June 2013
Sankey valley
Welcome to our Sankey Valley Circuit Newsle er. This latest issue contains good news stories from the recent church profile exercise that was undertaken at the beginning of the year. Using the four areas of Our Calling, “Worship, Learning and Caring, Service and Evangelism”, there is much to affirm and celebrate as we share the good news of Jesus in our local communi+es. In addi+on to informa+on on the stories, contact names and telephone numbers are provided if you would like to know more.
Wesley – “Youth Aflame” We open our doors on the fourth Saturday of each month to a joint church, cross-denomina+onal outreach group for young people in and around St Helens. The event encourages young people to come and have fellowship and something to eat as well as hearing the Gospel preached. Contact: Keith Anderton (01744 734726)
The Church exists to make more followers of Jesus Christ Penketh - “Youth Worker” Gemma Rowlands has joined our ministry team at The Olive Tree Community Centre as a Youth Worker. Gemma also works for Youth For Christ in Warrington and we all think she’s great. She has just organised a very successful youth event where the highlight was 3-a-side foo+e within a football cage! Too many bruises, but good fun. Contact: Tricia Rayner (01925 725380) Heath St - “Making Links With Local School” We are promo+ng church visits for schoolteachers and children as part of the children’s Religious Educa+on learning, through members of the congrega+on who volunteer to help. We believe that schools and children are the centre of the community and are there for the church to help in their learning and development. Thanks to members of the congrega+on who volunteer as helpers and for pu?ng their Chris+an faith into ac+on. Contact: Judith Anderson (01942 725453)
Latchford - “Kidz Klub” Developing from the successful ‘Kids Connec+ng’ a rebrand is taking place of our children’s work. Established for seven years, the mid week club welcomes children ages 6-14, most with no connec+on with the church. Games, songs, Bible stories and cra=s feed these youngsters along with the tuck shop. Our new rebrand will include the older children being young leaders and visi+ng the local coffee shop monthly for their own study and +me together. Contact: Julian Galsworthy (01925 268496)
Farnworth - “Church & Community Come Together” For the last two years we have produced Biblical musicals, with sell-out audiences of young and old. These were great fun for the performers – who were a mix of church members, plus family and friends. Band members came from other Widnes churches, whilst costumes and backdrops were produced by a community Arts & Cra=s group. With over 200 people in the Hall we ran out of cups – when you have to resort to Bring Your Own Mug you know it’s a success! Contact: Dr Stuart Longworth (01925 724511)
Learning and Caring The Church exists to help people to grow and learn as Chris2ans, through mutual support and care St James’s - “Home Groups” The Thursday House Group and the Monthly Link-up Fellowship Group provide spiritual food as well as a +me of fellowship and prayer. The Thursday group meets every fortnight at the home of one of its members. Each mee+ng discusses the Bible, centred around a subject or topic, or reading through a specific book of the Bible, with views and opinions being shared from everyone present. Later in the evening is dedicated to a +me of prayer and a small ‘Prayer Card’ is posted to the home of each of those for whom the group has prayed. The Monthly Link-up Fellowship Group meets on the third Tuesday in the month in the Church sanctuary. Contact: Derek Bargh (0151 424 4626)
Nutgrove Community Centre - “Official Opening” On Saturday 18th May 2013, the long-awaited Nutgrove Community Centre was dedicated and officially opened by Keiron Cunningham of St Helens Rugby League Football Club and in the presence of the newly appointed Mayor of St Helens, Councillor Andy Bowden. The dedica+on service was led by the Revd Mar+n Wood and a ended by representa+ves of our Circuit and Nutgrove Church, the local authority Early Years team and the headteacher of Nutgrove Methodist Primary School. A=er the service the nursery, Tha o Heath Playdays, which is located in the building, was opened to visitors and the many parents interested in placing their children in the nursery. Contact: Revd Mar,n Wood (0151 493 2816)
Prescot & Whiston - “Kni4ng and Na6ering” The group meets on Tuesday mornings as part of the church's open coffee bar. We now take up three tables with a regular ten people coming along to share in conversa+on, laughter, mutual support and friendship. The group knits blankets and cardigans which are sent to several countries, including Romania, Malawi, Uganda, Sierra Leone and Honduras. We give thanks for the crea+vity and skills God has given us and the opportunity to help people in need. We pray that those who receive them may know our gi=s come with Chris+an love. Contact: Awaited
