A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of Business Administration of ___________ University, INDIA
DECLARATON Synopsis on “RECRUITMENT & SELECTION PROCESSIN IN AN IT ORGANIZATION w.s.r.t. HCL” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Masters of Business Administration to Sikkim – Manipal University, India, is my original work and not submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship, or any other similar title or prizes. Place: Noida Date: _________ (NOOPUR SOOD) Registration No. 520851050
CERTIFICATE Project Report of Noopur Sood (Registration No. 520851050). Project Report on “RECRUITMENT & SELECTION PROCESSIN IN AN IT ORGANIZATION w.s.r.t. HCL” is approved and is acceptable in quality and form.
Internal Examiner
External Examiners (Mr. _________________)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am highly thankful to Mr. Israr Alam, Faculty Guide, Insoft, Sec-10, Noida for the scholastic & kind advice and the valuable time that he gave during my Report. I shall be failing in my duty if I do not acknowledge my thanks to Staff members of my institute, without their guidance and cooperation this project would haven’t been successfully accomplished. I also express my gratitude to all those people who has provided me all the necessary information providing me throughout this infrastructure to carry out the project and people who were directly and indirectly instrument in enabling me to stay committed for the project
PREFACE The success of any business entity solely depends on how effectively does it utilizes its optimum resources and how soon does it make arrangements for the removal of the customer’s grievances. Moreover, the company should always be ready to make necessary changes according to the requirement in order to attract more customers so as to maintain a substantial growth in the market. The topic given to me was:
“RECRUITMENT & SELECTION PROCESS” I have tried to put my best efforts to complete this task on the basis of skill that I have achieved during my studies in the institute. I have tried to put my maximum effort to get the accurate statistical data. If there is any error or any mistake in collecting the data, please ignore it.
HCL Infosystems HCL Infosystems(“HCL”) is one of India’s leading global IT Services Company, providing software- led IT solutions, BPO and Remote Infrastructure Management services. Making a foray into the services domain in 1997-98, HCL Infosystems focuses on technology and R&D outsourcing, working with clients in areas at the core of their business. Partnerships and risk-sharing have been integral to company’s growth. Relationships have been cemented with partners in diverse areas such as investment banking and telecom.
Keeping pace with the industry trend, HCL has applied itself to gaining momentum in emerging business segments such as Infrastructure Management Services & BPO, optimizing its business portfolio. About 25% of revenues now coming from these high growth segments of tomorrow. Product Engineering and Technology services along with Applications & Enterprise Consulting services contribute equally to the revenues.
HCL also has a rapidly diversifying geographic mix with Europe and Rest of the World yielding 25% and 15% revenue, respectively. North America revenues continue to dominate with a share of about 60%.
The company leverages an extensive offshore infrastructure and its global network in 15 countries to deliver solutions across select verticals including
Semiconductors, Telecom and Life Sciences. For the twelve month period ended 30th June 2005, HCL Infosystemsalong with its subsidiaries had revenues of $ 764 million and employed 24,000 professionals. For more information, please visit
WHY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANT An organization is nothing without human resources. What is IBM without its employees? Same is in a hotel industry. It is totally based on managing people or manpower in an efficient way. When we think about the million of organization that provide us with goods and services, any one of more of which will employ us during our lifetime, often do we explicitly consider that these organization depend on people to make them operate? It is only under unusual circumstances, such as when clerks go on strike at our local supermarket, or the teachers walkout from our schools, colleges or employees working in an hotel industry, that we recognize the important role play in making organization work. There are some question which are listed down in order to know how important HRM is are : •
How did these people come to be employees in an organization?
How were they found and selected?
Why do they come to work on a regular basis?
How do they know what to do on their jobs?
How does management know if the employees are performing adequately? If they are not, what can be done about it?
Will today’s employees be prepared for the work the organization will require of them in ten, twenty - thirty years?
Management : It is the process of efficiently getting activities completed with and through other people. The management process includes the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling activities that take place to accomplish objectives.
With reference to our definition, Goals are the “activities completed”. Limited resources are implied in “efficiently”. People are those in “through other people”. ⇒ First goals are necessary because activities must be directed toward
end. There is a considerable truth in the observation that “if you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there”. The established goals
may not so explicit, but where there are no goals, there may be a need for a new managers or no need for managers at all.
⇒ Second, there are limited sources. Economic resources are scarce therefore, the manager is responsible for their allocation. This requires not only that managers be effective in achieving goals that are established but they be efficient in relating output to input. They must seek a given output with a lower input that is now being used or, for a given input, strive for a greater output. It again depends how much the manager knows about his capacity and how he designs his planning structure and how efficiently he gives a better picture and utilizes it accordingly.
Managers , then are concerned with the attainment of goals, which makes them effective, and with the best allocation of scarce resources, which makes them efficient.
⇒ The need for two or more people is third and last requisite for management. It is with and through people that managers perform their work. Managers are those who work with and through other people, allocating scarce resources, to achieve goals.
HRM AND ITS FUNCTIONS Human resource management is concerned with the “people” dimensions in management. Since every organization is made up of people, acquiring their services developing their skills, motivating them to high levels of performance, and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization are essential to achieving organizational goals. To look HRM more specifically we suggest that it is a process consisting of four function :Accusation, Development, Motivation and Maintenance - of Human Resource. •
The acquisition function being with planning. Relative to human resource requirements, we new to know where we are giving and how we are giving to get these. This includes the estimating demands and supplies of labour. Acquisition also includes the recruitment, selection and socialization of employees. •
It can be seen along three dimensions. The first is employee training which emphasizes skill development and the changing of attitudes among workers. The second is management development, which concerns itself primarily with knowledge acquisition and the enhancement of an executives conceptual abilities. The third is career development, which is the continual effort to match long-
term individual and organizational needs. It also has a major function, it prepares the employees to adopt change at any point of time. Since the scenario of the market changes day by day it is very important for an organization to keep his employees ready to face the change, and accordingly change in order to adapt the change in order to sustain in this competitive market scenario.
The final function is maintenance. In contrast to the motivation function, which attempts to stimulate performance, the maintenance function is concerned with providing those working conditions that employees believe are necessary in order to maintain their commitment to the organization. •
The motivation function begins with the recognition that individuals are unique and that motivation techniques must reflect the needs of each individual. Within the motivation function alienation, job satisfaction, performance appraisal behavioral and structural techniques for stimulating worker performance, the importance of linking regards to performance, compensation and benefits administration and how to handle problem employees are renewed. In recent years, more emphasis was given on manpower because of the change in the society, attitude of an individual etc. etc.
a study ASID i.e. the
Training and Development
Organization and Development
Organization/Job Design
Human Resource Planning
Selection and Staffing
Personnel Research and Information Systems
Employee Assistance
Union/Labour Relations
The outputs of this model are : •
Quality of Work Life
Readiness to Change
HRM MODEL Training and Development - Focus is on identifying and assessing Union/labour Relation Focus : Assessing healthy union/organization relationship.
Employee Assistance Focus : Providing personal problem solving, canceling to individual employees
Organization Development Focus : assessing healthy inter relationship as bell as intra
- Quality of work life - Productivity - Readiness to change
Organization/Job Design. Focus : defining how tasks, authority and system will be organized
Compensation and Benefit Focus : Assessing compensation and benefits
Human Resource Planning : Determining the origins major HRM needs strategies and policies
Personnel research and information systems Focus : assuring a personnel information base
Selection and Staffing : Focus : Matching people and their career needs and capabilities with join and career path
From the above introduction about Human Resource management, it has been pretty clear that how important is human resource and its allocation. Again it depends on human resource planning. So the next question which arises is what is Human Resource Planning?
HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING It is one of the most important and essential programme of Human Resource Management. Human Resource Planning is the process by which an organization ensures that it has right number of people, right kind of people, at the right places, at the right time, capable of the right places, at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks which will help the organization to achieve its overall objectives as well as goals. Human Resource Planning then, translation the organization’s objectives and plans into the number of workers needed to meet those objectives. Without clear-cut planning, estimation of organization's human resource need is reduced to more guesswork.
Of all the “MS” in management (the management of materials, machines, methods, money, motive power), the most important is “M” for men or manpower. Manpower is a primary resource without which other resources like money, machines materials can not be put to use. Even in the age of computer and Robert it requires human resources to execute it and plan further improvement. It is the most valuable asset of an organisation. If people of poor caliber are hired, nothing much can be accomplished and Grasism’s law will work the bad people will drive out the good car cause them to deteriorate. Organisation of men for managing a purpose is age-old, even though, this science of management is yet in a developing stage especially in developing countries. Effective utilisation of manpower resources is the key note of manpower management. Ever since the factory system, production managers have devoted a
great deal of time and effort to the physical organisations of the industry. During the nineteenth Century the average employer in their efforts to reduce costs centralised their attention upon management of men and machines. Man management is basically concerned with having right type of people available as and when required and improving the performance of the existing people to make them more productive on their job. Recruitment forms the first stage in the process which continues with selection and ceases with the placement of the candidates. It is the next step in the procurement function, the first being the manpower planning. Recruitment makes it possible to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organisation. Recruiting is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organisational vacancies. In other words, it is a linking activity bringing together those with jobs and those seeking jobs. It’s purpose is to pave the way for the selection procedures by producing, ideally the smallest number of candidates who appear to be capable either of performing the required tasks of the job from the outset, or of developing the ability to do so within a period of time acceptable to the employing organisation. The smallest number of potentially suitable candidates can in theory, of course, be any number. The main point that needs to be made about the recruitment task is that the employing organisation should not waste time and money examining the credentials of people whose qualification do not match the requirements of the job. A primary task of the recruitment phase is to help would be applicants to decide whether they are likely to be suitable to fill the job vacancy. This is clearly in the interest of both the employing organisation and the applicants.
