Ten Considerations for PerformanceBased Compensation by Leigh Riley
ith the dawn of the new year, many companies are taking the initial steps that they hope will allow them to meet their financial and strategic goals in 2020 and beyond. Often, one core element of this process is designing a system of performance awards that will be granted to the executive team, with the intent to motivate executives to achieve the company’s goals by aligning the executive team’s interests with the performance of the company. Performance awards can come in many forms, including stock options, performance-vesting restricted stock or stock units, or cash bonuses. The process of designing performance awards is often messy because there are too many choices and too many unknowns, and companies must also face the risk of inadvertently designing a program that could incentivize bad behavior. As you think about your performance awards, here are ten considerations to keep in mind:
1 Performance goals should reflect a company’s business strategy. While it may seem obvious, in setting compensation performance goals, a company should ask two key questions – first: “what is our business strategy?” and second: “what performance goals will help us motivate employees to further that strategy?” Don’t be afraid of including “soft” or non-financial goals, such as rewarding the CEO for completing certain steps in a succession plan or for increasing customer satisfaction.
2 If you are a publicly traded company, one benefit arising from the changes made to Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, is that you can now exercise more discretion to modify performance goals. Under the prior Section 162(m) rules, in order for compensation to be “performancebased” and fully deductible by the company, the Compensation Committee could not exercise any discretion to modify the performance goals after they were initially established. Now that the automatic deduction for performance-based compensation is gone, Compensation Committees have more leeway to (judiciously) increase their use of discretion. This ability to exercise discretion alleviates some of the stress of trying to get the goals exactly right on the front end and provides a path to make adjustments when unforeseen changes in the business arise during the performance period. 24
Attorney Journals San Diego | Volume 198, 2020
3 Typically, long-term incentive compensation programs use more than one performance goal, including at least one earnings metric (such as Net Income, EBITDA, or net operating profit) and one return metric (such as ROIC, EPS, or TSR). Therefore, companies shouldn’t agonize to figure out the “one right goal” or feel they should have their executive team focused on a single outcome. If more than one goal is selected, use their weighting (e.g., achievement of goal #1 results in 70% of the award being earned and achievement of goal #2 results in 30% of the award being earned) to reflect their importance to the overall business strategy.
4 Relative performance goals, which compare the company’s performance to a peer group (such as relative total shareholder return), are popular choices because relative goals do not require a “crystal ball” to predict future income, profit, or expenses. Even though relative goals typically are used by publicly traded companies, large privately held companies should not shy away from them but should ensure that the peer group companies are publicly traded so that financial information is readily available.
5 For publicly traded companies, Economic Value Added (EVA) is a performance metric that has been well received by the investor community and is being used by Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) in its pay-for-performance modeling, but it has not yet been widely adopted. It’s currently estimated that only about 6% of companies use EVA in their incentive compensation programs. EVA is calculated as Net Operating Profit After Tax minus (Weighted Average Cost of Capital x Capital Invested). So, if you are struggling to select a goal (whether publicly traded or privately held), this is one metric that may be worth considering.
6 Regardless of the performance goals a company selects for its annual and long-term incentive compensation programs, those goals and the progress towards achieving those goals should be communicated to program participants to maintain their focus and line of sight. Quarterly communications between the company and executives on progress toward achievement of performance goals are evolving as a “best practice.”