Sanil A. Patel | UX Portfolio
Hello I am Sanil Patel A great passion of mine is UX. It's what we need in our everyday lives and I feel I can make a real dierence in the world. I want to continue developing my skills as UX designer and continuously absorb knowledge. I love spending time with family and friends, working on graphic design and making the most of my time. Moreover, I always look ahead to a personal goal. I completed a solo skydive jump and conquered Mount Everest Base Camp for the charity Help for Heroes, raising over £3,500. Looking forward to what's next...
A new website based on UX Illustrations and visual thinking
The brief
Brainstorming session
Amberlight wanted to take their graphic facilitation and move it an independent brand which could bring in business from a non UX perspective. The task was to design a website solely focusing on illustrations and visual thinking.
With UX consultants and myself, we brainstormed some ideas and designs on the potential navigation, look and feel of SketchTank. We went through a process of looking at existing website and what they did well and implemented the logic into the design. Moreover, we did basic active testing with potential users and implemented the improvements.
(I was a part of creating iconography and branding).
The core of the website The design was aimed to be simple that conveyed visual information and a description for each service we provide. We split this into two categories; Communicating Visually & Visual Workshops.
Wireframes Some of the ďŹ nal wireframes are shown on the right. We went through an iterative process using Amberlight consultants to improve usability and accessibility.
Home SketchTank logo Menu bar Tag line Client logos
Animations and transitions To improve the human interaction, I added animations and transitions in areas where users would interact. These give better conďŹ rmation on what the user is browsing on the site.
Services logo and info
Hover animation Examples of work
Social media
As the user hovers over the image, a white translucent layer appears on the top (250ms transition) which indicates they can click on the image.
On click animation
Sub service and info
When the image is clicked, a small indent will appear for one second to indicate the image has been clicked on, conďŹ rming the user is progressing on their journey.
A subtle fade transition would be used when the user moves onto a new page, giving a sense of ow during navigation. These transitions were used sparingly as over usage would deter the user.
Final visuals
Check out the beta prototype built on Wix -
Simplfy & Visualise complex information
We use visual thinking, graphic facilitation and illustration to help you create, capture or convey ideas and information. A way to communicate in extraordinary and unforgettable ways.
Animated graphics
Animated graphics
Business process maps
We can help you run more effective and engaging workshops by incorporating fun and visual thinking to unleash the participants’ creativity.
We can help you run more effective and engaging workshops by incorporating fun and visual thinking to unleash the participants’ creativity.
We can help you run more effective and engaging workshops by incorporating fun and visual thinking to unleash the participants’ creativity.
We can help you run more effective and engaging workshops by incorporating fun and visual thinking to unleash the participants’ creativity.
We can help you run more effective and engaging workshops by incorporating fun and visual thinking to unleash the participants’ creativity.
Posters and Rich pictures
Standalone Illustrations
We can help you run more effective and engaging workshops by incorporating fun and visual thinking to unleash the participants’ creativity.
We can help you run more effective and engaging workshops by incorporating fun and visual thinking to unleash the participants’ creativity.
We can help you run more effective and engaging workshops by incorporating fun and visual thinking to unleash the participants’ creativity.
We can help you run more effective and engaging workshops by incorporating fun and visual thinking to unleash the participants’ creativity.
We can help you run more effective and engaging workshops by incorporating fun and visual thinking to unleash the participants’ creativity.
Communicate visually
‘Communicate visually’
Customer experience journeys
Live scribing
Simplfy & Visualise complex information We use visual thinking, graphic facilitation and illustration to help you create, capture or convey ideas and information. A way to communicate in extraordinary and unforgettable ways.
Visual workshops
We can help you run more effective and engaging workshops by incorporating fun and visual thinking to unleash the participants’ creativity.
Communicate visually Business process maps
Personas Personas are fictional characters created to represent the different user types. They are useful in considering the goals, desires, and limitations of users in order to help you to guide decisions about your service.
They provide tremendous structure and insight for your company. It will help you determine where to focus your time and allow for alignment across the organisation. As a result, not only would you be able to attract the most valuable customers, but also tailor you service to your target audience.
What is it? The method of using images as tools for communication in order to create discussion, recall memories, find solutions and visualise connections and ideas, is widely known as ‘visual thinking’. 0123 456 7890
Graphic Facilitation Whilst visual thinking is the method, ‘Graphic Facilitation’ is the process of taking information from a meeting, conference or workshop and transforming it into something visual, organised and memorable. 0123 456 7890
Illustrations As a creative discipline, illustration is a unique art form defined by purpose and context, not media. Whether digitally or by hand, an illustration can be both a work of art and a practical business application.
Content and Copy The content was written by myself and a illustrator who worked on majority of the projects used on the website. Together, we were able to create friendly content which enticed potential customers and clients by showing the benefits of communicating visually.
Amberlight Website Redesign
A responsive re-design of the Amberlight website
Moving forward with the project
The brief The current Amberlight website is dated and they wanted to new image to refresh themselves. Moreover, this meant new services were going to be added and a new perspective for the website needs to be considered. Problems The overall design is dated with the shapes being rounded off and not keeping a family set of icons. It instantly gave a ‘Year 2000’ vibe. Navigation The navigation was too complex and the information presented was overwhelming. The information can be condensed and some instances, information can be removed. Content The content was too technical for someone who didn’t understand UX principles. This was designed by a UX consultant therefore it lost the element of an outsiders perspective meaning users would feel lost when looking for information or a particular service.
“It needs to be responsive” -everybody in the project
We agreed to hold a workshop with the CEO, the UX principle consultant and the illustration team to create low fidelity wirefames to understand the new navigation system and how we are going to present the information. Using the ‘Mobile First’ approach, we came up with some concepts.
