12 minute read
Bonsmara SA
Henry street 118, Westdene, Bloemfontein | 051 448 6327 Contact Louis Steyl | 084 815 9487 | louis@bonsmara.co.za
The Bonsmara breed has its origins in an intensive cross-breeding programme that started in the early 1930s. The main focus of this project was to develop a breed that could adapt to South Africa’s diverse environment, and be more profitable under poor grazing conditions.
After 50 years as a registered breed, Bonsmara boasts the most important characteristics needed to qualify as an adaptable breed. This ensures better profits for both the commercial and stud breeder, and sustainability in the long run.
Bonsmara was the first breed of cattle inspected using production records. All Bonsmara cattle are inspected at breeding age, and any not showing good veld adaptability are rejected. Well adapted Bonsmara animals can be identified by the following:
• A smooth coat in summer; • Well-pigmented eyes, udders and hooves; • A strong constitution; and • Sound feet and legs.
Any animal with structural defects or that is functionally inefficient is culled.
With over 120 000 registered animals and more than 100 production sales a year Bonsmara SA is the biggest cattle breeding society in South Africa. The focus of Bonsmara breeders is to provide well adapted functional efficient animals to the commercial market.
• Good adaptability on the veld • Good mothering ability • Good growth under intensive and extensive conditions • Good temperament • Good carcass quality • Cross-breeding
Beyersrus Afrikaner Stoet Farm Beyersrus, Makwassie, North-West Province Contact Peet van Zijl | 082 990 0623 | admin@beyersrusboerdery.co.za
Shortly after the Anglo Boer War this Van Zyl family trekked from the Sandveld near Clanwilliam in the old Cape Colony to the former Transvaal Republic, where they settled on the farm Oersonskraal near the small town of Makwassie. Their trek included their Afrikaner cattle. During the 1914 Rebellion the rebel leader, Gen. Christiaan Beyers, was buried in the family cemetery on the farm, which led to the farm’s name becoming BEYERSRUS. The vegetation on the farm is a mixture of climax sweetveld grasslands and Kalahari thornveld. Winter and summer climates are extreme.
Over the years the Afrikaner herd on the farm was kept pure Afrikaner, with only pure Afrikaner bulls from established Afrikaner breeders being used. As a stud Beyersrus Afrikaners participates in the national performance testing and animal improvement schemes. Herd selection criteria place a high premium on balanced breeding values supporting the traditional Afrikaner genetic traits of fertility, longevity, hardiness, adaptability to extreme conditions, moderate temperament, good maternal instinct and natural resistance to disease.
We are proud of our breed of Afrikaner. We are confident that they represent the above genetic values which make them eminently suitable for breeding, including cross-breeding.
• Registered Afrikaner Cattle Stud • Balanced breeding values • Pure-bred genetic traits include: - fertility - longevity - hardiness - adaptability - moderate temperament - good maternal instincts - natural resistance to disease
Grootkuil Afrikanerstoet
Grootkuil, Theunissen 9410 | 081 545 3497 Contact Pierre-Andre Cronje | 083 629 3491 | bobcronje@gmail.com
Grootkuil Afrikanerstoet has been providing quality Afrikaner genetics to customers all over South Africa and neighbouring countries for many years. We pride ourselves on providing animals with good muscling and exceptional growth rate, whether it is on hardy field conditions, high quality grazing or in the feedlot. Our cows have won numerous awards for fertility over the years and with their good maternal traits they wean a good calf every year. This is all coupled with the legendary adaptability and disease resistance of the Afrikaner breed.
We believe that the inclusion of a Grootkuil bull will improve the beef quality and cost of production of any herd in South Africa
• Bulls • Heifers
• Semen • Embryos • Beef
Farm Rhenosterfontein, Koster, 0345 | 014 543 2388 Contact Theo Coetzee | 082 600 8374 | mush1@mweb.co.za
In 1998 I started a feedlot in the Koster district in the North West province. In 2001, I selected heifers out of the feedlot to start a breeding herd, consisted mainly of Beefmaster, Simbra and Bonsmara cross breed animals. The need for a breeding herd originated because the time to plant cash crops on marginal soil was not viable anymore and it were put under pastures.
I started with bulls from different breeds and soon realised the beefmaster calves outperformed the rest, when they were individually weighed and put into the feedlot, they performed above average. Because land is the most expensive available resource in a farming enterprise, therefore you have to make sure that you make the maximum profit per hectare. The only way to ensure this, is to improve cow efficiency. Another advantage is that the herd started to become a uniform medium frame, feminine, well adapted group that made a very good impression and therefore I developed a passion for them.
