29 minute read
Neem: The Blessed Tree of India ››
from 1203
by SoftSecrets
although proper garden hygiene Can reduCe the frequenCy of inseCt infestations, oCCasionally even the best kept gardens Can suffer an attaCk. Grubbycup
Neem oil is often used to treat a variety of insect problems. Pests that can be treated with neem include: aphids, beetles, cockroaches, flies, fruit flies, fungal infections, grasshoppers, leaf miners, mosquitoes, moths (and unfortunately butterflies), nematodes, snails and thrips. It is an EPA approved pesticide that is not only fairly non-toxic to people and animals but also to beneficial insects, including bees. The active ingredients are not stable and quickly degrade. Predators eating treated insects and humans consuming produce from treated plants do not appear to be noticeably affected.
Neem oil is extracted from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), which can be grown either outside as a large tree, or inside as a houseplant. Originally from India and Burma, where an estimated
eighteen-million-plus neem trees still grow, this relative of mahogany has white, honey-scented flowers that are known to be a good source of pollen for bees, and bears clusters of yellow, oliveshaped fruit. The leaves have a mildly astringent flavor, and leave an earthy, woody and slightly musty aftertaste, reminiscent of sandalwood.
Honey made from neem pollen does not contain the insecticide properties. Timber cut from neem trees is naturally termite-resistant. It is a broad-leafed evergreen tree that, as a tender perennial, cannot withstand freezing temperatures. Neem trees grow well in hot, dry conditions in poor soil, but cannot withstand over-watering or frost.
Artifacts written in Sanskrit show that the use of neem dates back at least thousands of years. It is one of the few plants able to withstand locust swarms, and may even have a calming effect to help them revert to their non-swarming form. Neem can be used against hundreds of insect pests, as well as mites, nematodes, and some pathogenic fungi. The popular pesticide Azamax® is made from neem extracts. Corporate bio-pirates have even made unsuccessful attempts to patent this traditional Indian common knowledge as if it were a new discovery. extremely short shelf life, usually staying viable only a few weeks. Fortunately I was able to get a couple of neem tree sprouts from Vicki Parsons, founder of Neem Tree Farms in Florida. (Since 1992, Vicki has been instrumental in raising neem awareness in the United States.) Because of the quick expiration of neem seeds, and the tender nature of the sprouted plants, availability is restricted during the colder months. Once a neem ‘mother’ tree is established, seeds can be collected or cuttings can be taken to propagate.
It is a good thing that the leaves also contain the active ingredients, since a new neem tree will take about three to five years before it is mature enough produce seeds, and ten years to be fully productive. Although cross-pollination is more common in neem groves, it is also able to self-pollinate, so a single
tree can produce fruit. Neem prefers a dryer growing media than most plants, and over-watering is much more likely to cause problems than under-watering. While generally pest resistant itself, it is vulnerable to certain types of scale, powdery mildew, some blights and root rot – although root rot is almost always a result of over-watering.
Neem is photoperiod sensitive, so indoor plants should be kept under lighting with short dark periods for continued growth, so they are better off in your vegetative room than your flowering room for vigorous growth. Neem is well known for its ability to fix carbon dioxide, so while it is good for cleaning indoor air, it may slightly lower available CO2 levels. When outdoors neem can quickly grow to twenty meters; in a container indoors it can be kept to a manageable height with care and trimming. It responds well to several bonsai-style training techniques, staying a manageable size. When the tree grows too large, it can be trimmed back (including a third or so of the roots) and returned to the original pot as needed to maintain a manageable size without becoming root-bound. Neem trees can recover from quite severe pruning, even to the extent of regrowing from stumps.
One reason for the attractiveness in using neem as a pesticide is that its active ingredients are composed of only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The
residue does not contain the toxic chemicals that are common in many chemical pesticides. However, this does not mean that it should be used to excess, as hydrogen peroxide shares this non-chemical residue trait, and H202 can be quite damaging in high concentrations.
While consumed by millions in modest quantities for health benefits and even used in cosmetics, mild over-consumption of neem has been used as form of birth control for both men and women (males take it orally; females insert the oil vaginally prior to coitus as a spermicide), and as such, I would recommend limiting exposure to couples trying to conceive a child.
