Philanthropy In Action: SFFS Annual Report 2021–2022

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Annual Report 2021–2022

To Our Families and Friends, Who Make Our Learning Community Possible



Dear Friends,

Over the summer, I had the profound privilege of meeting with a range of community members, many of whom were instrumental in envisioning and building San Francisco Friends School. I had the opportunity to hear our origin story in many forms, through a range of lenses. It gave me such a sense of awe for our story here at SFFS, for our sense of fellowship and collective effort in building this wonderful school; I knew I was in a community fortified by its mission and commitment to one another.

As I write this message to you today, the tenacity of San Francisco Friends School comes into focus yet again. The 2021–2022 school year was one in which this community faced an enormous amount of change: ongoing pandemic challenges, impending leadership shifts, and continued societal stresses and anxieties. Nevertheless, I’m so happy to say that this community showed up with strength and dedication, giving just above $1,129,779 to the 2021–2022 Annual Fund and enabling our school to invest in our students and faculty as we continue to build up our integrated curriculum; bring back our beloved overnight trips; and spearhead the formation of a new office for Institutional Equity and Belonging, which will buoy our efforts to further build and connect structures and practices that support deeper community engagement, equitable representation, and robust participation in our community.

Thank you for believing in the vision of SFFS and supporting our unique educational program, where we work with conviction to live our School’s mission of teaching students to listen to all voices, while also trusting their own, in the pursuit of creating a more caring and just society. We look forward to celebrating SFFS’s 20th anniversary by coming together in celebration in May to revisit our beautiful history, marvel at how far we’ve come, and rededicate ourselves to the program and community that continue to make us uniquely SFFS.

With gratitude,



Dear Friends,

What a joy it has been to be together in person again this year. Seeing the faces of children and adults, kindergarteners and 8th-graders, families, teachers, coaches, administrators, and all of the members of our community on campus brings warmth to the soul. From Back-to-School Night, to Community Meeting for Worship, to afternoon games in the gym, the events and activities that allow us to gather in this place we all share bring energy that is both palpable and nourishing.

As we reflect on the 2021–2022 academic year, we are grateful for so much. Our students were able to learn and play together again—not just in their classrooms, but also at the school play, the kindergarten bake sale, sports games and matches, and the Year End Celebration at Hellman Hollow. The adults who make the school hum (teachers, parents, administrators, and staff) were able to gather in celebration at an unforgettable outdoor Blue Party after a long hiatus. And we saw another record-breaking year for our Annual Fund, raising nearly $1,130,000, and our 48 Hours for Friends giving days


raised over $250,000 for our Adjustable Tuition program. We saw a healthy return on our Friends Forward Endowment—our unrestricted endowment dedicated to strengthening our school’s efforts to recruit and retain the best faculty possible—and this year is the first year that we were able to draw from it. We also celebrated the deep contributions of our beloved departing administrators, including former Head of School Mike Hanas, Jennifer Arnest, and Clarke Weatherspoon. And thanks to the work of our fantastic Head of School Search Committee, clerked by Shabnam Koirala-Azad and Edward Chung, we officially welcomed our dynamic new Head of School, Pankti Sevak, to our community. As we have all seen, Pankti has hit the ground sprinting at 250 Valencia—we feel lucky to have her vision, commitment, and spark at the helm of this institution.

We also celebrated the contributions of so many volunteers, the stewards who, through their dedication, keep us tracking towards our school’s north star: the intersection of our Quaker values and ongoing commitment to deeply engaged student learning. People like our 2021–2022 Board of Trustees coclerks Maureen McAvoy and Kelly McKane, PA co-clerks Mina Muraki and Shawn Wrobel, K-8th grade room parents, Circle of Friends volunteers, and so many more held the fabric of this community together during some of the toughest years we have had to manage through. You all have strengthened our foundation. Thank you.

