ThessaLeaks Farewell Issue

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Farewell Issue special

Thessaloniki, Greece, Dec 2010


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Editorial Dear all! Firstly merry Christamas! Exactly one week after the session ended, we give you this, the very last and appropriately named Farewell Issue of ThessaLeaks. It consists of observations and reports made by the Press Team at the 22nd National Selection of EYP Greece during the third and last day of the session, that is General Assembly and Closing Ceremony. The ThessaLeaks Times committee articles follow every committee as they go through the GA procedure, where as CLOSING CEREMONY article deals with this official ending of the session, as

well as the speakers: the editors, president of EYP Greece, head-organizer and the president of the session. INVISIBLE HEROES expresses the gratitude to the Organizers’ Team for making the session possible. Now, when the session has ended, and the participants are PEDed the question is- what next? Possible answers for this you may find in the NOT SELECTED?NO BIG DEAL., and the inspiration in the session diraies LIFE OF AN EYP JOURNALIST. If PEDed, reminding yourself of the small pleasures life brings is one of the options to feel

a bit better, hence read SHHHH, LISTEN.... Further, checking your newly adopted knowledge about EYP or solving the game at the last page may as well do the trick! If this does not work, try checking out the photos of the session at! Or go through all the ThessaLeaks issues (just a suggestion). For now we hope you got back to your regular lives, had some rest and started sorting your memories from the 3 days of session! Further more, we hope you enjoy the Farewell issue. See you around... â–




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Cl o s i n g c e r e mo n y the official end of the session; about the speakers

by Stavros Pagonidis&Maria Sakellaridi Three days of EYP session, one goal, one mutual award. Last few days presented a new experience for us all. You have certainly met many new people, gained new experiences, had your upside and downside moments. Everything from the relaxed Teambuilding through the Committee work, all the way along to the formal General Assembly, it all presented unique experience, but still lived through by every EYP delegate. Last day presented the breaking point – where everything is counted, where we all could see results of our work. Sitting in the same room, with the same people around you like the first time, three days later, a conclusion to this Session was made. Dimitris Hapisanis, the president of EYP Greece adressed everyone who had any role in making this session faboulos as it was. Everyone from delegates


who were the reason for making this all happen, the sponsors and hosts without whom nothing would be possible, all the way to the organizers who dedicated time in coordinating every single detail and officials team that made significant role in everything that has happened in the last days. Dimitris then announced the person who was mostly responsible for everything that happened. It was Chrysanthi Koniou, the head organizer of this Session who then aproached the stage. The girl who we could often see busy, talking on the phone or rushing from one place to another was now standing in front of everyone, talking about the whole experience, visibly very emotional and thrilled. She still had her smile on her face, observing the last period and how everything went from scratch to magnificent event


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that happened. In the speech she did not forget to mention the whole team of people who were always with her, helping out with every step that had to be made. Orhanizers, who were behind scenes all the time now were in front of the audience, getting the deserved round of applause for all the work they have done. The other team of people working backstage, who covered the whole session with close eye was also introduced. Tom Palinic and Sandra Stojanovic, Editors of the Session newspapers had also talked about their view on Session in whole and positive experiences of leading a team of journalists who they called upon stage. Then the man who also had his share in working out everything in the days of the session was announced. Ogulcan Torun, the President of the

session then started his speech. Even though not prepared - he was telling the sincere story of his pathon this session. He told his experiences, his observations in very sincere speech – more like a talk with all of us. He thanked everyone but especialy to the Chairs team which was gathered from all around Europe which he called to join him. While around him, a formal ending was to be put on 22nd National Session of EYP Greece. But the ending was all but in melancholic atmosphere owning to the little surprise Journalist team had made. It was a video that brought the whole hall to complete laughter by showing funny and interesting moments from all over the session caught on video or in photos (consider wathing it again soon!). The whole hall then gathered in a hug, sing-

ing to the uthopic lyrics of the John Lenon’s Imagine. We have reached the end of yet another session, but it is just an end to that experience. Door of EYP are now open, go on, explore, the journey has just begun!â–



