1 minute read
On the Water Adventures in San Diego
Sea Monkey Sailing Adventures
955 Harbor Island Dr., Downtown SD www.seamonkeyadventures.com
California Watersports 4215 Harrison St., Carlsbad www.carlsbadlagoon.com
City Cruises by Hornblower Downtown San Diego www.cityexperiences.com/san-diego
Coronado Ferry Broadway Pier, 990 N. Harbor Dr., Downtown SD www.flagshipsd.com/cruises/flagship-ferry
Eco Boat Rentals (see hidden gems on page 42)
The Gondola Company 503 Grand Caribe Causeway, Ste C, Coronado www.gondolacompany.com
HydroBikes SD Mission Bay or San Diego Bay www.cycleonthewater.com
Experience San Diego on the water with a family adventure in sailing, kayaking, surfing, boating and more.
Lake San Marcos 1025 La Bonita Dr., San Marcos www.thelakehouseresort.com/san-diego-sailing-club
Maritime Museum of San Diego 1492 N. Harbor Dr., Downtown SD www.sdmaritime.org
Mission Bay Bahia Belle Cruise Bahia Resort or Catamaran Resort, Mission Bay www.bahiahotel.com/bahia-belle
San Diego SEAL Tour (amphibious vehicle) Seaport Village or Embarcadero, Downtown SD www.sealtours.com/san-diego-tickets
What’s your favorite way to experience San Diego on the water? Email editor@sandiegofamily.com and let us know.
Photo credit: @exploretonapsandiego