The Beefmaster cow have excellent maternal characteristics, and do not need intensive attention during calving.
• Beefmaster
Wiese Business Trust PO Box 58, Laxton 6985 Contact Dries Wiese | 082 809 2949 | drieswiese@mweb.co.za Pieter-Roux Wiese | 063 041 6769 | pieterroux12@gmail.com
Kasteel Wit Dorpers Die eerste Stoetooie is geselekteer in 1970 uit bestaande Kudde. Die Stoet is geregistreer in 1974. Dit maak die Kasteel Wit Dorper Stoet een van die oudste aktiewe Wit Dorper Stoete in die wêreld. Kasteel Wit Dorpers het in 1992 die eerste Wit Dorper embrio’s uit Suid-Afrika uitgevoer en wel na Kanada. Die eerste Wit Dorper embrio’s na Australië is in 1996 ook deur Kasteel Wit Dorpers uitgevoer. Die Stoetery was in 2006 en 2010 die Stoet met die meeste punte en ook aangewys as Teler van Kampioene tydens die Wêreld Kampioenskappe. Die eerste Produksieveiling van slegs Wit Dorpers is in 1992 gehou en word reeds die afgelope 30 jaar jaarliks suksesvol volgehou. Kasteel Dorpers In 2010 het Dries Wiese die bestuur van die stoet oorgeneem en in 2015 besit daarvan geneem en die naam van die stoet verander na Kasteel Dorpers. Kasteel Boerbok Stoet Die Kasteel Boerbok Stoet is in 1998 begin met die aankoop van 16 Stoet ooie en ‘n ram uit die bekende Noster Bloedlyn. Kasteel Van Rooys Die Stoetery is in 2010 begin met die seleksie van 30 ooie uit ‘n bestaande Kudde. Goeie ramme vanuit die Wonderpan Stoet is aangekoop en gebruik met groot sukses. In 2016 het Pieter Wiese die bestuur van die stoet oorgeneem en het die stoet die eerste keer deelgeneem aan die Nasionale Kampioenskap Skou en het die Nasionale Groot Kampioen Ram, asook verskeie ander kampioene vertoon. Op die afgelope 2 Nasionale Veilings het Kasteel Van Rooys die hoogste prys ramme verkoop, asook die hoogste gemiddelde pryse behaal. Kasteel Swartkop Persies Tydens hulle eerste deelname aan ‘n Nasionale Kampioenskap behaal die Stoet die meeste punte en vertoon ook die Groot Kampioen Ram en Ooi, asook verskeie ander Kampioene. Kasteel Blinkhaar Afrikaner Stoet Die Stoet is aangekoop op die algehele uitverkoping van Mnr. Schalk Vorster in die vroeë 1980’s. Dit kom oorspronklik uit die Rietfontein Stoetery van Mnr. Giel Mans van Loxton. Hierdie is dan ook die oudste Afrikaner Skaap Stoet in die land.
Lukas Burger Boer Goat Stud (Stud nr 479 & 762) Contact Lukas Burger | 082 856 1458 | lukas.burger@aol.com Abraham Burger | 082 794 7907 | Hermien Burke | 082 662 3623
The Lukas Burger Boer Goat Stud is a family business located in the Northern Cape.
Lukas’ father, AWA Burger started breeding with goats in the 1950’s, which started a flock that is widely recognized as one of the top breeding studs in the world.
A full breeding record of its animals can be traced back to 1978.
In 1986, with the help of his father, Lukas competed in his first South African National Boer Goat Championship and two of the five goats shown, placed in their respective classes.
In 1988 he won the SA Junior Champion Ram and achieved fourth place overall on points for the show.
In 1990 Lukas won the South African National Championship Show in Kuruman and since he is yet to lose a show on points, that he has competed in. Lukas has also judged eight National and World Shows throughout the years as well as various shows in the USA, Namibia and Australia, including the Sydney Royal Easter Show.
Abraham and Hermien are both avid goat breeders and have judged local and international shows including Brazil and Australia. The Lukas Burger Boer Goat Stud genetics have also won various shows in the USA, Australia and Brazil.
To this day his breeding success can be measured on the sterling results he achieves, not only in National and World Shows, but also in the record prices his animals achieve, both in South Africa and internationally, at the various Production Sales held throughout the year.
Auction dates 2022:
Bobaas Auction – 19 Feb 2022 Befonk Elite Auction – 7 May 2022 Production Sale – 21 Sept 2022
Kleinbegin Boerbok Stoet Plaas Zandrivier Polokwane Contact Xander Deyzel | 082 807 9944 | xander.bigd@gmail.com
Kleinbegin Boerbok stoet is gelee naby Polokwane in die Limpopo provinsie, ons bokke loop in strawe hartwater veld en word geteel vir optimaale teel eienskappe. Ons is gerigestreerd by SABTV stoet nr:1520 en ook by die Bosveld boerbok klub. Ons waarborg top gehaalte stoet en komersieele diere.
