EPFL Guide to Services, VPAA 2015

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VICE Y C N E D PRESI IC M E D A FOR  AC S Services R I A F F A and support for  EPFL  staff


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Secretary General N. Pichard Vice-presidency for Academic Affairs Prof. Ph. Gillet

Facu lty A ffair s-H Sc . Sad ien eghi ce Ou tre ac hF. M os er


Accreditation & Quality - Prof. W. Pralong sa r te em t n r s Ce nte Sy CDM Ce er on t i r e t o r a ion pp t u o Ca o r m f gS rom In chin sP am r a g e T ro dy P ment Stu epart D l a Leg

Student Desk Housing Office Regi strar ’s Of S tu fice den Sc t Af ie n fair St sa t if nd ud ic Exc Inf en han or m tA ge a ss t i on oc an ia dL tio ibr ns ary M an ag em en t

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M r/ lo e ol ch ho Sc ge Ba S n o han CM tensi Exc l a Ex rnation uard Inte s - D. Ch nal Affair Educatio

Energy Center - B. Smit Int e g r a t ive Fo od & N Swi utritio ss S n C p e Sp ace nter ace F. Stell Vi Cen c acci t e E e r ng - V. -P ine Gas ro s eri v n o g st Ce Ed nte r u c H. a tio Sh ea n -P r of .P .V a nd er g h ey ns t



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Contact - vpaa@epfl.ch

NAGER HR MA Perez Emilio le Tuor eputy  Isabel o the D t t n a t Assis eral ary Gen fl.ch t e r c e S ep e.tuor@ isabell



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Management and follow up of VPAA projects related to education and research, as well as to finance. Administration of a Foundation which aims to finance scholarships and projects for EPFL students.

Project Coordination to support and develop new experimental training methods for students, ensuring they gain both theoretical and practical experience in interdisciplinary problem solving.

Coordination and follow-up of interinstitutional projects and activities with the University of Lausanne as well as other tasks for VPAA.



E N C O I N T A A T R I U D S E S R A   C C Y A IT L A U Q &

Responsible for the evaluation and accreditation of EPFL and its schools with national and international bodies. The activities of this office focus on QA according to the Swiss framework conditions for higher education and the Bologna process, and the recognition of EPFL within Europe and internationally.

g Pralon William Head



Contact - facultyaffairs@epfl.ch

Supports the President, VPAA, Tenure and Promotion Committee, school deans, and individual faculty members in matters related to hiring and setting up on campus, promotion, retirement, leave, outside activities, professors’ personnel files, staff academic titles, etc. Professors are encouraged to contact this office if they need any information.

i Sadegh Hassan Head


E C N E I SC CH A E R T OU Moser Farnaz Head

The mission of EPFL’s Science Outreach Department is twofold: • To promote science and technology among young girls and boys and encourage them at a very early stage to become involved in this domain. • To facilitate the diffusion of scientific and technological knowledge among the general public and endeavor to ensure a better understanding of this knowledge and its importance for society. To fulfill these objectives, it develops and undertakes activities in collaboration with internal and external partners, supports and highlights the initiatives of other units and laboratories and coordinates EPFL activities in this area.

Assistant - Jenny Oswald - jenny.oswald@epfl.ch Contact - promotiondessciences@epfl.ch


S WHAT ’ ? NEW • The Science Outreach Department fully dedicated to the dissemination and promotion of science was set up in January 2015 • A website sps.epfl.ch gathering the EPFL activities in this domain • A newsletter • A Science Festival “Scientastic”, first edition November 2015 • A competition for PhD students “My Thesis in 180s” organized together with Mediacom, first edition October 2015 • Activities planned to be organized in EPFL outspots

HE T   F O   E C I ST F O F V O O R VICE-P N O I T A C U D E   R O F t gheyns Vander e ation r c r u ie d P or E f t s o v ro Vice-P

VPRO-FORMATION.EPFL.CH S WHAT ’ ? NEW • Coordinated exams in math and physics at the first year bachelor • Task force on education • Follow up of AAQ/CTI accreditation • Development of the structure and quality assurance in Extension School

