Osho Times vol 6 nr 9

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‌take the time to experience the timeless


Living in Your Senses


Relating This lush contemporary 28 acre campus is a tropical oasis where nature and the 21st century blend seamlessly, both within and without. With its white marble pathways, elegant black buildings, abundant foliage and Olympic-size swimming pool, it is the perfect setting to take time out for yourself. This is a place where you can simply relax, and where you can also enjoy the company of visitors of all ages from over 100 countries. You can choose if you want to do something, or if you want to rest, swim, meditate – or just be.

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Are You Available for Love? Impressions

Nature Celebrates

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Our senses connect us to the world around us;

they receive information for us. They are also doors to our inner world, for who is inside receiving the information? Our senses can be used as wonderful techniques for meditation. In this issue we have many opportunities to learn methods for experiencing the power of our senses: In “Reawaken your Senses,” Osho tells us that usually we seek sensation to feel more alive when we cannot feel our senses – but this kills our senses. He tells us how we are disconnected from our senses, through lifetimes of repression. But all is not lost…there are ways to connect again and become a streaming energy. “How to Love Again” gives us simple tantric exercises for becoming more in touch with our senses, and “Knowing through the Senses” gives us three techniques to experiment with. Osho tells us that “there is a fragrance within, the fragrance of the atman, the soul.” This reminds me of a story he told once of his childhood. In The Messiah, he tells us that his father brought a Sufi mystic home, thinking that perhaps he could help them. As a young boy, Osho just sat in his room doing nothing all day and this worried his parents. The Sufi came and he went around smelling the walls of the room – Osho’s father said, “My god, I brought him to bring you to your senses. He seems to be far gone.” After smelling the walls of the room the Sufi mystic then went over to Osho and started to smell him. Now it was too much. Osho’s father tells the Sufi that he had asked him to come because his boy was a little eccentric and now he is confirming his eccentricities. The Sufi said, “I can smell the room and I can smell him. It is the smell of silence, the fragrance of silence.You should feel blessed that you have got such a son. I had to smell both to see whether this fragrance belongs to his presence. It belongs to his presence, this room is full of his presence. Don’t disturb him.” Exploring our senses seems to be a journey without limits, from the gross to the most subtle – the fragrance of silence.

COVER STORY: Living in Your Senses 24

Knowing through the Senses


Reawaken Your Senses


What Are You Looking For?


How to Love Again


In a Few Words


Meditation of the Month Be a witness, not a judge


Interview A treasure house of growth


Osho on… Not knowing


Impressions Nature celebrates


Working Life A training to transform you


Short ’n Sharp Help, I’m stuck!


Wellness Jump start your energy


Relating Are you available for love?


I Have Heard… A future buddha


58 4 Editorial 52 The Future Belongs to Those Who Will Love Change… 54 This Beautiful Earth 57 Being Here 60 Haiku 66 Multiversity 68 In the News 72 Jokes 80 Astrology 82 Chillies

Contact us OSHO International Meditation Resort Address: 17 Koregaon Park, Pune 411 001 MS, INDIA Tel: +91 (0)20 6601 9999 Fax: +91 (0)20 6601 9990 Web: www.osho.com Email: OshoTimes@osho.net


MAY 2008 ®

OSHO Times subscriptions: OTsubs@osho.net OSHO Multiversity: Multiversity@osho.net osho.com/multiversity Guesthouse: guesthouse@osho.com reservations@osho.com Residential Program: workmedtraining@osho.net osho.com/residentialprogram Sannyas: www.neosannyas.org Resort information: Resortinfo@osho.net

Printed and published by Mukesh Sarda on behalf of OSHO Multimedia and Resorts Pvt. Ltd. and printed at Silverpoint Press Pvt. Ltd., Nerul, Navi Mumbai 400706 and published at OSHO Multimedia and Resorts Pvt. Ltd., 17 Koregaon Park, Pune 411001. Editor: Ma Amrit Sadhana ASSISTANT EDITOR: Gandha FEATURES EDITOR: Jeevan EDITORIAL SUPPORT: Almasta, Anuprada, Chetna, Prem, Satyam CONSULTING: Sanjay DESIGN: Achambho,Varda PHOTOGRAPHY: Barkha, Christina, Fiann PRODUCTION: Santosh ADVERTISING: Vairagya Thank you to the meditators who were our models.

For further information

Shunyo and the OSHO Times team


Headlines and text introductions are written by the editors. All photos used in this issue were taken at the OSHO International Meditation Resort in Pune, India. First Publication Copyright © 1953 OSHO International Foundation. Copyright © All revisions 1953 – 2008 OSHO International Foundation. All rights reserved.

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OSHO, OSHO Signature, OSHO Dynamic Meditation, OSHO Kundalini Meditation, OSHO Nataraj Meditation, OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation, OSHO Gourishankar Meditation, OSHO Mandala Meditation, OSHO Whirling Meditation, OSHO Mystic Rose, OSHO Born Again, OSHO No-Mind, OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind and OSHO Times are Registered Trademarks and Trademarks of OSHO International Foundation, used under license.

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If you are feeling stuck, that simply means that you have to explore new ways, new directions, new dimensions; and they are always there!

The feeling of stuckness is coming because you still have ambition left in the mind. That ambition is creating the frustration that nothing is improving – but there is nothing to be improved! Look at life. Everything is so delighted, right this moment. So be delighted.

If people can dance a little more, sing a little more, be a little more crazy, their energy will be flowing more, and their problems will by and by disappear. Dance to orgasm; let the whole energy become dance and suddenly you will see that the stuck energy in the head is moving all around, creating beautiful patterns, pictures, movement. When you dance there comes a moment when you melt and merge with the cosmos; the boundaries are mixing.

Help, I’m Stuck! Sometimes it feels like nothing we do works. How can we get on track again?

People are almost dead because they are stuck.They go on seeking the same thing again and again. One should be in search of the new.The very search renews you, rejuvenates you. Ask for something more, seek something new, grope for the unfamiliar and the unknown.

your food, enjoy the woman you love, enjoy your work, enjoy your sleep, and forget all about the future. Enjoy


Delight in the fact of your being. Enjoy the way you are and enjoy the world that’s available to you.Then each moment becomes a diamond in itself. For one month, live in the moment, and even if you feel stuckness, let it remain there. Nothing is to be done. All excerpts are from OSHO books

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Are You Available for Love? Afraid to commit? Waiting for the perfect lover? Living in the past or dreaming about the future can make it hard for love to find you.


“I want an intimate relationship, but I can’t commit myself easily. I hold back, feeling that maybe it isn’t quite right for me. I would like to go really deep with someone but I am just not able to do it.” Don’t wait for the quite right, otherwise it never comes, and

don’t wait for a very deep relationship, otherwise it never happens. It is as if a person just wants to be in the deepest point in the river – but you have to go from the shallow, you have to enter the shallow river first.You cannot just jump into the deepest; the deepest is far away. So whatsoever is available, don’t miss it! By missing it again and May 2008 9

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RELATING again you will miss the deeper points, the deeper possibilities. And each relationship is a step towards a higher relationship. That higher relationship may happen with the same person or with another person. This relationship will help you to go into that. Be committed not to an individual lover, but to love itself. If you become committed to a person rather than to love, you lose the track and you kill love. It doesn’t mean that you have to change partners all the time – just don’t become attached to the one you’re with. Love can grow deeply with just one person, but that depends on many things. For example, the person may be capable only of a certain depth. Up to that depth it will be easy to flow in love with him; beyond that he will not be able to go with you. Then you have to move – with deep gratitude to this person, because he made even this much available.

Each love helps – small loves, big loves, all help – and life consists of a thousand things. The day you really fall deeply in love, all your loves of the past will be involved in it. Even small things: you were passing along a road and you saw a small boy standing there. He smiled, you smiled and then you went on and nothing else happened. That too will be there when you fall in a deep love – that smile will be there because it is part of you. Don’t wait for the quite right, otherwise it never comes. Take hold of any opportunity that comes by and use it. Maybe this person can grow. Your love may help him to go deeper. Together you may be able to go very far. Go as far as possible, and remember that the other person is not the point.When you find that the relationship has become stuck and stale you can move; it was not a commitment at all. The ultimate commitment is towards love, and everything has to be used as a jumping board for it. This idea that it is not quite right, or maybe it is not going to be that deep, is dangerous. The energy that has been released in you, if it is not used, will become stuck; sooner or later it will disappear. Energy not used disappears; energy used grows, becomes bigger and bigger. Excerpted from This Is It, Osho

You are the creator of your life. It can have tremendous meaning, beauty, joy – but you will have to create it in your heart, and you will have to spread it all over the place. You will have to create something in yourself, only then will you find it in existence.

“I’ve seen the movies and I’ve read the novels and the poetry. Now I want to have the experience! How can I find someone who I can love completely and who will love me the same way?” First one has to learn to accept oneself. And

don’t demand perfection in the other. Be human; don’t ask for inhuman perfections. You have been given very romantic ideas about love, and that has been the calamity. You are looking for romantic, poetic ideas. People are not ideas of some dreamer, poet; people are real people. And you are living on poetry! You think of the other in such ways that nobody can fulfill; everybody will fall short. And just think: you wanted somebody to accept your love – but did you accept somebody’s love? No, you were looking for a perfect lover. But when you are looking for the perfect lover, remember the other is also looking for the perfect lover. You both have been conditioned by the same society, by the same romantic ideas.

You have been fed on foolish poetry which has no relationship with reality. In fact, my own experience is this: that poets are the last people from whom you can learn about love – the last persons.Your so-called poets have nothing to do with love. They have not known love themselves; their poetry is simply a substitute for the love that has been missed by them; their poetry is their dreams, their poetry is not based on their experience. Their poetry is sick, it is pornographic. It triggers your imagination, it gives you fantasies. And real people are real people! Nobody is here to fulfill your fantasies. Drop your fantasies and you will see the world is full of beautiful people. And if you want to be accepted, first accept yourself, and then accept somebody’s love. Fulfill these


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RELATING conditions – and you will be accepted. And don’t ask for the impossible. You must have lived in a very negative mind; this is the mind of negativity. Be a little more positive. It depends on you how you look at life; it totally depends on you. You are the creator of your life. It can have tremendous meaning, beauty, joy – but you will have to create it in your heart, and you will have to spread it all over the place.You will have to create something in yourself, only then will you find it in existence. Existence echoes you. Excerpted from Philosophia Perennis, Osho

“I love roses, but I am also attracted to other flowers.” Why only roses and why only flowers? Love

should be unaddressed. Love need not be oriented towards the other. Love oriented towards the other is not true love; love as relationship is not true love. Love as a state of being is true love. One can love a woman, one can love a man, one can love one’s children, one can love one’s parents, one can love roses,

one can love other flowers, one can love a thousand and one things – but these are all relationships. Learn how to be love! So it is not a question of to whom your love is addressed, it is simply a question of your being loving. Sitting alone, still love goes on flowing. Absolutely alone, still, what can you do? Just as you breathe...you don’t breathe for your wife; it is not a relationship.You don’t breathe for your children; it is not a relationship.You simply breathe! – it is life. Just as breathing is life for the body, love is the life of the soul – one is simply love! And then only does one know that love is divine. Jesus says:“God is love.” I say to you:“Love is god.” Then it is not a question of god having many other qualities. In fact god disappears – love itself becomes god. Love is the real thing. God is the name given by the theologians to something they know nothing about. There is no god; the whole existence is made of the stuff called love. But if you love the word god, it’s perfectly okay; you can call it god. But remember always it is love, and you will know this love only when love has become a state of your being, a simple state of your being. Excerpted from Be Still and Know, Osho

“I only feel good when I’m in love. I’ve had many girlfriends but my latest girlfriend left me and I’m shaken about this.” You have still not learned the mystery of love.