SCOPE OF THE STUDY : At this point we are nor concerned with desirability of recruitment process since it can not be avoided. Instead our concern is focussed of those questions like recruitment for what purpose. On what basis should it be written down and saved or not? If saved for ever or for a year or two? These are issue to be argued and these are the elements that make manpower planning ground or bad, effective or ineffective.
SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY : Without focussing the pattern of management, organisation philosophy highlights on achieving a surely where all citizens (employees) can lead a richer and fuller life. Every organisation, therefore, strikes for greater productivity, elimination of wastes, lower costs and higher wages, so the industry needs a stable and energetic labours force that can boast of production by increased productivity. To achieve these objectives a good recruitment process is essential. By which industry strikes right number of persons and right kind of persons at the right time and at right places through and the planning period without hampering productivity. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY : The objective of the study is to analyse the actual recruitment process in HCL , and to evaluate how far this process confirm to the purposes underlying the operational aspects of the industry. How far the process is accepted by it ? And what are the options of the family members of the organisation? The study on recruitment highlights the need of recruitment in HCL InfosystemsLimited.
METHODOLOGY : The study is carried on in a proper planned and systematic manner. This methodology includes (i)
Familiarization with the organisation.
Observation and collection of data.
Analysis of data.
Conclusion and suggestion based on analysis.
HYPOTHESIS The organisation follows a systematic recruitment process, which contributes towards continuous flow of production without shortage or excess of labours. SAMPLING The study covers 10 executive, 20 employees from different departments/ sections of HCL as sample in order to elicit relevant facts. Since it is not possible to approach each and every manpower of the organization.
UNIT OF STUDY: An executive and a worker irrespective of their position and placements in any of the departments of the organization is considered as unit of study.
SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTION: The primary as well as the secondary sources was used for collection of data. In primary source of data collection the interview schedule and questionnaire and opinion survey were used and in secondary source of data collection relevant records, books, diary and magazines were used. Thus the source of data collection were as follows: SOURCE OF DATA COLLECTION PRIMARY
1. Interview schedule
1. Diary
2. Questionnaire
2. Books
3. Opinion Survey
3. Other records 4. Magazines
The investigator used structural interview schedule, questionnaire and opinion survey for collection of data from primary source. Interview schedules were used for workers clerical, category and questionnaires were used for supervisory and executive cadre and opinion survey was used to know the technology, perceptions, thoughts and reactions of the executives, employees/workers and trade union members of the organisation. The investigator used the secondary source like diary, books, magazines and other relevant records for collection of data to know about the industry as well as the respondents.
TABULATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: After completion of data collection the editing of the responses go obtained was done. This edited data further codified and code book was prepared. On the basis of these tables the data were interpreted and analysed and conclusion was drawn. LIMITATIONS: Every scientific study has certain limitations and the present study is no more exception. These are: 1. Interviewing of the executive of top echelon position who are making recruitment is busy in the Organisation State of affair. So it is not possible to contact all of those every busy executives. 2. The terminology used in the subject is highly technical in nature and creates a lot of ambiguity.
3. Confidentiality of the management is the strongest hindrance to the collection of data and scientific analysis of the study. 4. All the secondary data are required were not available. 5. Respondents were found hesitant in revealing opinion about supervisors and management. In spite of all these limitations, the investigator has made an humble attempt to present an analytical picture of the study with some suggestion for the long run implementation.
In the early 70s, a group of young, enthusiastic and ambitious technocrats embarked upon a venture that would make their vision of IT revolution in India a reality. Shiv Nadar and five of his colleagues got together and in 1975, set up a new company called Micro comp. To start with they decided to capitalize on their marketing skills. Micro comp marketed calculators and within a few months of starting operations, company was outselling its major competitors. In 1976, Micro comp approached UPSEC (Uttar Pradesh State Electronics Corporation) for help to set up a computer company. Impressed by their technical and marketing competence, UPSEC agreed to set up a joint venture. On the 11th of August 1976 Hindustan computers Limited was incorporated as a join venture between the entrepreneurs and UPSEC and with an initial equity of Rs. 1.83 lakhs.
HCL InfosystemsLimited (HCL) has now become
India’s one of the big
technology integration company. Over the years, HCL Infosystemshas positioned its business operations to fulfill its vision statement: ‘Together we create enterprises of tomorrow’. The overarching theme for the company’s swift progression into the software and services arena, in India and globally, is evolving. Signifying a state of constant growth, the evolve theme is visible in the many ways that HCL Infosystemshas undergone a metamorphosis into becoming a complete IT solutions company.
The menu of HCL Infosystemsglobal services broadly covers IT consulting and professional services in the area of vertical applications, technology integration, ERP implementation and software development. This also includes a complete portfolio of systems and network services for development. This also includes a complete portfolio of systems and network services for Facilities Management, Helpdesks, Systems Supports and network and Internet Implementation. HCL Infosystems’ global customers include Samsung, Government of Singapore, and AMAL insurance Jurong Port in Singapore and
Malaysian’s BSN commercial bank, SIA, DBS bank, Maybank life assurance charted semiconductors, Asia Matsushita and Shell Malaysia. Some of its global customer in the government sector is Inland Revenue authority of Singapore, civil aviation authority of Singapore, Singapore power, ministry of education, health and national development, telecom authority of Singapore and penang state govt.
HCL Infosystems’ chosen platform of total technology integration lends itself to some very significant alliances with the global leaders. Among its partner are HP for high end AISCE/UNIX services and workstation and HP Open view network management solution; Intel for PC and PC server building blocks; Microsoft,novell and SCO AG solutions; Red hat ;Linux; Samsung; Pivota for CRM solution and ORACLE Sybase and Informix for RDBMS platform.
The Indian IT and Electronics market in 2004-05 was worth US$ 32.9 billion of which US$ 19.7 billion consisted of software. Electronics and IT hardware production stood at US$ 13.2 billion. Some 4,100 units are engaged in electronics production manufacturing goods as diverse as TV tubes, test and measuring instruments, medical electronics equipment, analytical and special application instruments, process control equipment, power electronics equipment, office equipment, components etc. Market researcher IDC estimates that the marketvalue estimate over next 3 years for hardware products is Rs.79,000 crores The Indian electronics and hardware industry has been lagging behind the impressive performance of the software sector. Most of the hardware requirements of the burgeoning software and telecom sectors are met by imports which are about 25%. The Ministry of Information Technology, Govt. of India has estimated that the total requirement of hardware and components by 2008 would be in range of US$ 160 billion and the investment required in the manufacturing facilities would be US$ 16 billion. NASSCOM, the leading IT industry body estimates that to achieve a software export target of US$ 87 billion in 2008, the hardware requirement would be US$ 50 billion. By far the most comprehensive study was carried out by Ernst & Young in association with MAIT, the hardware industry body in 2002. It estimates that given the right incentives, India's electronic
i. exe
hardware industry has the potential to reach US$ 62 billion by 2010, twelve times its existing size with the domestic market accounting for US$ 37 billion and exports of US$ 25 billion. The major export opportunities would be in the area of innovative new products, contract manufacturing and design services. This shows that there are large opportunities for Indian companies to increase their strength and grave these opportunities for future growth. HCL InfosystemsLtd is one of those companies which are working to increase their network and making innovative new products. HCL InfosystemsLtd. is currently engaged in selling manufactured hardware (like PCs, servers, monitors and peripherals) and traded hardware (like notebooks, peripherals) to institutional clients as well as retail channel partners. Besides, it offers hardware support services to existing clients through annual maintenance contracts, net work consulting and facilities management.
In 2002-03, HCL’s total hardware turnover was Rs. 10.97 billion, higher by around 24% over the corresponding figure for 2001-02. Of this, manufactured hardware constituted 60%, traded hardware 32% and hardware support services 9%. The company’s reported operating margins in 2002-03 (including six months of OA, telecommunication and software businesses) increased to 6.7% from 5.9% in 2001-02, primarily because of better margins in hardware. While average material costs declined in 2002-03, the company was able to retain a part of the margins in its product realizations. Better margins in hardware resulted in the return on capital employed (ROCE) from hardware increasing from 11.9% in 2001-02 to 25.6% in 2002-03.
In the domestic home PC organized sector, HCL Infosystemsis the market leader. Other players include Zenith Computers, IBM, Sun Microsystems, Wipro, Hewlett Packard. Assembled personal computers have a large presence in the domestic home PC market, accounting for a chunk of the total sales.