The Office of the Vice-Provost for education manages and coordinates EPFL’s educational strategy for all type of education except at the doctoral level. It is responsible for the academic aspects of CMS, Bachelor and Master as well as Continuous Education. It organizes the national and international cooperation in terms of education (Swissuniversities, Erasmus and inter-institutional contracts). At the Bachelor and Master level, the office structures the curricula offered at EPFL and drives strategic orientations on the engineer’s, architect’s and researcher’s profiles. It controls the quality with the help of the Teaching Support Center (CAPE) and the Accreditation & Quality Assurance Unit. Deputy to the Vice-Provost for Education - Pierre-André Besse - pierre-andre.besse@epfl.ch Head of International Exchange - Antoine Fromentin - antoine.fromentin@epfl.ch

N O I S T C A I C T A U M ED E H T A N M   O I L S A I N ) EXTE S M SPEC C ( L S O R O U H C O C S pen örg Rup J s n a H Head

The Special Mathematics Course (“CMS”, in French) prepares holders of a Swiss vocational path certification (“Professional Maturity”) and holders of a foreign baccalaureate which do not meet the admission criteria for the 1st year at EPFL to the BSc program of EPFL. Students admitted to CMS can acquire and consolidate the necessary basic scientific knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science.

nst erghey d n a V Pierre .i. Head a

A new structure, called Extension School, is in preparation to strengthen continuous education at EPFL. It will regroup and coordinate all courses except the one of Bachelor-Master and EDOC schools. It will apply a uniform quality control for MOOCs and blended learning reinforcing the EPFL brand. FORMATION CONTINUE UNIL-EPFL FOUNDATION Director - Giorgio Margaritondo Executive Director - Pascal Paschoud



N O I T A L C A N O EDU I T EDUCA S R I A F AF Chuard Daniel r Directo

The Office of Educational Affairs (DAF) manages and coordinates the activities of the various services and groups that are involved in education, for both EPFL students and teaching staff. It provides the necessary resources for carrying out the educational strategies defined by the Vice-Provost.


K NT DES STUDE oît n e dra B Alexan

• Transfer to the DAF of the management of the education agreements concluded with partner universities • 25 studios in downtown Lausanne, Rue St-Laurent specifically intended for interns, PhD students, postdocs and academic guests

ER R CENT CAREE e Ory Philipp

Deputy - Albertine Kolendowska - albertine.kolendowska@epfl.ch Assistant - Heidy Alonso - heidy.alonso@epfl.ch


E G OFFIC IN S U O H tte Charlo a ühler-L Kneub Roche

RAR’S REGIST OFFICE teau aul Fes Jean-P

EMS N SYST IO T A M N INFOR UCATIO FOR ED let t Rame n e r u a L

AIRS NT AFF STUDE E CHANG AND EX ine Cather nbosch Vincke



AMS PROGR Y D U T S TION PROMO jaei mi-Sho a R a in Sabr


TMENT eorge DEPAR déric G LEGAL é r F & offet Flury P Denise


HE T   F O   E C I ST F O F V O O R VICE-P H C R A E S E R   R O F ensen s Mort a e arch r d n A or Rese f t s o v ro Vice-P Deputy to the Vice-Provost for Research for the Doctoral School - Jeroen van Hunen - jeroen.vanhunen@epfl.ch Head of special projects - Adrien Lawrence - adrien.lawrence@epfl.ch Assistant - Fabienne Ubezio - fabienne.ubezio@epfl.ch

RESEARCH COMMISSION President - Benoît Deveaud



The Office of the Vice-Provost for Research is responsible for research management strategy, and for the doctoral school of EPFL. It works with the Office of Research Affairs (DAR) and through it with the Research Office (ReO), and with the Research Commission (CR). The mission of the Vice-Provost for Research also includes the definition of regulations and procedures to ensure good research practices, to maintain efficacity and efficiency in administrative and legal procedures related to research, to ensure compliance with ethical rules and legal protection in research performed at EPFL and to contribute to the promotion and definition of inter-institutional and international research partnerships.

H C R A E H RES C R A E RES S R I A F F A ann s Gäum ia h t t a M r Directo The Office of Research Affairs (DAR) manages and coordinates the activities of the various services and groups that are involved in research administration across EPFL. Through its Research Office, it provides the necessary resources for carrying out the research strategies defined by the Vice-Provost for Research.

S WHAT ’ ? NEW The Research Office will increasingly focus on communicating funding opportunities and helping scientists succeed in their grant applications. This includes opportunities in Swiss, European and other funding programs.