Further research is needed to scientifically examine the medical effects of neem, but since it is a non-patentable treatment, funding for trials is much harder to come by than it would be for a new chemical-based pharmaceutical. This is similar to some of the troubles that face the beneficial effects of other natural products such as Cannabis, where it is easier to get research funding for the synthetic equivalent to THC (used in the commercially-produced Marinol) than natural THC, which is present in Cannabis. This, in spite of the fact that Marinol has a higher fatality rate than the naturally occurring THC found in buds (when smoked normally, it does not appear to be possible to consume enough to raise THC levels to a toxic level, if that is what caused the deaths associated with Marinol).
Sativex and Cesamet are two other pharmaceuticals that are based on Cannabis, so apparently it has been decided that something is ‘medicinal’ as long as the pharmaceutical companies get their cut, and illegal in most areas where they do not. Neem has had a similar problem in that, in the right environment, it is also easy to grow and use without having to pay for the privilege. Since this is contrary to the financial interests of those who believe they should be paid as often as possible by as many people as possible, this puts neem in a similar category as ‘cures’ – that is, less financially advantageous than long term recurring treatments, so not encouraged. Extreme over-consumption of neem by people is rare in adults, but can cause liver- and other health problems. Exposure to
NEEM LEAVES ARE ATTRACTIVE, AND CAN PREVENT INFESTATION salannin and meliantriol, which both inhibit feeding, and nimbin, which has antiviral properties.
Treatments with neem can take up to two weeks to complete, but insectcreated damage should dwindle during the process. One study showed no developed resistance in diamondback moths, even after thirty-five generations of exposure. Neem can be used around are often made by chewing the end of a neem twig. Neem oil is also commonly used topically in skin creams. To reiterate: while one of the traditional uses of neem is as a ‘cure-all’ taken internally, there is also some indication that at high doses it may have a temporary inhibiting effect on human reproduction. As such, at least until further studies have been conducted, exposure should be limited for pregnant females and cou-
small amounts from using it on plants in a garden is generally considered safer than many of the more common overthe-counter pesticides.
To make a primitive but effective insecticide from neem plant material: Crush and steep the leaves and/or seeds (seeds have more oil – the inside kernels are almost half oil, but leaves can also be used) in water or alcohol, strain, and apply. Water is commonly used, but alcohol creates a much more potent product as the desired limonoids are not very water-soluble, but dissolve readily in alcohol.
Adding a small amount of dish washing soap to the water as an emulsifier can help suspend the neem in water; sesame oil has shown indications of improving performance as well. Effective when fresh at very low concentrations, the active components will degrade in about a week when exposed to UV light, so store in a lightproof container. If practical, only prepare a week’s worth (at most) at a time, to ensure freshness. tion appeared to drop sharply within a week. Plants sprayed with a neem solution appeared to improve in about three days, and the spray method used less neem overall to achieve the desired effect. If buying neem oil I would recommend using it as a spray, but if a gardener has a neem tree or access to neem cake (the leftovers from neem oil extraction) the cost drops dramatically, so applying through the root system may be a viable option.
Neem is not a fast acting toxin, but it interrupts the life cycles of unwelcome invaders. The method of protection varies, depending upon the invader. Neem’s built-in ‘friend or foe’ system works on the principle that unwanted pests are those that eat or damage plant material. Beneficial insects that crawl on the surface of plants appear to be generally unaffected. Neem sprayed on plants will create a thin coating that will either dissuade insects from eating it, or effect changes in those that do. There are several leaf-eating insects that will not eat neem, or plants sprayed bees, spiders and ladybugs. Nectar collected from plants appears to be safe for bees, and insect predators like spiders and ladybugs appear to be able to consume treated insects without harm.
Warm-blooded creatures seem to not only show no ill effects from ingesting treated plants, but in some parts of the world neem itself is used in modest amounts as a health-improving tonic. Neem leaves have been used for hundreds of years to prevent weevil infestations in grain stores in India. In some parts of the world neem is used in toothpaste, and makeshift toothbrushes ples actively trying to conceive.
Neem has a variety of uses in the garden, and in moderation can be good for plants as a ‘soft’ pesticide – especially when used at early stages of an insect invasion. Growing neem at home can inexpensively supply a gardener with a steady supply of leaves that can be used as needed. By home-crafting your own neem pesticide, unnecessary packaging, transport and other carbon costs can be avoided.
Peace, love and puka shells, Grubbycup
These simple recipes have, in some circumstances, been effective enough to rival or exceed commercial pesticides such as DDT and Malathion.
