HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad– Madhuri Srikanth, an Indian-origin artist with roots i n Te l a n g a n a , has received a special invite to showcase her works at ‘Romantica’, an international art exhibition, to be held at Italy’s Milan between April 23 and May 2. Madhuri is the lone Indian artist to be invited to showcase her works at the exhibition organized by M.A.D.S., a contemporary art gallery, located in one of the main Milan districts. A resident of Cary town in North Carolina (USA), Madhuri has been invited to showcase three of her works at the exhibition.

fighters. Soon after the start of the pandemic, clinicians found that a weak interferon response to SARS-CoV-2 infection resulted in some of the more severe cases of Covid-19. This knowledge led Chanda and his collaborators to search for the human genes that are triggered by interferons, known as interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), which act to limit SARS-CoV-2 infection. “We found that 65 ISGs controlled SARS-CoV-2 infection, including some that inhibited the virus’ ability to enter cells, some that suppressed manufacture of the RNA that is the virus’s lifeblood, and a cluster of genes that inhibited assembly of the virus,” Chanda explained.

HiIndia Newsdesk Indianapolis,: Ajeet Singh had to steel himself for a return to work at a FedEx warehouse in Indianapolis on Tuesday for the first time since a former employee shot dead eight people, including four members of Indianapolis’ tightly knit

Sikh community.“I’ve been scared to go back,” Singh said. “I don’t know why this happened still. Was it random, or was it because of who I am?” While the motive for last week’s rampage remains under investigation, leaders and members of the Sikh community say they feel a collective trauma and believe more must be done to combat the bigotry, bias and violence they have suffered for decades in the country. Amid intense pain, they’re channeling their grief into demands for gun reform and tougher hate crime statutes, and calls for outsiders to educate themselves about their Sikh neighbours. “ We a r e t i m e a n d t i m e a g a i n disproportionately facing senseless and often very targeted attacks,” said Satjeet Kaur, executive director of the Sikh Coalition, a New York-based group that has urged investigators to examine bias as a possible motive in the shootings.

Indian-Americans launch organisation to politically empower South Asian community HiIndia Newsdesk Washington: A group of IndianAmericans who played a key role in Joe Biden’s victory in US presidential election have announced the formation of South Asians for America (SAFA) – an organisation that aims to advance the political empowerment of the community. Leaders from South Asians for Biden (SAB) formed SAFA after assessing the groundbreaking impact of their organising efforts during the 2020 general election and Georgia senate election victories, which led to the Democrats winning the White House, the House of Representatives, and the Senate. SAFA is dedicated to increasing the political power of the South Asian diaspora community, the SAB said, adding that the aim is to increase civic engagement, political participation and

SAFA is dedicated to increasing the political power of the South Asian diaspora community

Raja Krishnamoorthi

the network of South Asians. SAFA is slated to be formally launched on May 6 featuring Gold Star parent Khizr Khan, venerated attorney Neal Katyal, Girls Who Code Founder and CEO Reshma Saujani, actress and singer featured in Broadway’s Hamilton

Arianna Afsar, Nina Davuluri, Farhan Tahir and Fawzia Mirza. The launch event would also include Indian-American Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthy, Virginia State Senator Ghazala Hashmi, former candidate for Pennsylvania Auditor General Nina Ahmad, and Vermont State Senator Kesha Ram. “We are excited to announce the launching of South Asians for America,” said Neha Dewan, National Director of SAB, who will be at the helm of SAFA.

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France aims at having 20,000 Indian students by 2025

HiIndia Newsdesk French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian on Tuesday said that the country has set a target of having 20,000 Indian students in France by 2025. There were 10,000 Indian students studying in the European nation in 2019, according to officials at the French Embassy. “We have set a target—it is to have 20,000 Indian students in France by 2025, and we will make it. We want to bring French and Indian youth even closer,” Minister Le Drian said.

Richard Verma appointed as Mastercard’s Head of Global Public Policy

HiIndia Newsdesk

Washington: Former US Ambassador to India Richard Ve r m a h a s been appointed as General Counsel and Head of Global Public Policy of Mastercard, according to an announcement by the American multinational financial services corporation. The announcement on Thursday from Mastercard came as it appointed Tim Murphy, the company’s general counsel, to the newly created position of chief administrative officer.

Biden names 2 IndianAmericans to key jobs

Meera Joshi

Radhika Fox

HiIndia Newsdesk Washington– US President Joe Biden has named Radhika Fox and Meera Joshi, two Indian-American women already working in his administration, to be part of a 10 member team to lead on climate and transportation matters across key agencies, the media reported. Ac c ord i ng to a Wh ite Hous e announcement on Wednesday, Fox would become Assistant Administrator for Water, Environmental Protection Agency, while Joshi is being named as Administrator, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation, reports The American Bazaar media outlet. Appointed Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water at the EPA on January 20, Fox currently serves as the Acting Assistant Administer for Water.






FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021

Community News

Pay First Installment Cook County Property Taxes Through May 3 With No Late Fee

the First Installment, due March 2 without a late fee, HiIndia Newsdesk through May 3, 2021. To make a payment or download CHICAGO, IL – Property a copy of your tax bill, visit cookcountytreasurer.com: taxes were due Tuesday, • Select the blue box labeled “Pay Online for Free” March 2, 2021, but there is • Search by property address or enter your Property no late fee for those paying Index Number their bill through Monday, • There is no fee if you pay from your bank account May 3, 2021, Cook County For those who cannot pay the full amount due, partial Treasurer Maria Pappas payments are accepted. After May 3, 2021, any balance said today. due is charged 1.5 percent per month, as required by The Cook County Board of state law. Commissioners in November waived for two months “As of today, 240,827 properties out of 1,773,199 in the 1.5 percent per month late fee on Tax Year 2020 Cook County have not paid the Tax Year 2020 First First Installment property taxes. Taxpayers can pay Installment property taxes,” Pappas said.

Two Children Riding on Backhoe New York CBP Warns that Runover and Killed, 3 Others Injured, Port Runners Face Severe Indian American Man Arrested Consequences HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk M AS SE NA , N . Y. — U. S . OANOKE, TX – An Indian Customs and Border Protection American man in Roanoke warns border crossers that they on April 3 was arrested on face severe consequences for suspicion of two counts of port running, or departing manslaughter, three counts of CBP’s Massena, N.Y. Port of endangering a child, and one Entry, before CBP officers, can count of aggravated assault conclude traveler inspections. with a deadly weapon. Picture of the CBP seal this 40-year-old Vijender Chauhan, reminder comes after CBP has noticed a recent increase of Crowley, Texas, was riding a backhoe along a private in travelers who have either prematurely departed road near Roanoke when he caused the front bucket to dump, and two children riding in it fell to the ground, or who have failed to report for inspection at the Massena Port of Entry. To combat port running, CBP according to the Texas Highway Patrol. The backhoe ran over the 11-year-old boy and 7-year- has implemented significant security enhancements, old girl, and they died at the scene outside their house, including traffic barricades to slow travelers and to deter them from leaving without authorization. the report said. The relationship between Chauhan and the victims, “Every effort has been made to deter travelers from evading the inspection process and keeping the border who have the same last name, was not clear, according secure. Our mission and the safety of officers and to the report. Shivraj Chauhan, known as Raj, and community members is paramount,” said CBP Massena Sonakshi Chauhan were students at Trinity Valley School, according to an email the Fort Worth K-12 Port Director, Robert Dwyer. “There are civil penalties and possible federal prosecution to those who commit private school sent on April 6 to the parents of all of the violation.” its students.


Rousing Reception to Felicitate Indian American Elected Officials

Mr. Sunil Shah hosted a momentous celebratory reception

HiIndia Newsdesk CHICAGO, IL – Prominent community leader & FIA Founder President Mr. Sunil Shah hosted a momentous celebratory reception with Crème de La Crème of Indian Americans gathered to formally felicitate the winners in the recent local elections – a celebration that was magnified with a glittering wedding anniversary ceremony of Sunil & Rita Shah at a sprawling farmhouse in Minooka, Illinois on Friday April 16, 2021. The felicitation ceremony hosted by Dr. Bhupinder & Anita Beri attracted the attendance of several city-suburban mayors including Schaumburg Mayor Tom Dailly, Hoffman Estate Mayor Bill McLeod & Hanover Park Mayor Rodney Craig who heaped glowing accolades on the Indian Americans for their indefatigable passion to engage in public service, to bring their leadership skills to find unique solutions and help formulate reforms that can help craft efficient management of suburban cities & villages in the context of saving precious taxpayers resources while operating a cost-effective efficient local government.

Neiman Marcus Removes $940 Lord Ganesha Cufflinks After Hindu Protest

Indian American Man Arrested Four Sikhs Among Victims for Making False Bomb Threat Killed in FedEx Facility Mass Shooting in Indiana at Fremont Hotel

HiIndia Newsdesk FREMONT, CA- Varun Suresh, a 24-year-old Indian American man from Fremont, Calif., has been booked at the Santa Rita Jail for making a false bomb threat, criminal threats and burglary, Fremont Police said. On April 2 morning, Suresh allegedly dropped off a backpack and made a bomb threat at the Fremont-based Hyatt Place Fremont/Silicon Valley hotel. Hotel managers, said NBC Bay Area, called police after Suresh allegedly made a verbal threat about 8:40 a.m. Officers soon arrived at the hotel located on West Warren Avenue. About 70 guests inside the hotel were safely evacuated as a precaution. The SB I880/Warren exit was also closed to help avoid traffic congestion in the area.