OFFICE MANAGEMENT Coordinator - Irina Sakharova Quitt

EVENTS & COMMUNICATION Coordinator - Antoinette Musard

LEGAL AFFAIRS Coordinator - Corinne Pirlot Contact - research.office@epfl.ch

H C R A E E C I RES F F  O H C R A RESE The Research Office is the transmission belt between research and funding. It guides researchers in their funding applications, assists operational management of large projects, coordinates acquisition of scientific equipment and safeguards EPFL’s interests and reputation in research. The Research Office aims to make EPFL increasingly successful in competitive funding and to boost EPFL’s attractiveness for top researchers.

AL NATION G IN FUND r u Va che Ursula ator Coordin

L ATIONA INTERN G FUNDIN yver ev e Vand Carolin ator Coordin

Contact - research.office@epfl.ch


ON AL & N INTERN G FUNDIN IT F O R P linger ves Bo Y e r r Pie ator Coordin

N O I T A T R N E E P M O OP CO L E V E ) &D V E D O C (   R E T CEN lay ude Bo la C n a Je r Directo

The aim of CODEV is to promote and coordinate scientific cooperation activities within EPFL. Based on scientific partnerships, CODEV seeks to promote the development of state-of-the-art technologies to meet social, environmental and economic needs and thereby contribute to the reduction of poverty.

Deputy Director - Silvia Hostettler - silvia.hostettler@epfl.ch Administrative Deputy - Corinne Waridel - corinne.waridel@epfl.ch Contact - cooperation@epfl.ch


S WHAT ’ NEW? • Launch of the EPFL-ICRC Humanitarian Tech Hub • EssentialTech: Launch of a Spin-off company for GlobalDiagnostiX / SmartPPE, personal protective equipment against Ebola / SafeMicroLab, biosecurity glovebox • UNESCO Chair: New SCOPES Project “Support to Process of Urban Development in Serbia” / New book “Technologies for Development: What is Essential?” • Launch of 2 MOOCs: “A Resilient Future: Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction” / “Innovation and technology development for poverty reduction”

R N O F O     R R E E T T S CEN C I T  & CEN E S H I T S S Y L O A R P N O A   R E K U C S N NE RI A N GOVER ering Janet H r Directo

nke Olaf Bla r Directo

CNP.EPFL.CH Through strategic partnerships with medical centers in Western Switzerland and the US, the CNP translational mission is to repair and substitute impaired sensory, motor and cognitive functions via novel neuroprosthetic technologies.

Deputy Director - Bruno Herbelin bruno.herbelin@epfl.ch Assistant - Aude Rousic - aude.rousic@epfl.ch

CRAG.EPFL.CH Together with the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC), the mission of the CRAG is to develop and communicate knowledge and expertise related to risk analysis (risk assessment, risk management, risk perception and risk communication) and risk governance, as the broad context in which risk-based decisions are made, in multi-disciplinary, crosssectorial and multistakeholder approaches.

Executive Director - Marie-Valentine Florin marie-valentine.florin@epfl.ch



est hny W端 o J d e r f Al r Directo


Smit Berend r Directo


The sustainable use and conservation of natural water resources is among the most important challenges for the well-being of the anticipated nine billion earth citizens in the nearfuture. The mission of the Limnology Center is to provide socially-relevant contributions to facing these future challenges, on both national and international levels.

The EPFL Energy Center aims at coordinating energyrelated research activities at EPFL, in particular in the context of large multi-institutional endeavors, such as EU projects for example. It fosters a multi-disciplinary approach to energy-related issues, with a focus on both evolutionary and disruptive research, at both a national as well as international level. The EPFL Energy Center also acts as a one-stop access point to energy-related resources for external entities.

Deputy Director - Natacha Tofield-Pasche natacha.tofield-pasche@epfl.ch

Deputy Director - Massimiliano Capezzali massimiliano.capezzali@epfl.ch

E V I T A R ON INTEG I T I R T U N & D FOO R E T N CE llaci sco Ste France r Directo

NUTRITIONCENTER.EPFL.CH The Integrative Food and Nutrition Center aims at fundamentally contributing to the development of a fertile environment for food and nutrition innovation on campus. It acts as a catalyst for research initiatives on campus and coordinates educational and public communication initiatives in food and nutrition. The key mission of the Center is to help develop new out-of-the-box research initiatives for this field

Operational Director - Stefan Meyer stefan.meyer@epfl.ch

SWISS NTER E C   E C A SP Gass Volker r Directo

SPACE.EPFL.CH The Swiss Space Center supports institutions, academia and industry to access space missions and related applications and promotes interactions between these stakeholders.