You have not yet become mature about it.You have very childish notions about it. The first thing: whenever love is beautiful it is going to finish soon. Only ugly things have a long life; beautiful things disappear very soon. The more alive a thing is, the sooner it disappears.This is one of the lessons of maturity. If you want a thing to be permanent, to go on forever and ever, then you are not really searching for love; you are searching for security. Security is not love. Love is insecurity.You would like to cling to a woman and you would like a woman to cling to you. Clinging is not love. Yes, it will be very secure, and you can depend on it. But that is what is creating the trouble for you. With me, nothing is secure. A mature person cannot promise even about tomorrow. A mature person can only say, “This moment I am feeling love for you. I am flowing towards you. But one never knows what will happen in the next moment. Whatsoever the next moment brings we will have to accept.” You seem to be in difficulty because of this. You want somebody to cling to you.That will give a very good food for your ego – a woman clinging to you. My own understanding is this: if you have enjoyed love with a woman, really enjoyed, and the love has been a great fulfillment to you, once the woman is gone you will fall in love with another woman immediately – because now you know what beauty love is. Then you will always remain in love. It does not mean that you will remain in love with one person but you will remain always in love, because you know the beauty of it.You will feel grateful to the woman because she has shown you the beauty of it. I would like to have a very free milieu for love, absolute freedom for love. So whenever two persons are feeling good they are together...but only if it is there. If it remains forever, good. If it disappears one day then you owe it to the other to tell the truth – that it has disappeared. Maybe you tell it with tears. You never wanted to finish it but it has finished. And you cannot do anything; you are helpless.You have to move away – with no grudge, with no complaint. It is not love that is creating trouble for you; it is the ego.You feel hurt.That ego has to be dropped. Be


in love with love. Women come and go, men come and go; love remains. Love is eternal. Excerpted from Only Losers Can Win in This Game, Osho

“I keep hoping I will meet someone who will sweep me off my feet.” Maturity happens when you start living without hope. Hope is childish. You become mature when you don’t project hope into the future. In fact, you are mature when you don’t have any future; you just live in the moment – because that is the only reality there is. In the past, religion used to talk about the hereafter. Those were the childish, immature days of religion. Now religion talks about herenow; religion has come of age. When I say drop all hope, I mean be so intense in the moment that there is no need for the future. Then there is a turning, a transformation. The very quality of time changes for you; it becomes eternal. What can you do with hope? In fact, what can you hope for? You cannot hope for the new. You can only hope for the old, that which has happened before – maybe with a little modification here and there, a little more decorated. But hope is nothing but the past. You have lived something, you have experienced something and you hope for it, again and again. It is a repetition; it is circular. Hope means simply projecting the past into the future. You loved a man yesterday, you want to love the man tomorrow also. And you know that yesterday was not a fulfillment, hence the hope. Yesterday was not enough, hence the hope. You missed something yesterday. Now that missed gap is torturing you; it is creating agony. You hope that again tomorrow that man will be available to love you, and tomorrow you will really love. But between yesterday and tomorrow is today. If you really want to love, then why not be herenow, today? Excerpted from The Beloved, Osho See also osho.com/relating May 2008 13

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Be a Witness, Not a Judge Our way of perceiving is based on comparing and judging: this is good and that is bad; this is right and that is wrong. Practicing with this Tantric exercise will help you to see what is real.

The purity of other teachings is an impurity to us. In reality, know nothing as pure or impure.

Tantra says existence is non-dual, it is one,

and all distinctions are man-created – all distinctions, remember. Distinctions as such are man-created. Good-bad, pure-impure, moral-immoral, virtue-sin – all these concepts are man-created.They are attitudes of man; they are not real.What is impure and what is pure? It depends on your interpretation. What is immoral and what is moral? It depends on your interpretation. Tantra says don’t divide. Be undivided; only then will you be victorious. How to be undivided? You don’t condemn, don’t say this is good and that is bad. Just withdraw all conceptions of purity and impurity. Look at the world, but don’t say what it is. Be ignorant, don’t be too wise. Don’t label; remain silent, non-condemnatory, non-justifying. If you can remain silent about the world, by and by this silence will penetrate within. And if the division is not there outwardly, the division will disappear from the inner consciousness, because both can exist together. But this is dangerous for society.That is why Tantra was suppressed. Nothing is immoral, nothing is moral; nothing is pure, nothing is impure.Things are as they are. A real Tantrica will not say that a thief is bad; he will say that he is a thief; that is all. By using the word thief there is no condemnation in his mind. Thief is just a fact, not a condemnation. If someone says that “Here is a man who is a great saint,” he will say, “Okay! He is a saint.” But there is no evaluation in it. He will say, “Okay! He is a saint and that man is a thief ” – just like this is a rose and that is not a rose, this tree is high and that tree is low, night is dark and day is light. But this is dangerous. Society cannot exist without condemning one thing and without appreciating the other. Society exists on duality. That is why Tantra was suppressed. It was thought to be anti-social, but it is not. That very attitude of non-duality is not anti-society, it is transcendental; it is beyond society. Try this. Just move in the world without any values, just with natural facts: someone is this, someone is that. And then, by and by, you will feel a non-division


within yourself. Your polarities will be coming together.Your bad and your good will merge into one, and you will become one unity.There will be nothing pure, nothing impure. Know the reality. Tantra says: “What is basic for others is poisonous for us.” For example, there are teachings which are based on non-violence. They say violence is bad, non-violence is good. Tantra says that non-violence is non-violence, violence is violence; nothing is good and nothing is bad. There are teachings which are based on celibacy – brahmacharya. They say that brahmacharya is good, sex is bad. Tantra says sex is sex, brahmacharya is brahmacharya. One is a brahmacharyi and one is not. But these are simple facts; no values are attached to them. Tantra will never say that the celibate is good and that the one who is into sex is bad. Tantra accepts things as they are.Why? Just to create a unity within you. This is a technique to create a unity within you, to have a total existence within, undivided, nonconflicting, not opposed. Only then is silence possible. One who is trying to move to some place against something can never be at peace. How can he be? One who is divided within himself, fighting with himself – how can he win? It is impossible. You are both, so who is going to win? No one is going to win, and you will be at loss because you will dissipate your energy in fighting unnecessarily. This is a technique to create a unity in yourself. Allow valleys to disappear; don’t judge. If you are non-judging, not taking any moral standpoint, simply observing facts as they are, not interpreting them according to yourself, you are transformed completely. Now there is no need for you to be judged by any divine power – there is no need! You have become divine yourself; you have become god yourself. Be a witness, not a judge. Excerpted from

The Book of Secrets, Osho See also osho.com/weeklymeditation May 2008 15

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INTERVIEW together with all these bodywork sessions, is a dynamite starter-package. Every morning, after the six o’clock OSHO Dynamic Meditation, there are a variety of OSHO morning classes that are all wellness-oriented. They range from

The OSHO Multiversity features courses, trainings, sessions, meditations and classes, all based on the OSHO vision. A worldwide team of outstanding, experienced facilitators offers a vast array of transformational techniques ranging from traditional Eastern and Western methods to the newest developments from all over the world. Garimo is the coordinator during the busy winter season. We asked her how what the Multiversity has to offer can contribute to a person’s well-being.

I think wellness and wellbeing have to do with being whole. Many people

come to the Meditation Resort to clear things out of the way that hinder their wellbeing, or to find back parts of themselves that have remained dormant and unintegrated, and the Multiversity can be of tremendous help in that. For some this may be oriented in their body. So let me talk first about the enormous variety of OSHO individual bodywork sessions we have available. These range from all the Eastern techniques that India is well-known for, like Ayurvedic massage,

Indian head massage and Yoga, to all the East Asian bodywork such as Japanese and Taiwanese massages and Shiatsu. We also have all the Western body-oriented therapies, from Esalen-style or Swedish-style massage to the beautiful bodywork that was developed here, like OSHO Rebalancing and other deep tissue work. When people first arrive they often carry stress from their working life, or from living in a very fast-paced modern city. So they want some relaxation. The combination of OSHO meditations with a sauna and a wonderful swimming pool,

Yoga to Zen martial arts: things like Tai Chi and Chi Gong or Zen Archery, where you learn a martial art as an art to center yourself on the inside.You find peace, the stillpoint inside your own body, something that becomes an anchor so you feel grounded and well in yourself. There is also a class called Gurdjieff Movements based on the movement meditations of George Gurdjieff done to meditative music. All these classes are wonderful to learn to move with the knocks that you get from life and be at ease inside at the same time. Then we have a great variety of OSHO courses.That means a full-day – from nine o’clock in the morning until four o’clock – in the course room, and includes the OSHO Dynamic and Kundalini Meditations and the Evening Meeting plus occasional night-time sessions as well. The OSHO meditations are the vital part that make all the other methods so effective.The courses range from one day to as long as three months.We also offer trainings for people who want to learn OSHO massage or other kinds of wellness methods. Multiversity courses and methods approach your issues in many different ways. If your stress is particularly in the mind, or if it is easiest for you to de-stress starting from the mind, we would advise a different package for you than if you are tense and


tight in your body or sense a burden on your heart. In the end, you will feel well when you feel whole inside yourself. That’s when you’re relaxed, when you can enjoy your life, when you have tons of energy to actually live your life totally – your day, your work, everything. So different people use different methods. Even what you call traditional therapy is very much a wellness method. If you find yourself reacting all the time during your work day or ask yourself, “Why do I always get so upset with this or that particular type of person or situation?” it may have something to do with what happened in your early childhood – how you were brought up or stopped from being yourself by your teachers or your parents and so forth.When you do a therapy that helps you to unburden from that, bringing awareness to those patterns so that you can let them go, that’s a therapy and wellness method all in one. May 2008 17

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INTERVIEW When a person comes with a sense of not feeling well but is not clear about the problem, how can they make the best choice from all these possibilities?

First of all, when people arrive they attend a Welcome Morning, where they are given an overview of everything that is available in the Meditation Resort. Also, not everybody comes here because they’re not feeling well. Many people want more out of their life, and they are excited to make new discoveries.

Then, the Multiversity has a one-to-one personal orientation service for anybody who would like to use it, free of charge. It’s in the Multiversity Plaza and open every morning and afternoon. People can sit down with somebody who can tune in with them, and who knows our program very well. My experience is that it’s not that people do not know what is happening inside them.This is an environment where they don’t need to pretend, where we all acknowledge that we have some things that are not working well in our lives. So the moment they sit down with somebody who says, “Tell me, what is your problem, your issue, what are the things that you might want to work out or give attention to while you’re here?” they recognize that little corner inside where they feel, “Aha;

here’s where I get stuck; this area inside myself feels a little dead or ill at ease.” If this doesn’t happen, it’s easy enough to read somebody’s energy. Human beings are not so very different from each other; what has gone wrong with us has very much to do with the kind of mold that is in place in our society. Even though you immediately recognize that people from Italy are different than those from China, Japan or India, the patterns or habits or things that we’re stuck with are where our society did not give us what we needed. Our problems and their solutions have basically the same roots; we just need to come to a point where we can see where we are limiting ourselves. That’s where the Multiversity programs come in to help us. So whether you call it Primal or Bringing Your Life in Balance or Deep Tissue Massage, these are all just different ways…. The moment someone touches your body you might become aware that there is a tension, and that with the right touch it relaxes and lets go…and that gives you a feeling of wellbeing. The touch comes together with your noticing it – that’s the alchemical formula of awareness.

I have a great appreciation for what the different facilitators contribute and what they themselves are turned on to.They are excited about what they’re offering and want to make it available – and I see that is what works for the people who come here.We have a wonderful office team and support team in the Multiversity; it makes the whole environment work so smoothly. It is fun, alive and helpful. What I like very much is the creativity of my job: it’s always developing.There are so many different types of people and methods, and with all the different time lengths and packages, I almost have to be in the moment! I’ve always had the feeling that my job is a form of Martial Arts. In Aikido, as I understand it, you move with the energy that comes. If you face it headon it’s going to clash with you, but if you learn how to move with the energy and let it in, you absorb it, help it to move and let it go again. This is for me very much what my work is about. The only way to do everything and not go crazy with so much input is to be completely out of the way, respond, let go and move on. It is a joy to watch myself in the middle of all that: it is such a happening.

How is it for you to be in a role like this, to have such a big job and responsibility?

The main thing is I love my work. I really love this dimension of all these different methods, courses and trainings. For me it’s a very creative environment. Some people are born painters and musicians and I’m not. I got involved in what was called the Human Potential Movement out of my own interest earlier in my life, before I discovered Osho. Then I also discovered its limits: Humanistic Psychology is not existentially rooted in the witnessing consciousness beyond our body, mind and heart. So I love the type of work that is being offered here, where in the context of discovering our pure nature, the witnessing consciousness, all the wellness methods have a place.

Of course I also get feedback from the facilitators. I know they mostly love working with me and I love working with them. I love it even when my buttons are pushed or my patterns are triggered. It’s the challenge of letting the work come first, just letting anything I feel be there without it interfering in my function or


the function that I have towards that person. It is a great opportunity – that I’ve had for years now – to really let my work time become a meditation, an awareness technique. I love to see how it immediately pays off in the quality of my work and my experience of working. At the same time I have to say that it’s not natural for me to be so on all the time, so I have to space it. I am here for the winter season and the time needed to help create next winter’s program.Then I love to have a period to do something completely different. I take a few months to have a much quieter life; I like that too. When I leave here I will spend a few months in Germany with my life partner, cooking, cleaning and shopping. I do take work with me from OSHO International, but I can do that in my home office. I’ve learned to look at the balance I need to create in my life. I think that’s different for all of us. What works for you would probably not work for me. I appreciate the OSHO approach to life so much for that; it has really helped me to see that there is nobody else in the world like me. So it is my responsibility to have the intelligence to create a life that suits this particular person – that’s how the best will come out of me also. I am so grateful for this environment to have shown me that. Marga, Anuprada Please see pages 65-67 of this issue as well as osho.com/multiversity for more detailed information about OSHO Multiversity Courses, Trainings and Sessions.

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Osho on…

Not Knowing Transcending both knowledge and ignorance….

