Integrated Technology and Professional Practice

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Integrated Technology and Professional Practice A New Cavern of Antimatter - Carbonated Drink Factory Technology Report

Sandra Draghici Unit 3 ID NO: 000796231-2 BA (Hons) Architecture University of Greenwich



Table of Contents

Part One: Introduction

Part Two: Professional Practice

Unit Brief ...................................................................... 6 Response to the Brief ................................................. 7 Conceptual Precedents .............................................. 8 Project Description ..................................................... 9 The Client .................................................................... 10 Initial Study ................................................................. 11 Site Plan ....................................................................... 13 Historical Maps .......................................................... 14 Historical Development & Context ......................... 15 Greenwich Peninsula Masterplan ............................ 16 Site Location in Google Maps .................................. 18 Site Plan ....................................................................... 19 Key Features of Masterplan ....................................... 20 Site Photos ................................................................... 21 Context ........................................................................ 22 Opportunities & Constraints ..................................... 23 Movement .................................................................... 24 Thames Path ................................................................ 25 Urbanistic Study .......................................................... 26 Typical Weather Conditions ...................................... 27 Sunpath Diagram ........................................................ 28 Windpath Diagram ..................................................... 29 Geology ........................................................................ 30 Flood Risk ..................................................................... 32 Carbonated Drink Production Line ........................... 34 Organigram of Spaces ................................................. 35 Manifesto, Programme & Sustainability .................... 36 Design Precedents ....................................................... 37

Planning Application & Permission ............................. Prioritization .................................................................... Building Procurement .................................................... Roles ............................................................................... Programmatic & Cost Implications .............................. RIBA Plan of Work ......................................................... Building Control .............................................................. Risk Management ...........................................................

Part Three: Integrated Technology 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

3D Model ......................................................................... GA Drawings - Plans ...................................................... GA Drawings - Sections ................................................. Structural Strategy ........................................................... Building Envelope .......................................................... Exploded Segment .......................................................... Construction Sequence .................................................. Materials ........................................................................... Ket Details and Junctions ............................................... Foundation/Floor Detail ................................................. Floor to Wall Junction ................................................... Roof Detail ....................................................................... The Dynamic Canopy .................................................... The Staining Wall ............................................................ Roof Details ..................................................................... Moderating the Internal Environment .......................... Reference List ..................................................................

51 52 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 72



Part One: Introduction


Part One: Introduction - Unit Brief Stage 0 Strategic Definition

Unit Brief


Greenwich Peninsula


Catalysts for ‘placemaking’ through programmes focussed on performance.

The Anticipatory Architect The anticipatory architect rejects the traditional role of the architect, as omniscient creator of concrete form; Instead, promoting an architecture that celebrates the ephemeral, and foreseeing its own obsolescence as a creative act. > 2014-15-Y3_BRIEF_03: SHOWTIME Brief Introduction: Tuesday 28.10.14

Perry Kulper - Central California History Museum; Image source:

Anticipating Performance The fringes of the inner city have traditionally attracted the occupation of unregulated performance and entertainment. In the middle ages, the South Bank, physically and politically severed from the centre of the city, became an unfettered haven of theatre, entertainment and debauchery. This tradition of defiant indulgence continued with the 18th century Vauxhall pleasure gardens offering fantasy and mystery to London’s middle classes - its evening events offering dark corners and informal settings for various forms of indulgence and depravity which continued late into the mid 19th century. After the Second World War the temporary cultural metropolis created by the Festival of Britain cemented the South Bank’s status as a cultural centre; encouraging the growth of adjacent creative enterprise it unwittingly retainined many forms of underground and rebellious activity. Today, it is London’s post-industrial terrain that is attracting creative occupation. Low-rent flexible spacetypes are affording economic, political and creative freedom to artists and performers through imaginative re-appropriation of space.


These physical manipulations can lead to a dramatic shift in perception of derelict places, encouraging long-term social and economic regeneration. In recent years the power of this trend has been exploited by both developers and local government to stimulate land value and housing prices. In some instances this has created a sustainable, “natural” growth, centred around a socio-cultural core of activity based on human interaction. In others, and more commonly, it is manipulated as a gestural act of lip-service to facilitate unrelated, large scale, master-planned developments focused on capital rather than social growth. It might be argued that the current development of Greenwich Peninsular is symptomatic of the latter. As a counterpoint, this year we will make use of temporary architecture as a trigger for localised urban activation. We will develop proposals for guerilla structures that intend to construct a new identity, and an infrastructure that establishes a localised model for socially-driven urban growth.

Part One: Introduction - Manifesto/Response to the Brief

Personal Manifesto

Stage 0

The city is designed by capitalist principles. Architecture has turned its back on humanist principles. Lost either in pure capitalist functionalism, or ruled by urban form, it has become sterile, forgetting about the pleasure of design, where concept and experience collide.

Strategic Definition

The fast growth of cities is creating uniformity, which leads to alienation. Popular taste and modern ideals are making cities indistinguishable from each other. The exaltation has left our facades to make room for acquired tastes and while architecture is trying to appeal to a majority, it is stripping itself down to the most common denominator. The spectacle of everyday life is reflected in the architecture which is solely meant to sell, old ideas get repackaged and resold as new architecture. The city is designed by capitalist principles. Architecture is first of all an experience, which we perceive through our five senses. It is a thing to be enjoyed both by the user, but also by the public.

The Idea Image source:

Greenwich Peninsula Recent Investments

As Greenwich Council yields to the demands of private developers, it is approving the building of a massive new development of luxury housing, exclusively for the affluent, which will be towering over the skyline of the peninsula. The new development includes its own private school and a luxury hotel, while the initial plans to create mixed communities get renounced. Effectively, the council’s planning board supports the idea that a development which sits across from Canary Wharf should be built in its own image - exclusively for the rich. This aggressive development follows recent foreign investments into the project. At present, if these proposals go through, they will destroy the prospect of the peninsula as a stable, sustainable community, as envisioned intially.

The Role of the Architect Architects share a series of ethical obligations with other professionals, such as to do no harm and pursue fairness in every engagement. However, it can be argued that architects have a second set of professionally specific ethics that are rooted in culture, aesthetics and sustainability. Architects do not only design buildings for clients, through their work they contribute to the surrounding context, either in a positive or a negative way. Architects should always pursue to have a positive impact on ecology and on the lives of the people who will inhabit these spaces. and, at the highest level, accomplish something that points more towards architecture rather than mere building. This broader definition of ethics is so fundamental to an architect’s pursuits that it becomes an explicit part of everyday decisions. The topic of ethics however, remains largely invisible within the profession. This is mostly because architects nowadays have a sense of powerlessness about their role within the hierarchy of lenders, clients, and contractors.

Building a new branch for a small company which wants to expand can encourage the creation of a local community, but also a landmark through the deliberate creation on experiences. This idea, of creating a marketing strategy that directly engages consumers and invites and encourages them to participate in the evolution of a brand, is called experiential marketing. By encouraging local production, local community projects and events, but also creating a place to be experienced by the public, the architect can retake his place as a creator who is in charge of his own design and it’s impact on the local community. The architect no longer has to only house a function, his role becomes to engage the visitor or passer-by directly with his building and create something to be stumbled upon, even accidentally, which takes the wanderer off his usual path and into a space of joy and ephemeral events.

Public architecture is a means to use design as a performance and reawaken its power to challenge popular assumptions - the visitor becomes the audience. In this way, desire could be reflected by architecture, which should awake the unconscious of the visitor. In this sense, surprise, beauty and meaning remain central to architectural design. Creating architecture that has a mediated relationship to public space, either being transparent or opaque to its surroundings, while being open to interpretation, can create opportunities for communication, but the visitor will also be intrigued and motivated to discover it and make it their own. Change is an unavoidable component of the city, however decay is an element which architecture is usually trying to avoid. This is because the new building is the one which incorporates best the architect’s ideas and aspirations, and the prospect of it being diminished over time amounts to their diminishment as well. Architects have therefore no choice but to believe in the enduring qualities of their work, and by doing so, deny its mortality. In reality there is an entropy inherent to all materials, which makes buildings decay inevitably. The architect should try and embrace change, and even decay, from the start; our buildings could embody both processes of growth and decay simultaneously. Rapid fabrication allows for the city to morph and adapt to change faster, but it also gives the opportunity to be easily used as a means to sell and transform the city into a canvas for marketing strategies. For this reason, design should include a degree of complexity, ambiguity, even of contradiction which intensifies our humanity and provokes thought.

