Cooking With TheUniverse

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Cooking With The Universe Create A Gourmet Recipe For A Gourmet Lifestyle By Sandra Ng Published by Synsyn Copyright 2007


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Written by Sandy Ng Copyright © 2007 Sandy Ng – All Rights Reserved For more information on this series, please visit us on the web: Syngsyn ISBN 978-0-9784421-0-1


Contents 1.Introduction ~ Why I wrote this book? (pg.5)

2. What is Cooking with the Universe (pg.11)

3. A Couple Questions Answered (pg.31)

4. Spirit Guides, Angels, Gods, Goddesses? (pg.45)

5. A Perfect Recipe? (pg.55)


6. The Karma Effect (pg.71)

7. Side-Effects of Cooking with the Universe (pg.75)

8. The Fix: A Chef s Tricks and Tips (pg. 79)

9. Making It Work (pg.97)

10. Final notes (pg.102)


Acknowledgments About the Author Contact Info Action Guide to Cooking With The Universe


Introduction Why I wrote this book? This book was an absolute miracle of manifesting what you want in your life. I have to tell you I was blown away by this project and I ll explain why.

When the movie of The Secret , produced Rhonda Burns, was launched I knew there was going to be a huge gap that so many people would fall into ~ somewhere between what is all this manifesting stuff? and It s not working for me, why bother . I wanted so much to help people understand this


concept, so as to relieve some of the frustrations and discontent we all experience in our day to day. I offered myself to the Universe and asked for some inspiration for me to be able to assist my fellow seekers of the Universe. I went to bed with that on my mind and during the night s sleep this whole book came to me in a dream. I was so startled by my dream that I awoke suddenly, jumped out of bed and started writing. It was 3:23am exactly. Talk about manifesting!!!! How cool is that!!

The premise of this book is essentially how to manifest but here is how it is different from anything you might have already read. I am


using the analogy of cooking and baking and the ingredients you will be using are the character traits, personality traits, physical traits of your vision into the recipe. Many people love to cook and bake. The process of cooking and baking is essentially the same as manifesting with the Universe. We do this all the time whether we are conscious of it or not, whether we realize what we are doing and how we do what we do.

The uniqueness of this book will unlock for you the tools and techniques that I use to manifest your heart s desires. It will help you discover what you really and truly want and how to get it. Most importantly, this


book will identify the missing links that the other books neglect to tell you or rather assume you already know about. There is no secret or hidden messaging here ~ it s the straight goods. This is a process that prepares your world in the most optimal way for creating and attracting the best circumstances to allow your deepest desire and greatest dreams to become a reality. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined. ~Henry David Thoreau

Manifesting is fun and really, really easy to do. You are probably already doing it and


not even aware of it. As you are reading this book, some of it may resonate with you and some of it ~ well

not so much. Feel free to

take what you need and leave the rest. The beauty of this book is that every time you read it at different moments in your life it will shed a new and different light for you and your situation at that moment in your life.

So, let s just imagine for a little while that we are in the most beautiful creative space that is absolutely free from anyone else, from any judgments and criticism, worry and tensions, and totally be free from any walls or boundaries that you, your next of kin and


friends, and society may have set. This is the safest place on the planet and in the universe where you can just be yourself. You can do whatever you want and create everything you ever wanted in your world ~ ever.


Let s get cooking!


What is Cooking with the Universe? Cooking and baking are well considered by many individuals and many culinaries the world over as the most creative and personal gifts of love one could endeavour to share with others. You are going to create a feast of desires that will bring you joy and happiness that you could not even imagine possible. No matter what books you have read, no matter what philosophical, religious, or moral persuasions, there is one very, very important thing you must remember: This process is a heart-centered approach to a way of being and getting anything that you


desire. It is from the heart where your true intentions, your will, and your successes lie. From your heart you already know what are your favourite things, what you love to do, and what things are not treasured in your heart of hearts, be it swimming at a cottage, pets, chocolate ice cream or even broccoli. This is where you are going to start cooking or baking your favourite recipes and cherished treats.

So, to manifest is to create or make something real that was not real to you before. It s like cooking or baking. You have something that you want to cook or bake, in other words your desire. You know what it


is supposed to taste like in other words your intentions, and you know what it is supposed to look like when it is finished not unlike your expectations. Now, what is our next step? First, we must make a recipe. Not unlike any creation we must have the right ingredients.

Whatever your goal, desire, or deepest wish, a recipe must be made full of all the ingredients that will produce your end result. Let's say your cake, bread or maybe a roast.

Make a list of all the things you need for your recipe. Traditional recipes call for


ingredients like milk, eggs, and flour. Our recipe ingredients will call for your favourite valued characteristics of what you are creating. For instance, let s suppose we want to create a recipe for a new career. What are the characteristics or ingredients that we need for this new creation? Some of these things may be: a good salary or income. How much money do you want to earn each month, a stable company or organization, what kind of organization, dedicated fun loving colleagues? Are the other people you want to work with like-minded and share similar values to yours; Do you want your own office or does it matter to you? Do you want a lot of challenge in your type of work,


creativity, independence or team environment? Remember it is your recipe to make as you wish and it must come from the heart. This is where your trust of intentions resides.

Then we add a little spice to make our creation a little more exciting. Think about what you truly want. This is when your desires are waiting to express themselves. Let s suppose you want a new love in your life. What ingredients are in your ideal partner recipe that you admire most? For instance, your list may include a really good sense of humour, a fun loving spirit, and a cute smile. Is this person from the same


cultural background as yourself or compatible with your background? Decide on all the elements of what this person or relationship will be in your reality. You can let your imagination soar with all the ingredients to include in your recipe.