Zen says: if you can drop philosophizing, there is a hope for you. The moment you drop philoso-

phizing you become innocent like a child. But remember; the Zen emphasis on not knowing does not mean that it emphasizes ignorance. Not knowing is not ignorance; not knowing is a state of innocence. There is neither knowledge nor ignorance; both have been transcended. An ignorant man is one who ignores; that’s how the word comes. The root is ignoring. The ignorant person is one who goes on ignoring something essential. In that way the knowledgeable person is the most ignorant person, because he knows about heaven and hell and he knows nothing about himself. He knows about god, but he knows nothing about who he is, what this consciousness inside is. He is ignorant because he is ignoring the most fundamental thing in life: he is ignoring himself. He is keeping himself occupied with the non-essential. He is ignorant – full of knowledge, yet utterly ignorant. Not knowing simply means a state of no-mind. Mind can be knowledgeable, mind can be ignorant. If you have little information you will be thought ignorant; if you have more information you will be thought knowledgeable. Between ignorance and knowledge the difference is that of quantity, of degrees. The ignorant person is less knowledgeable, that’s all; the very knowledgeable person may appear to the world as less ignorant, but they are not different, their qualities are not different. Zen emphasizes the state of not knowing. Not knowing means one is neither ignorant nor knowledgeable. One is not knowledgeable because one is not interested in mere information, and one is not ignorant because one is not ignoring – one is not ignoring the most essential quest. One is not ignoring one’s own being, one’s own consciousness. Not knowing has a beauty of its own, a purity. It is just like a pure mirror, a lake utterly silent, reflecting the stars and the trees on the bank. The state of not knowing is the highest point in man’s evolution. Knowledge is introduced to the mind after physical

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birth. Knowing is always present, like the heart knowing how to beat or a seed knowing how to sprout, or a flower knowing how to grow, or a fish knowing how to swim. And it is quite different from knowing about things. So please make a distinction between knowledge and knowing. The state of not knowing is really the state of knowing because when all knowledge and all ignorance have disappeared you can reflect existence as it is. Knowledge is acquired after your birth, but knowing comes with you. And the more knowledge you acquire, the more and more knowing starts disappearing because it becomes covered with knowledge. Knowledge is exactly like dust and knowing is like a mirror. The heart of knowing is now. Knowledge is always of the past. Knowledge means memory. Knowledge means you have known something, you have experienced something, and you have accumulated your experience. Knowing is of the present. And how can you be in the present if you are clinging too much to knowledge? That is impossible; you will


have to drop clinging to knowledge. And knowledge is acquired: knowing is your nature. Knowing is always now – the heart of knowing is now. And the heart of now...? The word now is beautiful. The heart of it is the letter o which is also a symbol for zero. The heart of now is zero, nothingness.When the mind is no more, when you are just a nothingness, just a zero – Buddha calls it exactly that, shunya, the zero – then everything that surrounds you, all that is within and without is known – but known not as knowledge, known in a totally different way. The same way that the flower knows how to open, and the fish knows how to swim, and the child knows in the mother’s womb how to grow, and you know how to breathe – even while asleep, even in a coma, you go on breathing – and the heart knows how to beat. This is a totally different kind of knowing, so intrinsic, so internal. It is not acquired, it is natural. Excerpted from Ah,This! Osho See also osho.com/osho May 2008 21

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Cover Story

Living inYour Senses


We can read about the senses, discuss them, repress them, argue about their relevance, whatever. This month’s feature on the senses is full of practical ways you can enhance your EXPERIENCE of them.

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Living in Your Senses Your eyes cannot see; you see through them.

Knowing through the Senses Here are three different techniques that you can practice to experience the power of your senses. Can’t decide which one to do? Try one at a time for three days in a row, and then continue with whichever is your favorite.

The seer is hidden behind. The eyes are just the opening, the windows.You hear through the ears.The hearer is hidden behind. The ears are just receptive organs. I touch you. The hand is not touching you. I am touching you, through the hand. The hand is just instrumental. There can be two types of touch – when I really touch you and when I avoid touch. I can touch your hand and avoid touch. Try this, and you will have a different, a distant feeling. Put your hand on someone and withdraw yourself. A dead hand is there, not you. If the other is sensitive, he will feel a dead hand. He will feel insulted.You are showing that you are touching, but you are not touching. Women are very sensitive about it; you cannot deceive them.They have a greater sensitivity of touch, so they know.The husband may have brought flowers and he may be saying I love you, but his touch will show that he is not there.Women have an instinctive feeling when you are with them and when you are not with them. When you are present in your hand in your totality, when your center of being has come to the hand, then the touch has a different quality. The senses are just doors, receiving stations, mediums, instruments, receptors.You are hidden behind. While hearing music, don’t forget yourself, don’t lose yourself in the ear. Remember the awareness that is hidden behind. Be alert! While seeing someone.... Try this. You can try it right now, looking at me. What is happening? You can look at me by the eyes, and when I say “by the eyes,” it means you are not aware that you are hidden behind the eyes.You can look at me through the eyes, and when I say “through the eyes,” then you are standing there behind the eyes, looking through the eyes, just as someone looks through a window or specs. Suddenly you will feel a change in the quality. Your focus changes; eyes become doors.This becomes a meditation. When hearing, hear through the ears and remain aware of your inner center. When touching, touch through the hand and remember the inner one who is hidden behind. From any sense you can have a feeling of the inner center. Every sense goes to the inner center.This knower is different from the senses.


Every sense reports to this knower. In this knower, in the center, everything falls, fits and becomes one.This is miraculous. I am one, outside you.Your senses will divide me. Your ears report if I say something, your nose reports if there is some odor, your eyes report if I can be seen, if I am visible. They will divide me into parts. But somewhere within you, I will become one. Where I become one within you is your center of being.That is your awareness, and that awareness will open the doors for self-knowledge.You cannot know yourself in any other way. Remain with the awareness; keep in the awareness; remain alert. It is difficult in the beginning.We go on falling asleep, and it seems arduous to look through the eyes. Not only will you feel a strain; the person you look at will also feel a strain. If you look at someone through the eyes, he will feel as if you are trespassing on him, as if you are doing something unmannerly. If you look through the eyes, the other will become aware suddenly that you are not behaving properly, because your look will become piercing, your look will go deeper. If it comes from your depth, it will penetrate to the other’s depth.

Your senses divide me into parts. Your ears report if I say something, your nose reports if there is some odor, your eyes report if I can be seen. But somewhere within you – in your center of being – I become one. That is why society has built-in a security: don’t look too deeply into anyone unless you are in love. If you are in love, you can look deeply into the other. You can penetrate to the very depth because the other is not afraid. The other can be totally naked, the other can be vulnerable, the other can be open to you. But ordinarily, if you are not in love you are not allowed to see directly, to see penetratingly. First try it with objects – a flower, a tree, the stars in the night.They will not feel trespassed on and they will not object. Rather, they will like it and will feel very good and appreciated. First try with them, then May 2008 25

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Living in Your Senses with loving persons – your wife, your child. Sometimes take your child into your lap and look at him through the eyes. The child will understand more than anyone else because he is still uncrippled by society, still natural. He will feel deep love if you look through the eyes; he will feel your presence. Look at your lover or beloved and then, by and by, as you get the feel of it, you will be able to look at anyone – because then no one will be able to know that someone has looked so deeply. And once you have this art of always standing alert behind your senses, the senses cannot deceive you. Otherwise the senses deceive you. If you can look through the senses and remain alert, by and by the world will appear to you as illusory, dream-like, and you will be able to penetrate to the very substance of it. Excerpted from The Book of Secrets, Osho

There is a fragrance within which we do not know. Perhaps that is the real fragrance. But our noses are filled with the fragrance outside and it does not occur to us that there is a fragrance within, the fragrance of the atman, the soul.

You sit with your eyes closed, but what you see are external things. You see the world out-

side, and not anything that is within you. Close your ears and the sounds you hear are of the outside world.You withdraw your attention from the outside and yet it keeps running outward. When you close your eyes, pictures appear before the mind’s eye because of old habits. If you stop taking interest in these pictures, you will find that they will get less and less. They appear because you call them. No guest comes to the mind unless invited. Nothing can force itself into the mind; your invitation is necessary. It is quite possible that you have forgotten your invitation; or that you have changed your mind afterwards; or that you have no idea when and how, in which unconscious moment you extended the invitation. But the fact remains that whatever comes to your mind is what you have called. Not a single happening of the mind takes place for which you are not responsible. When you close your eyes and begin to see things, it is because of your interest in them. Stop being interested in them. Let the pictures come and watch them disinterestedly, become passive. Keep looking; it does not matter, it doesn’t hold your attention. In this way the interest, the appeal, will be lost.The old habit will continue to produce the film, but you will no longer be interested. As your disinterestedness increases, the pictures will become less and less. You will begin to notice the intervening gaps. Then suddenly you will find that your attention is focused on your own self.Your light falls on you. It is the same light that illumined the outside world for you. When the outside world no longer exists, the light of the lamp begins to fall on you. Close your ears and sit. Outside noises will fall on your ears.You will hear bits of your past conversation with your friends; some long forgotten song will come to your mind and you will actually hear it. Listen to everything disinterestedly. Do not begin to hum the tune to yourself even in your mind. Be passive; do not react to these stimulants. After a few days, the ears will become silent.There will be no sound. And that day, for the first time, you will hear the sound of the silence within. Each sense can be turned inwards. Take fragrance for instance.There is a fragrance within which we do not know. Perhaps that is the real fragrance. But our noses are filled with the fragrance outside and it does


not occur to us that there is a fragrance within, the fragrance of the atman, the soul. All your senses can be experienced within because they are a two-way traffic. The senses are joined to you within and also joined to the world outside. But we use the senses as one-way traffic.We only take the news of the outside world from them, not of the inside world. Just as we can see the vast skies above, the moon and the stars, the flowers and trees, and the multitude of faces which are all an experience of the great expanse outside, so we can also experience the profound expanse within. But for this, we have to transform our attention.The outgoing mind has to be called back; it has to come back home. Excerpted from The Way of Tao, Osho

Use the senses as minimally as possible. If you look, you will find that you are using them absolutely unnecessarily. Ninety-nine per cent of their usage can be stopped; one per cent will be enough. And you will be surprised, when you use your senses as minimally as possible they become very sharp. The whole energy becomes concentrated. When you don’t go on looking at anybody and everybody, then suddenly you look at a rose flower and your eyes are clear, without any clouds. Otherwise you go on seeing so many things that the rose flower is just one of those things. Your eyes are dusty, the rose cannot flower for you. You look at your child but you have a

screen of so many experiences on the eyes, your eyes are already filled. How can you see the face of your child? Otherwise you would have seen the face of the divine there. How can you see the rose flower? Otherwise the rose would have disappeared, and you would have seen the flowering of the divine. Your eyes will become fresh, clean, very perceptive if you don’t use your senses unnecessarily. The more you use them the more your senses are bored, tired. They lose sharpness, they lose sensitivity; they become very dull. Excerpted from

Tao:The Three Treasures, Osho May 2008 27

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Living in Your Senses The world appears to be gross only because we cannot feel the subtle. Look at these trees. You never look, you never feel the life within – the growth! The tree is just a body. Something else – something invisible – is growing in it. And because of it, the tree grows. The inner is growing and because of it, the outer is growing.

ReawakenYour Senses Overuse, disuse, misuse – we have learned so many ways to deaden our greatest asset. Our senses are the gateway to paradise, but the door is shut. How can we unlock the door?

We live for sensations, we hanker for sensations.

We go on seeking newer and newer sensations; our whole life is an effort to obtain new sensations. But what happens? The more you seek sensations, the less sensitive you become. It looks paradoxical. In sensations, sensitivity is lost. Then you ask for more sensations and the more kills your sensitivity more. Then you ask for even more, and finally a moment comes when all your senses have become dull and dead. Man has never before been so dull and dead as he is today. He was more alive before because there were not so many possibilities to fulfill so many sensations. But now science, progress, civilization, education have created so many opportunities to move further and further into the world of sensation. Ultimately you turn into a dead person; your sensitivity is lost. Taste more foods – stronger tastes, stronger foods – and your taste will be lost. If you move around the world and go on seeing more and more beautiful things, you will become blind; the sensitivity of your eyes will be lost. Change your love object every day – your girlfriend or boyfriend, your wife or husband – and your sensitivity to love will die. You are moving in a dangerous terrain.You will never move in depth; you will only be moving on the surface, the periphery. The more things you experience, the less your capacity to experience becomes. In the end, when everything around you has gone dead, you ask for the divine, you ask for bliss, you ask for truth. A dead man cannot experience the divine. To experience the divine you need total sensitivity; you need aliveness. The divine means the ever-alive, ever-young, ever-green. If you want to meet the divine, you will have to be more alive. How to do it? Don’t seek sensation; seek sensitivity, become more sensitive. The two are different. If you ask for sensations, you

will ask for things; you will accumulate things. But if you ask for sensitivity, the whole work has to be done on your senses.You are not to accumulate things.You have to deepen your feelings, your heart, your eyes, your ears, your nose. Every sense should be deepened in such a way that it becomes capable of feeling the subtle. We cannot even feel the gross, and we must become capable of feeling the subtle. The world appears to be gross only because we cannot feel the subtle. The invisible is hidden in the visible. Look at these trees. You look at the gross: the body of the tree. You never look, you never feel the life within. The growth! The tree itself is not growing.The tree is just a body. Something else – something invisible – is growing in it. And because of it, the tree grows.The inner is growing and because of it, the outer is growing. But you look only at the tree. Only the outer is seen. Look around you. Look into your friend’s eyes.You only look at the eyes, not at the one who sees through them. Touch your friend’s body.You touch only the gross; you never feel the subtle within. Only the body, the external, is felt because your senses have become so dull that they cannot feel the inner, the invisible. Ask for less sensation and grow in sensitivity.When you touch, become the touch.When you see, become the eyes. When you hear, your whole consciousness must come to the ears. Listening to a song or listening to the birds, become the ears. Forget everything else so it is as if you are only the ears. Come to the ears with your total being. Then your ears will become more sensitive. When you are looking at something – a flower or a beautiful face or the stars – become the eyes. Forget everything else, as if the whole rest of your body has gone out of existence and your consciousness has


become just eyes.Then your eyes will be able to look more deeply, and you will become capable of looking at the invisible also.The invisible can also be seen, but you need more penetrating eyes to see it. Think about the world less and about your senses more.When you don’t ask for sensations they become purified.When you ask for more and more sensations, you are killing your senses. Excerpted from The New Alchemy: To Turn You On, Osho

You have senses but you have lost sensitivity.