HiIndia Newsdesk INDIANAPOLIS, IN- About 90 percent of the workers at this deliver y ser vice facility are said to be IndianAmericans, mostly from the local Sikh community. Maninder Sing h Wa lia, community activist, said the four Sikhs who have died are Ms.Amarjt Kaur Sekhon 48, Ms. Jaswinder Kaur, Ms. Amarjit Kaur Johal and Mr.Jaswinder Singh. The age of the last three deceased was not immediately available. Harpreet Singh Gill, 45, has received an injury near his and is hospitalized. The Indianapolis Police is yet to release the names of those killed in the mass shooting. Nineteen-year-old Brandon Hole killed eight people and left several others wounded before shooting himself, reports said. Hole was a former employee at the FedEx site and worked there in 2020. Hole began by shooting people in the parking lot, who were about to begin their 11 p.m. shift. He then went inside the facility, where at least 100 people were working, and began to randomly shoot, according to police reports.

HiIndia Newsdesk DALLAS, TX – Dallas headquartered luxury fashion retailer “Neiman Marcus” removed Hindu deity Ganesha shaped cufflinks after Hindus protested calling these “highly inappropriate”. These $940 Made in USA “Ganesha Cufflinks” were absent from “Neiman Marcus” and “Bergdorf Goodman” websites when searched today. Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, who spearheaded the protest, in a statement in Nevada today, thanked Neiman Marcus Group for understanding the concerns of Hindu community, which felt that such a product was insensitive. We were, however, still waiting for the formal apology from the Group; he added. Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, suggested that companies like Neiman Marcus Group should send their senior executives for training in religious and cultural sensitivity so that they had an understanding of the feelings of customers and communities when introducing new products or launching advertising campaigns.



FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

A huge screen can’t be erase something screened on your

Boman Irani

Theatrical release of a lot of films, including big-ticket ones, have been pos amid the ongoing second wave of the Covid pandemic. While this spells lo Bollywood, Irani sees a silver lining.

The universe conspired to bring us together “We’d been friends for a very long time. Aishwarya is one of the first co-stars that I ever worked with. Our first movie together was called Dhai Akshar Prem Ke… She has been a dear, dear friend and we have worked in so many films together — so, it was a bit of both I think. I think, the universe conspired to bring us together…” “She is still very young. She is busy with her online classes these days… This department is Aishwarya’s — I have realised I am not very good at that. She made Aaradhya aware of the family that she came from… She knows that her dada and dadi and mom and dad are actors, that we are privileged we enjoy the love and respect of so many millions of people, and that you have to learn to respect that and appreciate and thank God for it. “Apart from that, she is, you know, fine — very normal about these things. She sees our films and she enjoys them. She takes the [paparazzi] in her stride. Her mother has trained her nicely…”


ood writing is the need of the hour, feels actor Boman Irani, to sustain audience interest at a time when OTT provides a surfeit of choice. “The OTT platform gives an opportunity not only for writers but also actors and technicians. However, on OTT, there are thousands of choices. It takes 10 to 15 minutes to reject if you cannot engage the audience in their home. This can be avoided with good writing, which also applies to the rest of the show. Writing has become the superstar on the OTT platform,” Irani tells IANS. “If your script is not good, your acting won’t come off well, and I say this even for theatrical releases. Why should you have weaker scripts just because it is in the theatrical space?” he adds. The theatrical release of a lot of films, including big-ticket ones, have been postponed amid the ongoing second wave of the Covid pandemic. While this spells losses for Bollywood, Irani sees a silver lining. “The pandemic has created a lot of problems. I am hopeful and saying this in a positive tone that once things open up, people will be dying to get back to the theatres and there will be a big surge of footfalls in theatres again,” he hopes. Quizzed if the OTT platforms will eventually replace the

big screen experience, replied: “When televisi footfalls reduced in screen cinemas and the there was a surge. I thi big screen is a comp different experience, t will be movies made the big screen. I do think it can be replace because it is a famil experience which people look forward to especially in India. A huge screen and great sound cannot be permanently erased by something which is screened on your phone.”

Anupam Kher joins BAFTA Breakthrough India jury

Priyanka Chopra to launch Kabir Bedi’s autobiography

Sugandha Mishra on lockdown wedding with Sanket Bhosale ‘the story of his making, breaking and re-making’ “I have done most of my wedding shopping online and you won’t believe I had started the preparation from December for my wedding attire. I am very particular about my wedding outfit because for me it doesn’t matter if the marriage is happening in the presence of just 20 people, I always wanted to wear a 10 kg lehenga. I can marry online also but I have to wear a 10 kg lehenga,” said Sugandha


ctor Priyanka Chopra Jonas is all set to launch the autobiography of seasoned actor Kabir Bedi titled ‘Stories I Must Tell: The Emotional Life Of An Actor’. The launch event will be held virtually. Priyanka will join Bedi from London and will release and discuss the book on his social media accounts. The virtual event will be held on April 19, at 6:30 PM.

‘Stories I Must Tell’ is said to be about the “highs and lows of Kabir Bedi’s professional and personal life, his exciting stories of Bollywood, Hollywood and stardom in Europe, his tumultuous relationships, his deep loves and lingering losses, why his beliefs have changed, his wrenching setbacks, and how he made India proud. It’s the story of his making, breaking and re-making as a man.”

Bollywood veteran actor Anupam Kher has joined the jury of BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) Breakthrough India, along with other Indian delegates including Grammy-award winning musician AR Rahman, who has been appointed as the ambassador of the initiative. The former Chairman of Film and Television Institute of India, hopped on to his Instagram handle to announce the news on Monday. “Thrilled to be a part of the inaugural @bafta Breakthrough India Jury! Can’t wait for you to see the incredible talent we had the privilege of choosing who will be announced in early May. Breakthrough India is supported by @netflix! Jai Ho!,” he wrote.




ed by phone



FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021


Why I stopped sharing my father’s memories

stponed osses for

the actor ion came, singleen again ink the pletely there e for on’t ed, ly h

Akshaye Khanna to star opposite Raveena Tandon in debut web series


- Babil

hen he was asked by an Instagram user “When will you share something about Irrfan sir?” Babil responded saying, “I loved sharing and then I get these Dms all the time saying that I’m using him to promote myself and that really hurts when in fact I was genuinely sharing memories to fill up the void that he left in his fans. So I’m so confused on what to do.” He said, “I’m trying to figure out but it really hurts when random people message me saying I’m using his memory to gain clout, like I needed to do that, I’m already his son, I never needed to do that to gain anything. Now I’m perplexed and a little hurt tbh (to be honest). So I’ll share when I feel like it’s the right time.”

Actors Akshaye Khanna and Raveena Tandon are set to share screen space as rivals in The Accidental Prime Minister director Vijay Gutte’s upcoming drama series Legacy. Legacy would mark Khanna’s debut in the digital space. The Ittefaq actor said he was thrilled to come on board the series as it aims to provide quality entertainment to the audience. It is refreshing to work on the content that challenges our boundaries as an industry as a whole. Given the massive scale of the show, we are cognizant of the immense responsibility to deliver our best to create a content piece the audience looks forward to. I’m glad Legacy is going to be my first web series,” Khanna, 46, said in a statement.

‘We have failed’ Sonu Sood expresses regret over inability to help people amid second Covid wave


Stressful to be first Korean actress nominated for an Oscar: Minari star Youn Yuh-Jung Minari star Youn Yuh-Jung says it is “very stressful” to be the first South Korean actor to be nominated at the Academy Awards. The veteran star, one of the biggest names in the South Korean cinema, is up for Best Supporting Actress for her powerful role as grandmother Soonja in Lee Isaac Chung’s Best Picture nominee Minari, a story that revolves around South Korean immigrants searching for their own American dream in rural Arkansas. When Deadline asked what it’s like to be the first Korean actress nominated for an Oscar, the 73-year-old actor said, “Very stressful”.

ollywood actor Sonu Sood has been a hero for the underprivileged and working-class ever since the coronavirus outbreak last year. But even the biggest heroes are struggling amid the second wave of Covid-19. As coronavirus cases continue to rise, Sood is struggling to arrange hospital beds and medicines. The actor tweeted on Monday that not only he and his team but even the healthcare system has failed people. “Request for beds: 570. I could arrange just: 112. Requests for Remdesivir: 1477. I could arrange just: 18. Yes, we have failed. So is our health care system,” wrote a disheartened Sood. Sood also shared the tweet on his Instagram page, writing, “Someone, somewhere needs you.” In the comments section of the post, the actor’s fans and admirers tried to cheer him up, as they showered praise on his efforts. Sonu Sood had tested positive for Covid-19 last week. The actor shared his diagnosis on Twitter, “This is to inform you that I have tested positive this morning for Covid-19. As a part of precaution, I’ve already quarantined myself and taking utmost care. But don’t worry, this gives me ample time to solve your problems, remember that I’m always there for you.”


FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021




oughly 1 in 10 Americans have diabetes with approximately 90-95% of them having Type 2 diabetes and 26.8% aged 65 and above. This type of diabetes is often referred to as a ‘lifestyle’ disease because factors such as being overweight, inactivity and age increase the risk of developing it. Age is clearly something we cannot control, however the health and fitness of our loved ones is something we can influence, encourage and certainly keep tabs on and in this article we are going to explore the ways in which we can do this.


773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Remember that the sugar in fruit also counts, so whilst it is healthy it should still be limited. When it potentially gets more difficult is if your parent or loved one is in a care home meaning there is less control over what they eat. Make sure the care home knows about their condition and ask for a sample menu so that you can check it suits their dietary needs.

Know Your Levels As the old saying goes “knowledge is power” and the most important thing you can do for your loved one is to remind them to regularly check their blood sugar levels.