Architects should emphasize on the unique public value of design in order to avoid losing their moral imperative. Charlie’s Chocolate Factory; Image source:

Image source:


Part One: Introduction - Conceptual Precedents Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Giuseppe Pinot-Gallizio in his laboratory

Revealing the Cavern of Antimatter

The Cavern of Antimatter:

The New Cavern of Antimatter:

Giuseppe “Pinot” Gallizio and the Technological Imaginary of the Early Situationist International During its formative years (1957-1960), the Situationist International (SI) charted a paradoxical relationship between an enthusiasm for a technological future and a surrealist longing for the premodern. In 1955, PinotGallizio, a chemist born in Alba, Piedmont, met Asger Jorn, with whom he co-founded the Experimental Laboratory of the Imaginist Bauhaus. Pinot-Gallizio drew from his background as a chemist in developing new painting techniques; many of his works were what he called “industrial paintings”. By using chemical resins covered with herbal perfumes, explosive powders, and color pigments, he developed a system to an endless painting production. The Cavern of Antimatter, prepared in 1957, was composed of 145 meter canvases which were painted by hand or with the aid of spray guns and machines invented by Pinot-Gallizio himself. The paintings were left to dry next to the cellar’s radiator. The gradual chemical reactions - processes that filled the laboratory


Carbonated Drink Factroy / Bar

with dangerous emanations that had to be removed using extractor fans - created vivid abstract painterly effects. When the artists left the laboratory to paint the rolls outside, nature “became a partner in the unpredictable creative process, where a gust of wind would deposit all sorts of debris onto the wet, sticky surfaces.” The rolls were displayed at the Galerie René Drouin, draped around the gallery and sold by the meter. The laboratory’s structures, however rudimentary, afforded Gallizio a semipermanent site where artists could meet and produce paintings which required an organized, collective endeavor. On the other hand, the cavern was a key metaphor for Gallizio’s ongoing research in art and archeology: the cavern is a unitary spatial setting and a symbol of humanity’s communal creative impulse.

The Cavern of Antimatter subverted industrial/chemical processes to create rolls of canvas covered in patterns and splashes. The “industrial paintings” were championed as a new technological form of creativity that would bring a fatal blow to the outdated avant-garde and that could be used to create liberating, transitory “situations” signaling the emergence of a revolutionary movement. As a continuous mode of production of alternate experiences and subverted byproducts of an industrial process, the New Cavern of Antimatter will be a factory that allows for some transparency between public and private spaces, displaying parts of the process line to support the company’s mission statement of promoting a healthy lifestyle, and of using natural, locally resourced ingredients, but also to create temporary joyful experiences for the visitor/occasional passer-by.

the machine is the only instrument “andPerhaps qualified to create that is inflationary and industrial therefore based on the anti-patent; the new industrial culture will only be “Made by the People,” or it will not be.” — Giuseppe “Pinot” Gallizio, 1959

Part One: Introduction - Project Description Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Project Description

Image source:

Programme: Carbonated Drink Factory & Bar Public Industrial Landscape / Joyous Pop Growing raw materials Production of pigments and flavors/perfumes

Interior of the Old Soul Brewery; Image source: Image source:


A New Cavern of Antimatter

Constructing a new “Cavern of Antimatter” by turning its initial qualities into experiential and material properties as byproducts of a subverted industrial process (dry ice fog, colour, perfume and flavour extraction, etc.)

Experiential Soda Factory / Bar

Image source:

Inspired by Gallizio’s Cavern of Antimatter, the Antimatter Soda Pop Factory in Greenwich Peninsula uses the industrial processes and byproducts of the carbonated drink production to generate experiential and material qualities of an architecture that fits into the era of unstoppable urbanisation of the city. Rather than regenerating the site through gentrified production, it lays down a framework of spaces and functions of the factory, subverts its processes and creates pockets that are transformed into public spaces for the users to exprerience and evolve. The building explores the contrast between an industrial landscape and joyful pop, and parasitically takes over the modern, anonymous post-industrial landscape.

Image source:

First, the raw materials are produced locally. Fruits, herbs, vegetables and stevia are grown on the green roof and in hydroponic urban planters. The fruits are crushed and extracts (colour, flavor, smell) obtained. The stevia leaves (natural sweetener) are processed into powder which is then stored in a silo. Syrup is made by combining pasteurized fruit juice with sweetener, flavorings and food colouring. Water, which has been infused with fresh or dried herbs is then added to the different flavored syrups in controlled amounts and the mixture is blended continuously. After carbonation, the finished drink is trasferred to the packaging area, where it is quickly sealed and labelled. Along these steps, there are a series of opportunities for creating deliberate experiential situations.

Image source:


Part One: Introduction - The Client Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

The Client

Antimatter is a new company that wants to open a factory in Greenwich Peninsula. They produce natural carbonated fruit drinks infused with herbs and sweetened with stevia, creating a beverage that adds a little zing to a healthier lifestyle. The brand’s lineup changes with the seasons based on what’s locally available - apples and pears in the fall and raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and other berries in spring and summer. The company takes fruit, cooks it, adds infused water and stevia extract, carbonates it with much of the fiber-rich pulp intact and then bottles it. The company uses healthy, organic ingredients and exotic flavors, introducing a new take on carbonated beverages. Their image promotes freshness, boldness, youth, health and care for the environment. By coupling the factory to a bar where the drinks are served, the idea is to create exciting experiences that promote the company’s image, while also being environmentally responsible.


Similar companies on the market

Oogave - GT’s Enlightened Organic Raw Kombucha - www. Hot Lips Soda - Fizzy Lizzy - Steaz Sparkling Green Tea - Reed’s Light Extra Ginger Brew - Virgil’s Root Beer - Bionade - Organic Fair Soda Syrup - These companies produce natural organic carbonated drinks, which are either fermented or infused with different flavors and herbs, an honest-to-goodness, healthy soda alternative.

Company’s Mission Statement To create fun, healthier, more thoughtful alternatives to traditional sodas. To share delicious sodas made from the amazing agave plant. To show the world that there are better-for-you beverage choices that are organic, natural, and made with socially and environmentally forwardthinking choices.

Core Values “We believe . . . ” . . . in caring about your health, about what goes into our products, and about what stays out of our products. . . . in being part of something bigger than ourselves, supporting our people and our communities, promoting good health, and caring for the environment. . . . that fun and delicious can play nice with healthier, natural, and organic ingredients. . . . that you as a consumer can be conscious about what you drink and decide what is best for you.

Part One: Introduction - Initial Study Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Temporary Structure - Fog Soda Soda Bar

The Fog/Soda Mechanism Dry ice, which typically comes in the form of rectandular blocks is held in a refrigerated container, which is tilted at an angle, so that gravity pulls the ice towards the lower corner of the container. Here, the ice is crushed into smaller pieces by a rotating blade and advances to the separator, where a button activated mobile piece redirects it either to the left or the right. On one side (right), the dry ice falls into a blade which crushes it into even smaller pieces and feeds it down a tube, into a pressurized bottle, where drinking water is carbonated and then mixed with different flavored syrups; on the other side (right), it falls into a pressurized container filled with warm water. Here, when the dry ice meets the water which is kept warm, dense fog is produced and then drawn upwards by a fan through a pipe. The dense fog is dispensed over the hanging canopy, from where it flows down the fabric to the floor.

The idea is that the crushed dry ice can be used only for one purpose at a time, either to make soda or to feed the fog producing mechanism. This way, when a customer orders a soda, the fog will start to slightly disperse for a short while, giving the visitor a glimpse into how the drink is made and also of the structure he is sitting under. This first temporary project serves as an experiment in determining both the technical feasability, and the economical/marketing opportunities and risks of the concept applied to a larger development.


Site Analysis


Part One: Introduction - Site Plan

Site Plan








areas currently under construction


Part One: Introduction - Historical Maps 1870s

Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Historical Maps






© Landmark Information Group Ltd and Crown copyright 2014. FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY. © Landmark Information Group Ltd and Crown copyright 2014. FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY.

Scale 1:2500

1870s - most of the land is pastureland

1970s - peak of industrial uses


Scale 1:7500 0










1 km

1980s - industries start closing down








Scale 1:2500

Sep 26, 2014 21:28

1890s - the South Metropolitan Gas Works and ist two gasholders are built 0



200 m

Evana Ahamed University of Greenwich









Sep 26, 2014 21:34 160


200 m

1950s - the land is used mostly for industrial purposes, with some housing

Sep 30, 2014 01:24

Evana Ahamed University of Greenwich

1990s - after closing of industries, the land is left as contaminated barren wasteland

Evana Ahamed University of Greenwich

Part One: Introduction - Historical Context Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Greenwich Peninsula History

As the river Thames cut its path to the North Sea, it formed Greenwich Peninsula. The land was unsuitable for farming, it initially lay unused, a landscape dominated by marshes and wetlands. In the 17th century, Dutch engineers drained most part of thepeninsula, making room for meadow and pastureland. Initially used as grazing land for the London charities who owned it, Greenwich Peninsula began its industrial history with the emergence of the Tudor Royal Palace in Greenwich town. Production of arms, ships, chemicals, ironworkings & milling began even before 1800. When Britain’s Industrial Revolution spread south of the river in the early 19th century, the Peninsula transformed into a centre for steel works to supply London’s shipbuilding industry. From the 19th century the peninsula was steadily industrialised. The South Metropolitan Gas Works grew to dominate the Greenwich Peninsula - it was built in the 1880s, sited on an area hitherto unused for industrial purposes. The gasworks primarily produced town gas (coal gas). It grew to be the largest in Europe at the time, also producing coke, tar and chemicals as important secondary products. The site had its own extensive railway system connected to the main railway line near Charlton, and a large jetty used to unload coal and load coke. East Greenwich No.2 Gasholder was the biggest in the world when it was built in 1892. No.1 which still stands, is older and smaller. The peninsula remained relatively isolated from central London until the opening of the Blackwall Tunnel in 1897, and had no passenger railway or underground service until the opening of North Greenwich tube station on the Jubilee line in 1999.