Your senses are almost dull, dead. They are there, but energy is not flowing in them; they are not alive limbs of your being. Something has deadened within you, has become cold, blocked. It has happened to the whole of humanity because of thousands of years of repression. And thousands of years of conditioning and ideologies which are against the body have crippled you. You see but you don’t see deeply.You see only the surface of things. You touch but your touch has no warmth; nothing flows in and out from your touch. You hear also. The birds go on singing and you say, “Yes, I am hearing.” And you are not wrong – you are hearing – but it never reaches to the very core of your being. It does not go dancing within you; it doesn’t help a flowering, an unfolding within you. These senses have to be rejuvenated. These senses May 2008 29

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Living in Your Senses are the only doors and windows through which you will reach the divine – so don’t deaden them. Make them more alive. Let them vibrate, pulsate; let them flow like a stream.You can experience it. If your hand is streaming with energy you will feel a tingling sensation, you will feel something inside the hand is flowing and wants to make contact, wants to be connected. When you love a woman or a man and you take her hand in your hand, if your , this love is not going to be of any use. If your hand is not jumping and throbbing with energy and pouring energy into your woman or into your man, then this love is almost dead from the very beginning. Only a streaming love can become a source of blissfulness, of joy, of delight. But for that you will need to have your senses streaming. Everybody had it as a child.Watch a child running after a butterfly. He is streaming, as if any moment he can jump out of his body. Watch a child when he is looking at a rose flower. See the light that comes to his eyes. He is streaming. His eyes are almost dancing on the petals of the flower.This is the way to be: be riverlike. People think that if you want to master your senses you have to make them almost dead. But then what is the point? You can sit on the corpse. If the body

When you take your beloved’s hand, if your hand is not streaming, throbbing with energy, this love is not going to be of any use. Then this love is almost dead from the very beginning. Only a streaming love can become a source of blissfulness, of joy, of delight.

feels too strong, fast; make it weak, and then you start feeling that you are the master. But you have killed the body. Dead things will not be of any use. You have forgotten the subjectivity, the inner quality of your senses. You see things, but you

never see your seeing. You hear the songs, but you never hear the subtle vibration that goes on within you, the sound of your being. You have kept company with objects so long that you have forgotten your subjectivity. You have remained focused outwardly so long that you have forgotten that you are a person.This long association with objects has completely destroyed your image of yourself.You have to come back home. You have repressed your senses, your body. But you were helpless. You were brought up in such a way that nobody allowed your senses freedom. In the name of love, repression continues. The parents, the society go on repressing. They teach not to accept yourself. Everything has to be channelized into conformity.Your wildness has to be thrown into the dark part of your soul and a small corner has to be clean, like a drawing room where you can see people, meet people, live and forget all about your wilder being, your real existence. Your parents are not responsible either, because they were brought up in the same way. So nobody is responsible. But once you know it and you don’t do anything, then you become responsible. Now you know how you have destroyed your senses and you know also how to revive them. Do something. Unblock yourself. Start flowing again. Start connecting again with your being. Start connecting with your senses again. You are like a disconnected telephone line. Everything looks perfectly okay, but the line is disconnected. Your eyes are there, your hands are there, your ears are there but the line is disconnected. Reconnect it. If it can be disconnected, it can be reconnected. Others have disconnected it because they were taught in the same way, but you can reconnect it. All my meditations are to give you streaming energy. That’s why I call them dynamic methods. Old meditations were just to sit silently, not to do anything. I give you active methods because when you are streaming with energy you can sit silently, but right now first you have to become alive. Excerpted from

Yoga:The Path of Liberation, Osho

What Are You Looking For? Can’t find what you want? Perhaps you’re looking in the wrong direction. Or starting with the wrong question.

All our senses are extrovert. The eyes open outwards, the hands move, spread outwards, the legs move into the outside, the ears listen to the outside noises, sounds. Whatsoever is available to you is all opening towards the outside; all the five senses move in an extrovert way. And the seeker is inside. This dichotomy has to be understood. The seeker is inside but because the light is outside, the seeker starts moving in an ambitious way, trying to find something outside which will be fulfilling. It is never going to happen. It has never happened. It cannot happen in the nature of things – because unless you have sought the seeker, all your search is meaningless. Unless you come to know who you are, all that you seek is futile.Without knowing the seeker how can you move in the right dimension, in the right direction? It is impossible. First things should be considered first. Don’t go on stumbling in darkness. Focus your attention on the object.What are you really searching for? Sometimes you want one thing and you go on searching for something else, so even if you succeed you will not be fulfilled. Have you seen people who have succeeded? Can you find bigger failures anywhere? You have heard the proverb that nothing succeeds like success. It is absolutely wrong. I would like to tell you, nothing fails like success.


A successful man is always thrown back to himself in the end. Then he suffers the tortures of hell because he wasted his whole life. He searched and searched, he staked everything he had, now he is successful – and his heart is empty and his soul is meaningless. There is no fragrance in his life, there is no benediction. So the first thing is to know exactly what you are seeking. I insist upon it because the more you focus your eyes on the object of your search, the more the object starts disappearing. When your eyes are absolutely fixed, suddenly there is nothing to seek; immediately your eyes start turning towards yourself. When there is no object for search, when all objects have disappeared, there is emptiness. In that emptiness you suddenly start looking at yourself. Now there is nothing to seek, and a longing arises to know this seeker. The question, “Who is this seeker?” has become important to you. If all seeking has stopped and you have suddenly become aware that now there is only one thing to know: “Who is this seeker in me? What is this energy that wants to seek? Who am I?” then there is a transformation. You start moving inwards. Excerpted from The Art of Dying, Osho

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Living in Your Senses

How to Love Again This article contains many simple exercises to bring your senses back to life, and your love life too. Tantra teaches: be loving towards your body,

befriend your body, revere your body, respect your body, take care of your body – it is a gift.Treat it well, and it will reveal great mysteries to you. All growth depends on how you are related to your body. The second thing Tantra speaks about is the senses. The religions are against the senses. They try to dull the senses and sensitivity. And the senses are your windows into reality. So eyes have not to be closed, eyes have to be opened rightly. Eyes have not to be destroyed. Ears have not to be destroyed because all these sounds are divine. These birds are chanting mantras. These trees are giving sermons in silence.

Tantra teaches that the senses are the doors of perception.They have been dulled.You have to drop that dullness, your senses have to be cleansed. Your senses are like a mirror which has become dull because so much dust has gathered upon it.The dust has to be cleansed. Others say: Dull your senses, kill your taste! Tantra says: Taste the divine in every taste. Others say: Kill your capacity to touch. Tantra says: Flow totally into your touch, because whatsoever you touch is divine. It is a total reversal of the so-called religions. It is a radical revolution – from the very roots. Touch, smell, taste, see, hear as totally as possible. You will have to learn the language because society has made you forget. Each child is born with beautiful senses. Watch a child. When he looks at something, he is completely absorbed. When he is playing with his toys, he is utterly absorbed.When he looks, he becomes just the eyes. Look at the eyes of a child. When he hears, he becomes just the ears.When he eats something, he is just there on the tongue. He becomes just the taste. See a child eating an apple. With what gusto! With what great energy! With what delight! See a child running after a butterfly in the garden. He is so absorbed, in such a tremendous, meditative state – and without any effort. See a child collecting seashells on the beach as if he were collecting diamonds. Everything is precious when the senses are alive. Everything is clear when the senses are alive. Later on in life the same child will look at reality as if hidden behind a darkened glass. Much smoke and dust have gathered on the glass; everything looks dull and dead.You look at the tree and the tree looks dull because your eyes are dull. You hear a song, but there is no appeal in it because your ears are dull. You can hear the Tantric mystic poetry of a Saraha and you will not be able to appreciate him, because your intelligence is dull. Reclaim your forgotten language. Whenever you have time, be more in your senses. When you are eating, don’t just eat, try to learn the forgotten language of taste again. Touch the bread, feel the texture of it. Feel with open eyes, feel with closed eyes. While chewing, chew it – you are chewing the divine. Remember it! It will be disrespectful not to chew well, not to taste well. Let it be a prayer, and you will start the rising of a new consciousness in you.You will learn the way of Tantra alchemy. Touch people more.We have become very touchy


Touch a tree. Touch a rock. Swim, and feel the water again as the fish feels it. Don’t miss any opportunity to revive your senses. There are a thousand and one opportunities the whole day. There is no need to have some separate time for it. The whole day is a training in sensitivity. Use all the opportunities.

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Living in Your Senses

The Tantra vision is one of the greatest visions ever dreamed by man. It is a religion without the priest, a religion without the temple, a religion without the organization, a religion which does not destroy the individual but respects individuality tremendously, a religion which trusts in the ordinary man and woman. And this trust goes very deep. Tantra trusts in your body. No other religion trusts in your body. And when religions don’t trust in your body, they create a split between you and your body. They make you enemies of your bodies, they start destroying the wisdom of the body. Tantra trusts in your body. Tantra trusts in your senses. Tantra trusts in your energy. Tantra trusts in you, in toto. Tantra does not deny anything, but transforms everything. This is the map to turn you on, and to turn you in, and to turn you beyond. The first thing is the body. The body is your base, it is your ground; it is where you are grounded. To make you antagonistic towards the body is to destroy you, to make you schizophrenic, to make you miserable, to create hell. You are the body. Of course you are more than the body, but that more will follow later on. First you are the body. The body is your basic truth, so never be against the body. Whenever you are against the body, you are going against existence. Whenever you are disrespectful to your body you are losing contact with reality, because your body is your contact. Your body is your bridge. Your body is your temple. Tantra teaches reverence for the body, love, respect for the body, gratitude for the body. The body is marvelous. It is the greatest of mysteries. Excerpted from The Tantra Vision, Osho

about touch. If somebody is talking to you and comes too close, you start moving backwards. We protect our territory. We don’t touch and we don’t allow others to touch; we don’t hold hands, we don’t hug. We don’t enjoy each other’s being. Go to the tree, touch the tree.Touch the rock. Go to the river, let the river flow through your hands. Feel it! Swim, and feel the water again as the fish feels it. Don’t miss any opportunity to revive your senses. And there are a thousand and one opportunities the whole day. There is no need to have some separate time for it. The whole day is a training in sensitivity. Use all the opportunities. Sitting under your shower, use the opportunity – feel the touch of the water falling on you. Lie down on the ground, naked, feel the earth. Lie down on the beach, feel the sand. Listen to the sounds of the sand, listen to the sounds of the sea. Use every opportunity – only then will you be able to learn the language of the senses again. And Tantra can be understood only when your body is alive and your senses feel. Free your senses from habits: habits are one of the root causes of dullness. Find out new ways of doing things. Invent new ways of loving. People have fixed habits. Even while making love they always make it in the same position. Find new ways of feeling. Each experience has to be created with great sensitivity. When you make love to a woman or a man, make it a great celebration. Each time bring some new creativity into it. Sometimes have a dance before you make love. Sometimes pray before you make love. Sometimes go running in the forest, then make love. Sometimes go swimming and then make love.Then each love experience will create more and more sensitivity in you, and love will never become dull and boring. Find new ways to explore the other. Don’t get fixed in routines. All routines are anti-life; routines are in the service of death. You can always invent – there is no limit to inventions. Sometimes a small change…and you will be tremendously benefited.You always eat at the table; sometimes sit on the lawn and eat there. You will be tremendously surprised; it is a totally different experience. The smell of the freshly-cut grass, the birds hopping around and singing, the fresh air, the sun rays, and the feel of the wet grass underneath…. It cannot be the same experience as when you sit on a chair and eat at your table. All the ingredients are different.