Just like baking, we put ourselves into the mix: Our good intentions, our love, our energy, our expectations that the "bread" will come out of the oven as perfect as we "First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then the transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination." -Napoleon Hill


desired-or at least mostly. So we are now mixing all our ingredients in a bowl or pot and we know that what we are making already feels so good it can't help but come out great.

Next, we put our mixture in the pan and pop it into the oven and hope for the best.

This loaf in the oven is our greatest wish or desire and we are baking a creation that will fill us with joy, contentment and fulfillment. This is a very special oven. Now, let me explain to you more about the unique features of this special oven.


This is your "Metaphysical Oven", just like the one in your kitchen, only with a few exceptions.

There is no timer and no temperature dial. This metaphysical oven is like an intelligent digital appliance and it knows automatically the weight, the size, the length of time it needs to cook and how much energy and heat it will take to create your dreams. It's the easiest appliance we have ever used because it takes care of those details for us. Like your oven at home, we know that when we turn it on and put something in it, it will cook. If all the elements are there, it will manifest. We don't even need faith because


we know it ~ it is a knowing. This metaphysical oven is fueled by the energy of the Universe, Source-Light Energy, God, or The Highest Power beyond our limited self.

Knowledge is experience gained by active expression through actions. Knowing is that experience combined with other referenced information in past actions that have already been expressed.

So, it's baking. We all know that a watched pot of water never boils. So, in the meantime what do most chefs/cooks do? ~ they clean up the mess they made while putting this creation together. Well, we must do the same. We have to wash the dishes we


used and put away other things. This is where we are essentially cleansing our tools ~ ourselves. This could mean different things to different people. For example, washing away old negative thought patterns and replacing them with new ones. It could mean organizing your home, your thoughts in anticipation of new creations to come. We need to throw out the left over scraps and garbage from our cooking. This could take the form of changing current habits or patterns, things we usually do that no longer serve us. This could also mean getting rid of old clothes, furniture, de-cluttering your office space or whatever you need to clear it all away and work with a clear slate.


Creating new space in our mind, our hearts, and our lives is essential for new and wonderful things to come into our world. It can be really hard to clear out old habits, negative emotions and distancing yourself from negative behaviours of other people close to you. Sometimes, these things do not serve us anymore yet letting go of these things is like letting go of your favourite childhood security blanket or teddy bear. It may be uncomfortable and disconcerting at times. Is the cost of holding on to what stops your truest desires becoming a reality worth the cost? Yet, like all beautiful gardens, the season changes, and flowers


fade away to make way for new flowers to bloom. Check your oven? lately. The bread is rising, and the smell is coming out of the oven so heavenly. Take a deep breath. It smells so good. So good in fact, you feel warm, safe, and grateful to be able to be alive to create such a thing to fill your senses. It smells so good you can already just taste it in your mouth, as we speak. You sense you are getting closer to your heart s desire. The wonderful physical and emotional reaction to the scent of your creation baking is the excitement of anticipation of a creation becoming a reality and the appreciation of


that moment of will put you in a very special state of being. Being in that state where it feels so good and wonderful is the state of gratitude. The state of being grateful and thankful is the same as the moment of getting that whiff of your bread baking ~ your creation. Notice, it will always put you in a state of "here and now" and moments like this are forever remembered. Think of childhood memories. Happy ones. You're in that moment, in a state of joy, grace, love ~ totally open to receive the fruits of your labour.

So, we're cleaning up, throwing out, and maybe we're preparing for that luscious dish


when it comes out of the oven. In your mind, the bread or meal is already cooked and tastes ... oh, soooo good. So we set the stage to receive it: Setting the table, putting out our finest linens, polishing our best silverware, and making invitations. This could mean you are preparing for your new life. It could be cutting down your debt, getting your business plan together, reorganizing your schedules, getting home improvements completed, going back to a regular exercise regime, clearing up the ever lingering To Do List .


We're busy. Check that oven again? Well, it's coming along nicely. It smells good, it feels good, and the bread is rising. So, finally, you think it should be cooked by now ~ oh, not so much. Be patient. Give it some time. The Universe is working for you and is unfolding as it should. We get so impatient with life ~ we want everything in a 20 second sound bite and sometimes we start doubting how well this bread

Trust in yourself. Your perceptions are often far more accurate than you are willing to believe. ~Claudia Black

is going to come out. Nature doesn t make mistakes, creates without effort and so we shall also. This is where your belief, your


attitudes toward your creation comes into play.

So what do we know for certain? Ovens cook. For a traditional oven, what we put in it, we get out. It cooks. Well the same strong belief in the oven, we must have in our creations: unwavering belief in our selves, our gifts, and our intentions. No one, at least that I know, goes in with the intention of making bad bread or creating a bad meal. We all have the intention of making and creating a fantastic bread or meal to share with our family, and friends.


So while we are waiting for our beautiful creation to bake in our metaphysical oven, what are we doing? We could sit and watch it but it could be a waste of time and really quite boring. So, invariably when we are excited about something we start talking about it to others, sharing recipes, finding others who have the same interests. It is human nature to share exciting great news about what is happening for our selves and our lives. It s a bonding experience where as human beings we want to connect with others. Now you start noticing the other people are attracted to you and you notice certain events coincide in your favour. Coincidence? Not so much.


Why is this not coincidence? The magnificent scent of your creation baking surrounds you and you carry it with you. Your neighbours can smell it. The scent travels outside of yourself. Your metaphysical oven of the Universal Energy is carrying the scent of all your good intentions, your bread, out into the ethers where everyone and every body can take a whiff of your creation. (Kind of like the character Pigpen in Charlie Brown cartoons.)

