Aarkstore - India Mobile Data Market to 2015: Mobile Subscriptions by Operators

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AArkstore enterprise 12th December 2014

India Mobile Data Market to 2015: Mobile Subscriptions by Browse Full Report @ http://www.aarkstore.com/telecommunications/80218/india-mobile-data-market-to-2015mobile-subscriptions-by-operators Published: May 2014 | No. Of Pages: 30 Pages PDF: $ 700 | Site Licence : $ 1400 |Enterprise Wide Licence :$ 2100

Oper ators

Summary "India Mobile Data Market to 2015: Mobile Subscriptions by Operators" report provides a top-level overview and detailed insights into the operating environment for mobile operators. It is an essential tool for companies active across the telecom value chain in India and for new companies that may be considering entering the market.

Key Findings

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AArkstore enterprise - Demographics - Statistical data on India population, households, businesses, nominal GDP, nominal GDP per Capita, consumer price inflation, exchange rates (local currency and US dollar) - India mobile services penetration covering: Main lines, mobile users, mobile subscriptions by type and mobile data users - Mobile subscriptions by operators: Total number of mobile subscriptions by network Operatorsand MVNOs - Mobile subscriptions by package type - Insights into Prepaid/Post-paid subscriptions and mobile churn - Total mobile revenues including messaging and applications.

Synopsis This report offers a concise breakdown of India operating environment, with both historic data and forecasts to 2015. The report contains quantitative data which covers: - Demographics - data on India population, households, businesses, nominal GDP, nominal GDP per Capita, consumer price inflation, exchange rates (local currency and US dollar) - India mobile services penetration covering: Main lines, mobile users, mobile subscriptions by type and mobile data users - Mobile subscriptions by operators: Total number of mobile subscriptions by network Operatorsand MVNOs - Mobile subscriptions by package type - Insights into Prepaid/Post-paid subscriptions and mobile churn - Total mobile revenues including messaging and applications.

Since 1986, Pyramid Research has compiled an extensive database on the telecommunications markets in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, North America and Latin America. The core components of this database mainly include:

Regulatory - Interviews with top officials at Regulatoryagencies.

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AArkstore enterprise - Statistical data published by governments and Regulatoryagencies. - Copies of telecom laws and amendments. - Copies of tariff schedules, interconnection regulations and universal service requirements.

Operators - Interviews with key officials in strategic planning, marketing, network planning and financial planning. - Extensive surveys conducted with Operatorsto determine key network statistics, investment, technology rollout plans, subscribers by service, tariff plans and service offerings. - Internal statistics and bulletins published by operators.

Vendors - Interviews with key officials within Vendorsboth at in-country offices and in-company headquarters.

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Tables Of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION

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AArkstore enterprise 1.1 What is this Report About? 1.2 Definitions 2 DEMOGRAPHICS 2.1 India Population, 2009 - 15F 2.2 India Households, 2009 - 15F 2.3 India Businesses, 2009 - 15F 2.4 India Nominal GDP (US$ m), 2009 - 15F 2.5 India Nominal GDP per Capita (US$), 2009 - 15F 2.6 India PPP Adjusted GDP per Capita (US$), 2009 - 15F 2.7 India Consumer Price Inflation (%), 2009 - 15F 2.8 India Exchange Rate INR / US$, 2009 - 15F 3 MOBILE SERVICES PENETRATION 3.1 India Main Lines, 2009 - 15F 3.2 India Mobile Users, 2009 - 15F 3.3 India Mobile Subscriptions, 2009 - 15F 3.4 India Mobile Data Users, 2009 - 15F 4 MOBILE SUBSCRIPTIONS BY OPERATORS 4.1 India Total Mobile Subscriptions - Network Operators, 2009 - 15F 4.2 India Mobile Subscriptions by Type of Package, 2009 - 15F 4.3 India Annual Churn Rate, 2009 - 15F 5 MOBILE REVENUES 5.1 India Total Mobile Revenues, 2009 - 15F 5.2 India Messaging Revenue, 2009 - 15F

