for the love of the game physical education teacher monty has introduced a new kind of competition to our middle-schoolers.
Tchoukball is definitely a different kind of game. Invented by Swiss biologist Hermann Brandt in the 1970s, the sport combines elements of handball, volleyball, and squash, while focusing on inclusivity and minimizing aggression and physical contact on the court. Teams of seven (comprised of all genders) need to concentrate and work together to move the ball down the court
and bounce it against the trampoline-like “frames” on either end without the opposing team taking possession of the ball. Interceptions are not allowed. For that matter, neither is physical contact of any sort. It was for just those reasons that Lower School PE Teacher Monty Joyce knew it would be a great fit for Friends when he joined us at 250
among friends: winter 2022 ing 2020
Valencia this past summer. “I love that it focuses on the positive aspects of team sports: passing, communication, and strategy. Because the defense is placed on the ball rather than the offensive player, students can focus on helping each other be successful and not have anxiety about participating,” says Monty.