We are ending our 20th year having grown from an inspired start-up Quaker school in the Castro into an established learning community with a rich history. We are strong, connected, and buzzing with the potential for how our lights can shine into the next chapter of San Francisco Friends School. There is much on the horizon for our school, and we are so grateful for all we have built together. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to San Francisco Friends School and for the many ways you continue to support the school and its mission.



San Francisco Friends School has long focused on community and connection. With COVID restrictions lifting, SFFS students, faculty, and staff have eagerly renewed established partnerships with numerous community organizations, while also forging new ones. Read on for some examples of how we are partnering with our Mission District and San Francisco neighbors.

Refuse Refuse

This relatively new community group is focused on keeping SF streets clean, with regular neighborhood trash pick-ups taking place from The Marina to The Haight. The faculty and staff of SFFS kicked off their opening meetings in August with a group clean-up of the blocks surrounding our Valencia Street campus, and Middle School advisory groups and buddy groups (including the 3rd and 7th Grade Buddies seen in the photo above) continue to head out in the community regularly with their trusty trash-pickers and bright orange trash bags. Additionally, Director of Community Engagement Guybe Slangen and Director of Collaborative Curriculum Jennifer Stuart are working with Refuse Refuse founder Vince Yuen to create a unit that can be used by schools around the city focused on waste removal, local government, and civic engagement.


Creativity Explored

This local nonprofit collective helps adults with developmental disabilities to pursue successful and fulfilling careers as artists. The Creativity Explored studio now represents 130 artists, who have seen their work sold and exhibited widely in museums, galleries, and art fairs. Our 7th and 8th Grade students visited the art center this fall, and have welcomed Creativity Explored artists to our campus, as well, where they created together in our studios and bonded over their shared love of art.

The Gubbio Project

A longtime partner with our school, The Gubbio Project has reopened its doors to our unhoused neighbors in San Francisco, giving people a safe place to sleep, grab a meal, and recharge within a warm and caring environment. In support of this organization’s mission, our 8th-Graders, faculty, and staff have returned to its location at St. John the Evangelist Church throughout the fall to clean sleeping mats, wash dishes, and help Gubbio

Project employees and volunteers put together hygiene kits for clients with essential items like socks, soap, and deodorant. This is a treasured partnership that, like so many, we envision lasting for many years to come. •

Many thanks to our SFFS parents Maren Caruso P ‘20 & ‘25 and Rachel Levin

P ‘23 & ‘26, who have spent this fall documenting the community partnerships our school is building in San Francisco.


Revenue & Expenses 2021–2022

Each year, the Board of Trustees carefully balances the fiscal and programmatic needs of the school, while attending to the vitality of our Quaker values, our staff, and our school community. Our operating budget reflects our school’s priorities and culture, and we are proud to lead the way among Bay Area schools in our Adjustable Tuition and Friends Community Scholars programs.

As an independent school we depend on the tuition and the philanthropic support of our community to sustain our programs and strategic priorities. We are grateful for the generosity of our community, and for the careful stewardship of our budget, to allow us to remain in a strong financial position.

* Please note that the Revenue chart below does not reflect restricted funds raised for the Friends Forward endowment campaign or non-operating revenue PPP loan forgiveness.

Tuition, Fees & Other Income $16,216,412 Faculty & Staff $9,965,110 Adjustable Tuition / Friends Community Scholars $3,219,298 Facilities $2,205,595 Debt Service $666,579 Educational Programming $615,498 General & Administration $1,014,365 92% 8% 56% 12% 4% 3% 6% A nnu A l E xp E ns E s : $17,686,445 EXPENSES REVENUE T o TA l I ncom E : $17,600,910 Fundraising $1,384,498 18%

Coming Together in Another Unprecedented Year

The San Francisco Friends School community came together in remarkable ways throughout last school year. Though restrictions around gathering in-person continued, we were thrilled to be able to gather together in-person for a newly imagined Blue Party and our beloved Year End Celebration in Golden Gate Park.

