Amazon clone script - List of features and Benefits

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Amazon clone script - List of features and Benefits

What is amazon clone?

Amazon clone is a robust eCommerce platform that allows you to create your own Multi Vendor eCommerce Marketplace website and app. An Amazon clone is a web application or website that has the same functionalities, features, and design as It is a replica of the popular e-commerce website that allows users to purchase products, services, and track orders. It is typically developed by a third-party and can be used as a template to quickly create a similar website. The Amazonclone can also include additional features and customizations to give it a unique lookandfeel.

List of features and Benefits on Amazon clone script: In this blog post we are explained about our Amazon clone script features and benefits.

Thoseare, Wordpress:

The WordPress cms PHP framework totally designed and created the Amazon clone. The admin panel makes it simple to control the entirewebsite.


Woocommerce is one of the top eCommerce platformsfortheWordPressfoundation.

Woocommerce here handles both digital and physicalgoods.

WC Vendor Integrated: Amazon clone script multi-vendor marketplace script connected with WC Vendors Pro plugin. This plugin was used for multi-vendor functionality.

Siteorigin Page Builder:

One of the most popular page builder plugins for creating a page for our Amazon clone script. It covers major page build elements, widgets,andsoon.

Buddypress Integrated:

Buddypress plugin integrates to link customers and sellers on the social marketplace. Any user cancommunicatewithcommunities.

Digital & Physical Products:

Sangvish Amazon clone supported both tangible and intangible products. This script can be used for both digital and physical products.

Commission & Payout:

As a vendor, you can earn money through product sales commissions. Admin will pay vendor commission earnings on a weekly or monthlybasis.

Demo XML File:

The Amazon clone theme includes our live demo Dummy content XML file. After purchasing our Amazon clone, you can install it usingourdemocontent.

Multi Vendor Supported: Amazon clone WordPress theme that is completely multi-vendor supported. In our script, anyone may register and start their own shop.

Multiple Payment Gateways:

It is a theme built on Woocommerce. PayPal, COD, Bank, and Check are the default payment gateways. You can also add more Woocommercepaymentgateways.

Frontend Post Product:

Every website user will have their own frontend dashboard. Through the frontend dashboard, vendors can add their store and products.

Responsive Design:

Amazon clone WordPress theme is designed with a 100% responsive style to support various devices such as mobile, tablet, laptop, anddesktop.

Social Via Login:

Our script enables social login for rapid registration and login. People can easily registerbylogginginwiththeirsocialprofiles.

Multi Language Supported: Google Translation provides multi-language support. With the Google Translate plugin, you canutiliseanylanguageonyourwebsite.

SEO Friendly: SEO Friendly WordPress theme. You can use the Yoast plugin for SEO. Its completely support with Yoast SEO plugin. Best SEO serviceplugininthemarket.

An above features and benefits are available at our Amazon clone script. By using those you can easily build and manage your ecommerce marketplace business website as well as mobileappslikeAmazon.



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