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NATIONAL EDITION | Volume 13 • Issue No. 670 May 06, 2022 | hiindia.com - News Update 24X7 | South Asian Views On Global News

India has done ‘much better’ in fight against child labour, says Kailash Satyarthi

How India’s drone start-ups could change healthcare


With EU trying to move away from Russia & China, Modi’s visit is India’s chance to boost ties



The ‘Pandemic Phase’ Of COVID Is Over In The U.S.: Dr. Fauci

We’re really in a transitional phase, from a deceleration of the numbers into hopefully a more controlled phase and endemicity

PM Modi and French President Macron agree to further expand strategic bilateral ties Extensive discussions were held on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and terrorism and agreed on an agenda for the next phase of India-France Strategic Partnership Read More :


Biden urges voters to protect abortion rights


The United States has entered the next phase in the COVID-19 crisis, according to the White House’s chief medical adviser. “We are certainly, right now, in this country out of the pandemic phase,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday on PBS’ “NewsHour.” “Namely, we don’t have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. We are at a low level right now.” But that doesn’t mean the coronavirus is going anywhere any time soon. Read More : 20


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FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022











FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022


US makes biggest interest rate rise in 22 years

Dave Chappelle attacked onstage at L.A.’s Hollywood Bowl Comedian Dave Chappelle was attacked onstage Tuesday night as he performed at Los Angeles’ Hollywood Bowl arena, with videos from audience members’ cellphones quickly flooding social media and showing a man appear to run onto the stage and tackle the comic. Chappelle, whose unapologetic humor has made him a lightning rod for criticism, appeared unscathed by the sudden interruption and later joked

Biden Nominates Richard Verma to Body that Monitors US Spies Indian American Richard Verma has been nominated by President Joe Biden to a White House body that that advises the president of the United States on the effectiveness of the country’s intelligence community. According to the White House the advisory board serves to assist the president by providing him with an “independent source of advice on the effectiveness with which the Intelligence Community is meeting the nation’s intelligence needs.” Verma is currently with Mastercard as its general counsel and head of global public policy. In 2014, he was sent to India as ambassador by the then President Barack Obama.

households around the world. India’s central bank on Wednesday announced a surprise increase to its benchmark rate, while Australia’s central bank recently enacted its first interest rate hike in more than a decade. The Bank of England is also widely expected to raise rates on Thursday, which would be the fourth increase HiIndia Newsdesk since December. The US central bank has announced its “Inflation is much too high and we biggest interest rate increase in more understand the hardship it is causing,” than two decades as it toughens its fight Federal Reserve chairman Jerome against fast rising prices. Powell said in a press conference in The Federal Reserve said it was lifting Washington on Wednesday. its benchmark interest rate by half a “We are moving expeditiously to bring percentage point, to a range of 0.75% to it back down.” By raising rates, banks 1% after a smaller rise in March. will make it more expensive for people, With US inflation at a 40-year high, businesses and governments to borrow. further hikes are expected. They expect that to cool demand for The push marks the latest effort to goods and services, helping to ease contain spiking costs being felt by price inflation.

Muslims being targeted with violence around the world: Joe Biden At a White House reception to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, Biden said he has appointed the first Muslim to serve as Ambassador-atLarge for International Religious Freedom.

HiIndia Newsdesk

Around the world, Muslims are being discriminate against oppressed or be targeted with violence, US President oppressed for their religious beliefs,” Joe Biden said on Monday asserting he said to applause from the select that Muslims make America stronger gathering at the White House. every single day even as they still face Arooj Aftab, a Pakistani vocalist and real challenges and threats in the society composer, was one of the speakers that they live in. at the event along with First Lady Jill At a White House reception to celebrate Biden and Dr. Talib M. Shareef, Imam Eid al-Fitr, Biden said he has appointed of Masjid Muhammad, known as ‘The the first Muslim to serve as Ambassador- Nation’s Mosque’ in Washington, DC. at-Large for International Religious “Today, we also remember all those who Freedom. “It’s especially important are not able to celebrate this holy day, because today, around the world, we’re including Uyghurs and Rohingyas and seeing so many Muslims being targeted all those who are facing famine, violence, with violence. No one, no one should conflict, and disease,” Biden said.

Abortion ruling: US Supreme Court says leak is real as investigation launched

USA News in Brief

Trump-backed candidate wins

HiIndia Newsdesk

J D Vance, a candidate for the US Senate who is backed by Donald Trump, won the Republican primary vote in Ohio on Tuesday, in an early test of the former president’s sway over his party as he eyes a possible White House run in 2024. Trump upended the Ohio race last month by endorsing author and venture capitalist Vance ahead of the November 8 congressional elections, catapulting him ahead of former state Treasurer Josh Mandel, also a staunch Trump supporter.

Bill Gates Questions Elon Musk’s Intentions Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates on Wednesday warned that Tesla’s chief executive officer (CEO) Elon Musk could potentially make Twitter a “worse” platform. Speaking at The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Summit, Mr Gates was asked about Elon Musk’s potential impact on Twitter following his $44 billion acquisition of the social media platform last month. To this, the philanthropist replied saying that while Mr Musk has a good track record, he could make misinformation on the platform worse.

Biden urges voters to protect abortion rights

HiIndia Newsdesk

A leaked document suggesting millions of US women could lose the legal right to abortion is genuine, the Supreme Court’s chief justice has confirmed.

But it does not represent the court’s final decision, said John Roberts. The leak has stirred expectations that the 1973 decision which legalised abortion in the US could be overturned, allowing individual states to ban it. President Joe Biden has argued that the decision - if it goes ahead - could call other freedoms into question. The leaked document - labelled “1st Draft” - appears to reflect the majority opinion of the court. Written by Justice Samuel Alito, it calls the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling - which legalised abortion across the US - “egregiously wrong from the start”. The draft is not a final ruling, and opinions could change. But if Roe v Wade is overturned, around half of US states could ban abortion. In a statement, Chief Justice Roberts described the leak of the draft - first published by US website Politico - as “a singular and egregious breach” and asked the Marshal of the Supreme Court to launch an investigation. The work of the court would “not be affected in any way”, he added.

U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday appealed to voters to protect abortion rights by backing candidates who support them in November’s elections after a leaked Supreme Court draft showed it could soon overturn its 1973 decision legalizing abortion. Biden said his administration would respond once the Supreme Court formally rules but stopped short of calling for more radical changes including a push to have the Senate change its rules to allow a simple majority to pass a law guaranteeing access to abortions.

FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022











FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022


PM Modi and French President Macron agree to further expand strategic bilateral ties Extensive discussions were held on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and terrorism and agreed on an agenda for the next phase of India-France Strategic Partnership

HiIndia Newsdesk

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron held extensive discussions on a wide range of bilateral and global issues, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the situation in the Indo-Pacific and terrorism, as they agreed on an ambitious agenda for the next phase of the India-France Strategic Partnership. Modi, who arrived here from Denmark on the final leg

Ukraine war: EU plans Russian oil ban and war crimes sanctions

of his three-nation European tour, on Wednesday night held one-on-one and delegation-level talks with Macron, who was re-elected to the top post over a week back. Modi and Macron held discussions on the entire range of bilateral issues, including cooperation in defence, space, blue economy, civil nuclear and people-to-people ties, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said in a press release. “Delighted, as always, to meet my friend President @ EmmanuelMacron. We talked at length about bilateral as well as global issues. India and France are proud developmental partners with our partnership spread across different sectors,” Modi tweeted in English and French languages along with a photograph of him and Macron hugging each other.

France wants India onboard in UNSC

World News in Brief Musk has reportedly lined up new Twitter CEO

HiIndia Newsdesk

Elon Musk has reportedly lined up a new CEO to take over from Indian-origin Parag Agrawal, as Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey’s name was making the rounds who quit in November last year to focus on his financial payments company Block, reports ndtv.com Musk told Twitter’s chairman Bret Taylor last month that he does not have confidence in the San Francisco-based company’s management.

North Korea fires ballistic missile

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HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk

The EU has proposed its toughest measures yet against Russia, including a total ban on oil imports and sanctions on war crimes suspects. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the package was aimed at maximising pressure on Russia while minimising damage to Europe. Russian crude oil would be phased out within six months, she said. Military officers involved in suspected war crimes in Bucha and Mariupol would also face new sanctions. “This sends another important signal to all perpetrators of the Kremlin’s war: We know who you are, and you will be held accountable,” Ms von der Leyen told the European Parliament on Wednesday.

Beijing curbs public transport as Covid spreads in China

HiIndia Newsdesk

The Chinese capital Beijing shut dozens of metro stations and bus routes on Wednesday in its campaign to stop the spread of Covid-19 and avoid the fate of Shanghai where millions of residents have been under strict lockdown for more than a month. New evidence has emerged that China’s uncompromising battle against the coronavirus, believed to have emerged in a market in the city of Wuhan in late 2019, is undermining its growth and hurting the international companies invested there.

France reiterated its commitment to support India’s bid for permanent membership in a reformed UN Security Council and New Delhi’s entry into the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group, according to a joint statement issued by the two countries after Prime Minister Narendra Modi held talks with French President Emmanuel Macron. India has been at the forefront of efforts at the UN to push for urgent long-pending reform of the Security Council, emphasising that it rightly deserves a place at the UN high table as a permanent member. At present, the UNSC comprises five permanent members and 10 non-permanent member countries which are elected for a two-year term by the General Assembly of the United Nations.

People can now get contact info cut from Google search results

Personal contact information such as your phone number, email or home address, can now be removed from Google search results. HiIndia Newsdesk

Previously, individuals could remove links to contact information when it had been published maliciously - so-called “doxxing”. Now people can request removal if it poses other risks, for example of “harmful direct contact”.

Google warns that the information will still exist online. “It’s important to remember that removing content from Google Search won’t remove it from the internet, which is why you may wish to contact the hosting site directly, if you’re comfortable doing so,” Michelle Chang, Google’s global policy lead for search wrote, announcing the change. However, websites - particularly those hosting stolen data - may not respond to requests for removal. Even if someone hosting data agrees to removal, personal information may also be discoverable on archived versions of web pages. The information may also be hosted on websites that are designed not to appear in Google search results, but whose location is widely known by criminals.

North Korea fired a ballistic missile toward the sea off its east coast on Wednesday, South Korea and Japan said, about a week after Pyongyang vowed to develop its nuclear forces “at the fastest possible speed”. The North’s 14th known weapons test this year comes days before the South’s new president, Yoon Suk-yeol, takes office on May 10. The North’s last test, on April 16, involved a new tactical guided weapon aimed at boosting its nuclear capability.

Pope offers to meet Putin, still waiting to hear back

HiIndia Newsdesk

Pope Francis told an Italian newspaper he had offered to travel to Moscow to meet with President Vladimir Putin to try to end Russia’s war in Ukraine and suggested the invasion might have been provoked by Nato’s eastward expansion. Francis said he made the offer about three weeks into Russia’s invasion, via the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, but has yet to hear back.

FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022



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FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022


MLA Jignesh Mevani Gets Jail Term in Gujarat

4 Suspected Terrorists With Pak Link Caught With Explosives In Haryana The suspected Khalistani terrorists were arrested at 4 am at Karnal’s Bastara toll plaza while they were on their way to Delhi in a white Toyota Innova SUV

HiIndia Newsdesk

The ‘Azadi march’ from Mehsana to Dhanera in Banaskantha district was held in July 2017 without police permission and Mr Mevani and the others have been sentenced to three months’ imprisonment and a fine Mumbai: Gujarat MLA and Dalit leader JigneshMevani and nine others have been convicted by lower court in Mehsana over a rally they organised nearly five years ago. The ‘Azadi march’ from Mehsana to Dhanera in Banaskantha district was held in July 2017 without police permission and Mr Mevani and the others have been convicted for unlawful assembly. All of them have been sentenced to three months of imprisonment and fine of Rs. 1,000 each. Last month, Jignesh Mevani was arrested twice by the Assam police on various charges. He was arrested from Gujarat’s Palanpur town by a team of Assam police after a complaint was filed over his tweets against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He was granted bail in that case, but was arrested almost immediately after in a case of alleged molestation of a woman police constable.