Sometimes try eating naked, and you will be surprised. Just a small change – nothing much, you are sitting naked – but you will have a totally different experience, because something new has been added to it. If you eat with a spoon and fork, sometimes eat with bare hands.Your touch will bring some new warmth to the food. A spoon is a dead thing. When you eat with a spoon or a fork, you are far away. That same fear of touching anything – even food cannot be touched. You will miss the texture, the touch, the feel of it. The food has as much feel as it has taste.When you eat with your hands, your touch is contributing. It will be more tasty. It will be more human, more natural. Find out new ways in everything. Tantra says: if you can go on finding new ways every day, your life will remain a thrill, an adventure. You will never be bored.You will always be curious; you will always be on the verge of seeking the unknown and the unfamiliar.Your senses will remain clear, because when you are always on the verge of seeking, exploring, finding, searching, you cannot become dull, you cannot become stupid. Psychologists say that by the age of seven, stupidity starts; a child becomes dull, he stops learning. You will be surprised to know that the average mental age is twelve years. People don’t grow beyond that, they are stuck there. That’s why you see so much childishness in the world. Just insult a person who is sixty years of age, and within seconds he is just a twelve-year-old child. And he is behaving in such a way that you will not be able to believe that such a grown up person could be so childish. People are always ready to fall back. Their mental age is just skin-deep, hidden behind. Just scratch a little, and their mental age comes out. Their physical age is not of much importance. People die childish; they never grow. Tantra says: Learn new ways of doing things, and free yourself of habits as much as possible. And Tantra says: Don’t be imitative, otherwise your senses will become dull. Don’t imitate. Find out ways of doing things in your own way. Have your signature on everything that you do.


Food has as much feel as it has taste. When you eat with your hands, your touch is contributing. It will be more tasty. It will be more human, more natural.

Excerpted from The Tantra Vision, Osho May 2008 35

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Living in Your Senses

Real love happens only when your five senses are in harmony, like

In a Few Words

an orchestra. When you love a woman, you love her sound, you love her touch, you love her smell, you love the way she walks, you love the way she looks at you, you love her totality. And this totality can only be glimpsed through all the senses.

These small messages are reminders of the importance of using our senses fully.

Ordinarily much energy is dissipated and you are exhausted. When you simply sit, not doing anything, you become a silent pool of energy, and the pool goes on becoming bigger and bigger and bigger. It almost comes to a point where it is overflowing...and then you feel sensuous. You feel a new sensitivity, sensualness, even sexuality...as if all the senses have become fresh, younger, alive...as if the dust has fallen from you and you are being cleansed with the shower.

Enhance your senses. Become more alive in your senses. Let your sensitivity be total.

To the person who is asleep, the five senses bring only impressions from the outside. To the person who is awake, these same five senses start pouring his love, his energy, his compassion, into the world.

You have to learn how to see, and you have to learn how to be, and you have to learn how to hear, and you have to learn how to touch.You have to learn how to smell, how to taste. And then you will be surprised – existence comes through all the senses. Be more sensitive – less of belief, less of the head, and more of sensitivity. Be more alive in your senses.

You are so much occupied, your senses are so full of information; they are not empty and available. Your senses are not very sensitive. Scientists used to think that our eyes, ears, nose and our other senses and the mind were nothing but openings to reality, bridges to reality. Now they say our senses and the mind are not really openings to reality, but guards against it. Only two percent of reality ever gets to you through these guards; ninety-eight percent of reality is kept outside. And the two percent that reaches you has to pass through so many barriers, it has to conform to so many mind things, that by the time it reaches you it is no longer itself. Meditation means putting the mind aside so that it no longer interferes with reality, and you can see things as they are.

If you use your senses for the outer journey, you will reach objects. If you use your senses for the inner journey, you will reach the subject, the knower. Through the outer – the object, the known. Through the inner – the knower, the subject, the self. But both are just a part. Reality consists of both. Use all your senses, use them at their optimum; then you will really live and your life will be aflame with energy and vitality. If somebody attains to truth, we say he is a great seer. Why seer? Truth can be heard, truth can be tasted, truth can be smelled. Why do we just call him a great seer? Because we are eye-oriented. And this is a very unbalanced state. Each sense has to be given its total freedom, and all the senses should merge into one great current of awareness, sensitivity.

There are ear-oriented people who can enjoy sound and singing, but their eyes are dull. And the same with the other senses. Each person has devoted his energy to one sense, and that has become a dominating factor. Particularly eyes have become very important, and eighty percent of your energy is devoted to the eyes. Other senses suffer badly because only twenty percent is left for all other senses. The democracy of your senses is lost.

Senses should remain alive – not only that: your senses should fall in a deep inner rhythm and harmony, they should become an orchestra. Only then can truth be known. And when your senses are totally alive and merging into each other, you become a pool of energy. And out of this wholeness arises the self, the atman, your authentic being.

Buddha says: “The first blessing is that you are born as a man, the second blessing that you are born with six senses.” Now use this opportunity; become more and more sensitive.

There should be a democracy in your being, in your body. All the senses should be allowed to speak, and you should listen to all.

All excerpts are from OSHO books.

See also osho.com/library 36 OSHO TIMES

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International Publishing Four beautifully illustrated books by Osho – published by Random House India and now available in book stores and on-line stores in India.



Its History and Teachings

The Way of Acceptance

Tantra says, accept whatsoever you are. You are a great mystery of many multidimensional energies. Accept it, and move with every energy with deep sensitivity, with awareness, with love, with understanding. Move with it! Then every desire becomes a vehicle to go beyond. Then every energy becomes a help. Then this very world is divine, this very body is a temple – a holy temple, a holy place.

Osho is known the world over for his ability to bring new insight and life to the teachings of ancient wisdom traditions, in his own unique and contemporary way. No matter how false, dusty or obscure a tradition might have become in the hands of its scholars, priests and monks, Osho unearths the original, living treasure that lies buried at the core. With an artful mix of anecdotes and jokes, logic and poetry, history and gossip, he reveals what is eternally fresh and new and absolutely relevant for our lives today. Random House India launched its new line of Osho publications in 2006 with the release of The Book of Understanding. In the next step of expansion, Random House is publishing a series of four small illustrated books by Osho on the four spiritual traditions of Buddha, Tao, Zen and Tantra. The books were previously available only through selected bookshops outside India, in “coffee table” hardcover editions.

Excerpted from The Book of Secrets, Osho

Tao believes in spontaneity – not in cultivating virtues, not in creating a character, not even in conscience. These are all ego efforts, and ego is against Tao. Tao is a state of let-go, to be in tune with existence with such totality that there is no separation at all. You are not even a part of existence, you are the whole. You are not the wave but the ocean itself. Excerpted from Tao: The Golden Gate, Osho


Its History and Teachings Zen is like a telegram. It believes in the very essentials. It has no nonsense around it, no rituals, no chanting, no mantras, no scriptures – just small anecdotes. If you have the right awareness, they will hit you directly in the heart. It is a very condensed and crystallized teaching, but it needs the person to be prepared for it. And the only preparation is meditative awareness.

BUDDHA His Life and Teachings

Buddha simply means one who is awakened. Gautam Buddha is the most famous awakened person but that does not mean that he is the only awakened person. There have been many buddhas before him and there have been many buddhas after him – and as long as every human being can become a buddha, new buddhas will go on springing up in the future. Because everybody has the potentiality, it is only that you are waiting for the right time. Some day, tortured by the outside reality, in despair of having seen everything and found nothing, you are bound to turn inwards. Gautam Buddha’s personal name was Siddhartha. Gautama is his family name so his name was Gautama Siddhartha. Buddha is not his name, it is his awakening. Excerpted from Bodhidharma: The Greatest Zen Master, Osho


Excerpted from The Great Zen Master Ta Hui, Osho

Sold at good book stores, Landmark Bookstores and online stores. Visit www. osho.com/shop

Look for news about the English-language release in the on-line catalog at www.osho.com/shop and in the monthly OSHO newsletters.

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Nature Celebrates


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Nature is a celebration. Look all around. The world is celebrating. The world is not sad. The world is an utterly beautiful song – and the dance continues. Become part of this dance and trust your nature. Osho

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awareness totality creativity

Immerse yourself totally in the OSHO experience at OSHO International Meditation Resort.

a training to transform you

Work as Meditation Residential Training



In a nourishing and supportive multicultural environment, two participants in the Work as Meditation Residential Training share their experiences of self-discovery and inner growth.

* Starting date is at any time, subject to availability.

■ Do you want to learn to use your work time also as time for personal growth and meditation? Do you want to enhance your life while enhancing the quality of your work? ■ The Program offers understanding, experience, resources, and methods to radically change your work & life. Courses, seminars and training sessions are interspersed at strategic moments. All this in a playful atmosphere.

■ All methods offered, based on OSHO insights, have passed the test of time and practice. ■ On completion you qualify for renewed participation in the scholarship-based Residential Program. For more information or to apply: visit www.osho.com/residentialprogram or mail to workmedtraining@osho.net


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WORKING LIFE Lutsia has visibly flowered during her time on the Residential Program. Her quiet self-assurance has helped her to do increasingly responsible jobs.

I’ve worked in many departments here. Now I’m coordinating the Work-as-Meditation office where new workers are assigned their jobs. When I first arrived here that would have seemed completely impossible. It’s incredible what has happened for me at the Meditation Resort!

While working, work so totally that you forget the whole world, so that only the work remains, not even you; you are also gone, forgotten. So deep down you are involved in the work that the work becomes a great meditation, a great transformation.

Vairagya’s calm presence has been part of the Meditation Resort for some time now. He takes care of advertising for the OSHO Times and is also a highly skilled bodyworker who gives sessions in the Multiversity. His work is his passion.

I love my work. I am always discovering new things about myself. I do two very different things, both requiring alertness. My job for the OSHO Times challenges me to be aware that the outer world is as necessary as the inner one.This is balanced beautifully by the bodywork, where I need to be sensitive to my clients and their inner world, as well as my own. Tell me about your OSHO Times work.


All my skills are really tested in my job. English is a difficult language for me, but it has gotten better because I have to use it to communicate with others. I am always speaking with people, discussing their work, listening to them, what they want to do, hearing their job experience in the world. I write emails, schedule and conduct meetings and even prepare minutes from those meetings. Because I’ve done many jobs, I have a great deal of personal experience and have a good overview of what is required. This gives me an insight into what work might be good for a newcomer. Recently I’ve learned how to mix the high-energy dance music that begins the Evening Meeting. I’ve never done anything like that before. It’s quite a challenge to do a sound-check and then to mix a live band. I can be very self-critical. But it’s really fulfilling when I see people dancing with so much joy. I feel so blessed to be part of all this. What have you discovered about yourself here?

That the most important thing is to watch, to be aware. The big difference between working here

compared to outside is not the job itself, but that the entire Meditation Resort reminds me to watch: people remind me, the Evening Meeting reminds me, the courses we do on the Residential Program remind me. I have noticed that when I have a problem in the workaday world, it comes up again and again. Here when an issue arises, I remember to take some distance and watch what is happening. I’ve let go of many things. A problem arises, I recognize it, see it for what it is, take some action and it disappears. It’s so simple! This is the place where I can really change, so that problems dissolve and never come back. For me the Meditation Resort is like a school where I can learn. Once I get the point of something, once it becomes my experience, it remains with me. When I go back home I feel I can create my life the same as it is here. It was not possible for me to discover this before I came because there were so many things distracting me. Here everything reminds me to learn, to watch, to take some action. I often think about why I am here. There are so many billions of people in the world and here am I, experiencing this wonderful gift of being on the Residential Program. I’m very thankful…grateful to existence for offering this to me and grateful to myself that I took this opportunity. I feel very good. I’m really happy.

I contact and liaise with current and potential advertisers. Our readers are interested in a high-quality life, both inner and outer, and they go for the best. So we promote only excellent products. Businesses love to advertise in the magazine because of its extraordinary content and beautiful design, as well as the diversity of its unique, global readership.The great response to the ads speaks for itself. Readers keep this magazine as a collector’s item, looking at it over and over again.They often put it on a coffee table, or by their bedside to read before going to sleep. I can’t imagine any other magazine that is read by so many different nationalities. The OSHO Times contains a message for the whole of humanity – how to improve all aspects of our lives and grow in consciousness.

way of taking responsibility for my own personal growth. Working here is totally different than anywhere else.The hierarchy present in the world doesn’t exist. Everyone is a unique individual and valued for that: there is no one higher or lower just because they have been meditating longer or are in charge of a particular department. My life is becoming richer and richer all the time. I’m discovering the inner blocks that have been preventing me from being myself. Many are specific to the culture I was born into. Because the Meditation Resort is such an international environment, I can see and release them easily. It may not be comfortable when my conditioning clashes with that of someone from another culture, but it is a priceless opportunity for growth. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Recently I’ve been noticing my mind come in very strongly, with judgments and projections. It’s becoming increasingly clear to me that I cannot possibly get a true picture of a situation unless I put my projections to one side. Otherwise I am seeing everything through a filter. We are all meditating, all looking at ourselves and seeking to grow. That makes me feel safe and warm. It inspires and supports me to put my issues on the table without fear of being condemned. There is no need to hide here; I can be myself in this oneness. Devendra, Almasta

And your bodywork?

I do Holistic Massage, Core Integration and Foot Reflexology, all of which create a rhythm in the body, mind and heart. These methods find blockages and remove them on both the physical and psychological levels. The sessions help people relax and accept themselves the way they are, and help them go deeper into meditation. When I give a session it is always fresh and new, never routine and mechanical. I may be the tool or channel for some healing, but this heals me at the same time. In fact I see myself in every client. What is your experience of working here?