Have you ever noticed when someone at work has a really good lunch and you can smell it through the whole office? People


start going to the kitchen, gathering to find out what smells so good and who it belongs to. They want some too. It may be termed as being in the flow , sending out good vibrations , manifesting. It is as easy as that. It's that much fun.

So, someone comes along and says to you " God, your cooking smells just like what I'm cooking. It smells so good. Maybe we can work together on our recipe . Or, maybe you meet someone unexpectedly who is interested in what your cooking and offers to help you cook or bake. Attraction is the one by-product of your creation and even though it may still be in the oven, in your


mind that bread, that meal is already done and tastes oh sooo good. So much so in fact, others want to help you, to share their recipe with you. The trick here is to be open, aware and be ready and willing to receive all that comes to you.

Before you know it, you check the oven once again and it's gone. What happened? you say. I created this recipe, I put it all together and I know I put it in my oven. Look around~ you have already manifested. That s the beauty of a metaphysical oven ~your creation disappears into expressed manifestation made real. You have received your gift/goal. You have just completed the


whole process and your bread is here. Now. You just have to enjoy it and share it. It's that simple.


A Couple of Questions Answered I bet there are a few questions. Some snags that everyone runs into now and again. Here are a couple most commonly we all face. Question 1~ I want what I want and I want it now, so where is it? One of these is time. We all do this: "It's taking toooo long. When is this ever going to manifest itself? It better come to soon, I am running out of time here.


There are a couple of things to note here. Time is actually a human construct by which we organize ourselves. Time actually doesn't exist really. For those of us who have been identified as "perpetually tardy" already know this to be a fact. Time is unlimited. There is no beginning and no end. In the Universal realm of The Beginning of the End is the End of the Beginning. ~Ancient Chinese Proverb

energy, time is not a concept. We have all the time in the

Universe. But for those of us who use time as a construct, I can tell you only this: Little things most often take a shorter "time" than the big things.


I will share my own experience to illustrate. In my metaphysical kitchen, I pre-create small creations of little patties of desires for finding and manifesting that elusive parking space that I need when I go to some destination. I keep my patties frozen in my metaphysical freezer. You see, I don't really cook - it's readymade food most of the time. So, before I go anywhere, I take out a Pattie for parking, I bless it (I visualize my parking space), I put some seasoning on it, meaning I want the closest parking spot, most convenient and safe for my car at a specific destination or place. Pop it in my mystical microwave (quick and easy cooking) press start. Next, I go my merry


way to my destination and low and behold, there it is: My parking spot, just as I had ordered for myself. Sometimes I have to wait a couple moments, as the microwave obviously hasn't quite finished yet. Sometimes the meter is already prepaid. Bonus!! The key here is to keep your eyes open and watch for it to appear. I say thank you every single time and pull into the spot. It is very important to give thanks. Here is another example from my own experience. Living at home with your parents can have its challenges. One of my challenges came twice a year when I had to do my income taxes and organize a regional meeting for a charity organization where I was volunteering.


I had no space, no office, and no room to spread out all my things. Then one day I just had it. I was frustrated with my circumstances. I need my own space ~ an office, a bigger room, something of my own. I started to create my recipe for what that space would be, would need, and might be. If I had the money of course, otherwise I would not be living at home. I didn't know how it was going to happen or when it was going to happen. It was my firm belief one way or another that it was going to happen. Amazing how determined we can get when we are frustrated, pissed off, and at our wits end.


It was fun, making my recipe. Let's see.... two bedrooms or three. Oh, I always wanted my own bathroom. Ensuite!!! On and on I went adding and subtracting my special ingredients of all the things I loved. I even started an album, filled with pictures of what I would like to see in my own space. One night in the height of winter, I am driving my girlfriend home after dinner. She absolutely insisted on taking the bus route back to her place. Not my usual route but I'm going with the flow, if only to avoid an unnecessary disagreement. Besides, it seemed to make her feel more comfortable to lead the way, as she wasn't driving. It happens when you have two drivers in the


same car. Well, there it was, out of the corner of my eye, a little sign ~ new homes. Covered with snow, I couldn't even see who was the builder, but it stuck out like a sore thumb. There was only a small trailer, like in the middle of some muddy snow; you could hardly see it for all the ice and snow on it. Anyway, I stopped in to take a look and check it out, the floor plans, and long extensive conversations with the sales representative every day for over a week. Before you know it, I was a homeowner. Ah! Where did the money come from to buy this place? Well, events and circumstances fortuitously fell into place. The right people suddenly appeared ~ lawyers, bank reps,


mortgage specialists. From the time I created my recipe to the time I received my blessing was almost eight-months. It was fun. It was so easy; I didn't even realize that I was manifesting my own first home.

So time is irrelevant. What is relevant is that the Universe will always provide what you need at the time that you need it. Always.

Question 2~Nothing is happening…what gives? Another thing about Time~ if you find that nothing is happening for you.... Get a bigger oven.


Remember, your oven is the place where desires and dreams go to develop and cook to become reality.

Personally, I have lots of different ovens and appliances. I have metaphysical premier chef's kitchen. I didn't always have so many but over the years as life would have it, when creating my recipes, I found I was cooking up a few things at a time. I figure the bigger the oven the faster it cooks. I mean you really can't cook a twenty-four pound turkey in a toaster oven. I have the toaster oven mainly for quick and easy recipes, like a well-deserved cup of tea that a


perfect stranger will unexpectedly buy for me or for some quick cash.

As we all know the bigger the appliance the more energy and effort it takes to cook. This means that you may have to put in more energy and focus on what you want to produce. The more attention you put on something and focus upon it, the more that which you focus on becomes real to you, thus, coming to you faster.

