“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 1
“Documentation Management Process” of different Organisations.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 2
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It has been an extremely pleasurable experience working with Xerox
invaluable knowledge and experience which I take back with me. I would especially like to thank Mr. XYZ for providing me constant guidance and support. The clarity that was lent to the project was all due to him. I would also like to extend my gratitude to XYZ and the whole of NOB Team for showing a keen interest in my research and assisting me for my project. I wholeheartedly thank Ms. XYZ for providing the much needed assistance at various points. I also thank all the office employees at the Mumbai branch for making the environment at work extremely conducive and for also being very approachable. My heartfelt thanks also to all the summer interns for making my stint at Xerox extremely fun filled and enriching. Last but not the least; I am grateful to all the IT heads at different corporate accounts and Customers whom I met
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 3
during the course of my training. Without their cooperation, this project would not have been successful. And finally, I would like to thank International School of Business & Media, for providing me all the requisite knowledge and the opportunity to work for this Company.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 4
Table of Content Executive Summery
Scope of the Project
Project Objectives
Share of Xerox in Corporate Accounts
Segment Share of Xerox
Preference of Medium
Stand Alone Vs Multifunctional Device
Preference on Services
Segmented Distribution of Preference Government Service Industry
Service Industry
Level of security
Problems Faces with Network Printers
Process of Procurment
Detiled Analysis of Companies
Critical Suggestion
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 5 Sample Model
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 6
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The objective of this research activity was to ascertain the dynamics of services in the industry. This research is done to check the documentation management process of different organizations. For this purpose initially a comparative analysis of the total product line under the New Office Business was created, a segregation was done on the basis of standalone machines and Multifunctional devices, mono and colour printers and further segregating them as per the capabilities of printing in A3 & A4. In the second phase a total of 20 corporate accounts were surveyed which are a mixture of existing Xerox customers and some which do not use services provided by Xerox. The research that has been carried out was intended
documentation at different corporate accounts
Area of Focus:
1. Preference of vendors in regards to printing, scanning, photocopying & scanning. 2. Inclination towards Multifunctional Devices & Standalone devices. 3. Policies in regards to colour printing and black & white printing. 4. Total number of machines in the organization.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 7
5. Preference on Quality, Price, Reliability & Maintenance. 6. Basic pattern of printing. 7. Media that is used for printing. 8. Printer to Manpower ratio maintained in the organisation. 9. The problems that they general face in network printer. The above are essential to fulfil the research objectives. They play a pivotal role in ascertaining the factors that are essential for judging the requirements of the customer. A questionnaire were circulated which comprised multiple choice questions as well as open ended questions that were aimed at acquiring the above information. The
questionnaire was aimed for the corporate IT Heads to find their
role in the replacement of technology in the organization. The aim was also to find the printing processes, volume of prints and the problems they face with their network printers. Also through this set of questions, information about different vendors and competitors has been collected. The data was collected in an excel sheet and analysis was done using bar graphs and pie charts. The key findings were as follows:
Xerox India stands at the third position at present in regards to the market share in the corporate accounts.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 8 The inclination towards Black & White prints is still higher as
compared to colour, many organisations have standardised printing and thus some use only Mono. The
substantially as they have realised it is more convenient and cost effective to maintain one device having multiple functions rather that have separate devices for different functions. It has also been observed
organisations on the technological aspect in regards to the value addition that the equipment will bring along with it and how good would the new equipment integrated in the existing system. With the help of the research it could be gauged the coverage of Xerox on different verticals being the highest in the service industry and the lowest in the infrastructure industry. Different organisations embark on different services preferences, thus with the help of the research we were able to find the preference on different services that companies prefer covering from the manufacturing to the service industry. It is very important to know what volumes of colour and Black & white are printed in the organisation to ascertain the requirement, thus with the help of the questioner we could find out the volume and the preference in media between A3 and A4. For placing a machine it is important to know how many people would be using the equipment, the questioner also checked for these issues and thus collectively helped us in mapping the documentation processes in the organisation.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 9
With the research we were able to find the key problems associated with the network printers in the organisation. It is important to maintain a high level of security in organisations in the documentation process, thus we also tried to get information on the level of security that was implement in the organisation. The research also looked in to aspect of expenses occurred by different organisations in regards to printing, scanning ,copying and Fax
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INTRODUCTION Xerox Corporation is a $15.7 billion technology and services enterprise that helps businesses deploy smart document management strategies and find better ways to work. Its intent is to constantly lead with innovative technologies, products, and solutions that customers can depend upon to improve business results. Xerox is a supplier of photocopiers, printers, and other document systems. It also offers document management services and customized solutions. The company has operations in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India and parts of Asia. The company has a workforce of about 53,700 employees and is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut. It is headed by Ms Anne M. Mulcahy.
