AMANDA MCDONALD STERNForm 508Modular, 2025H x 825W x 825D” $5,400CADModular Form 61, 1975H x 8W x 8D”$5,400CAD
CLAIRE KELLYOpus Segmentatum,115H x 14W x 8D” $8,500CADBelow the Surface 2, 18H x 13W x 5D $6,800CADBelow the Surface I, 215H x 13W x 5D” $7,500CAD
SANDRA FUCHSRoots (Red/Purple/Black), 235H x 6W x 6D"$8,000CADRoots (Red/Purple), 22H x 6W x 6D"$8,000CADAndean Rusty-Faced Parrot, 165H x 125W x 275D” $8,400CAD