Two Indian Americans amongst Top 50 IT Leaders of the Year

recovered from them. They were going to deliver explosives to Maharashtra’s Nanded and Telangana’s Adilabad. The key accused, Gurpreet, was earlier in jail, where he met a Rajbeer, who had links with Pakistan, the police said. Gurpreet and the three others, who were arrested today, used to deliver consignments of explosives across India, the police said, adding the four have links with Pakistan’s espionage Four suspected Khalistani terrorists were arrested in Haryana’s Karnal agency Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI. They were arrested at 4 am at Karnal’s Bastara toll plaza HiIndia Newsdesk while they were on their way to Delhi in a white Toyota Chandigarh: Four suspected Khalistani terrorists have been Innova SUV. The other three suspects have been identified arrested at a toll plaza in Haryana, the police said today, adding as Bhupinder, Amandeep and Parminder, all residents of a large quantity of arms, ammunition and explosives have been Punjab.

PK announces Bihar march Final Report On Controversial Plan To Redraw J&K Seats Out

The poll strategist says will set up Jan Suraaj to work for the state’s development HiIndia Newsdesk

Celebrated election strategist Prashant Kishor on Thursday announced that he has had his fill as a backroom operator for leading political players of the country and that he was now intent on creating a platform of like-minded people aimed at transforming his home state Bihar. The ace election strategist announced a 3,000-km padyatra or march from October 2 to meet “as many people as possible” and called it a part of his mission to bring “nayi soch, naya prayas (new thinking, new effort)” in Bihar.

Modi to chair review meeting on heatwave HiIndia Newsdesk

(L to R)Krishna Kumar Edathil & Nikhil Deshpande HiIndia Newsdesk

Krishna Kumar Edathil from Texas and Nikhil Deshpande from Georgia, have got their names in the coveted StateScoop Top 50 2022 list. The StateScoop 50 Awards annually honour the best and brightest who make state government more efficient and effective. Edathil has been named State IT Leader of the Year and Deshpande has been declared the State Leadership of the Year. Edathil is the Director of Enterprise Solution Services for the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR), has led Texas ahead in cloud ranking in the US. Nikhil Deshpande has played key roles in establishing the state’s social media presence and leading the move to an enterprise wide open-source publishing system.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will chair here on Thursday an important review meeting on preparedness to deal with the heatwave affecting parts of the country and the upcoming monsoon season, government sources said. They said Modi is expected to hold seven to eight meetings during the day following his return from the three-day visit to as many European countries, reports PTI. The prime minister will immediately attend office after arriving here, they said.Several parts of the country have logged all-time high temperatures under the impact of the torrid heatwave.

The commission has recommended additional seats in the assembly for Kashmiri migrants and displaced persons from Pakistan occupied J&K. HiIndia Newsdesk

New Delhi: The delimitation commission to redraw the electoral map of Jammu and Kashmir today notified and submitted its much-awaited final report. The completion of the controversial delimitation process will pave the wave for holding assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir. The former state is without an elected government since June 2018. All five parliamentary constituencies will have an equal number of assembly constituencies for the first time. Nine seats have been reserved for Scheduled Tribes (ST), another first for the erstwhile state. Of the 90 assembly constituencies, 43 will be part of the Jammu region and 47 for Kashmir. Jammu and Kashmir have been treated as a single entity for the purposes of delimitation. The number of total assembly seats in Jammu has risen from 37 to 43 assembly seats. All assembly constituencies shall remain within the boundary of the concerned district, according to the delimitation order. The Patwar circle is the lowest administrative unit which has not been broken.

Arundhati Roy: Today’s India is a ‘shame’ HiIndia Newsdesk

Booker Prize winner Arundhati Roy has compared India of today to a plane moving in reverse and claimed that it was “headed for a crash”. She was speaking on Wednesday at the launch of the book “Why do you fear my way so much?”, a selection of poems and letters by jailed human rights activist G N Saibaba.

Roy said that from spearheading “truly revolutionary movements” in the 1960s for redistribution of wealth and land, the country’s leaders were now seeking votes and winning elections by distributing “5 kg rice and 1 kg salt”. “Recently, I asked a pilot friend of mine, ‘Can you fly a plane backwards?’ He laughed out loud. I said this is exactly what is happening here.

FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022


laydough is not a common mathematics teaching aid. But at Jain Heritage School in the upmarket neighbourhood of Whitefield in Bengaluru, India’s tech capital, it is among the options that primary school teachers use to make numbers fun. Instead of learning by rote, children are encouraged to shape playdough into different numerals. They learn patterns using sticks and stones; counting by tallying up the trees they see during an outdoor exercise; and measurements by making lemonade. The schooling style is a sharp break from the doctrinaire approach that has long dominated Indian education: Government agencies draw up curricula, teachers and schools have little flexibility to innovate, and students are graded on what they remember rather than what they understand. This, on the other hand, is an attempt at emulating Finland’s globally acclaimed school system, which is now gaining traction 6,500km away in India. Schools offering “Finnish education” are emerging across Indian cities, emphasising activity-based learning, interaction with nature and life skills over textbook-based, test-oriented education. The Academy School (TAS) in the city of Pune adopted a Finnish curriculum last year. Finland International School, also in Pune, will start later this year. FinlandWay, a Helsinki-based preschool provider, is setting up three institutions in Mumbai. There is Nordic High International School in Indore and Ramagya Roots, a pre-school in Noida. Even Mohan Bhagwat, the chief of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh — the mothership Hindu nationalist organisation that the country’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party belongs to — has publicly acknowledged the successes of Finland’s schooling system. That is Finland’s pitch to the world, too. In 2015, the country’s government created a platform called Education Finland with the task of exporting the country’s education model that is routinely near the top in the OECD’s Programme for International Student







Finland’s big new export to India: Education

“Finnish education” are emerging across Indian cities, emphasising activity-based learning, interaction with nature and life skills over textbookbased, test-oriented education.

Assessment (PISA) tests and that boasts a high school graduation rate of more than 90 percent. The organisation works with Finnish companies that identify global markets, find partner schools and customise pedagogy for specific countries.

India is not the only country looking at Finland. In Peru, the government is building 75 schools modelled on the Finnish experience, Kangasniemi said. New Nordic Schools, a Helsinki-based company, is helping new schools start in Brazil and in Minnesota in the United States, co-founder Pia Jormalainen said. But the size of the Indian education market — expected to touch $225bn by 2025 — makes it a rare prize. New Nordic Schools and an Indian partner company, Finland Education Hub, are responsible for the curriculum and teacher training at Jain Heritage School and Nordic High International.

Alien schooling system It is not always easy for Indian teachers and schools to adopt the Finnish model, said Jormanainen. While Finland has a

core curriculum, teachers are expected to develop teaching and evaluation Parents will also take time to accept an alien schooling system, said Shashank G o e n k a , w ho s e G o e n k a Gl ob a l Education group is launching Finland International School in Pune. At Finland International School, every class will have two trained teachers — one Finnish, the other Indian — and an assistant. “We want to deliver the best of the Finnish model in an Indian context,” Goenka told.That needs modifications to the Finnish schooling approach, said Ashish Srivastava, CEO of Finland Education Hub. Students in the Nordic nation do not take school work back home. But many Indian parents find the absence of any homework hard to understand, he said. “So our schools occasionally give activity-based exercises that kids and parents can do at home,” Srivastava told Al Jazeera. When parents ask schools why their children are not learning how to write with pens sooner, they are gently reminded that most people hardly write with pens any more. “That’s what we keep emphasising — the Finnish system is all about teaching children what’s relevant.” But rigorous teacher training is the cornerstone of Finland’s education success, experts said. Until Indian teachers are trained afresh, schools have no alternative but to hire teachers from Finland. That is costly and reflects in the fees: Finland International School, for instance, charges 570,000 rupees ($7,600) a year, in a country where percapita gross domestic product (GDP) hovers under $2,000. And while India has far more expensive private schools, Jari Lavonen, a professor at the faculty of educational sciences at the University of Helsinki, said he worries that the commercialisation of his country’s schooling approach “can hurt the image of Finnish education”. plans on their own. In India, teachers are trained to follow governmentprescribed syllabi and textbooks. “We’ve had schools ask us to craft the syllabus for their teachers,” Jormanainen told Al Jazeera. “That’s fundamentally against our approach.”

Feature Both state and private refiners in India have bought more than 40 million barrels of Russian crude since the invasion of Ukraine in late February.

India Wants Russia To Discount Its Oil To Less Than $70 A Barrel: Report


ndia is trying to get deeper discounts on Russian oil to compensate for the risk of dealing with the OPEC+ producer as other buyers turn away, according to people with knowledge of the matter. India is seeking Russian cargoes at less than $70 a barrel on a delivered basis to compensate for additional hurdles such as securing financing for purchases in high level talks between the two countries, said the people, asking not to be identified as discussions are confidential. Global benchmark Brent is currently trading near $105 a barrel. Both state and private refiners in the world’s third-biggest oil importer have bought more than 40 million barrels

of Russian crude since the invasion of Ukraine in late February, the people said. That’s 20% more than Russia-to-India flows for the whole of 2021, according to Bloomberg calculations based on trade ministry data. India -- which imports more than 85%

of its oil -- is among the few remaining buyers of Russian crude, a key source of revenue for Vladimir Putin’s regime. Evaporating European demand is putting severe pressure on Russia’s oil industry, with the government forecasting output could drop by as much as 17% this year. Flows of Russian oil to India aren’t sanctioned, but tightening international restrictions in areas such as marine insurance and pressure on New Delhi from the US are making the trade more difficult. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has so far resisted Western encouragement to scale back its relationship with Moscow because of the opportunity to get heavily discounted oil. India is also highly dependent on imports of Russian weapons. India’s state-run refiners can take

about 15 million barrels a month -about a tenth of overall imports -- if Russia agrees to the price demands and delivers the oil to India, the people said. Government-affiliated processors will stand to benefit from any potential agreement, they said. Private refiners such as Reliance Industries and Nayara Energy typically procure their feedstock individually. Moscow is looking at ways to keep supplies flowing to India -- both from the west via the Baltic Sea and on routes from the Russian Far East that become more accessible during the summer, the people said. The two countries have even been exploring re-routing some crude through Vladivostok in the Far East. While the sea trip from there to India would be quicker there would likely be major costs and logistical hurdles with this.






FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022


Indian-Americans furious over US state assembly’s open support for Sikh independent state ‘Khalistan’ within India HiIndia Newsdesk

In the “official citation”, the Connecticut general assembly congratulated the pro-Khalistan organisation World Sikh Parliament “in recognition of the 36th anniversary of the declaration of Sikh independence”

Washington: Indian Americans have expressed outrage over a citation issued by the general assembly of the US state of Connecticut recognising an anniversary of the so-called “declaration of Sikh independence”. In the “official citation” dated April 29, the Connecticut general assembly congratulated the pro-Khalistan organisation World Sikh Parliament “in recognition of the 36th anniversary of the declaration of Sikh independence”. “This initiative is from a few fringe elements who have no interest in the state of Connecticut, but promoting their own personal divisive agenda,” said Thomas Abraham, chairman of

the influential Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO). “Indian American community in Connecticut consists of Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Parsis. All these communities live together as one Indian community and Connecticut state has no business to comment on issues pertaining to local issues in India or supporting fringe elements to promote their divisive agenda,” Abraham said. GOPIO has written to Connecticut State Senators and Assembly Representatives who introduced this citation to dissociate themselves from it.

Indians to benefit as US announces extension for expiring immigrant work HiIndia Newsdesk

Indian-origin girl presents PM Modi with his portrait in Berlin HiIndia Newsdesk

Berlin: It was a dream come true for two small Indian-origin children in Germany who received praise from Prime Minister Narendra Modi as they won his heart by their talent. Ashutosh and Manya Mishra were among kids who were waiting for the prime minister at Hotel Adlon Kempinski along with the elders of the community. Ashutosh sang a patriotic song for Prime Minister Modi, who enjoyed listening to him. Modi praised the boy’s talent and said “Shaabash (well done).” Sharing her experience of meeting Prime Minister Modi, Manya said, “My dream came true.”