The overall market for desktop personal computers registered a 28.2 percent growth during calendar year 2004 as compared to the previous year. What is significant is that branded PCs continue to make impressive gains against the gray market. According to IDC, the share of branded PCs grew from 36.2 percent in 2003 to 49.2 percent in 2004, registering an impressive growth rate of 74.3 percent. Interestingly, the gray market remained flat, registering a growth of 2.2 percent, while the total desktop PC market registered a growth of 28.2 percent. According to IDC, the recent re-surfacing of finance-based purchase options had an accelerating effect on the consumer desktop market, which is already witnessing a consistent drop in end-user prices for both the branded and unbranded PC segments. Among the vendors, HCL Infosystemsemerged as the market leader with a share of 13.7 percent. The company registered a 91.4 percent growth during 2004 as compared to the previous year. HP followed HCL with a market share of 11.9 percent. HP too grew at a blistering pace registering a growth rate of 73.03 percent. IBM is in the third place with a market share of 6.2 percent. IDC is not the only research firm confirming the signs of robust growth. Gartner, in a recent report, states that the Indian desktop market grew by 31.5 percent in 2004. Says Vinod Nair, Analyst, Computing Systems, Gartner India, “Peaking
business confidence based on strong economic growth catalyzed PC purchases in both consumer and corporate segments throughout 2004.” While every research firm has given different figures, one thing is common—the PC market is booming at double-digit growth rates. MAIT (Manufacturers Association of Information Technology) estimates that the desktop PC market grossed 17.1 lakhs units in the first half of fiscal 2004-05, registering a growth of 37 percent over the same period of the previous fiscal. With the Indian economy booming, MAIT estimates that PC sales will touch the 40 lakhs mark in fiscal 2004-05.
The buoyancy in PC sales can be attributed to increased consumption by traditional industry verticals such as telecom, banking, financial services and insurance, BPO, manufacturing and government. Consumption also increased in non-traditional sectors such as education, retail outlets and self-employed professionals.
In future, HCL’s hardware sales to the institutional segment are likely to remain stable, with sustained hardware spending by all the verticals, especially the banking and financial services sector. Besides, in retail hardware sales, a continued reduction of price points, facilitated in part by the recent reduction in excise duties on PCs, is likely to reduce the price advantage of the small assemblers, and augur well for branded PC manufacturers like HCL. In the medium term, HCL’s margins, despite its sales tax advantages, may be affected
by the likely removal of duty protection on manufactured PCs from the year 2005.
Current Market Share of various IT players in over all Desktop Market in Vendors Units Market (2003) share(percent) HCL HP IBM
232,16 9.2 9 221,96 8.8 4 132,58 5.3 2
Units (2004)
Percentage of Units Year-on-Year Growth Shipped (percent)
4,43,535 13.7
3,84,058 11.9
1,98,973 6.2
50.8 Source : IDC India
Units (2003)
Total desktop market Percentage of Units Units Percentage of Units Year-on-Year Shipped (2004) Shipped Growth(percent)
Brande 911,403 36.2 d Grey 1,608,752 63.8 Total 2,520,155 100
1,589,016 49.2
1,643,694 50.8 3,232,710 100
2.2 28.2 Source : IDC India
HCL 34%
IBM 15% HP 30%
From the above figure we can clearly see that HCL emerged as the clear winner among the branded PC companies with 34% or 13.7% of market share followed by 30% or 11.9 % of market share by HP. IBM was third in the race with only 15% or 6.2% of market share of branded PC computers. Along with becoming the market leader in branded PC HCL Infosystemsalso became 1.3 Billion Dollar company in April 2006. 30
SUCCESS STORY Vision, bravado and grit have seen HCL evolve from a dream of eight youngsters in 1977 to the country's top IT group today, with revenues closing in on Rs 5,000 crore
1975: Six young men get together over a cup of coffee and snacks. The conversation veers from cars and travel to jobs, career and the future. Since they all work together, its only natural that they talk shop. They also explore the possibility of starting a company of their own-one rooted in values, directed at creating a market for its products in a segment hitherto unexplored, hardware. Microcomp is born. The initial investment-all their savings, making up seed capital of Rs 1.87 lakh. "Six of us, all with DCM, wanted to start a computer company. But we didn't have enough funds. We decided, therefore, to settle for a close second-we set up a calculator company, Microcomp. We were, of course, working our way upward, towards creating a computer company, till someone informed us that we would need a license for the same. The Uttar Pradesh government was offering an open license of this nature around that time. We acquired it and created Hindustan Computers Ltd (HCL). The name itself had a reason behind it-it denoted largeness, it was Indian, it was patriotic, it was perfect‌ Two more of our friends joined us later to set up Hindustan Computers in August 1976-that took the number of people who started HCL up to eight," remembers Ajai Chowdhry, one of that original group of eight and now President and Managing 32
"We dreamt of working in an industry that would revolutionize businesses, an industry that gave everyone an equal chance to succeed‌ We also knew we wanted to dominate it. Through these years, we have retained our number one position and sustained our growth. The one business strategy that has dominated and been at the core of our business is constant adaptation and renovation. We have also developed new paradigms for new opportunities," adds Shiv Nadar, Chairman of HCL Infosystems. A teething problem faced by the company-getting imports through. The regulations and laws of the time did not allow the import of technology. Components and sub-assemblies, however, could be imported. "The latter was a very expensive affair. This led to a sharp focus on in-house design. The first product we came out with was targeted at the engineering research market-Micro 2200, based on a 4-bit microprocessor from Rockwell," says Chowdhry. With Micro 2200, orders poured in for HCL. "We had no products, and we couldn't simulate them, so we had to create a bread-board model. We actually had people coming to us and looking at these models and placing orders-they believed in us!" The deadlines were tough, but they had to be met, or the orders would fall through. The first deadline was March 31, and everyone worked night and day for weeks. The final delivery date-March 27. "I remember a particular instance. After setting up of HCL (Chennai), we were flooded with orders, especially from
IIT Chennai. I personally went to the airport in my old Fiat and delivered the units personally to the IIT professors," recalls Chowdhry. When MNCs weren't popular If we tabulate the history of Indian business, 1977 will go down as a "funny" year. It was in 1977 that the Janata Party government came to power. Among their first actions on the commerce front-asking IBM and Coke, among other multinational companies, to either increase the component of Indian holdings or move out. They moved out. "That was a stroke of luck for us," says Chowdhry. "We created an eight-bit computer, our first usage of Intel architecture. We went and sold that to lots and lots of companies, among them a cement company that used four floppies to manage the payroll of all its 3,000 companies."
Three years later, in 1980, HCL became a Rs 2-crore company. "We decided to expand overseas and entered the Singapore market, armed with some expertise in hardware and targeting the SME market. However, once there, we realized that the demand was more for solutions, not so much for boxes. We set up a software factory in Chennai-we would go to customers and tell them we would do everything-make the box, write the software, train the staff, maintain the equipment, the works‌ And we had to do $1 million in orders out of Singapore between August 1 and December 31, 1980. That was the make or break point-less than that and we wouldn't have the cash flow to run the company." In the nick of time is how things worked out-HCL Singapore managed that figure on the morning of December 31.
HCL Group: How the Dream has Evolved 1975 Shiv Nadar and five colleagues start Microcomp 1976 HCL promoted with startup capital of Rs 1.83 lacs (US$ 3826.85) 1980 HCL's first transnational venture, Far east Computers, established in Singapore 1981 Set up NIIT, India's first private sector IT education institution. 1985 HCL America established with headquarters at Sunnyvale, California 1991 HCL and HP, USA agree to enter into a partnership to form HCL HP 1994 HCL Tech formed as separate software company 1996 Joint venture with James Martin & Co. and Perot Systems Corporation 1997 HCL Tech incorporated in UK, Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium, Italy and Switzerland 1998 Operations started in Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, and New Zealand 1999 Initial Public Offering made by HCL Tech Formation of Global Board of Directors and Advisory Board. Audit, Compensation and Related Party Transaction Committees set up Implementation of 'Glocal' Management Concept 2000 Large deals with Bankers Trust, KLA and GTech 2001 Acquisition of Deutsche Software Acquires Ireland-based BPO firm, Apollo Contact Centre HCL Enterprise Solutions formed as a joint venture with Computech Corporation, Inc, USA The Singapore experience taught the founders a lesson-designing and manufacturing products in India and selling them overseas was akin to walking a tough and profit-less path. "This was when we decided to walk the software
integration road. We created the integration database, much before Intel... but we killed it! We were so naïve, we killed a product line like that," says Chowdhry. In 1984, the new computer policy was coined and standards were put in place. This saw a major move by banks toward the Unix platform. "A few companies approached us and we decided to launch the personal computer in India. We had three weeks to do this. Our people flew all over the place, including Taiwan and Bangkok, and brought back PCs. We took them apart, studied them and got into manufacturing mode. We launched our PC in three weeks. And that, incidentally, how Busybee was born," says Chowdhry. A turning point came in 1989, just when the PC and software integration business was chugging along smoothly. McKenzie & Company approached HCL and offered to carry out a study for HCL, entitled HCL's Entry Into America. "We told them we were too small and couldn't afford them. They did a project for us anyway, and refused to charge us any money," says Chowdhry. When the findings of the study were presented to the top brass at HCL, the company moved into the US market-HCL America was born. "We marked the entry into the US market with hardware. We had no environmental clearances and fell back. We could not deliver as promised. Our entry strategy was right, but the product wasn't. We were in big trouble-our overheads were high, we had no revenues‌" Unix to the rescue It was the US reversal that made HCL look at newer avenues, and a path that would lead to more revenues. "That is how our software strategy was born, and we capitalized on our Unix strengths. Around this time, we were in talks with
Hewlett-Packard for a joint venture. We were also working on Apollo, and HP bought out the product. About the same time as out foray into the US, we tied up with HP. At that time, HP was smaller than the behemoth it is today, but it still boasted global expertise. And that was something we wanted," says Chowdhry. However, HP asked HCL to close down its RISC and Unix R&D setup. Unwilling to down shutters on a going and profitable effort, HCL created a new opportunity out of the situation-HCL Consulting was set up and the said works were moved in to this new company. "We had our people working at the HP research centers, taking in all of the technologies. This was a great learning period and had a mushroom effect subsequently, when HCL Consulting turned into HCL Technologies," says Chowdhry. And along the line, HCL Infosystemswas also set up. Chowdhry remains upbeat on the company he runs on a day-to-day basis, HCL Infosystems-despite the predicted flat growth in the current year. HCL Insys focuses on the domestic products and software businesses and its main areas of operations are: -Products & System Integration: PCs, Phones, EPABXs, SI.