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Invisible heroes:

the Organizers’ Team


-Have you seen them?-Seen who? -Those little weird creatures roaming around… -What? What are you talking about? What creatures? -Well, rumor has it…

by Maria Sakellaridi The rumor has it that at any EYP session what you see, what you hear, nothing is what it seems. Behind the scenes, there exist those super-powerful, special creatures called organizers. These are the people we owe the smooth and pleasant flowing of the session to. In order to achieve the organizational success of the session, the organizers work hard a long time ago before the session is actually taking place and for a long time after its conclusion. They are the ones that make sure we have all those magical stuff for your teambuilding games, they are the ones that make sure everything’s on time, they are the ones responsible for our food , our transportation and supplies throughout the whole session. They’re running around, even if they’re exhausted, even if they haven’t slept at all, just to reassure that everything related to the session is perfectly working.

This hard-working team of individuals, though, could never accomplish its missions without the support and the guidelines of a very active ad responsible person, the head organizer. This session’s queen of the organizers’ team is Chrysanthi Koniou, our beloved head organizer. But what you should all bear in mind is that our Chrysanthi is not alone in this unforgettable journey. Our Organizers’ Team is consisted of some quite special people. These are Lia, Manto, Maria, Evanthia, Evgenia, Zaoura, John,Ilias, Achilleas, Kiki, Vicky and Vaggelis. So, before you go don’t forget to thank them and give them a huge hug for everything they offered us those three amazing days. On behalf of the Press Team, we thank you for being here, making this journey one of the most memorable experiences of our lives!■


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WHAT IS PED? It is a condition diagnosed in 99,9% of EYP session attendants. To inform yourself more about this unavoidable condition read the following health chart

by Viktor Sanca

Name: Post EYP Depression Occurrence: PED occurs exclusively to EYP Session attendants. While the condition is known for years, there is no sign built immunity in any person. Diagnosis: If in contact with EYP-ers in Session, the condition is most likely slowly to develop until the end of the session. The better the Session, the worst are likely consequences to be. Symptoms Feeling of emptiness, Very high wish to attend EYP session in as short time as possible, Feeling down for longer periods of time, Remembering tiny details of the session very clearly after longer period, Chats with participants still discussing a moment that happened in the session. Treatment While no cure is yet discovered, hopes are low that any will be found out. While the most symptoms wear off during the time, the most efficient method for improving the overall condition was shown to be the attendance of another EYP session. Prevention There are no familiar ways of preventing the condition to happen for humans. Prognosis EYP-ers show significantly better condition after some time passed by. No short-term consequences are made with the condition. Long-term consequences are present in form of the constant wish of returning to another EYP session



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Not selected? No big deal. by Teresa Stadler

A few days after the session’s official end you will hopefully have caught up on the sleep that you traded for busy hours with your fellow team members this past weekend. Rolling around on the floor and singing little chants, however childish it might have seemed at the beginning, are things you suddenly miss and look at as the greatest fun you have had in a long time. Intense as it surely was, you even benefitted from the highly professional GA day, spent in heated discussion, in which you had a chance to shine. We hope so! No matter what the e-mail containing the Jury’s decision, that you are going to find in your Inbox one of these days, says, there will always be a second one with an invitation to join the EYP Greece family. Meetings of this close community are held approximately once per month in either Thessaloniki or Athens and they want you to be there with them! You might have overheard that you can only be an official member of

EYP Greece, once you are eighteen, and that is indeed true. However, you should not feel discouraged from joining them. Following the country’s traditions, the organization is very democratic. Creative ideas, new approaches and a fresh breeze are what it needs. Furthermore, if you want to know what goes on in the background of a session or attend more of these wonderful events (no matter how old you are), the next EYP Greece family reunion is the place to go. Also, if you want to know more about this organization and feel like having a glance behind the scenes, do not be shy to contact them per mail, join their Facebook group (European Youth Parliament Greece) or follow them on Twitter. You are young, active, original and hopefully looking for a new challenge. Here is your chance to a second family, one which has the potential to spice up your future. So, what are you waiting for?.■



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Sshhhh, listen‌ Do you have a tree outside your house? Can you see the sky from your bedroom window? When was the last time that a street musician passed through your neighbourhood?