So, for example if you increase your attention and focus on getting your master's degree, you might take more time away from other things to concentrate on your


degree, or take some courses over the summer months to finish faster. Maybe you will go out and talk to more people about your goals and ideas which may get you more clients or support and resources to achieve your goal. The idea here is that the more energy and the more of yourself you put into your creation, the faster the Universe will respond to you, i.e. the more energy into your oven the faster it will cook. High Heat!! Just to let you know, I do have some recipes I put in a slow cooker just because I am still working on the preparation at the same time. i.e. clutter clearing, personal issues, making space in my life. You can cook as many things as you


want and have as many and varied sized appliances or ovens that you want. Small caveat though, as all cooks will tell you: if too many things cooking at the same time, something is not going to turn out as well as you expected.

I have to say one more thing about your metaphysical oven. Do you remember I said earlier that your metaphysical oven is an intelligent and digital appliance? Well, these ovens also have an automatic shut off. Thank God. If you forget about it or don't pay enough attention to it, it will shut off. Your desire to create, and cook something magnificent, is what keeps your oven on.


And let me tell you there are plenty ovens out there with half-baked goods in them. How much do you want to create? How intensely do you need to have your baked bread? In other words, how badly do you want it? As they say, if you want it badly enough, it will be. Good news ~ if your oven goes on auto shut off, you can turn it back on, anytime. Desire it, intend it, and it will be. Fortunately most of our creations don't spoil in the oven for lack of attention. We just carry on where we left off.


In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins - not through strength, but through persistence. ~Buddha


Spirit Guides, Angels, Gods, Goddesses? There are So many books out there, philosophies, and cultural beliefs. What about our spirit guides, angels, Gods, Goddesses? How do I integrate all the new philosophies, ideas, etc. with my own values, principles, religion, my beliefs, my culture?

Well, like all great cooks, chefs, artists, they have assistants and helpers to get the meals done. We all have someone in our life that helps and assists us in our endeavors. Some assistants are anonymous like the perfect


stranger who mows your lawn for you and you never see who did it; some are friends, family, life partner, children, and coworkers, even the cashier at your grocery store. We all have them. Oprah has Gayle, Sylvia Brown has Francine and Michael Jordon has Nike, even Tonto assisted The Lone Ranger. We are never working alone on this earth whether we realize it or not. Besides, it s always more fun to cook with friends, especially people or non-physical people who we love.

Whatever you need there is always, always a wealth of support to achieve your dreams. I always call upon my Parking Angel to


help and guide me to that perfect spot. So grateful I am for this wonderful being of light of God. Saves me every time. You might call upon the Angels to get you through exams, or find the right person to help you fix your car or send you money or guide you in creating your recipe (more hot sauce or cinnamon?). The Beings of the higher realms are always ready and able to give you assistance or anything from the tiniest request to the largest, seemingly insurmountable obstacles and challenges in your life. All you have to do is ASK. Some people may pray to the Saints, some people may perform a special ritual; some people may go to temple, or mosque. Whatever


process you use or religion, or other groups of faith, the Universe is all One; One, Source Energy in support of you achieving your highest potential ~ physically, spiritually, materially, etc.

Let us say you are in your kitchen cooking and the ingredients you want is nowhere to be found in your kitchen. Just ASK for it! Go to your metaphysical grocery store or department store. Ask the sales agent for what you want. Your currency is love, gratitude, and grace. Whomever you choose to ask for help and assistance, accept graciously, be thankful and give love in return.


For example, I was in desperate need for Peace in my life and my heart. I was frustrated and angry, all the time worrying about everything from orphan children with HIV/AIDS to my broken toenail. I went to my metaphysical store and asked for all the ingredients I needed to have Peace in my life and my heart. [Light beings covered me and peace as infused into my heart thus my life; I am everyday and every moment grateful.]

I asked Angels, Spirit Guides, Ancestors, God, and Universal Light, anyone I could possibly think about who could assist me. In my metaphysical kitchen I wrote down all


the things that would bring me peace, from the littlest things like a hot cup of tea to more faith in the world to help find a solution to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in our world. I wrote a list of all the things that I need or could do to facilitate this goal of Peace. I popped it into my biggest oven ~ industrial strength, super size bakery company oven and blessed it with love. While I waited for it to bake, I could smell that wonderful heart-warming scent seeping out of my oven. In the meantime, I cleaned my house: no more news, no more TV, no radio, read only inspirational texts, avoid or spend less time with those who were bringing me down. I prepared to receive for


my baked bread: I meditate now every morning for about 10-15 minutes, I wear only soothing colours, eat good happy foods like my favourite home foods, porridge ~ I love porridge.

I have to say it wasn t easy. It wasn t easy at all. I had to let go of revenge, vengeful

“When Planning Revenge, Dig Two Graves. ~Ancient Chinese Proverb

thoughts, open my heart again and take a lot of hot soothing baths and self-messaging. At some point I had to make a decision...Did I want to be right and crave my sense of justice or did I want Peace. It was a really tough choice,


especially since I had been very hurt and very angry, but I chose Peace every time a decision had to be made in every circumstance throughout a day and of course my culinary assistants were always helping me and guiding me. Now I have Peace in my heart ~ at least mostly. I knew it wasn t easy and it took along time to reach at point where I could let go of what I wanted to what was really important to me.

If something is really important to you, it will always stay in the for front of the mind. From time to time I falter and the moment I realize I m slipping back I just ask myself:


Is Peace in my heart more important to me than what I am wanting in anger at that moment .

From the time I started this process until now, it has been about few months. All is well. So you see, it can be done ~ for anything you want and desire in your life.