HCL’s Offerings in Info-Processing Products Channel Sales & Support
Small Business
Beanstalk Media Centre -
Channel Sales & Support
Entertainment PC
Beanstalk - India’s first Home PC
Infiniti PCs- India’s Largest installed PC
NetManager - Intel Servers BusyBee India’s First Desktop (‘86)
Global Line - Intel Servers for Enterprise applications HCL’s Low Price PC Networking Excel Line - AMD Servers Products EzeeBee -
Indic PC Infiniti Storage products Security products Thin Clients Sun Servers & Workstations
Toshiba Laptops
Monitors Keyboards Direct Sales & Support
Cabinets & Racks Information Kiosks
HCL Advantage HCL Infosystemsdraws it's strength from 27 years of experience in handling the ever
changing IT scenario , strong customer relationships , ability to provide
the cutting edge technology at best-value-for-money and on top of it , an excellent service & support infrastructure. Today HCL is country's premier information enabling company . It offers onestop-shop convenience to its diverse customers having an equally diverse set of requirements, be it a large multi-location enterprise, or a small/medium enterprise, or a small office or a home, HCLI has a product range, sales and support capability to service the needs of the customers. The last 27 years apart from knowledge and experience have also given continuity in relationship with the customers, thereby increasing the customer confidence in HCL.
Our strengths can be summarized as: - Ability to understand customer's business and offer right technology - Long standing relationship with customers - Pan India support & service infrastructure - Best-vale-for-money offerings Technology Leadership HCL Infosystemsis known to be the harbinger of technology in the country. Right from our inception we have attempted to pioneer the technology introductions in the country either through our R&D or through partnerships with
the world technology leaders. Using own R&D HCL has: - Created own UNIX & RDBMS capability (in 80s). - developed firewalls for enterprise & personal system security. - launched our own range of enterprise storage products. - launched our own range of networking products. HCLI strive to understand the technology from the view of supporting it post installation as well. This is one of the key ingredients that go into strategic advantage. HCL Infosystemshas to its claim several technology pioneering initiatives. Some of them are:
- Country's first DeskTop PC - BusyBee in 1985 - Country's first branded home PC - Beanstalk in 1995 - Country's first Pentium 4 based PC at sub 40k price point - Country's first Media Center PC MANUFACTURING
HCL's computer hardware manufacturing plant is strategicaly located in the Union territory of Pondicherry. Situated 165 kms south of Chennai on the coast of the Bay of Bengal with proximity to Chennai Air/Sea port, special policies for Industises of local Govt, , Inland Container Depots, attractive power and labour rates - makes Pondicherry an ideal place for business.
Started in 1996 - with only Unit 1 - it now has 3 Units (Unit 1,2,& 3) with a built up area of 3,23,000 sq. ft., PMO has a monthly capacity to make 50,000 desktops and 2000 servers. The infrastructure is state of the art , one of the best & largest in India.
All 3 factories are ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 certified. PMO was also Awarded MAIT Level 2 - by European Foundation for Quality Management in the year 2001 . HCL was also awarded ELCINA's (Electronic Component Industries Association) Quality Award for the year 2002- 2003 PMO also has Product Engg Group (PEG) and R&D teams constantly engaged in developing new products and solutions. Driven by a strong Manufacturing Objective "WE SHALL DELIVER DEFECT-FREE PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND SOLUTIONS TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF OUR EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL CUSTOMERS, THE FIRST TIME, EVERY TIME." All processes in the manufacturing are aligned to this guiding objective . A strong emphasis of "Quality by Process" is ensured across all processes. The products manufactured here undergo stringent tests that ensures their ruggedness & durability , which may be deployed anywhere in India and may have to face severe conditions like - heat , humidity , rough transportation & handling .Our
products undergo drop tests , hot & cold temperature chamber , client-site simulation tests , reliability tests et al . Computers are shipped to locations all over India with an extensive network of professional logistic support partners. There is also a Customer satisfaction cell, in plant, to take care of problems reported from field. Customers, sales & marketing, support personnel, dealers & distributors are encouraged to visit the plant to see, for themselves, what all goes in making a quality computer system.
Philosophy of Quality "We deliver defect-free products, services and solutions to meet the requirements of our external and internal customers, the first time, and every time."
To exist as a market leader in a globally competitive marketplace, organizations need to adopt and implement a continuous improvement-based quality policy. One of the key elements to HCL's success is its never-ending pursuit of superior quality in all its endeavors. HCL INFOSYSTEMSbelieves in the Total Quality Management philosophy as a means for continuous improvement, total employee participation in quality improvement and customer satisfaction. Its concept of quality addresses people, processes and products.
Over the last 20 years,HCL has adapted to newer and better Quality standards that helped us effectively tie Quality with Business Goals, leading to customer and
QUALITY AT HCL INFOSYSTEMSLTD. The history of structured quality implementation in HCL Infosystemsbegan in the late 1980s with the focus on improving quality of its products by using basis QC tools and Failure Reporting and Corrective Active Systems (FRACAS). And also employed concurrent engineering practices including design reviews, and rigorous reliability tests to uncover latent design defects. In the early 90s, the focus was not merely on the quality of products but also the process quality systems. We were certified for ISO 9002 by BVQI in 1994 and re-certified in 1997 to ISO 9001-2000 (for Design & Manufacture of Personal Computers, Business Servers, Work Stations and their Associated SubAssemblies). In early 1995, a major quality initiative was launched across the company based on Philip B. Crosby's methodology of QIPM (Quality Improvement Process Management). This model was selected to because it considered the need and commitment by an organization to improve but more importantly, the individual's need towards better quality in his personal life. Under our Quality Education System program, we train our employees on the basic concepts and tools of quality. A number of improvement projects have been undertaken by employees, whereby process deficiencies and bottlenecks are identified, and Corrective Action Projects (CAPs) are undertaken. This reduces 43
defect rates and improves cycle times in various processes, including personal quality. HCL has received MAIT's 'Level II recognition for Business Excellence' for initiatives in the Information Technology Industry, adding another commendation to progress. MAIT's Level II recognition is based on the 'European Foundation for Quality Management'
competitiveness. Our certifications / awards in 2003 include ISO 9001-2000 certification by BVQI for Infostructure Services (for
Consultancy, Implementation, Support, Audit &
Management Services for Information Technology Solutions in the domain of Networking, Security, Facilities Management and System Integration) and award of First Prize by ELCINA
(Electronic Component Industries Association) for Quality,
2002-03. The ELCINA award criteria considers two aspects. (1) Enablers (Leadership & Management commitment, Resource Management, Product Realisation, Measurement Analysis & Improvement) and Results (Product Quality, Customer / Stake holder satisfaction , Business results). The tryst for continuous quality improvement is never-ending in HCL. HCL always strive to maintain high quality standards, which help us fulfill mission to provide world-class information technology solutions and services, to enable customers to serve their customers better. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION One of the cornerstones of strategy has been a very strong customer focus. 27 years of experience in servicing a varied range of customer requirements has given domain knowledge of customer's business. As a result of this it is able to
provide exact solution to customers' needs. During these years they have been able to cement their relationship with customers and gaining their trust and confidence as well. Today for desktop PC, they have more than 8 lakh units installed units. HCL enjoy considerable market share in segments like Government, Banking & Finance and Education & research. SUPPORT SERVICES HCL InfosystemsService Support infrastructure is one of the widest in the country. No matter where you are, there's an HCL Service Centre near by. Products are backed by an extensive direct support infrastructure spread across 170 locations nationwide which offer 24 x7 support offering for critical sites. Channel strength is a balanced mix of retail outlets, resellers & distributors. It was strong focus on distribution network that led HCL in devoting few brands exclusively for channel. They are - Beanstalk, BusyBee, Netmanager (servers), and recently launched EzeeBee. Today distribution network helps it take a varied product range to customers in every nook & corner of the country .The product range includes DeskTop PCs, Servers, Laptops & Pocket PCs.
CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK OF RECRUITMENT PROCESS Human resource Management classically pertains to planning; recruitment, selection, placement, induction, compensation, maintenance, development, welfare etc. of Human Resources of any organisation to enable the organization to meet its objective while also enabling the human resources to attain their individual goals.
As is evident from the definition of the concept the entire theme revolves centrally around human resource and its role in enabling simultaneous satisfaction of individual and organizational goals.
The immediate conclusion that follows from this is that the prime movers of the organisation are the individuals. The process of bringing employees into the folds of organisation is termed as recruitment and can be unambiguously treated as the central pillar for foundation stone of the entire concept of human resource management.
It is easy to see why recruitment has accorded such a high position out of the various facets of human resource management. The reason is simply that unless one has human resource in the organisation whom will the human resource managers manage or whose energy will they channalise productively and usefully.
Keeping this idea into mind this Projects is an attempt to study various options that are available both theoretically as well as practically for an organisation to launch itself into the task of recruitment.
The entire report is divided into various sub-sections which appear in a chronology of events that are steps in the process.
The success of and organisation largely depends upon the Team of the skilled and qualified human resources who are chosen out of number of applicants for the job. It is the primary duty of the HRD department to procure and maintain an adequate qualified working force of various personnel necessary for manning the organisation.