Discover the benefits of

Notice The Signs

Older people with diabetes are at a much higher risk of hypoglycemia (often referred to as a ‘hypo’), especially if they are on medication for their diabetes. Hypoglycemia is a condition in which blood sugar levels are lower than normal. If left untreated, it can cause confusion, clumsiness, or fainting and in severe cases can lead to seizures, coma, and even death. The signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia to look out for include:



However, people with diabetes need to more aware of this than most, as what they eat has an effect on their glucose levels and so it is important to learn not only the best foods to eat, but also how much to eat and when. If you are caring for a loved one with diabetes yourself, you are likely in control of what they eat and so it is up to youespecially to ensure they have a diet There are many benefits to cycling, if you can do low it onin sugar and saturated fats.

It’s time to take the cycle lying around in open fields. Let’s look at the advantages of cycling in general and the garage for a spin or at least get on a then Exerciseintense, Regularly But Safely how indoor cycling can be equally providing a good stationary one in the gym workout. Overall, cycling offers cardiovascular The American Diabetes as well asAssociation muscular

recommends exercising 30 minutes a endurance. Since it siphons off undue tension from the joints, the day, at least 5 days a week. It sounds two-wheeler can be a great equipment for anyone looking forwho an a lot, especially for older people may be by lessitself mobile. Butbeexercise effective workout. It can be a workout or can paired doesn’t necessarily mean high intensity with another exercise. Watching your loved ones get older can be difficult, especially if they are dealing with workouts, even going for a walk, doing

the gardening, or practising some low issues that affect the the wayfull theyrange would livethetheir lives. Older people • The light two-wheeler can get one sweatinghealth profusely and promotes of normally motions of joints. Muscles being leaner thanThai fat, they metabolism. intensity chi boost or yoga all counts * Feeling hungry areperfect much more susceptible to illness, which is why it is important for themIntoother remain and the heart racing, proving to offer the words,towards more the muscles, lesser the and • Endurance is the body’s ability to sustain an extended helping you stay fit andfat healthy. * Sweating as fit and healthy for as long as possible. And this is even more true if they have a cardiovascular workout. greater one’s overall health. period of workout. Cardiovascular endurance is the You could even split this up into 10 * Dizziness pre-existing condition, as to diabetes, canBreathing mask certain• Cycling symptoms of activityA3small timespercentage a day to make • Since balancing the cycle is crucial, it works the health capability of thesuch heart pump that blood. works minutes on one’s posture. of * Tiredness/fatigue andinclude that comeendurance with their own it more manageable. For diabetics, the core and strengthens is thecomplications. capability of the lungs to provide the body’s weight is borne by the shoulders, providing * Blurred vision. stability. Core muscles best timeit toneeds exercise is between one those in the abdominal region as well as the back. oxygen to the blood. And muscular endurance is the natural resistance for strengthening, * Trembling or shakiness the more subtle changes in behaviour, they have another underlying illness or to three hours after eating, as this Strengthening of core muscles not only balances one’s the ability of the muscles to work for an extended without exerting undue tension on the upper bodyis * Going pale suchslight as the inability or as previously if as when blood sugar for levels are likely to centre gravity, but also helps the spine. The period. It to hasconcentrate, been shown thatcondition, cycling improves one’s mentioned joints, such the neck. Cycling, a considerable * Fastofpulse or palpitations m o r n i n g h endurance e a d a c h e sasaopposed n d s l e etop simply theyincreasing are on certain diabetes medication. higher. You always your forward lean while cycling elongates the spine. the heart amount of time,bewill define theshould shoulders andtest make disturbance. Older people may also have blood sugar before exercising and then rate. Muscles are strengthened due to the constant the muscles surrounding it strong. These signs can be less obvious in older • Cycling keeps the joints mobilised without exerting Eat A Healthy Diet added risk factors which can increase again 30 minutes later to see if the people andpressure in some on cases could unwanted thethey knees. Cycling is not use of quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteal muscles and • Cycling is not solely beneficial from a physical the risk of hypoglycemia. For example Regardless of whether you are diabetic levels are stable. Aerobic exercise such calf muscles. Working the lower body to its optimum experience hypoglycemia without predominantly a weight-bearing exercise. Being point of view. It improves navigational skills as it if they sufferefficiency from chronic kidney or not, eating a nutrient rich and as walking, swimming, and cycling can has proved beneficial to the overall wellshowing any symptoms at all. If this is seated takes off much of the weight, transferring it to they have an unhealthy diet, balanced diet is key to good incorporates and descending slopped problems, health. ascending help to control glucose levels. being as it comprises large muscles that primarily bear landscape, the gluteal case, it muscles is important lookwithstand out for weight. the whichtocan The controlled movement at turns, being the body’s weight. The inherent resistance in a cycling cautious of potholes, and saving one’s self from rotational movement of cycles mobilises Many people know that working out hip sockets, Savings On Food programme naturally promotes muscle strengthening. surrounding traffic. knees and ankles, movement of joints and eating well isallowing a good free habit, but You might be surprised that changing they might not know that these same your eating habits can also lead to habits Heel of can shoealso benefit them financially. While standing, make sure there is significant savings. It doesn’t mean For instance, should snugly you’ll often get lower life a half to full thumb’s width (1/2-1”) spending more on organic products cup the heel of between your longest toe and the insurance premiums by making better or expensive health foods. But if you foot, without choices. By maintaining these habits, end of the shoe, for workout shoes, being too tight lean to a full thumb, as feet expand reduce snacking and lower your portion you’ll ensure that you can protect both during exercise. or too loose. sizes, you won’t have to spend as much Drinking can also cost you yourself and your family. In this article Avoid excess and it will therefore save you money. we look at how leading a healthier slippage. lot ofmany money. Evenlists if you your athletic Shoe shopping may nota top men’s shoes,are tryoften on athletic shoes with Snack foods disproportionally lifestyle can save you money. your household of favorite activities, butand from time to time, only it athletic socks. than what you get, so consider expensive swapping these items fresh has to be done. And it’s agoprocess should you go toout try on shoes, don’twith get overly Lower Life Insurance Premiums throughthat a pack each 4. When andsize. vegetables when you’re be done with a bit of care. Beyond the style stuck fruits on “your” Don’t do your shopping Many health insurance companies that’s still hungry. considerations that may week, be foremost in several your with the mindset: “I’m a size 10, and these shoes offer fitness programs or reward you Reducing theshould amount of times you mind, your shoes will havehundred a disproportionate 10, so they fit.” While you may dollars every are a size for taking specific steps to manage eat out is another excellent way of influence on your overallyear. comfort level. Illtypically be one size, every brand’s shoes are And depending your health. That’s because you are not significantSosavings. fitting shoes can make standing and walking a sized seeing a little differently. start by Instead trying onof at as high of a risk of particular health on the health amountissues that a pairpurchasing your size, lunch work, try literal pain, and cause significant with your typical andatthen go up conditions, and you are not as risky to preparing ahead time thatfoot you for not only your feet, but your ankles, knees, or down in size, meals depending onofhow your you smoke or drink, the insure. And when you sign up for life canwhat heatthe up.number When on you more says. food back, and more. So whether buying theeat shoebox amountyou’re you’ll save might feels, not insurance, you’ll likely need to give you prepare yourself, befeet able casual athletic sneakers or formal dress shoes, 5. Always try on both shoes.you’ll One ofalso your some information on your lifestyle. be even more. to purchase some items in bulk, saving you want the pair you choose to fit as perfectly is often larger/smaller than the other. Buy the Then the company can determine if youfits even more. as possible. Following the guidelines outlined size that your largerAnd foot.of course, it’s often there is much chance that they’ll need yourand food above will get you much ofannually the wayon there; 6. Do healthier a test walk to oncook both hard softinstead surfaces.of $2,100 the habit. to pay out. going out to eat. following these additional tips will Drinking canbring alsoyour cost youDifferent surfaces will give the shoes a different new kicks on home: a lot of money. Even if youfeel. Lower Transportation Costs Reducing Expensive Habits 1. Try on shoes in the afternoon/evening. Your and your household only go7. Make sure they feel good right out the Both drinking and smoking are If you new live shoes close will enough to different feet will swell during the course of the day, and box. While conform to your through a pack each week, examples of habits that reduce your places that you can walk or bike to them, it’s better to have your shoes fit your feet at their feet with regular wear, especially if they’re that’s still several hundred income, while damaging your health. it will save you money on transportation largest, than at their smallest. dollars every year. Andmade from leather, the degree their size and And while you likely understand the well. It’s good exercise walk and 2. Try on shoes while wearing the kind change over time isn’ttosignificant. depending on of thesocks amountshapeaswill health implications of smoking, you bike,count and iton reduces wear on your vehicle. that you smoke or drink, you’ll normally be wearing with them. If you’re So don’t this breaking-in process might not be familiar with the financial Plus, you won’t have to spend as much thesocks amount you’ll going to be wearing dress with your dresssaveturning an uncomfortable, ill-fitting shoe into a ones. If you spend just $6 each day to fill it up. You can save a significant Widest part of foot should roughly might be even more. shoes, try on dress shoes with dress socks. If comfortable, well-fitting one; your shoes should on align cigarettes, you’llpart be of spending amount year the by get-go. reducing how with widest shoe. over Toes should be able to spread you’re going to be wearing athletic socks with feel good and fiteach well from

Why A Healthier Lifestyle Can How to Choose Shoes Actually Save You Money That Fit Perfectly

naturally in toe box.





FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021



Best Style Tips From Suhana Khan’s Wardrobe


uhana Khan’s wardrobe is every millennial’s dream. It is sleek, fuss-free and ubercool. If that is something you like, then look no further because we dug into the 20-yearold’s Instagram to get you the best fashion tips that will help you elevate your wardrobe without putting in much effort. Take a look below to know more. A basic black dress needs no introduction, and yet it has many reasons to make way into your wardrobe. Wondering why? Because it can be worn to a party and even to work. Not only that, you could even just lounge in it without looking too OTT at home, if you are bored of your PJs. The safest yet the chicest way to make a style statement is to pair

colours from the same family. Here, Khan can be seen playing with shades of brown, looking stunning in a beige turtle neck with chocolate brown pants and a dark brown puffer jacket. Co-ord sets have to probably be one of the biggest trends to take the B-Town by storm and Khan couldn’t be left behind. We all love our overcoats, puffer jackets and hoodies, but once a while, it will not harm if we beat the chill with a cosy knitted set Whether you are building your wardrobe from scratch or planning to add a few new pieces, basics will never disappoint. They can always be toned down or elevated with accessories. Take cues from the Khan’s ribbed olive green dress which fits her like a glove!

Vidya Balan gives relationship advice “What I have discovered in these eight years is that the work involved is the effort not to take the other person for granted.” the actor said Vidya Balan is one of the actors who is quite headstrong in her approach to her professional life as well as her personal decisions. The Kahaani 2 actor is always known to speak her mind. This time, too, she opened up about marriage, and how to keep the spark alive in the relationship. Balan, who is married to film producer Siddharth Roy Kapur for over eight years now, said it is important that both partners “don’t take each other for granted”.

“Marriage involves a lot of work, I agree because you are living with a person you haven’t grown up with. It is so easy for you to take the other person for granted, and that is a terrible thing to happen. And that is when the spark goes away in marriage,” she was quoted, On her married life, Balan added: “What I have discovered in these eight years is that the work involved is the effort not to take the other person for granted, and therefore it’s been joyous. If you slip up there, it’s not as exciting, just becomes mundane. I love the work that is required to be put in to keep the marriage strong and exciting.” Balan and Kapur, who got married in 2012, met at a Filmfare awards ceremony.

‘Love the work required to be put in to keep the marriage strong’

Start your skincare routine with cleansing

“Cleansing is the most integral part of your skincare routine. The first step in your skincare routine should be to carefully clean your face to remove any makeup, dirt, or excess oil. Opt for a pH-neutral, soap-free face purifier that removes contamination without stripping your skin of its natural oil,” says Mathur. To select the right face cleanser for yourself,

Weekly exfoliation is a must

The skin deals with a lot of external stressors and that is why exfoliating it once a week is a must. “This helps in deep cleansing the skin and removing dirt and dead skin cells. For both oily and dry skin, it is recommended to use a mild scrub,” he suggests.

Moisturise and hydrate your skin

These two are different concepts; a good moisturiser helps in locking in the natural moisture of the skin and also keeps the cells hydrated. While hydration maintains the water levels in your skin.

Vitamins essential for healthy skin

They play an important role in keeping your skin healthy — the use of vitamin C helps fight radical damage and works as a great anti-ageing agent for the skin.

Sunscreen for protection

Whether you step out or not, sunscreen is a must. “Lather your skin with sunscreen so that it can act as a barrier and protect the skin. Don’t forget to apply it to the back of your neck and your arms as they are also susceptible to the sun,” he tells



FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021




South India News

FBHH: An NGO for the welfare of underprivileged students Hyderabad: Different people have different motivation to do their part back to the society and for P Prasahha Vikhil, one of the founders of the NGO – Friends Being Helping Hands (FBHH), it was his own poverty-stricken childhood that motivated him towards making a difference. “My father passed away when I was an infant and my mother is a farmer. When I was studying in a government school, an orphanage picked me up and supported my education till I finished 10th. It was

HiIndia Newsdesk

With over 3,000 registered volunteers, Friends Being Helping Hands has also undertaken campaigns towards menstrual hygiene, where they raise funds to buy sanitary pads and distribute them in slums.

that experience that motivated me to initiate this NGO,” explains Vikhil. He and his two friends, Md. Nadeem and Ch. Anish started and registered FBHH in 2014 and started off in a simple manner by giving textbooks to underprivileged students. “When I was in high school, though the academic year starts in June, I could only get textbooks by August or so because I had to rely on someone donating them. I decided to help out the children of labourers and other low-income groups by raising funds to donate textbooks to them on time,” says the psychology graduate.

Jagan Mohan Reddy cancels Tirupati Lok Sabha bypoll campaign, cites rising Covid cases

HiIndia Newsdesk Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S CM Jagan, instead, wrote an open Jagan Mohan Reddy cancelled his letter to the voters, mentioning that Tirupati Lok Sabha bypoll campaign, the Parliament constituency, spread scheduled for April 14, amid rising across Chittoor and Nellore districts, Covid-19 cases. recorded a big spike in Covid cases the The number of Covid-19 cases had past few days. “As the public meeting fallen to less than 50 in the first week of will attract huge crowds, keeping in view February in the state but there has been the health and well-being of the people a steady spike in the number of daily and the danger of increasing cases, as a cases since March 15. Alarmed over responsible Chief Minister and leader, the drastic increase, the Chief Minister the scheduled April 14 meeting stands cancelled his election tour saying there cancelled,” the Chief Minister said and was a big risk of coronavirus spreading appealed to the voters to increase the as his meetings would attract a large margin of victory for YSRCP candidate number of people. Dr M Gurumoorthy.

As COVID cases rise alarmingly Sputnik HCA fails once again to take call on V to get boost from Hyderabad Justice Verma as Ombudsman HiIndia Newsdesk On April 12, India granted emergency use authorisation to Sputnik V, the Vaccine to provide protection from COVID-19, developed by Russia. Coincidentally, 60 years earlier, on the same day, (April 12, 1961), Yuri Gagarin, a young Russian became the first human to enter outer space, circle the planet Earth and return in the spaceship named Vostok -1. Two years later in June 1963, Valentina Tereshkova, a 26 year young engineer became the first woman to fly into space in Vostok-6. These developments stunned the world, especially the Americans, who were making strong efforts to foray into Space.

HiIndia Newsdesk Hy d e r a b a d : A s e x p e c t e d , t h e contentious issue of the appointment of an Ombudsman and Ethics Officer for the Hyderabad Cricket Association remained without inconclusive when the second part of the AGM was held on Sunday. The President Mohammed Azharuddin and his office bearers including Vice President John Manoj and Secretary R. Vijayanand have failed to reach an agreement on the issue. It now remains to be seen how the story will unfold in the near future. Today’s AGM saw yet one more day of arguments and counter charges ending in acrimony. Both parties held firmly to their stand. President Mohammed Azharuddin announced that Justice (Rtd) Deepak Verma will be the ombudsman. Azhar reiterated that as the President of the HCA, it was up to him to take a call on the naming of the Ombudsman who should be considered.

773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Cyberabad: Prostitution racket busted by cops in Hitec City

HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad: A Special Operations Team (SOT) of the Cyberabad police raided a star hotel in Hitec city and busted a prostitution gang operating with foreign girls and models on April 12. While the organiser is on the run, five young women, one of whom was released, were taken into custody and handed over to Madhapur police. According to Madhapur CI Ravindra Prasad, three young women from Uzbekistan and two young women from Delhi had booked five rooms in a one-star hotel in Madhapur. Two managers, Arnav and Prince, have been taken into custody. Jnana Shekhar Manikanthan (44), a resident of Sheikhupura, was arrested by the police as well.

Taraweeh prayer at Makkah Masjid

HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad: Superintendent of historical mosque Makkah Masjid Alhaj Mohammed Abdul Qadeer Siddiqui informed that Imam Hafiz Rizwan Qureshi will recite 3 ‘paras’ of the Holy Quran daily from 1st to 9th Ramzan in the Taraweeh prayers after Isha . he Superintendent has advised the worshippers to do ablution at their homes and bring their own prayer mats.

Pawan Kalyan goes under self quarantine

Hyderabad-based doctor helps differently-abled people Hyderabad: With a zeal to help the differently-abled people, a Hyderabad based doctor helps the poor and needy disabled people to give them a second life, through his ‘Disabled Foundation Trust’. Inspired by the work of Former President of India late APJ Abdul Kalam, this Hyderabad based doctor provides free treatment to the needy differently-abled people. He helps the differently-abled people right from treatment, medication and further to find a job.

HiIndia Newsdesk

Dr Vijay Bhaskar, founder of ‘Disabled Foundation Trust’, said he established this Disabled Foundation Trust in 1997 with an aim to help the disabled.

Dr Vijay Bhaskar, a Hyderabad based professional orthopaedic surgeon, has been serving the differentlyabled people since 1997 who are in need of treatment, by providing them free treatment and medication under ‘Disabled Foundation Trust’. “While I was working at Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) in Hyderabad, the late APJ Abdul Kalam once visited the NIMS and from his words to help the needy and differently-abled people. I have drawn my inspiration from him.

HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad: Actor turned politician and the president of Jana Sena Party (JSP) Pawan Kalyan today went into quarantine after two of his personal staff members were tested positive to COVID-19 Virus. He took the decision on the basis of the advise of doctors concerned.






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FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021


Night curfew in force in Hyderabad




South India News

773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Hyderabad lads figure in Forbes 30 under 30 list The company, Makers Hive Innovations is into making bionic arms. HiIndia Newsdesk

Police personnel set up barricades, reminding days of lockdown

HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad: As night fell in Hyderabad on Tuesday, there was more than the usual hurry to reach home. Though the streets did not turn deserted exactly in view of the night curfew beginning at 9 pm, there was a drastic fall in the number of vehicles on the road. Business in most shops began winding up from 8 pm. Reminding one of the lockdown days, there were police personnel everywhere, from those at outposts, barricades and roaming around on mobile patrols, most of them politely asking the public to go home. Those on the streets said they were mostly from the services exempted from the curfew, ranging from security personnel, delivery boys and some working at fuel pumps and medical shops. Most commercial establishments had pulled shutters down by 8 pm, with some pushing the deadline a little bit in some areas.