A Perfect Recipe? So, you create that special recipe and put your heart and soul into baking or cooking. It s in the oven. You cleaned up, cleared out space and made room for your magnificent dish, you have set the table beautifully, lit the candles and invited everyone you love to share in your creation. All of the sudden, one morning you open your front door or turn the corner in your usual travel route and there it is ~ Your Creation, which you so lovingly and carefully made. Congratulations!!!! But somehow, something didn t quite turn out quite as expected. Surprise! It may be better than


you expected. It may not. However we are always grateful and thankful for this gift presented to us.

First, decision time ~ do we accept this gift? It better be YES after all the hard work we put into it. Second, what do we do now? Well, enjoy it of course. The whole process was a gift in itself, and now maybe we start thinking about our next creation. Sometimes we get exactly what we ask for. What most of us do not realize is that maybe what we received was a stepping-stone to something even better or maybe, just maybe, our recipe SUCKS. Remember the old adage: Be careful what you ask for, you


just might get it. And it is hard to understand sometimes what we received; you say I didn t ask for this. Well, actually you did. Let s go back to that recipe and what ingredients we used. Remember, each ingredient, effort, action and desire we put in the recipe is an ingredient we put into and a part of ourselves that we put into the recipe to make that dish or bread. Maybe, we need to tweak it a bit.

This to me seems very common for many of us when we are creating that perfect relationship (circumstances) romantic, business or otherwise. So this Person~Wonderful shows up in your life


just as you had created. It seems that after some time we realize this relationship or person is not exactly what we had in our recipe. As it turns out, this person is a real sourpuss. I did not ask for sourpuss. Well, get that recipe. We are going to find, get, and attract that elusive Soulmate. Be aware though, what you accept in yourself, you will also attract.

By the way, I need to emphasize just a small caveat on SoulMates . I have yet to hear any of the modern gurus or luminaries mention this small fact. By definition, a soulmate is your soul s mate for all infinity, an agreement that you made with another to


always be with that one in life and afterlife, for many and varied reasons. It is a love beyond comprehension for many of us in this life experience. If you are one who subscribes to reincarnation, the many different lifetimes we experience may or may not be shared with your soulmate in the same lifetime. If you are lucky enough to meet your soulmate, it may not be all that it is cracked up to be in the sense that the person in this lifetime is subject to the same and varied influence that you experience in this life. Which means this person s personality, disposition, and character may not be compatible with your own. Maybe, this person, your soulmate that is to meet


you, for other purposes other than a romantic one. Maybe, when you meet your soulmate, this person could be an Angel in disguise or a real ASS. You decide. I think most people who are looking for their soulmate is really looking for their Soul~Mate. Someone who is a perfect, loving, match to share in life. Don t be saddened about this as most of us have many lifetimes to go to meet and be with our true Soulmate. OK back to the recipe.

The recipe may include your favourite attributes ~ tall or taller than yourself, short,


dark or light hair, curly or straight hair, healthy, sensible, etc. You get the idea. Look at your ingredients and be open and willing to accept these gifts of your soul mate. Personally, I always put in my ingredients a full head of hair (mostly) and a full set of his own teeth. This is my own personal quirk. Quite frankly, the reason for this is I really want to have a memory of him with a beautiful smile with his own teeth. As the many years pass and I learn better to appreciate our likes and differences, I can only imagine when I reach eighty years old and wake up one morning to look at my beloved smiling at me with my dentures in his mouth. It is that memory which could


come in quite handy (if I do not clobber him first: "How could you!!! Give me back my teeth. Gross me out!!!"). It may be petty but you have to be specific enough and realize that not all your wishes will come to fruition as we expect. Right! Have you ever cooked anything and afterward realized you forgot the salt or some other ingredient. Or maybe while in the excitement of mixing your batter, you accidentally put too much lemon in the lemon meringue pie. Well, this happens all the time and you look up to the sky and say to the heavens above ~ did I mention he should be employed? or looked up and say


to the world, I forgot to add teeth. Just shake your head, shake it off. Not to worry there is a remedy. There is a remedy! The most creative Chefs in the world know if it doesn't come out right, you can use it for something else, throw it out and start again. We have options. We do not have to keep everything that comes into our life. The best thing about a recipe is that it can change any way we see fit. You always have Options. You always have Choices. You just need to see it.


Every Thing and Every Person that comes into your life is an expression of yourself. That's what a recipe is, an expression of yourself. The final product that comes to you is a mirror of

You will only see what you see or need in yourself. ~My Little Brother

yourself. So we have a sourpuss on our hands ~ too much lemon! Well, if

elements of yourself is in this recipe ~ Oh My God~ you realize, maybe, I have a little sourpuss in me. Well, this will not do because the exquisite scent of my creation is wafting in the Universal ethers for all to be attracted...Sourpuss. Cross out Sour and put in something else you admire like sweetness


of sugar or if you like a little spice, cinnamon, or paprika maybe. A Word of Caution here. Use spices and peppers at your own discretion. If you can handle the hot pepper, use it sparingly. If not, I suggest a small dash would be sufficient. You might get a really intense and fiery person or relationship. This also indicates that if you do not want a specific characteristic in someone else, you might try to work on eliminating any part of yourself that carries such a characteristic. Like attracts like. Remember that amazing lunch someone had at work that attracted all those people to the kitchen? Same thing. Out! Sourpuss. Out!


This may sound trite but it may not necessarily be quite so easy in the physical realm. Just know it can be done. Check the oven. Even the greatest renowned chefs and artists had to recreate the same recipe over and over and over until they were satisfied that it was right. Picasso said of his paining of the Bull, " took me thirty years of practice to make that swoosh".

So ~ Got it! Soulmate Recipe Key - Be Specific. Be Clear.



This does take practice. It is really easy. The hard part is to do it all the time, every time for every thing and trusting the process works. Consistently.

