How I’ve Handled Travel Insurance Over The Years

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overseas travel insurance

How I’ve Handled Travel Insurance Over The Years I can tell you very quickly how many times during my travels I’ve had an incident overseas that required real medical attention. Three times. In thirteen years. The first time was when I fell into the moat that surrounds the Old City of Chiang Mai, Thailand. I had been celebrating the Thai New Year (Songkran) when I somehow lost my balance and ended up in the dirty water below. The problem was that during my rescue, which involved a chain of people reaching over the moat wall to pull me back out, I scraped my toes against some rocks and lost the toe nail on my big toe in the process.

The second incident was when I got a stomach illness in India. After spending an hour walking around the Golden Temple in Amritsar in the mid-day heat, a kind, elderly man noticed how much I was sweating and offered me a cup of water which he had filled up from a nearby public tap. Not wanting to be rude, I drank the water, and then I proceeded to spend the next three days on the toilet, unable to sleep, eat or venture outside due to my condition. My third injury/illness occurred while jogging around the outside track on one of the cruise ships I worked on.

It was night time and I couldn’t see the ground very well, and I happened to step right onto a broken wine glass. The stem of the glass pierced my shoe and shot right into my foot. With blood filling up my sneaker, I hobbled inside and down to the medical center on board the ship where I received two stitches and a legitimate excuse to take some time off work. Apart from that, I also cut up my body quite badly while volcano boarding in Nicaragua, but I didn’t see a doctor in the end. All I needed was a pair of tweezers to remove the shards of volcanic rock from my skin and some ointments to heal the wounds.

What I’ve Used For overseas travel insurance Over the past 13 years, this is how I’ve dealt with travel/health insurance:

Travel Insurance – Up until three years ago, whenever I was traveling, I made sure that I had travel insurance. In my earlier years I would buy insurance through STA Travel and then I switched to later on. Such a plan typically cost me $50 – $60 per month, it was easy to set-up and even though I never had to use the insurance, it always seemed like a good deal to me.

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