Closure of the gasworks, power station and other industries in the late 20th century left much of the Greenwich Peninsula largely derelict, a barren wasteland, much of it heavily contaminated. A large part of the east side of the peninsula has been remediated after the 1990s, and is now being developed with new homes at Peninsula Riverside, and Parkside Peninsula Quays, the focus being the (former) Millennium Dome, now O2 Arena. The London Soccer Dome building was a training facility for the 2012 games, after which the temporary building will be dismantled to make room for residential developments. The west side remained industrial for longer, although by 2010 the remaining industries strated closing as well and were replaced by residential developments and an ocean liner terminal. Industrial uses which still are on the western peninsula, between the river and the A102 Blackwall Tunnel southern approach road, include Alcatel, the recently closed (September 2009) Tunnel Refiners glucose plant (until 2008 part of Tate & Lyle), and two marine aggregate terminals on the Delta Metals and Victoria Deep Water Terminal sites. One of the gas holders also remains. The O2 arena redefined the peninsula as an entertainment district for London. Improved access from Canary Wharf, The City and the West End by the Jubilee line has enabled residential regeneration to continue in future. Developments such as the Ravensbourne College and the TfL offices have introduced more uses. The implementation of the Masterplan will keep transforming the peninsula over the next years.

View of East Greenwich Gas Works from A Century of Gas in South London. This view is of course a complete fiction – and is trying to show the gas works as fillign the whole Peninsula. The gas holders appear to be on the riverside, whereas anyone who drives down the motorway today can see that they never were.

Victoria Deep Water Terminal Presently occupied by Hansen Aggregates, the Victoria Deep Water Terminal has been home to many different industries. Lime works, Forbes ammonia factory, seed crushing, barge building, cement, ice, ammunition, wire rope and cable manufacture works, have all at some point occurred on the site. Of the more significant, the Delta Bronze Foundry occupied the site from 1905 until the late 1980’s.

Blackwall Tunnel, Greenwich Peninsula, c. 1950; Images source:

The Victoria Linoleum Works, Greenwich, 1924


Part One: Introduction - Greenwich Peninsula Masterplan Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Place/Date London, England 1997 - 2000 Client English Partnerships Area 120 hectares Construction Cost £197,500,000 Contract Value £147,500,000 Architect Richard Rogers Partnership Structural Engineer WS Atkins Services Engineer WS Atkins Quantity Surveyor Gardiner & Theobold Property Consultant Jones Lang La Salle Transport Engineer JMP/WS Atkins

The Masterplan

The challenge of the Greenwich “contaminated Peninsula was to turn a derelict, but physically spectacular site into a vibrant new mixed-use quarter for London.”

The 300-acre Greenwich Peninsula, physically isolated, formerly occupied by a huge gasworks, and in a derelict and heavily contaminated state, was selected, in 1996, as the site for the Millennium Experience, the key celebration in Britain of the new millennium. In the same year, the land there was acquired by English Partnerships and RRP was appointed to lead a multidisciplinary team to develop a masterplan for the whole peninsula and make the temporary exhibition planned for 2000 the starting point for an ongoing regeneration process. The aim was to develop a new mixeduse quarter, capitalising on the new fast link to Canary Wharf, the City and West End provided by the opening of the London Underground Jubilee Line Extension station at North. The challenge of the Greenwich Peninsula was to turn a derelict, contaminated but physically spectacular site into a vibrant new mixed-use quarter for London.

The masterplan concentrated office and retail uses in a new central business district close to the Underground station and transport interchange, with larger scale commercial and industrial activities grouped along the southern edge of the site as a buffer to the A102M Blackwall Tunnel approach road. Sustainability was key to the masterplan - at the heart of the scheme is a continuous two kilometre-long public space and park system. This public armature represents one-sixth of the total site area and runs from north to south along the whole length of the development, carrying the main pedestrian and cycle routes, with spectacular views out over the Thames, Canary Wharf and the Thames Barrier. Residential areas, together with retail, schools and community facilities, are located around these public spaces.

The objective has been a density of development that would support a robust public transport network, as well as an environmentally responsible approach. A smaller southern park, opening to the river, includes sports facilities and an ecology park with two lakes. Wildlife now enjoys an environment with more than a thousand new trees. The overall development of the site was considered in the context of climatic conditions, with taller buildings along the north-eastern edge descending gradually in height to the parkland and the residential areas to the west - screening the heart of the site from prevailing winds was an important consideration. The river edge was designated as an area of permanent public access, with more than two kilometres of public walkway.

Text & Image source: greenwich_peninsula_masterplan



Part One: Introduction - Site Location Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Proposed Location




1 Bay Wharf Dry Dock

6 1


1. River Thames 2. The A102 3. South Metropolitan Gasholder 4. East India Dock Gates 5. Victoria Deep Water Terminal 6. Residential

The site as seen from above

The site chosen has access to transport over water and is located next to the A102 (2) , on the opposite side of the large gas holder (3) which belonged to the East Greenwich Gas Works of the South Metropolitan Gas Company, 100m distance from the gate and tower (4) which mark the entrance to the Blackwall Tunnel, between the Victoria Deep Water Terminal (5) and the building across from the gas holder (6).

2 The A102

Benefiting from the site’s industrial look, the factory is located in the Western, more derelict part of the Peninsula, complementing its aspect and subverting it into an unusual experience of an otherwise negleted place, but which has a lot of potential to become a designation in its own right on the course of walking paths and pedestrian routes on this side of the Peninsula.

The area is relatively close to the O2 Arena, which is regarded as a popular indoor entertainment centre, and the North Greenwich underground station on the Jubliee Line, which has significantly improved access to this part of the Borough and has acted as a catalyst for development. However, congestion on the A102 as it leads into the Blackwall Tunnel can often be severe. 6 The building across the gas holder


East India Dock Gates

Part One: Introduction - Site Plan Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Gas Holder

Victoria Deep Water Terminal


River Thames

Site Plan

Rectangular grid set out by site forces 19

Part One: Introduction - Masterplan Context/Programme Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Key Features of the Masterplan for Greenwich Peninsula West 01. Sports/Leisure/Education Complex 02. University Campus / Sports Facilities 03. Residential Riverfront Development 04. Industry 05. Wharf Uses 06. A102 & Gasholder Land

Introducing a new mixed-use development to the site raises a number of key challenges, but also an array of opportunities within the masterplan. By re-introducing a light industrial activity, which corresponds to optimum emission/energy standards, the area can start the process of economical, environmental and social remediation. As a hub of activity, such a facility would draw people to the West Peninsula and be a catalyst to development within the masterplan. By creating appealing public spaces and exciting events to be discovered, the industrial look of the West Peninsula can be reclaimed as an advantage. Successful precedents of transformed industrial land suggest that this area could become a destination in its own right. * To the south of the Victoria Deep Terminal a landscaped development would help in noise attenuation from the wharf.


5 1 4


Image source: Peninsula West Masterplan spD april 2012


Part One: Introduction - Site Photos Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Site Photos

A part of Canary Wharf, seen from near the old Victoria Deep Water Terminal

View of the gasholder from the sidewalk next to the site

The East India Dock Gates

Wasteland along the Thames path before reaching Victoria Deep Water Terminal

View of the Victoria Deep Water Terminal from the sidewalk next to the site

East Greenwich Gas Works Gas Holder

Path winding past the industrial woks’ abandoned tank south of the site

Access to the Victoria Deep Water Terminal from the northern end of the site


Part One: Introduction - Context Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Surrounding Structures & Context

The skeletal gas holder on the peninsula

The Victoria Deep Water Terminal

East India Dock gates showing entrance to Blackwall Tunnel, tower over gate and Poplar Hospital for Accidents. Feb. 3rd. 1929.

Old dock crane rails, Greenwich Peninsula

The Gas Holder (1)

The Victoria Deep Water Terminal (2)

East India Dock Gates (3)

Thames Path (4)

The huge gas holder is seen here photographed from across The House, a night-club wich used to be a pub called The Mitre Arms.

The Victoria Deep Water Terminal, manufacturing Portland cement and linoleums. The Victoria linoleum works is one of the last remaining industries in East Greenwich, all the other sites producing chemicals, submarine cables, iron boats, iron and steel are no longer on the site. Behind it, new buildings are being built - on the left, a new development north of the O2 at New Providence Wharf in Blackwell, and the O2 Hotel on the south side.

This photograph of the East India Dock gates was taken in 1929 from the corner of Woolmore Street and Robin Hood Lane. Visible in the image is the entrance to Blackwall Tunnel and the tower over the entrance, which is still present, and, to the right, the Poplar Hospital for Accidents which was closed and demolished in 1981.

This is the wide section of the Thames Path outside Hanson Aggregates near Victoria Deep Water Terminal which has a wide view over the river.

This is the point where the diverted Thames Path crosses the A102 Blackwall Tunnel Approach on a footbridge just a few hundred meters from the entrance to the tunnel, just south of the site. The East Greenwich Gas Works of the South Metropolitan Gas Company was the last gas works to be built in London and was originally manufacturing town gas from coal brought in by river and exporting coke and chemicals, and later in the 1960s, gas from oil.


The industrial landscape is beautiful and interesting in its own way, but while the chemical works was still active on the site, the smell coming from it drew people off, hence nothing was built here until now.

1 2

Nothing remains on the site but this gas holder, which was built in 1886.



The rails seen in this image would have carried a travelling dock crane in the past.

