The site is a derelict space in the north west of the city of London. The space is surrounded by context buildings such as office buildings , Smithfield market as well as shops. Furthermore, due to the site being situated in the city, it is a part of constant urbanisation and modernisation, hence a lot of surrounding buildings and spaces being under construction. Additionally, Smithfield is one of the historic places of London and is well known for the river fleet which runs beneath. Also, Smithefield was known for its victorian markets as well as a space dedicated to execution of criminals as well as animals. The culture mile is a community corparation which create a cultural vibrant area. Smithfield market located opposite the site, is part of the culture mile. The purpose of the culture mile is mainly to attract tourists to greater London. Also, the culture mile stretches from farringdon to Moorgate and therefore creates new experiences.
Historic bomb census - 1940
Building user analysis
Key Bomb
Green space Non - residential institutions Businesses Restaurants Shops The site
Conclusion : From this bomb census I wish to look into the development of the city since WW2. Smithfield had gone through a great impact thus modernisation was enabled.
Conclusion : From doing building user analysis most of the buildings are office buildings hence in order to integrate the cultural mile I wish to make my museum ritualistic to london in order to express the culture
Wire frame structure model
Public and private space model The first development model explored the use of private and public green spaces. The users therefore always had an option of either continuing their museum experience or going into a public green space.Although, the model showed a linear flow it didnt show childhood play as being exciting and having an enjoyable experience.
This development model presents more interesting spaces through intersecting them. The idea was to have varied different height spaces in order to create more of a play space. However, the model showed it as being very complicated and too many events happening at once, thus it needed to be simplified.
Interactive user experience model
External and internal user journey model Using this structure model I developed the previous model by creating a vertical element to tie together the main spaces of the building. However, due to the varied heights throughout the building, the vertical element was still not tall enough. Moreover, the museum being a play space itself still needed to have more intricate inter-
esting shapes and not just flat basic roofs. The space also lacked light elements and needed to have more light entering into the play spaces.
The latest model allowed me to experiment more with the vertical circulation as well as having varied ceiling height spaces depending on the exhibition inside. Also, as the roof is accessible some of the roofs were made slanted in order for it be a play surface itself.
Moreover, due to it previously lacking light elements,the shapes of the spaces have more corners and diagonal elements to allow light to enter.
1:100 model
20th century play
Safety of playgrounds exhibition
Main exhibition space
Adventure playgrounds (Junk culture ) exhibition
21st century play
Main exhibition space
Digital technology exhibition
KEY : 1. - Cafe 2- Library / archive / research facility 3 - Seating area 4 - Lift access to bridges 5 - Skateboard area - public space
KEY : 1 - 20th century - main play exhibition space 2 - Storage 3 - Storage
4 3
KEY : 1 - Safety of playgrounds - Simon Terell exhibition 2- Junk culture adventure playground exhibition 3 - 21st century main play exhibition space 4 - Slide d down to atrium space
KEY : 1 - Digital technology exhibition 2 - Roof playground
Third floor plan Scale 1:200
KEY 1-I nt er act i ver ock cl i mbi ngf acade 2-20t hcent ur y-mai npl ays pace 3-20t hcent ur ySaf et yofpl aygr oundst heme 4-20t hcent ur y-Pl aygr ound j unkcul t ur et heme 5-Ex t er i or3D t empor ar y ex hi bt i ons 6-21s tcent ur y-mai npl ay s pace 7-21s tcent ur y-Di gi t al t echnol ogyt heme 8-Rooft oppl aygr ound
Ex pl odedax onomet r i c Scal e1: 200
This project consisted of exploring the history of childhood play in london through a nostalgic museum. It aimed to have a prime focus on childhood playgrounds and how they have developed and changed from the past. Also, WW2 has had a great impact on the change of childhood playgrounds, hence my museum of childhood play in london will focus on contrasting childhood play from the 20th century to the 21st century. The 20th century playgrounds are something that isnt looked upon hence its vital to show the development of playground space for children. Furthermore, children tended to have a closer relation to the city and more freedom compared to the 21st century, I therefore would like to ‘mask’ the 21st century as being very self contained.