by Stavros Pagonidis If you cannot remember the answer to the above questions this article might have something to say to you. This article is dedicated to all those small things in life that people rarely take time to pay attention to. I personally started noticing these insignificant moments influenced by two of my high school teachers who would stop the lecture to tell us to be quiet and listen to the sound of the rain or the song of a hoopoe bird. Modern lifestyle makes us constantly hasty, caring only for things that will materially reward us. We dedicate our time and money in order to ac-

quire pleasure with more and more sophisticated ways, tending to ignore the bits of pleasure floating all around us. It just takes a moment to sit back and sense them. Things that you can easily find at your home such as waking up on a holiday and snuggling under the covers all morning, playing with your pet, secretly tasting that delicious food that your mother has prepared for dinner etc. There are even more things that you can do outdoors, amusements offered by nature totally free. Such as gazing at the different colours of the sea right before a storm, feeling a breeze of cool air on your face, taking a walk


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‘think big thoughts ,

but relish small pleasures .’

with no specific destination, stopping to listen to a talented street musician, watching the shape of the clouds, listening to the combined song of frogs, crickets and nightgales in the middle of a summer night, staring at the stars until you fall asleep. An overload of stimuli for all your five senses is there to be experienced. Being able to extract pleasure from small things is not something I just theoretically believe, it’s something that happened to me even during this NSC. I, together with the rest of the officials participating in the conference, had to wake up earlier than usual. When the alarm clock went off I felt so irritated that I had to leave my cozy bed, until I opened my eyes only to realize that my bed was next to a

window, looking to the east. The magnificent sunrise eased my distress and helped me start the day in a good mood. Whenever you feel tired, upset or just lacking inspiration, take the time to look around you to see if small pleasures are nearby, waiting for you to notice them. Small everyday pleasures that, if accumulated altogether, can actually increase the quality of our life.■



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by Dionysis Theodoropoulos Day -1: Our editors arrived at Thessaloniki with two of the international journalists and I and along with another Greek journalist had to pick them up at the train station. We had to wait at the chilly Thessaloniki for five hours because the train had a delay due to the Greek strikes. Day 0: The Officials’ Teambuilding and the Press Team’s Training took place on Thursday. All of the officials (precisely the ones in Thessaloniki) gathered at the hostel and after having a city tour headed towards the New City Hall of Thessaloniki to have their own teambuilding games to build this coherent Officials’ Team we had at the session. Then our editors gathered us, the Press Team, and gave us


valuable feedback and instructions on how to write articles and pick the topics of them. At the end of the day Chrysanthi awarded us, the officials, with a Souvlaki party which will stay for long in our memory and clubbing afterwards. Day 1: This day we could have the whole morning off to take a rest and get prepared for the “big things”, the session itself. Later we were transported to the Hellenic College and got settled in our lair, the press room. We had a brainstorming session and some ground rules adopted and the real journalism started when we came to the committees to cover the teambuilding. With the first deadline fast approaching that afternoon we had to be in a haste and then would come the second which most of us


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Life of an


could not meet so we and our editors stayed up for the most of the time (even at the tavern we would write articles or essays and take interviews). Day 2: Saturday found most of us sleepless (I barely slept for half an hour in the bus) having to cover the CW. So we did our usual stuff; writing our articles listening to the music in the Press Room, eating those exquisite croissants and whatever a journalist does to find their inspiration. We were by now used to meeting the deadlines, so most of us were done on time and had the night out with the rest of the officials. Day 3: Before we even noticed Sunday had arrived and everybody had to write essays and articles covering the GA and the Closing Ceremony getting

already in a nostalgic and PED mood. The deadline now was set for Monday evening and that’s why we had time to do a proper brainstorming with ourselves to think of what article topics should we pick. So we all watched the GA procedure free of the anxiety of meeting the deadline. After the session we had debriefing, sharing our opinions about the session and what we would change. A Farewell party for the officials took place giving us the opportunity to socialize in a relaxing atmosphere. Day 3+1: The officials returned to their usual lives.Stavros woke up and returned to his place just outside Thessaloniki. Dionysis, after a tiring night being exhausted from the session and sick had to attend a class first thing in the morning.