Part One: Introduction - Context Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Opportunities & Constraints


River Frontage

Historic Greenwich

The Greenwich Peninsula West SPD site spans an inflection in the Thames’ natural curvature. This creates an opportunity to create a vibrant riverfront with views up and down the peninsula.

The proximity of the Maritime Greenwich World Heritage Site is a key tourist attraction. Public realm improvements to the Thames path and better tourist infrastructure could make Greenwich Peninsula West a part of the Greenwich tourist experience.

Presently there are two designated safeguarded wharves within the masterplan site, Tunnel Wharf and Victoria Deep Water Terminal. Victoria Deep Water Terminal is the only operational wharf. Release of Tunnel Wharf will need to occur prior to the development of the proposed complex. Additionally a recently built boat ramp at Bay Wharf will need to be maintained.


O2 Arena


With the riverfront orientated west the site has unobstructed views towards Canary Wharf and historic Greenwich. Views towards Central London may be possible from taller buildings.

To the north of Peninsula West, the O2 arena is one of the world’s most popular indoor entertainment venues. Combined with historic Greenwich this is another powerful visitor attraction.

Greenwich Peninsula West is still designated as a Strategic Industrial Location within Greater London. Employers such as Alcatel continue to be a key local hightech employment asset to the community.


Along the eastern edge of the Peninsula West Development Site, the A102 leads towards the Blackwall Tunnel. Traffic on the A102 can often be severe and there are limited opportunities for pedestrians to cross safely. Development of the proposed Silvertown link will increase the significance of the A102.

Significant Buildings

A number of significant buildings and structures currently exist within and around the masterplan site. Enderby House to the south, the Blackwall Tunnel entrance and the gas holder structure should be maintained as important historical assets.


Part One: Introduction - Movement Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Transport Links

The Peninsula West masterplan has limited access to immediate public transport. New public transport schemes are planned and better routes to existing facilities would hugely benefit regeneration. Proposed schemes include extensions to the DLR, the new Emirates Airline and the Thames Clipper stop at Enderby Wharf. Introduction of local bus routes and a successor to the Greenwich Waterfront Transit proposal would also help cross connections within the Peninsula. Forming the entryway to the Blackwall tunnel, the A102 is a major traffic artery linking both sides of the Thames. For this reason, traffic on the A102 can sometimes be severe.

Location of the site


Image & text source: Peninsula West Masterplan spD april 2012


Part One: Introduction - Movement Stage 1


Preparation and Brief

Thames Path


Public realm upgrades to the Thames path will increase the accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists. Pedestrian access across the peninsula is very limited due to the A102. Future east/west peninsula links are required to integrate Greenwich Peninsula West with the wider masterplan.

1. A Slice of Reality is a work of modern art by Richard Wilson sitting by (and commissioned for) the Millennium Dome on the north-western bank of the Greenwich Peninsula.

The site is situated at a major pedestrian crossing, near a major east/west link on the peninsula, where a footbridge crosses the A102, linking the western side of the peninsula with the gasholder area and the eastern side.

Location of the site


2. The Quantum Cloud is a contemporary sculpture, designed by Antony Gormley

3. View from the top of the gasholder

Source: Peninsula West Masterplan spD april 2012


Part One: Introduction - Access to Site Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Access to Site



Thames path & walking/ cyclists route

Part One: Introduction - Climate Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Typical Weather Conditions




The annual temperatures vary from about 7°C to 11°C. January is the coldest month, with mean daily minimum temperatures 3°C. Extreme minimum temperatures rarely occur in December or January (for example 13 December 1981, when -11.8 °C were recorded at Heathrow, whilst at St James’s Park the temperature fell no lower than -7.0°C). July is the warmest month, with mean daily maximum temperatures of 22.5 °C.

Rainfall tends to be associated with Atlantic depressions or with convection. The Atlantic Lows are more vigorous in autumn and winter and bring most of the rain that falls in these seasons. In summer, convection caused by solar surface heating sometimes forms shower clouds and a large part of rain falls from showers and thunderstorms then. The additional heat from the London urban area can encourage shower development in summer.

The occurrence of snow is linked with temperature, with falls rarely occurring if the temperature is higher than 4°C. For snow to lie for any length of time, the temperature normally has to be lower than this. Unlike rainfall, which is fairly regular, occurring throughout the year, snow occurs only sometimes in winter and rarely settles more than a few millimetres deep.

Source: 27

Part One: Introduction - Sunshine


Stage 1


N 


Preparation and Brief

Stereographic Sunpath Diagram

 

Latitude: 51° N

Hour lines are shown in solar time

 

Equation of Time [mins]

Difference between Solar Time and Local Mean Time 20










-10 -15 -20 Jan














To benefit from natural sunlight, the garden will be facing South and be massed in stepping heights towards the river. This way, views of the river from the garden are created and the green roofs get the maximum amount of sunlight during the day.

 Difference between Solar Time and Local Mean Time 20

Average monthly hours of sunshine over the year

Equation of Time [mins]

15 10 5 0 -5

Average percent of sunshine over the year





-20 Jan






Jul Month







Part One: Introduction - Wind Analysis Stage 1 Preparation and Brief


In the UK the prevailing winds are from the west or south-west. These winds arrive in Britain after crossing the Atlantic Ocean, from which they pick up moisture. The air rises as it reaches higher ground, cools and falls as rain. To protect the building from the effects of wind (high pressure - low pressure draft), a patch of trees ascending in height to the building will be planted on the southern side. mean = 10.8 calm = 0.7 %

Source: 29

Part One: Introduction - Geology Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Geology - Bedrocks

The information about the bedrock depth is used to determine the type of foundation and the depth necessary to reach a stable soil layer. In this case, the foundation will be on piles, with a depth of around 2 meters, depending on the height of the structure and the local condition of the ground determined after analysis.


Part One: Introduction - Geology Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Geology - Superficials


Part One: Introduction - Flood Risk Assessment Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

The River Thames

Flood Risk

The River Thames is a major linear open space that frames some of the Borough’s key historic buildings. It is a waterway rich in biodiversity, a transport route, and an archaeological and recreational resource. The Borough contains 14 kilometres of fully tidal river frontage, most of that will be accessible to the public from the Riverside Walk. The Borough has 6 wharves currently reserved for cargo-handling use under Safeguarding Direction and two deepwater mooring sites, near the mouth of Deptford Creek and at Victoria Deep Water Terminal on the west side of Greenwich Peninsula.

The map shows areas at risk from tidal flooding, but protected by existing flood defences and attenuation areas. Planning applications for development on sites of more than 1 hectare within these areas must be accompanied by a flood risk assessment appropriate to the scale of and nature of the development, and the protection afforded by the existing defences.

Source: Greenwich Unitary Development Plan


Programme Requirements


Part One: Introduction - Programme Requirements Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Carbonated Drink Factory Spaces Raw Material Production

Annexes Public Annexes

Local growing

Powdered Stevia Extract production

— green roof, urban planters — harvest areas

— washing — cutting — processing (heating) — storage of powdered sweetener

— main lobby — bottle return area — exhibition/event space — public bathrooms — factory surveillance

Bottle Washing


— return & storage — washing

— urban crops — compost pit — bottle return system — heat recovery — mixed-mode ventilation

Water Treatment — tank & feeder — purification — deaeration — herb infusion (+ herb washing & cutting)

Soda Factory Line Packaging

Soda Bar

— manual sorting — washing — feeder — crusher — extraction — pasteurization — storage of finished syrup

— factory line — bottle filling — capping & labeling — quality control

— accesses — bar — seating/tables — transitory space


— raw material handling & batching — water/syrup blender — carbonation — beverage analysis


— employee accesses — changing rooms — cafeteria — rest area — bathrooms — offices — control panels — factory surveillance

Public Spaces

Juice Extraction & Syrup Production

Soda production

Employee Annexes

— packaged product storage — weighing station — loading dock

Visitor/Observer Pathway — lobby — connecting passages — exterior route — overpasses — circular walkway — subversion of production processes to create joyful / interesting experiences as “byproduct”

“Bypoduct” Experience Opportunities — pigment: stained wall — extraction: steam — carbonation: fog (dispersers) — herb infusion: fragrance (redirecting exhaust vents) — blending: view of mixing liquids from underneath through skylights — bottle storage: light refraction — conveyors (transiting spaces) — public garden

Part One: Introduction - Organigram Stage 2 Concept Design

Organigram of Spaces Pigment Production

Connected spaces

Sweetener Production

Raw Material Growing

Vertical connection

Juice Production Raw Material Growing

Stevia Growing

Functional connection

Stevia Powder Production Raw Material Manipulation

Conveyor/Transport Line

Raw Material Manipulation

Relation of spaces Pigment Extraction &

Raw material production line

Stevia Powder Storage


Juice Extraction

Soda production line

Food Colouring Storage

Annexes Employee Rooms

Herb Washing

Herb Infusion

Water Treatment


Finished Product Storage

Syrup Storage & Elevator Control Room


Herb Cutting

Syrup / Water Blending

Water Tank


Exhibition /


Soda Bar & Walkways

Event Space

Bottle Washing


Public Entrance



Soda Factory Line Lobby

Vertical Herb Planters


Bottle Return

Bottle Storage

Public Spaces


Part One: Introduction - Programme & Sustainability Stage 2 Concept Design

Programme & Sustainability

Urban Crops / Public Garden

Plants for pigment extraction:

Compost Pit

For Antimatter to be a sustainable company, which uses locally sourced ingredients, the raw materials will be grown on site. Part of the building (south-facing) will be covered by a green roof on which native plants can be grown unsheltered, but plants with special requirements can also be grown on sheltered, heated beds. There will also be a herb garden grown in vertical hidroponic planters.

red — beetroot yellow — turmeric root green — spinach (spring) — kale (summer, autumn, winter) blue — blueberries purple — blackberries

Since all the raw materials will be processed locally, there needs to be a way to dispose of food waste. All of the organic waste will be collected in a large compost pit, which needs to be sealed for smells not to escape its enclosure. The gases which result from the rotting process will be collected in a tank and used as burning fuel for the production processes, while the compost itself will be used as fertilizer.