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AArkstore enterprise 5.3 India Applications Revenue, 2009 - 15F 6 APPENDIX 6.1 About Pyramid Research 6.2 Disclaimer

List Of Tables Table 1: Definitions Table 2: Indian Population, 2009 - 2015F Table 3: Indian Households ('000), 2009 - 2015F Table 4: Indian Businesses ('000), 2009 - 2015F Table 5: Indian Nominal GDP (US$ m), 2009 - 2015F Table 6: Indian Nominal GDP per Capita (US$), 2009 - 2015F Table 7: Indian PPP Adjusted GDP per Capita (US$), 2009 - 2015F Table 8: Indian Consumer Price Inflation (%), 2009 - 2015F Table 9: Indian Exchange Rate INR / US$, 2009 - 2015F Table 10: Indian Main Lines (%), 2009 - 2015F Table 11: Indian Mobile Users (%), 2009 - 15F Table 12: Indian Mobile Subscriptions (%), 2009 - 15F Table 13: Indian Mobile Data Users (%), 2009 - 15F Table 14: Indian Mobile Subscriptions - Network Operators ('000), 2009 - 2015F Table 15: Indian Total Pay TV Accounts [000], 2009 - 2015F Table 16: Indian Annual Churn Rate [%], 2009 - 2015F Table 17: Indian Total Mobile Revenues [US$m], 2009 - 2015F

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AArkstore enterprise Table 18: Indian Messaging Revenue [US$m], 2009 - 2015F Table 19: Indian Applications Revenue [US$m], 2009 - 2015F

List Of Figures Figure 1: Indian Population, 2009 - 2015F Figure 2: Indian Households ('000), 2009 - 2015F Figure 3: Indian Households ('000), 2009 - 2015F Figure 4: Indian Nominal GDP (US$ m), 2009 - 2015F Figure 5: Indian Nominal GDP per Capita (US$), 2009 - 2015F Figure 6: Indian PPP Adjusted GDP per Capita (US$), 2009 - 2015F Figure 7: Indian Consumer Price Inflation (%), 2009 - 2015F Figure 8: Indian Exchange Rate INR / US$, 2009 - 2015F Figure 9: Indian Main Lines (%), 2009 - 2015F Figure 10: Indian Mobile Users (%), 2009 - 15F Figure 11: Indian Mobile Subscriptions (%), 2009 - 15F Figure 12: Indian Mobile Data Users (%), 2009 - 15F Figure 13: Indian Mobile Subscriptions - Network Operators ('000), 2009 - 2015F Figure 14: Indian Total Pay TV Accounts [000], 2009 - 2015F Figure 15: Indian Annual Churn Rate [%], 2009 - 2015F Figure 16: Indian Total Mobile Revenues (US$m), 2009 - 2015F Figure 17: Indian Messaging Revenue (US$m), 2009 - 2015F Figure 18: Indian Applications Revenue (US$m), 2009 - 2015F

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AArkstore enterprise Related reports: Italy: Telecom Operators Eye MandA and Partnerships in Challenging Economy Panama: Telecom Regulators Push to Drive Broadband Penetration; LTE on the Way Emerging Markets Lead IPTV Subscription Growth Through 2018. Research in Focus: IPTV Ecuador: LTE Rollouts Planned for 2015, 3G Adoption Still Ramping Up Madagascar: Political Stability Provides Growth Opportunities for the Telecom Market Kuwait: Increased governance to improve competitive climate in the long-run FTTH/B Deployments in Asia Pacific - Keys to Enhancing Service Availability, Proposition and Uptake Devices for the Wrist - Ecosystems Crucial to Growth of Connected Watches and Bands Dominican Republic: LTE Deployment to Boost Data Consumption Latin America: Regulatory Mandates and LTE Driving Infrastructure Sharing and Tower Offloading Deals

About Aarkstore Enterprise Aarkstore Enterprise is a leading provider of business and financial information and solutions worldwide. We specialize in providing online market business information on market research reports, books, magazines, conference at competitive prices, and strive to provide excellent and innovative service to our customers.

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