T h e Bi d e n a d m i n i s t r at i on h a s announced an automatic extension of expiring work permits for certain categories of immigrants, including those seeking green cards and spouses of H-1B visa holders who get employment authorisation cards (EAD), for a year and a half. The move, announced by the Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday, is likely to benefit thousands of Indian immigrants. The extension period of up to 180 days will automatically be extended to up to 540 days from the expiration date stated on the current EADs, the Department of Homeland Security said. “As USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services) works to address the pending EAD caseloads, the agency has determined that the current 180-day automatic extension for employment authorisation is currently insufficient,” said USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou. “This temporary rule will provide those non-citizens, otherwise eligible for the automatic extension, an opportunity to maintain employment and provide critical support for their families, while avoiding further disruption for US

Indian-origin Nand Mulchandani is CIA’s first chief tech officer

Nand Mulchandani, CIA’s Chief Technology Office HiIndia Newsdesk

Nand Mulchandani, an Indian-origin man, has been appointed as Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) first-ever Chief Technology Officer. Mulchandani studied at Delhi’s Bluebells School

International between 1979 and 1987. The announcement was made by CIA Director William J Burns. According to CIA, Mulchandani has over 25 years of expertise working in Silicon Valley. Mulchandani has a degree in Computer Science and Math from Cornell, a Master of Science degree in Management from Stanford, and a Master in Public Administration degree from Harvard. “Mulchandani brings substantial personal sector, startup, and authorities experience to the CIA,” the US agency said in a press release.”Mulchandani will ensure the agency is leveraging cutting-edge innovations and scanning the horizon for tomorrow’s innovations to further CIA’s mission,” it added.

The move is expected to benefit those seeking green cards and spouses of H-1B visa holders who get employment authorisation cards. employers,” he said. According to USCIS, non-citizens with

a pending EAD renewal application whose 180-day automatic extension has lapsed and whose EAD has expired will be granted an additional period of employment authorisation and EAD validity beginning May 4, 2022, and lasting up to 540 days from the expiration date of their EAD. They may resume employment if they are still within the up to 540-day automatic extension period and are otherwise eligible. Non-citizens with a pending renewal application still covered under the 180-day automatic extension will be granted an additional extension of up to 360 days, for a total of up to 540 days past the expiration of the current EAD.

New Zealand can be partner in growth: Kiwi parliamentarian There was gap in communication and suggested that technology exchange programmes should be encouraged between two nations

Gaurav Sharma, a Parliamentarian of New Zealand, in an interview with The Tribune here today, said New Zealand could support more development projects in India and be a partner in its growth process. HiIndia Newsdesk

Ha m i r p u r : G a u r a v S h a r m a , a Parliamentarian of New Zealand, in an interview with The Tribune here today, said New Zealand could support more development projects in India and be a partner in its growth process. Gaurav, who hails from Galore Hadeta village in the district, was in India on a special invite from the Ministry of External Affairs for a Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi recently. It was his maiden visit to the home district after being elected to parliament of New Zealand. He was elected as the Member of Parliament (MP) from Hamilton West in New Zealand on October 17, 2020.

Pertinently, the Raisina Dialogue is India’s premier conference on geopolitics and geo-economics, committed to addressing the most challenging issues facing the global community. Every year, leaders in politics, business, media and civil society converge in New Delhi to discuss the state of the world and explore opportunities for cooperation. Gaurav said in Himachal Pradesh, New Zealand was helping in research and development of high quality apple crop at Mashobra near Shimla. He said the project, funded by the World Bank, was of 130 million USD. He said New Zealand supported in the establishment of the first AIIMS in New Delhi. He said there was gap in communication and suggested that technology exchange programmes should be encouraged between two nations. On relaxation in immigration to New Zealand for Indians, the MP said entrance to the country was totally blocked till October. He said New Zealand had opened residency to 1.60 lakh people and most of them could be Indians.

FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022











FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022

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FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022






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FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022


Tamil Nadu: Tangedco to ensure zero power cuts amid board exams Officials have been directed to ensure there are no power cuts during the night hours as well during this period to enable the students to prepare for their examinations. According to an advisory issued by the department, all the chief engineers of the all the distributions regions, including Chennai, Villupuram, Vellore, Tiruchirapalli, Coimbatore, Madurai and Tirunelveli, have been directed to maintain uninterrupted power at examination centres from May 5 to May 31 as students of Classes X, XI and XII would be taking up examinations. The officials have been directed to ensure there are no power HiIndia Newsdesk cuts during the night hours as well during this period to enable With the residents of Tamil Nadu gasping for air during frequent the students to prepare for their examinations. power cuts amid the scorching summer, an announcement by the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Tangedco said three phased uninterrupted power supply should Limited (Tangedco) to benefit the student community who be maintained at all the feeders connecting the examination would be taking their board examinations in the upcoming centres. Further, a field staff would be deputed and made days has brought some cheer among the students, parents and available to attend any emergency work from 7 am till the completion of the exams. other stakeholders.

Heavy rains lash parts of Hyderabad; thundershowers likely in Telangana

Karnataka PSI recruitment scam: Chartered accountant among 3 arrested

HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk

Heavy rains, accompanied by gusty winds and lightning, lashed parts of Hyderabad early Wednesday morning. While this brought huge relief from the summer heat, several low-lying areas reported waterlogging and inundation. The state-run Telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS), with its wide network of automated weather stations, recorded the highest rainfall of 108 mm at Habshipur in Siddipur district till 6 am. In Hyderabad, Seethafalmandi near Secunderabad received 72.8 mm rainfall, the highest as of 6 am, followed by Bansilalpet (67 mm) and West Marredpally (61.8 mm).

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Karnataka Police Monday night arrested three persons, including a chartered accountant, in connection with the alleged Police Sub-Inspector (PSI) recruitment scam. The arrested were identif ied as Chandrakanth Patil, the chartered accountant and a resident of Kalaburagi, Prabhu, a candidate, and his father Sharanappa. Reportedly, Chandrakanth was the auditor of Mahanthesh Patil, Congress’s former Afzalpur block president, and his brother Rudragouda. The police also said that Prabhu wrote the PSI examination at the MSI college in Kalaburagi and his father Sharanappa had reportedly paid money so that his son clears the examination. Prabhu secured 136.375, including 22 marks in paper 1 and 114.375 in

The arrested were identified as Chandrakanth Patil, the chartered accountant and a resident of Kalaburagi, Prabhu, a candidate, and his father Sharanappa.

paper 2, to secure the 45th rank in the Kalyana Karnataka region which carries a reservation. A police officer said Chandrakanth allegedly helped a candidate fix a deal with Rudragouda Patil to crack the PSI recruitment examination. Mahanthesh and Rudragouda were arrested in a scam earlier. With more than 12 arrests in Bengaluru alone, the CID has till now arrested 40 persons, including several candidates, in the alleged recruitment scam. In Bengaluru alone, an FIR has been registered against 22 candidates. On Tuesday, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai in Ballari said, “We are acting tough against the criminals. No one should support or shelter them.” He was speaking at a programme where Union Minister Amit Shah inaugurated the Ballari Regional Forensic Sciences Laboratory.


Two killed, two injured in motorbike collision in Hyderabad HiIndia Newsdesk

Hyderabad: Two persons died while two others were injured when two motorcycles crashed into each other in Vanasthalipuram on Tuesday. The incident occurred when one of the bikes allegedly being driven in a rash manner crashed into the other in the opposite direction at Injapur. The Vanasthalipuram police are investigating and the victims are yet to be identified.

Festive atmosphere in Hyderabad with Eid ul Fitr celebrations HiIndia Newsdesk

Hyderabad: A festive atmosphere prevailed in the city as Muslims celebrate Eid ul Fitr, the 1st day of the tenth Islamic month of Shawwal marking the end of the holy month of Ramzan. On the occasion Eid ul Fitr, prayers were held at mosques and Eidgah (an open ground where usually Eid prayers are held) in the city and outskirts. Dressed in traditional attire men visited the mosques and eidgahs and attended the prayers. Arrangements for women to attend eid prayers were also made at a few places including mosques in the city.

Cocaine worth Rs.80 crore seized in Hyderabad airport HiIndia Newsdesk

Hyderabad: In a major seizure, eight kilograms of cocaine, said to be worth Rs.80 crore in the market, was seized from two foreign nationals by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in a late night operation on Sunday.

City Brief News Hyderabad: MMTS first-class journeys to be cheaper by 50% from May 5 HiIndia Newsdesk

The South Central Railway (SCR) announced Tuesday a 50 per cent cut in the basic first-class ticket fares in Hyderabad’s suburban MMTS train network from May 5 onwards. The minimum charge, for up to 10 km, has been reduced from Rs 50 to 25 and the maximum charge, for distances from 36-45 km, from Rs 155 to Rs 90. Hyderabad and Secunderabad, the railway ministry’s decision to rationalise the basic fares of first-class travel in suburban train services is expected to benefit passengers travelling in the sections Falaknuma –Secunderabad –Hyderabad– Lingampalli-Ramchandrapuram.

In major drug bust at Hyd airport, cocaine Amit Shah to worth Rs 80 cr seized from two passengers visit Karnataka

HiIndia Newsdesk

In a major drug bust at Hyderabad International Airport, cocaine worth Rs 80 crore was seized from two international passengers on Sunday. In t wo s ep arate incidents, t he Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) officials at the RGI Airport

apprehended a Tanzanian man and a woman from Angola on suspicion of carrying narcotics substances on them. They were found to be carrying four kilograms each of cocaine concealed in the false bottom of their trolley bags. The estimated value of the seized cocaine in the grey market is Rs 80 crore, according to a DRI statement. The Tanzanian man arrived in Hyderabad from Cape Town via Dubai. He was travelling on a business visa. The woman from Angola reached Hyderabad on a tourist visa after visiting Mozambique, Lusaka, and Dubai.

HiIndia Newsdesk

All eyes are on Home Minister Amit Shah’s v is it to Kar nat a k a o n Tu e s d a y a m i d s p e c u l at i o n a b o u t le adership change and c abinet expansion. On his visit to the state on April 1, Shah had fixed a target of 150 seats for the BJP in the 2023 Assembly polls during a core committee meeting. In the meeting, state BJP leaders were directed to create a roadmap for the next one year and work on the ground and attract leaders from other parties.

FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022







India Falls 8 Places To 150th Position In World Press Freedom Ranking


India World Press Freedom Index: On the World Press Freedom Day, Reporters Without Borders ask Indian authorities to stop targeting journalists and online critics for their work.

ndia’s ranking in the World Press Freedom Index has fallen down to 150th position from last year’s 142nd rank out of 180 countries, according to a report by a global media watchdog released on Tuesday. The ranking of India’s neighbours, except that of Nepal, have also slid down, with the index placing Pakistan at 157th position, Sri Lanka 146th, Bangladesh 162nd and Maynmar at 176th position, the report released by Reporters Without Borders said. According to the RSF 2022 World Press Freedom Index, Nepal has climbed up by 30 points in the global ranking at 76th position. Last year, the Himalayan nation had been placed at 106th position, Pakistan at 145th, Sri Lanka 127th, Bangladesh 152nd and Myanmar at 140th position in the index. This year, Norway (1st) Denmark (2nd), Sweden (3rd) Estonia (4th) and Finland (5th) grabbed the top positions, while North Korea remained at the bottom of the list of the 180 countries and territories ranked by the Reporters Without Borders. Russia was placed at 155th position, down from 150th last year, while China climbed up by two positions


ighlighting that India has done “much better” in the fight against child labour under the Narendra Modi government, Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi expressed confidence that the last child in the country would be safe, free, and educated by 2047, when India celebrates its 100 years of independence. In an interview to PTI, Mr. Satyarthi said social and political will is needed to end child labour in India and asserted that the government will need the support of society and private sector. “The last child in India should be free, safe, educated and given all kinds of protection and opportunities. I’m sure it will happen (before 2047),” Mr. Satyarthi, who was here to attend multiple peace events and meet members of the President Joe Biden’s administration, think tanks and lawmakers said. “In a way, my vision is inspired by Mahatma Gandhi when I talk about the last person in society. I hope India will be able to accomplish it and not wait till 2047. It should happen before that,” he said.