Native fruits & vegetables:

— Berries: blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, redcurrants — Fruit trees: dwarf apple, dwarf pear, plum, morello cherry — Vegetables: beetroot, carrot, spinach, kale, cucumber

Plants with special requirements:

Turmeric root: +18 deg soil temperature Stevia: native to Paraguay, needs plenty of light and heat, well-drained soil, plants need to be 0.5m apart, in an accessible spot

Example of open and sheltered roof-top beds; Image source:


Herbs grown in the herb garden: Mint Lavender Lemongrass Chamomille Bergamot Ginger Verbena Melissa Geranium

The New York High Line is a good example of a structure supporting a public garden walkway; Image source:

Image source:

Part One: Introduction - Design Precedents Stage 2 Concept Design

The Renault Centre Swindon 1982 Architect: Norman Foster.

The Renault Centre has been described as the practice’s most playful structure. However, its development owes much to earlier, perhaps more reticent schemes for clients such as Reliance Controls and Fred Olsen, which delivered inexpensive, flexible buildings to tight schedules. The Centre was commissioned as the French car manufacturers main UK distribution facility. In addition to warehousing, it includes a showroom, training school, workshops, offices and a staff restaurant. The notion that good design pays has almost become a clich, but in this case it is quantifiable: on the strength of the design, supportive local planners increased their site development limit from 50 to 67 per cent, allowing a floor area of 25,000 square metres

Primarily a showroom - as signified by suspended car body shells - the gallery was used by Renault as a popular venue for arts and social events, encouraging wider community involvement in the building. As much as its internal spaces, however, it is the buildings almost festive Renault-yellow skeleton that gives the Centre such an identifiable character. Significantly, this created such a memorable image that the building, alone among the companys facilities, did not need to carry the Renault logo. In fact it is so closely associated with the brand that for many years Renault used it as a backdrop in its advertising campaigns.

This is housed within a single enclosure supported by brightly coloured tubular masts and arched steel beams, forming a striking silhouette within its surrounding landscape.

Structural Expressionism:

The main steel frame which repeats itself is brighly coloured and supports a cantilevered structure which supports shaders operated by a mechanism with wires.

The structural system that repeats itself to form this external outline is based around a 24 by 24 metre bay a much larger than usual planning module developed so as to maximise the planning flexibility of the internal spaces. This expansive horizontal span is combined with an internal clear height of 7.5 metres, allowing the Centre to accommodate a range of uses from industrial warehouse racking to its subdivision into office floors. Enveloped by a continuous PVC membrane roof, pierced by glass panels at each mast, the building is also stepped at one end, narrowing to a single, open bay that forms a portecochre alongside a double-height gallery. Text & Image source:


Part One: Introduction - Design Precedents Stage 2 Concept Design

The Bermondsey Bike Store Bermondsey, London Sarah Wigglesworth Architects The building is constructed from 13 Douglas Fir portal frames, clad externally with triangular, stainless-steel panels and internally with translucent, glass-reinforced plastic sheeting. Since reinforced plastic is semitransparent, all elements of the building’s structure are seen from both sides. Due to the plastic’s transparency, light can subtlety pass through it, contributing to its atmospheric quality when lit from the inside. During the day, sunlight is optimized to provide sufficient lighting inside. During the day time, the Bike Store absorbs and benefits from natural sunlight, while at night the situation changes and the Bike Store becomes a light donor for surroundings, being both a source of light and a mirror reflection of other sources of light. Below is a diagram of the parts of the building to which these principles applies:


3 Image source:

Materials used for the Bermondsey Bike store applicability to project 1 Brushed steel: exterior cladding of secondary frame2. Glass reinforced plastic: interior cladding of secondary frame 3. Plywood: not applicable 4. Wood: secondary frame 5. Construction steel: primary frame 6. Stone: Exterior paving

1 The exterior cladding (in the form of an interlocking pattern of brushed metal panels), as well as the timber frame and interior GRP cladding will be used for the parts of the building which are seen from the street, walkways and around entrances. The aim is to create a transitory space from the urban landscape to the industrial microclimate, but also to create transparency at the extremities of the building, which will define the main views and approaches from walking paths and accesses on the site. 1. Employee entrance & auxiliary spaces 2. Public entrance & exhibition/event area 3. Entrance into interior courtyard & blending process overhead


Part Two: Professional Practice



Part Two: Professional Practice - Planning Permission Stage 3 Developed Design

Planning Application & Permission

DH1 - Design All developments are required to be of a high quality of design and demonstrate that they positively contribute to the improvement of both the built and natural environments.

Developments on the Greenwich Peninsula are subject to planning approval from Greenwich Council. Therefore any building will need approval before beginning the final planning stages. The Planning Application is prepared and submitted, and the project is assessed against the guidelines of the primary planning documents of the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s Local Plan, which establish planning policies and site allocations. The Core Strategy is the primary planning document of the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s Local Plan since it replaced the Greenwich Unitary Development Plan (UDP). The Core Strategy sets out the spatial framework for future development and land use within the Royal Borough and includes Development Management policies which provide additional policy guidance. As a result, all planning applications are assessed against the policies set out within these documents. Greenwich Peninsula West is the area of land on the river to the west of the A102, and extends to and includes Victoria Deep Water Terminal in the north and includes Enderby’s Wharf to the south. It is an important part of Greenwich Peninsula, the largest and most significant regeneration area in the Borough. Peninsula West is within the area identified on the Proposals Map as being Defined Industrial Area. UDP Policy J1 states that these areas are particularly suited and safeguarded for activities within Use Classes B1 (Business, limited to 235 square metres of floor space), B2 (General Industrial) and B8 (storage and distribution), although office developments unless ancillary will be limited to locations with good public transport accessibility. The site was chosen, among other reasons, for the context of site allocations and programme established by the Framework development plan. Objectives and guidelines which influence the project are discussed in the table on the right.

The Masterplan Design Code (MDC)

Policy CH1 Cohesive Communities

The Greenwich Peninsula Masterplan Design Code outlines design principles to be considered for developments within the masterplan. It establishes the framework, vision and principles for the built environment and sets out essential criteria to be met.

All development must include measures that help to create and maintain cohesive communities that encourage diversity and reduce inequalities between areas. Developments are expected to protect local services and encourage a mix of community and retail uses in existing local centres and neighbourhood parades.

Key aspects of the Design Code include:

The project will conform by opting for a design that complements the existing structures and context. The structural strategy will complement the O2 as a visual icon. It will create permeability by offering public access to extended parts of the building and roof garden. The area will represent a link along the important pedestrian routes on the site.

The project is unlikely to impact on the ability of the masterplan to conform with this policy. The project’s aim is to provide all the necessary services and amenities for a selfsustaining community.

— Permeability: A key feature of the Masterplan is the interconnecting sequence and hierarchy of public spaces and routes, providing permeability throughout the Peninsula. The aim is to give residents and visitors an experience which includes a variation of enclosures and vistas that make being there a process of discovery; — Legibility: A key component of the legibility and permeability of the scheme is a sense of familiarity in streetscape to assist in orientation. This is derived from a strong, clear image that is easy to understand, as well as landmarks, gateways, focal points and vistas that create visual links from one part of the Peninsula to another; — Pedestrian routes: Pedestrian routes are created throughout the Masterplan, providing a safe network of routes. Conflicts of pedestrians and traffic are kept to a minimum. Strong connections are established both up and down and across the Peninsula.

Policy E(c) Air Pollution Development proposals with the potential to result in any significant impact on air quality will be resisted unless measures to minimise the impact of air pollutants are included. Such planning applications should be accompanied by an assessment of the likely impact of the development on air quality.


In order to conform with this policy, the developer will provide suitable ventilation for all interior spaces and use pollution absorbing materials for the hanging canopy which protects public exterior spaces.

Development within the Framework Area will provide major opportunities to create new employment as well as protecting and expanding existing businesses.

The project is unlikely to impact on the ability of the masterplan to conform with this policy. The project can generate significant levels of employment.


Measures to conform:

The Council will require the sustainability targets set for the Greenwich Millennium Village to be exceeded in all future development (all uses, not just housing) in the Framework Area.

— Maximising energy conservation, through effective layout, orientation, use of appropriate materials, detailing and landscape design

Key urban design principles of the MDC: — Creating a special place with its own identity; — Defining the street; — Creating life between buildings; — Creating a place that is enjoyable to move around; — Creating a familiar place; — Creating a place which will evolve; — Creating a place with variety and choice.