Gerigestreerde boerbok teeler. Stoet nr 1520. Visit our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Kleinbegin-Boerbok-stoetBoergoat-stud-683745281637735
• Boerbok Teeler
JLK Kotzé
Swemkuil, Niekerkshoop Contact Koenie | 076 181 0710 | kotzekoenie@gmail.com
My name is Koenie Kotze. I farm in the Northern Cape on the farm Swemkuil between Douglas and Prieska, next to the Orange River. I also make use of nearby farms that I rent, to the effect that I farm on a total of 8000 hectares.
I farm with Savanna Goats, Boergoats and Kalahari Reds. On the sheepside I farm with Dorpers and White Dorpers, Van Rooy sheep and Persians which consists of the Black Head Persian, Red Head Persian, Black Speckled Persian, Red Speckled Persian, White Persians, Blue-, Pink-, and Tri-colour Persians. The Tricolour Persians consist of black/brown/white and blue/pink/white Persians.
As we enter year 13 of drought, it is very difficult to farm in this area.
I am a Judge and Inspector of all 3 different Goat species, Dorpers and White Dorpers, Van Rooy Sheep and the Persians. I have judged and inspected animals and present courses on the different animals in South Africa and Internationally. I have been selected to judge the World Championship for the Dorpers and Boergoats for quite some time since I qualified as a Judge and Inspector of the different species of animals as set out above. I also judged the SA Championship of the Van Rooy Sheep and the Persians.
I am also involved in judging of Dorper and Boergoats internationally and also present courses International. During 2002 I had judged the Boergoats, Dorpers and also the Australian Boergoat in one year.
• Savannas • Boergoats • Persian • Dorpers • Van Rooy Sheep
Sakkie and Nicky Nell Boergoats Brakrivier, Jansenville, 6265 Contact Sakkie Nell | 082 575 6095 | Nicky Nell | 081 468 9477 | sakkie.nell@outlook.com
The Sakkie and Nicky Nell Boergoat Stud is situated in Jansenville. The area is unique in its vegetation with Spekboom and a cactus called the “Noors”, which is exclusive to this area and is used to feed the animals during a drought. The average rainfall is about 250mm per year, but this area has experienced drought conditions over the past 8 years. In 1925, Sakkie’s grandfather, Louis Nell (Snr), lost 700 Angoras due to heavy rain and extremely cold conditions. It was then that he decided he was done with the farming of Angoras and started farming with Boer goats and Merinos. After the death of Louis Nell (Snr), his son, Louis Nell (Jnr) took over the farm. Louis Nell (Jnr) was one of the founders of the SABTV in 1969. He was unable to attend the meeting due to farm responsibilities, but during this meeting the stud number 106 was awarded to him. Sakkie Nell managed the stud with his father for 10 years, until his father passed away in 1997. Five years ago, Sakkie’s son, Nicky, joined his father in managing the stud and continues to do so today. The goal is to breed hardened fertile, uniform and feminine Boer goats ewes. Emphasis is placed on mothering abilities under extensive farming conditions. Rams are also raised under extensive field conditions. Livestock that are intended to go to auctions are rounded up in a feedlot every 3-4 months. In doing so, the farm can confidently market their livestock, knowing the animals will adapt to the field. From 1925, Sakkie and Nicky Nell Boergoats are proud of 96 years of breeding, and is determine to continue so in the future.
• Boergoats (Stud) • Angoras • Merinos • Persies • Dorpers • Van Rooyens
South African Stud Book & Animal Improvement Association 118 Henry Street, Westdene, Bloemfontein 9300 | 051 410 0900 Contact Dr Japie van der Westhuizen | 082 331 9923 | info@studbook.co.za
Stud Book is the prime organisation for services and products for animal recording, management, and genetic improvement. Unique, science founded, solutions for the identification, selection and use of suitable candidates in production and companion animals’ herds and flocks. Animal Genetics Research and Development, IT and Technical Advisor Teams integrating science with practical recording to application at farm level or breeding units.
More than 115 years of experience and service to the South African livestock Industry, a wealth of experience and expertise linked to the application of the latest technologies in a practical way.
International certification by the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR).
• Animal breeding and genetics products and services
• Animal recording and registration products and services • Technical and specialised advice in breeding and management of animals • Traceability and quality control: Animal products • Secretarial services for Breeders’