Every once in awhile, you might feel like your metaphysical oven is on the fritz or the recipe just didn't pan out and you end up with a batch of hard rock muffins or a black charcoal roast. It is very disappointing, especially when so much care was taken to create the recipe and make your dish. So, what is one to do?

Well, for many of us, we have to mourn our loss. Grieve for ourselves; and depending on


how devastated we are, we can stay in this state for a long time. For some of us it is almost paralyzing. Yet at some point we have to keep moving. Remember, it took Picasso thirty years to make a defining "swoosh". It takes a chef to master their craft many, many years to keep a soufflĂŠ from flopping. Really? How long can you sit and stare at this burnt roast. We invited all our loved ones to share in our creation and peoples gotta eat .

You need to create. Cook! Call on your assistants. So here we go, back to the drawing board. What do we know? Look at your recipe. What did not work or what did


we learn? We do better ~ this time ~ every time.

Keys: Try. Try, and Try Again.

If you believe ~ It will be. -----------------------------------------------------------


The Karma Effect What s KARMA got to do with this? you say. There are so many new thought resources out there that it can be difficult to take in all the information. It would seem there is a resurgence of concern over karma.

Karma From the Sanskrit word (meaning 'action' or 'effect') used in Hinduism and Buddhism to refer to the principle by which a person's actions in this world determine the fate that awaits him or her after death. In English the word is sometimes used more loosely to refer


to the processes of destiny, and it has sometimes been chosen as a given name with reference to this idea.

It is the sum effect of all our intentions and actions (thought, word or deed) including our non-actions. It is the expression of actions and thoughts showing us what we need to learn to reach a higher expression of our consciousness ~ of ourselves. It is the Law of Cause and Effect. In other words, Consequences and Repercussions .

Well, your metaphysical oven may be considered the digital appliance that holds all this information of your past. It really


doesn t have any effect on your creation being formed in your oven. Yet, it does record all your intentions of past and present moments, like a databank. This why it is very important to be active in cleaning and clearing out your kitchen so that what you are creating doesn t carry all that which you do not want in your recipes and your magnificent loaf or roast.

Good News!!! Karma is about balancing. Balancing actions of the past with other actions, and you can start anytime that you want. So, if you notice that you are experiencing unkindness, be kind in every moment and be thankful. If you find or feel


that no one listens to you, listen more and be thankful. This will definitely contribute to a tastier meal that you are creating for yourself and others.

Key ~ All our past experiences, past life and present brought us to this present moment. Your past actions does not define who you are or who you are going to be; we have to create it to be true in the NOW moment. The Past is gone. The Future has yet to come. Now is all you have in this moment.


Side-Effects of Cooking with the Universe As you create, bake and do all the things necessary in anticipation of receiving your creation, there are some side effects that you should be aware.

For some of us, this process is a means to get what we want, and for others this process may be a new way of being or way of living our life. Everything changes as you start to change. Which is what we want: our circumstances, our relationships. The only


thing constant in life is change. Everything is always in a perpetual state of change or flux. As we change our thoughts, our ideas about our life and ourselves, our circumstances, our world changes and there may be certain reactions and things that come with our changing environments/circumstances.

Here are a few major challenges you might be experiencing.

One of the more difficult side effects is the reaction of others to you. Somehow you seem a little different. No one can quite put his or her finger on it but you ve changed.


You may seem a little more attentive to some or less attentive to others. Maybe, you smile more than you use to and people want to know why. Maybe, you don t take on the usual stresses in your day-to-day interactions with others like you used to without even realizing it.

Whatever the circumstances, people react differently to different experiences. Every Action has a Reaction: positive, negative, and neutral. This is something you may experience.

It is a natural occurrence because as you change your thoughts, and your way of


being so does your environment also change to better suit you in that very moment. The Universe will always support you in every way possible in accordance with the way you are ~ Always. So, if you are in a positive mindset, the universe acts accordingly to your desires. Alternatively, the reverse is true. If you are in a funk or having a ridiculously pissy day, the Universe is supporting your funky mindset at that moment.


The Fix: A Chef s Tricks and Tips So what do you do about all this? First thing STOP!!!!! Stop, Stop, Stop, Stop, Stop.

Stop what you are doing, thinking, being and take three long deep breaths. Put your hand on your heart and take another long deep breath and as you exhale say to yourself or out loud, All Is Well In My World Take another deep breath and exhale in gratitude and thanks. Thanks for just being able to breathe.


Next step: press on

regardless. Just keep

going and keep moving on with your day. One thing is for certain, every day ends and we can all start anew ~ tomorrow.

One of my favourite guides is from the teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz and his books. One of these books that I read very often is The Four Agreements ~ A Toltec Wisdom Book and the following action steps itemized below that you can do is gratefully provided by his teachings. It s the base summary that will change the way you live your daily life.

Things you can do for yourself in reaction to the new reactions of others to you:


1. First, Don’t Take It Personally. It s not about you. Hate to break the bad news but most of the time people s reactions to you are just a mirror of them. When you know that what someone is saying to you is not who you know you are, this person is sharing a part of themself with you that is uncomfortable within them.

2. Don t Make Assumptions. Who knows where the other person is coming from and maybe the other person has no idea where you are coming from either. If you see the best


in people, it is amazing the best of themselves will be shown to you.

3. Always Maintain Your Integrity. You worked really, really hard to create and manifest everything in your life. To maintain your integrity is to honour all your hard work and yourself, especially.

4. Always Do Your Best. It doesn t matter what others are doing or saying. Everyone has their own corner of the Universe and your job is to take care of your corner by creating


the best corner of the Universe while others take care of their own corner.

