Computer OPerator

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ICT TRENDS Proud to be associated with PS Exam

Old Question with Solution COMPUTER OPERATOR 2011 (SANSAD SEWA) Visit for computer operator exam preparation! This test is available online at

QUESTION PAPER (Key D) F.M.: 50 Time: 45 minutes Date: 2068 – 02 – 12 B.S. Attempt all of the following questions. Each question provides four options and there is one and only one correct answer. 1. Fonts install from a) Add from control panel b) Font setup file c) Font.exe file d) All of above 2. Which one is not system tool? a) Backup b) Disk defragment c) Virus scanning d) All of above : Computer Operator Exam Preparation Visit us for MCQ Bank, Online Quiz, Class Notes, References and Downloads.

ICT TRENDS Proud to be associated with PS Exam 3. Recently deleted files restore from a) Recycle bin b) Desktop c) Taskbar d) My computer 4. Which one is not part of control panel a) Date and time b) My documents c) Add or remove program d) Display 5. What is the file extension of MS-Word document? a) Txt b) Dot c) Doc d) Dom 6. In H2O the figure 2 is appeared lowered. Which effect has been applied? a) Laid down b) Superscript c) Lowered d) Subscript 7. Why are headers and footers used in document? a) To allow page headers and footers to appear on document when it is printed b) To enhance the overall appearance of the document c) To mark the starting and ending of a page d) To mark large document more readable : Computer Operator Exam Preparation Visit us for MCQ Bank, Online Quiz, Class Notes, References and Downloads.

ICT TRENDS Proud to be associated with PS Exam 8. Which of the following shortcut key is used to check spelling? a) F9 b) F1 c) F2 d) F7 9. What is the thesaurus used for? a) Opposite words b) Spelling options c) Grammar options d) Synonyms and antonyms 10. How can you insert a sound file in your word document? a) From insert -> file menu option b) From insert -> object menu option c) From insert -> sound menu option d) By right clicking the document and choosing ‘Add sound’ option 11. A bookmark is an item or location in document that you identify a name for future reference. Which of the following task is accomplished by using bookmarks? a) To mark the ending of a page of document b) To quickly jump to a specific location in the document c) To add hyperlinks in a web page d) To add anchors in a web page 12. Macros are: a) Small programs created in MS-Word to automate repetitive tasks by using VBA b) Small add-on programs that are installed afterwards if you need them c) Programming language that you can use to customize MS-Word d) Large tools in Word such as mail merge : Computer Operator Exam Preparation Visit us for MCQ Bank, Online Quiz, Class Notes, References and Downloads.

ICT TRENDS Proud to be associated with PS Exam 13. A template stores: a) Graphics, text, styles, macros b) Customized word command setting c) Auto text entries d) All of above 14. What do you mean by vertical separation between columns? a) Orientation b) Gutter c) Margin d) Index 15. The default header for a worksheet is a) The sheet tab name b) Your name c) The date and time d) None of these 16. Which of the following is an absolute cell reference? a) A1 b) !A!! c) $A$1 d) #a#1 17. Which symbol must all formula begin with: a) @ b) = c) + d) ( : Computer Operator Exam Preparation Visit us for MCQ Bank, Online Quiz, Class Notes, References and Downloads.

ICT TRENDS Proud to be associated with PS Exam 18. To add two cells (A1 and A2) together you use the following formula: a) A1 plus A2 b) =A1 + A2 c) =Add(A1+A2) d) =together(A1:A2) 19. In an excel sheet the active cell is indicated by: a) A blinking border b) A dark wide boarder c) A dotted border d) None of above 20. You can create hyperlinks from the Excel workbook to a) A webpage on company internet b) A web page on the internet c) Other office 97 application documents d) All of above 21. The advantage of using a spreadsheet is a) Calculations can be done automatically b) Changing data automatically updates calculations c) More flexibility d) All of a the above 22. There are three types of data found in a spreadsheet: a) Numbers, formulas, labels b) Data, words, numbers c) Equations, data, numbers d) Words, numbers, labels : Computer Operator Exam Preparation Visit us for MCQ Bank, Online Quiz, Class Notes, References and Downloads.

ICT TRENDS Proud to be associated with PS Exam 23. To merge the cells which tab do you use from the format, cells menu? a) Merge tab b) Number tab c) Alignment tab d) Font tab 24. How do you rearrange the date in ascending or descending order? a) Data, subtotals b) Data, sort c) Data, form d) Data, table 25. Which of the following is not a data base application? a) Access b) dBase c) edit d) FoxPro 26. Size of a database are usually measured in terms of a) Gigabytes b) Terabytes c) Megabyte d) Data bytes 27. An organized collection of logically related data is known as a) Data versus information b) Data c) Meta data d) Database : Computer Operator Exam Preparation Visit us for MCQ Bank, Online Quiz, Class Notes, References and Downloads.

