Garowe branch communication assessment report final

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Report on Mapping of the SRCS Communication Activities Branch Name

SRCS Garowe Branch


Report on Mapping of the SRCS Communication Activities


7-15 Sept 2017


Mr. Abdirisak Mohamed Farah, Media and Radio Officer

Introduction / General Situation

The SRCS Communication department particularly the Radio and Media Program Officer has conducted extensive mapping of communication activities in the SRCS branch of Garowe in Nugal Region of Puntland state administration from 7 September to 15 September while assisting First Aid National Officer by covering International First Aid event held in Garowe town by SRCS’s volunteer and action team from several branches in southcentral, Puntland and Somaliland with the help of the ICRC officials in the event. In the mapping exercise, the officer used different methodologies including meetings, individual interrogations and discussions, interviews and focus group discussions in a bid to find out communication gaps in the branch and meet the demands to improve the communication means of SRCS and its branches with community, within the organization and build up the mirror image of the organizational communication system. The officer also prepared opportunity to attend a dissemination session for the volunteers, youth and action team of the branch in the branch’s headquarters. With the efforts of the SRCS Radio and Media Program Officer, he had met with two radios 1

directors and of course journalists and Puntland state administration TV in which he already had filed a clip of the event and shared with the SRCS officers and directors in national level and also with Garowe Branch Secretary and its committee chairman. I.


Garowe town is the capital of Puntland state administration, it is the heart of the state administration territory, there have been the state administration security forces tighten security of the town, there have not been any confrontations relating to political rivals, clan problems. The security has been very stable recently, there have only been some cellmates in the town’s main prison for allegedly having links with al-Shabab who have been waiting to appear before court. II.


Garowe is the provincial city of Nugal Region as well as Puntland state administration capital city. The drought has affected the region immeasurably which claimed many lives including human and livestock. Despite such massive droughts there are local and international NGOs operating in areas where the droughts hit the accessibility has been normal due to reliable security in the Nugal Region. There is a high movement of people within and outside the region. Drought-stricken displaced people mostly pastorals started moving from rural areas arriving areas close to the Garowe town, some keep their only countable remaining livestock including camels and goats in localites in the town’s outskirts while some others started living IDPs in the town. People from the hardly hit localities have been coming to Garowe town in exodus according to the SRCS Garowe Branch Secretary. Some local and international aid organizations, Puntland state administration and the federal government have given some aid to the drought-stricken people by giving them money for establishing some livings. The main local and international NGOs actors currently operating in the region are Somali Red Crescent Society, , Intersos, GPV, SOS, WHO, Unicef, Swiss Kalmo, DDG, NRC, and UNOCHA, Care,Fsnau,Care,World Vision,UNICEF,WFP, IFRC, Peace Corps, Safe the Children, WHO and several others. They carry out different interventions including health, nutrition, EPI, relief, WASH, education, rehabilitation, vocational training, livelihood, food aid and livestock.



Generally, the health status of the region is shaky due to recent severe droughts. The failure of the seasonal rains has unfavorably affected livestock, water, small production of pasture and crops, there is an increased risk of epidemics with reports of suspected outbreaks from affected villages in the region. In Garowe, SRCS volunteers have been assisting the AWD treatment in several areas in the region and in the town’s main hospital which has recently been decreasing in


number. Drought-stricken pastorals were mostly affected by tough malnutrition which SRCS health staff played significant role in assisting the affected-people.



The main product of the regional economy is Livestock, it is an important method of the livelihood of the pastoralists who really reach nearly 70% of the population. They depend on livestock products from, camel and goats such as milk, butter and meat. Normally, the animals are taken to northeastern port town of Bosaso for sale and of course for export in order to gain funds in exchange which creates economic boom up in the region. However, the impact of the drought is affecting most parts of the region, leading to livestock devastation by letting food and water prices go up. Livestock is facing hardship due to scarcity of water and pasture leading to the fall of their value. Livestock sales went down during severe droughts which impelled many pastorals to live harsh living conditions that have recently been improving, according to the committee of the Garowe Branch. V.


Farming is one of the significant elements that the region’s economy relies on, livestock and business also play significant roles . Nearly, 30% of the population is farmers who produce maize, sorghum, beans, several other seeds Watermelon seeds, tomato, onion, lemon, guava and Papaya Fruit, Carrot, Hot Paper, Green Paper, Coast [sort of green vegetables] Okra and grazes for the livestock. The most immediate consequence of drought is a fall in crop production, due to inadequate and poorly distributed rainfall which is making increasingly difficult for poor families to feed themselves. The region does not export its farming production to other regions or abroad due to not producing enough quantity for export, the production by the regional farmers remain in Nugal Region and nearby localities.



Business is continuing well throughout the region. There are not illegal roadblocks along the main roads remain which could be challenge to the follow of merchandise. Only Puntland state administration security forces have several checkpoints in the controls to and from the Garowe town. Goods come from Arab countries and imported in northeastern Somali port town of Bosaso, the town is also the gateway for livestock from south and central regions of the country heading to the port of Bosaso town for export to some Arab countries.