HISTORY OF XEROX: Chester Carlson, a patent attorney and part-time inventor, made the first xerographic image in his makeshift laboratory in Astoria, Queens, in New York City, on Oct. 22, 1938. Originally
photographic paper and equipment, the company came to prominence in 1959 with the introduction of the first one-piece, plain paper photocopier using the process of xerography (electro photography), the
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 11
Xerox 914.Three years later, The Haloid Company, a maker of photographic paper in Rochester, N.Y., approached Battelle and obtained a license to develop and market a copying machine based on Carlson's technology. Haloid coined the word "Xerox" for the new copiers, and in 1948, the word Xerox was trademarked. Inspired by the early, modest success of its Xerox copiers, Haloid changed its name in 1958 to Haloid Xerox Inc. The company became Xerox Corporation in 1961. In 1962 Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd. was launched as a joint venture of Rank Xerox Limited and Fuji Photo Film Co. Ltd.
BUSINESS OFFERINGS FROM XEROX: Xerox leads the way in digital imaging and what is called distributed electronic publishing. Xerox technology enables the home office to copy, print, scan, and fax documents using a single device; and far-flung enterprises
networks for copying or printing, down the hall or halfway around the world. Digital products now represent more than a third of Xerox revenues.
introduction of its 914 copier in 1959 The company's strategic focus is on three primary markets: High-End Production and Commercial Print Environments, Networked Offices from Small to Large, Value-Added Services.
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These products and services primarily originate from three main business operations which are focused on the production market, the office market, and the services market. These entities contribute to Xerox's mission and vision to give customers better ways to do great work. These business operations are:
New Office Business (NOB) – Deals with Networked Offices from Small to Large. Production Systems Group (PSG) – Deals with High-End Production and Commercial Print Environments. Xerox Global Services (XGS) –
Deals with Value-Added
The New Office Group of Xerox caters to the requirements of large and mid-sized and small enterprises, providing them with laser printers, digital copiers, copiers-printers, advanced multifunction devices, colour copiers-printers and engineering copiers. These offerings are marketed through "Two-Tier" distribution model (see exploratory research). Xerox reaches out to its customers through its network of three national distributors
distributors (Micromax and Ansatta). The company has a network of 1500 channel partners that are supported by a team of qualified and trained indirect sales personnel.
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Xerox was involved in direct selling till about 2005 wherein it shifted to channel oriented sales. This project which deals with an analysis of the best service offered to customers in the industry is aimed at finding out the different factors that influence the processes and commercials involved while providing services
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Scope of the Project
This study analyzes the service offerings of the major hardcopy peripheral vendors. The hardcopy peripheral market continues to evolve; shifting from single-function devices to multifunction devices. The ultimate purpose of this project on comparing the service offerings of Xerox and its competitors is to increase the market share, and to check the requirements of different organizations.
It is increasingly difficult for copier and printer vendors to compete on hardware specifications alone, especially in the office segments. As a result, these vendors are seeking opportunities to differentiate their product offerings from those of their competition, build customer loyalty, and attract new customers. This is achieved mainly by providing a better service to customers than the competitors. A good service will reduce costs, wastage, and complaints.
Providing a good service helps in growing the business: customers stay longer; customer churn rates reduce; referrals to new customers increase from increasing numbers of satisfied customers and overall the
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 15
organization's service flows and teams work more efficiently and more happily.
This report offers a comprehensive overview on the key strategies that Xerox should adopt in different sectors of the industry, this report gives a detailed analysis of which areas should Xerox focus on different sectors of the industry.
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Project Objective Primary Objective: To visit the corporate accounts and map the documentation
process in the organization.
Secondary objective: To check the solutions that are currently being used Gauge the volume of prints and the mode of prints used by them Checking the preference in regards to best quality or the lowest price. To check the preference on the grounds of Quality, Price, Operational Cost, Reliability, maintenance, Ease of Operation, Power Efficiency and Speed. Problems faced with different network printers. Level of security that is maintained in different organizations.
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To check if they have any expansion plans and future requirements Studying the preference of different organizations in regards to different vendors and why.
Methodology The first step involved was to get an overview of Xerox products and services. To facilitate this process a comprehensive comparative analysis of the total product line under New Office Business Group was done. This was done by going through the Xerox website and product broachers.