ICT TRENDS Proud to be associated with PS Exam 28. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a computer? a) Storing data or information b) Gathering data c) Processing data into information d) Analyzing the data or information 29. A field that uniquely identify each record in a table is: a) Index key b) Main field c) Primary key d) Key field 30. How can you stop a slide show? a) Press the down arrow b) Press the right arrow c) Press escape d) Press the left arrow 31. What would I choose to create a pre-formatted style? a) Slide design b) Slide sorter c) Slide layout d) Slide transition 32. Which view shows all the slides at once? a) Slide show view b) Normal view c) All slide view d) Slide sorter view : Computer Operator Exam Preparation Visit us for MCQ Bank, Online Quiz, Class Notes, References and Downloads.

ICT TRENDS Proud to be associated with PS Exam 33. What is the syntax to write the HTML tags? a) <html> b) (html) c) <% html> d) “ html “ 34. Which is not HTML tag? a) Dr b) Tr c) Br d) Hr 35. Email uses …….. protocol to transfer data from client to email server? a) www b) SMTP c) HTTP d) All of above 36. Which operation is not performed by computers? a) Understanding b) Processing c) Inputting d) Controlling 37. The word length of mainframe computer is a) 32 to 64 bit b) 8 to 16 bit c) 16 to 32 bit d) None of above : Computer Operator Exam Preparation Visit us for MCQ Bank, Online Quiz, Class Notes, References and Downloads.

ICT TRENDS Proud to be associated with PS Exam 38. The input unit of a computer a) Directs all other units b) Feeds data to the CPU or memory c) Retrieves data from CPU d) All of the above 39. Which of the following holds the ROM, CPU, RA and expansion cards? a) Motherboard b) Hard disk c) Floppy disk d) None of the above 40. Which of the following device can be used to directly input printed text? a) MICR b) OCR c) OMR d) None of the above 41. CD-ROM is a a) Magnetic memory b) Semiconductor memory c) Memory register d) None of the above 42. Actual execution of instructions in a computer takes place in: a) Storage unit b) ALU c) Control unit d) None of the above : Computer Operator Exam Preparation Visit us for MCQ Bank, Online Quiz, Class Notes, References and Downloads.

ICT TRENDS Proud to be associated with PS Exam 43. Software can be categories into a) Six major groups b) Three major groups c) Four major groups d) Five major groups 44. An attempt to slow down or stop a computer system or network by flooding the system with requests for information is called a) Trojan horse b) Virus c) Worm d) Denial-of-service-attack 45. Typical data transfer rate in LAN are the order of a) Mega bits per sec b) Bits per sec c) Kilo bits per sec d) None of the above 46. The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler are a) Logical errors b) Syntax errors c) Semantic errors d) None of the above 47. The ASCII code of ‘A’ is a) 01100011 b) 66H c) 41H d) 01000010 : Computer Operator Exam Preparation Visit us for MCQ Bank, Online Quiz, Class Notes, References and Downloads.

ICT TRENDS Proud to be associated with PS Exam 48. In the URL the portion labeled http is the a) Top-level domain b) Host c) Domain name d) Protocol 49. The number of pixels displayed on a screen is known as the screen a) Viewing size b) Resolution c) Color depth d) Refresh rate 50. Which one is example of GUI? a) Linux b) Window XP c) Windows 7 d) All of above : Computer Operator Exam Preparation Visit us for MCQ Bank, Online Quiz, Class Notes, References and Downloads.

ICT TRENDS Proud to be associated with PS Exam

ANSWERS 1 – d – All of above 2 – c – Virus scanning 3 – a – Recycle bin 4 – b – My documents 5 – c – doc 6 – d – subscript 7 – a – To allow page headers and footers to appear on document when it is printed 8 – d – F7 9 – d – synonyms and antonyms 10 – b – insert -> object menu option 11 – b – to quickly jump to a specific location in the document 12 – a – small programs created in MS-Word to automate repetitive tasks by using VBA 13 – d – all of above 14 – c – margin 15 – 16 – c - $A$1 17 – b - = 18 – b – = A1 + A2 19 – b – a dark wide border 20 – d – all of above 21 – d – all of above 22 – a – numbers, formula, labels 23 – c – alignment tab 24 – b – data, sort 25 – c – edit 26 – a – gigabytes (?) : Computer Operator Exam Preparation Visit us for MCQ Bank, Online Quiz, Class Notes, References and Downloads.

ICT TRENDS Proud to be associated with PS Exam 27 – d – database 28 – b – gathering data 29 – c – primary key 30 – c – press escape 31 – a – slide design 32 – d – slide sorter view 33 – a - <html> 34 – a – dr 35 – b – smtp 36 – a – understanding 37 – a – 32 to 64 bit (?) 38 – b – feeds data to the CPU or memory 39 – a – mother board 40 – b – OCR 41 – d – None of the above (CD ROM is an optical storage device) 42 – b – ALU (?) 43 – b – three major groups 44 – d – Denial of service attack 45 – a – mega bits per sec 46 – b – syntax error 47 – d – 01000010 48 – d – protocol 49 – b – resolution 50 – d – all of above : Computer Operator Exam Preparation Visit us for MCQ Bank, Online Quiz, Class Notes, References and Downloads.

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