— Using less energy: The developer intends to adopt passive design features and energy demand reduction measures. Such measures include improving the building fabric, energy efficient lighting, heat recovery and advanced metering — Generating Renewable Energy: There is an opportunity for onsite renewable energy production from decomposing organic matter — Efficient construction systems: off site manufacture — Incorporating living roofs


Part Two: Professional Practice - Prioritisation Stage 3 Developed Design

The Client

Antimatter is a small, but successful company that wants to expand by opening a new branch for their factory in Greenwich Peninsula. They produce natural carbonated fruit drinks infused with herbs and sweetened with stevia.

Company Logo (concept)

The client’s specific requirements make time an essential factor; as a company that is trying to expand, the company’s budget depends on the new branch to be opened in as little time as possible. The client’s concern with the image and style of the building as a marketing tool is also important (overall design quality), even though this is not the case of a luxury development, but a factory construction, the building’s image and proper functioning is central to the company’s new marketing strategy. Quality and safety standards are also to be taken into consideration. The building needs to be flexible and respond to the brief’s specific requirements, but it must also be delivered within a tight schedule. The client’s previous experience (previous branch), good communication with the architect on the goals of the project, and clear brief could allow for a better collaboration between the client and the design team. The procurement strategy therefore needs to aim for a speedy completion for a design developed by an architect employed by the client, but with good collaboration between all parts of the team in order to improve the buildability of the design (construction management). * note: Construction management’s reputation has shifted from its high point in the 1980s, when it was almost exclusively associated with well-managed and well resourced commercial projects such as Broadgate and Canary Wharf. Since then it has been adopted, typically for speed or flexibility reasons, on a wider range of projects, including schemes from the arts, leisure and public administration sectors. In some cases, the client and CM have not collectively been able to impose discipline on design development, coordination and timely decision-making – and, although there have been resounding successes such as Tate Modern, there have also been disappointing results.

Factors to be considered in selecting the appropriate procurement strategy: — factors outside the control of the project team — client resources — project characteristics — ability to make changes — risk management — cost issues — timing — quality and performance

Client’s priorities: Time: as fast as possible Cost: no firm price is needed before commitment to construction is formed

Quality: building must perform properly, have an

appealing design that corresponds to the client’s image; * issue of novel elements (pollution absorbing canopy, canopy structure, staining wall)


T Cost, Time and Quality diagram


Part Two: Professional Practice - Procurement Stage 3 Developed Design

Construction Management

Under the selected procurement strategy (construction management), the client does not allocate risk and responsibility to a single main contractor. Instead, the client employs a design team to develop the design, along with a construction manager who is engaged as a fee-earning professional to manage, programme and coordinate the design and construction activities, but also to facilitate collaboration in order to improve buildability. The construction is carried out by trade contractors through direct contracts with the client for distinct trade or work packages. The construction manager supervises the process and co-ordinates the design team. The construction manager, who has no contractual links with the design team or the trade contractors, provides professional construction expertise without assuming financial risk, and is liable only for negligence by failing to perform the role with reasonable skill and care, unless some greater liability is incorporated in the contract. This strategy is usually adopted when the primary objective for the client is relative speed to completion because design and construction can overlap. As this speeds up the project, construction management is known as a “fast track” strategy. It is also particularly recommended for projects where there is a high degree of design innovation and the client might want a “hands on” involvement. However, price certainty will not be achieved until the design and construction have advanced to the extent that all the construction work (trade) packages have been let. Also, in adopting this strategy, the client will be closely involved in each stage of design and construction. The client needs to maintain a strong presence and employ a management team that is technically and commercially astute. Therefore, the client’s experience is important.

Advantages of a construction management strategy:

Disadvantages of a construction management strategy:

— the strategy offers relative time saving potential for overall project time due to the overlapping of design and construction procedures; — the strategy enables specialist trade constructor contribution to the design and construction; — roles, risks and relashionships for all parts are clear; — changes can be incorporated easier into the design, and also later than some other strategies, without paying a premium, provided the relevant trade packages have not been let and earlier awarded packages are not too adversely affected; — the client has direct contracts with trade contractors and pays them directly (There is evidence that this results in lower prices because of improved cash flow certainty); — strategy supports the creation of a less adversarial, more problem-solving project culture.

— price certainty is not achieved until the last trage packages have been let; budgeting depends heavily upon design team estimates; — an informed, pro-active client is required in order to operate such a strategy; — the client must provide a good quality brief to the design team as the design will not be complete until the client has committed significant resources to the project; — the strategy relies upon the client selecting a good quality and committed team; — close time and information control is required; — design co-ordination risk and increased likelihood of design change

Risks: CM is particularly distinguished by the influence of the client’s and construction manager’s management and leadership skills on the outcome of the project, and the potential exposure of the client to loss should these capabilities not be in place. Therefore this route is mostly recommended to experienced clients; a good relationship between the client and the architect is ideal. Problems related to co-ordination and timely decisionmaking are common to all construction projects, and with CM as well as any alternative procurement route, it is the performance of the team that is at the root of project success – not the procurement strategy per se.


QS, structural engineer


Construction manager

Trade contractor

Trade contractor

Construction management relationships


Part Two: Professional Practice - The Design Team Stage 3 Developed Design


Under Construction management, the roles are: — Architect (and design team): to design a building that responds to the brief and the client’s specific needs; incorporate and promote the company’s image and goals


— Construction manager: to manage the process — Trade contractors: to detail and deliver packages

Design Team

— Client: to lead and accept the risk on the project for which they are ultimately responsible

Other consultants and sub-consultants which might be involved: — Client Adviser — Project Lead — Design Lead — Construction Lead — Architectural Design — Landscape Design — Structural Design — Specialist Design — Building Services Design — Cost Consultancy — Contract Administrator — Information Manager — Health & Safety Consultant

Trade Contractors


Construction manager - project management - reporting - design coordination - procurement - site management


Architect Structural design Mechanical & electrical design Specialist Design Landscape Design



Design coordination for meeting the time schedule and cost targets

Part Two: Professional Practice - Cost & Fees Stage 3 Developed Design

Programmatic & Cost Implications


By benchamrking the project against similar examples, the following cost has been estimated:

Carbonated Drink Factory & Bar Public Industrial Landscape / Joyous Pop Growing raw materials Production of pigments and flavors/perfumes

Key issues that increase time and cost: — initial temporary project (needed for market testing); — untested technologies (pigment wall, canopy); — environmental issues; — excavation, piling;

Key factors that decrease time and cost: — overlapping of design and construction; — prefabrication;

Key milestones: — gainning planning approval; — building control; — work starts on time; — building completed within schedule;

The Architect’s Fees Following initial enquiry and discussion as to the clients’ aims and ambitions for a project, the Architect’s professional appointment is confirmed in writing prior to any architectural work commencing. This documentation includes, amongst other things, clear descriptions as to the scope of services to be provided, agreed professional fee and processes for resolution of any disputes which may arise. A project programme will be developed early on, identifying key work stages and milestones.

Example 1: Pearl Brewery/Full Goods Warehouse

Example 2: Farsons New Brewhouse

Antimatter Factory

Size = 6.200 m²

Size = 2280 m²

Size = 2.000 m²

Total project cost at time of completion, land excluded: £ 6.1m

Total project cost at time of completion, land excluded: £ 1.2m

Estimated cost: £ 1.5m

Cost per m²: £ 983

Cost per m²: £ 526

There are no ‘set’ industry fees for the provision of an architect’s services. It is common for the Architect’s fee to be arranged as either: — a percentage of the construction costs — an agreed lump sum — a fixed hourly rate on a time-charge basis. Arrangements for the fee, including terms and scheduling, will be agreed in writing before any work commences. Fees vary depending on project size, complexity and the scope of architect services to be provided.


Part Two: Professional Practice - Cost & Fees Stage 3 Developed Design

RIBA plan of work

Objectives Identify client’s Business Case and Strategic Brief and other core project requirements.

Develop Project Objectives, including Quality Objectives and Project Outcomes, Sustainability Aspirations, Project Budget, other parameters or constraints and develop Initial Project Brief. Undertake Feasibility Studies and review of Site Information.

Prepare Concept Design, including outline proposals for structural design, building services systems, outline specifications and preliminary Cost Information along with relevant Project Strategies in accordance with Design Programme. Agree alterations to brief and issue Final Project Brief.

Prepare Developed Design, including coordinated and updated proposals for structural design, building services systems, outline specifications, Cost Information and Project Strategies in accordance with Design Programme.

Prepare Technical Design in accordance with Design Responsibility Matrix and Project Strategies to include all architectural, structural and building services information, specialist subcontractor design and specifications, in accordance with Design Programme.

Offsite manufacturing and onsite Construction in accordance with Construction Programme and resolution of Design Queries from site as they arise.

Handover of building and conclusion of Building Contract.

Undertake In Use services in accordance with Schedule of Services.

‘As-constructed’ Information updated in response to ongoing client Feedback and maintenance or operational developments.

Information Exchanges Strategic Brief

Initial Project Brief

Concept Design including outline structural and building services design, associated Project Strategies, preliminary Cost Information and Final Project Brief.

Developed Design, Completed Technical Design ‘As-constructed’ including of the project. Information. the coordinated architectural, structural and building services design and updated Cost Information

Updated ‘As-constructed’ Information.

Pre-application discussions.

Pre-application discussions.

Planning Applications are made using the stage 3 (Developed Design) output.

Finished building

April 2015

June 2015

(Town) Planning Pre-application discussions.

Certain aspects of the Construction of building Technical Design may also be required as part of the application or in response to planning conditions.