After understanding the project, a blueprint of the project was created. The blueprint made had 4 parts in it: Service offering, Preference of brands, Inclination towards mono or colour and the volume printed. Some of the parameters chosen were: Response time, Maintenance contracts, standby machines, replacements, Follow-ups, prices offered, volume of prints etc. Process support and commercial support related to these deliverable offerings were tabulated which made understanding of the project simpler.
After understanding the objectives of the project, a questionnaires (for the IT Heads and the procurement department) containing mostly close
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 18
ended questions with multiple choices and a few open ended questions was made.
After the questionnaire was finalized, separate databases of the corporate accounts was made and appointments for the IT Heads and Procurement Heads was taken. A Survey research was carried out and 23 questionnaires were filled from 20 corporate accounts were done after taking appointments and for some, cold call technique was used. Data is collected through Interviews, Questions & observations. The data was collected in an excel sheet and was then analyzed to find out information which was essential to achieve the objectives. Analysis was done using pie charts and bar diagrams.
After the analysis, suggestions and recommendations were made.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 19
Analysis As can be seen in the questionnaire we circulated, multiple choice questions eliciting answers were put to our respondents and the findings for each are detailed as under: The analysis is divided in to 3 segments:
Competitor service offering Process of documentation Preferences of different organizations Xerox customer satisfaction analysis.
The analysis is done on basis of information collected from different Corporate Accounts of Xerox.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 20
Share of Xerox in Corporate Accounts: As the different corporate accounts were analysed it was noticed that Xerox stands third in the share of those accounts. HP has the highest market share of 41%, with Toshiba holding 19% of the market. Cannon and Xerox share the third position holding nearly 14% each of the market.
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Xerox is perceived as the strongest in regards to technology, market offering and even the superiority of products but the awareness was lowest. Xerox was the pioneer in the technology of photocopying and laser printers but still the awareness is found to be low. It was surprising to know that people still perceived Xerox just as a photocopier provider. There has been a sharp decline in the market share of the company because of service issues. The existing customers were satisfied with the product but there is a great deal of issues in regards to service and back hand support.
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Segment Share:
From the above bar graph we can see the market share of Xerox and its competators in the different segment of the industry. We can see that HP
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 23
holds a decent share in all the segments of the industry form Government Service industries, Private segment of the Service industry, Manufacturing & knowledge. It can be abserved that Xerox has a presence in the government sector and private service industry but its presence is negligable in the manufacturing and knowledge sector.
Preference of Medium: The preference on the usage of either mono or colour depends in the policies and difference of requirements; some of the organizations have the procedure of standardization of resources provided to its employees but some still continue to use inkjet printers from the bar graph we can see the distribution between inkjet and laser.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 24
It can be seen that the usage of inkjets in different organizations in case of standalone printers for colour priting is still higher. When the respondents were asked the reason for the usage of inkjet printers a common set of reasons were received:1. Inexpensive to procure. 2. Optimum for personal usage
Stand Alone Vs Multifunction Devices: There has been a great shift in the preference of the customers, of the total number of corporate accounts surveyed 56% use multifunction devices, but still now 44% of the use standalone machines and prefer using different machines for different services. From the pie chart we could see the share of multifunction devices and stand alone machines.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 25
Preference on Services: The questioner was also intended to know the preference of different organizations in the services and value addition that they looked forward to. The preference was divided in eight different segments: 1. Quality 2. Price
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 26
3. Operational Cost 4. Reliability 5. Maintenance 6. Ease of Operation 7. Power Efficiency 8. Speed All the IT Heads of the different corporate accounts which were covered were asked the aspects that were more relevant to the working of their organization. The question was a close ended rating question where they had to rate the different aspects as per their preferences.
A detailed analysis of the data received which can be seen from the bar graph below:-
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 27
The compiled data showed that when the machine is being procured the most important aspect that is looked into is the quality of prints that the machine is capable of, the second aspect was the cost that will occur in the procurment of the unit. Reliability being the third most important aspect as all the recipients did agree to the fact that at one time or the other the machine is bound to fail but, the frequency and the reliability is very important. Price is the most important driving factor associated with the procurment of the unit, not just the initial cost but the cost of running as well. Though when this was broken up as per segment wise a further detailed analysis could be derived.