For the second year, we celebrated record-breaking fundraising for the Friends Annual Fund, the school’s largest source of non-tuition income. The Annual Fund ensures that Friends continues to support a breadth of programs beyond what tuition alone can provide. Thanks to the generous support of our community, last year, gifts to the Annual Fund totaled $1,129,779. We also raised an additional $254,719 for Adjustable Tuition through 48 Hours for Friends, our two-day giving event.

Every gift to SFFS is an opportunity to grow and shape the lives of our students. We are tremendously grateful for the gifts from parents, faculty, staff, trustees, alumni, grandparents, and friends that strengthen every aspect of our school and nourish our bright future.

9 ≥ $15K $10K – $14,999 $5K – $9,999 $3K – $4,999 $1K – $2,999 $500 – $999 < $500 $47,764 $34,655 $136,416 $118,691 $243,750 $162,757 $326,650 11 16 42 34 95 65 356
Annual Fund Giving by Gift Size | # of Donations | Amount Received* Total: 619 Donations | $1,070,683 Received
* Does not include matching gifts.
# of SFFS Faculty and Staff Adjustable Tuition Budget # of Zip Codes Represented # of Annual Fund Donors # of Different High Schools Attended by SFFS Alumni Total Raised by the Annual Fund # of Annual Fund Parent Volunteers Annual Fund Gift Range Total # of Students Percentage of Students with Adjustable Tuition Total 48 Hours for Friends / Blue Party Raised Percentage of Students of Color 87 $3.2M 440 26% $1,129,779 30 42 54% $254,719 13 $1–$61K 625
2021–2022 BY THE NUMBERS



The honor roll is an expression of gratitude for the generosity of the Friends community. This list reflects gifts to the Annual Fund from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.

Current Families:


Amy & Harish Abbott

Janelle Acacio

Laurence & Tania Albukerk (11)

David Alderson & Ashley Bauer

Will* & Jen Aldrich (11)

Samina Ali & Ravi Dhaddey

Azikiwee & Tamsen Anderson

Caheri Arroyo & Maria Rocha

Badi Azad & Shabnam Koirala-Azad (11)

David Baden & Allison Fox

Virginia & Jay Badenhope

Margo & Roland Bainton (17)

Deren Baker & Amy Cole

Jonathan Bayer & Janine Okmin

Alex & Heather Beckstead

Yves A. Behar & Sabrina Buell (10)

Evan Ben Artzi & Diana Levin

Alberto Benitez & Angelica Melo

Otis & Nicole Berkin

Adam Berman & Alejandro Scotta

Shelley Berniker & Erik Shepherd

Kimo & Sarah Bertram

Jessica Bier & Edgar Lopez*

Aaron & Amber Binkley

Katherine Blum & Tom Kennedy

Prasanth Boda & Sajida Kaliyadan

Yvette Bonaparte‣ & Mark Cordes (20)

Ruth Bond & Seth Miller

Violet‣ & Matt Borowski (10)

Michele Boscia & Amy DiBenedetto

John Bove & Laurel Coco

Sarina Bowen Kennerly & Owen Kennerly (14)

Noah‣ & Danielle Bowling (19)

Donna & Fred Boyer (10)

Seth Brenzel* & Malcolm Gaines

Paul Burke & Amy Flynn (10)

Taylor & Dan Burkhart

Britney Bynum & Chris Blazer

Vicente C de Baca & Jarah Euston

Greg & Lara Caimi

Lindy & Kristopher Caldwell

Jean-Claude & Ninive Calegari

Aneesha Capur & Tom Kelly

Maren Caruso & Richard Schneider

Dynelle Chan & Keven Mowen

Rachel & Joseph Chang

Eri Chaya & John Smith

Bing & Alexis Chen (11)