The Reporters sans frontieres (RSF) said the Indian authorities should respect the right to freedom of expression and release any journalists detained on trumped-up or politically motivated charges for their critical reporting and stop targeting them and muzzling independent media. “The authorities’ targeting of journalists coupled with a broader crackdown on dissent has emboldened Hindu nationalists to threaten, harass and abuse journalists critical of the Indian government, both online and offline, with impunity,” it said. “The authorities should also conduct prompt, thorough, independent and impartial investigations into allegations of threats and attacks targeting journalists with the Reporters Without Borders placing it at 175th and critics, including from government officials,” the position. Last year, China was placed at 177th position. RSF said, adding, “journalists should not have to risk “On the World Press Freedom Day, Reporters Without their freedom and their lives to do their work.” About Borders and nine other human rights organisations the global scenario, the RSF said the 20th World ask Indian authorities to stop targeting journalists and Press Freedom Index reveals a two-fold increase online critics for their work,” the international non- in “polarisation” amplified by information chaos, profit organisation said in a statement on its website. that is, media polarisation fuelling divisions within “More specifically, they should stop prosecuting them countries, as well as polarisation between countries at under counterterrorism and sedition laws,” it added. the international level.

India has done ‘much better’ in fight against child labour, says Kailash Satyarthi ‘Every child in India will be safe, educated by 2047,’ says the Nobel Laurete during an event in Washington.

“However, a combination of social and political will and a sense of urgency is needed which is lacking, so to speak. Only the government cannot do this. Society has to work hand in hand with the private sector because it is the national curse, it is a national stigma if even one single child is sold or bought like cattle anywhere in the world. So, we ‘India will achieve freedom have definitely made a lot of progress in to the fullest’ last few years, but much more is needed,” Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi during an Interview in New Delhi. he said. The day when a girl from a remote Mr. Satyarthi said that the Covid village in Uttar Pradesh or Bihar or Mahotsav” across the globe by people pandemic is not simply a health or and sometimes difficult, but we have a down south and belonging to the lowest of Indian origin and Indians living economic crisis but of the entire good law, ” he said. social and economic strata is free to go “India has also ratified both the civilization and children are going to to school and gets opportunities to fulfil overseas. convention, one on the worst forms of be the worst sufferers. her dreams is when India would achieve When it comes to the fight against child labour, India has done much better in child labour and one on the minimum “In fact, they are already the worst freedom to the fullest, he said. age of employment, the ILO conventions. sufferers. If we are not able to address Mr. Satyarthi was responding to a comparison to previous years, he said. Even the United States has not yet their issues with utmost sincerity and question on his vision for India when it “Like the law… which prohibits all ratified the Convention on the minimum urgency, then millions of children may celebrates its 100 years of independence forms of child labour up to the age of 14 and all hazardous form of child age of employment in the edit so a lot of fall into slavery, trafficking child labour. in 2047. India this year is observing its progressive steps have been taken,” Mr. Millions of children will be forced to 75th year of independence, which is labour up to the age of 18. Of course, the leave schools,” he said. Satyarthi said. being celebrated as “Azadi Ka Amrit enforcement of law is always a challenge


He says, “It can’t get any more diverse than this for me and I hope audiences will appreciate and love the different avatars that I’m playing.”







FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022

2022 one of the most exciting years in cinema for me Ayushmann Khurrana

yushmann Khurrana is delighted that he will a cop before but this is the first time they showcase his versatility this year. The actor says, will see me going undercover. Joshua in “I’m thrilled about the range of characters that I will Anek is street smart and intelligent.” He showcase to audiences in 2022! It is one of the most further mentioned, “He knows his way exciting years in cinema for me as I get to play an undercover around people and can fight bad guys not only in a physical capacity but also with his cop in Anek, a doctor in Doctor G, and a Hindi film hero great intellect. I was very pumped to try my who, though perceived as a muscle-flexing star, is quite the opposite in real life in Action Hero.” hands at portraying Joshua as it gave me an He adds, “It can’t get any more diverse than this for me and I opportunity to explore something I hadn’t hope audiences will appreciate and love the different avatars done before. I owe it to my audience to offer that I’m playing in these three unique films. I believe these them new experiences with each film” three projects are disruptive and highly original scripts and Sharing his approach for this character, he said, I’m confident about them standing out. As an actor, I can’t wait “ As an undercover cop, Joshua has the perfect traits of a spy and I had to work on my physical to receive audience’s reactions to them.” Ayushmann will be seen next in Anubhav Sinha’s Anek that’s releasing on May 27. and mental skills to portray that. Right from his observation skills to his ability to combat Khurrana will be seen in the avatar of an undercover cop in the upcoming political action thriller ‘Anek’, directed by Anubhav the enemy, the character’s journey keeps one Sinha. Although, he has earlier played a cop in ‘Article 15’, which intrigued and gripped throughout. Also, the too was incidentally directed by Anubhav, this will be the first action sequences had to look real and raw to time when he will be essaying such a character. While talking fit into the world of Anek and to portray what about his character in the film, Ayushmann said “This is the Anubhav had envisioned, I was inscribed with first time the audience will see me in this avatar. I have played the right amount of guidance and training.”

Indian Police Force: Vivek Oberoi Is “Most Experienced” Officer In Rohit Shetty’s Squad The Rohit Shetty Cop Universe is only getting bigger and better. Days after announcing that Shilpa Shetty will be joining Sidharth Malhotra in his upcoming series Indian Police Force, the director has now shared that Vivek Oberoi will also lend his acting prowess to the project. Rohit Shetty announced the development with a still of Vivek Oberoi in action – dressed in police uniform, a safety vest and wielding a gun in hand. Also, do not miss the Ray-Ban sunglasses. Did someone say suave, yet? Sharing the post on Instagram, Rohit Shetty said, “Meet the most experienced senior officer of our squad. Welcome aboard Vivek,” along with the hashtags “Indian Police Force” and “filming now”.

KGF 2 box office: Yash-starrer crosses Rs 1000 crore worldwide, becomes only the fourth Indian movie to do From the day of its release, Yashstarrer sequel to 2018’s KGF, titled KGF Chapter 2 or simply KGF 2, has exceeded already sky-high expectations to become a global hit at the box office, and even new releases for two weeks have not managed to make a dent into its earnings. Now, the period action thriller has crossed the Rs 1000 crore mark worldwide as per trade analyst Sumit Kadel. He shared on Twitter, “#KGF2 JOINS PRESTIGIOUS 1000 CR CLUB !! Becomes 4th film after #Dangal #Baahubali2 & #RRR to achieve this monumental feat . Proud moment for Kannada Film Industry.. congratulations @ hombalefilms @prashanth_neel @thenameisyash & the entire team. #Yash #Kgfchapter2.”

People have weak ears in the industry

Nawazuddin Siddiqui on Kangana Ranaut being ‘difficult’ to work with


ctor Nawazuddin Siddiqui has wrapped director Sai Kabir’s romantic comedy Tiku Weds Sheru with Avneet Kaur. The film is actor Kangana Ranaut’s debut production venture and will soon stream on Amazon Prime Video. In a recent interview, Nawaz responded to rumours that Kangana is a difficult person to work with. Refuting these rumours, Nawaz described Kangana as “one of the best producers” that he has worked with, and also stated that people in Bollywood have misunderstood her. When RJ Siddharth Kannan asked the ac tor ab out his

experience of working with Kangana, he responded, “Bahot maza aaya, bahot kamaal ladki hai (I enjoyed it a lot. She is an amazing girl).” Asked about the perception of Kangana being a difficult person to work with, the actor said, “She was my producer. Producers like her are very few in number. They are rare.” When Nawaz was asked if he was hesitant or scared about working with her, he said, “Not at all. Fear of what? She is such an amazing actress, such a good producer, what else could you want?” He also added that people should not give into rumours. He said, “When it comes to things that you hear, you might hear several things about me as well. But you know personally who I am. It is said that people have weak ears in the industry, people easily believe whatever is said and might also add their own rumours to it. So until you meet someone, you should never believe things that you have heard about them.”

FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022







The Blockbuster Hit Film “Jhund” Starring Amitabh Bachchan Is All Set To Premiere Exclusively On ZEE5 Global On 6th May GLOBAL – ZEE5 Global, the largest streaming platform for South Asian content announced the release of Jhund on 6th May on the platform. The film is an autobiography based on the life of Vijay Barse; a real-life hero and founder of Slum Soccer, an organization which works for the wellbeing and development of children from underprivileged backgrounds with an acumen to play football. Adding another blockbuster to the ZEE5 Global portfolio, the slate for the upcoming month sounds promising. Jhund brings to the fore the life of a slum dweller and his struggle to achieve his dream. The protagonist uses his life experience to make a way for himself and his community to break the social barriers, inspiring millions of youths to be passionate about their dreams and making them a reality with dedication and determination. Portraying their roles flawlessly, over

a dozen kids and young adults, like Ankush Gedam, Akash Thosar, Rinku Rajguru to name few make the film larger than life. Bollywood megastar, Amitabh Bachchan has nailed the role as Vijay Barse narrating his journey with

utmost honesty and superlative acting. The film is a perfect watch for family and a significant addition in the genre of ZEE5 Global’s fiction drama. Archana Anand, Chief Business Officer,

ZEE5 Global, said, “At ZEE5, we continuously strive to bring unique and diversified content to our audiences in global markets. We are extremely delighted to now bring Jhund, a heartwarming story based on a real-life incident, on our platform for our audiences. Jhund is an inspiring film that sends a powerful message to our youth and we hope it will get much love and appreciation from our viewers” Producer Bhushan Kumar says, “The tale of Jhund transcends boundaries! A film that gauged a lot of applause and appreciation across nation is all set to make its digital premiere on Zee5 Global. It’s such a great feeling to take Jhund a notch higher as a wider set of audience will witness this Nagraj Manjule’s gem not just in India but worldwide through this release.”

Shah Rukh Khan is one of my favourite action heroes in Bollywood :

Tiger Shroff

T Rohit Shetty to bring Mumbai top cop Rakesh Maria’s story on-screen, Ranveer Singh is excited Filmmaker Rohit Shetty and Reliance Entertainment on Saturday announced they are teaming up to produce a biopic on Mumbai’s former Commissioner of Police Rakesh Maria. The upcoming feature film will be based on the experiences of Maria and his career. Rohit Shetty said he feels honoured to bring the real-life cop’s brave and fearless journey. “Rakesh Maria: The man who stared terror in the face for 36 years! His incredible journey spans all the way from the 1993 blasts in Mumbai, the underworld menace, to the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks in 2008. Feel truly honored to be bringing this real-life super cop’s brave & fearless journey to the screen,” the filmmaker said in a statement.

Hema Malini shares update about Dharmendra’s health after his hospitalisation: ‘Thankfully back home’ He said in the video, “Friends, don’t do anything over. I did it and suffered a big muscle pull at the back. So I had to go to the hospital for two-four days. It was difficult. Anyway I’m back with your good wishes, his blessings. So don’t worry. Now I’ll be very careful. Love you all.”

iger Shroff has, at a fairly young age, established himself as a bona fide action hero of Hindi cinema. Currently seen in Heropanti 2, he uses his athletic body and lithe move and grace to great effect. He was recently asked about his all time favourite action hero in Bollywood by Bollywood Hungama’s Faridoon Shahryar. The actor responded by saying whether he can take three names. He began with Amitabh Bachchan and Akshay Kumar. And then he added the name of Shah Rukh Khan. “I genuinely believe Shah Rukh Khan sir is very good with his body, and nobody can get hit and react as good as him,” Shroff said. He then went on to explain his choice, adding, “If you have seen his films, whether it’s Darr or Baazigar, when he gets hit he really reacts, he goes for it. He is an actor who uses his whole body so well, it’s phenomenal.”