Date September 2014


September 2015

September 2017

Part Two: Professional Practice - Building Control Stage 3 Developed Design

Building Control

Building control is the process of ensuring that Government-set Building Regulations are met. Building Regulations in England and Wales are set by Communities and Local Government (CLG)

employee access

employee exit

emergency stair & exit public access

public exit

car exit

Part B — fire safety: B1 Section 2 Means of escape.

Part K1: stairs, ladders and ramps — the number of stairs in a flight should be limited to 16 before providing a landing Part K 2/3: protection from falling — applies to public roof garden area, walkways and bar Height of handrail: — 900 mm for stairs & ramps — 1100 mm for landing & edges of floor

Part L — conservation of fuel and power

Part M — access to building:

— using heat produced by process to heat the building — insulation — shading canopy (image)

Reasonable provision shall be made for people to: — gain access to; and — use the building and its facilities


Part Two: Professional Practice - Risk Management Stage 3 Developed Design

Risk Management

Novel/Untested Technolgies

Dynamic hanging canopy

Staining wall

The main issues that might be characteristic to the project are the untested technologies of the design. The most important ones are the hanging canopy structure and the staining wall.

The hanging canopy consists of a steel structure which, with steel wires, supports shading elements covered in a pollution neutralizing coating. The shape of the steel structure is non-standard. The profile shape of the shading elements must be determined to withstand the typical wind conditions.

The staining wall is a concept that is meant to create a continuous mode of production of “industrial paintings�, generated by a machine. The quality of the wall’s surface, as well as the shape and size of the liquid collecting gap must be appropriate to obtain the desired look.

Reccomandation: canopy should be tested under factory conditions before being installed.

Recommandation: concept should be tested experimentally to determine which material and shape is more suited for the desired look.

Expected staining pattern Expected movement of dynamic canopy


Part Three: Integrated Technology



Part Three: Integrated Technology - 3D Model Stage 3 Developed Design

3D Model

dynamic canopy over interior courtyard staining wall terraced green roofs

View of blending process (above) and staining wall (straight) when enetering the courtyard from the street (public space)

public entrance to building entrance to courtyard from street (underneath blending process)

View of the interior courtyard from the steps leading to the roof garden


Part Three: Integrated Technology - General Arrangement Drawings Stage 3

Experiential Opportunities

Developed Design

Pigments — Stained wall Fragrance vents



Underview of blending process


Refracted afternoon & sunset light through bottle deposit

A 11

8 9

16 7



6 26

18 17


25 4


23 4 19 24


22 20

1. Employee access 2. Stairs to upper level 3. Lobby 4. Changing rooms 5. Employee bathrooms 6. Water tank 7. Water treatment 8. Vertical Planters 9. Herb manipulation/washing 10. Herb cutting 11. Water infusing

Ground Floor Plan Scale 1:200 52

12. Public access 13. Exhibition / event area 14. Bottle return 15. Interior courtyard 16. Bar (semi-sheltered) 17. Bottle storage 18. Finished product storage 19. Truck docking 20. Stevia processing 21. Fruit processing 22. Juice extraction 23. Colour extraction 24. Syrup blending/pasteurization 25. Syrup storage 26. Syrup elevator 27. Compost pit


21 27

syrup production water treatment


herb processing

Part Three: Integrated Technology - General Arrangement Drawings Stage 3

Experiential Opportunities

Developed Design

Pigments — Stained wall Conveyors traversing spaces Fog discharged from carbonation process Refracted afternoon & sunset light through bottle deposit

9 11


Green roof / public garden

A 10 15 14 5 13

7 16


3 6


1 2


1. Stairs from lower level 2. Employee rest area 3. Office/meeting room 4. Employee annexes 5. Water tank 6. Greenhouse (stevia) 7. Syrup elevator 8. Blending 9. Carbonation 10. Packaging

11. Bottle washing 12. Bottle storage 13. Boxing area 14. Interior courtyard 15. Bar (semi-sheltered) 16. Public stairs to roof garden 17. Public ramp to roof garden 18. Roof garden

syrup production

17 A

water treatment drink production

First Floor Plan Scale 1:200 53

Part Three: Integrated Technology - General Arrangement Drawings Stage 3

Experiential Opportunities

Developed Design

Conveyors traversing spaces Fog discharged from carbonation process Refracted afternoon & sunset light through bottle deposit Green roof / public garden


public walkways


Roof Plan Scale 1:200 54

Part Three: Integrated Technology - General Arrangement Drawings Stage 3 Developed Design

12 12

1 2






7 8 9


Interior courtyard Sidewalk

11 1. Light well 2. Vertical planters 3. Herb manipulation / washing 4. Herb cutting 5. Staining wall 6. Colouring extraction 7. Crusher 8. Feeder 9. Fruit washing 10. Fruit manipulation 11. Duct to compost pit 12. Roof garden

Section A-A Scale 1:100 55

Part Three: Integrated Technology - Structural Strategy Stage 3 Developed Design

Structural Strategy

primary frame (steel) secondary frame (timber) services through cellular beam


Composite floor

Cellular beams

Steel beams act compositely with a concrete slab by the use of shear connectors in the form of welded steel studs that are welded at regular spacing to the top flange of the steel beam. A composite edge beam with galvanised steel decking orientated parallel to the beam is shown. Composite action greatly increases the strength and stiffness of a steel beam, and consequently can lead to longer spans for the same size of section or, alternatively, lighter, shallower sections may be used for the same load and span configuration.

Castellated or cellular beams are examples of longer span members which have large, generally regular, openings within the web depth. These beams achieve the benefits of greater structural efficiency by increasing the section depth for a given use of steel, and provide multiple routes for services. Cellular beams have greater architectural appeal because of their apparent lightness and distinctive appearance in long-span roofs and floors. +Allows for passage of services through the beam depth

Key structural junctions


steel footing concrete strip piling

Main frame: Steel Secondary frame: Timber


1. Round column to beam connection with ring stiffener

2. Connection between primary and secondary frame (Bermondsey Bike store)

Part Three: Integrated Technology - Building Envelope Stage 3 Developed Design

Building Envelope Single Lock Standing Seam (Zinc)

Standing Seam is a timeless style of profile for cladding. As the light and temperature changes, so does the visual texture of the panel. This creates interesting visual effects on the facade of the building. It is an example of a 200 year old system which is nowadays being used to compliment contemporary architecture.

1 2 3

Standing Seam is installed onto plywood for support, with a continuous 20mm ventilation air space behind the plywood. It can be installed both vertically and horizontally with curving possible in both directions. This is a cost effective system.

4 5

Zinc is 100% recyclable. More than 90% of the zinc used in the building industry is recycled. Zinc is naturally resistant to corrosion, is extremely durable and does not require costly maintenance. Example of standing seam facade meeting point of different directions and curvatures; Image source:


Plywood Standing seam installation detail Image souce:

Zinc standing seam sheet material Image source:

Detail of standing seam cladding meeting the green roof area 1. Standing seam zinc cladding 2. Insulated light steel infill wall 3. Flashing over parapet 4. Green roof (see green roof layers) 5. Composite deck


Part Three: Integrated Technology - Construction Method Stage 3 Developed Design

Exploded segment

Cladding brushed zinc panels

Whole Segment


interior GRP cladding

horizontal plastic profiles

secondary (timber) frame

foundation concrete slab main (steel) frame insulated light steel infill wall with standing seam zinc cladding exterior paving


Part Three: Integrated Technology - Construction Method Stage 3 Developed Design

Construction Sequence

1 Ground Work ( Excavations)

2 Foundations are bored; In-situ concrete strip foundations are layed

3 Steel footings support primary (steel) frame

4 Secondary (timber) frame is attached to construction steel girdle

5 Brushed zinc panels & horizontal plastic profiles are attached to facade

6 GRP panels are attached to wooden beams on the inside

7 Metal decking is attached to beams and concrete slab is poured

Insulated walls are attached to the primary structural frame and floor decking constructed

Cladding is installed on light steel walls and roof is insulated

Internal finishes, fixtures & fittings

8 External works (landscaping,etc)

Engineered canopy is craned and attached to structure Steel frame under construction Image source:

Insulated light steel walls using C sections are assembled off-site

Bermondsey Bike store under construction (phase 5) The main timber frame is finished and the brushed steel triangles are being attached to the facade. Image source:


Part Three: Integrated Technology - Materials Stage 3 Developed Design

Materials & Properties Non-structural


Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP)

Brushed Zinc

Yellow (Coated) Construction Steel


Used to cover the inside of the secondary frame structure

Exterior finish — standing seam cladding on main frame — interlocking elements on secondary frame

Main structural frame

Secondary structural frame (used around entrances and key urban transit areas)

Matrial properties: — Good strength/weight ratio — Transparent/Translucent — Weather resistant — Non-recyclable

Feels / looks like: — Dynamic — Chaotic — Industrial — Cold — Sharp — Weightless — Transparent

Feels / looks like: — Heavy — Hard — Strong — Playful — Dynamic — Industrial

Scratches on the panels have different orientations. As a result, each element od the facade reflects the sun light in its own unique way. The triangles come together like pixels, where we perceive various shades of the colour grey. Image source:


Feels / looks like: — Soft — Warm — Natural — Rough Material Properties (Douglas-Fir portal frames): — dense grain structure — durable — withstand heavy loads — good workability — finishes well