Procurement function of
personnel Department includes three major sub-
functions- (A) Recruitment; (B) Selection: and (C) Placement on the job.
Recruitment is the positive process of employment. The process of Recruitment is to identify the prospective employees, attract, encourage and stimulate them to apply for the job, Interview the eligible and select them for a particular job in the organisation.
Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting selection of an efficient working force. ------------Yoder
OBJECTIVES 1. To structure the Recruitment policy of HCL InfosystemsLimited for different categories of employees. 2. To analyse the recruitment policy of the organisation. 3. To compare the Recruitment policy with general policy. 4. To provide a systematic recruitment process.
SCOPE OF RECRUITMENT It extends to the whole Organisation. It covers corporate office, sites and works appointments all over India. It covers workers, Clerical Staff, Officers, Jr. Management, Middle Management and Senior Management cadres.
All workmen, All Assistants (Accounts, Stores, Field), clerk, Typist, Steno-Typist, Stenographer, Computer Operator.
Accountant, Store keeper, Supervisor up to the level of Officers, Designer, Jr. Engineer, P.A, Sr. P.A, EDP Programmer up to officer, Admin./ personnel / HRD officer, Inspector.
Secretary, Executive Secretary, Management Trainee, Asst. Engineer, Engineer, Sr. Engineer, Sr. Programmer, Sr. Officer, Asst. Manager, Dy. Manager, Manager, Sr. Manager, Works Superintendent.
VP & above.
ORGANISATION STRUCTURE OF HCL A brief introduction to Divisional / Departmental heads.
CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR: CMD holds to most position in the organisation. He is the owner of the Company. He guide the functional heads to smoothen their activities. It is the key position in the organisation. DIRECTOR OPERATIONS: He is the overall incharge of P&A, HRD, Systems, TQM and Critical Issues. GM-PRODUCTION: He is the overall incharge of works. He is directly involved in production planning. He formulates various policies for betterment of the product. He issues guidelines to Production Department and Quality Control Department for implementation of the policies. VP-FINANCE: He is directly involved in finance matters and finance policy. He is also involved with personnel department for wages compensation, salaries and other financial benefits. AGM- PERSONNEL & ADMINISTRATION : He is the overall incharge of personnel, Administration and Industrial Relations of the group and also oversees the HRD activities. SR.MANAGER-CORPORATE HRD: HRD Department is responsible for better utilisation of manpower through Recruitment’s, Selections, Training, Development, Retention and Welfare of the group. It is involved in policy formation and its implementation. VP-MHD: He is the profit center head of the Material Handling Division. He is responsible for Design and Projects Execution.
VP-BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: He is the main source of Business Procurement to MHD. SR.GENERAL MANAGER He is responsible for marketing, Design, Estimation and Projects Management.
RECRUITMENT PROCEDURE IN HCL Human resource is a most valuable asset in the Organisation. Profitability of the Organisation depends on its utilisation. If their utilisation is done properly Organisation will make profit otherwise it will make loss. If a good dancer appointed as a Chief Executive Officer of a Company, he may not run the business. So right man should be procured at right place in right time, otherwise their proper utilization may not be done. To procure right man at right place in right time, some information regarding job and job doer is highly essential. These information are obtained through Job Analysis, Job Descriptions, Job Specifications. HCL procure manpower in a very scientific manner . It gets information by use of
important documents like Job Analysis, Job
Descriptions and Job Specifications. unsuccess.
Without these recruitment may be
Before recruit a person all information regarding job, working
conditions, duties and responsibilities of job doer, Skills experiences qualifications of an employee to do the particular job is highly essential. To obtain the pertinent information regarding job, duties, responsibilities, working conditions, skill efficiency, education and experience of the employee, HCL, gets the help of Job analysis, job description and job specifications.
JOB ANALYSIS FORM OF HCL INFOSYSTEMSLTD. Job Title………………………………….…… Date…………………………… Code No…………………………… …… Location ……………………….. Department…………………………………… Analyst…………………………. Reason for the job …………………………… Supervised.. …………………… Wage or salary range………………………………………………… Relation to other jobs: Promotion from……….. Promotion to………………….. Job summary: Work performed:……………………………………………………… Major duties :………………………………………………………. Other tasks :………………………………………………………… Equipment/Machines used:……………………………………………. Working Condition…………………………………………………… Skill Requirements: Education: (Grade or Year) Training : Job experience : (a)Type of experience…………………….. (b) Length of experience…………………… Supervision : (a) Positions supervised……………………. (b) Extent of supervision………………….. Job knowledge : (a) General …………………………… (b) Technical……………………………… (c) Special………………………………………… Responsibility : (a) For product and material ……………………. (b) For equipment and machinery……………… (c) For work of others…………………………. (d) For safety of others…… Physical Demands : Physical efforts Surroundings Hazards Resourcefulness
Job Code ……………………
REQUIREMENTS 1. EDUCATION : Ability to read and understand production orders and to make simple calculations. Preferably High School Certificate. 2. TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE: No special training required . Requires one month experience to learn job duties and to attain acceptable degree of proficiency. 3. PHYCIAL EFFORT: No special physical effort is required. 4. MENTAL SKILL: Requires reasoning to interpret instructions and drawings and productions orders. Must be able to concentrate when operating. 5. SUPERVISION : Routine checking and no close supervision required. Specific but no detailed instructions. 6. Responsible for own work only. Only routine responsibility for safety of others. PROCEDURE OF RECRUITMENT Following process of Recruitment has been followed in HCL . 1. REQUISITION 1) For new requirement or for replacement a manpower the given requisition format is to be filled up by Head of the Division/Department and forwarded to HRD after obtaining MD’s approval.
INTERVIEW SCHEDULE Date: Venue: Position:
INTERVIEW CALL LETTER Date ---------------Dear Sir, “___________________________________________________” This has reference to your application for the above mentioned position in our organisation. We are pleased to invite you for a meeting with the undersigned on…………………….at………a.m./p.m. please confirm this appointment. We have enclosed a blank personal Data Form. Please fill this in and bring with you along with your educational and experience certificates / testimonials in original for the meeting. No TA/DA shall be admissible for attending this interview. You will be reimbursed to and for train fare by 1st / 2nd class for attending this interview.
We take this opportunity to thank for the interest you have shown in joining our organisation. Yours sincerely, For HCL InfosystemsLtd. Authorized Signatory Preliminary interview of the candidates is conducted by HRD based on Personal Data Format given below filled up by the candidate with the help of technical person along with the Dept. Head.
HCL Infosystems Ltd. Address:
PERSONAL DATA FORM POSITION APPLIED FOR SOURCE Name____________________________________________________________ _ Surname First Name Middle Name
Present Address ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________Phone_______________________________
permanent Address _____________________________________________________________ __________________________Phone______________________________
Date of Birth: Marital Status: Languages Known _________________ __________________
Religion: Sex:
Nationality: Date of Marriage: Speak
Father’s Name & Occupation Spouse Name: Occupation
No. of children:
Educational / Professional Qualification Start With Latest Degree/ Diploma Degree/ Diploma
Institution/ University/Board
Years From To
Main Subject
Division & % of marks
Publication & Membership Special Interest/Hobbies
Employment Record: (Starting from present to first one) Period From To
Name of Employer
Designati on
Nature of Duties Performed
Gross Salary
Detail of Present Salary Basic HRA Conveyance Bonus
Superan nuation
Salary Expected: Joining Time Required: Are you ready work any where in India: Relatives & Acquaintances in HCL Name Designation
Any other information which you think should be taken into account while considering your candidature References: please give name and address of two persons who knows you professionally or under whom you have worked. Name: _____________________________________ Nature of Acquaintance : ______________________________ Position : __________________________________ Address : __________________________________
Tel .:
Off.:____________ Res.:___________ Off.:_ __________ Res.:___________
Declaration: I hereby authorised verification of all statements in the record and shall agree to produce any documentary evidence in proof of above statements as desired by NPL. I certify that all the above statements are true and understand that misrepresentation or mission of facts called for in this from will cause separation from the company’s services without any notice or compensation. Date________________
OTHERS: Joining Date: DATE
Probation Period: HOD
HRDDEPTT. Final approval for Asst. Manager and above is after final interview by the MD. Travel Expenses to outstation candidates are reimbursed as per the travelling rules existing in the company, in format given below.
ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT OUTSTATION CANDIDATE TRAVEL EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENT NAME : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ADDRESS :------------------------------------------------------------------------INTERVIEW DATE :-------------------------- POSITION :----------------------
After final selection Letter of Intent is issued in the following format
LETTER OF INTENT With reference to your application and the subsequent interviews you had with us, we are pleased to offer you the position of “______________� in our organisation at mutually agreed terms and conditions based at _______________. However you are liable to be transferred to any of our sites / sister concerns / associates companies at the sole discretion of the management. You will report for work on _____________at______________, failing which this offer will stand automatically withdrawn. The detailed letter of appointment will be issued to you on your joining. Please submit the following documents at the time of joining :1. 3 passport size photographs. 2. Copy of last appointment letter, relieving letter & salary certificate. 3. Photocopies of educational and experience certificates. Please sign you to our organisation and wish you a successful career with us. Yours sincerely, For HCL InfosystemsLtd. Authorized Signatory V) JOINING FORMALITIES On the joining detailed appointment letters are issued as per below mentioned levels:1) APPOINTMENT LETTER Language for below Asst. Manager level is given in the following format .