Segmented Distribution of Preference: Government Service Industry:
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 28
The pattern of requirements when separately analysed showed a different picture all to gather, from the bar graph shown below it can be interpreted:-
In the government sector reliability of the machine is the most important aspect, as the machines once procured are used for a greater period as compared to any other private sector, reliability thus is given high importance. The procidure of procurment in the government sector is longer and time consuming, Thus if the machine fails it takes a greater period to get a replaced due to the department wise operation system adopted by many organisations. Price being the driving factor as well but as most of the units are procured through Tenders so the L1 (lowest) bids are given preferences taking into consideration the reliability and quality aspects of the machine.
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Service Industry: The private sector has a different set of requirement, form the analysis it can be seen that the important aspects that are looked
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 30
into are the quality and price. The bar graph shows the preference on different factors
Quality and price go hand in hand in the private sector. Still quality is given a bit more important as a small strech in regards to price can be made to procure a better equipment. As in the service sector the perseption of a person for that organization is made by the way it potrays itself, thus quality is very important. The third aspect is the reliability, it has been observed that the print requirements are very hight
and thus if the equipment is not relaible a lot of work gets
effected and delayed. To match the return on investment the best possable fit for the particular enviorment is bought and so it is used to its maximum capacity.
Manufacturing: Every sector has its set of requirements and so does the manufacturing as well, it was noticed that this sector embarks on
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 31
getting the most out of the units bought. The calculation of Return on Investment is the highest in this sector.
The two most importan aspets that are looked in are the the reliability and operational cost of the machine, unlike the service sector price and quality are not deciding factors. The machines have to be sturdy as the number of users per machine are the highest in this segment. The organizations do a detailed analysis of their requirement of different departments and thus while procuring reliability and operational cost are given the most importance.
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The three factors that are taken into consideration in the process of procurment are quality, price and reliability.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 33
It was observed in all the sectors that there was not much emphasis was given on the ease of operations and the speed. Some of th reasons are: 1. The superior the technology, the easier to operate. 2. Machines
saperately speed is not a factor to be considered. 3. The higher capacity machines are made to be fast to cope up with the load.
Level of Security:
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 34
To map the documentation process it was important to know the level of security that was mantained in the different documentation processes by the organizations, with the bar graph we can see the level of security that is mantained in the different sectors of the industry.
After visiting different organizations it was analised that different organizations have their policies in place in reagrds to the level of security that is to be implemented in the organization, but unfortunatel the companies are still strugling to implement it. From the line graph we could understand the disparity in the industry in regards to the level of security mantained currently.
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There is greater scope of improvement and the organizations are working and at places struggling to meet the mark expected to be mantained. Most of the organizations have average or low security in place.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 36
Problems Faced in Network Printer: In the course of the survey it was analised the basic problems faced by different organizations using network printers, some of the problems were common most of the users. The problems that were faced could be seen in the bar graph presented below
The most common problem that was encountered was paper jam and hanging of the printer. This problem occured because unlike Xerox the print around function was not available in any other equipment in the market. A problems most of the organizatons failed to deal with was the wastage due to the junk printing, though not considered to be a serious issue previously, but when analised it was a single and most expensive source of wastage for the organization as when analised 5% to 8% of the
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 37
operational expenses are incured in managing the documentation processes of the organization. We could even see the share of different problems through the Pie chart
Paper handling was also an issue that was the cause of the huge junk printing that occured in the organizations. These issues were very seriously looked into, the organizations were on the look for solutions that could help them in resolving with the wastage due to these reasons.
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Awareness: The questionier was also designed with a question as to how people perceived Xerox, that also helped us to know the awareness of the company with its products catering to the small and medium size offices. The bar graph below represents the level of awareness that the company has :-
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 39
From the bar graph we could see that Xerox as a company had very good awareness but still 6.5% of the people who were surveyed perceived it just
multifunctional devices etc form other companies. Though a majority of the people were aware of the product line offered by the company but still there is a greater requirement to spread awareness of the services provided by the company for gaining a greater market share.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 40
Process of Procurement: New India Assurance:
Usage & Purchase as per requirement, the
process of procuring and the requirements are different as compared to other organizations. It is important to analyse the requirement of on the basis of job issued in that particular office rather than in respect to the increase in manpower, the technology is a driving factor as well, there is limited access to word and excel which is provided to users all across India, therefore security level is as high in the organization. Thus being a government organization comes with its share of pains and gain, the process of replacing products takes a long period thus there is greater emphasis on reliability and performance of the equipment.
Capgemini: A standardization process is followed in the organization in regards to the products which are procured by the organization; Changes are looked as an option only if the other is able to provide a greater value addition, difference in price, greater reliability & support.
