Aarkstore Enterprise - Employee Benefits in Poland

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Employee Benefits in Poland Browse Full Report @

http://www.aarkstore.com/insurance/51111/Employee-Benefits-in-Poland Published: Sep 2014 No. Of Pages: 57 Pages PDF: $1950 Site Licence: $3900 Enterprise Wide Licence: $5850

Synopsis The report provides in-depth industry analysis, information and insights of the employee benefits in Poland, including: • Overview of the state and compulsory benefits in Poland • Detailed information about the private benefits in Poland • Insights on various central institutions responsible for the administration of the different branches of social security • The regulatory framework and recent regulations relating to Polish employee benefits

Summary Poland has a well developed social security system that covers the risks of employees, self-employed persons and their family members. Zakad Ubezpiecze Spoecznych (Social Insurance Institution – ZUS) is the Polish state organization responsible for social insurance benefits. ZUS is supervised by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and is responsible for sickness and maternity cash benefits, as well as pensions for retirement, invalidity, survivors, accidents at work and occupational diseases. In 2012, ZUS paid PLN156,209 million (US$50,032.9 million) as pension benefits to 7.3 million persons. ZUS is also responsible for the collection of social insurance and health insurance contributions and contributions to the Labor Fund and the Fund of Guaranteed Employee Benefits. The pension system in Poland was reformed in 1999, which replaced a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) basis method with a three pillars system – Pension Institutions, Open Pension Funds and Voluntary Occupational Pensions. Polish private firms offer voluntary supplementary pension programs for employees.

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Scope This report provides a detailed analysis of employee benefits in Poland: • It offers a detailed analysis of the key government-sponsored employee benefits, along with private benefits • It covers an exhaustive list of employee benefits, including retirement benefits , death in service benefits, long-term disability benefits, short-term sickness benefits, medical benefits, workmen’s compensation, maternity and paternity benefits, family benefits, minimum resources, unemployment benefits and private benefits • It highlights the economic and regulatory situations relating to employee benefits in Poland

Reasons To Buy • Make strategic decisions using in-depth information related to Polish employee benefits • Assess the Polish employee benefits market, including state and compulsory benefits and private benefits • Gain insights into the key employee benefit schemes offered by private employers in Poland • Gain insights into key regulations governing Polish employee benefits, and their impact on companies

Key Highlights • The Polish social security system covers a large proportion of the population, and plays a significant role in the country’s employee benefits market • Zakad Ubezpiecze Spoecznych (Social Insurance Institution – ZUS) is the Polish state organization responsible for social insurance benefits • Voluntary Occupational Pensions come under the third pillar of the Polish pension system and cover less than 4% of employees

Table Of Content 1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction 2.1 What is this Report About? 2.2 Definitions

AArkstore enterprise 3 Country Statistics 4 Overview of Employee Benefits in Poland 5 Regulations 6 State and Compulsory Benefits 6.1 Retirement Benefits 6.1.1 Introduction 6.1.2 Eligibility 6.1.3 Age 6.1.4 Benefits 6.1.5 Payment options 6.1.6 Typical employer practice 6.1.7 Employee and employer contributions 6.1.8 Taxation 6.2 Death in Service 6.2.1 Introduction 6.2.2 Eligibility 6.2.3 Benefits 6.2.4 Payment options 6.2.5 Typical employer practice 6.2.6 Employee and employer contributions 6.2.7 Taxation 6.3 Long-term Disability Benefits 6.3.1 Introduction 6.3.2 Eligibility 6.3.3 Benefits

AArkstore enterprise 6.3.4 Payment options 6.3.5 Typical employer practice 6.3.6 Employee and employer contributions 6.3.7 Taxation 6.4 Short-term Sickness Benefits 6.4.1 Introduction 6.4.2 Eligibility 6.4.3 Benefits 6.4.4 Payment options 6.4.5 Typical employer practice 6.4.6 Employee and employer contributions 6.4.7 Taxation 6.5 Medical Benefits 6.5.1 Introduction 6.5.2 Eligibility 6.5.3 Benefits 6.5.4 Typical employer practice 6.5.5 Employee and employer contributions 6.6 Workmen’s Compensation 6.6.1 Introduction 6.6.2 Eligibility 6.6.3 Benefits 6.6.4 Payment options 6.6.5 Employee and employer contributions 6.6.6 Taxation