Wireframes and development Home
Sub service
The homepage has direct access to all the services and links you to more information Amberlight upon arrival.
The services are split down and iconised to understand the UX terminology better.
The maps are customised to the Amberlight brand and the details are overlaid to direct the user easier.
The labs and mobile labs show images of what they can oer and downloadables are available on more information.
Team (within)
The photos of the employees are bright and distributed with space so all the photos do not become overwhelming to the users eye.
When clicked on an employee, a large, detailed image shows with a small friendly bio, humanising the company.
The blog is more visual showing the related image the same size as the information.
A sub website (SketchTank) is shown on the page with a few examples, drawing the attention and making the user want to visit the page.
Contact us
Our clients
The clients show Amberlight are serious about their work. International capabilities are also shown by a infographic. Blogs (within)
Within the blog, the search bar is easy to locate and sections are divided better for optimum searches for blogs.
Final visuals The designs were prepared for the developers (to their format). We created duplicate pages which included any animation/interactions we specifically wanted.
How can we help you optimise?
We help you understand your customers & design great experiences
We help you Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
We deliver insights & advice at every stage of the product/service life cycle
understand your customers & design great experiences
There was conversations over Skype about design choices but all this was communicated over the designs and annotations created.
We deliver insights & advice at every stage of the product/service life cycle
and effective
Understand what your customers are looking at, to find areas that need to be optimised
We deliver insights & advice at every stage of the product/service life cycle
UX & Accessibility audits
The great and amazing blog titles goes here
We help identify actionable takeaways and a plan for
Joe Bloggs 25/09/15
improving your product and ultimately, increase conversion
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
Web analytics
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
and many more...
Understand the behaviour of your visitors to assess and improve the effectiveness of your service
What we do
Social media analysis A way of capturing insight into how consumers view a product or brand and how this may change over time
Discover products and
Design products and services
Understand how customers
services your customers
that are easy and more
use your products and
really want with research
maximise ROI
More on Innovate
More on Design
More on Optimise
We deliver insights & advice at every stage of the product/service life cycle
Competitor benchmarking Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
Other services Team
Eye tracking
What we do
Prototypes created in Axure Clients
We have a great set of blogs
We validate your product to ensure it is usable, intuitive
We have worked with the biggest companies around the globe
More about us Usability testing
Read our interesting blogs!
The clients!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit Labs amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, SketchTank sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
We have worked with the biggest companies around the globe
would like to conduct your
ideas to life by using visual
own research
How can we help you optimise? Enhanced content
thinking and illustration
word changes colour to main Amberlight orange #F26531. Only for services drop menu will appears (see colour guide)
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do Intuitive labelling eiusmod tempor incididunt ut Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,
Joe Bloggs 25/09/15 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
The great and amazing blog titles goes here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
See more blogs
Discover products and services your customers really want with research
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
Our clients
The great and amazing blog titles goes here
Hover Interaction
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,
We have a great set of blogs
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
The orange dots represent the countries we have done work for and we are planning to work for more
Design Slicker functionality
The clients!
Joe Bloggs 25/09/15
Read our Mobile Labs SketchTank interesting blogs! Hire our labs and kit if you Create, convey and bring
International Experience We also work internationally and we have done work in over 25 countries
Design solutions Clients
More on Innovate
Increased engagement Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
Our clients Search
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor Joe Bloggs 25/09/15 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Improved conversion
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, Intuitive labelling sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut Usability testing Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
We validateelit, your product to ensure it is usable, adipiscing sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt intuitive and effective ut
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Increased engagement
consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
Hover Interaction
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
links change to the colour of each service (see colour guide)
adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Improved conversion
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor CEO
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
Joe Bloggs 25/09/15
Hover Interaction Labs link changes to the main orange colour #F26531 (see colour guide)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
Amberlight Partners Ltd 58 Bloomsbury Street London WC1B 3QT
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor Joe Bloggs 25/09/15 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
See more blogs and many more...
Tel: +44 (0)20 7307 7770 Email:
International Experience
Hover Interaction All social media icons background change to a lighter shade of grey. From #D0D2D3 to #FBFBFB Copyright © Amberlight 2015
Tel: +44 (0)20 7307 7770
Design Design products and services that are easy and more delightful More on Design
Mobile to tablet to desktop The design will be hugely affected between desktop and mobile but not greatly between mobile and tablet as the webpage width is small than tablet resolution width.
Standalone Designs
A set of designs for diďŹ&#x20AC;erent applications and uses
Amberlight Christmas Card
My Christmas Welcome back, Santa
As Amberlight is a UX agency, they wanted to wish their clients a great Christmas whilst embracing the UX culture
The design consisted of a Santa ‘dashboard’ of showing his Christmas present delivery progress The other side plays with the word ‘UX’ and ‘Responsive’ Instead of making a traditional folded card, this idea is double-sided on one piece and posted to clients
NEW YEAR Presents delivered 85%
You’re nearly there! Well done, keep it up
Book cover concept designs A CEO of a well-known creative agency asked me to create concepts for his upcoming book ‘What the numbers mean’ Reading an extract, it was about understanding a new business coming from a different background and the application of business processes within The first designs plays on pile of numbers and sorting to understand. The second design plays with the letters by using numbers and special characters
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Joe Bloggs
Office and workspace decorative posters
Good morning
These are some designs I created that were used around the offices and workspaces The designs were motivate, inspire and have a bit of fun with the employees. Using bold colours and shapes creates a positive psychological affect in work performance
the secret of
change is to
focus all Hello there Have a great day!
Sanil A. Patel
I printed, mounted and framed the poster to give a high quality finish and professional look
Motivation & Progress
Energy not on fighting
the old but building the
new Socrates
Paint the town red
Thank you for looking through
London, UK
Loughborough University