Some plants (e.g., tomatoes) can absorb neem though their roots, and use their own vascular system to spread protection to untreated portions. This allows the plant to become a ‘poison pill’, awaiting a malicious insect’s bite. From personal experience, I believe that Cannabis can take up neem through the root system and spread it internally to the rest of the plant, but the amount of neem and time required for treatment is greater than what is needed for external spraying. I treated a whitefly infestation with neem applied strictly to the root system, and the whitefly populawith neem extracts – even under threat of starvation. Neem extracts have also been shown to repel some biting insects better than DEET, which is a common chemical ingredient in insect repellents.
One of the most potent components is the limonoid azadirachtin, which causes some insect larvae to be unable to be metamorphosed, and thus prevents them from becoming adults and reproducing. Azadirachtin is similar in structure to the hormones produced in insects to control their development. Once introduced, it blocks the normal functioning of these hormones, and prevents the insects from becoming sexually mature. It is also responsible for a fair amount of neem’s repellant properties. Neem also contains the limonoids WHITEFLIES ARE RESISTANT TO MANy PESTICIDES, BUT OFTEN SUSCEPTIBLE TO NEEM
baCk in the ‘80s, in an attempt to infiltrate the smuggling sCene in the netherlands, dutCh Customs allowed the importation of large amounts of hashish, marijuana and CoCaine. unbelievably, they aCtually let in over a hundred tons and did not bust a single person – what a bunCh of suCkers! they didn’t even ConfisCate any money either, so there was lots of it around. O’Riodon
It was about this time that I was invited on a fishing expedition. No ordinary fishing trip, this involved sailing a 900-ton, deep sea fishing trawler back from Japan, with a stopover in Pakistan to do some shopping. The pay was a hundred grand plus bonus, and I have to say I was tempted – all that sea air... problem was, it was three months of sea air and I had other plans, but a close friend agreed to go and it is his account that I pass on to you.
It was a crew of eight that finally flew out to Japan, a mix of English, Dutch and Danish, all with sailing experience. They arrived to find the ship a rusty hulk in bad shape, and certainly not worth the $185,000 they had paid. Only the promise of extra money kept the crew from flying straight home.
Three weeks and twenty grand later they sailed out of the harbor in yokohama. They had three months of food and enough fuel to get to Pakistan and beyond. They were also carrying five tons of cement – but more about that later.
The journey through the South China Sea was pretty uneventful, involving lots of sunbathing and making a hole in the 4,000 cans of beer they had on board. Eight days out and it was all going a little too smoothly, then the port engine began to overheat. The cooling manifold had cracked and was not salvageable – this meant an unscheduled stop in Singapore.
The coast guard cutter appeared as soon as they entered Malaysian waters, but their papers were in order and a search turned up nothing, so they left. into the Bay of Bengal. Due to all the delays, plans had changed and the cargo would have to be picked up at sea.
Rounding Sri Lanka and Southern India they sailed toward the rendezvous coordinates. The crew began removing the cement ballast. In hundred-degree-plus temperatures, down in the bilges with jackhammers, it was thirsty work and the beer was disappearing fast. They had to stop when the Indian navy appeared and shadowed them for a while, but the navy lost interest and left.
The crew reached the coordinates on a moonless night and were met by four fishing boats. One by one they drew alongside, and the cargo was craned aboard. The total load was fifty tons, yes: fifty thousand kilos – and five thousand kilos more than they were expecting, non-returnable.
The next days were spent stacking bales along the keel and covering them with cement, but when they had finished they still had five tons left. Right then they should have thrown them over the side, but they didn’t. Instead, aided by our good friend, greed, they welded them behind a bulkhead in the engine room.
The original plan had been to sail through the Suez Canal, but ships were being searched due to the Iraqi sanctions; it was decided to sail south around Africa, but they’d need more fuel. Mozambique would be the safest place, en route and corrupt enough to pay off any suspicions they aroused. They sailed into Maputo harbor without incident and left on the next tide, but unfortunately they were noticed. Four hours out they were intercepted by the South African Coast Guard who searched the ship. They didn’t find anything, but were suspicious enough to put the ship on a watch list.
At this point my friend was beginning to have a very bad feeling and asked to be put ashore, but the captain refused. Four THE JOURNEy HOME
days out into the southern Atlantic, the drive shaft seized. They drifted for two days while trying to fix it, but repair was impossible. In the end they had no choice but to radio the Cape Verde islands for a tugboat. Two hours later a British warship showed up. In the area already, they had offered assistance. At this point my friend jumped into the garbage chute.
Because the boat was on a watch list, it was armed when the Brits boarded. They confined the crew to quarters while they were towed in. Back in port, customs officials found the five tons within a few hours and everybody was arrested – everyone except my friend. Hidden under a ton of garbage, he escaped when night fell, and swam ashore. A panicky collect call to Holland alerted the investors and various loved ones, and things sprang into action.