It truly is Work as Meditation! It enhances my life in so many ways. In fact, it’s not really work at all; it’s a


See also

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“Generally seekers set about suppressing thoughts without bothering to understand the process of how they are born. This can certainly bring madness, but not liberation…. Thoughts are not the problem, the birth of thoughts is the problem. How they are born is the question. If we can stop their coming into being, if we can exercise thought birth-control, then the thoughts that have already been born will disappear in a moment.”

How to start meditating…


To be without thoughts is meditation.

When there are no thoughts, it is then that we come to know the one hidden by our thoughts. When there are no clouds the blue sky is revealed. My friends, there is a sky within you as well. Remove the cloud of thoughts so that it can be seen, so that it can be known. This is possible. When the mind is at rest and there are no thoughts in it, then in that silence, in that deep thoughtlessness, in that choiceless state truth is seen. What can we do to bring this about? A very simple thing has to be done but you will find it very difficult because you have become very complex. Something that is possible even for a newborn baby has become impossible for you.You have to look at the world and at yourself in the same way as a newborn baby looks. The baby simply looks and does not think. He just sees. And just seeing is wonderful. This is the secret key that can unlock the gate of truth. I am seeing you. I am just seeing you. Do you follow me? I am just seeing you; I am not thinking. And then an unprecedented calm, a living silence descends within. Then everything is seen and

everything is heard but nothing within moves. There is no reaction inside; there are no thoughts. There is only darshan, only seeing. Right-seeing, right-awareness is the method for meditation. You have to see, only to see all that is without and all that is within as well. There are objects without, thoughts within.You have to look at them without any purpose whatsoever. There is no purpose, there is only seeing. You are a witness, an uninvolved witness, and you are simply seeing.This observing, this watchfulness, gradually leads you into peace, into utter emptiness, into thoughtlessness. Try it and find out. As thoughts dissolve, consciousness awakens and comes to life. Just casually stop for a while – anywhere, anytime. Just look and listen and be a witness to the world and to yourself. Don’t think, just be a witness and then see what happens.Then let this witnessing spread. Let it pervade all your physical and mental activities. Allow it to be with you continuously. If there is witnessing, you will cease to be and you will see that which you really are. The I will die and the self will be attained.

This series of talks comes from Osho’s first meditation camp in Rajasthan. He answers fundamental questions about what meditation is, and how we can begin and sustain it in our lives. Osho introduces us to the world of meditation with precision, thoroughness, humor, and compassion. Here is someone who not only knows, but also knows how to convey what he knows. His genius in full flight, he points us as far as one can with words toward the inner world of the self, toward the zone of silence.

“You know nothing except thoughts. Thoughts are your whole world. And he who lives in thoughts alone is a worldly man.To know something beyond thoughts is the beginning of becoming religious.” Osho

DETAILS Title: The Perfect Way Author: Osho Subject: Osho introduces meditation Publisher: Rebel Books Pages: 202 ISBN 81-7261-163-3 ISBN 978-81-7261-163-7

For a list of overseas distributors visit: www.osho.com/shop To order within India contact: OSHO Multimedia and Resorts Pvt. Ltd. 17 Koregaon Park, Pune 411 001 Tel: +91 (20) 6601 9981 email: distribsale@osho.net

From April 2008 onwards, OSHO Books, Magazine, CDs and DVDs of OSHO Talks, Meditations and Music etc. can be ordered from OSHO Multimedia and Resorts Pvt. Ltd. 17 Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Tel: +91 (20) 6601 9981 email: distribsale@osho.net


Also available online at

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I would have loved not to be associated in any way with the word religion. The whole history of religion simply stinks. It is ugly and it shows the degradation of man, his inhumanity, and all that is evil. And this is not about any one single religion, it is the same story repeated by all the religions of the world: man exploiting man in the name of god. I still feel uneasy being associated with the word religion. But there are a few problems: in life sometimes one has to choose things that one hates. In my youth I was known in the university as an atheist, irreligious, against all moral systems.That was my stand, and that is still my stand. I have not changed even an inch; my position is exactly the same. But being known as an atheist, irreligious, amoral, became a problem. It was difficult to communicate with people, almost impossible to bridge any kind of relationship with people. In my communing with people, those words – atheist, irreligious, amoral – functioned like impenetrable walls. I would have remained so – for me there was no problem – but I saw that it was impossible to spread my experience, to share. The moment people heard that I am an atheist, irreligious, amoral, they were completely closed.That I don’t believe in any god, that I don’t believe in any heaven and hell was enough for them to withdraw from me. Even very educated people – because I was a professor in the university, and I was surrounded by hundreds of professors, research scholars, intelligent, educated people – simply avoided me because they had no courage to defend what they believed; they had no argument for themselves.

And I was continually arguing on street corners, in the university, in the panwallah’s shop – anywhere that I could get hold of somebody. I would hammer religion and try to clean people completely of all this nonsense. But the total result was that I became like an island; nobody even wanted to talk with me, because even to say hello to me was dangerous: where would it lead? Finally I had to change my strategy. I became aware that, strangely, the people who were interested in the search for truth had got involved in religions. Because they thought me irreligious, I could not commune with them; and they were the people who would be really interested to know.They were the people who would be ready to travel with me to unknown spaces. But they were already involved in some religion, in some sect, in some philosophy; and just their thinking of me as irreligious, atheistic, became a barrier. And those were the people that I had to seek out. There were people who were not involved in religions but they were not seekers at all. They were just interested in the trivia of life: earning more money, being a great leader – a politician, a prime minister, a president. Their interests were very mundane. They were no use to me. And they were also not interested in what I had to offer to them because it was not their interest at all.

The man who wants to become the prime minister of the country is not interested in finding the truth. If truth and the prime ministership are both presented to him, he will choose the prime ministership. He will say about truth, “There is no hurry. We can do that – the whole of eternity is available – but the opportunity of the prime ministership may or may not come again. It rarely comes, and only to very, very rare people, once in a while.Truth is everybody’s nature, so any day we can find that. First let us do that

I hate the word religion. I have always hated it, but I had to talk about religion. But what I was talking about under the cover of religion was not the same as people understood by religion. Now this was simply a strategy. I was using their words – god, religion, liberation, moksha – and giving them my meaning.

which is momentary, temporal, fleeting. This beautiful dream may not happen again. Reality is not going anywhere, but this dream is fleeting.” Their interest was in dreaming, imagination. They were not my people, and communication with them was also impossible because our interests were diametrically opposite. I tried hard but these people were not interested in religion, not interested in truth, not interested in anything that is significant. The people who were interested were either Christians or Hindus, Mohammedans, Jainas, Buddhists: they were already following some ideology, some religion. Then it was obvious to me that I would have to play the game of being religious; there was no other way. Only then could I find people who were authentic seekers.

I hate the word religion. I have always hated it, but I had to talk about religion. But what I was talking about under the cover of religion was not the same as people understood by religion. Now this was simply a strategy. I was using their words – god, religion, liberation, moksha – and I was giving them my meaning. In this way I could start finding people; and people started coming to me. It took a few years for me to change my image in people’s eyes. But people only listen to words, they don’t understand meanings. People only understand what you say, they don’t understand what is conveyed unsaid. So I used their own weapons against themselves. I commented on religious books, and gave a meaning that was totally mine.

I would have said the same thing without commenting – it would have been far easier because then I would have been directly speaking to you. There was no need to drag in Krishna, Mahavira and Jesus, and then make them say what they had never said. But such is the stupidity of humanity, that the same thing that I had been saying before, and they were not ready even to hear it.... And now thousands started gathering around me because I was speaking on Krishna. Now, what have I to do with Krishna? What has he done for me? What relationship have I got with Jesus? If I had met him while he was alive I would have said to him, “You are a fanatic and you are not in your senses. I cannot say that the people who want to crucify you are absolutely wrong, because they have no other way to deal with you.” So this was the only way. Excerpted from From Personality to Individuality, Osho

To listen to the complete talk go to


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This Beautiful Earth

Any improvement we make upon nature to benefit ourselves easily disturbs its natural balance.

The very framework of science is to conquer nature. That is the very terminology of science –

conquest of nature.We have to overpower nature and we have to destroy all mysteries of nature, and we have to find all the keys of power, wherever it is. But the very idea takes you away from nature, makes you antagonistic to it and becomes destructive.The ecology of the earth has been destroyed by this power seeking. In the outside, in the inside – both – the natural rhythm of life is disturbed. I have heard: A very unusual idea occurred one day to Frederick of Prussia. He was in the country when he saw some sparrows eating some grains of wheat. He started to think and reached the conclusion that these small birds consumed a million pecks of wheat a year in his kingdom.This cannot be allowed.They have to be either conquered or destroyed. Since it was difficult to exterminate them, he promised a price for each dead sparrow. All Prussians became hunters and soon there were no more sparrows in the country. What a great victory. Frederick of Prussia was very happy. He celebrated the event as a great conquest over nature. The king was very happy until the following year when he was told that caterpillars and locusts had eaten the crops because without sparrows the whole rhythm of life was destroyed. Sparrows go on eating caterpillars and locusts.There being no sparrows, the whole crop was destroyed by caterpillars. Then it was necessary to bring in sparrows from abroad. And the king said, “I certainly have made a mistake. Nature knows what it is doing.” Excerpted from The Discipline of Transcendence, Osho 54 OSHO TIMES

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OSHO International Meditation Resort is a unique experiment, an opportunity for individuals to experience a radical approach to meditation and silence. It is a place for the evolution of Zorba the Buddha – someone whose feet can dance on the ground and whose hands can touch the stars – in an environment beyond nations, races and religions. The international language is laughter and silence. This is a place to be alone together, where each can learn from the other while respecting everyone’s unique individuality.


OSHO Dynamic Meditation: Osho’s most popular active meditation


The Art of Listening: an OSHO talk on audiotape Vipassana: silent sitting, watching the breath A selected OSHO Meditation OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation: a meditation using breath and sound OSHO Kundalini Meditation: another potent active meditation technique to still the mind The Evening Meeting of the OSHO White Robe Brotherhood. This two-hour meditation meeting begins with dancing and celebration. This is followed by sitting silently, first to music and then to the sound of Osho speaking – a videotaped talk that provides an opportunity to experience silence with no effort.

10:30 12:00 14:45 16:15 18:45

in OSHO CHUANG TZU 7:30 15:00

Silent sitting Silent sitting Silent sitting (sometimes with music)


A selected OSHO Meditation


Being Here

for more information visit


Theo grew up on a farm with 600 pigs in northwest Germany. He studied business administration and later spent eleven years working as a consultant for a company in Europe. So what made this successful businessman drop everything to go globe trotting by motorcycle?

OSHO International Meditation Resort Pune, India On Arrival

Children under 18

Nationals need to bring a valid photo ID such as driver’s license, voter’s card, PAN card, passport, college ID or credit card with photo. International visitors are required to have a valid visa. Every six months everyone needs to re-register with a valid photo ID. OSHO International Meditation Resort is an AIDS-free zone. On your arrival you will be required to take an AIDS (HIV) test in the resort.

The activities at the OSHO International Meditation Resort are designed for the benefit of adults; the environment is not geared towards children and minors. We recommend that parents come alone, without their children. If you are traveling with children, please note that: Children of school age are only allowed during their school holidays. Those under 12 can only come into the Meditation Resort between 1:00 and 2:00 pm. Minors between the ages of 12 and 18 will only be admitted if they are interested in and able to participate in the activities (meditations, growth programs and/or Work as Meditation program). All visitors under 18 need to be accompanied by a parent at all times. International visitors need to bring a passport and Nationals should present a birth or school certificate.

Welcome Morning: Daily This is an introduction to the Meditation Resort, including a step-by-step experience of OSHO Active Meditations and Evening Meeting. At this time you can ask any questions you may have, meet other participants from around the world, and get information that will assist you in making the most of your time here. You will also learn more about the process of personal and cultural conditioning and see how the Multiversity and the meditations in OSHO Auditorium support you to go beyond those limitations to a more authentic lifestyle.

Health Club Facilities The swimming pool, table tennis, volleyball and gym facilities are available at no cost to visitors to the Meditation Resort.

● ●

For more information please contact: OSHO International Meditation Resort 17 Koregaon Park, Pune 411001, MS, India Tel: +91 (0)20 6601 9999 Fax: +91 (0)20 6601 9990 website: www.osho.com/resort On our website you will also find information on how to get here and how to arrange accommodation.


Life as a business consultant means good money, nice car, nice house, parties, but something was missing. I did not know where to search for it. I read about a man who wanted to drive around the world on a motorbike, and I thought that’s a great space to find my inner answers. So I wrote to him, we met, I quit my job and we started the trip. How did you arrive here?

After traveling 27.000 km through 20 countries in eight and a half months I arrived in India. These months were full of impressions and after all this time I needed a place to calm down, to let all these impressions settle. I met people who told me about silent places, and they were all talking about this place. So I came, and I spent a really good time at the New Year’s Eve Party before starting the more quiet part of my visit. What did you do in the quiet part?

I really enjoyed the quiet sitting meditation.

Also I participated in a hypnosis course, where the facilitator managed in a beautiful way to bring us into a trance, and to create a great feeling of being interconnected with the other course participants. How did you find the ambience of the Meditation Resort?