Whose kitchen is it anyway? Not anyone but You. Trust me. If you are going to start cooking in someone else s kitchen or start letting other

There are only three kinds of Business: My Business, Other People s Business, and God s Business.

people cook in your kitchen, it could get a little messy.

It s your life, your creation, your delicious bread or meal. You do it for you. You re the only one who knows what you want and what is best for you. Besides, nobody wants to eat his or her own crap .


So, let s not worry ~ Really. Even though some people in your current circle may not understand or agree with you, some may fall away for awhile, or disappear or may not be as compatible with you as previously, All Is Well . The people in your life who love and support you will always be there for you. Besides, the best is yet to come (as soon as you create it) because new, wonderful and interesting people will come to you and into your life. You ll be the One with the Best Lunch in the place attracting everyone to you.


So, here s another side effect that may be often overlooked. We are co-creating with the Universe and manifesting all that we want and it is sooo Cool. So many opportunities are showing up unexpectedly or expectedly (after all we are always creating whether we are conscious of it or not). It s really exciting at the same time a little freaky. I mean, suddenly you are confronted with so many decisions as you begin to notice and be aware of more opportunities; it can get a little overwhelming and confusing.

For some of us, it can be quite daunting to be making so many decisions about what to do;


Do I stay or Do I go? What do I Do NOW? Should I accept my creation manifested or maybe I ve changed my mind? Well, depending on your perspective, these challenges in life can be a real problem or a wonderful opportunity. What if we are not used to having all these opportunities open up in our life.

Well, it is a blessing but we just don t see it because we re caught up in the mess of things and then we sabotage ourselves and wonder why nothing is happening. This is probably the most frustrating and confusing side effect of cooking with the Universe.


Here are a couple of tips and tricks to figure it all out.

1. Check Your “Fear Factor�. We all have a little gauge on our metaphysical oven that checks the temperature or energy levels. We need to maintain a certain temperature to keep your creation cooking. For example, a roast will cook at 450 degrees F, bread bakes at 350 degrees F, etc. Well, the same goes for your creation. Fear is the leak in your over and your creation that causes your best meal to come out like burnt rump, or an undercooked loaf. (You know what I


mean: crunchy burnt on the outside and raw dough on the inside).

So what is your Fear Factor that is causing a leak of energy and lowering the temperature in your oven? Is it your fear of success or failure that your creation won t be up to your own expectation; maybe the fear is being alone always, will you lose something or someone; maybe it is just as simple as lack of faith that your creation will not come out at all. Once you identify your fear factor, you can override it by turning up the heat. Putting more energy into your creation. Fear is only False


Evidence Appearing Real. Until you can prove it, it doesn t exist. What you resist persists.

2. Decide What You Want. When the floodgates open as a result of being more open to all the possibilities, we can easily get distracted by all the various opportunities presented to us. FOCUS is the key here. Decide what you want and focus on that which you desire.

So, how do we do that? Well, that s what we were doing when we started creating our recipe and deciding what we wanted and didn t want. Recalling your recipe is


a great way to call back to the front of your mind that wonderful creation you desire. It s that process that got you here in the first place. Being Attentive. What you focus your attention and what your attention is focused on gets you closer to your goals. Here s a little trick for you to ponder.

Your will or willpower = Gravity; We gravitize or pull to ourselves that which we desire.

3. Make A Decision ~ Take Action How do we know what to choose when the opportunity presents itself to us?


This the easy part and of cooking with the Universe and the most fun. As the Premiere Chef of Your Kitchen, you and only you decides what comes in and what goes out.

Just by answering a few simple questions to oneself will put everything into perspective. Quick like lightening.

A. Does making the choice to accept this opportunity serve me in the best possible manner? How will this opportunity serve me at the highest and most beneficial outcome (as well as others)?


B. Does this feel good? Feeling good in your body is a great indicator of whether a circumstance best serves you. Are you excited at the prospect? Does your gut instincts want to jump for joy? It s that feeling of I can t wait for it that is a good indicator that it might be good choice you are making. You re on the right track.


Be Discriminating. Common Sense is often not common. This is not to be confused with the selfdoubts and fear factor talk we all have inside of us. If you really don t like shrimp or you are allergic to shrimp,


you are not going to put it in your recipe. The same goes for the other choices you make in your everyday interactions. If it doesn t makes sense to do it . don t do it!

You have to be absolutely clear on what the end result or outcome of your recipe to manifest what you want. Ever heard the expression: Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. What you manifest will only be and show up in your life only to the extent that you are clear.



Lastly, Take Action. Taking action towards any new endeavour can be a bit frightening. Some of us just do it any way. Some of us plan and deliberate for a while or a long time and some of us talk ourselves out of it before any major damage can be done. Each one of these strategies has its place depending on the circumstances but most of us get stuck somehow or take action that is not congruent with our creation (beating around the bush so to speak). We take every action except the one we really need to take.


Just like how we break down our recipe into the smaller details of what we want, we need to break down our actions to smaller actions. Baby steps are a great way to get momentum until you feel more comfortable taking the big steps.


Making It Work A major key to note here that might help. When your thoughts or intentions are aligned with your feelings and supported by your being, there will be no room for the self-doubt, fear factors or anything else to stop you to get what you really want or desire.

Think about it. When was the last time you had a thought and just did it? I ll give you an example from my own experience.

One day, I very abruptly decided to go on a vacation by myself ~ alone, which I have


never done before. I was a little apprehensive but more excited. The same day, I went home packed a bag and went to the airport. I didn t know where I was going or how I was going to get there or what it will cost. I went to the desk and asked for the cheapest ticket somewhere warm with a beach and all the food I could eat free. The travel agent just looked at me like I was completely out of my mind. Today? , she said. I confirmed ~ anywhere will be fine. She booked me a flight to the Caribbean, leaving in a couple of hours. I checked in got on the plane and away I went. Sitting on the plane it suddenly occurred to me, I didn t tell anyone I was leaving. Oh well, I


would deal with it when I landed at whatever hotel I was destined.

