LIVING INSIDE, LEARNING INSIDE A tale set in Corona times
Written and Illustrated by SANJANA JADON
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A tale set in Corona times
Written and Illustrated by SANJANA JADON
The world is indoors And so am I Its history in the making Says Papa and mummy. My Own mind wonders, When I’ll see My friends from school, And then just be But there is this fear Or is it just me? When will this end? Corona tell me.
Hi I am Siya! Here is a tale of my Corona days. I am staying home like you because there is a corona virus disease.
But it is not all that bad Maa says look at all the good Life is just like this We just do what we all should. And know in our hearts Things will be all right. If I do my part It will and it just might Be better than it is Better than the past Better for the best So I’ll do what she asked!
Washing hands with soap, kills the pesky little virus. The soap is our superpower. It takes 20 seconds for this power to work. So we wash and count till 20. 1…2….3….4..... 5…6….7….8.... 9…10….11….12… 13…14….15….16 … 17…18….19….20!!
Here is how I wash my hands. Wash wash wash all the fingers all the nails don’t forget The tip of your tail! What! No tail you say! Then just wash your hands And then go and play.
Papa says if we waste water, we might have to deal with another crisis.
I like helping Papa in the kitchen kitchen. He makes round rotis. I try to make round but they become any shape anytime!
Working is something both me and Papa do on the dining table. It is our office now. We have important papers and important work. I have important crayons and I’m always very busy.
Kaaju is my neighbour. He is also my balcony best friend now. He tries to do crazy things and make me laugh all the time.
We video call grandpa and tell him about our little adventures everyday. Papa says, it makes him feel nice when he’s so far away. He misses us and I miss him.
We have to be strong and not come in contact with many people. If we do meet people, we have to stay away so that we don’t catch the infection. And always wear a mask when you go outside.
My Maa is an essential worker. She works at the hospital. She wears a lot of protective gear to help her stay safe. So when she comes home, she has to be careful. She takes a bath. She puts all her stuff to be washed. And I can’t hug her for a while.
We even wash all groceries. My Papa has developed a trick to wash the most groceries with less water, using buckets.
I learnt a new word, “Pandemic Pandemic�. Pandemic is when a sickness like the corona virus affects a lot of people all over the world. So, let us all take care. But Corona vacation is kind of FUN! XOXO Siya
P.S. I built my own terrarium ecosystem in a honey jar. We ate the honey first though. Ask an adult to help you with this little top secret recipe I noted for you.
Made with much love and hope.
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A normal life in quarantine through a child’s eyes. Siya writes a letter to tell us what she sees, what she thinks and feels when the world is full of rules and there are no friends around to play. We are are not alone. Being scared is ok. We’ll feel better together. Let’s just talk about it.
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