Shark Thank India 2 announced by Sony TV, registrations open for budding entrepreneurs The second season of the popular series Shark Tank India is happening. The season was all but confirmed earlier judging by the popularity of the inaugural season but there was no confirmation before. Sony TV asked for pitches from budding entrepreneurs on their Instagram handle. In a video shared on Instagram that showcases the success of the show, the network said, “Are you a budding entrepreneur? If yes, this is your chance to make it big in the world of business!”



arlier this month, a drone carrying blood samples took off from Meerut, a city in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, and flew around 72km (44 miles) to Noida, a suburb of the India capital Delhi.It took a little over an hour to reach, making a scheduled stop for a battery swap. By road, the journey would have taken more than two hours.This trail run by a diagnostics lab using an unmanned aerial system is the first of many trials being held by drone manufacturers across the country who are testing deliveries for medical supplies, pathology samples and even blood units.Skye Air Mobility, a drone logistics company, who built and flew the drone to Noida, say they have undertaken more than a 1,000 flights and delivered more than 3,500kg of mixed payload - ranging from e-commerce deliveries to blood samples - since November. “Based on data we have gathered from the flights, we have significantly reduced the time it takes when using conventional means, by around 48%,” Ankit Kumar, the CEO of Skye Air Mobility said. The drone company also flew a trial in Gurgaon, a Delhi suburb, carrying a similar payload for one of India’s biggest diagnostic companies, SRL Diagnostics. Samples were first collected by a lab specialist and then packed into a temperature-controlled carrier attached to the drone. It was then flown from a private hospital to a lab centre, where it was received by a lab specialist. In August last year, the government liberalised rules and regulations, and






How India’s drone start-ups could change healthcare

Drones have been touted as a game-changer for India’s medical industry, and for what it could do to make healthcare accessible to remote regions. Some operators have run successful test flights ever since India liberalised drone rules last year slashed licences and fees that needed to be paid to operate commercial drones. Under the new rules, paper work was reduced significantly, and the types of fees to be paid for running a drone operation was reduced from 72 to just


What is the ED case against Xiaomi India?

The Enforcement Directorate has seized more than Rs 5,500 crore in assets from Xiaomi India. What is its case against the Indian subsidiary of the Chinese smartphone maker? What has it found? How has the company reacted?

four. The government also rolled out an airspace map of the country divided into three zones, demarcated by colour - green, yellow and red - which informs drone operators of where they can fly


he Enforcement Directorate (ED) has seized assets to the tune of over Rs 5,551 crore belonging to Chinese mobile phone manufacturer Xiaomi Technology India Private Limited last week for alleged violations of foreign exchange regulations. Last month month it had even questioned the company’s global vice-president Manu Kumar Jain. Xiaomi manufactures the popular mobile phone brand Mi and is the largest sellers of mobile phones in India.

FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022

The drone company also flew a trial in Gurgaon, a Delhi suburb, carrying a similar payload for one of India’s biggest diagnostic companies, SRL Diagnostics. Samples were first collected by a lab specialist and then packed into a temperaturecontrolled carrier attached to the drone. and where they can’t. The most important change was that no permission was required for operating drones in green zones: a maximum height of 400ft from the sea level. Licences were done away with for micro and nano drones. Nano drones are unmanned aerial systems weighing upto 250 grams, and micro drones weigh up to 2kg. India’s civil aviation ministry says that the drone services industry is expected to grow over 300 billion rupees ($3.9bn; £3.1bn), and generate over 10,000 direct jobs over the next three years. For entrepreneurs like Mr Kumar, the future looks promising.“By the end of this year, we will have more than a 100 drones deployed in more than 20 hubs which will be catering to different applications,” he says.

to three foreign based entities which include one Xiaomi group entity in the guise of royalty. Such huge amounts in the name of royalties were remitted on the instructions of their Chinese parent group entities. The amount remitted to other two US-based unrelated entities were also for the ultimate benefit of the Xiaomi group entities,” the ED said in a statement.

What action has the ED taken?

ED sources say the agency has been probing the company for the past few What is the case against months after it stumbled upon some Xiaomi? foreign remittances made by the company Xiaomi India is being probed by ED in February following which it began a for alleged violations of the Foreign full-fledged probe. This led to more such Exchange Management Act (FEMA). transactions by the company since 2015. According to ED, Xiaomi has been How has the company reacted? remitting large amounts of money abroad to related entities in the name of royalties The company has said it is cooperating without actually utilising any services with the investigations and follows laws of the land. “As a brand committed to India, from them. According to ED, Xiaomi has been doing all our operations are firmly compliant this for the past seven years and the same with local laws and regulations. We is in violation of Section 4 of FEMA. have studied the order from government Section 4 of the Act deals with holding authorities carefully. We believe our of foreign exchange. It says, “Save as royalty payments and statements to the otherwise provided in this Act, no person bank are all legit and truthful. These resident in India shall acquire, hold, own, royalty payments that Xiaomi India made possess or transfer any foreign exchange, were for the in-licensed technologies foreign security or any immovable and IPs used in our Indian version products. It is a legitimate commercial property situated outside India.” arrangement for Xiaomi India to make What has ED found? such royalty payments. However, we According to ED, Xiaomi started its are committed to working closely operations in India in 2014 and started with government authorities to clarify remitting funds abroad beginning 2015. any misunderstandings,” a Xiaomi “The company has remitted foreign spokesperson said. currency equivalent to Rs 5551.27 crore

FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022







“Heatwave Abating” Conditions In Most Parts Of Country: Weather Office India has been suffering from extreme heat this year and millions of people are at risk from the heat, scientists have warned, linking the early onset of an intense summer to climate change. pre-summer months in decades. Senior scientist at the India Meteorological Department, RK Jenamani, said that there are chances of the heatwave ending in most parts of India, including Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. “The heatwave in Odisha and Bengal was over on April 30, as we predicted. Strong winds will be there in the next two to three days. We are also giving a Yellow warning to Northwest India as there is a Western disturbance. Delhi is likely to experience rain, mainly on May 3. Rajasthan, Delhi, Haryana, and Punjab are on HiIndia Newsdesk yellow alert and strong winds will be there tomorrow and rain New Delhi: Heatwave conditions are abating in most parts of may occur,” he said. With a “very active” Western Disturbance, the country, the weather office said on Monday, predicting Mr Jenamani said for the next 6-7 days, east winds will also be light rain in Delhi over the next three days amid the hottest very strong, and the temperature will not rise.

Tesla To Benefit By Manufacturng Electric Vehicles In India: Nitin Gadkari

PM Modi arrives in Germany for three-nation Europe visit

HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk

Pat n a : E l e c t i o n strategist Prashant Kishor began his Monday sending political tattlers in a tizzy, barely hinting at what his next move will be after the latest breakdown of negotiations with the Congress for him to join and revive the 135-year-old outfit’s flagging fortunes. The cryptic message came a week after he declined a Congress offer to come on board as a member of a committee that would work on the 2024 general elections. Sources said the 45-year-old wanted a free hand to bring big bang changes and not incremental ones, as the Congress was keen on.

Tarun Kapoor appointed advisor to PM Modi

PM Modi and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will co-chair the 6th India-Germany InterGovernmental Consultations

HiIndia Newsdesk

New Delhi: Union road transport and highways minister Nitin Gadkari on Monday said that if the US-based EV maker Tesla manufactures its electric vehicles in India then the company will also get benefits. Addressing an event, Mr Gadkari said days are not very far when the prices of all electric vehicles will be less than the cost of petrol vehicles in the country. “Agar Tesla India me electric car manufacture karega toh unka bhi fayda hoga (If Tesla manufactures its electric vehicles in India then they will also get benefits),” he said. Earlier on April 26, Mr Gadkari had said, if Tesla is ready to manufacture its EVs in India then there is ‘no problem’, but the company must not import cars from China.

“Time To Go To The Real Masters”: Prashant Kishor

Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Berlin on May 2 on the first leg of his three-nation Europe trip during which he will hold detailed bilateral discussions with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and co-chair the India-Germany intergovernmental consultations. “Landed in Berlin. Today, I will be

holding talks with Chancellor @ OlafScholz, interacting with business leaders and addressing a community programme. I am confident this visit will boost the friendship between India and Germany,” Mr. Modi tweeted soon after his arrival here. In his departure statement, Mr. Modi had said that his visit to Berlin will be an opportunity to hold detailed bilateral discussions with Chancellor Scholz, whom he met at G20 last year in his previous capacity as Vice-Chancellor and Finance Minister.

“No One Can Be Forced To Get Vaccinated”: Supreme Court’s Big Order

HiIndia Newsdesk

New Delhi: No one can be forced to take the vaccine, the Supreme Court said

today in a landmark decision on India’s Covid vaccine policy, also directing the central government to publish reports on the adverse effects of vaccination. “Bodily integrity is protected under the law and nobody can be forced to be vaccinated,” the Supreme Court said. The court asserted, however, that “certain limitations on individual rights” could be imposed in the interest of community health.

HiIndia Newsdesk

Former petroleum secretary Tarun Kapoor has been appointed as an advisor to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, according to a government order issued on Monday. Kapoor, a 1987-batch IAS officer of the Himachal Pradesh cadre, superannuated as the secretary of the ministry of petroleum and natural gas on November 30, 2021. “The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved appointment of Kapoor, as an advisor to the Prime Minister, in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), in the rank and scale of Secretary to Government of India, initially for a period of two years from the date of joining,” the personnel ministry order said.

WhatsApp bans 18 lakh Indian accounts in March

PMO designed my arrest: Jignesh blasts Modi Addressing a press conference after granted bail by an Assam court, the MLA announced he would take to the streets and ensure a Gujarat Bandh on June 1 HiIndia Newsdesk

Gujarat legislator Jignesh Mevani on Monday alleged that his arrest by the Assam Police is a pre-planned conspiracy “designed” by the Prime Minister’s Office to destroy him ahead of assembly elections in the state and termed it an act of “56-inch cowardice”. Mevani also announced that he would take to

the streets and ensure a Gujarat Bandh on June 1 on a raft of issues -- seeking action against those behind the leak of 22 exam papers, the recent recovery of “Rs 1.75 lakh-crore” worth of drugs from the Mundra Port, and to press for the withdrawal of all cases against Dalits in Una and against minorities in the state.

HiIndia Newsdesk

WhatsApp banned 18.05 lakh Indian accounts in March, on the basis of complaints received from users via grievances channel and through its own mechanism to prevent and detect violations, according to a monthly report published by the messaging platform.






FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022


The ‘Pandemic Phase’ Of COVID Is Over In The U.S.: According To White House’s Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Fauci HiIndia Newsdesk

We’re really in a transitional

WASHINGTON, DC- The United phase, from a deceleration States has entered the next phase in the COVID-19 crisis, according to the of the numbers into White House’s chief medical adviser. “We are certainly, right now, in this hopefully a more controlled country out of the pandemic phase,” phase and endemicity Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday on PBS’ “NewsHour.” “Namely, we don’t beyond the “pandemic phase” more have 900,000 new infections a day and than two years after COVID-19 arrived. tens and tens and tens of thousands “Pandemic means a widespread, of hospitalizations and thousands of Dr. Anthony Fauci throughout-the-world infection that deaths. We are at a low level right now.” spreads rapidly among people,” he said. But that doesn’t mean the coronavirus is likely will continue to need boosters, “So, if you look at the global situation, going anywhere any time soon. possibly on an annual basis. But the U.S. there’s no doubt this pandemic is still In fact, Fauci said the world at-large — due to low case numbers, vaccination ongoing.” remains in a pandemic, and Americans and available treatments — has moved

SMAP Launched New Chapter In San Diego

HiIndia Newsdesk

SAN DIEGO, CA – The Shivaji Maharaj Antarrashtriya Parivar (SMAP) launched its San Diego chapter, its 27th worldwide. The inaugural event was a celebration of India’s 75th year of independence and Shiv Jayanti. The event began with Pooja Thomre, President of the SMAP San Diego Chapter offering flowers in reverence

FBI Warns Of Online Predators Targeting Teen Boys Via Video Games

to Indian freedom fighters and leaders. The new SMAP San Diego leadership team comprises of: Dr. Nivrutti Bharate, Dr. Hari Nair, Saish Priolkar, Gaurang Parikh, Aditya Satsangi, Rohit Bhopatkar, and Anup HR. Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh President Dr. Sunil Kumar was the distinguished guest speaker at the event. Dr. Madhu Madhavan and Madhao Saste veterans who have served and led the San Diego Indian American community were felicitated at the event. The event showcased amateur and professional talent from San Diego where through word, verse, dance and music, tributes were paid to leaders of India’s freedom movement. The unity and cultural heritage of India was seen in the form of presentations from Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Mewar, Gujarat, and other regions of the nation.