‘BELOW ASSTT. MANAGER LEVEL’ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
Dated : ___________________
LETTER OF APPOINTMENT Dear Mr. __________________________ With
__________ we are pleased to appoint you as ____________________ on the following terms and conditions: 1)
Ordinarily your period of probation will be Six months which could be further extended for a period not exceeding three months and during probationary period/extended probationary period your services are liable to be terminated without any notice or without assigning any reason or compensation in lieu thereof.
you will be paid following emoluments: Basic Salary
Rs. __________ p.m.
House Rent Allowance
Rs. __________ p.m.
Local Travelling Expenses
Rs. __________ p.m.
You shall also be entitled to benefits like Bonus, Gratuity, PF, ESI & L.T.C as per rules of the company.
Further increment will be based on efficient, satisfactory and loyal discharge of duties and may be withheld in case the standard of work and
conduct is found subnormal of may be accelerated in case the same is adjudged to be commercial at the discretion of the management. 3)
Your place of posting will be at our _________________situated at ____________________. However, you are liable to be transferred to any of our sites/factory/office at the discretion of the management.
4. During the period of your employment, you shall not secure or try to secure any other post and undertake any course of study or work on part time basis without the pronouncement or the Management in writing. You will also not hold any office of profit outside the company or engage yourself in any other trade or business either part time, or full time, whether for profit or gain, or on honorary basis or otherwise, engage in an insurance agency or commission agency etc. without the prior written permission of the management.
5. Your hours of attendance shall be regulated to suit the duties entrusted to you from time to time, subject to the statutory provisions.
6. You shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the company in force from time to time, that may be applicable to you.
7. In the event of your confirmation in writing, in addition to the terms and conditions mentioned in this letter, except para (1):
a) You will be liable to be retired on your reaching the age of 58 years or earlier if found medically unfit. The organization shall have the right to have you medically examined as and when considered necessary by a registered medical practitioner or by the Company’s medical officer.
b) The employment will be liable to be terminated on either by giving one month’s basic salary in lieu thereof. However, no notice would be necessary to be given by the organisation if in their opinion you are found guilty of any gross misconduct as generally understood in employment, particularly disobedience, insubordination, insolence and acts subversive of discipline, habitual negligence of duties, distrust, dishonesty or embezzlement, illegal strike, habitual late attendance, absence, go-slow etc.
8. In case any misconduct is alleged against you, you are liable to be suspended forthwith without any salary or allowance, pending such inquiry, if in an inquiry you are exonerated of the charges, you will be entitled to full salary as if you were on duty. In the event you are found guilty of the charges levelled, irrespective of the punishment imposed, you shall not be entitled to any payment for the period of suspension.
9. The above mentioned “terms and conditions of services” shall prevail so long as the same are not either modified or they will also be subject to such other
and further rules and regulations which may be notified by us by putting a notice in writing on the notice board put inside the premises. 10. Your date of joining the services _________________________________
11. This letter is being offered to you in duplicate.
In case the terms and
conditions expressly enumerated above are acceptable to you, please sign the duplicate copy of this letter in token of your having read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions mentioned above. 12. Please note that the court of jurisdiction shall be at New Delhi. We welcome you to our organisation and wish you a successful career with us. Yours sincerely, For HCL InfosystemsLimited,
ACCEPTANCE I have clearly understood the terms and conditions mentioned in this letter of appointment and I hereby accept the same. NAME
2) Appointment letter language for asst. Manager to manager is given in the following format. FOR ASSISTANAT MANAGER TO MANAGER Dear Mr………………………. Date………………….. APPOINTMENT LETTER With reference to the offer letter no._________________ dated________________, we are pleased to appoint you in our organisation on the following terms and conditions:1)
Designation : Your position in the company will be …………………………
Date of Joining: Your date of joining the services in the organisation is ………………………………
Probation Period: Ordinarily your period of probation will be Six months from the date of joining. Management may extends the probation period depending upon your performance. On successful completion of probation, you will be issued a confirmation letter. During the probation period, your services are liable to be terminated without assigning any specific reason, whatsoever without giving any notice. After confirmation the notice period will be one month or one month’s basic salary on either side.
Salary Details: Your Basic Salary will be Rs. ………………./- p.m. (Rupees ……………………………………………… only) In addition you will be entitled to House Rent Allowance of Rs. ………………/- p.m. (Rupees ………………………………………………only) You will entitled to reimbursement of Local Travelling Expenses upto a maximum limit of Rs. ………………/- p.m. (Rupees ……………………………………. only) You shall also be entitled to benefits like ESI/Medical Reimbursement, LTC, Bonus Exgratia, Gratuity & PF as per rules of the company.
Place of Posting: ……………………………… However, you would be liable to be transferred/posted at any of the existing or proposed locations of the company or its sister/associates companies at the sole discretion of the management.
The company normally does not permit employees to engage in any other business or work, either directly on their own account or indirectly and you will be expected not to do so without prior consent of the management in writing.
You will be governed by the rules and regulations of the company as applicable in force, amended or altered from time to time during the course of your employment.
You will automatically retire from the services of the Company on attaining the age of 58 years. You may be retired earlier if found medically unfit.
Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter signifying your acceptance and return it to us. We welcome you to our organisation and wish you a successful career with us. With best wishes, Yours sincerely, For HCL InfosystemsLimited,
I agree to accept employment on the terms and conditions mentioned above and agree to abide by all the rules and regulations of the company. NAME
3) Appointment letter language for sr. manager and above is given in the following format. FOR SR. MANAGER AND ABOVE Dear Mr. ………………………….
APPOINTMENT LETTER With reference to the offer letter no.____________________ dated ______________, we are pleased to appoint you in our organisation on the following terms and conditions:1)
: Your position in the company will be ……………………
Date of Joining: Your date of joining the services in the organisation is …………………………..
Salary Details : Your Basic Salary will be Rs. ………………/- p.m. (Rupees ………………………………………only) In addition you will be entitled to House Rent Allowance of Rs………………../- p.m. (Rupees…………………………………………………… only) You will entitled to reimbursement of Local Travelling Expenses upto a maximum limit of Rs. ………………../- p.m. (Rupees ……………………………………….. only) You shall also be entitled to benefits like Exgratia, Gratuity, PF etc. as per rules of the company. You will be entitled to reimbursement of Medical Expenses for yourself and family, the total cost of which shall be a maximum of one month's basic salary in a year. You will be entitled to reimbursement of LTC equivalent to one month’s basic salary per completed year of service. Your first entitlement for LTC will be on completion of 12 month’s service with the Company.
4) Place of Posting: …………………………. However, you would be liable to be transferred/posted at any of the existing or proposed locations of the company or its sister/associate companies at the sole discretion of the management. b 5) Your services are liable to be terminated without assigning any specific reason, whatsoever by giving you one month’s basic salary or one month’s notice. Likewise you would be free to leave the services of thew company by giving one month’s notice or basic salary to the company. 6) The company normally does not permit employees to engage in any other business or work, either directly on their own account or indirectly and you will be expected not to do so without prior consent of the company in writing. 7) You will be governed by the rules and regulations of the company as applicable in force, amended or altered from time to time during the course of your employment. 8) You will automatically retire from the services of the Company on attaining the age of 58 years. You may be retired earlier if found medically unfit. Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter signifying your acceptance and return it to us. We welcome you to our organisation and wish you a successful career with us. With best wishes. Yours sincerely, For HCL InfosystemsLimited,
I agree to accept employment on the terms and conditions mentioned above and agree to abide by all the rules and regulations of the company.
Joining report to be filled by the new join in format given below and experience certificate, Date of Birth Certificate, Relieving letter, Salary Certificate and Educational Certificate etc. to be submitted to personnel Department.
HCL InfosystemsLimited NEW DELHI DATE: HRD DEPARTMENT NEW DELHI-110 020 JOINING REPORT This is to inform you that I have joined the organisation as On
Department. My present address is Telephone No. And my Date of Birth is
. Any change in my address will be
intimated to you. NAME : SIGNATURE: DATE:
VI) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Individual personal files are maintained. Computerised Personal details are maintained. After separation also the personal files are maintained of ex-employees. Position wise Data Banks are maintained for future reference. The following formats shall be generated as a result of implementation on this procedure.
SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT Sources of recruitment can be classified into two categories (i) Internal Sources (ii) External Sources
INTERNAL SOURCES: Internal sources of recruitment means promotion of employees from the lower rank to the upper rank. Majority of companies have established a policy of promotion from within that is, vacancies other than at the lowest level are filled up by promoting the personnel to the higher rank. Such practice leads the healthy progressive atmosphere and the cost of training and the rage of labor turnover. This source of recruitment is generally adopted to fill vacancies of middle and top personnel.
EXTERNAL SOURCES: It is always not possible to recruit the employees from within, especially vacancies at lower level or recruitment at the time of expansion of the firm or where job specification cannot be met by the present employees, the employer has to go to external sources of manpower supply. Amongst the most commonly used outside sources are as follows:
1. ADVERTISEMENT: Advertisement in newspapers and journals is now an external popular source of recruiting staff. For all types of types of vacancies employers resort to advertising but it is the most suitable source for filling the vacancies of technical and senior personnel. All particulars regarding the job and the qualifications of the perspective candidate are given in their advertisement. Candidates processing the requisite qualification apply for the job.
