PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
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PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
Piramal Agastya: inspiring growth. P I R A M A L AG A S T YA B R E A K S N E W G R O U N D A S T H E B U S I N E S S ENVIRONMENT OF THE FUTURE.
As one of Mumbai’s premier commercial addresses, Piramal Agastya offers premium office spaces that lay solid foundations for a unique business culture. Piramal Agastya was built according to the principles of biophilic design, with respect and sensitivity for the connections between human life and nature. The result is a truly harmonious habitat which integrates the elements of life – air, light and water – to transform the urban landscape into a vibrant environment and a prosperous ecosystem. One that not only enhances the health and wellbeing of all who use it but also stimulates a deeper engagement with their surrounds while expanding possibilities beyond expectations.
Minutes from the city, yet a world apart. Piramal Agastya is located in the Kurla district and is accessible from all parts of the city by road and rail. This area is rich in vitality and plays host to numerous landmarks and key commercial developments.
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PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
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PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
PIRAMAL AGASTYA • Independent buildings and multi-format office spaces • Total land parcel of 16.25 acres with over 50,000 sq ft of landscaped greenery • Easily accessible and well connected via public transport and arterial roads • Close to domestic and international airports, catering to a globalized business environment • Modern retail spaces at ground floor level to cater to culinary requirements of a bustling corporate park, ranging from fine dining to quick service restaurants (QSRs)
1 million
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PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
beyond Beyond ‘business as usual’. the expectations. H I G H - L E V E L Q UA L I T Y L E A D S T O F I R S T- C L A S S R E S U LT S .
Piramal Agastya phase 1 consists of 3 independent buildings, connected by beautifully landscaped greenery. However captivating the architectural design, functionality is key in every aspect. The state-of-the-art technology and generous conveniences in these office spaces empower professionals to excel at their jobs. The headquarters of Piramal Enterprises Limited, one of the largest business conglomerates with an estimated value of $5 billion, will be established at the Agastya Corporate Park.
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PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
Facilities that make hard work easy. P I R A M A L AG A S T YA I S A P E R F E C T A N T I D O T E T O T H E H E C T I C AT M O S P H E R E O F M O S T O F T O DAY ’ S U R B A N D E V E LO P M E N T S .
Designed to inspire and stimulate the mind while facilitating productivity, it provides the harmonious backdrop we believe is the bedrock of any successful business. Coupled, of course, with world-class facilities such as centralized air-conditioning, multi-level parking, food and beverage retailers and ATMs.
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PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
FAÇADE Piramal Agastya’s striking glass façade was designed by the renowned architectural bureau CallisonRTKL. It scales the full height of the building, bathing the interior spaces in natural daylight, while the high-performance, laminated double glazing shields the offices from exterior sound and heat.
GROUND FLOOR The iconic green walls of the main entrance and double-height ceilings, imported materials and high-grade finishings of the respective lobbies create a luxurious first impression. On the concourse employees can enjoy quality catering from premium food and beverage brands.
PARKING Two basement levels cater for all car parking needs. Separate ramps, lanes and gates guarantee secure entry and exit while elevators provide direct access to the ground floor.
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PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
Exceptional vision; unique perspective. H U M A N E V O L U T I O N I S D E E P LY C O N N E C T E D T O T H AT O F N AT U R E . S T E M M I N G F R O M A N I N N AT E U R G E T O I N T E R AC T W I T H O T H E R FORMS OF LIFE.
This insight lies at the core of biophilic design: the conscientious attempt to integrate our innate affinity for natural systems and processes into the design of our built environment. In order to breathe new life into our urban environment while striking the perfect balance between the constraints of business, culture, community, history and the environment.
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PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
PIRAMAL AGASTYA - Beyond expectations
The added value of great teamwork. P I R A M A L R E A LT Y H A S F O R G E D A N U M B E R O F H I G H -VA L U E PA R T N E R S H I P S W I T H O T H E R R E N O W N E D A N D I N N O VAT I V E C O M PA N I E S , C O L L A B O R AT I N G I N T H E F I E L D S O F D E S I G N , C O N S T R U C T I O N A N D P R O P E R T Y M A N AG E M E N T. T O D E L I V E R T H E H I G H E S T S TA N DA R D S O F Q UA L I T Y AT E V E R Y L E V E L .
• CALLISON USA Lead architect, design and creative services organization • SSA ARCHITECTS INDIA Associate architecture, one of India’s largest full-service architectural firms providing cutting-edge, world-class services. • BURO HAPPOLD INDIA Structural and MEP design services, specializing in sustainable solutions • BELT COLLINS SINGAPORE International planning, design and consulting firm • ARUP ACOUSTICS SINGAPORE Global leader in acoustic consulting for diverse environments • L&T INDIA World-class quality in construction, engineering, technology and manufacturing • TURNER INDIA Construction management firm • MAX SECURITY INDIA Risk management solutions ensuring safety by proactively reducing threats • LERCH BATES INDIA Vertical transportation expertise spanning planning, design, implementation and maintenance of elevators and escalators
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