Mahindra & Mahindra: Operational Cost & reliability are the major factors governing this sector, as in the case of Mahindra & Mahindra a tender is given out and the decision is taken in accordance to that.
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Air India: Being a booming service industry the back hand support is the back bone of the organization, Service and reliability is the most important features that they look before choosing any vendor. Call time per complain is very important. The preference of this organization is on a vendor providing competitive price and a greater reliability. Having 18 different departments with its own set of requirement boost up the total requirement of the organization and with the boost in the aviation sector it is estimated that there is greater requirement ahead.
Union bank of India: The preference here shifts for preference of quality & reliability to the cost that goes in to the procurement of machine, As the process of procuring and then running the machine is in two different department the initial emphasis is on the initial cost that goes in to the procurement of machine.
1. A centralise department procures the machine for the department as per the specifications laid down by them and hands over the machine to the concerned department.
2. After receiving the machine it is the departments who pay for the running cost of the machine.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 42
Thus the initial emphasis is on comparing the initial price as quoted by different providers in the tender issued by them and choosing the L1 tender.
Reliance Consumer Finance: As compared to other organizations cost cutting and maximized utilization of resources is very important. The printer to manpower ratio is the highest in the organization being 1: 100, thus emphasis on price is very high. At present the machines used by them are Toshiba made as the CSCM provided by them is the lowest in the printing sector being 30p. Thus the requirements are high but the decision making factor is the price or procuring & running cost of the machine.
The preference on quality is very high in this
organization, being in service sector it is very important. The customers are to be treated in a way that every letter or any mode of communication from the company gives them a feel good factor, thus quality is not compromised at any cost.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 43
Detailed analysis of different companies, their requirement & Placing of Xerox machines in place:
Insert 1
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 44
From the above chart we can see the medium that is used for printing in these organizations, it also gives us the detailed picture of the monthly print volume and the number of printer that the organization has at a specific location. The questioner was also intended to know the expenses that organizations make towards printing in a month. Thus from all the information when compiled together we can come up with the expenses that are incurred on a per print basis. After deriving the cost incurred and the volume printed we can place Xerox printers and check difference in cost. Thus we can analyse from this that it is more profitable to use Xerox products. As in the case of Motilal Oswal we can see that they are currently incurring approximately 0.68p per print but when compared with the equivalent printer of Xerox in the category the expenses will come down to 0.36p thus we can conclude that it is more cost effective. We can also see in the case of Capgemini the cost incurred at present per print is approximately Rs 2, but with the solutions provided by Xerox the cost can considerable be brought down. Lupin Pharmaceuticals is at presents spending approximately .90p per print but we could see that the expenses incurred by them could be cut down by 1/3rd of what they are spending at present.
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Thus from some of these observations we could analyse that Xerox products are cheaper to run when compared to the solutions currently in place in these organizations.
Suggestions Due to a 2 tier model, Xerox customers are not directly in touch with the Company. A point of contact should be made for the customers to address their grievances. More awareness should be spread amongst customers about diagnosing minor problems.
It has been noticed that the existing customers having problems with the post sale services (maintenance, delivery of toners etc), thus there is a larger scope of improvement for the retention of customers. Services visibility and branding should be increased to use service as a differentiator. To position services better, services can be advertised. Also, technical staff can be provided with “Xerox” branded apparel while making visits to a client. Moreover, it will also act as an image enhancer for the organization.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 46
As it has been notices that awareness of Xerox is very low in its target market, it is feasible for the company to have print advertisement
targeting its market audience.
It is important for the company to spread awareness and thus participating
organizations a platform to demonstrate its products and even educate the customers of its service offering.
A long term strategy is to visit different Business Schools and educate the managers of tomorrow on how to save paper; it will also give the company an opportunity to show the product line that it offers. This activity would leave an impact on them and thus would help to increase the customer base when those students become the decision takers a couple of years down the line.
Xerox has an average market share in the Services sector but the existence is negligible in the Knowledge and Manufacturing sector as represented by the bar graph earlier. India is a booming economy and there is still expansion and growth expected in the manufacturing and knowledge (including Research and Development), thus targeting these sectors can be lucrative.
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Organizations are expert in their own domain and so is Xerox in the segment. It is an intuitive decision taken by different organizations
Multifunctional devices. Thus providing consultancy services will also help in increasing the market share.