2. TECHNICAL INSTITUTIONS: Campus interview is a very useful source of recruitment for a full range of jobs. The employment managers of the enterprises maintain a close liaison with the University and Technical institutions. This method is used for recruiting Officer, Apprentices, Engineers or Management Trainees. Technical Institutions empanel the promising young talents for employment and refer their names to the prospective employers as and when asked for. 3. EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE: Employment exchanges are regarded as good source of recruitment for unskilled, skilled or semiskilled operative jobs. The job seekers get their names registered with employment exchanges managed and operated by the Central and State Government. The employers notify the vacancies to be filled in by them to such exchanges and the exchanges refer the names of prospective candidates to them. 4. PRIVATE AGENCIES: Some private agencies are also doing a great service in recruiting technical and professional personnel. They provide a nationwide service in attempting to match the demand and supply of personnel. Many private agencies tend to specialize supply of personnel. Many private agencies tend to specialize in a particular type of jobs like Sales, Marketing, Technical Professional. 5. PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS: Consultants who specialize in the recruitment of managers and other senior officials are now being called upon to assist the management in filling of these posts. Companies hire the services of these consultants at the time of recruitment of the senior officials. These consultants agencies, on receiving requisition from the client companies, advertise job description in leading newspapers and periodicals without disclosing the names of the employers. 6. PROFESSIONAL BODIES: Some professional institutions like Institute of Chartered Accountant , I.C.W.A.I., Institute of Company Secretary etc. maintain a register of qualified persons from which they recommend the names of the job seekers to the employers when asked for.
7. UNSOLICITED APPLICATIONS: An organisation of repute draws a steam of unsolicited applications at the company’s office. These applications are screened and places in the relevant Data Banks. Whenever needed to locate suitable candidates for that particular skill these are used. 8. RECRUITMENT AT THE GATE: Sometimes direct recruitment of workers is made at the gate of the factory or office. Generally, the number of vacancies, nature of work and time of interview are notified by the Personnel Department on the blackboard at the gate. Prospective candidates attend the interview at the appointed time and get the appointment. This system of recruitment is generally used to recruit the unskilled workers. 9. PART TIME EMPLOYEES: Sometimes, persons are employed to dispose of the heavy seasonal work or the areas of work of temporary nature on part time basis. These part time employees form a good source of labours supply as and when vacancies occur. Vacancies are filled up among them if they fulfil the requisite qualification to suit the jobs. 10. LEASING: The short term fluctuations in personnel needs may be stabilized through leasing of personnel for some specified period from other industries, offices and units. This system of leasing has been well adopted by the public sector organizations. With the rapid growth of public sector, the acute shortage of managerial personnel, particularly at higher levels, they borrow the personnel of requisite caliber from the Government Departments. At the end of their term they are given an option to choose either their parent services or the present organizations. 11. TRADE UNION: In some companies trade unions also assist in recruiting the staff. This sense of cooperation helps in developing the better labor relations. This source of labor supply cannot be relied upon on the ground that sometimes trade unions support a candidate who in not fit for the job and is not acceptable to management. Such view really worsens the labor relations. However, this method is not being adopted by out organisation.
SELECTION TEST Psychological tests are essentially an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior. Objective of this definition refers to the validity and reliability of measuring instruments. It also means the job relatedness of the test.
KINDS OF TEST Following tests are adopted for selection:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Achievement Aptitude Interest Personality Intelligence. Leaderless Group Discussion Interview
1. ACHIEVEMENT TESTS This test measures a person’s potential in a given area. This test measure the skill which involves performance of a sample operation requiring specialized skill and believed to be satisfactorily answered by those who have some knowledge of the occupation and trade. 2. APTITUDE TEST This measures ability and skills. Specific aptitude tests have been designed for jobs that require clerical, mechanical, and manual dexterity. Aptitude tests do not measure motivation. Aptitude test is supplemented by interest and personality test. 3. INTEREST TESTS This test has been designed to discover a person’s area of interest, and do identify the kind of work that will satisfy him. 4. PERSONALITY TESTS Personality tests assess individuals motivation, predisposition and other pattern of behavior. The personality tests, more often than the intelligence, achievement or aptitude tests, predict performance success for jobs that require dealing with people. Dimensions of personality such as interpersonal competence, dominancesubmission, ability to lead and ambition are more suitably measured by the personality test. 79
5. INTELLIGENCE TEST This tests generally aptitude ones. The scores on intelligence tests are usually expressed as Intelligence Quotient (IQ), which are calculated by the following formula.
Mental Age IQ= --------------- x 100 Actual Age 6. LEADERLESS GROUP DISCUSSION The essential feature of this technique is that instead of the candidates being interviewed separately, they are brought together in gourp of six to eight for informal discussion, and absolved and evaluated by the selectors. The two kinds of group discussions are one, where the group is given a problem to discuss and the individual member is free to choose his own approach to solving this problem; and two, where each individual is allotted an initial position and supplied with supporting information to defend his position. The advantage of this method is that the decision to hire a person can be made within a very short time, and the selector can evaluate the candidate’s personality or leadership qualities very well. 7. INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES The interview technique consists of interaction between interviewer and interviewee (applicant). Following are the methods of interview technique:1. PRELIMINARY INTERVIEW These interviews are preliminary screening of applicants to decide whether a more detailed interview will be worthwhile. The applicant is given job details during the interview to afford him freedom to decide whether the job will suit him. It is argued that preliminary interviews are unsatisfactory, first because they might lead to the elimination of many desirable candidates, and second, because interviews may not have much experience in evaluating candidates. The only argument for this method is that it saves the company’s time and money.
2. DEPTH INTERVIEW Depth interviews cover the complete life history of the applicant and include such areas as the candidates work experience, academic qualifications, health, interests, and hobbies. It is an excellent method for executive selection, performed by qualified personnel. It is however. Costly and time consuming. 3. OATTERNED INTERVIEW Patterned interviews are a combination of direct and indirect questioning of the applicant. What is to be asked is already structured. The interviewer has certain clues and guidelines to areas which should be probed deeply. The interview also encourages the candidate to express the relevant information freely. SELECTION METHODS A variety of methods is used to personnel. The selection pattern, is not common for all organizations. It varies from one to another, depending on the situation and needs of the organization. APPLICATION BLANK The application blank is a highly interview in which the questions are standardize and determined in advance. It tests the applicant’s ability to write, organize his thoughts, and present facts. A number of application blanks give the impression that “if you have seen one you have them all. Despite the diversity, all application blanks essentially require three broad categories of information. A. BIOGRAPHIC DATA This is concerned with such variables as age, sex marital status and number of dependents. This also have used items like the local address, age, previous salary and age of children and have found no difference in long and short tenure employees.
B. EDUCATION AND PAST EXPERIENCE This is concerned with grade point, average, division and percentage of marks as prerequisites for a job.
C. REFERENCES References are letters of recommendation written by previous employees or teachers. The general format is a paragraph or so on the person. Besides inaccurate facts, this can be attributed to the referee'’ inability to assess and describe the applicant, and his limited knowledge about him.
H.O (CORPT) 80 82 82 81 81 75 76 78 76 70
200 200 202 198 195 186 190 192 188 142
414 426 428 431 440 413 439 464 464 389
104 109 109 110 120 115 118 130 134 120
From the above table it is shown that increase in recruitment of manpower is based on availability of Projects and diversification of business. At the saturation point of one business it diversifies to another business which is highly required for a business house. There is a little bit effect of non-availability of Projects and diversification of business on manpower positions. In this way HCL, avoids retrenchment and lay off and adjust the deficit and surplus manpower within the organisation.
428 431 440 413 439 464 464 383
249.47 195.11 225.73 280.35 192.37 242.27 215.15 180.22
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
P/ L BY RECRUITING ONE EMPLOYEE (In RS.) 58287 45269 59302 67881 43820 52213 46362 47054
It is clear from the above table that when recruitment of manpower increases profitability of the organisation decreases and when recruitment of manpower decreases profitability of the organisation increases. So it is clearly understood that cost benefit analysis is not done properly before recruitment or creation of a position in the organisation.
From the perusal of the above table it is found that the ratio of span of control of HCL, is approximately 1:10 which is very good for an organisation in increase in the productivity
for better cost control. But it may not leads to proper
supervision and quality of work. Optimum utilisation of non-executives staff may not be achieved.
OPINION SURVEY: Certain schemes yield more fruitful results in certain conditions and with some specific objectives.
Needless to say that management practices differ from
organisation to organisation.
But the fact is that success does not follow
automatically, the people who implement the system that matters just as the authority without acceptance have no meaning. Recruitment process without trust of employees and organisation has no value how hobble the objective may be so an attempt is made to study the attitude of those who are participating in recruitment process before giving any suggesting and concluding remarks. For this purpose research has taken opinion of 20 executives and 50 worker/employee of different departments/sections of the organisation. The questionnaire prepared and circulated may them is reproduced below indicating their responses to each question.
Questionnaire circulated among 20 executives
No Response
1. Are you in support of recruitment policy?
2. Whether the existing recruitment policy is linked 40%
c) Maintaining timing in recruitment and staffing 25%
to productivity? 3. Do you feel that manpower recruitment has been 10% rationalised by way of automation? 4. Whether the existing recruitment policy is getting will supports for the top management? 5. What are the benefits you are deriving from the existing recruitment policy? a) Reduction on labor cost? b) Effective utilisation of human resources?
6. Do you feel that job evaluation and job analysis helps
your 85%
9. Are you satisfied with the existing recruitment 30% system of the organisation?
13. How are you controlling the shortage and excess of 50%
organisation? 7. Do you think that the personal recruited from external sources is more desirable than the internal sources? 8. Whether cost benefit analysis is done before recruitment?