Brent & Lily Chiu-Watson

Jane Choi & Ronald Yu

The Chongo Family

Oliver Chubb & Daphne Li*

Yong Chun Li & Da Wu

Edward* & Eugine Chung

Roderic Clark & Lizzie Nichols

Lorena Cobarruvia & Jose Padilla

Mick Colburn‣ & Elizabeth Charnas (12)

Judson Coplan & Kate Goldstein-Breyer

Donovan Corliss & Laura Wegman

Joseph Costello & Catherine Park

Flor De Maria & Boris Cotom (16)

Elana & Jefferson Curry

Wisam Dakka

Marianne David & Marc Babsin*

Raj Dev & Erin Bailey Dev

Anil & Laurie Dewan

Erika Dirkse & Owen Rescher

Denise Dunning & Eric Petitt

Alan & Beth Dye

Sandra Edwards

Geoff & Erin Eisenberg

Michael Feldman & Christine Glastonbury (13)

Michael & Lindsey Fitzgibbons

Timothy Floreen & Duncan Kerr

Aaron & Sangita Forth (10)

Doug & Rebecca Foster*

Joseph R. Fowler & Kena Frank (10)

Christophe & Jeannie Fraise (10)

Nick & Tori Fram

Ryan & Kristen Freitas


Edwin Gackstetter & Nancy Albarran (11)

Matthew Gallivan & Dana Kalish

Jason Garoutte & Wendy Garbers

Nira Geevargis & Daniel Zaheer

James Gettinger & Sharan Sklar

Gary & Aggie Gettys

Jenny Gheith & Yoni Levy

Rich Gill & Emma Stewart

Katharine Gin & Kjell Nordeson

Deborah Gitin & Ian Brown

Jonathan & Alexandra Golden

The Goorin Family

Elena & Thomas Gorman

Todd Gottula & Erin Brooks

Rebecca & Scott Grant

William Gray & Sharon Maloney

Satish Gudiboina & Soumi Gupta

Ranvir & Nikita Gujral*

Annie Gwynne-Vaughan‣ & Lauren Gersick (12)

Andrew Hahn & Molly Maybrun

P.J. Haley & Jennifer Hsieh*

Laura Hall

Michelle Hall & Bryan Janeway

David Hamsher & Katherine Karas

Julie & Michael Hennessey

Elizabeth Hill (11)

Laura Hill & Marc Kunney (16)

Cassia Holstein & Peter Albers

Ernie Hsin* & Carla Oshiro

George Hu & Hannah Luo (11)

Errol Hunter & Jennifer Anastasoff

Benjamin Ibarra & Andrea Tacdol

Dawn & John Iparraguirre

Devalin Jackson

Amy Jacobson & Michelle Wong

Ted & Kathleen Janus

Jennifer & Bryan Johnson

Jenny Johnston

Annie & Morgan Jones

Marilyn & Anthony Jones

Scott Jones & Chrysty Esperanza*

Joshua Joseph

Alison & Matthias Kamber

Hemal Kanzaria & Alissa Detz

Caitlin & Niall Kavanagh

Margot & Matthew Kenaston

Michelle Kim & Julian Gay

Ann Kim & Kevin Yee

Nina Kim & Matthew Schultz

Thomas Kim & Christopher Tatro

Marta Kochanska & Paul More

Chau & Joshua Koltun

Ruth & Praveen Krishnan

Philip & Erica Kurien

Catherine & Brian Kwong

The Ladha Family

Enrique & Dara Landa

Eugene Lee & Paul Lei

Aimee & Tjarko Leifer

Rachel Levin & Josh Richter

Danielle Levitas & Glen Kunene

Wendell Lim & Karen Earle (10)

Elizabeth Loh & Barron Lee

Elizabeth Longstreth* & Adam French

Daniel Lurie & Becca Prowda

Kyle Mach & Maureen Linch

Mayra Madrigal & Fernando Lopez

Hilary A. Magowan & Anton Malko (10)