Hyderabad: City-based Pranav Vempati, Chief Executive Officer, Makers Hive Innovations, figured in the Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia list. His company is into making bionic arms. It has been on it for more than three years and it was launched last December. It already has an order book for several tens of bionic arms, which the company aims to deliver in the months to come. “The listing in Forbes is a recognition of the teamwork happening in the realm of bionic arms. Our arms are priced low compared to similar ones being made available overseas,” said Pranav. The company has two more co-founders- Harsha and Suren. It is now facing a shortage of a few components due to the Covid. “We are hoping that situation will ease in a couple of months and then we will be able to deliver on the pending orders,” he said adding that it is also looking to tap various companies for their CSR funds in making the bionic arms available to more people at a lesser cost.

Hyderabad police nab seven Telangana CM K for illegal procurement and Chandrasekhar Rao tests positive for Covid-19 sale of Remdesivir drug

The price of each arm is around Rs 3.5 lakh. “There are a lot of people who have lost their arms. Due to that, they are being rendered jobless. There is a huge social cost associated with that. Now, we are also looking to partner with some corporates and explore the possibilities of finding jobs for people with bionic or artificial arms,” he said. The artificial arm can exhibit more than 15 grips with different torque levels that will help people deal with their daily chores. The arm tracks electrical impulses released in the body while attempting to work with hands. As per the 2011 census, there are 5.4 million people who are movement-impaired. Of this, a significant number of people had suffered accidents below the elbow. Based on the severity of amputation, a 3D scan of the hand is taken to come up with a customized design. There will be a provision to replace worn-out mechanical parts. It has plans to partner with hospitals, NGOs, and government bodies apart from direct sales.

Chennai corporation reopens tele counselling centre for COVID-19-related queries

HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk As many as seven persons, including two employees of Hetero Healthcare, have been apprehended by the Hyderabad police on charges of illegal procurement and black marketing of the Covid-19 emergency antiviral drug Remdesivir. On Tuesday, police caught red-handed Shaik Mazhar (33), a pharmacy store owner, when he was trying to sell six vials of covifor (generic brand of Remdesivir) near a private hospital. He had priced these injections at Rs 35,000 when the actual cost would be around Rs 5,400 (Rs 900 per injection), said police. On a tip-off, the police personnel of the Commissioner’s Task Force nabbed him and handed him over to Langar House police station for further action. In another instance, the Hyderabad police nabbed Md Abdul Hafeez (52), a pharmacy owner, along with his employee Shaik Jilani (27), and one Mohammed Bin Saleem (51), who were trying to sell Remdesivir injections in the black market for profit. The Commissioner’s Task Force police team seized four Covifor (Remdesivir) injections of Hetero Healthcare and handed the accused over to Habeebnagar police for further action. the three accused were illegally procuring and selling the emergency drug without any doctor’s medical prescription or bill.

Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has tested positive for Covid-19. The CM is currently at his farm house on the outskirts of the city. In a pre ss note, C h i e f Secretary Somesh Kumar stated that the CM has tested positive and has mild symptoms. He has been advised isolation. A team of doctors is monitoring his health, said the note.

Telangana daily COVID-19 tally nears 6,000 HiIndia Newsdesk Hy d e r a b a d : Te l a n g a n a c on f i r m e d 5 , 9 2 6 f re s h coronavirus cases, the highest ever in a single day, pushing the total infection count to over 3.61 lakh, while the toll rose to 1856 with 18 more fatalities. Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) accounted for the most number of cases with 793, followed by Medchal Malkajgiri 488 and Rangareddy 455, a government bulletin said on Tuesday providing details as of 8 PM on April 19. The total number of cumulative cases stood at 3,61,359 while with 2029 patients being cured, the total recoveries were at 3,16,650. The state has 42,853 active cases and over 1.22 lakh samples were tested on Monday. Cumulatively, over 1.19 crore samples have been tested. The samples tested per million population was over 3.20 lakh, the bulletin said.

HiIndia Newsdesk Months after it was suspended, the Greater Chennai Corporation’s (GCC) tele-counselling centre began functioning in Chennai Monday, to cater to queries from the public, COVID-19 patients and those under home isolation across the city. With 100 operational lines, the centre will field queries from citizens regarding COVID-19, medical emergencies, vaccination, non-COVID-19 health queries, COVID-19 tests, Covid care centres (CCC), hospitals that provide treatment, Vidmed (an initiative by the GCC), e-Sajeevani, medicines for COVID-19, requests for disinfecting premises, requests for providing yellow bags (for waste collection from COVID-19 households), follow up on home isolation including those under the high risk and comorbidities categories, green corridor and tuberculosis helpline. With mental health sharing the centre stage with COVID-19 ever since the WHO declared the virus a pandemic last year, the tele counselling centre also provides mental health assistance and counselling for citizens.



IPL2021 Rohit Sharma fined Rs 12 lakh for MI’s slow over-rate Mu m b a i I n d i a n s catpain Rohit Sharma was fined Rs 12 lakh for maintaining a slow over-rate during the IPL match against Delhi Capitals on Tuesday. “Mumbai Indians captain Rohit Sharma has been fined after his team maintained a slow over-rate during their IPL 2021 match against Delhi Capitals at the MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai on April 20,” the IPL said in a statement.

AB De Villiers to discuss T20 World Cup return South African batsman AB de Villiers said he is open to a return to international cricket at this year’s Twenty20 World Cup in India and will discuss his future with national coach Mark Boucher during the Indian Premier League (IPL). The 37-year-old retired from international cricket in 2018 but said in April last year he would consider a comeback at the T20 World Cup if it was delayed by a year to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rajasthan Royals hold IPL 2021 farewell for Ben Stokes

Ruled out of the remainder of Indian Premier League 2021, England all-rounder Ben Stokes received a farewell from Rajasthan Royals as he went back home on Friday with a jersey with the name of his father, who passed away last December. Stokes lost his father Ged, who died at 65 after a year-long battle with brain cancer. Ged, a former rugby player and coach, had been suffering from brain cancer for some time and Stokes was there in Christchurch for more than a month taking care of his ailing father. Stokes will be out of action for ‘up to 12 weeks’ as his fractured left index finger will require surgery that will take place in Leeds on Monday. The 29-year old flew back home on Friday night.



FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021



India Open In New Delhi Postponed Due To COVID-19 Pandemic The India Open Super 500 tournament, one of the last three qualifying events for the Tokyo Olympics, was on Monday postponed due to raging COVID-19 pandemic in the country. HiIndia Newsdesk The India Open Super 500 tournament, one of the last three qualifying events for the Tokyo Olympics, was on Monday postponed due to raging COVID-19 pandemic in the country. The USD 400,000 India Open was scheduled to be held behind closed doors in the national capital from May 11 to 16. “Considering the current challenges, BAI is left with no option but to announce the postponement of the tournament for the time being,” Badminton Association of India (BAI) general secretary Ajay Singhania said at a virtual press conference. “Several rounds of discussions were held with BWF as well as the Delhi government and other stakeholders and accessing the safety of players and officials BAI needed to take this decision.” India have reported 2,73,810 new positive cases

in the last 24 hours, the highest single-day surge taking the country’s caseload past the 1.5 crore mark. As many as 1,619 people have succumbed to the disease in the last 24 hours. Delhi has emerged as the worst hit city with 25,462 cases reported on Sunday. Given the grave situation, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal on Monday announced a six-day lockdown starting tonight till next Monday. With COVID-19 cases rising, many top players, including Olympic champion Carolina Marin, former world champion Ratchanok Intanon and Denmark’s duo of Anders Antonsen and Rasmus Gemke had withdrawn from the Olympic ranking event.

Roger Federer Says He European Super League Will Play At Roland Garros In Ruins As All Six English Clubs Pull Out HiIndia Newsdesk

Roger Federer confirmed on Sunday he will play the French Open at Roland Garros this year having skipped the 2020 edition to recover from knee surgery. Federer, a 20time Grand Slam winner, captured Roland Garros for the only time in 2009. His last appearance in the French capital in 2019 ended in a semi-final loss to Rafael Nadal, now a 13-time champion. Should Nadal triumph again in June, he will win a record-setting 21st major. “Hi everyone! Happy to let you know that I will play Geneva and Paris. Until then I will use the time to train. Can’t wait to play in Switzerland again,” the 39-year-old said on Twitter. Federer, who will turn 40 in August, has played just one tournament in 2021, winning one match in Qatar in March on his return from 13 months on the sidelines after undergoing two bouts of knee surgeries. He had been intending to return to action on clay in Madrid from May 2 but will now have his only pre-Paris warm-up in Geneva from May 16. Roland Garros will start on May 30, a week later than originally scheduled.

HiIndia Newsdesk The proposed European Super League appeared dead in the water on Thursday after all six English clubs withdrew following a furious backlash from fans and threats from football authorities. Manchester City, Manchester United, Liverpool, Chelsea, Tottenham and Arsenal were six of the 12 clubs that signed up to the breakaway competition that guaranteed spots each year and billions of dollars for founding members. But reaction to the plans has been scathing, with politicians and football chiefs threatening to take legal action against the so-called “dirty dozen”, who were told they faced potential bans from domestic and continental competitions.

I don’t want anyone to say I’m unfit: Dhoni HiIndia Newsdesk

Chennai Super Kings skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni on Monday admitted that while it is hard to “keep up” with younger players in the squad he does not want anyone to point fingers at him over his fitness. Dhoni, 39, who retired from international cricket last year, admitted that “getting old and being fit are two difficult things”. “When you are playing, you don’t really want anyone to say he’s unfit. I have to keep up with the younger guys, they are very fast, it’s good to challenge them,” Dhoni said after CSK beat Rajasthan Royals by 45 runs in their IPL match. “Performances are something that’s guaranteed. I wasn’t guaranteeing performances when I was 24. I can’t guarantee when I am 40, but at least if people can’t point finger at me that he’s unfit then that will be a big positive for me.”



FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021




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FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021

Out of Box


“Ho Kahin Bhi Aag” Man’s Initiative To Teach Children In Delhi Slum Earns Praise

Indian Forest Service officer Susanta Nanda borrowed the words of renowned Hindi poet Dushyant Kumar to praise a teacher who has been taking classes for children in a Delhi slum. Beneath a partially built flyover in eastern Delhi, Satyendra Pal uses a whiteboard to teach children with no access to online learning. A mathematics graduate who hails from a village in Uttar Pradesh, Mr Pal began taking classes in 2015. His initiative received much praise and appreciation during the coronavirus-induced lockdown when schools shut down across the country. “I stopped the classes in March because it was too

Are You Brave Enough To Sit In A Tub Of Snakes For $10,000?

Popular YouTuber MrBeast is back with another crazy video - and this time, he had cash rewards up for grabs. MrBeast - real name Jimmy Donaldson - challenged friends and colleagues to compete in a series of increasingly bizarre stunts to win prize money. The challenges involved sitting in a bathtub full of snakes, letting a tarantula crawl on you for 30 seconds and grabbing banknotes from a container with giant cockroaches, among other things. In the YouTube video posted this Sunday, Mr Donaldson, 22, gave away tens of thousands of dollars to people who managed to win the challenges he set up. For his first challenge, he told three friends that he would give $10,000 (approximately ₹ 7.5 lakh) to their mothers if they agreed to sit in a tub full of snakes. Would You Sit In Snakes For $10,000?” he titled the video. Watch it below to find out how many people agreed to take part in these crazy challenges and how many managed to win:

dangerous, but parents requested me to teach again,” he was quoted as saying by news agency Reuters at the time. “I want to earn money, but if I focus on myself I will earn alone. If I help these kids, they will all earn with me.” Mr Pal’s initiative to help underprivileged children found an admirer in Mr Nanda. “Ho kahin bhi aag, lekin aag jalni chahiye,” he wrote while sharing a picture of the teacher in his open-air ‘classroom’. The quote, taken from a motivational poem by Dushyant Kumar, roughly translates to, “It doesn’t matter where it burns, but keep this fire burning.”

Whale songs can be used to map out the ocean floor

Fin whales are basically the Barry White of the ocean. The deep, bellowing songs that males use to attract mates are considered to be the loudest of all marine life and can be “heard up to 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) away,” according to Scientific American. They can also be used to sonically map out the ocean floor thanks to the fact that the sound can reach depths of 2.5 kilometers (1.6 miles) under the water, which bounces back and provides researchers with accurate measurements. Beyond that, a 2021 study in Science showed how using a fin whale’s song can be far more useful and have less of a negative impact on sea life than using a large air gun, which is the typical tool researchers rely on.

“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go. Inversions. Samantha Ruth Prabhu gives all of us the fitness inspiration we need. The South actress has been motivating fans with her exercise routines. The 33-year-old who switched to a plant-based diet not long ago is committed to breaking the myth around not being able to build lean muscle on such a diet. On Wednesday, she stunned her fans and followers by acing a difficult yoga posture.

The world’s quietest room is located at Microsoft’s headquarters in Washington state

Silence is golden, as they say. And while it may not be worth quite as much as jewels and gold to most people, it certainly was the primary goal for those who built the quietest room in the world. Located at Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond, Washington, the lab room measures a background noise of -20.35 dBA, which is 20 decibels below the threshold of human hearing and breaks previous records for spaces that were deemed the planet’s quietest places, according to CNN. “As soon as one enters the room, one immediately feels a strange and unique sensation which is hard to describe,” Hundraj Gopal, a speech and hearing scientist and principal designer of the anechoic chamber at Microsoft, told CNN. “Most people find the absence of sound deafening, feel a sense of fullness in the ears, or some ringing. Very faint sounds become clearly audible because the ambient noise is exceptionally low. When you turn your head, you can hear that motion. You can hear yourself breathing and it sounds somewhat loud.”




FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021








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Baymont Inn PIZZA: in MI Hotel. facility, looking for a Now Medicare Advantage PPOStevensville, Plans available with: ROSATI'S 2 LOCATIONS, SALES indoor UP TO $15,385/WK. • Franchise Hotel in under Virginia • $0 Colonoscopy, Cancer Screening and more Preventive needs a Housekeeping care Test couple. Accommodation provided. • No referral required, visit any doctor or Hospital in USA who accept Original Medicare under

MOTEL HELP Medicare National Call Network Nimesh: 706-266-9742 MOTEL HELP Independent Motel in Marquette, MI needs a couple for Front Desk. HIRING-CLERICAL STAFF HIRING provided. Goodapay. FranchiseAccommodation Hotel in Virginia needs Housekeeping

• Worldwide ER coverage- India and other countries • Built In Drug coverage with No Premium and No Deductible, Generic at $0 copay • An Outine Eye, HearingHomecare & Dental check up atis $0 hiring copay & Tax Sahara a receptionist for our in Skokie/Mount Accounting /Booking services company Devon area, • Dental & Eyewear creditcouple. for covered services. Accommodation provided. Prospect location! Requirements: -Bilingual Hindi or Gujarati person perform accounting work: • need Gym Membership & OTC to catalogue items benefits • The Virtual Ideal Doctor Visitcandidate andschool Nurse line atdiploma nowill cost be: -Microsoft Excel familiarity -Strong -High • -Have Dual Advantage PPO Plan for Medicaid and & Medicare Subscribers background experience of Book-Keeping/Accounting. communication and phone skills • BUY MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PPO PLANS!!!

Call Gill: 906-361-1718 Email: brentwoodmotelmarquette@gmail.com MOTEL706-266-9742 HELP Call Nimesh:

15 Rooms Motel located at Altamont, IL Fully ]LIQUOR STORE FOR SALE Callnon-franchise Sandeep Patel: 309-287-1482 ]Liquor Store for sale at North Chicago, Lake County, IL. renovated. Manager 30,000 living quarter with 2BD/ Kitchen, need PRINT EDITION 68Kto Asking $109K, Gross Sales $700K, Lotto Commission| per sale. Absentee owner. Key start, nothing to spent anything. year $30K, Rent $3000, 3000 Sq. Ft. Store. Inventory $125KVery HOTEL HELP E-BLAST | 100K + VISITORS toRegular good occupancies 6 weekly, 2-3 walk inns, SOLDbusiness 224 SUB# 1$150K LOCATIONS IN CHICAGOLAND ]Call Broker Raj Patel: 630-205-6353 Manager Couple needed for Franchise Hotels close to Chicago. Good ONLINE hiindia.com |Franchise PRINT almost 60%. Asking price $349,000.00. Seriousfor inquiries only.] Manager Wanted Motel couple or Single



salary and accommodation provided. Need knowledge of Computer. SUBS # 1: SALES UPTOEnglish $14,000speaking. WK. LOCATIONS Good Car+License Motel inLAKE St.COUNTY. LouisINMO required. COOK, WILL, KANE AND Couple needed for 21 rooms Motel close to Chicago. No need Car+ Good Salary and Accommodation Provided. Now Medicare Advantage PPO PlansLicense available with: for this position. AL'S BEEF & NANCY PIZZA: SALES $1.1 MILLION/YR ASKING $250,000

MOTEL HELP Yogeshbhai: 224-656-2020 Wanted Motel Manager couple or Single for Franchise MotelSALON in St. LouisFOR MO SALE BEAUTY

Call Shah: 847-445-9037 or STRIP MALL: DUPAGESam COUNTY, FULLY RENTED ASKING $549,000 CALL 314-497-3292 or 314-330-4621


GoodHOTEL Salary andJOB Provided. Beauty Salon for sale Accommodation on theOPENING Illinois and Indiana borPHILLIPS STATION: ROCKLAND COUNTY, IL. ASKING $99,000+INVENTORY. ટેનેસder. ી,66 GAS અલાબામા, તેમજbusiness, ઓહાયોમાં જોબ ઓપનનં ગ છેwith . હાઉસકિનપં Profitable busy street good ગ MONEY MAKER. ( $5 પ્રનત રૂમ), લોન્ડ્રી માટે તે મ જ નાઈટ ઓકિટરની જરૂર છે . આિરિ CALL 314-497-3292 or 314-330-4621 ્ષ location. Owner is moving. પગાર અને રહેવાની સગવિ આપવામાં આવશે. પીિઅપ િરવાની

મોટલ - કન્વીનવીયન્સ સટોર હે લ્પ


Please call: 708-474-3884 HOTEL JOB OPENING MOTEL HELP CALL FOR DETAILS DEEPIKA : 847-229-1030, ટેનેસ ી, અલાબામા, તેમજSYAL ઓહાયોમાં જોબ 847-322-4575 ઓપનનંગ છે . હાઉસકિનપંગ

વયવસ્ા ્ઇ શિશે. -Must have basic Computer skills as well as attention for details. Send resume AmericInn in Munising, MI needs atocouple for Front Desk. Call: 847-284-6836 LIQUOR STORE: MAHASKA COUNTY, IOWA. ASKING $300,000+ INVENTORY. BUY MEDICARE send their resume within 10FRIDAY, days through /hiindialive OCTOBER 30, 2020 773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST /hiindiaNews @hiindia Accommodation provided. Good pay. 26 Email: habeeban@saharahomecare.com ADVANTAGE PLANS!!! Call Manish: 334-657-8100

glish o.