The point of the story here: I had a thought, an intention, it felt like a really, really good thing. It was a KNOWING in my gut. Impulsive? Maybe but that is the kind of impulse that you need to be looking out for and act upon. When it happens to you, you have to act on it. In some circles it may be called INSPIRATION . I didn t make time to wonder if it was good or not or time to second-guess myself. I already knew the answer, to do it physically and my entire being was so excited I couldn t wait to get to my destination. I trusted my universe to


take care of me. By the way, it was the best vacation ever!!

Here is another example and a little less extreme. Have you ever decided to go to the grocery to get your favourite vice snack? The process is the same. You get dressed, You go, You get it and You enjoy. You don t really stop to think, How will I get there? You take the car, walk, or bike, whatever. Did you notice anything? I don t think there are very many people who stop to ponder questions like: Will there be any of my favourite snack left on the shelves, What if the car breaks down, What if something


happens to me on the way, How will I know which route to take to get there?

We have a thought that resonates with our feelings and has a physical reaction congruent with our thoughts and feelings and it feels good!!! We just go with it. (If you sense any resistance in any of these areas, you know that something is amiss.) So, if we can get that agreement with the three parts of ourselves ~ thought, feeling and emotion, and physical confirmation ~ it is usually a good sign.

Like Nike ~ Just Do It!!!


Final Notes Some lasting notes for you to take into consideration:

Cooking With The Universe is your creation of what you want to manifest in this moment and your life. It is the most easiest thing you can do and the biggest secret kept from you is that you re doing it anyway ~ everyday ~ all the time. Everyday we create all kinds of things that we want and don t want and for most of us, whether we realize it or not, we actually do it unconsciously on a very small scale.


Well, now you can consciously do this with a few tricks and tips and you now can do it in on a big scale ~ REALLY BIG. As they say: Dream Big. So, what have we learned?

We have learned that when we are cooking with the Universe, we need to prepare or plan a recipe. We have learned that what ever we are cooking we need to have specific ingredients. We learned that when we put our creation to work it might take patience, attention and energy. We also have learned that we need to trust and have faith or a strong belief that our creation will manifest; finally, we learned that the best


part of cooking or making any creation is sharing with others. The whole point of this collection of wisdom is to let you know that you have the power to control your Universe and become you own genie in the Universe. You don t have to wait on someone else or other circumstances to be able to get what you want in this life. We are all here to learn, share and be ~ so we might as well Be The Best we can to allow the best come into our life


I hope you enjoy the fruits of your labour and wish you great inspiration for your creations.

Bon Appetite!!


Acknowledgments This work of inspiration could not have been facilitated without the help of my personal angels. I would like to thank my parents and my sister and my brother who have been an unending source of encouragement and support. I would also like to give much love to my friends and sisters-in-kind who have inspired me and picked me up when I could go no further. Blessings To All


About the Author: Sandy Ng is an active advocate of women's empowerment and many social justice campaigns. Her knowledge and experience has proven to inspire many individuals to find their inner wisdom and explore enhanced lifebuilding skills. She has written many articles as well as provided many workshops in popular education, training and public speaking for social justice awareness.

Please visit this website at Contact information: Email~


Action Guide to Cooking With The Universe Writing down your ideas and inspirations down is a wonderful way to discover and explore what you really want and what gives you joy. A special journal or notebook for creating your recipes is an easy and fun way to get a head start to tapping into your creativity, your dreams and your inspired new way of being. Let s plant the seed and watch it grow.


Here is one journaling prompt to get your gourmet recipe for a gourmet lifestyle to develop some momentum.

Let s just imagine for a little while that we are in the most beautiful creative space. What does it look like? Visualize what, where is this sage haven. Example: My beautiful creative space is full of love and acceptance. My sage haven welcomes everyone and everything that positively supports me and encourages me to fulfill my dreams. The creative beautiful space located on a peaceful, luminous beach is filled with the


warmth of the sun and refreshes me like the rain ~ I am strong, confident and free.

Now it s your turn to let your imagination soar.


Here is an example of my recipe for peace that I was so determined to create in my life. First, I listed all the things that I thought were blocking or preventing peace to flow through my life. (Column 1: What is blocking peace.) Then I identified all the ingredients (Column 2: Ingredients) that I would need to fulfill my creation of peace in my life. Usually it will be the opposite of what is in Column 1. I tried to visualize what my peaceful life would look like on a daily basis and what that would feel like to be a peaceful being. Finally, I picked out actions that would facilitate the manifestation of having peace in my life and becoming a peaceful being. (Column 3: Actions for Manifesting)


Taking little actions on any one of the items I listed in the Actions For Manifesting was a step closer to getting what I wanted in my life and manifesting peace. As soon as I focused my attention on these actions and my attention was focused on the results these actions would provide for me, the universe conspired with me to co-create peace for me. Negative people seem to disappear, discouraging remarks were never heard, and my mind was calmer. This can work for you. It may take time but try your best.


I Create: A Recipe For Peace In My Life Identify What Is Blocking Peace


(What is

Actions For Manifesting

reality) I m always angry

Meditate Joyful spirit

Relax & Breathe Laugh

Noise bothers




I feel nervous

Relaxed body,

& tense

Calmed Mind

Turn off TV, Radio Go to the gym Eat better, cut sugar Take Art Class Stop reading news

I hear negative


Listen to inspiring

& discouraging





Read encouraging material


I can t find

Clear & clean




Get rid of paper Organize kitchen Donate old clothes



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