Veronica stayed at her relatives and had her vacation in Greece. Maria left for Athens where she studies etc. Now for the sessions to come we, as a Press Team of the 22nd National Session of EYP Greece, strongly urge you to participate in them as journalists, since we are convinced you will have the time of your lives!â–



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EYP Quiz

Congratulations! You’re an official EYP-er! Now that you have experienced it for the last couple of days, it’s time to check your knowledge of the Session:

by Viktor Sanca 1. One warm up question – what is EYP? a. Every Young Panda b. European Youth Parliament c. Early Yawning Process 2. A tough one - who are the chairs? a. Objects you sit on b. People who organize stuff c. People who coached you

a. Santa stuck in the air conditioning b. Big Fat Pony rushed in c. Tree fell down 8.Did you count? How many committees were formed? a. 9 b. 10 c. 11 9. You’ll definitely know this one! What is a Point of Privilege? 3. This one is tricky - who is a. When you get your reOgulcan Torun? freshments before others a. Random guy b. Getting the privilege to b. President of the session ride the Big Fat Pony c. Ambassador of Turkey c. One of the GA procedures 4. And who is ChrysanthiKo- 10. And the last one! From how niou? many countries did officials ara. Head Organizer rive? Tip: you can check the b. Delegate previous issue. c. Jury a. 5 5.What is a Big Fat Pony? b. 7 a. Overfed pony c. 11 b. Traditional EYP transport c. Energizer game 6.Do you know?Which National Check your EYP level now! 1-3 Were you at the Session?! EYP Greece session is this? 3-5 Have you arrived late? a. 22nd 5-7 You are an aspiring EYP-er b. 23rd 7-9 You are a knowledgeable EYP delc. 27th egate! 7. You certainly remember this 10 Excellent! Have you been a delegate one - what happened in the before? Opening Ceremony?


Special Edition!

ThessaLeaksTimes Committee articles

ThessaLeaks Times

AFET-the grand finale by Ivan Stojanovic

When faced with the difficult challenge of being smart in multiple ways; dressing smart and being smart at the GA, some may have trouble pulling it of, but not the mighty AFET. Elegance, eloquence and effort shown really paid of because the great resolution they produced has passed. The topic they had was not an easy one. They discussed the problems of the Sinai Peninsula and the relations between Palestine and Israel, a burning issue, yet they managed to do a good job and the proof of that is the great discussion at the GA, the speeches and the overall impression they made.

They lost one chair but that didn’t stop them in performing their tasks on the level expected from them. Sharp, well prepared, confident, some even too confident for some board members to control. If in the process of doing all these things, and the time period of the last three days, you learned something, had fun, made some good memories, some friends, you did what was expected from you. Hope to see you again somewhere, sometime..■

AGRI by Maria Sakellaridi

Inside the kingdom of AGRI the final preparations have already been done and the druids of its forest were ready to ride their horses and attend the General Assembly of EYP’s Magical Creatures. Each one and every of the Magical Creatures was more than eager to listen to their proposals and suggestions as they all knew that the world was in stake and they were the only ones who could save it. The first druid to ascend on the podium was Sofia who read the operative clauses of AGRI’s resolution. Sofia thrilled the audience with the stability of her voice. The next to go was Christiana who was responsible for defending the kingdom’s decisions. Christiana had the chance to point out that the kingdom of AGRI focuses on long-term results with innovative

solutions. Though the resolution was attacked, three other powerful druids, Evaggelia, Stefanos(the wise only male of the druids league) and Anna, successfully answered three extremely difficult rounds of questions! The final appearance was made by Elpiniki and Sofie, two druids of extraordinary beauty and wisdom. Elpiniki answered the last round of questions and then gave the floor to Sofie who stressed out the importance of supporting those who use methods environmental friendly. Before urging everyone to vote for AGRI’s resolution, Sofie reminded everyone that the future is in our hands. Did the druids persuade the other Magical Creatures? How couldn’t they have?■

ThessaLeaks Times

CULT-cultivation comes first!

