Aarkstore - Employee Benefits in Luxembourg

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AArkstore enterprise 14th Novenber 2014

Employee Benefits in Luxembourg Browse Full Report @ http://www.aarkstore.com/insurance/54167/employee-benefits-in-luxembourg Published: Sep 2014 | No. Of Pages: 63 Pages PDF: $ 1950 | Site Licence : $ 3900 | Enterprise Wide Licence : $ 5850

Synopsis The report provides in-depth industry analysis, information and insights into employee benefits in Luxembourg, including: • An overview of state and compulsory benefits in Luxembourg • Detailed information about private benefits in Luxembourg • Insights into the various central institutions responsible for the administration of the different branches of social security • The regulatory framework and recent regulations relating to Luxembourg employee benefits

Summary Luxembourg has a comprehensive social security system. It is based on principles of solidarity that guarantee generous pension benefits and widespread access to extensive health and long-term care services. A uniform social security status was introduced for all private sector employees in 2009, which led to structural changes in the social security system, the establishment of equal rights for all employees and the harmonization of contributions and benefits under the social security system. The flexible pension system which rewards deferred retirement, motivates employees to work longer while the well-developed care systems and labor market policies encourage the recruitment of older workers. The increase in the aging workforce is a major concern for the country as it may adversely affect the sustainability of the

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AArkstore enterprise welfare system and the maintenance of the pension system. Therefore, continuous and sustainable economic and employment growth is necessary for the viable development of the social security system.

Scope This report provides a detailed analysis of employee benefits in Luxembourg: • It offers a detailed analysis of the key government-sponsored employee benefits, along with private benefits • It covers an exhaustive list of employee benefits, including retirement benefits, death in service benefits, long-term disability benefits, short-term sickness benefits, medical benefits, workmen’s compensation, maternity and paternity benefits, family benefits, minimum resources, unemployment and private benefits • It highlights the economic and regulatory situations relating to employee benefits in Luxembourg

Reasons To Buy • Make strategic decisions using in-depth information related to Luxembourg employee benefits • Assess the Luxembourg employee benefits market, including state and compulsory benefits and private benefits • Gain insights into the key employee benefit schemes offered by employers in Luxembourg • Gain insights into key regulations governing Luxembourg employee benefits, and their impact on companies

Key Highlights • Luxembourg has a comprehensive social security system. It is based on principles of solidarity that guarantee generous pension benefits and widespread access to extensive health and long-term care services • Retirement, death, disability, sickness, maternity and unemployment benefits are some benefits that form a part of the state and compulsory benefits granted to the people in Luxembourg • Mobile phones, car and fuel allowance, crèche facilities for the children of employees, personalized membership cards, employee stock option plans and luncheon vouchers are some of the private benefits offered by employers

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AArkstore enterprise • In Luxembourg, it is the responsibility of the employer to perform all the formalities required for the enrolment of employees into the social security schemes

Tables Of Contents 1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction 2.1 What is this Report About? 2.2 Definitions 3 Country Statistics 4 Overview of Employee Benefits in Luxembourg 5 Regulations 6 State and Compulsory Benefits 6.1 Retirement Benefits 6.1.1 Introduction 6.1.2 Types of retirement plans 6.1.3 Eligibility 6.1.4 Age 6.1.5 Pensionable salary 6.1.6 Benefits 6.1.7 Payment options 6.1.8 Typical employer practice 6.1.9 Employee and employer contributions 6.1.10 Taxation

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AArkstore enterprise 6.2 Death in Service 6.2.1 Introduction 6.2.2 Eligibility 6.2.3 Benefits 6.2.4 Payment options 6.2.5 Typical employer practice 6.2.6 Employee and employer contributions 6.2.7 Taxation 6.3 Long-term Disability Benefits 6.3.1 Introduction 6.3.2 Eligibility 6.3.3 Benefits 6.3.4 Payment options 6.3.5 Typical employer practice 6.3.6 Employee and employer contributions 6.3.7 Taxation 6.4 Short-term Sickness Benefits 6.4.1 Introduction 6.4.2 Eligibility 6.4.3 Benefits 6.4.4 Payment options 6.4.5 Typical employer practice 6.4.6 Employee and employer contribution