Critical Suggestion Providing FSMA inclusive of PAPER As from the total analysis we have come to the conclusion that the market in which Xerox is competitive and thus attracting customers on FSMA is not possible as competitors (Toshiba, Cannon, Ricoh, Samsung) are willing to provide lower FSMA to capture greater market share. Xerox is the only company in its domain which is dealing in printing paper and thus providing customers with paper included in FSMA can provide the company with leverage over others. A sample calculation was done taking some assumptions. The calculation was done on challenger brand which is provided to the distributor at Rs 112 for a bundle of 500 sheets. Assumed profit margin on FSMA
= 20%
Assumed profit margin Challenger
= 5%
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 48
The calculations are shown in the next page
Insert 2
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 49
Thus form the calculations we can conclude that it lucrative to compile paper in FSMA. As in today’s scenario Xerox is dealing in paper and FSMA separately both giving different profits but if this model is implied, the margin of profit combined together is higher than what is generated by Xerox separately. This would also give a boost to the paper business that is being operated by the company. When the calculation was done it was found that the profit from FSMA at the rate of 20% on the following machines gives a profit of WC 7242 = 0.08p WC 5632 = 0.07p WC 123 = 0.09p WC 5655 = 0.07p WC 5675 = 0.06p And the profit margin on Challenger paper is approximately 0.012p Therefore when separately dealt with the combined profit from FSMA and Paper is provided below, but when FSMA and paper are combined a margin of 20% is kept then:Current
WC 7242 = 0.92p ----------- 0.108p WC 5632 = 0.82p------------ 0.104p WC 123 = 0.102p---------- 0.114p WC 5655 = 0.82p------------ 0.112p WC 5675 = 0.72p------------ 0.094p
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Where as when the compiled calculation was done and a profit of 20% was calculated over it. The margins of profit increased showing that it is can yield greater profits for the company.
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Sample Model It has been assumed that the a bundle of Challenger containing 500 sheets is available in the market for Rs 130. Per sheet cost to be approximately 0.26p All calculations are based on assumptions and data collected from different sources. Cost incurred is the assumed cost that the company will be incurring in print and procuring paper from other sources.
A4 Volume
Current Exp
Paper Cost
Cost Incurred by company
Xerox Machines
Motilal Oswal
0.68 0.26
WC 5632
0.35 0.26
WC 5632
Future Generali
0.35 0.26
WC 5675
Lupin Pharma
0.9 0.26
WC 5675
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 52
1. Questioner for mapping Documentation process of different organizations.
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 53
Questionnaire Dear Customer The following questionnaire is in congruence with our study of office supplies. The collated data does not stand authorized to be published outside and will be used solely for research. Therefore kindly cooperate with us in our endeavour. Company Name
Person’s Name
Department Name :
1. What is your documentation process? Vendor
Any Features of interest / issues
Printing Copying Scanning Multifunctional Devices Fax
Black & white
2. What are your basic requirements? How much average time (in minutes) do you spend for the following document processes? COLOUR Printing
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 54 Faxing
BLACK & WHITE Printing
3. Do you use a Stand alone machine or a multifunctional device? Stand Alone
Multifunctional Device
4. How would you rate the products and services based on following parameters? [Rate from 1-7, where ‘7 stands Excellent’ and ‘1 stands for terrible’] Color Printing Quality Price Operating cost Reliability Maintenance Ease of operation Power efficiency Speed
B/W Printing
Color Copying
B/W Copying
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 55 5. What is the basic pattern of prints at your end? Equal colour & black & white
More of black & white or less of colour
More of colour or less of black & white
6. What is the volume of black & white prints monthly? A4 prints: _________ A3 prints: _________
7. What is the volume of colour prints? A4 prints: __________ A3 prints: __________
8. What kind of printers do you use? Laser
9. How many printers do you have at your workplaces? Laser: _________ Inkjet: _________
10. What is the printer to manpower ratio in your organization? __________________
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 56 11. Problems you face with your network printer? A.________________________________ B.________________________________ C.________________________________
12. What is your approx expense of cartridges or toner? _____________
13. Do you know about FSMA of Xerox (Full service maintenance agreement)? YES
14. Do you know that your organization can save on cost if the documentation processes are managed properly? Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
15. What level of security do you have for documentation management at your workplace? High
“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 57 16. How do you perceive Xerox? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
17. Do you foresee the requirement of a printer or a multifunction device in next 6 months? Yes
18. Would you like to outsource any of your document processes for document processes? Yes
If yes, please specify: __________________________________________
19. Who is your preferred vendor? Value added reseller
Small Medium Enterprise
System integrator
National integrator
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“Documentation Management” Process of Different Organizations 58
Marketing Research by Rajendra Nargundkar