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Happy Valentine’s Day!
Ideas to celebrate as a family
While some may consider Valentine’s Day a “Hallmark holiday” with too much focus on romance, it IS a great excuse to have fun with family, express appreciation to friends or show kindness to neighbors. A yummy treat or heartfelt card is sure to brighten their day!
Art with Heart
Nothing encourages teamwork and warm fuzzies like creating a fun art project together. Each family member can make their own Heart Banner or you could assign one panel to each person and string them together. There are no rules! It’ll be fun to see what your family comes up with. Find guidelines by San Diego Family’s “Art
Bake Your Heart Out
If making (or eating) home-baked treats is your thing, you’ll love these adorable and delicious Heart Apple Pies from The Seaside Baker. Featuring fresh apple pie filling, almond glaze and heart sprinkles, they make perfect little valentines for friends, classmates, neighbors and family members. Get recipe and instructions at www.theseasidebaker.com/heart-apple-pies.