Background Information of the Branch Garowe Branch is located in Nugal region which is one of the Puntland regions and it is Capital city of Puntland. Nugal region is in northeastern Somalia, it consists of five districts. The branch runs five district Sub-branches; they are Eyl Sub-branch, Dangoroyo Sub-branch, Burtinle Subbranch, Godob-jiiran Sub-branch and Garowe Sub-branch, volunteers are the backbone staff in all these branches. First Aid is one of the outstanding activities of the branch. The First aid Action Team’s role is to assist the branch to respond to the emergencies in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of RCRC or the movement. It is estimated that in every 20 households, there is one volunteer trained by SRCS Garowe Branch. Volunteers understand that a volunteer is someone who dedicates some of his/her time to assist and serve for the community and save lives. During the officer’s visits, all the Branch active volunteers were engaged in preparation of conducting International First Aid Day Event on 9 September 2017 in Garowe town. I.


As previously mentioned there have not been any confrontations between any political rivals or warring clans, the Puntland state administration security forces control the five districts of Nugal Region. Thus, the access is really neat looking, there has been normal supervision, according to the branch secretary. There have not also been any poor road conditions which might spoil the access and could also have been further challenges to the good access. The Branch Committee informed the team that the community mechanism is not strong while their advocacy role is limited. They also underlined the absence of strong clan leadership and existence of roadblocks and extortion are also contributing to access difficulty. The Branch Committee has always been establishing good contact with the community and state administration officials in all districts in a bid to avoid any challenges against the brightness of the access, according to Abdulqadir Moh’ed Farah alias Sanka, the Garowe Branch Committee chairman. II.


SRCS Garowe branch carries out important activities including health care services which are activities that grabbed the attention of many of the community. The community perceives the SRCS [Bisha Cas] as neutral that led them to its centers for assistance when ever when ever they face hardships including health problems and any other disasters including national or man made ones. The SRCS branch is widely considered as the main producer of first aid trainees. First Aid training is the brand for the SRCS. Volunteers work in the clinics and the Stabilization Centre. Almost in every household, it is possible to find a volunteer who was trained by the Branch according to the Branch Committee. 4

Despite small number of the people-as told by the Garowe Branch Committee leader-who believe that SRCS is just like other aid organizations which provided shelter food aid, health services cash grants which is also funded by the international community. Generally, the community has positive perception about the SRCS Garowe Branch and know that SRCS in a national society which stands with the help and contribution of its people.



SRCS Garowe Branch famous within the community in Nugal Region and particularly in Garowe town, but it doesn’t have close collaboration with the media outlets in national or international level. Recently, radio has played crucial role in promoting and displaying visibility and images of organizations to the public, unfortunately, Garowe Branch doesn’t always make use of such capacity of the two prominent Garowe and Daljir radios plus Puntland TV, while having face to face discussions, the directors of those three media outlets told to SRCS Radio and Media Program that they were in a good position to work with SRCS Garowe Branch closely as much as they can by releasing any sort of messages in order to reach the target audiences in proper manner. On the other hand, during the assessment plus the International First Aid Day Event preparation, Puntland state administration central bank deputy president, security forces officials, a group of orchestra-who played the drams with the national anthem- and some other officials from the civil society groups were in attendance which was great sign that SRCS Garowe Branch has had inevitably enough networking with the community.

Challenges in communication 1.

Absence of dedicated HR for communication in the branch With the separation of the tracing and communication portfolios, there will not be anyone responsible for the branch communication activities.


Dissemination sessions The communication sessions are very limited since the officer in charge was extremely busy with the RFL activities in the branch. There are no defined target groups and agreed key messages. Some of the volunteer could even not tell when, where and who announced/established the SRCS 5


Tools/ Dissemination materials The branch does not have dissemination materials except a very old dissemination flipchart. There are no leaflets, brochures, posters or any other audiovisuals aids.


Use of emblem The branch do not use the emblem. There is no Red Crescent emblem on the branch premises and clinics although volunteers use jackets clearly market with the SRCS logo.


Access Since the Puntland state administration security forces tighten security of the Nugal Region and control all district plus lack of poor road conditions, the access if very good enough.


Visibility material There were very shortage of visibility materials in the branch besides olds ones at their disposal

Recommendation • • • • •

Increase dissemination sessions targeting SRCS volunteers and staff. Establish a good relationship with the media outlets. Possibly recruit a communication officer for Garowe Branch or a well trained mobile communication officer for the three SRCS branches in Puntland in order to cover their communication needs. Revise the current communication tools. To train the recruited communication officer how to develop stories on programs running in the regions, take captures, prepare video clips and interact with media outlets including social media networks.

Conclusion The mission was concluded successfully. The officer takes this opportunity to thank the branch committee, staff and volunteers for their cordial welcome and support. He also thanks to SRCS Programs Director, National First Aid Officer and other volunteers from several regions including those from Mogadishu Branch with their helpful cooperation during the communication mapping assessment and the International First Aid Day Event in Garowe



Radio and Media Program Officer with Radio journalists

Radio and Media Program Officer with Branch committee And Secretary in Garowe town


Radio and Media Program Officer in a dissemination session

Radio and Media Program Officer with Radio journalists


Radio and Media Program Officer with volunteers group photo

Radio and Media Program Officer with the Branch Committee and Secreatry group photo



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