The next day, six figures was being offered to recruit a team to get them out; things had to move fast, but the Cape Verde islands are a long way off. My friend, now in a hotel and with funds, arranged the lawyers and kept those back home informed. Under the right circumstances, breaking them out wouldn’t be too difficult, but getting off the island would. The lawyers were talking about ‘buying’ them a light sentence, but this would not happen if the authorities found the other 45 tons.
After three weeks things were looking very positive. The lawyers had delayed the trial and bail was a real possibility. A large amount of cash had arrived on a chartered plane, along with two of the investors, and they set about trying to buy the trawler back, but unfortunately the ship had already been sold to a local company. A week later the rest of the hash was discovered. Bummer!
The captain and crew got nine and seven years respectively, but happily escaped after just eighteen months. Six months after that another smaller trawler made the same journey, but this one made it back home.
water is such a fundamental requirement for gardening, however it is paradoxically often given little thought. as small children we learn that plants need water to grow, but then the subject passes by without much in the way of further explanation. for those willing to look a little deeper, here is some of the rest of the story... Grubbycup
Water occurs naturally on Earth in three forms: solid (ice), gas (steam, vapor, humidity) and liquid (water). It also possesses unusual but useful surface tension properties. These make water necessary for a variety of biological purposes.
At sea level, water will freeze under 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero degrees Celsius), and boil at 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius). Freezing water will cause it to expand and become less dense than its liquid state, which is why ice will float on water. Frozen snow and ice are important for water storage that releases in summer months, when plants need additional water for growth.
Water vapor is caused by the evaporation or boiling of water. The amount of water vapor in the air is recorded as humidity. High humidity gardens are prone to mold, and low humidity gardens are prone to spider mites and other insect infestations.
Under normal circumstances and pressure, the temperature of liquid water will not exceed its boiling point. At sea level, water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius), and won’t get any hotter, since at that point it will turn into a gas and escape. Rice cookers use this principle to tell when the water has boiled off. As long as the bottom of the cooker doesn’t exceed the boiling point of water, the device knows to continue cooking. When the temperature rises past the boiling point of water, it means that the water has boiled off, and cooking is done. At higher elevations, the boiling point of water is lower due to the drop in pressure. The higher the altitude, the lower the boiling point of water – and the longer food must be boiled to heat to a given temperature. For example, water boiling at 212 degrees will cook eggs faster than water boiling at 190 degrees. Pressure cookers use the other side of the same principle: water under pressure boils at a higher temperature, so immersed food heats faster.
While not technically a nutrient, but rather the transport agent for nutrients, water is an important requirement for growing healthy plants. Slight underwatering is less detrimental than slight over-watering, so if in doubt, run towards the dry side. The quality of the end solution is in part determined by the quality of the initial water used for the base liquid. If local water is of poor quality, reverse-osmosis (RO) filters or other filtering systems can be used to clean it.
Distilled water has been boiled into steam, which has then been collected and cooled back into a liquid. It is the purest form of water generally available. ‘Pure’ water such as distilled should be microwaved with care, as when it is heated in a clean, smooth container it’s possible for the water to become ‘superheated’, which means that the temperature in its liquid state is above the normal boiling temperature. This can become dangerous when a contaminant or edge is introduced, such as dipping a spoon in it, as that can trigger a violent and almost instantaneous boiling response. If the starting water is not pure (such as filtered- or tap water), or if a contaminant is added (like coffee, tea or sugar) then the water will boil normally.
Reverse-osmosis water is also a very pure form of water, but incurs a high wastewater cost as part of the process. Neither distilled nor reverse-osmosis water contain nutritional elements in significant amounts. In contrast, as long as tap water is suitable for drinking, it should be suitable for growing plants (the reverse is also true – if you can’t grow a plant in your tap water, don’t drink it). EC or ppm testing of available tap water will give an indication of suitability.
Two common contaminants for tap water are calcium carbonate salt and magnesium, which are found in ‘hard’ water. Since this can be a source of calcium for plants, nutrients developed for hard water generally take this into account, and therefore contain little or no additional calcium. Another common contaminant in city water is chlorine, which plants do not need in very high quantities. To vent off chlorine from tap water, fill watering containers each time just after watering. Checking the quality of the source water will assist in fine-tuning a garden, but tap water clean enough to drink will often work well enough.