Everything is here that I needed to recover from the outside world. After biking through Iran, Pakistan and India as a low budget traveler I was really longing for the simple things that have a totally different value if you have missed them for a long time. Organic and tasty food, salad you can eat safely, nice rooms, beautiful architecture, and the impressive pyramid where the Evening Meeting meditation takes place…then there’s the park, swimming pool, sauna, tennis, internet…. What are you taking away from here?

I am taking a deep relaxation and a lot of energy to go on with my trip. Many good and practical ideas about how to create even more happiness in life. I found some more pieces of myself, pieces I would have never found in the hassle of traveling or working. And I found a very good place to come back to for joy and relaxation! May 2008 57

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H a ppin ess

for Breakfast

Seventy members of the Godowon Foundation of Korea recently participated in a three-day Meditation Intensive at the OSHO International Meditation Resort. The foundation started in 2001 when the director, Mr. Godowon, opened a website to write morning letters to a few friends to encourage them to start their day with happiness. This has slowly developed into a daily message about happiness and well-being which reaches over two million members.

In 2005 after visiting the OSHO Meditation Resort in Pune, Mr. Godowon took back many ideas to create a similar place in Korea. He wanted to give his members an experience of something original in India. By chance he met Soo Hee Cho, a Korean dancer who is a frequent visitor to the Meditation Resort. She helped organize the next visits, first in 2006 with 60 members, and again this year. He is very impressed with the natural environment of the Meditation Resort, the way it is set up, and particularly the OSHO Active Meditation techniques. He likes the freedom, celebration, and the opportunity to be non-serious, and is enthusiastic about bringing meditation into daily life. The group is educated and financially comfortable, and its members are very sincere about inner discovery. They stayed at the OSHO Guesthouse and participated as totally as possible in the Meditation Intensive. Amazed to feel so relaxed so quickly, they 58 OSHO TIMES

saw their bodies changing and their breathing becoming easier. Mrs. Heekyoung Park, who works as a government social worker, said: “For ten years I wanted to come to India to learn meditation, and now I could make it through the Godowon Foundation. Here I feel I have found the rope, I just have to pull it. I was most surprised by the dance meditation in Buddha Grove. I couldn’t believe that people can dance in the daytime without drinking alcohol!” Mrs. Manjeong Han and Mr. Heemun Park, a middle-aged couple who are retired school teachers, have run their own guesthouse since their retirement. What strikes them about the OSHO Guesthouse is that the facilities are minimal – no TV, no phone, no newspapers. That makes meditation easy. They are touched by the natural beauty of the environment here, as well as the openness of the people.“So many foreigners together, and everybody is friendly; everybody meets each other easily.” Ms. Sungeun Kim, a dance therapist, said OSHO Active Meditations are opening a new door for her.While doing them she discovered many new dance movements. She felt free because there is no technique, no rigid form of dancing, and she found herself going deeper inside. The Meditation Resort has given Mr. Godowon a lot of inspiration for his work. It appears to be his dream come true, and he wants to share this dream with other people in Korea. This year he plans to begin to develop his own meditation center on the 600,000 sq. meters of land he has available in a beautiful mountainous area in the countryside outside of Seoul. The Korean visit was widely covered by the Pune press. Indian Express published the news – together with a photo of a meditator dancing ecstatically – in their national edition, which serves Mumbai and Delhi as well. Sadhana



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May 2008 59



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Two meditations to activate your chakras and make you feel like a million dollars!

Jump Start Your Energy

Search for Your Inner Spring Basho wrote:

Loathe to let spring go, Birds cry, and even fishes’ eyes Are wet with tears.

Excerpted from Christianity and Zen, Osho

Painting by Tulika

The spring is going away. The birds are crying – and even fishes’ eyes are wet with tears.What is Basho saying? Just as spring is so much loved by the trees and the birds and the fish.... You don’t know your inner spiritual spring. It has not come yet, you have not invited it. And the outer spring comes and goes, comes and goes, comes and goes, but the inner spring only comes and never goes. It is eternal spring. Its flowers are flowers of eternity. Once you are enlightened you are enlightened forever. There is no way of going back. How much more splendorous and how much more miraculous will be the inner spring! Even the outer is so great; the inner is not only quantitatively great, it is qualitatively great too. The search for truth is the search for the inner spring.


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Can you tell us about the second stage of the meditation: sitting in silence?

Chakra Breathing Meditation works with the fiery power of the breath. Breathing vigorously into each chakra cleanses and energizes them, and makes them come alive. We asked Premin, who loves to use this meditation in her OSHO Multiversity Courses, to tell us more about it. Chakra Breathing helps your energy to move easily;

you experience your body in full flowing mode.The first stage is three rounds of vigorous breathing, which brings continual changes to the energy centers of your body. You get everything moving, become more aware and your blood flows faster. Usually our centers are focused on the outside: we watch what’s out there with our eyes and ears. Once the awareness turns inwards, with the help of the breath, we start feeling the energy moving into the centers inside the body.This can bring us back to our natural ecstatic state of being. In what way do the various centers feel different?

I believe that that’s very personal for everybody; it is best left up to the individual. The chakras are inside the body, and they have an opening to the outside. It’s really about tuning into the chakra and breathing

This is always the mysterious part of all OSHO meditations. It’s very hard to talk about this silent stage, because it’s beyond the mind. For the last fifteen minutes we just sit quietly and watch inside. In my experience, when we work with the chakras and connect them, sitting up keeps the channel between sky and earth open; it goes through you. You can actually feel that connection, that movement. When you lie down, you change the direction. When you sit, it’s easy to just be, what we call in meditation. I understand that you do this meditation in Awareness Intensive: Who Is In? Does it have a special purpose there?

We do different active meditations in the Awareness Intensive, and this one is to really move the energy through the different chakras. It’s another way to see “Who Is In?” by putting your awareness inside the chakra and moving it up. It helps to move the energy if it gets stuck in the process. Premin, Anuprada

This is a one-hour meditation in two stages, which uses the breath to open and energize the energy centers. Eyes are closed for the whole meditation.

OSHO Chakra Breathing Meditation

into it, and then having your own experience of it. In the beginning, people might not feel the center, and that’s fine. You can imagine it for a little while or put your hands there, and just wait until it opens. Slowly that happens; you only need patience. What is different in each area is what gets touched by your energy and comes to your awareness. Just imagine that your awareness is in the second chakra and your sensuality gets touched, or your heart opens in the fourth, and feelings of love and compassion – or pain – come.

First stage: 45 minutes

Stand with feet firmly on the ground, shoulder-width apart. Allow the body to be loose and relaxed. With mouth open and jaw loose, take deep, rapid breaths into each of your energy centers, starting with the lowest. A bell signals when to move your breath up into the next.Your breathing should become faster and gentler as you move upwards through each of the centers.You can make any gentle movement that will support your breathing. At the seventh center, there are three bells. Now in your own time, let your breathing slowly fall back through all the centers. This is repeated three times. Second stage: 15 minutes

Sit down, keeping your eyes closed. Be silent and watch whatever is happening within. Locations of the chakras: 1. Sex center 2. Hara: below the navel 3. Solar plexus: just below the ribs 4. Heart center 5. Throat center 6. So-called third eye: middle of the forehead 7. Crown


Chakra Sounds Meditation is very soft. It uses the vibrations of sound to open up and harmonize the chakras. Here the body is like a musical instrument, vibrating on the inside, with little or no outer movement. The first stage is three cycles of singing in harmony with the music, standing or sitting. The second stage is sitting or lying down in silence. Aditi tells us about her experiences both as participant and facilitator. When I began this meditation I was surprised. It was a very powerful experience to have the sound working on my body. I felt full of my own voice.There was no thinking: I became the sound. My voice became stronger in each of the three singing cycles. It opened up my throat, and I got into contact with my own energy and power through my voice. Over the years the experience has changed and deepened: now the heart chakra feels strong, and my next challenge is to move from the heart to the throat – to get that clearer. May 2008 63

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WELLNESS How is it to be a facilitator?

For me, when I’m facilitating I feel half-in, half-out. In the beginning I had a bit of trouble to start singing the tone for the participants.Then I got more confident and tried singing it without a mike, which made it more relaxed.When my heart opened up, it became totally easy – I could have gone on forever. I do the meditation with open eyes, to watch what is happening in the hall. When people are experienced in Chakra Sounds, they just go for it. New people are often shy. In a group, the voices of the older ones support them. As the second cycle begins the new people overcome their shyness, and the whole hall starts to vibrate with sound.The participants really start to be in harmony with each other, and all the voices together create natural overtones – without anyone trying to mold their mouths to create them. In this way everyone can relax and resonate deeply. And the silent stage, after people have gone totally into singing and feeling the vibrations?

There is absolute silence; it goes very deep. Because it happens here in the evening, everything is dark and

it is amazingly beautiful – this bit of darkness, this deep silence, no coughing at all in spite of the cold floor. I like it very much. After the meditation finishes, people are still. Usually no one comes to ask questions. I have a lot of respect for each person’s own meditative space, so I always sit quietly and give people room to come back in their own time. They just get up, get their things and go – all very silently. Aditi, Anuprada

OSHO Chakra Sounds Meditation

Individual sessions of 1 – 1 ½ hours each are available throughout the day. They cover a wide variety of approaches which fall under the general headings of Bodywork, Therapy and Counseling, and Energywork and the Esoteric. Tarot Let the Tarot cards support you in looking at what is happening in your life now – what is clearing out and where it is all going.The session may begin with a short energy reading before using the cards.You can come with or without a question.

A soft, one hour meditation in two stages. The same seven chakras are used as in Chakra Breathing. Music and vocal sounds are used to open and harmonize the chakras in the first stage, and the second stage is in silence, watching within.

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage

First stage: 45 minutes

This stimulating massage uses strokes with the hands and feet and special oil and powder to release tensions from muscles and joints.Yoga-based stretches open the body and allow your vital energy to flow. It is a most effective way to release blocks, relax muscles and align the body. It can bring back your vitality, relieve chronic tension, improve blood and lymphatic circulation and bring awareness to old habits and holding patterns in the body.

Stand or sit comfortably, keeping your back straight and body loose. Close your eyes and listen to the music for a moment. Let your jaw drop, making the sound aw, and sing any tone which harmonizes with the music in the first chakra, the sex center. As the music changes, move up to each following center and harmonize with the new music. After the crown, come down center by center. This happens three times, with a pause between each cycle. Feel the sounds pulsating inside. You can change your body position at any point.

Japanese Facial Massage: In this session, traditional East Asian medical concepts combined with massage techniques help release energy and stress locked in the facial, head and neck muscles.The nervous system and blood circulation are stimulated, improving lymphatic flow, toning the muscles and energizing the energy flow in the face. This improves the appearance of the facial tissue, as well as relaxing the body-mind.

Energy Reading

Second stage: 15 minutes

After the last cycle, sit or lie down. With closed eyes, be silent and watch. The next Multiversity Course Awareness Intensive: Who Is In? will be on 22 – 25 May. The OSHO Chakra Breathing and Chakra Sounds Meditations are regularly offered in OSHO Auditorium. CDs of the meditations can be ordered via osho.com.

Your issues and their potential are reflected energetically inside your body. An Energy Reading explores what is going on in your chakras and subtle bodies, and awakens you to the depth inside.You can bring any topic: work, meditation, creativity, relating. Couples can use this process to bring light to polarities, understand habits and bring new harmony.

These are only a few of the many sessions regularly available at the OSHO Multiversity. For more information on the full program see osho.com/multiversity.

See also osho.com/activemeditations 64 OSHO TIMES

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Enhance your life inside and out with unique OSHO Courses and Trainings

Art with Heart

OSHO Reiki 1st Degree

In this course you will be encouraged to enter the very essence of creativity through your heart. A wall-size canvas with lots of stunning acrylic colors and brushes are available for your heart to express itself. Be ready for a big surprise. Even Picasso will be jealous of you!

In this soft, non-intrusive, hands-on healing art, the practitioner becomes a channel for universal life force energy. This helps to create a meditative space in both the practitioner and the receiver. Participants open to this energy through an initiation, which can then be transmitted at any time.

1 – 3 May

Self-Hypnosis for Meditation Following Osho’s guidelines, this course uses a guided meditation to deepen your silence in meditation. Selfhypnosis can also be used for healing, to be more relaxed and playful amid the tension of the market place, or in your own creative, unique way. Meets in the early morning, one hour a day for seven days.

26 – 27 May

Com ing soon

A one-day course to help you experience your seven chakras or energy centers. You will find out in which you feel at home, in which you can expand, and how to bring them from complexity to harmony. 12 May

Awareness Intensive: Who Is In? Based on traditional Zen techniques and designed to penetrate beyond your habitual masks and pretensions, this course focuses your total energy into the search for who you really are. Residential, in silence and isolation. 22 – 25 May

These courses take place on the same dates every month.

OSHO Mystic Rose Three weeks, three hours a day. The first week is laughter, the second crying, and the third is silent witnessing. ●

To go deeper into your own meditation as well as develop your skills and confidence in sharing OSHO meditations. Prerequisite: interview.