by Despina Papadopoulou

Here comes a committee completely prepared for the forthcoming debate, analyzing the issue of educational policies in accordance with Lisbon Agenda. After spending a few hours with this committee, it was quiet obvious that all the delegates were deeply concerned about future economic growth through the implementation of educational policies. After their recognition from the board they were heading to have a fruitful debate over their topic, defending their resolution through

their diplomatic skills. Moreover, due to a flourishing cooperation between delegates throughout the debate, and with the vital help of the chairs, the delegates managed to cope with all the direct responses and all the questions of the open debate, proving to rest of the committees that they deserve a resolution passed! They emphasized in their sum up speech their priority, as a committee, which is the limitation of school leavers and the meaning of mandatory technological

DEVE by Cem Kocabasa The fist committee that had the chance of presenting the motion for resolution was DEVE. After three rounds of serious discussion, the voting procedure was held and the resolution has passed. The main points discussed during the open debate were the unavailability of the funds. Since Europe is currently suffering from the economic crisis, some committees disagreed and stated that the money should be kept in the Union rather than helping a non-member state. DEVE however strongly defended its position, and stated that these placesare geographically vulnerable and so should not be ignored. The strategy they adopted was at first establishing a cooperate strategy and fulfil the fundamental needs. Then educating the population to create sustain-

able awareness in the region. Cooperation with NGO’s was also among their strategies. The committee was very well prepared, since everybody had a role in the GA. Eleutheria Vasiliki Chini gave the defence speech, Stavroula Papadopoulou, Dimitra Tsenesizi and Stamatia Kontopoulou answered questions, Nikos Koukovinas and Antonia Markoviti gave the sum up speech. VasilikaZiaka contributed to the committee by making some important points during the GA. Apparently, Greece has a real high potential in EYP’ers.■

courses in primary schools. It was obvious that they promoted an interactive way of education which will increase employability in a social level. Finally, after a detailed and also catchy sum up speech, theirs efforts have been rewarded as their resolution has passed. So, we should all think of the importance of such a resolution, and try hard in order to succeed a future economic growth.■

ThessaLeaks Times

ECON by Stavros Pagonidis Did you hear the story of friendship, the tale of bravery? Did you hear the story of courage of ECON committee? Once upon a time, group of exceptional individuals met in the gardens of Hellenic College. They have passed a long road of getting to know each other, of working together, and here they are now – they are defending together the fruit of their work. They overcame all the differences, they defeated every issue, conquered all disagreements. Today they showed their full potential. Without fear they presented the plan for defending economy. Their strategy was questioned

by many, there were even numerous direct responses, but they knew their goal. They had clearly decided to win this battle and were so eager to put the final word to it; the whole work, the reason why they have gathered was sealed by strong speech. Cheering with the ECON song (that so much resembles the Zulu song), they celebrated the good work. The moment of silence… Many retreated to replenish energy with delicious specialties which were served. Then it was the moment everyone was waiting for… Announcement was made: The resolution passed!■


the unemployed delegates!

by Despina Papadopoulou The title might seem weird but think about it...They have been discussing the fundamental issue of unemployment for three creative and brainstorming days. So now it is their time to prove us their trials. At a first sight all the delegates of the EMPL seemed really devoted to the debate. I can see in their faces their willingness to express their opinions in each and every topic discussed. I must admit that they were actually a group of delegates aged 16-24 full of

ideas, and proposals for issues concerning economy, education and natural disasters. But, now it is their turn! The chairman of the board recognizes the Employment Committee and all the delegates undoubtedly do their best to preserve the right of employment towards the young generation aged 16-24. Our delegates are actually part of that target group and thus they are so passionate, according to their Chairs, because of their willingness not to be themselves irre-

versibly excluded from the labor market. In their sum up speech, they emphasized the meaning of mobility which is linked with the acquirement of a general European knowledge, necessary for their employment in the middle of such a severe economic crisis. Finally, a comment from a journalist for all the delegates and chairs of the employment, congratulations, your resolution has passed!■