Nutgrove Primary School - “Nigerian Bishops’ Visit” On 7th May, our Circuit hosted Archbishop Charles Oderinde and his colleague Bishop Chiemeka from the Methodist Church in Nigeria. They stayed overnight at the home of Keith and Pauline Anderton, and the next day visited Nutgrove School to speak to the pupils there. During assembly at the school, Archbishop Charles taught the children a song popular in Nigeria, and Bishop Chiemeka encouraged them to put all their efforts into their work, as children of God. The two visitors then toured the classes, answering ques+ons and speaking about their lives in Nigeria. Contact: Revd Mar,n Wood (0151 493 2816)
St Mar2n’s - “Faithful Giving” - Our members have responded faithfully by digging even deeper into their pockets over the past year. Since our push to increase church giving in the Autumn, collec+ons have increased beyond the target and successfully restored a more balanced financial posi+on, thus aver+ng poten+al problems for the coming year. Contact: Eric Andrews (01925 818548)
Ashton - “Bible Study/Fellowship” Ashton Fellowship Group meets every fortnight on Wednesdays, 7.30- 9 pm. In a relaxed atmosphere we read and discuss Scriptures together, following a theme over a period of +me. We usually have different people leading each session this means sharing our lives with others and encouraging the use of our gi=s. Our prayer is that through our Fellowship group we will 'in all things grow up into Him who is the Head, that is, Christ' (Ephesians 4:15). Contact: Keith Walsh (01942 721614)
Cronton - “Loving Hospitality”
Our chapel has al-
ways been known in the village for its hospitality and we are trying to con+nue this tradi+on. At each of the fairs we cook lunches, Christmas dinners, hot-pots depending on the season. Also following the success of last year’s “Eat around the world” evening we hosted another giving guests the opportunity to taste dishes from many different cuisines. The event was well supported by the village and Widnes Methodist churches. Last year the money raised was sent to the Diocese of Durgapur, India to support their mission work. This year it was split between chapel funds and Widnes food bank. By providing food, friends and fellowship we try to reach our local community. Contact: Pauline Lee (0151 420 4985)
Trinity - “Trinity Kings Cross” The Kings Cross Project, based at Trinity, unfortunately had to close last year due to a lack of funding. However, we thought this was the loss of such a valuable and essen+al resource for local families that we set up Trinity Kings Cross. We provided 65 families with hampers of food and presents, ensuring that their Christmas would be a happy one. Our fundraising, to provide hampers for families this Christmas, starts in Sept. Contact: Yvonne Hedgecock (0151 420 6004)
Balmer Street - “Tuesday Lunches”
Sustenance physical and spiritual, is on offer at this fun packed venue in St Helens. Bingo, raffles, home cooked food and good company support the community around Balmer Street. Its great to see our church spaces being used mid-week in this way. If you need cheering up, this is the place to be! Contact: Doreen Walsh (01744 734473)
Warrington Borough Ministry - “Outreach”
It's encouraging to have church ministry profiled. In its second month of publica+on, I'm asked to prepare the “My Week” feature in the local Guardian Supplement, highligh+ng the work of WBM. Last month Radio Warrington requested the daily “Pause for Thought” for a fortnight. Each one will reach far more than a year's congrega+ons ….. Contact: Revd Stephen Kingsnorth (01925 246900)
The Church exists to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injus2ce New Song Network - “Community Ac2on Team” Part of our mission is to stand alongside people and help them when everyday life is a problem. The Community Ac+on Team tackle jobs for individuals or in a neighbourhood: clearing an overgrown garden; clearing rubbish from a back yard; cleaning and sealing decking. Small jobs in themselves but they mean a lot to those who cannot make the improvements themselves. We also provide free refreshments at Warrington Crematorium and Fox Covert Cemetery on Mothering Sunday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It is an amazing and humbling experience to be there not just providing the drinks but listening to people's stories. This year we will also be providing the refreshments at the annual Crematorium Memorial service. Contact: Kit Heald (01925 268425)
Su6on - “Big Breakfast” Every two months our ladies provide cooked breakfasts on a Saturday morning to up to 60 people including friends from local Anglican, United Reformed and Roman Catholic churches as well as other Methodist churches. Tables are smartly laid out and there is a varied menu with Full English at just £3, as well as a tombola, cake stall and a raffle. Proceeds go to help the Church meet its running costs. Contact: Anita Lewis(01744 818813)