classifiedsLAW OFFICES


773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST /hiindiaNews 956-373-0767 @hiindia Call Chicago1872@hotmail.com Harjinder Email: Insurance plans for age507 65HELP under coverage. MOTEL HELP Email: americinn.munising@yahoo.com call : 773 8645 MOTEL HIRING-CLERICAL STAFF

Under 65Munising, InsuranceDirecta couple or Obamacare Direct orinObamacare or Marketplace areforavailable AmericInn MI needs Desk. AmericInn in Munising, MI needs a couple forFront Front Desk. An Accounting /Booking & Tax services company in Devon area, available with NO consultation Fees at NO consultation fees from us. Accommodation provided. Good pay. Accommodation provided. Good pay. need person to perform accounting work:

B XdJl B XdJl 3]^l. 3]^l. ght ght



ONLINE - EBLAST ALL PLEASE CALL: 331-575-0939 PLATFORM ONLY FOR $40 CLASSIFIEDS | FOR Call Trushar PatelADVERTISING 269-369-6652 773 338 0222

ASKING $150,000 & $225,000. LOW RENT work housekeeping and Front desk positions. $0 Premium, $0 couple PCP visit, $0 to Lab Test & Mental Health program


www.deepikasyal.com in Dubuque, immediately needed a ્ષિ 30,000 EDITION ( $5Motel પ્રનત રૂમ), લોન્ડ્રી માટે Iowa તેમજPRINT નાઈટ ઓકિટરની જરૂર |છે68K . આિર couple Living accommodation S.forHousekeeping. MILWAUKEE AVE., WHEELING, IL. આવશે 60090 પગાર401અને રહેવાની E-BLAST સગવિ આપવામાં િરવાની | 100K +. પીિઅપ VISITORS Front Deskwill Receptionist positionLegal available Comfort Inn and be provided. status must. વયવસ્ા ્ઇ શિશે . at the ONLINE hiindia.com | PRINTand Suites located in North Aurora, IL. English Communication -accommodation EBLAST ALL PLATLegal Status toCall work Manish: is- aONLINE must. Living provided with 334-657-8100 competitive pay. FORM ONLY FOR $40

Call Rudresh Trivedi 319-432-2702 or Call Harjinder 956-373-0767 CLASSIFIEDS | FOR ADVERTISING 773 338 0222 Khushbu R Trivedi 319-930-9843 Call: (215)K.239-4152 LTD PARVEEN GOYAL

The Ideal candidate will be: Call Harjinder 956-373-0767 Medicare and Marketplace Broker -HaveCall background and experience of Book-Keeping/Accounting. Email: americinn.munising@yahoo.com americinn.munising@yahoo.com -MustEmail: have basic Computer skills as well as attention for details. send their resume within 10 days through


REmail: ES773-459-0750, TChicago1872@hotmail.com AURANT OR SALE Phone: Fax:F847-454-3989


Great Investment to acquire www.myuhcagent.com/navinchandra.shah call : 773opportunity 507 8645 Fixed andVariable Variable ]]Fixed and Indian Restaurant which is running Annuities Annuities LIQUOR STORE HELP successfully in Chicago Suburbs.

]]Disability DisabilityIncome Income NOW Contact Please Contact Teja @847-848-4658 Life and Now hiring Store]]Associate for Cardinal LifeInsurance Insurance andWarehouse Indian Fine Dining

MOTEL HELP Rd. Des Plaines IL 60016

Wine and Liquor, Northside Liquor Stores ] Fixed and Variable

Rohit A.A.Shah LUTCF ROHIT A–A–MBA, SHAHRohit Shah MBA, LUTCF ROHIT SHAHFinancial Representative 1167 S Elmhurst Financial Representative

] Annuities Fixed andfor Variable 1751 Lake Road, Wanted Motel Manager Franchise Motel 1751 LakeCook Cook Road, Fixed Annuities FixedSuite Annuities 350 Suite 350 AreSalary you ready for Annuities Disability Income St. Louis MO. Good Oak Brook Terrace,in IL 60181 Deerfield, ILand 60015 ] Disability Income Disability Income Pick Up ONLY from 5 PM TO 10 PM Deerfield, IL 60015 Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Life Insurance and open enrollment? Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Accommodation Provided. OfficeFax: Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Life Insurance and ] ]Disability Income Office 1-630-317-2539 OfficeRegular Phone No. 847-597-2400 Khichdi & Shaak or Kadhiand $2.99 Life Insurance MBA, MBA,LUTCF LUTCF

Rasoi Specials Call 773-931-7650

Financial Financial Representative The Pietsch Group, Inc. Financial Financial Representative The Pietsch Group, Inc. 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181 135


23+ Years Experience HELP WANTED HOTEL HELP

મોટલ - કન્વીનવીયન્સ સટોર હે લ્પ

DUI & TRAFFIC COURT DIVORCE IMMIGRATION CRIMINAL DEFENSE AUTO ACCIDENTS La Quinta&Inn, Oklahoma City, OK in a nicer area needs COLLECTION EVICTIONS REAL ESTATE CLOSINGS CORPORATIONS & LLC immediately couple or single for housekeeping, laundry, and/ Help wantedafor Convenient Store, Gas Station, શિકાગોથી એક કલાકનાં અં ત રે , મિશિગન I-94 પર આવે લી Professional & Affordable Servicesin ForIndiana. your convenience payments plans are available or managerial jobs.Legal A condominium for accommodation closer Sandwich & Pizza Store Need counter help Evenings & Saturdays appointments available the hotel beહાઉસકીપીંગ provided. Excellent pay/salary. English and ફ્ેNowનto ્ાઇઝ િોટેwill લિાં અને ફ્નટડે સSandwich કનું કાિ કરી િકે in Convenient Store, Gas & Pizza Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:Station experience are NOT necessary forand housekeeping/laundry.

]Addand andVariable Variable ]Add ]Disability Income Callઇશનડયાનાિાં Tina: 562-310-3031 or જરૂર છે. િીટ સેનડવી્ને લગતુ ં ]Disability કાિ કરી િકે વી Income વયશ્તઓની 574-261-7281 આવે લીતેિોટે લિાં હાઉસશકપપગ Call: 847-584-7617 ]Life રહેિવજાની સગવડ FREE આપવાિાં આવિે . જરૂર છેand ]Life Insurance તે ફ્નટડે સક િાટે સસગલ અથવાInsurance કપલની .and અનુભવ ના Email: tinagill2009@gmail.com 1625 W Colonial Pkwy, Inverness, IL 60067, (near Harper College) હોય તો અિે ટ્ે ન કરીિું. રહે વાની સગવડ આપવાિાં આવિે . ]Long Term Care ]Long Term Care Call; 269-903-9677 (Cell)

તેવાGoyal કપલની જરૂર . તે િtheજU.S.કનવીનીયનસ સટોર જે&િImmigration ાં SIngh લીકર અન ે (Attorney With a Doctor in Juris MBA from is the Member of Chicago Bar,Shunti NWSB, Lawyers Assoc) store. Will train if&છેnot experienced. Call

Call Vijay Patel MOTEL 574-261-7281 HELP CALL : VIJAY PATEL 574-226-6938 Need Single or Couple]Add for Housekeeping and Front Desk help and Variable for Motel in Lockport, IL near Lemont HinduMATTERS Temple. Will train U.S. IMMIGRATION & VISA ]Add and Variable ]Disability Income if not experienced. Accommodation will be provided.

Office OfficePhone PhoneNo. No.847-597-2400 847-597-2400Office OfficeFax FaxNo.847-597-2401 No.847-597-2401 Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Rohit A.A.Shah – –MBA, LUTCF ROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Rohit Shah MBA, LUTCF ROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM Financial Representative Financial Representative Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM

Financial Representative Financial Representative Representative the Guardian TheFinancial Pietsch FinancialofGroup, Inc.Life Insurance Company America® (Guardian) New York, NY. The Pietsch Financial Group is Financial Representative ofGroup, Guardian Life Insurance America® (Guardian) New York, NY. The Pietsch Financial Group is The Pietsch an Summit affiliate Financial or subsidiary ofthe Guardian. 2016-22707. ExpCompany 8/18 1 S not 450 Ave, Suite 135Inc. not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 1 SBrook 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 2016-22707. Exp 8/18 Oak Terrace, IL 60181


]Disability Income M.Call: SHAH-KHAN ]Life Insurance and NowMAZHER Medicare Advantage PPO PlansShanti available with:630-408-4226

Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181

Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 21 Rooms Motel near O’hare Airport (Chicago, IL) needs OfficeFax: Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Office 1-630-317-2539 Gujarati vegetarian couple for housekeeping. Accommodation Office Fax: 1-847-219-2536 1-630-317-2539 Cell: 1847-970-9431 Cell: 1-847-219-2536 and food provided. Call between 12 pm to 8 pm 1-847-970-9431Perm Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com Labor Certifications

ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ]Long Term Care ]Life Insurance and Long Term Care Long Term Care $3.99 Vagherali Khichdi & Shaak or Kadhi ]Long Term Care ROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Call: 312-483-8935 or 773-742-8713 Financial Representative TeleMarketers. Male/Female in Skokie, IL. Experience preferred. Must Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM L-1 Visas $4.99 The Pietsch Financial Group Inc. is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Exp 8/18 Financial Representative Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York,Office NY. Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax No.847-597-2401 Palak & Shaak or Kadhi Financial Representative MBA, EmailLUTCF Address:Khichdi Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM

Call: ]314-497-3292 Life Insurance and or 314-330-4621





હ લ્પ ક્પલની જરૂરમોટ છ .લઆકર્ષ ક ્પગાર અન રહ વાની સગવડ આ્પવામાં Looking for Housekeeper for a nice Hotel, close to ે ં ે. Call: શિકાગોથી 100 માઈલનાં અતરે 847-858-9073 આવ લી મોટલમાં મોટે/લ 847-769-5630 મેનેજર આવિ /hiindialive FRIDAY, Nice pay and18, excellent accommodation. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2021 ે 773.526.8353 /hiindialive /hiindiaNews MIDWEST EASTCOAST @hiindia SEMPTEMBER MIDWEST / EASTCOAST ે વાની 2020 ક્પલની જરૂર આકર્ષ ક ્પાસ ્પગાર અન આ્પવામાં ે સક કલાક્ષ ે લમાં સગવડ ેલે ી રહ ેમછજે . /O’hare ે આવ ત26 મોટ ડ@hiindia ની/hiindiaNews જરૂર છ . 773.526.8353Chicago. 21

આવિે. ે લમાં ડે સક કલાક્ષની/ 847-769-5630 ેલી મોટ Call: 847-858-9073 તેમજ O’hare ્પાસે આવ જરૂર છે .