Water (H2O) is comprised of a collection of molecules having two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, and is a requirement for photosynthesis. Light energy is absorbed by the plant, which divides the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen is com-
SURFACE TENSION DRAWS WATER TOGETHER TO FORM CONCENTRIC SHAPES bined with carbon dioxide (CO2) to form glucose. Water is also particularly well suited as a solvent for many materials. Hydrophilic (water loving) materials, like many of the salts, dissolve easily in water, while hydrophobic (water fearing) substances, such as oils, do not. Because water molecules have a positive charge on the side with the two hydrogen (H) atoms, and a negative charge on the oxygen (O) side, they are attracted and attach easily to many other molecules.
One reason that salts are so often used as nutrient sources is that they also have a positive and negative side, but are held together with a weaker ionic bond. Water molecules attach themselves to either side of the salt molecule and break them apart, dissolving the salt into the water and releasing the nutrient element in the process. This is why many chemical hydroponic solutions make use of salts dissolved in water. Potassium nitrate, for example, will separate into both potassium and nitrate (NO3), which can allow it to provide two of the macronutrients: nitrogen (N) and a heavy dose of potassium (K). Organic nutrients are often less miscible, and should be shaken to create a suspension each time before use.
Pure water has no electrical conductivity, so an EC or ppm meter will read zero conductivity. As the water becomes more contaminated with salts and other conductive materials from fertilizers, the nutrient solution will become more electrically conductive, and the meter will show higher values. The information gathered with a meter – coupled with
the specific nutritional needs of the plant – can be invaluable in maintaining a suitable nutrient solution; however, keep in mind that EC and ppm meters only display the total amount of electrically conductive contamination present, not specifically what the contamination is. These meters do not give specific N-P-K values. A solution with a high nitrogen content, for example, may give the same reading as a solution with a high phosphorus (P) content.
Under-watering is a smaller error than over-watering. If plants are slightly under-watered, they will usually signal by getting droopy, and respond favorably within hours when watered. Overwatering is both more traumatic and requires a longer recovery period. If you do happen to drown your plants, don’t give up, just try to learn from the experience and try again. If your tap water is of a very poor quality you may have to filter it before use, or use drinking water to hydrate your plants.
In order to denote how acidic or basic a liquid is, a pH value between zero and fourteen is assigned. Pure water has a pH of seven; solutions with a pH value lower than seven are acids, and solutions with a pH value higher than seven are considered alkaline or basic. Strong acids will corrode and dissolve many substances, and strong bases such as lye can cause deposits and damage to organic tissues.
The ideal range for nutrient solutions is around 6.0 to 6.2. If you are within a half point or so, don’t bother adjusting it. Proper pH is more critical in hydroponic systems than soil gardens due to the additional buffering properties of soil. Radically incorrect pH can cause physical damage to plants due to the caustic properties of acids and bases, and less severe imbalances have an impact on the solubility of plant nutrients.
Adjustments to pH are made by adding an opposite. Acids have positive hydroPOLLUTION IS REDUCING THE AMOUNT OF CLEAN WATER AVAILABLE TO SUPPORT LIFE
gen ions, and bases have a matching, negatively-charged acceptor. When the two combine they do so in order to neutralize each other. If the solution has a pH value too low (is acidic), add a base to raise the pH. If the solution is too basic (pH too high), an acid is added to lower it.
Water has a high surface tension – it sticks to itself very well (cohesion). Submerged molecules can attach on all sides to each other, but the molecules on the surface do not have water above them to attach to, and so they hold tighter to their neighboring water molecules. This creates tension along the surface, allows water to bead into droplets, and allows for capillary action to force water to rise within a narrow tube. The water will stick to the walls (adhesion) and surface tension will pull to try to form a droplet (cohesion), supplying an upward force. This allows for both the transport of water up growing media to plant roots, and up the roots and along the rest of the plant as part of respiration.
A key component to plant health – particularly in hydroponic systems – is a sufficient amount of available oxygen. While oxygen is a major component of water, the plant also requires oxygen in a more available form. The level of freely available oxygen in water is known as its dissolved oxygen, or DO, content. Air stones and fountains are both used to increase DO. Since the amount of air that water will hold is dependent upon temperature, the warmer the water, the less air it will hold, and the more important proper aeration becomes. Cool winter water tends to have higher DO than warm summer water. If the amount of dissolved oxygen drops too low, it creates conditions for anaerobic (air hating) bacteria to develop. Anaerobic bacteria are the rotting and spoilage bacteria responsible for the foul odors in stagnant water. Properly aerated water is conducive to aerobic (air loving) bacteria, the beneficial bacteria that assist in composting and healthy plant development. One way that the plant will use the oxygen it absorbs is the eventual creation of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid.