ThessaLeaks Times


by Stavros Pagonidis

The proper way to read this article is to sit back, light a cigar and fill up a glass of brandy… or not!! The Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety is here to keep you away from all those nasty habits that people often indulge into. The only male member of the committee was naturally put to the front line, delivering the defense speech on behalf of ENVI. One delegate from each of the CULT and FEMM committees took the floor in order to attack the resolution, but the voting procedure revealed that ENVI outwitted them. Afterwards there were quite a few points of information, all of which received a response from the proposing committee. The As-

sembly entered open debate, which was marked by a hailstorm of Direct Response requests, as well as the multiple references to a certain species of herbs that you don’t get to hear in every GA. A large part of the debate was regarding to minors and how they could be protected from the dangers imposed by tobacco and alcohol. After the sum-up speech by Rea, who managed to beat her anxiety and talk in front of an audience, the voting procedure took place and the resolution of ENVI was approved by the General Assembly. Good job ENVI, now let’s drink to a smoke free Europe!■

FEMM- motion for resolution by Dionysis Theodoropoulos

The European Youth Parliament, A. Noting with satisfaction that the FEMM committee members were full of excitement and team spirit during the session up to now, B. Deeply conscious of the level of difficulty to reach unanimous consensus on a subject which deals with moral and ethics prejudices and dilemmas like the one they had to face, C. Desiring to see rapid steps towards a society free of inequalities and discrimination, D. Believing that this fruitful session was a great opportunity for its participants to develop their personal skills and acquire new ones E. Expressing its satisfaction about the performance of: i) Stelios who did a neat job reading the operative clauses, ii) Natasa who made an extraordinary defense speech, explaining to the GA why the FEMM committee proposed this resolution and covering the topic in a multidimensional way, iii) Dimitra and Despina did great supporting their resolution during the open debate rounds, iv) Anna-Maria and Iro shared the floor to do the summation speech, with the former answering the last round of questions of the open debate and the later summing up the whole discussion about the topic in an astonishing way. 1. Trusts that the GA will vote for the resolution of the FEMM committee, 2. Encourages the participants of the session to promote EYP as an organization by telling their friends about all the fun they had during it, 3. Expresses its hope that most of you will attend another EYP session either as an official or as a delegate, 4. Further reminds you that when you will suffer from PED you should really call the other participants and socialize with them, we promise it will help.■

ThessaLeaks Times

LIBE 1 by Veronica Moitus The topic LIBE I tackled dealt with the unfortunate discrimination against ethnic minorities such as Roma people. LIBE I had a strong take off with their defense speech in which they pleaded to the idea that all men are created equal and one should not judge a person by groundless ethnic prejudices. During the open debate there were mostly delegates who questioned the source of finance for the resolution’s suggested actions to promote an understanding for ethnic minorities’ culture but LIBE I tackled the debate excellently. Their sum-up speech proved to be just as strong as their previ-

ous performances which is why it came as no surprise that the resolution of LIBE I passed with a very good marginal. The performance at the GA was a sweet success that was well deserved for the open minded and kind souls at LIBE I. One can only hope that the EU follows a similar direction in the near future so that the quality of life can improve for ethnic minorities. So thanks LIBE I for enlightening us with your innovative and clever ideas for a more ethnically assimilated Europe.■

LIBE 2 by Teresa Stadler “Could you imagine your life without Internet? “, was the sentence used by George to start LIBE II’s persuasive defense speech, and immediately a change of mood could be felt in the crowded venue. Finding a balance when it comes to online security and freedom of expression is always a challenging task. This team however, faced another difficulty in GA. Presenting the session’s participants with their little master-piece, they had to find that non-experts had quite a hard time understanding their topic and pinning down the key points that needed to be considered. Just when Mr. President started to be really upset (he

even raised a point of Order), his delegate Vassilina saved the discussion by giving a perfect clarification of what it was all about. From this point onwards, the debate was lively and truly interesting. The committee on Civil Liberties II never failed in finding an articulate counter to other participants’ remarks and left no doubt that they knew what they were talking about. Finally announced to be accepted with a vast majority of votes, the 9-headed team had all reason to celebrate – and they did.■


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Fun&Games by Viktor Sanca



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