CBP Encourages Travelers To Apply For I-94 Online Prior To Arriving At Land Border except: U.S. citizens, returning resident aliens, aliens with immigrant visas, and most Canadian citizens visiting or in transit. Travelers will be issued an I-94 during the admission process at the port of entry. If you are traveling via a land border you may apply for an I-94 in advance at https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/ I94/#/home, saving time while at the port of entry later. “With summer approaching and people beginning to feel more comfortable traveling, we will inevitably see wait times increase,” said Harmit Gill, Director, Area Port of Blaine. “Travelers HiIndia Newsdesk who apply for an I-94 online prior to BLAINE, WA— With the easing of many their arrival at a port of entry, can save of the COVID-19 travel restrictions at themselves a significant amount of time the northern border, U.S. Customs and at the border.” Border Protection is seeing an uptick in The CBP site has been completely travelers at our ports of entry. To reduce redesigned to help users quickly access wait times, CBP is urging travelers who the content they need. It also is optimized require an I-94 to apply and prepay for access by smart phones and makes online before arriving at the land border. use of a new content delivery network A Form I-94 is needed by all visitors that will improve access internationally.

‘Meet And Greet’ Event Organized By Indian Association Of Sacramento IAS has been organizing an India Day annually. Since its inception, it said, IAS has raised over $290,000 in funds for helping several non-profits

HiIndia Newsdesk

JERSEY CITY, NJ -The FBI says that scammers and sexual predators are specifically targeting teenage boys via social media and video game platforms. They say that these incidents are on the rise and are warning parents and teens that the predators and scammers are convincing minors to share sexual images or videos. The scammers then threaten to post the content unless the child sends more content or money. The FBI says that the recent jump in cases mainly target boys age 14-17. “We’re seeking to have youth become aware of this scheme and to be aware of this threat to them personally and not share their personal private images,” says FBI Supervisory Special Agent Johnathan Norbut. Tips to keep children and teens safe online can be found on the FBI’s website.

On Wednesday, Fauci doubled down on his message, telling The Washington Post the U.S. is finally “out of the fullblown explosive pandemic phase.” “We’re really in a transitional phase, from a deceleration of the numbers into hopefully a more controlled phase and endemicity,” he said. Fauci’s declaration comes days after a Florida federal judge struck down the Biden administration’s extension of a mask mandate on public transportation. Some infectious diseases experts expressed concern that community infection levels are still too high to remove all safeguards, especially on mass transit systems.

HiIndia Newsdesk

SACRAMENTO, CA – Several Indian Americans took part in a ‘Meet and Greet’ event organized by the Indian Association of Sacramento (IAS) here, on April 21. The event held at the Zoroastrian Center in Rancho Cordova, had as its guest speakers, YK Chalamcherla Folsom City Councilmember and Retd. UC Davis professor and member of the

Gandhi Statue for Peace Committee Shyam Goyal. Chalamcherla in speaking to the audience, suggested that the community take part in mainstream American local events and also invite fellow Americans to IAS events as part of cultural exchange. Several participants said the event, which was aimed at gathering all organizations in the area to network and

interact with each other, strengthened, and created a support structure. The press release noted that IAS has been organizing an India Day annually. Since its inception, it said, IAS has raised over $290,000 in funds for helping several non-profits. In the last two years, IAS raised over $60,000 and assisted people living in the Greater Sacramento region with face masks, meals, groceries, medical and school supplies. It has also supplied oxygen concentrators to India. For more information: http://www. iassac.org/ The event began with the singing of the US and Indian national anthems, musical tributes to legends Lata Mangeshkar and Bappi Lahiri and several speeches from IAS office bearers.

FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022







Celebration Of Vaisakhi And Tribute To Jallianwala Bagh Massacre Martyrs

Dilip Chauhan, The New Deputy Commissioner In New York Mayor’s

HiIndia Newsdesk

CHICAGO, IL- As part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, the Midwest Punjabi Association (MPA) in collaboration with the Consulate General of India organized an event in Chicago on Sunday, 1 May 2022 to celebrate Vaisakhi and pay tribute to the martyrs of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. Consul General Amit Kumar delivered the inaugural remarks at the event. He commended the organisers for the wonderful program and their unique initiative to throw light on the tragic event through writings and reflections of noted authors like Sardar Nanak Singh, Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore and Subhadra Kumari Chauhan. He also spoke about the impact of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre on the national freedom struggle with the public sentiment across the length and breadth of India turning decisively against the colonial rule. Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, Dr. Gopal Lalmalani, Village of Oak Brook President, Mr. Tom Daily, Mayor, Village of Schaumburg and Mayor Rodney Craig from Hanover Park town also joined the event. Mr. Gurmeet Singh Dhalwan, President, Midwest Punjabi Association gave brief introduction of the event. The program started with rendition of Gurbani Kirtan. The BAGC team presented through Gurudev Rabindranath’s poems and songs the

Former Alabama Student Sentenced In Terror Financing Case

Alaa Mohd Abusaad HiIndia Newsdesk

BI R M I NG HA M , A L- A for me r Alabama resident was sentenced today to 90 months, the equivalent of seven and a half years, in prison followed by 10 years of supervised release for concealing the transmission of funds to be provided as material support to al-Qaida, a designated foreign terrorist organization. Alaa Mohd Abusaad, 26, pleaded guilty to concealment of terrorism financing in September 2019. According to the plea agreement, between February and April 2018, Abusaad instructed an FBI undercover employee (UCE) about how to send money to the mujahideen – fighters engaged in jihad. Abusaad told the UCE that money “…is always needed. You can’t have a war without weapons. You can’t prepare a soldier without equipment.” Abusaad also advised the UCE on how to send money in a manner that would avoid detection by law enforcement, including by using fake names and addresses when conducting electronic money transfers.

Consul General Amit Kumar

Bengali Association of Greater Chicago team with CG and Mrs. Surabhi Kumar

admiration he had for the spirituality and fearless patriotism in Punjab, which culminated in the letter written by him returning the title Knighthood. The third segment featured a Kathak dance performance based on poem “Jallianwale Bagh mein Basant” written by noted Hindi poet, Subhadra Kumari

Chauhan. The final segment featured a poetry session with prominent poets of Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi. The event was attended by 200+ people. At the initiative of the Consulate, several Indian American associations namely, the Federation of Indian Associations-1980; Bengali Association of Greater Chicago (BAGC), Punjabi Cultural Association, Michigan; Kalman de Ang Sang; Urdu Samaj of Chicago; Dramatech of America; Guru Ladho Re Seva Society, Wisconsin; Swera (Sikh Women Era); Saneevani4U; Indian American Association; Punjabi Americans Organization, Artists Association of North America also joined and contributed to the presentations made at this program.

CBP Surpasses 10 Million TTP Members

consider.” Along with this milestone, CBP continues to address the backlog of applicants since its five-month closure in March 2020. “We have had a large demand for TTP enrollment, especially over the past several months, and we’ve identified different solutions to try to address this,” HiIndia Newsdesk Millich said. WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Customs Part of these solutions is offering inand Border Protection (CBP) Trusted person interviews at TTP enrollment Traveler Programs topped 10 million centers located in the United States. total members during the month of Conditionally approved first-time March, and is expected to receive 3.5 Global Entry applicants may continue million applications for this fiscal year, to schedule in-person interviews at the most the program has ever received enrollment centers through their TTP in one year. CBP logo dashboard or take advantage of the Nearly 8 million of these memberships Enrollment on Arrival option, which are part of the Global Entry program, CBP now offers to arriving international which is available at 61 U.S. airports and passengers at 65 airports. Applicants 15 international Preclearance locations. must comply with the local COVID-19 A portion of the membership is also health and safety guidelines when made up of citizens from the program’s completing in-person enrollment 13 partner countries. interviews. Some renewing members “In addition to the 13, we have four may also opt for scheduling remote countries that are currently participating interviews through their TTP dashboard. in pilot programs, which are initiatives Trusted Traveler Programs support that we hope to move toward full CBP’s mission of securing U.S. borders partnerships in the future,” said while facilitating lawful travel and trade. Michael Millich, Director, CBP Trusted These innovative programs allow preTraveler Programs. “Global Entry approved, low-risk travelers to bypass offers members many benefits, and traditional CBP entry inspection lines it’s certainly something international and receive expedited processing when travelers eligible for the program should entering the United States.

(L-R) Mayor Erick Adams & Dilip Chauhan HiIndia Newsdesk

NEW YORK, NY – Dilip Chauhan has been appointed as the Deputy Commissioner, Trade, Investment, and Innovation for International Affairs, in New York Mayor Eric Adams Office. On his appointment, Chauhan said he will work to amplify New York City as a global economic center and a hub for innovation. He said in a statement: “Specifically, I will work to attract and retain businesses and foreign direct investments across our five boroughs as we recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Statement From Mayor Lightfoot On Whole Foods Store Closings

HiIndia Newsdesk

CHICAGO, IL -“Amazon’s decision to close stores in Englewood and Lincoln Park as part of a nationwide closure of stores is obviously disappointing. My immediate worry is for the workers in both locations. Amazon must now take clear steps to protect those workers as they transition to new opportunities. Having been in both of those stores many times over the years, I saw first-hand how those workers gave their heart and soul to make the stores a success. Together with both communities and local elected leaders, my administration will work to repurpose these locations in a way that continues to serve the community and support the surrounding businesses. We as a city will continue to work hard to close food deserts that meet community needs with community at the table.”



rime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Germany, Denmark and France is expected to help transform India’s relationship with Europe, as it comes at a time when the EU is looking to wean itself away from Russia and China and lean more on the Indo-Pacific region. With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and Beijing and Moscow’s proclamation of “no limits friendship”, Europe is finally “shaken out of its slumber” and is “compelled to make long-term allies with countries like India and Japan and the larger Indo-Pacific region”, diplomatic sources told. Modi’s trip to Germany saw the first instance of a joint statement involving India mentioning Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, although it came from Germany’s perspective. According to sources, Europe sees this as a “big shift in India’s stand” in the Russia-Ukraine war, which has led to large-scale casualties and aggravated the world’s refugee crisis in its protracted three-month span. “Germany reiterated its strong condemnation of the unlawful and unprovoked aggression against Ukraine by Russian forces. Germany and India expressed their serious concern about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine,” said a joint statement issued after the 6th India-Germany Inter-Governmental Consultations.

Denmark seeks India’s help to tell Putin to stop the war

In Denmark, PM Modi and his counterpart Mette Frederiksen discussed ways to take their ‘Green Strategic Partnership’ forward by way of enhancing energy ties in new and renewable sources. “In times like these, we need to build an even stronger bridge between us. We discussed the war in Ukraine… Denmark and the entire European Union strongly condemn Russia’s unlawful and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. My message is very clear — Putin has got to stop this war and end the killings,” Frederiksen said, addressing a joint press conference in Copenhagen. She said Denmark hoped that India “will influence” Russia to spread the message. Modi said India and Denmark discussed the situation in Ukraine and reiterated New Delhi’s call for “immediate cessation of violence”. In September 2020, Modi and Frederiksen had held their first virtual summit, in which both the leaders agreed to elevate India-Denmark relations to a Green Strategic Partnership. Ashok Sajjanhar, a former diplomat, said with the “weaponisation of supply chains by China and weaponisation of energy lines by Russia”, Europe was realising the need to partner with Indo-Pacific countries.





FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022


With EU trying to move away from Russia & China, Modi’s visit is India’s chance to boost ties Modi’s trip saw first instance of joint statement involving India mentioning Russia for Ukraine invasion, though it came from Germany’s perspective. Europe sees it as ‘big shift’.