Part Three: Integrated Technology - Key Details Stage 4 Technical Design

Key Details & Junctions

dynamic canopy green roof bottle conveyor

exterior paving steel mesh platform


Part Three: Integrated Technology - Key Details Stage 4 Technical Design

Foundation / floor detail

standing seam zinc cladding

underlay plywood sheet batting insulation plywood sheet interior finish light steel C profile skirting round steel column steel footing

hygienic floor surface chipboard floor deck


steel pedestal rigid insulation


screed layer


3 2

poured concrete slab thermal break pile foundation compacted fill

1. gutter 2. concrete slab 3. setting bed 3. pavement tiles

* A minimum of 1 meter of clean cap material above residual contaminated levels must be provided. Foundation depth: 2 meters


Part Three: Integrated Technology - Key Details Stage 4 Technical Design

Floor to wall junction with conveyor passing through

skirting steel cellular beam steel decking poured concrete screed layer hygienic floor surface

1. Conveyor transversing from the outside to inside structure of canopy attached to main frame with brackets


standing seam zinc cladding underlay plywood sheet batting insulation plywood sheet interior finish


Part Three: Integrated Technology - Key Details Stage 4 Technical Design

Roof detail with structure attached to exterior

light steel C profile timber stud flashing

150 mm

green roof drainage layer root barrier rigid insulation weatherproof membrane poured concrete structure of canopy attached to main frame with brackets

steel decking steel cellular beam steel beam (sectioned) thermal break

standing seam zinc cladding underlay plywood sheet batting insulation plywood sheet interior finish


Part Three: Integrated Technology - Key Details Stage 4 Technical Design

The Cantilevered Mechanism

The dynamic canopy is operated mechanically and activated from a control panel. Given the fact that it is a non-standard steel profile, it must first be tested under factory conditions. The canopy must operate smoothly and be able to withstand the typical winds on the site.

Walkway around the interior courtyard with dynamic canopy overhead.

Movement of the dynamic canopy


Part Three: Integrated Technology - Key Details Stage 4 Technical Design

The Staining Wall

The staining wall is a concept for a type of “industrial painting� generated at the end of the pigment extraction process. The canister overflow runs through the wall and the coloured foam gets collected in separate chamber. From here, once the chambers overflow, the colour starts pouring over the lip of the wall and onto the chalky white surface, and creating dripping patterns. The wall will be rinsed regularly when the installation itself gets cleaned. Over the staining wall there are nozzles which let out steam from the extraction process.


Part Three: Integrated Technology - Green Roof Stage 4 Technical Design

Roof Details

The south-facing part of the building will be covered by a protected membrane roof, in this case green roofs. This helps the building’s tempertaure regulation, keeping it cooler it in summer and warmer in winter, but also offers plenty of planting space for sheltered and unsheltered beds. Given proper local reinforcements, even small fruit trees can be grown on the green roof. Below is a typical section which displays the main layers of a green roof.


The rest of the building will have flat roofs covered with Ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber (EPDM). The terraces will have a small pitch of under 10° to permit drainage to hidden gutters (right).

Green roof drainage

Roof drainage

The drain from the green roofs will be left exposed and attached to the main columns with ring reinforcements.

The terraces which will not be green roofs will be drained through hidden gutters, which will be built into the standing seam zinc facade. Below is an example of a hidden gutter at the top edge of a standing seam facade wall, at the junction with a secondary structure wall. The same principle applies to regular terrace roofs.

Benefits: — easy access; — improved maintenance; — cost efficient; — industrial look.

Benefits: — prevents streaks developing on the facade; — leaves facade looking simple, uncluttered.


Growing medium Filter fleece

1 2

Drainage layer

4 3

Suitable waterproofing membrane Concrete slab

image source:

1. Hidden gutter 2. Standing seam facade 3. Insulated light steel infill wall 4. Composite deck

Image source:


Part Three: Integrated Technology - Environment: thermal/weather line Stage 4 Technical Design

Moderating the Internal Environment Thermal / Weather Line Diagram

Thermal line External weather line Slab moisture protection Vapour barrier


Part Three: Integrated Technology - Environment - Sunlight Stage 4 Technical Design

Moderating the Internal Environment Sunlight / Solar gain summer


summer winter






3 winter





4 winter

Sun angle for south facing facades summer — sun angle approx 62 deg. winter

— sun angle approx 20 deg.

Vertical Planters (1)

The Green Roof (3)

Horizontal Canopy Shading (4)

To reduce the necessity for electric lighting, a light well (2) lets natural light (and fresh air) into the space of the vertical planters which would otherwise be facing north. Shaders are used to diffuse the light during summer.

To benefit from natural sunlight, the terraced roof garden will be facing South and be massed in stepping heights descending towards the river (south). This way, views of the river from the garden are created and the green roofs get the maximum amount of sunlight during the day.

During summer months the building will be shaded from harsh high intensity direct sunlight, while gentle diffused light will still be allowed into the building. During winter months, however, the lower altitude of the sun will allow direct sunlight under the canopy into the building, providing limited solar gain to supplement the building’s heating system.

4 Aluminum horizontal canopy shading


Part Three: Integrated Technology - Environment - Ventilation Stage 4 Technical Design

Moderating the Internal Environment Ventilation

operable windows

mechanically operated insulated louvres

Air intake through duct in raised access floor

HVAC unit in raised floor (heating, ventilating, air conditioning)

Natural Ventilation

Mechanical Ventilation

— fresh air in — stale air our

— fresh air in (optionally cooled or heated) — stale air out (louvres with optional fan)

Mixed-Mode Ventilation


Possible Issues

This mode of environment conditioning uses a combination of natural ventilation from operable windows (either manually or automatically controlled), and mechanical systems that include air distribution equipment and refrigeration equipment for cooling. The facade needs to be designed to minimize cooling loads. The use of air-conditioning is integrated when and where it is necessary, with the use of natural ventilation whenever it is feasible or desirable, to maximize comfort while avoiding significant energy use and operating costs.

The air-conditioning system and operable windows are used to moderate the temperature in the same space. The mechanical system serves as supplemental ventilation and cooling while occupants are free to open windows based on individual preference. The building automation system determines the neccesity of using the HVAC system based on outdoor temperature, an occupancy sensor, a window (open or closed) sensor, or based on operator commands. The automatic louvres on the building envelope open to provide natural ventilation when the HVAC system is in economizer mode, and then close when the system is in cooling or heating mode

A mixed-mode ventilation system requires integrating automatic and manual control strategies for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and window systems, which can become significantly complex. There is also a concern about the associated maintenance requirements.


Part Three: Integrated Technology - Environment: Heating Stage 4 Technical Design

Moderating the Internal Environment

With ever increasing energy costs and the need to reduce carbon emissions in line with government policy, the requirement to save energy moves from a financial “nice to do” to a definite “must do”. It would be sensible for any company to look at energy saving equipment. Large energy savings are possible if energy recovered from industrial processes is used for preheating the fresh air input during the cold season and obtaining hot water throughout the year. This technique involves installing an energy storage system, ventilator and heat exchanger.



Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery

Heat Pump Water Heater

Heat recovery is a process of continuously preheating incoming cool supply air by warming it with the outgoing exhaust air. Warm air is not simply exhausted but transfers most of its heat to supply air in a highly efficient heat recovery exchanger. At no time do the airstreams mix as the heat radiates through the plates of the exchanger.

Air-to-water heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) can capture the energy from a building’s exhaust air or the ambient air in warm environments (such as extraction and pasteurization rooms) and transfer the energy to water, providing:

(heating, mechanical ventilation)

MVHR characteristics: — recycling warmth from waste air — helps reduce the carbon footprint — meets Building Regulations, Approved document F and L, April 2010 (MVHR) — constantly refreshing the internal atmosphere — in excess of 90% Heat recovery possible — save energy by reducing heating costs — extracts airborne pollutants and fumes

(cooling, hot water)

— potable hot water — cool air for air conditioning — energy savings By transferring heat rather than creating it, heat pump water heaters deliver hot water twice as efficiently as standard electric water heaters. How it works (right): 1. The heat pump pulls warmth from the air 2. Warm air is compressed, increasing its temperature 3. Heat flows though condenser coils that transfer heat to the water


1. Extract air (stale): 2


Stale air is contaminated with humidity, toxins and smells extracted from inside the building. Outlet grilles in toilets and wet room areas, such as extraction rooms and kitchen demand a constant air volume to be extracted.

HPWH Diagram; Image source:

2. Supply air (fresh):


Fresh air is fed directly from outside into the ventilation system through a filter. The heat taken from the extracted air is used to warm the fresh filtered air in the exchanger and then flows through ducting. By undercutting doors and fitting transfer grilles, fresh air circulation is ensured throughout the building.

HRV diagram; Image source:


Reference List

Part 1 Peninsula West Masterplan spD april 2012 by Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands Frances Stracey, “Pinot-Gallizio’s ‘Industrial Painting’: Towards a Surplus of Life,” Oxford Art Journal 28 (2005): 397 – Flood Risk information - Geology

Part 2 Roy Morledge, Adrian Smith, Dean T. Kashiwagi - Building Procurement, Blackwell Publishing, 2006 Peninsula West Masterplan spD april 2012 by Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands Greenwich Unitary Development Plan, adopted July 2006

Part 3 - HPWH diagram HRV diagram


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