AArkstore enterprise 6.7 Maternity and Paternity Benefits 6.7.1 Introduction 6.7.2 Eligibility 6.7.3 Benefits 6.7.4 Payment options 6.7.5 Employee and employer contributions 6.7.6 Taxation 6.8 Family Benefits 6.8.1 Introduction 6.8.2 Eligibility 6.8.3 Benefits 6.8.4 Payment options 6.8.5 Employee and employer contributions 6.8.6 Taxation 6.9 Unemployment Benefits 6.9.1 Introduction 6.9.2 Eligibility 6.9.3 Benefits 6.9.4 Payment options 6.9.5 Employee and employer contribution 6.9.6 Taxation 6.1 Long-term Care Insurance 6.10.1 Introduction 6.10.2 Eligibility 6.10.3 Benefits

AArkstore enterprise 6.10.4 Payment options 6.10.5 Taxation 6.11 Minimum Resources 6.11.1 Introduction 6.11.2 Eligibility 6.11.3 Benefits 6.11.4 Payment options 6.11.5 Employee and employer contributions 6.11.6 Taxation 7 Private Benefits 7.1 Retirement Benefits 7.2 Long-term Disability Benefits 7.3 Death in Service 7.4 Short-term Sickness Benefits 7.5 Medical Benefits 7.6 Other Benefits 8 Economic Indicators 8.1 Economic Performance 8.1.1 GDP at constant prices (US$) 8.1.2 GDP per capita at constant prices (US$) 8.1.3 GDP at current prices (US$) 8.1.4 GDP per capita at current prices (US$) 8.1.5 GDP by key sectors 8.1.6 Inflation rate 8.1.7 Annual average exchange rate US$–PLN

AArkstore enterprise 8.1.8 Unemployment rate 8.1.9 Gross National Disposable Income 8.2 Demographics 8.2.1 Total population 8.2.2 Labor force 8.2.3 Urban and rural populations 9 Appendix 9.1 Methodology 9.2 Contact Timetric 9.3 About Timetric 9.4 Timetric’s Services 9.5 Disclaimer

List Of Tables Table 1: Definitions Table 2: Poland – Country Statistics Table 3: Poland – Qualifying Period for Long-term Disability Benefit Table 4: Poland – Duration of Leaves Table 5: Poland – Amount Paid as Child Benefits Table 6: Poland – Long-term Care Benefits In Kind

List Of Figures Figure 1: Major Organizations of the Polish Social Security System Figure 2: Polish GDP at Constant Prices (US$ Billion), 2008–2012 Figure 3: Polish GDP Per Capita at Constant Prices (US$), 2008–2012

AArkstore enterprise Figure 4: Polish GDP at Current Prices (US$ Billion), 2008–2012 Figure 5: Polish GDP Per Capita at Current Prices (US$), 2008–2012 Figure 6: Polish GDP by Key Segments (%), 2008–2012 Figure 7: Polish Inflation Rate (%), 2007–2013 Figure 8: Polish Annual Average Exchange Rate US$–PLN, 2008–2012 Figure 9: Polish Unemployment Rate (%), 2008–2012 Figure 10: Polish Gross National Disposable Income (US$ Billion), 2007–2011 Figure 11: Polish Total Population (Million), 2008–2012 Figure 12: Polish Size of Labor Force (Million), 2007–2012 Figure 13: Polish Urban and Rural Populations (%), 2008–2012

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About Aarkstore Enterprise Aarkstore Enterprise is a leading provider of business and financial information and solutions worldwide. We specialize in providing online market business information on market research reports, books, magazines, conference at competitive prices, and strive to provide excellent and innovative service to our customers.

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