The Modi-Scholz meeting

During the first meeting between Prime Minister Modi and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that took place in Berlin Monday, both sides also affirmed “deepening of strategic cooperation between India and European Union”, according to the statement. They also “unequivocally condemned civilian deaths in Ukraine” while “reiterating the need for an immediate cessation of hostilities”. This is the first bilateral meeting between the two leaders since Scholz succeeded Angela Merkel as the German Chancellor. Modi and Scholz focused most on the issue of strengthening their economic ties by speeding up talks for the pending India-EU free trade deal, as Europe plans to gradually reduce its dependence on Russia for its energy needs, and also on China, with which it maintains robust trade and investment ties, sources added. “We talked about this in greater detail, the Prime Minister and I, what needs to be done now is to ensure that we achieve a better future together, not by waging wars against each other but by pursuing economic growth and development together,” said Scholz. “What is clear is that the Indo-Pacific belongs to the most dynamic global regions. And at the same time, it is confronted with a lot of conflicts and challenges. Thus, Germany is going to maintain and further intensify where possible, its commitment on the ground. India is amongst one of our very important partners here,” the Chancellor said.Addressing Modi, Scholz added that his country was “pleased” to have partners like India and Indonesia and countries in Africa, with whom it plans to do business. National Security Advisor Ajit Doval, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman accompanied Prime Minister Modi on this trip to Germany and Denmark.

“On China, Europe, specifically Germany, used to put political, economic and human rights issues in different silos. But now China is increasingly emerging as a systemic rival for Europe, and this war has made it worse,” he said. However, Manjeev Singh Puri, India’s former ambassador to the European Union, said while divergences will remain between India and the EU on Russia-Ukraine war, both sides have decided to work on the convergences. “There’s a certain amount of understanding in Europe that China is not all good and ties with Russia cannot be as they used to be. So they need to look at India and others. But they won’t cut their ties completely with China and India won’t be able to replace them. That’s a fact,” Puri said.


Indian students can return to China, but Beijing to issue permission on ‘need-assessed basis’


Decision comes a month after External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar raised the issue with Chinese counterpart Wang Yi. Thousands of Indian students are enrolled in Chinese universities.

ndian students enrolled in Chinese universities, Chinese departments to verify the list and indicate who have not been allowed back into that country whether the identified students can travel to China to since 2020 due to the pandemic, can finally return complete the course,” the Indian Embassy in Beijing to finish their courses, but only after Beijing said Friday. “The Chinese side has also conveyed that grants them permission on a “need-assessed basis”. eligible students should unconditionally abide by The decision comes a month after External Affairs Covid-19 prevention measures, and agree to bear all Minister S. Jaishankar raised the issue with Chinese expenses related to Covid-19 prevention measures by Foreign Minister Wang Yi during their meeting in themselves,” it added. Delhi, and as the Indian government has stopped issuing visas to Chinese tourists in the wake of the Delhi pushed Beijing for ‘nondeteriorating Covid situation in that country. discriminatory approach’ The Ministry of External Affairs Friday said China During Wang Yi’s visit to India, Jaishankar discussed has “expressed its willingness to consider facilitating with him the “predicament of Indian students studying the return of Indian students to China on a need- in China who have not been allowed to return, citing assessed basis”. Covid restrictions”. Delhi pushed Beijing for a “nonThe government has given a deadline of 8 May, within discriminatory approach” towards this issue as it which students who intend to return to China need concerns the “future” of young people. to send their details by filling up a form — shared by “Minister Wang Yi assured me that he would speak to the Indian embassy in China on their website. The the relevant authorities on his return on this matter. He form will then be shared with the relevant Chinese also recognised the particular concerns that medical authorities. “Once the collated information is shared students have in this difficult situation,” Jaishankar had with the Chinese side, they would consult relevant told the media after meeting his Chinese counterpart.

FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022






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FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022


: c i l o h a t u o k r o W hing t a h c u s s i ally e r e r e h t , s e Y ising c r e x e r e v o as


As long as your body is able to keep up with this repair work, your workouts will continue to aid your performance, says Dieffenbach

he first thing to ask yourself if you’re wondering whether you’ve exercised too much is: “Why am I exercising?” says Dr Benjamin Levine, a professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, US, and director of the Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine at Texas Health Dallas, US. If your goal is to improve your health and reduce your risk of a range of conditions from diabetes to heart disease to cancer, then two-and-a-half to three hours of moderate to vigorous exercise per week gets you the vast majority of benefits, Levine says. “Once you get past five hours per week or so, you’re not exercising for health, you’re exercising for performance.” And when you’re exercising for performance — whether it’s to get stronger in the gym, run a marathon or improve your tennis game — it’s possible to stress your body beyond what it can bounce back from, says Kristen Dieffenbach, an exercise scientist and director of the Center for Applied Coaching and Sport Sciences at West Virginia University, US. For athletes, the purpose of training is to induce a so-called training response,

she says. You work out, and your body include trouble sleeping, feeling runresponds by getting fitter, stronger down and not being able to shake minor and faster. These improvements don’t colds and other respiratory infections. happen during the workout itself but “Sometimes you have to back off to move occur during the recovery period. forward,” Dieffenbach says. That’s when your body repairs the If you find you’re having to force yourself damage brought on by hard exercise, to do workouts you used to enjoy, or like microtears in your muscle fibres, feeling guilty about not exercising and makes adaptations, like increasing enough, these are signs that you’ve the energy-producing mitochondria in overdone it. This is especially true if the your cells. feelings linger for more than a few days, As long as your body is able to keep up Dieffenbach says. with this repair work, your workouts On the other hand, if you’re finding will continue to aid your performance, that your love of exercise is becoming Dieffenbach says. But when the stress more of an unhealthy obsession, that’s from your workouts builds up beyond something to pay attention to as well, your capacity to recover, you have says Szabó Attila, a health psychologist entered the zone of too much, known in who studies exercise addiction at Eotvos the sporting community as overtraining. Lorand University in Budapest, Hungary. The most reliable signs that you’re An exercise addiction can occur when exercising too much come from your someone feels compelled to do physical subjective feelings of well-being, activity, even if they are in pain or Dieffenbach says. If you’re suddenly injured. If you’ve put exercise before your tired all the time, or workouts that relationships, work and everything else, used to seem easy feel hard or your Attila says, that’s a sign that it’s become performance has dropped unexpectedly too much. (like your running times have gotten One of Attila’s colleagues, Mark Griffiths, slower without explanation or your daily a psychologist at Nottingham Trent walk is taking much longer than usual), University in Britain, has developed six it might be time to ramp down and rest, criteria for health providers to use when Dieffenbach says. screening patients for exercise addiction: Other classic signs of overtraining • Exercise is the most important thing

Chlorinated water: Know about the benefits and risks


he National Disaster Managment Authority (NDMA) recommends consuming boiled or chlorinated water to prevent water-related illnesses. In a Twitter thread, NDMA mentioned that according to the Health Department, chlorination can be considered as an alternative to boiling water, albeit with riders. “Chlorination is a purification technique for safe drinking water. It is recommended by the Department of Health amidst possible contamination during calamities,” the post read. Chlorination means adding chlorine to drinking water in order to kill parasites, bacteria, and viruses that cause illnesses. “Chlorination is the most common type of drinking water disinfection done to avoid waterborne diseases (like cholera, typhoid, and dysentery) and the mortality caused due to them,” explained Dr Vikrant Shah, consulting physician, intensivist, and infection disease specialist, Zen Multispeciality Hospital Chembur. *Filter out large impurities using a clean piece of cloth or a coffee filter. Ensure the container is clean. *Chrolinate by adding two drops of unscented bleach for every

in my life • Conflicts have arisen between me and my family and/or my partner about the amount of exercise I do • I use exercise as a way of changing my mood (e.g. to get a buzz, to escape) • Over time I have increased the amount of exercise I do in a day • If I have to miss an exercise session I feel moody and irritable • If I cut down the amount of exercise I do, and then start again, I always end up exercising as often as I did before To classify as an addiction, a person would need to meet all six criteria, and that’s rare, Griffiths said. But a lot of people exhibit problematic exercise that doesn’t quite reach the level of an addiction, he added. For instance, those who go to work and function normally, but then come home and neglect their family so that they can go to the gym and workout — that’s still a problem. Which brings us to the ultimate answer to our question: yes, it’s possible to exercise too much. And you’ll know you’re doing it when it’s breaking down your body, making you sick or injured or adversely affecting the rest of your life. When it stops making you feel good and enriching your life, it’s time to cut back.

Chlorination is a purification technique for safe drinking water. It is recommended by the Department of Health amidst possible contamination during calamities litre of water. Use five per cent chlorine solution. *Smell the water after one hour. A faint chlorine smell should indicate success. However, Dr Shah stresses that while chlorination is one of the most common disinfectant practices with levels up to four milligrams per liter (mg/L or 4 parts per million (ppm)) considered safe in drinking water, it is best to limit its use for better health. “Chlorine contains toxins, such as trihalomethanes (THMs) that can lead to asthma, bladder cancer, and heart disease. Even if chlorine levels in drinking water are found to be safe, the chlorine can cause a bad taste or smell discouraging you from drinking that water. It is best to take the help of an expert and only add the permissible limit of chlorine to drinking water under unusual circumstances like calamities. Unmonitored use of chlorine, when it comes to drinking water, is not recommended at all,” he said.

FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022











FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022


Kriti Sanon’s shoe collection is a study in how to make a statement


or every good outfit, there is an equally strong pair of shoes that finishes the look. No look is complete without the right pair of shoes, and no one knows this better than actor Kriti Sanon whose love for shoes is apparent via a quick scroll through her Instagram. From high tops when at her sporty best to statement heels while busy promoting her movies, Sanon has never shied away from making a solid statement in a pair of experimental pair of shoes. The actor’s style is casual chic with subtle notes of fun that she

‘Fashion should be fun, not grisly’ Want thicker eyebrows, eyelashes?

Try castor oil


onakshi Sinha is the latest celebrity to have joined a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India campaign that is antileather. The actor, in the campaign photo, posed with a stern expression on her face, holding a bag that appeared to bleed. The wods, ‘Did your bag bleed’ were written on top, followed by ‘Choose leather-free’ written at the bottom. The Double XL star took to Instagram to write, “Fashion should be fun, not grisly. Hope my new @petaindia campaign gets that message across. Please choose fashion that is kind to animals because not only is that the humane thing to do… it’s also hella cool!”

The actor threw light on vegan leather, which is not derived from animals, or any animal product

According to Ayurvedic expert Dr Nitika Kohli, many experience eyebrow thinning as they grow older Eyebrows and eyelashes help accentuate facial features. No wonder then, the trend of having thick and dark eyebrows and eyelashes that look bushy, even without makeup, is only becoming popular. However, many people have thin lashes and brows, and end up relying on makeup products to get their brows on fleek. According to Ayurvedic expert Dr Nitika Kohli, many experience eyebrow thinning as they grow older. “Even young people experience eyebrow thinning caused by hormones or poor care,” she added. Earlier, dermatologist Dr Aanchal Panth had shared that ageing, nutrient deficiencies, eczema, contact dermatitis, alopecia areata and thyroid deficiency are some possible reasons behind eyebrow thinning. However, if you wish to achieve thick eyebrows and eyelashes, you don’t really have to make a trip to the parlour. You can get them with just one simple product – castor oil! *Dip a spoolie brush in castor oil. *Apply it to your eyelashes, the way you would apply mascara. Be careful not to get the oil in your eyes. *Apply on the upper as well as lower lashes. *Leave it on overnight. *Wash it off the next day. For effective results, remove castor oil with some yoghurt and lemon rind in the morning, the expert suggested.

ads via thoughtful accessorizing. There is no doubt the actor knows how to finish out a look with the right pair of shoes while making it look effortlessly easy. Wearing a neutral-toned Ralph Lauren cami and trouser set, Sanon posted on Instagram a photo of herself while promoting her upcoming movie. The actor finished the look with a pair of animal print mule heels to break the neutral tones. Giving us a pop of colour, Sanon wore a white satin dress that she paired with a striking red strap heel. Giving us a refreshing way to style an evening look, Sanon finished her look with a diamond choker and earrings.

