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OFFICIAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a MUNICIPAL ELECTION will be held in the City of Chicago, County
The MUNICIPAL ELECTION will be conducted by the Board of Election Commissioners for the City of Chicago. At this election, voters will cast ballots for candidates CITY TREASURER, and ALDERPEOPLE in each of Chicago’s 50 Wards. If a candidate in any contest receives more than half the votes in that contest, that candidate will votes, the two candidates who receive the most votes on Feb. 28th will be in the Supplementary (Run-Off) Election on April 4, 2023. For the first time, voters will also (PDC) in each of Chicago’s 22 Police Districts. The top three PDC candidates who receive the most votes on Feb 28th will be elected to the position. Ballots in certain referenda. Sample ballots are available at chicagoelections.gov.
All polling places for said MUNICIPAL ELECTION on February 28. 2023 will be open from 6:00 AM and closed at 7:00 PM. Eligible US citizens may register or file a vote center on Election Day. The MUNICIPAL ELECTION will be held in each precinct in each Ward in the City of Chicago and the voting will be at the following polling the City of Chicago. All polling place locations are subject to change for reasons beyond the control of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. In the event a mail and/or post a sign at the former polling place location. If a change occurs for your precinct, you may call the Polling Place Department at 312-269-7976 or visit more information regarding polling place accessibility, please visit chicagoelections.gov/accessibility-voters-with-disabilities for a detailed list of site surveys or call
Need to find your Polling Place? Visit chicagoelections.gov and click on “Your Voter Information.” If you’re not yet registered, enter only your current address to find enter your address AND last name to check your voter registration status, find a sample ballot, locate your polling place and Early Voting locations, and check the status report unofficial election results for precincts in the City of Chicago.
Polling Places
Board of Election Commissioners For the City of Chicago
A. Hernandez, Chair
J. Kresse, Commissioner/Secretary
A. Brown, Commissioner
Holiday Jr., Executive Director