Kimberley Magowan & Bryan Wagner

Karena Man & John Kearns

Steven Manning & Kristine Wong (11)

Lourdes Martinez & Enrique Ortegon

Tracie‣ & Alyssa Mastronicola

Christina & Davis McCarroll-Doherty

Andrew McCollum & Gretchen Sisson

Melody Meckfessel

Jeffrey Meisel & Erica Weiss

Jessica Mendels & Todd Cleary (13)

Ariel Mendez-Penate‣ & Patricia Cotter

Andrew Miller & Eleanor Hsu

Rob & Gaby Mishev

Hope Mohr & Matthew Zinn

Jennifer Mraz & John Whelan

Karen Mu & Jonas Edman

David Muller & Lana Porcello

Mina Muraki & Michael Downs

Drew Myers & Clare Gupta

Rubbee & Daniel Myggen

Maxence Nachury & Karin Reif

Masato & Katie Nakagawa

George Ng & Irene Chan

Lorena Ng & Yedi Wong

Hongmai Nguyen & Brett Levin

Heather Nyong’o

Dave Oak & Son Kim

Zack & Heather Oelerich (13)

Ingrid & Kevin Oliver

Yaron & Amanda Oren

Gary Orenstein & Ching-Yee Hu*

Kyre Osborn & Ellen Hobbs

Anne Osmun & John Eidinger

Gene & Seta Paige

Christina Papanestor & Lara Chan

Jyotiwardhan Patil & Julie Hwang

Sarah Patterson & John Kucera

Sastry Penumarthy & Mala Pattanayek

Yvonne Perez-Sallaberry* & Michael Sallaberry (14)

Laura Pincus & Brian Schwartz

Robert Pinnix & Charles Bello*

Karina & Mark Prior

Supriya Rajpal & Evan Kempner

Vikram & Geeta Rao (10)

Dominic & Holly Restani

Ben & Charlene Son Rigby (11)

Corinne Rocca & Jared Holstein

Carmen Rodriguez

Will Rogers & Anna Andersson




Rachel & Alexis Rouda

Bob & Brenna Rudd

Ahsha Safai & Yadira Taylor

Mona Salma & Mark Hoffman

Andrew Salverda & Sarah Ray (14)

Maria Sanchez & Jose Escandon

Ami Sanghvi & Snehal Patel

Pravin Savkar & Meher Singh

Jennifer Schultz (14)

Jen & Mike Schwartz

Mark Selcow & Lisa Acree (12)

Adesola Seligman & Kim Quinteros

Jennifer & Jaideep Shah

Rachel Sheinbein & Joe Greenstein

Jamieson Sheffield & Natasha Miley

Matthew & Mary Beth Sheridan

Michiko Shibata & Jeffrey Tabas

Janet & Thomas Shimotake

Marie Shin & Justin Neben

Jonathan Shulman & Yael Kimchie

Jessica & Aaron Sittig

Guybe Slangen‣ & Susan Jun (13)

Susie Smith & Michael Mitton

Abigail Stewart-Kahn & Matthew S. Kahn

Jay Stilwell

Ege & Sonali Tanor

Miriam Telles

Alexander Terry & Colleen Bal

Shalinee* & Ravi Thakur

John Tighe & Ngu Phan

Ryan & Ivy Tom (11)

Douglass Tomlinson & Christopher Hall

Vinnee Tong

Ann Torres & Trey Marlowe

Blanca & Maximiliano Trujillo

Julia Trujillo & Richard Bourgon

Sirni Vishnubhatta & Sukhi Thethy

Yogini & Neil Wadhawan

Nathan & Susan Weems

Cameron & Phil West

Carrie & Aaron Whitmore

Samantha & JJ Wiesler

Todd Williams & Georgia


Miriam & Shawn Wrobel

Sue Yoon & Martin Wicke

Siegrid Yu

Sonya Yu & Zachary Lara

Sandra Zamora & Felipe Garcia

Shuyi & Steve Zhang

Jeffrey Zimmet & Neda Ratanawongsa

Maxine Zylberberg & Tai Stillwater

Alumni Students:

Lucas F. Borden*, 2011

James Hsin, 2022

Logan Hu, 2022

Avi Katzman, 2022

Grant Kelso, 2022

Ezra Parkhill, 2015

Samuel Parkhill, 2013

Tobin Parkhill, 2019

Michael F. Springer, 2012

Robert Springer, 2014

Paxton Sullivan, 2022

Sam West, 2022

Stephanie L. Woodford, 2011

Friends of Friends (including Alumni Parents, GrandFriends, Faculty & Staff, and Trustees):


Camilo Barrera Acosta*

Sharon & Tony Albers

Daryl & Edith Alderson

Carol Allen

Dan Alvarez‣

Caren‣ & Michael Andrews (20)

Sona & Harout Arabian

Lydia Arellano

Jennifer‣ & Martin Arnest (14)

Judy Aufderhaar

Alan & Betty Baden

Peggy & Thomas Badenhausen

Cedric & Dee Bainton (17)

Kate & Jay Banfield (19)

Eugene & Nancy Bardach

AJ & Tony Barnert

Stephen & Coreen Bauer

Barry & Susan Bayer

George & Sheila Bertram

Thomas Bier

Chris & Bob Bingham

Fred & Cindy Blum

Clara Blumenkrantz

Gary & Helen Brenzel

Philip Brettschneider‣

Charles Breyer

Susan Bronstein & Bob Lichtman

Kira Bronston & Peter Ostrow (15)

Sabrina‣ & Andrew Brooks (12)

Anhvu Buchanan‣

Wendy Buffett & Joel Kreisberg (20)

Jon Burnett‣ & Rebecca Castelli (19)

Maria & Andrew Burtis (15)

Michael & Mei Lin Chan

Kerrie Chappelka

Renee & Andrew Charnas

Pashmina & Vik Chaudhary (11)

Drs. Calvin & Amy Chien

Charles Chung & Youngduck Chung (14)

Ellen Cleary


Steve & Toni Coleman

Tracy‣ & Jordy Coleman (16)

Dayton & Sheri Coles

Omar & Gloria Cotom‣

Sandy & Sarah Crockett (13)

Timothy & Celine Curran

Greg Dalton & Lucia Choi-Dalton (12)

Kristen‣ & Jeff Daniel (16)

Joe & Marilyn Davis

Jack de Vries

Rose Diaz

Frances Dickson‣ & Doug Reed (13)

Michael & Marilyn Downs

Mary Ellen Dye

Terry & Lindsay Eakin

Rob & Julie Edwards

Patricia & Walt Edwards

Dottie & John Eidinger

Charles Eisenberg & Diane Wheaton

Frances Elsberry‣

Ellen Everitt‣

Gail & Martin Feinberg

Barbara & Irwin Feldman (13)

Janet & Jim Fitzgibbons

Evelyn Florin‣ (13)

Sara Flynn

Mitch & Carolyn Forster

Donna Fortier Borden & John Borden (20)

Robert Fram & Jeanne Blamey

Kathleen Freitas

Susan Friedman & Michelle Jean (13)

Vivian Fu (13)

Ryan Gallagher‣ (15)

Anne Gallivan

Sal & Louise Garcia

Suzanne Geller‣ (13)

Ms. Marty Gholston

Stephen Gill

Yuen & Sandra Gin

Barbara & Barry Goldin

Saundra & Doug Goodman

Debra & Bing Gordon

Erin Gordon & Craig Etlin (15)