Hood Manor - “Spindles Project” The Spindles project is running well, suppor+ng local families in the Hood Manor area. Spindles is being supported by Warrington Food Bank and is soon hoping to open the doors of a new coffee shop – The Olive Branch Two. We held a half term special event recently, with good food, and all watched a family film. Contact: Hilda Haigh (01925 634584)
Stockton Heath - “Ac2ve Hope” 15 church volunteers assisted in the running of the Ac+ve Hope Easter Adventure Academy which provided the opportunity for 24 underprivileged youngsters to have three days doing things they do not usually get a chance to do including archery, mountain biking, climbing and den building. Our volunteers were involved in catering, assis+ng with ac+vi+es, and photography. In addi+on, we supported the Academy financially and with prayer. Subsequently, three of our members assisted at a May Bank Holiday Away Weekend in Harlech for 54 children, partly funded by sponsorship from a half marathon run by a member. Contact: Geoff Clarke (01925 486364)
St Philip’s - “New Members” Recently 21 young people from St Philip’s school, were confirmed as joint members of this Anglican and Methodist Church. The service was shared between Bishop Richard Blackburn and Reverend Sue Smith. Families came, to celebrate together in abundance, and a really great +me was had by all. Contact: June Dunning (01925 725967)
Burtonwood - “Churches Together” Churches Together in Burtonwood held an evening Pentecost service recently at our Chapel. It was well a ended and enjoyed by all. The local Anglican and Catholic church members, along with the Methodists, are soon to enjoy a retreat day together at Whalley Abbey in the Ribble Valley. Please pray for sunshine within and without! Contact: Valerie Parkins (01925 221089)
The Church exists to increase awareness of God's presence and to celebrate God's love Padgate - “Our Welcome” We have just celebrated our Church Anniversary and at that service some of the church family shared a few words on their links with us at Padgate. All spoke of the warmth of our welcome and this seems evidenced in our growing membership! We are pleased that four people have been recently received into the membership our church and wish them every blessing as they make that commitment. Contact: Sheila Shaw(01925 495089)
Lymm - “New Growth” We were delighted to welcome three teenagers into Full Membership at Lymm in April this year and another Confirma+on service is being planned for September. Our IMPACT and Café-style worship services have also been showing encouraging growth as new families con+nue to be welcomed. Contact: Steve Harper (01925 451988)
Bold Street - “Worship at Home” Shared with our friends at Latchford, each month a printed worship resource is posted or hand delivered to members unable to a end our Sunday worship. Along with a CD of hymns (and on occasions a CD player) the resource contains a hymn, reading, reflec+on, prayers and “Thought For The Day”, reminding those physically unable to a end that they are s+ll very much loved and cared for. Contact: Chris Stanton (01925 259268)
Rixton - “Messy Church” Our monthly gathering of
Antrobus - “New Style Worship” We’ve had tradi-
Cross Lane United - “Café Church” We hold weekly
+onal evening services for years, which we love, but we are trying some changes this summer. Firstly, we are looking forward to some exci+ng All Age Worship at 10:30am on the 3rd Sunday of the month with Mark, engaging more closely with the Village School and the Village generally. Also, our United Services at St Marks every two months will again be at 10:30am rather than in the evening. Contact: Ann Bolshaw (01565 777454)
Friday Café Services of informal worship, led by one of a number of Ministers and Local Preachers, which are open to those who are unable to a end Sunday Services , those from other denomina+ons, those of no church affilia+on and anybody who wishes to par+cipate. Contact: Kathryn Cunliffe (07542 185484)
children’s worship provides an exci+ng and vibrant place to be. Working with our wonderful friends from St.Mar+n’s and Latchford we plan together and our Monday a=ernoon session couldn’t happen without their support. Fun, food, laughter, singing and praising God together is a winning combina+on. Contact: Linda Ogden (0161 775 2340)
Sankey Valley Circuit Website: h p://www.sankeyvalleymethodists.org.uk
Sankey Valley Circuit Facebook Group: Search for Sankey Valley Methodist Circuit (Please do not upload photographs to Facebook without the permission of all adults and the parents of any young children who appear in them)
Transforming God, We pray for the life of your church in our communi+es and Circuit, and ask that you will be with us in our sharing and learning.
God be with us.