Deputy Director - GrĂŠgoire Bourban gregoire.bourban@epfl.ch Assistant - Martine Harmel - martine.harmel@epfl.ch

SPACE G N I R E E ENGIN NTER CE t Shea Herber r Directo

eSPACE.EPFL.CH eSpace has the mission of promoting space related research and development at EPFL. It ensures space education through courses and practical work on flight hardware, and supports EPFL laboratories doing space research. The center also conducts R&D projects, with recognized expertise in the development of small spacecraft, particularly in the context of orbital debris removal.

Deputy Director - Simon Dandavino simon.dandavino@epfl.ch Assistant - Martine Harmel - martine.harmel@epfl.ch

S WHAT ’ NEW? • We exist: Official kick-off of eSpace, EPFL’s new center for space R&D. • Rockets away: The first annual model rocket competition attracts dozens of participants and public. • A new reference: eSpace publishes the first edition of the “Space Technology at EPFL” booklet showcasing space R&D at the school. • “Giant pac-man”: The public reveal of CleanSpace One’s orbital debris grabbing mechanism receives wide international media coverage. • SwissCube v2.0: Integrating the work of a hundred EPFL students, the CubETH nanosatellite passes a major milestone with its first international design review.

S I L L A W S I A L A EPFL-V erclaz ndré B A c r a M r Directo

The EPFL Valais Wallis project developed in partnership with the Council of State of Canton Valais and EPFL envision the implementation of a “shared campus” between the EPFL and the HES-SO VALAIS. The EPFL Valais-Wallis project comprises four complementary facets: • Permanent EPFL outpost in Valais (core project) • Joint EPFL – HES-SO Valais Platform • Science Park and Demonstrators • Public-Private Partnership

Assistant - Jennifer Luyet jennifer.luyet@epfl.ch


S WHAT ’ ? W NE • The EPFL Valais-Wallis Project currently involves 120 faculty and staff members in Sion (7 chairs and 3 research groups). Implemented in just 24 months, the project has a total budget of 48 million CHF, including 15 million CHF for scientific equipment. • Professor Berend Smit was awarded our first ERC Advanced Grant. • In Martigny, Professors H. Girault and A. Zuettel launched an energy demonstrator foreshadowing the service station of the future (hydrogen). • A laboratory around issues linked to mobility is in the process of being created, with the collaboration of partners including PostBus and Swiss Post. • Spanish company Abengoa is setting up a joint research laboratory, which will be a first step towards the ENERGYPOLIS hub of the Swiss Innovation Park.

RG U O B I R F L F P E ndey e Cosa d u la C Anner Directo

The EPFL Fribourg outpost develops its activities in the fields of sustainable technology, construction and architecture. In addition to its innovative research activities, it is developing with the School of Engineering and Architecture and the University of Fribourg, the smart living lab, a new interuniversity center of excellence. Its location at the heart of the blueFACTORY innovation district will allow it to exploit the development potential of public-private partnerships offered by this opportunity and contribute to the future Swiss Innovation Park.

Assistant - VĂŠronica Cubarle veronica.cubarle@epfl.ch


S WHAT ’ ? W NE Currently, nine EPFL staff members work in Fribourg. Together with the management team, a research group works on the Building 2050 research program which aims to conceptualize the building of the future. The result will showcase the latest knowledge in this field. Eventually, it will serve as the basis for the technical and architectural specifications of the building that will host the smart living lab teams from 2020. Meanwhile, groups of the three universities will move in provisional facilities within the blueFACTORY, which will allow them to start working on common activities. For EPFL, three new faculty members are currently being recruited and hopefully will start their activities in 2016.

ON THE WEB All this information is available on the web, via thematic portals : is-academia.epfl.ch teaching.epfl.ch












Created for JSP / August 2015 Copyright: VPAA@epfl.ch Project: VPAA / mediacom Layout & printing: Repro - Print Center EPFL

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