Linda Gordon

Beverly Grant & Piers Van Ziffle

Cheryl & Steve Grant

Chip Gray

Andrea Green‣

Martin & Rachel Greenstein

Marsha Greenwood

Robyn Griffler

Samantha Guan & Samson Yu

Ruth Gupta

Robert & Carol Gwynne-Vaughan

Carl Haley‣

Betsy Hambrecht & Robert Eu

Michael Hanas‣ & Sue Gouchoe

Stephen Hankins & Laura Jones

Teuila & David Hanson

Frank & Ann Hardenbergh

Andrea Hartsough

Jackie Haslam

Emilie Hautemont‣

Luis Hernandez‣

Tanya Hernandez‣

Asiff Hirji & Sarah Wigglesworth (13)

Christine Hoang & Paul Nakada (19)

Pam & Alex Hochman

Judy A. Hogan & Kelly Cytron

Jonathan Holstein

Chen Chung Hsin & Anna Hsin

Bodhi & Phoenix Janeway

Mike & Anette Janeway

Colleen Johnson

Emilie Johnson

Samuel & Della Johnson

Dorothy Johnston

Barbara & Mike Jones

David Jones

Alexis Joseph & August Navarro

Steve Kalish & Anita Bollt

Koof Kalkstein (14)

Heide & Martin Kamber

Sandra & Richard Karas

Tom & Catherine Kavanagh

Anne Kearns

Lynn & David Kelso

Erin Kendrew‣ (14)

Eileen & Daniel Kennedy

Kathryn Keslosky‣

Sung & Pyoung Kim

Bob & Arlene Kogod (18)

Victoria Kopelevich‣

Rosemary Laurent

Claudia Leal‣

Nelson Lee

Vinnie & Mary Lee O’Connor

Randy Lehrer

Bruce & Pamela Levin

Gary Levin

Saul Levy & Sue Siegel

Rob* & Jennifer Lippincott

Stephen & Caroline Long (11)

David & Eleanor Louis (13)

Kathryn Ma & Sanford Kingsley

George & Elizabeth Malko

Rebecca Mallabone‣

Dolores Maloney

Helene Manheim (17)

Kaylin Mansley‣

Maureen McAvoy* & Brian Elliott (17)

Lisa McEachron‣ (15)

Nick McGrane‣

Kelly & Mark McKane (14)

Ash McNeely & Elisa Odabashian

Laura Medina Quintanar‣

Barry & Gloria Meisel

Sara‣ & Scott Melman

Roni & Paul Melmed

Leon Metz

Jeremy Mikush‣

Gabby Miller‣

Alissa Kinney Moe‣

Nancy & Larry Mohr

John & Livy More

Jeff & Gloria Mosseri

Linda & Keith Mowen

Glen Moy

George & Winnie Mu

Bob & Elham Mudawar (13)

Susan & Gib Myers

Sebastian Myggen

Celeste & Fred Nameth

Julie Nameth

Susan & Ernest Neben

Alfredo & Dina Neira (10)

Andy & Peggy Newman (12)

Lisa Ng

Sally & Grove Nichols

Jo Ann Ogden & Janet Luce

Patrice & Arnie Oji (20)

Larry & Linda Okmin


Helen Oshiro

Lisa Papandrea

Maria Elena Papson

Hilary & Jay Parkhill (18)

Nita & Prabodh Patel

Julyan Peard

Doug Peckler & Evy Pine (20)

Diane Pincus & Tomas Berl

Kim Plough‣

Jeff Porter‣ (18)

Mike Powers & Margot Golding (18)

Margaret Prescott

Katherine Preston‣ (10)

Joe & Joan Prior

Emilie Privratsky

Sherry Prowda

Bekah Puddington‣

Pat Rabidoux

Bal Raj & Minakshi Capur

Maureen Ray‣

Dr. & Mrs. Walker Ray

Nicholas & Dorothy Rescher

Kathleen Rhodes

Renee Richards & John Hill

Jane Rinard‣

Susan Ring

Roy & Marianne Rocca

Will Rogers & Anna Andersson

Byron Rouda & Lynette Cayson

Nicole Rouda

Jim & Nancy Rudd

Pam & Chris Rupright

Marica & Yasin Salma

Harold Salverda

Nelly* & Tim Sapinski

Cynthia* & Marc Schroeder

Gene Schutz

Bob Schwartz

Debra Schwartz

Naomi Schwartz

Patricia Sciarrotta

Leslie Selcow (12)