During heating or curing, the tetrahydrocannabinolic acid will release its carbon dioxide and become tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in a process called decarboxylation. This is why cured bud can become more potent with age as it cures, and why Cannabis used for cooking should be heated at some stage. During smoking or vaporization, the high temperatures allow for rapid decarboxylation, but this may be incomplete – particularly in only partially-dried buds. The longer the time period used, the lower the temperature requirement for the reaction.
Water is an important part of gardening, and an improved understanding of its properties can help us to understand how many gardening concepts fit together. Like people, plants will die from lack of water faster than from a lack of nutrition, and also like people, drowning will kill faster than dehydration. This precious resource is one of the fundamental necessities of practically all life, but due to its current abundance, is all too often treated without the respect it is due.
Peace, love and puka shells,
Grow Diary: Moby Dick Grubbycup
Moby Dick, our current Page 3 Girl and winner of the Soft Secrets Girl of the year Award (2010), is one of Dinafem’s best known and most popular cultivars.
Dinafem sells its seeds packed in Eppendorf vials, with absorbent colorchanging silica beads to help ensure seed viability. Be mindful of the printing of the cultivar on the label itself, which smudges easily when touched.
All the seeds were plump and healthy looking, and sprouted quickly in a domed seedling tray. The plants were grown in a small, white plastic-lined indoor closet (.75 m x 1 m x 2 m). For the growth phase, they were kept under a vented 400-watt MH light, set to eighteen hours on, six hours off. Once well-sprouted in plugs (day seventeen), they were planted into labeled 12.7 cm square pots filled with perlite. Perlite starts as a volcanic glass with water trapped inside. When exposed to high temperatures, the glass melts, and the water turns to steam, which inflates and puffs the glass before escaping. The resulting material is light and airy, similar to a small, heavy Styrofoam.
The pots were set in a tray, and handwatered with a hydroponic nutrient solution. This type of passive hydroponic system is similar to using soil in pots and is commonly used by both novices and experts. One advantage to using a hydroponic media over soil is that the plant containers can be smaller. The plants remained in these pots for the entire grow. Perlite is difficult to over-water, and is forgiving of minor errors in watering. It can be used alone, as in this grow, or as part of a mixture. Another benefit of perlite is that it can be rinsed and reused repeatedly. The Fox Farm line of nutrients was used, and no deficiencies developed. Moby Dick is a medium sized plant with very nice structure and regular, opposite leaf pairs. All the plants from the same packet grew recognizably similar to each other. The leaves were fat and indica looking. The plants did not show much stretch.
Lighting was changed to HPS bulbs with a 12/12 regimen on day forty-two. Once they started to form, the flower clusters were very firm and tight. Dinafem only sells feminized seeds, so sexing was not an issue. Flowering finished one day shy of five weeks; the Moby Dick was ready for harvest in fifty-nine days, one day shy of the sixty- to seventy-day window given by Dinafem. The final plant height was 101 cm.
Manicuring the buds was easy and fast. Dried buds are attractive and hold together well. While not a heavy producer, it is a respectable one. Buds were hung for three days, then went into a closed plastic container to allow inner moisture to work its way out to the leaves. The container was opened at regular intervals to allow condensation to evaporate, and then the buds were enclosed in jars to finish curing.
Moby Dick is a very nice offering from Dinafem: the Haze x White Widow heritage has given this strain dense, tight buds and a strong effect when smoked. It is very mild when dried, and benefits well from a good cure, as the subtle flavors develop as they mature.
Mildly spicy in aroma, with a nice mental stone, she’s more psychoactive than most. When dried, the buds hold their integrity well. Moby Dick is worth getting your hands on to try at home, perfect for sitting around with a group of friends, relaxing and talking over snacks. I will definitely make room to grow more of this, next time around. SHE’S THE PICTURE OF HEALTH ON DAy 22
Moby Dick
Environment: Indoor closet Grow Light: 400-watt MH Flower Light: 400-watt HPS Method: Passive hydro Nutrient: 'Fox Farms' brand Days in Growth: 42 Days in Flower: 59 Harvest Weight: 44 g wet, 13 g dry Grams per Day: 0.129 Plant structure: Single cola Bud Structure: Dense Scent: Mild, spicy, sweet Rating: 9/10