ARE YOU USING CBD TO TAME A THC HIGH You may Have an Opposite Effect
Getting a medical marijuana evaluation is easy and so is purchasing high-quality strains from local dispensaries. You can easily walk up to a store or a cannabis dispensary and purchase both THC and CBD rich strains. And the good news is that cannabis use has risen in the past few years. All thanks to the growing popularity of CBD. You can find plenty of CBD products out there. While some use CBD for medical purposes, others think that CBD can balance the intoxication caused by THC. In fact, you might have heard your friends saying that CBD can balance the THC high. In other words, you will feel less high if you consume THC. This normally used piece of advice can have a huge impact on THC lovers. Not only this, but this might work in your favor. As a result, you may start using CBD every time your high goes out of hand. However, research says that CBD and THC combined can produce an intense high. The effects of THC and CBD are such that it is not always possible for CBD to dampen an uncontrolled high. At times, CBD in tandem will make the high even stronger causing severe side effects. The study was published in 2019 and it studies the paradoxical effects of CBD along with factors that most people miss.
Overlooked Factor: The Dosing Guide The above-mentioned study exclaimed that certain doses of CBD can alter the effects caused by the human mind. For instance, in this study, the participants reported that a high dose of 400mg CBD successfully curbed the effects of 8mg THC. Whereas, stronger doses of THC, when combined with low doses of 4mg of doses of CBD, caused the opposite effect. In simple words, high THC dosed in combination with low doses of CBD caused the high to become even more powerful. Most often, people tend to forget the dosing guide while consuming CBD. The simple reason for this is CBDs intoxicating effects. Because people have learned that CBD has no intoxicating effects on the mind, they will miss out on vital details such as the dosing guide. You see, there is a huge difference between 25mg and a 300mg dose of CBD. So, you should worry about the potency of a CBD product before taking it to curb your high. More vitally, these ratios or numbers matter because cannabis is no longer a part of outdated stigmas. CBD has successfully entered the food, skincare, and medicine industry. So, the CBDs dosing guide is an important detail you cannot miss out on. In fact, these details are equally vital for medical marijuana users and those who use cannabis to balance a THC high.
Are You Looking to Balance a Marijuana High? Now that you know that a small amount of CBD can cause an increased high. Here are some other things you should take note of. For example, while taming a THC high you should aim for a high CBD dose in the form of packed oils and concentrates. As mentioned earlier a small dose might not work in your favor. Although, scientists believe that there’s not much research on the subject of cannabis dose. Even scientists don’t know what is a safe CBD dose for various medical conditions. Be it pain, inflammation, anxiety, and depression. In addition to this, most cannabis experts are of the view that CBD dose varies from person to person. Several factors such as body weight, mass, product quality, contribute towards the effects of a dose. As is the case with many other medications and their dose. Ideally, the main practice involves starting with a minimal dose to figure out the body’s response. If a small dose does not work, the dose is increased and there may be a point where you can see the effects of cannabis in general. In contrast, when people try to counter the effects of one cannabinoid using another cannabinoid, the effects can vary largely. So, it would be best to get a medical marijuana evaluation and then talk to the doctor about cannabis use. This will help you understand how THC and CBD work with our bodies. That said, let us delve a little deeper and look at some other factors.
IS THERE A PERFECT CBD DOSE TO CURB THE EFFECTS OF THC? So far we have learned that a high dose of CBD can curb the intoxicating effects of THC. However, the problem is that this study does not shed light on how accurate the method is. For instance, factors like the type of product and method of consumption are still unclear. On top of that, we don’t know how much THC or CBD a particular dose contains. The product comes with the total ratio. An individual or patient has to calculate the dose per serving. And the same can vary depending on how many portions you consume. What’s more, we still don’t know whether maintaining a ratio will have the same effect on our body or not. In other words, do you need 700mg of CBD to curb the effects of 20mg THC? The variables such as tolerance leave room for more doubt. Plus, questions like an effective dosing guide hangs by a cliff. Until we have concrete evidence and trial methods providing us with a perfect THC: CBD ratio, we can only experiment and see how CBD works in case of a THC high.
Learn From the Experience of Cannabis Users Luckily cannabis is used widely by a large no. of people. I am sure if a friend suggested to you that CBD can help curb the THC high. There must be a story behind it. So, don’t just listen to advice. Start digging deeper and ask them a lot of questions. For instance, how much CBD did they consume and what was the method of consumption. This way you can dial in the same dose and figure out if it worked out for you. But let’s be real, you are most likely to feel different because the dose might not work for you. In this case, you can try and adjust the dose according to what you experienced. For the same, find a high THC strain and then add a high amount of CBD to it. Next, see how different ratios work in your favor. While this experiment can be quite tricky, you have to tap into your inner chemical mixes. You can also get creative with the flavors and find your CBD alchemy as you experience different ratios. But make sure that you increase the dose slowly and steadily. Do not intoxicate your body to an extreme level. It may cause you to experience severe side effects.
HERE’S WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR A BALANCED HIGH If you are experimenting on different doses, try larger doses of CBD. For the same, you have to ensure that the product you bought has the same amount as mentioned on the label. You see, at times product ratio is different from what the label reads. To be extra sure, get a lab test of the product and then resume with the experiment. Also, remember that this study concentrated on high CBD doses for a normal baseline of THC. To get a gate pass for an extreme and medium-high start with low THC dose