No. 847-597-2401 Office Office Fax: Fax 1-630-317-2539 Cell: 1-847-219-2536 જગ્યા ત્યારથી સવયાર શું કયામ આટલી ચિં ચિતં યા કરવી Office Fax No. 847-219-2536 847-597-2401 Cell: Cell 1-847-219-2536 1847-970-9431 Phone No. Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax No.847-597-2401 Hiring for Distribution Company Marketers/Sales Executives and Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com 1847-970-9431 Rohit A. Shah – MBA, LUTCF ROHIT A SHAH H-1B Work Visas Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. Rohit A. Shah – MBA, LUTCF Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM







Looking for Hotel Help.

Full time job. Good hourly pay plus tips & commission.

RED ROOF INN Arlington Heights, IL :

Family or without family we will help her.

Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:830-3468 Call: (269)

• $13.50/ Front Desk • $5with: Per Room Housekeeping (Housing Now MedicareHour: Advantage PPO Plans available Provided)

(269) 330-0453

RED ROOF PLUS Willowbrook, IL • $13.50/ Hour Front Desk • $5 Per Room Housekeeping (Housing Provided)

Call: 219-316-0344

Call: 224-829-4848

HOTEL-HOUSEKEEPING JOB We are looking for Housekeeper for Hotel in below city’s, we will provide accommodation. @hiindia





Eyebrow Threaders wanted. Full hours, good hourly pay plus commission and excellent Tips. Very kind and helpful owners with family like work environment.

LA QUINTA INN Willowbrook, IL: • $55,000/ Per Year Wyndham Certified General Manager • $13.50 Front Desk • $5/per Room Houskeeping (Housing Provided) All jobs are 30 minutes from Downtown, Chicago

MIDWEST EASTCOAST /hiindialive Now Medicare/ Advantage PPO Plans available with:



MATRIMONIAL North Indian Hindu parents looking for a suitable match for son, 45 yrs, Ht 5¹5’’, handsome, easy going & simple, divorced without kids, honest w/good values, Ph.D; FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2021employed in a world 773.526.8353 scientist/ researcher currently 35 renowned research institute on Long Island, NY. Email biodata w/recent photos: Email: apurva_tandon@yahoo.com

તેમજ O’hare ્પાસે Call: આવેલી 972-249-6637 મોટે લમાં ડે સક કલાક્ષનor ી જરૂર છે . 847-334-3655 HOTEL JOB OPENING

છે .




• Albuquerque, NM. ($6 per Room + $2000 Bonus) • Las Cruces, NM ($5.50 Per Room + $2000 Bonus) • San Antonio, TX ($5 Per Room + $2000 Bonus) • Kansas City, મોટે લMOહે($5 લ્પ Per Rooms + $2000 Bonus) ($5 Rooms ેલી Per ં રેMO શિકાગોથી 100• Columbia, માઈલનાં અત આવ મોટલમાં મોટે લ મેનેજ+ર $2000 Bonus) • St. Joseph, MO ($5 Per Rooms + $2000 Bonus) ક્પલની જરૂર છે . આકર્ષક ્પગાર અને રહે વાની સગવડ આ્પવામાં FRIDAY, 2, 2021 • Dallas,APRIL TX ($4 Per Rooms) 773.526.8353 sઆવિ ે. 35

જર ્પવામાં

FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021

Call: 847-858-9073 / 847-769-5630


Grand Rapids, Michigan ખાતે આવેલી 25 રૂમની મોટેલ ચોવીસ કલાક ચલાવવા માટે કપલની જરૂર છે . તમામ 25 વીકલી છે . કામનો ખાસ ભાર ન્થી. રસ Nowરૂમ Medicare Advantageઅને PPO Plansમન્થલી available with: ધરાવનાર વ્યક્ત સંપક્ક કરો.

Bhavesh Patel: 616-818-5992 MOTEL HELP

HOTEL HELP WANTED Call: (516)-650-6573.

Looking for Housekeeper for a nice Hotel, close to Chicago. Nice pay and excellent accommodation.


A Gujarati Family invites Matrimonial for IndianCall Sandeep Patel:Correspondance 309-287-1482 Born, Study in India BDS 4th year college Son, 21 years, Ht 5’-9”, slim. Looking for USA CItizen girl. Please send biodata and photograph.

Email: mapatel3097@gmail.com


Store for rent at 2745 W. Devon Ave, Franchise Hotel in Virginia needs a Housekeeping Chicago, IL. Store 3000 + Sq. Ft. couple. Accommodation provided. included Basement (1500 Sq.ft.). Rent MOTEL HELP Wanted Motel couple or Single for Franchise Call Manager Nimesh: 706-266-9742 $2200 per month. Moved in condition. Motel in St. Louis MO Good Salary and Accommodation Provided. Newly remodeled brand new two /hiindialive MIDWEST / EASTCOAST FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 2021 773.526.8353 @hiindia /hiindiaNews CALL 314-497-3292 or 314-330-4621 central Air conditioners and heat, new 35 lights, new draft ceiling, and carpeting. MOTEL HELP MOTEL HELP JOB OPENING WantedHOTEL Housekeeper couple for independent AmericInn in Munising, MI needs a couple forMotel FrontinDesk. HIRING Available immediately Washington, Provided. ટે નેસી, અલાબામા, તેમજ IA.Accommodation ઓહાયોમાં જોબ ઓપનનં ગ છે . હાઉસકિનપંગ Sahara Homecare is hiring a receptionist our Skokie/Mount Accommodation provided.for Good pay.

(Prospect $5 પ્રનતlocation! રૂમ), લોન્ડ્રી માટે તેમજ-Bilingual નાઈટ ઓકિટરની છે . આિર ્ષ Requirements: Hindi orજરૂર Gujarati -Highિ Call: 224-572-1282. પગાર અને રહે વ ાની સગવિ આપવામાં આવશે . પીિઅપ િરવાની Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: school diploma -Microsoft Excel familiarity -Strong communication વયવસ્ા ્ઇ શિશે.

Call Harjinder 956-373-0767

and phone skills Email: americinn.munising@yahoo.com ROOMMATE NEEDED

Send resume to Callneeded. Manish: 334-657-8100 Male Roommate Furnished room with Air Condition, Email: habeeban@saharahomecare.com Refrigerators, Microwave, close to Devon (Chicago, IL). Good neighborhood. Should have legal status.

Call: 847-372-1462

SIMI ACCOUNTING SERVICES 264 Dover Ln, Des Plaines, IL 60018 INCOME TAX RETURNS We do filing Income Tax Return individuals.

Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans773-818available with: Call

3525 or 918-428-9184

RESTAURANT HELP Indian Restaurant located at Ashland Ave & Taylor Street, Chicago, IL looking for Food Runner, Waiter, ] Fixed and Variable and Manager

Please Annuities Call: 224-388-2674 ] Add andIncome Variable ] Disability ] Disability Income ] Life Insurance andand ] Life Insurance


Starting from $45

Call us for our Accounting Services

]Add and Variable Tel: 847-768-5903 / 847-800-1076 ]Disability Income By appointment only. ]Life Insurance and ]Long Term Care

Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax No.847-597-2401



FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST


Auditor. Auditor. Fluent Fluent in in English English Also Need Front Desk /G Night Auditor. Fluent in English `]dZl `dOPf `d0 Sd F QZØYdS `0 `]dZl `dOPf `d0G/hiindiaNews Sd F QZØYdS773.526.8353 `0T T@ě @ě @Zo. @Zo. /hiindialive @hiindia Call: 773-632-6118 or 630-347-2723

FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021



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] Fixed and Variable Annuities ] Disability Income ] Life Insurance and ] Long Term Care Rohit A. ShahA– MBA, LUTCF ROHIT SHAHFinancial Representative


FinancialFinancial Representative The Pietsch Group, Inc. 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181

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Fixed Suite Annuities 350 Disability Income Deerfield, IL 60015 Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Life Insurance and Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Long Term Care No. 847-597-2401 Cell: Office Fax 1-847-219-2536

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Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax No.847-597-2401 Rohit A. Shah – MBA, LUTCFCell Phone No. 847-219-2536 ROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Financial Representative Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM Financial Representative of the Guardian TheFinancial PietschRepresentative Financial Group, Inc. Life Insurance Company America® (Guardian) New York, NY. The Pietsch Group Ave, is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707. Exp 8/18 1 S Financial 450 Summit Suite 135 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181

Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Cell: 1-847-219-2536 1-847-970-9431 Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com

1-847-970-9431 Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM

ompany of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. bsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Exp 8/18

The Pietsch Financial Group Inc. is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Exp 8/18

Registered Representative of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS). Securities products offered through PAS, member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. PAS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guardian. Pietsch Financial Group is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. California Life and Health, California Department of Insurance, License No. 2108969 Effective Date: 01/17/2020, Expiration Date: 01/31/2022




FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

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