10. Do you feel that performance appraisal helps in recruitment process? 11. Do you feel that training will effect to recruitment process? 12. Do you think job rotation will affect the recruitment policy?
manpower? A) By employing casual worker b) By employing extra hours c) By lay off / retrenchment
From the response indicated above it appears that the prevailing recruitment policy has definite impact on the organisation. Most of the executives showed 87
positive response to different questionnaires by virtue of manpower planning they used proposed deletion of manpower planning they used proposed deletion or addition of man in the organisation for a planning period. The excess or shortage are being adjusted and hence misutilisation is mere chance. The executives did not respond to the lay off and retrenchment for reduction in available human resources. Form the questionnaires it appears that the managerial staff are only interested for filling of the vacancies of higher post from out of the internal sources. This attitude will seize the professional approach of the organisation and may not able to induct fresh brain. From the answers of most of the managers it is observed that they want entry of new managers should be avoided and fresh recruitment shall be limited up to only staff cadre and not above that. From the answers of most of the executives it appears that cost benefit analysis is not properly followed by the organisation and job rotation also not followed properly in the organosation which make an employee all rounder in all respects.
By which, in the absence of an employee the work will not
No. Respons
e 1. Are you satisfied with the existing recruitment policy 25%
in your organisation? 2. Do you feel work load in your department?
20% 70%
3. Do you feel of your optimum utilisation?
4. Do you satisfied with your job?
5. Do you feel that motivation is main factor for 75%
optimum utilisation of existing manpower? 6. Do you feel that recruitment of lower level staff from 50% external source is desirable than internal source? 7. Do you feel that training imported by your 60% organisation helps in improving your performance? From the response to the above questionnaires it is clearly indicated that most of the workmen are dissatisfied about the existing recruitment policy. They are not given chance for their development. Their skill efficincies are not recognized by the company.
CONCLUSION Studying the recruitment procedures of HCL, analysing the respondents answers, opinion survey and date analysis the researcher came to a conclusion that HCL is a growing Company. It has a separate personnel department which is entrusted with the task of carrying out the various policies, programmes like recruitment selection, training etc. effectively and efficiently. The business of HCL is carried on in a very scientific manner. In the saturation point of business it need not waste the time to diversify into the another business. Management understands the business game very well. At the time of difficulty it takes necessary action to solve the problem. Now the personnel department of HCL is in infancy stage. It always try to modernize the department. It strongly believes in manpower position of the organization because it knows in the absence of ‘M’ for man all ‘Ms’ like money, material, machines, methods and motivation are failure. It always tries to develop the human resources. In the absence of right man, material, money, machines all things will not be properly utilized. So it always recruits manpower in a scientific manner.
FINDINGS & SUGGESTIONS FINDINGS 1. Under recruitment Procedures Requisition System is incorrect because the replacement does not require fresh approval, unless it is in place of termination. 2. The data banks are not properly maintained. 3. The dead bio-data are never being destroyed. 4. Proper induction is not given to all the employees. It reserves to only a few levels. 5. Salary comparison is not justifies. Old employees are demoralized by getting less surely then new employee. 6. Salary fixation has a halo effect . 7. Recruitment procedure is not fully computerized. 8. Manpower’s are recruited from private placement consultancy, who are demanding high amount of fees, where as HRD Department is not fully utilised to recruit manpower by advertisement. 9. Before recruitment cost benefit analysis is not done properly. It causes manpower surplus which makes loss in the industry. 10. Manpower is recruited from reliable source however efficiency does not recognise.
1.Fresh requisition requires approval and not replacement. 2. The Data Banks should be computerised. 3. The dead CVs should be destroyed. 4. Each level of employee should be formally inducted and introduced to the Departmental Head. If not all levels, at least Asst. Manager and above category of employees. 5. Salary comparison should be seriously done to retain the old employees. 6. Proper salary structure to be structured to attract people and make it tax effective. 7. Cost benefit analysis should be alone before creating a position or recruitment of manpower. 8. Recruitment process should be fully computerised. 9. External source should be given equal importance with internal source. By which new brain will be inducted in the company with skill, talent, efficiency etc. 10. Manpower planning should be followed before recruiting. 11. Proper inquiry should be done regarding previous employment of a candidate before recruitment to avoid industrial disputes.
ANNEXURE 1 QUESTIONNAIRE TO EXECUTIVE 1. a) Name of the respondent : b) Date of joining: c) Employment NO: d) Designation: e) Department: 2. Details of the Organisation: a) Name : b) Address: c) Nature of Production: d) Location; e) (i) Are the organisational activities concentrated anywhere? (Yes/No) (ii)If yes, then where? f) When started? g) Production figure of last 10 years YEAR
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 h) Capital invested in the last 10 years: YEAR
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 i)
(a) workforce strength (10 years)
i. 1999 2000 Unskilled
Highly skilled
(b) Employees strength (10 years) Managerial No. 1999 2000 2008
Supervising No. Clerical No. Others No. j) (a) Organisation Chart: (b) Method of wage payment
(%age of employee covered)
Time rate Piece rate Any other method (C) Factors which influence wage determination for different categories of workers. (d) Method of wage determination (i)
Collective bargaining
Wage board
Any other method
3. Are you satisfied in your job? Satisfied/Not-Satisfied i)
Are you satisfied with the existing manpower position your department? (Satisfied/Non-Satisfied)
If not, do you need more manpower in your department? (Yes/No)
Is it justified according to your workload? (Justified/Not Justified)
Kindly give reasons for your answer in brief.
4. (i) How do you ascertain the need of manpower in your department? Mention the technique of manpower assessment.
(ii)Whether the planning period is long range/Medium range/Short range. (iii)Whether the process of recruitment is approved by top management. 5. (a) How the personnel are recruited? (i)
Through external source
Through internal source
Or the both
(b) Are you satisfied with the existing recruitment system of the organisation? (Yes/No) (c) Kindly give reasons foe your answer briefly. 6. While recruiting the new personnel: (a) Is there any job evaluation or job analysis procedure adopted? (Yes/No) (b) Is there rate of labours turn over exactly calculated? (Yes/No) (c) What are the requisite sources to fill the vacancies (i)
Through employment exchange
Advertising through T.V, Radio, Magazines and other Journals.
Through campus interview.
Through management consultancy.
At factory gate from any reliable source
7. while the selection procedure is going on (A) Is the interview conducted in a special room?(Yes/No) (b) Whether the organisation conducts written test/verbal test/the both (c) Whether the interviewer are companymen/outsider/ the both
8. After selecting the candidate (i)
Is the induction programme being conducted? (Yes/No)
Is proper placement offered to the candidate?(Yes/No)
9. Is performance appraisal conducted for recognizing the efficiency in the performance of employees? (Yes/No) 10. (a) Is there any provision for imparting training facilities to the (Yes/No)
(b) Which type of training for imparting training facilities to the employees? (Yes/No)
(c) In present context which type of training you considered as appropriate? (d) Do you feel that training helps in recruitment policy? (Yes/No)
11. (a) Is there any promotion facility provided to the employees in your organisation ? (Yes/No) (b) If yes, is it given on the basis of Efficiency/Seniority/the both 12. (a) What are the welfare amenities provided in your organisation? Crèche
Free education for children
b) Is there any motivational technique adopted by the company?(Yes/No) i) If yes, whether it is financial/Non-financial/the both ii) Whether it is job enrichment/job enlargement/the both iii) If no, kindly give your option
13. (a) How do your manage the shortage of manpower in your organisation? By way of retrenchment/lay off/ the both/No one. (b) How do you manage the shortage of manpower in your organisation? Recruiting casual workers/Engaging overtime/Recruiting permanent workers/the both 14. Since the technology follow by the organisation is not up-to-date. It needs rationalisation is there any future plan to bring latest technological know-how? (Yes/No) 15. If so how and it what way it is going to affect the overall manpower recruitment in the organisation.
ANNEXURE – II OUESTIONNAIRE TO EMPLOYEE/WORKER 1. a) Name of the respondent. b) Designation : c) Date of joining : d) Token no : e) Department : 2. a) Are you a workman / employee in the following category ? permanent / Temporary / Casual. b) Are you getting wages in piece rate / Time rate / any other method. c) Is wages fixed by wage Board / Collective bargaining / Any other method. d) Are you feeling any work load in your job? Yes/No. e) If yes, do you need extra hands? Yes/No
3. a) How do you have recruited ? Through a employment exchange / through union / Political pressure / through relatives.
b) Do you like internal source of recruitment ? Yes/No. e f g
c) Do you feel that any extra manpower is needed for your organistaion? Yes/No
4. a)
Is there any training facility for you? Yes/No
If yes, is it on the job training loft the job training / off the job training?
b) i
j c)
Do you feel that training is inevitable for you? Yes /No
5. a)
Are you satisfied with your job? Yes /No.
Is the job appraised by your superior authority? Yes/No.
a) Are you getting promotion? Yes/No.
If yes, in which basis you have promoted? Efficiency / Seniority / The l
7. Are you getting any motivational facilities? Financial / Non-financial / The m both.
n 8. What types of facilities the company is extending for you? Creche
Free education for children
9. Whether the organisation provides employment opportunity to the family members in case of death of the worker / employee.
Principles of Management - by koontz o’ Donel. Principles and practice of Management –by C.B. Gupta. Human Resource Development – by U.B. Singh Principle and practice of Management –by L. M. Prasad. Personnel Management –by C.B. Mamoria. Management of human Resource. Dynamic of personnel administration by M.N. Rudrabasavaraj. Personal Management and industrial relation –by R.S Davar. World Resources –by M.S kar.