Charlotte Seligman

Pankti Sevak & Josie Rodberg

Sandra Sheinbein

Robert Sheppard & Janis d’Assalenaux

Robert & Judy Sheridan

Douglas & Janet Sjoquist

Marlene Sloger & Hans Hull (14)

Tia & Jeff Small

Patrick Smith‣

Andrea Snyder‣

Emma Sonduck‣ & Christopher Walker

Shirley St. Amand

Jocelyn & Paul Startz (18)

Gladys Stone

Jason Stone‣ & Adra Valentine (10)

Daniel Sullivan‣

Lynda Sullivan & Mark Sachleben (18)

Christine Tantoco‣ & Marshall Nam

Jill Tarlau

Tom & Lisa Teliska

Armando Telles

Carole Trakimas

Jen Tsai

Karen & Tony Varnhagen

Sherry Velazquez‣

Marina Vendrell Renaut‣ (17)

Steve & Ellen Vener (16)

Madelyn Vilhauer‣

Diane Warren

Karen & Wade Watson

Clarke Weatherspoon‣ & Joanna Ro

Alex & Barbara Weems

Lydia Wegman

Betty & Kenneth Weiss

Eleanor Wendell (13)

Susan L. West

Yoshiko Williams

Lisa Woldin

Mabel Yu

Nancy Zinn

Corporate Matching and Foundations:

Adobe Systems Incorporated

Apple, Inc.

Black Rock, Inc.

Digital Realty Trust

Dodge & Cox


FORMA Construction

FTI Consulting



Google Matching Gift Program

Kaiser Permanente of Northern California

Kapor Enterprises, Inc

Levi Strauss & Co

LinkedIn Corporation


McKinsey & Company

Mimi and Peter Haas Fund

Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust


Nvida Corporation

Pacific Gas & Electric Company

Premier Nutrition

San Francisco Friends Meeting

Taube Family Foundation

The Owen Cheatham Foundation

The Salesforce Foundation

The Sports Basement


Village Market

Visa, Inc

Walt Disney Company Foundation

Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this list, and we would appreciate you sharing with us any errors or omissions

‣ Faculty & Staff

* Denotes a member of the Board of Trustees for 2021–2022 & 2022–2023

( ) Indicated (10) or more years of current consecutive giving


Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our students!

The impact of your gift is felt by every student, every day.


Volunteers are essential to our school community. The value that they add by offering their time and energy strengthens the fabric of our community and saves our school valuable resources.

We are so grateful to each and every one of our volunteers for their service to our school. Whether it’s serving on the school’s Board of Trustees or working with our Parents Association or helping out on a classroom project, every act of service has an impact.

To learn more about supporting Friends, please visit our website or contact the Development Office at 415.565.0400.


At San Francisco Friends School, students learn in a community grounded in the Quaker values of reflection, integrity, peaceful problemsolving, and stewardship. Our teachers challenge students with a dynamic curriculum that inspires curiosity, cooperation, and hard work. We teach children to listen to all voices and to trust their own. We engage with the world around us with kindness and conviction, working toward the Quaker ideal of a caring and just society.

Audit Committee on Trustees


Equity & Inclusion Steering



Head of School Search


Quaker Life

Strategic Opportunities

Working Group



Annual Fund

Black Box Theater Support

Circle of Friends


Community Connections

Equity & Inclusion


Giants Night


Learning Support Alliance


Mixed-Up Potlucks

Room Parents

School Store Service

Spanish Speakers and Allies



Teacher-Staff Appreciation


Year-End Celebration

250 Valencia Street | San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.565.0400 |

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