Sonakshi Sinha joins hands with PETA for an anti-leather campaign

“We should have that much humanity in us to not turn fashion that is grisly and gory,” the actor said in a campaign video. She threw light on vegan leather, which is not derived from animals, or any animal product. There are many options and leather variations, she said, like mango leather, pineapple leather, coconut leather, mushroom leather, to name a few. This is not Sonakshi’s first association with PETA. She had previously appeared for a pro-adoption ad campaign for PETA India, besides joining other celebrities to call for the strengthening of animal protection laws in the country in 2016.

Mushroom Savoury Oats

Start your day on a power-packed note Ingredients 30g – Rolled oats 3-4 no – Mushrooms 1 no – Onion, medium size 1tsp – Ghee ¼ cup – milk (optional) 1 no – Egg (boiled)

Method This recipe by Avanti Deshpande, a PCOS and gut health nutritionist, is easy to make and super delicious! Oats are commonly consumed for breakfast around the world. A form of porridge, oats are a powerhouse of nutrients, with steel-cut or rolled oats containing soluble fibre which help to keep the bad LDL cholesterol under control and increase the production of good HDL cholesterol. “This is the reason why most nutritionists would like you to consume oats. They aid heart health, improve digestion, and also help manage hormonal imbalances like PCOS, diabetes, and hypothyroidism,” said Avanti Deshpande, PCOS and gut health nutritionist.

*Sauté the mushrooms and onions. *Add 1.5 cups of water and cook properly. *Add the oats, salt, and pepper. *Cover it and cook well. *Once the water evaporates, add ¼ cup milk. *Garnish with coriander leaves and one boiled egg.

773 338 0222 FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022












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FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022


Wimbledon Ban On Russian And Belarusian Players “Unfair”: Rafael Nadal

BCCI reschedules Ranji Trophy knockouts

HiIndia Newsdesk

Rafael Nadal said that Wimbledon ban on Russian and Belarusian players is unfair.

UEFA Bans Russian Clubs From All European Competitions Next Season

HiIndia Newsdesk

Russian clubs have been banned by UEFA from participating in the Champions League and all other European competitions next season, European football’s governing body announced on Monday. “Russia will have no affiliated clubs participating in UEFA club competitions in the 2022/23 season,” it said in a statement. Russian clubs and national teams were suspended “until further notice” by UEFA in February in the wake of the country’s invasion of Ukraine. The Russian team’s exclusion from the Women’s European Championship to take place in England in July was also confirmed Monday with Portugal taking its place.

Rafael Nadal deemed Wimbledon’s decision to ban Russian and Belarusian players from taking part in the Championships as “unfair”, the Spanish tennis legend told reporters in Madrid on Sunday. The 21-time major winner believes the All England Club chose “the most drastic option”, and hopes the tours can find a way to interfere with the ban. Wimbledon has been heavily criticised by both the ATP and WTA as well as players like Nadal’s great rival Novak Djokovic for implementing the ban due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Belarus is considered an ally of Russia’s and permitted Russian troops to invade Ukraine from across its border. The ban rules out a swathe of talented players, including men’s world number two Daniil Medvedev and last year’s women’s semi-finalist Aryna Sabalenka of Belarus. “It’s unfair for my Russian colleagues,” said Nadal. “In that sense it’s not their fault what’s happening in this moment with the war. “I’m sorry for them. I wish it was not this way, but at the end of the day we know that this is what we have.”

Naomi Osaka, Garbine Muguruza exit Madrid Open in 2nd round Osaka said that her movement was limited by pain in her left leg, which was heavily taped. last match, and like I wasn’t really able HiIndia Newsdesk Naomi Osaka and Garbiñe Muguruza to hit yesterday because I wanted it to were among the leading players to be go away,” she said. “Honestly, I probably knocked out of the Madrid Open on a should have been a bit smarter about the whole way that I went through day of upsets. Spain’s Sara Sorribes Tormo beat Osaka everything. 6-3, 6-1 in the second round Sunday “I feel like I couldn’t play the way that I on the Spanish capital’s outdoor clay wanted to play like I was limited. … I courts. Four-time Grand Slam winner don’t even really know what I did to my Osaka enjoyed six aces but had her serve Achilles, so I’m probably going to get broken five times by Sorribes Tormo, an ultrasound and see what happened, who had already bettered French Open and then I and my team will kind of move forward from there.” Sorribes runner-up Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova. Osaka said that her movement was Tormo next faces Daria Kasatkina after limited by pain in her left leg, which she fought back to upset fourth-seeded Maria Sakkari 3-6, 6-3, 6-1. was heavily taped. “I felt something in my Achilles after my Ukraine’s Anhelina Kalinina brushed aside Muguruza 6-3, 6-0.

HiIndia Newsdesk

The BCCI has delayed the knockout matches of the Ranji Trophy by two days and now the quarterfinals will begin from June 6 and the title clash of the premier domestic event will start from June 22. According to an internal communication circulated by the BCCI to its state units, the two semifinals will now begin from June 14, instead of June 12. The final is slated to be held at the Chinnaswamy stadium in Bengaluru.

Novak Djokovic Delivers “Best Performance Of Year” To Book Andy Murray Clash

HiIndia Newsdesk

Top seed Novak Djokovic described his straight-sets opening win over Gael Monfils in Madrid on Tuesday as his “best performance of the year” as he set up a showdown with Andy Murray. The 20-time major champion ensured he would keep his number one ranking for at least another week by extending his winning record against Monfils with a 6-3, 6-2 victory at the Caja Magica. “I would probably rate it as the best performance of the year, I would say. I felt very good on the court,” said Djokovic.

“Trying To Build...”: Virat Kohli’s Fitness Goal Looking Ahead At The T20 World Cup HiIndia Newsdesk

Virat Kohli is prepping up looking ahead at the T20 World Cup later this year in Australia and he has set himself some specific fitness goals

The 33-year-old Kohli has set himself some very “What excites me is he comes with a child-like specific goals and is working towards it in the enthusiasm even today. What I saw in him when he Indian Premier League (IPL) 2022 while training was 19 or 20, in fact the enthusiasm has not come for Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB). down even by one per cent. In fact, I can say it has Shanker Basu, former Indian cricket team strength gone up one per cent. The drive and that steely and conditioning coach, is currently working with resolve he has got is so inspirational for everyone.” him in the RCB camp towards achieving those Basu further gave a detailed plan on what Kohli is fitness targets. doing in his training. “Virat is mainly... we are trying to build muscle mass. “Can’t actually do the same thing over and over We are trying to get that mass. T20 also requires again. It has to change. The program generally lasts a lot of explosive moves. Force production is a for one year. Every year, we need to start tweaking. byproduct of T20. It’s a mandatory thing for him We have to analyse, find out what is required at the to be strong. He is also having the World Cup moment. It’s like having a GPS route map and going round the corner. So as a long-distance call as well towards it,” Basu said. “I can talk about Virat for as a short-distance call, it’s the same,” Basu, RCB sure. It’s very simple things, boring things and he trainer, said in a video posted on the IPL franchise’s can do it consistently for years together. That’s the YouTube page. mantra. Eat well, sleep well, train well and repeat.”

FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022







RBI raises repo rate to 4.4% on elevated inflation outlook, governor cites ‘global price shocks’ HiIndia Newsdesk

New Delhi: In an off-cycle monetary policy review that surprised financial markets, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) headed by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das has unanimously voted to hike the key policy rate by 40 basis points, taking the repurchase or repo rate — the rate at which banks borrow from the central bank — to 4.40 per cent. The decision was announced by Das in a media address Wednesday. The committee has maintained an accommodative stance while focusing on withdrawal of accommodation so that inflation remains within the target of 2-6 per cent going forward while supporting growth. “Our monetary policy actions today — aimed at lowering inflation and anchoring inflation expectations — will

Sensex Dives 1,307 Points As RBI Hikes Interest Rate In OffCycle Move

Shaktikanta Das says strengthening of inflation impulses & persistence of adverse global price shocks poses upward risks to inflation trajectory presented in April MPC resolution.

Loudspeaker protest won’t stop: Raj Thackeray Aurangabad Police has registered a case against Raj Thackeray for allegedly delivering a provocative speech.

HiIndia Newsdesk

New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday plunged sharply after Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced a hike in key interest rate. In a surprise move, RBI raised the repo rate by 40 basis points (bps) to 4.40 per cent in an off-cycle meeting today. Repo rate is the rate at which a central bank lends money to banks. The U.S. Federal Reserve is also expected to raise rates by 50 bps when its meeting concludes later in the day.

HiIndia Newsdesk

Mumbai: Several mosques in and near Mumbai kept loudspeakers off during azaan this morning following a threat by Raj Thackeray, chief of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena, to play Hanuman Chalisa on loudspeakers wherever azaan is recited on them. Loudspeakers remained switched off during azaan at several places in Maharashtra, including Parbhani, Osmanabad, Hingoli, parts of Jalna, Nanded, Nandurbar, Shirdi and Shrirampur. At some places, they were used on low volume. About 250-260 MNS workers have been detained across the state. Mumbai police detained several MNS workers gathered outside Raj Thackeray’s residence, officials sad. In Pune, eight MNS workers were detained, they said. “I have been receiving calls from several parts of the state and outside. At many places, my party’s workers have been detained and issued notices. Those who are following the law are being detained and those who don’t are going scot-free,” Mr Thackeray told the media. He said the issue is “not only about mosques and there are several temples with illegal loudspeakers”.

Marijuana Smuggled From the US, Seized at Mumbai Airport HiIndia Newsdesk

Sunil Gavaskar hands back land HiIndia Newsdesk

Former India captain Sunil Gavaskar has returned a government plot allotted to him in Mumbai 33 years ago to set up a cricket academy, an official from the Maharashtra housing agecy MHADA said on Wednesday. State Housing Minister Jitendra Awhad had last year expressed displeasure over Gavaskar not utilising the plot in suburban Bandra, where a cricket academy was proposed, even after 30 years of the allotment.

The Mumbai Customs, recently busted a drug syndicate smuggling drugs from the United States and operating in Mumbai. Three people have been arrested so far. Mumbai Customs tweeted: “Mumbai Zone 3 seized more than 27.5 kgs of marijuana being smuggled from US through courier. During subsequent investigations the mastermind in the case was identified and arrested. The search of his house yielded more than 20 kgs of marijuana and more than 120 gems of Hashish. A senior Customs official informed that a courier package originating from America was carrying narcotics drugs. Eyes were kept by the officers of the

Airport Special Cargo Commissionerate at the International courier terminal. He also said: “ The package was intercepted and 910 grams of Marijuana originating in California was found concealed in an Air Purifier.” Following this, Mumbai intercepted three more parcels originating from North America from April 22 to 25. High-quality hydroponics marijuana weighing 27.478 kilograms was found hidden in household items like an outdoor waterfall, fake wood leather chair, and propane gas fire pit table. The details of these detections and seizures were kept secret and surveillance was done by Customs officers disguised as auto-rickshaw drivers and delivery men.

strengthen and consolidate the mediumterm growth prospects of the economy,” Das said. Explaining the rationale for Wednesday’s rate action, Das noted that “globally, inflation is rising alarmingly and spreading fast”. “Geopolitical tensions are ratcheting up inflation to their highest levels in the last 3 to 4 decades in major economies while moderating external demand,” he said. “The global crude oil prices are ruling above $100 per barrel and remain volatile. Global food prices touched a new record in March and have firmed up further. Inflation-sensitive items relevant to India such as edible oils are facing shortages due to conflict in Europe and export ban by key producers… These developments would have ominous implications for emerging economies including India.”

Beijing Halts Public Transport

HiIndia Newsdesk

Beijing: Dozens of metro stations and bus routes in Beijing have been shut down as COVID continues to spread and millions of residents in Shanghai still remain under strict lockdown even after more than a month. China’s capital city Beijing has shut more than 40 subway stations, about a tenth of the network, and 158 bus routes, service providers said.

IBM Chairman Arvind Krishna Elected To Board Of Directors Of New York Fed

HiIndia Newsdesk

New York: IBM Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Arvind Krishna has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York on Monday announced that 60-year-old Krishna has been elected as a Class B director, “representing the public with due but not exclusive consideration to the interests of agriculture, commerce, industry, services, labour, and consumers.”








FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022


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FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022



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FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2022

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.