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AArkstore enterprise 6.4.7 Taxation 6.5 Medical Benefits 6.5.1 Introduction 6.5.2 Eligibility 6.5.3 Benefits 6.5.4 Payment options 6.5.5 Typical employer practice 6.5.6 Employee and employer contribution 6.6 Workmen’s Compensation Insurance 6.6.1 Introduction 6.6.2 Eligibility 6.6.3 Benefits 6.6.4 Payment options 6.6.5 Employee and employer contributions 6.6.6 Taxation 6.7 Maternity and Paternity Benefits 6.7.1 Introduction 6.7.2 Eligibility 6.7.3 Benefits 6.7.4 Payment options 6.7.5 Employee and employer contributions 6.7.6 Taxation 6.8 Family Benefits

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AArkstore enterprise 6.8.1 Introduction 6.8.2 Eligibility 6.8.3 Benefits 6.8.4 Payment options 6.8.5 Employee and employer contribution 6.8.6 Taxation 6.9 Minimum Resources 6.9.1 Introduction 6.9.2 Eligibility 6.9.3 Benefits 6.9.4 Payment options 6.9.5 Employer and employee contributions 6.9.6 Taxation 6.1 Long-term Care Insurance 6.10.1 Introduction 6.10.2 Eligibility 6.10.3 Benefits 6.10.4 Payment options 6.10.5 Employer and employee contributions 6.10.6 Taxation 6.11 Unemployment 6.11.1 Introduction 6.11.2 Eligibility

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AArkstore enterprise 6.11.3 Benefits 6.11.4 Payment options 6.11.5 Employee and employer contributions 6.11.6 Taxation 7 Private Benefits 7.1 Retirement Benefits 7.2 Disability Benefits 7.3 Death Benefits 7.4 Medical and Health Benefits 7.5 Other Benefits 8 Macroeconomic Indicators 8.1 Economic Performance 8.1.1 GDP at constant prices (US dollars) 8.1.2 GDP per capita at constant prices (US dollars) 8.1.3 GDP at current prices (US dollars) 8.1.4 GDP per capita at current prices (US dollars) 8.1.5 GDP split by key sectors 8.1.6 Inflation rate 8.1.7 Annual average exchange rate US$–EUR 8.1.8 Unemployment rate 8.1.9 Household consumption expenditure 8.2 Demographics 8.2.1 Labor force

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AArkstore enterprise 8.2.2 Total population 8.2.3 Urban and rural population 9 Appendix 9.1 Methodology 9.2 Contact Timetric 9.3 About Timetric 9.4 Timetric’s Services 9.5 Disclaimer

List Of Tables Table 1: Definitions Table 2: Luxembourg – Country Statistics Table 3: Luxembourg – Recent Amendments in the Regulations Table 4: Luxembourg – Contribution by Employer and Employee Table 5: Luxembourg – New School Year Allowance for Children Table 6: Luxembourg – Minimum Resources – Cash Benefits (Excluding Child Benefit) Table 7: Luxembourg – Minimum Resources – Cash Benefits (Including Child Benefit)

List Of Figures Figure 1: Major Organizations of Luxembourg Social Security System Figure 2: Luxembourg GDP at Constant Prices, (US$ Billion), 2008–2012 Figure 3: Luxembourg GDP Per Capita at Constant Prices, (US$), 2008–2012 Figure 4: Luxembourg GDP at Current Prices, (US$ Billion), 2008–2012 Figure 5: Luxembourg GDP Per Capita at Current Prices, (US$), 2008–2012

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AArkstore enterprise Figure 6: Luxembourg GDP by Key Segments, (%), 2008 and 2012 Figure 7: Luxembourg Inflation Rate, (%), 2008–2012 Figure 8: Luxembourg Annual Average Exchange Rate US$–EUR, 2008–2012 Figure 9: Luxembourg Unemployment Rate, (%), 2008–2012 Figure 10: Luxembourg Household Consumption Expenditure, (US$ Billion), 2008–2011 Figure 11: Luxembourg Size of Labor Force, (Million), 2008–2012 Figure 12: Luxembourg Total Population, (Million), 2008–2012 Figure 13: Luxembourg Urban and Rural Population, (%), 2008–2012

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About Aarkstore Enterprise Aarkstore Enterprise is a leading provider of business and financial information and solutions worldwide. We specialize in providing online market business information on market research reports, books, magazines, conference at competitive prices, and strive to provide excellent and innovative service to our customers.

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