Chakra Journey


OSHO Meditation Training

10 – 16 May

Every month the Multiversity offers processes designed by Osho for the contemporary man, to cut through layers of conditioning straight to the center of his being. The OSHO International Meditation Resort, with its unique blend of relaxation, meditation and celebration, is the ideal place to experience this transformation.

it is a very fundamental technique, fresh and unused it cuts away all the past repressions of humanity

11 – 31 May

OSHO Born Again Seven days, for two hours a day. The first hour is for entering your childhood. The second hour is sitting in silent meditation. ● ●

a great experiment to achieve your lost childhood rediscovering the moments of wonder and joy

17 – 23 May

22 – 26 July

OSHO No-Mind

Primal Rebirth A lot of our questions, difficulties, hurts and pain are related to the first seven years of our life, when the blueprint is formed for who we unconsciously decide to become as adults. In this course we find the way back to our true selves.

Seven days, two hours a day. Using gibberish – speaking in any language that you do not know – to empty out all the garbage of the mind. ● ●

it’s crazy but will relieve you of much heat and steam after one hour you will feel tremendously quiet

3 – 9 May

11 – 15 August

OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Training: Basic Skills Vigorous, deep massage work based on the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda, combined with Yoga stretches. It can relieve back and neck pain and many other chronic holdings in the body. At the end of the training you will be able to give a full session. Prerequisite: interview. 16 – 22 August

Using hypnosis, you first connect and make friends with your body/mind; then you begin a healing process by communicating with your unconscious. ●

Awareness Intensive: Satori A powerful process dedicated to the search of our innermost being. Using modern koans such as “Who is in?” and others, these days are a single-pointed, passionate quest to experience a glimpse of the witnessing consciousness. Residential, in silence and isolation. Prerequisite: interview. 3 – 10 September

1– 3 3– 9 8 – 10 10 –16 11 – 31 12 13 –15 15 17 – 19 17 – 23 22 –25 24 24 – 26 24 – 30

May May May May May May May May May May May May May May

26 – 27 May 28 May

Art with Heart OSHO No-Mind Opening to the Heart Self-Hypnosis for Meditation OSHO Mystic Rose Chakra Journey Disappear into the Painting Intuitive Tarot Dehypnosis and Self-Hypnosis OSHO Born Again Awareness Intensive: Who Is In? Fast-track to Yourself Art with Heart OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind OSHO Reiki First Degree Intuitive Tarot

PREVIEWS 2 – 3 Jun 3 – 5 Jun 6 – 8 Jun 10 – 12 Jun 10 –16 Jun 4 – 5 Jul 13 Jul 15 Jul 16 –18 Jul 19 – 21 Jul 20 –23 Jul 22 – 26 Jul 26 –27 Jul 27 –29 Jul 29 –30 Jul 30 Jul –1 Aug

Loving Yourself Inner Skills for Work & Life Disappear into the Painting Dehypnosis and Self-Hypnosis Self-Hypnosis for Meditation Loving Yourself A Day for the Body: Massage, Breath, Pampering Family Constellation Opening to Feeling: Breath Family Constellation: Beyond Family 1 Awareness Intensive: Who Is In? OSHO Meditation Training Family Constellation: Beyond Family 2 Opening to Feeling Head and Foot Massage Opening to the Heart

can be used for weight control or dealing with migraines and any other body aches and pains for anything out of natural balance in the body

24 – 30 May

OSHO Dynamic Meditation Booster Seven days: starts from the 25th of each month

66 OSHO TIMES Osho International Foundation

Dates and programs are subject to change. For an up-to-date listing of programs visit osho.com/multiversity.

email: multiversity@osho.net or write to: OSHO Multiversity OSHO International Meditation Resort 17 Koregaon Park, Pune 411001, India Tel: +91 (0)20 6601 9999, ext. 312

for full program visit

osho.com/multiversity May 2008 67



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A Cure for Love Is there a cure for love sickness? Researchers at the University of Alabama and Tabriz Medical University in Iran found that melatonin and vasotocin might just do the trick. Intense romantic love is associated with specific physiological, psychological and behavioral changes, including euphoria, obsessiveness, and a craving for closeness with the target. Some researchers believe such love is a specific emotion, separate from the physical sex drive, which works through parts of the brain associated with the reward system, and that the brain chemical dopamine is heavily involved. The key is the pea-sized pineal gland, which produces melatonin. This hormone plays a key role in a 24-hour cycle. It has also shown anti-dopamine activities in part

Bird Brain Last winter, a bird known as a bar-tailed godwit took flight from Alaska and headed south. A day later, it was still flapping its way over the Pacific. An airplane pilot would have a hard time staying awake after 24 hours of flight. The Federal Aviation Administration allows pilots to fly just eight hours in a row. But the godwit kept flying for an additional week. After eight days and 7,200 miles, it landed in New Zealand, setting a record for nonstop flight. “If they spend so many hours flying,” said Ruth M. Benca of the University of Wisconsin, “where do they find the time to sleep?” Bird sleep is so mysterious that scientists are considering several answers, all intriguing. The godwit may have managed to stay awake for the entire journey. Or it may have been able to sleep while flying. Or, as Dr. Benca and

Jolly Fat of the brain, while a second hormone, arginine-vasotocin, also has a key role in romantic love. The researchers suggest that giving the two hormones may be a cure for non-returned romantic love. Excerpted from The Independent

The romantic young man turned to the beautiful young girl in his bed and asked, “Am I the first man you ever made love to?” She thought for a moment and then said, “You could be – I have a terrible memory for faces.” Osho

other scientists suspect, its brain may have been in a bizarre state of semi limbo that they do not understand. Bird brains produce patterns of electrical activity that look strikingly like human brains during sleep, a remarkable similarity considering that birds and their brains have been on a separate evolutionary course from mammals for 300 million years. But similarities reach just so far. The amount of sleep birds need can change drastically through the year. Birds may be able to put parts of their brains to sleep while keeping others awake. They may be able to adjust sleep in the course of minutes, even seconds. By figuring out the mysteries of bird sleep, scientists hope to understand some universal rules of sleep. Like humans, birds typically get some sleep every day. A pigeon usually sleeps through the night, for example, and has a few naps during the day. Why birds and mammals should sleep so much has long puzzled scientists. Some researchers have even argued that sleep is something that animals do when they have nothing else on their agendas. Carl Zimmer Excerpted from The New York Times

Ever since Falstaff, fatness has been associated with jollity. According to psychologists at Lakehead University in Canada, the “jolly fat” hypothesis might actually be true, at least among women. Not only have they found a link, they suggest a mechanism too: estrogen. They put forward the idea that body fat protects women against negative moods. In other words, the fatter a woman is, the less depressed she gets. In the two-part research, the team looked at Body Mass Index (BMI), a measure that takes into account both weight and height, and compared it with mood in a group of young women. They found that the higher the BMI and body size, the lower the number of symptoms of depression, anxiety and negative mood. In fact, the most depressed were all thin, while the largest were the least miserable. For explanations, the psychologists turned to biochemical

All fat people smile and laugh and look jolly, because that is their way of defending themselves. They cannot run if there is some fight, so they go on creating an atmosphere of friendliness around them so no enmity arises. Their laughter is false. And whenever a fat person reduces his weight, his laughter disappears. Excerpted from Nothing to Lose But Your Head, Osho

Measuring Merriment Japanese professor and communications expert Yoji Kimura believes laughter is a weapon that in healthy doses can end the world’s wars. He just needed find a way to measure it, so he has invented a machine to chart out laughter – and a new unit of “aH” to calculate it. “We have found that children laugh more freely, releasing 10 aH per second, which is about twice as much as an adult,” says Kimura, a professor at Kansai University in Osaka. “Adults tend to calculate whether it’s appropriate to laugh and under those restraints they eventually forget how,” he said. “Laughing is like a restart function on a

A bird is just asleep, as if dead, as if just dead matter, but the sun comes up and the bird is on the wing. Is it the same bird? It is a different phenomenon. Something has touched and the bird has become alive. Everything was silent, and now everything is singing.The morning is a song.

Want more News?

research that suggested the possibility of a link between estrogen and mood, and the brain chemical, serotonin, the target of widely used antidepressant drugs. They say very potent estrogens are primarily found in fatty tissues, suggesting that women with higher body weight may have higher levels. Excerpted from The Independent

Excerpted from The Ultimate Alchemy, Osho

computer. Laughing freely is very important in the course of human evolution. I believe there is a circuit in the human brain that creates laughter through these steps to the stage of overflowing,” Kimura said confidently. “Understanding this mechanism is the door to resolving one secret of human beings.” To measure laughter, he attaches sensors on the skin of a tested subject’s stomach, particularly the diaphragm, and detects muscle movements. The machine looks 3,000 times a second at electric elements normally produced in the body. “I have a theory that humor detected in the brain gets directly discharged through the movement of diaphragm,” By checking the movement of the diaphragm and other parts of the body, Kimura says it will be possible to see if a person is only pretending to laugh, while also distinguishing different types of laughter such as derision and cynicism. Excerpted from Times of India

Laughter brings some energy from your inner source to your surface. Energy starts flowing, follows laughter like a shadow. Have you watched it? When you really laugh, for those few moments you are in a deep meditative state. Thinking stops. Excerpted from A Sudden Clash of Thunder, Osho

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OSHO Meditation Weekends May – June 2008

in India

Salem, Yercaud Hills (Tamilnadu)

Trichy (Tamilnadu)

2 – 4 May Contact: Anandavikal Mobile: 9843274860 Tel: 0427- 4050217 Venue: House of Peace (Glass House) Near Mount Fort School Rahim Road Yercaud, Salem Facilitated by: Mohan Bharti

16 – 18 May Contact: OSHO Dharmateerth Meditation Resort Tanjore Road, Thuvakudi Trichy 620015 Mobile: 9443424065 Facilitated by: Mohan Bharti

Nelliyampathy (Kerala) 8 – 11 May Contact: OSHO Premveena Meditation Center Gowtham Arcade 208 T.V. Samy Road R.S. Puram Coimbatore 641002 Preyas: 9443164565, 9843237793 Venue: Green Land Farm Houses Palagapandy, Palakkad Dt. Nelliyampathy 678511 Kerala Tel: 04923-46245 Facilitated by: Gyan Rikta

A Future Buddha An enlightened man doesn’t care about our ego, because he can see that tomorrow we will be awake.

Mehsana (Gujarat) 16 –18 May Contact: OSHO Manan Neo-Sannyas Commune Near Railway Overbridge Palavasana, Mehsana Tel: 02762-251689, 242977 Mobile: 9426318601 Facilitated by: Anand Swabhav


Complete OSHO books, CDs, DVDs etc. in Hindi, English and Telugu

Gautam Buddha in his past life heard about a man who had become enlightened. He was not much interested, but curious to see what kind of phenomenon enlightenment was and what it did to the man. He set off, and as he came close to the man something started melting in his heart; something that was hard and arrogant was disappearing. And as he came very close, he witnessed himself touching the feet of the man. He was not touching, he had not even the idea of touching the feet of the man, but he saw that he was touching the feet. The man had such a beauty and such a grace that it was such a joy even to touch his feet. But the most miraculous thing happened as he stood up: the man also touched Gautam Buddha’s feet. Gautam Buddha said, “What are you doing? You are enlightened. I can feel the peace that surrounds you. I can feel the light and the fragrance that you have become. It is absolutely right for me to touch your feet and surrender myself, but what are you doing? I am an ignorant man, very stubborn, very egoistic and you are touching my feet.” The enlightened man said to Gautam Buddha, “Today you are asleep; tomorrow you will be awake. Today you are not enlightened, but enlightenment is your very nature. I don’t care about your arrogance and your ego and stubbornness; they are not your self-nature. I am touching your feet to remind you that you are not what you are thinking, and also to remind you that when in your next life you become enlightened, be respectful of those who are still groping in the dark.” Now to touch the feet of such a man is a beauty, is a grace, is a blissfulness.


OSHO Meditation Events Every Sunday and Every third Saturday of the month 5:30 – 8:30 pm OSHO International Foundation in association with Times Foundation Venue: Times of India Building, 2nd floor D.N. Road, Fort, Mumbai (MS)

OSHO Dynamic Meditation 6:00 – 7:00 am (daily)

Tel: 9323020611 Entry free

OSHO Kundalini Meditation 5:30 – 6:30 pm (daily except Sunday)

Excerpted from Om Shantih Shantih Shantih, Osho

Library facility available for books, CDs and cassettes Painting by Tulika

506 Mahavir House, Basheerbagh Rd., Hyderabad 500029 Tel: 040-66629311 email: oshomevlana@vsnl.net www.oshomevlana.com 70 OSHO TIMES Osho International Foundation

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Laughter Is Religiousness All these religions in the past are anti-life. Nobody is for life, nobody is for living, nobody is for laughter. No religion has accepted a sense of humor as a quality of religiousness. Osho

Little Ernie’s father invites his boss to dinner in the hope of getting a promotion at work. Days are spent planning the menu and getting the house just right, but the effect is ruined when little Ernie appears on the stairs just as the boss arrives. “I wanted to see you,” says Ernie, “because Mum said you were a self-made man.” “I am,” smiles the boss, “and proud of it!” “In that case,” says Ernie, “why did you make yourself look so ugly?”

Old man Finkelstein is having lunch with his young grandson, Fagin Finkelstein, the lawyer. Over brandy and cigars, the old man explains how he has succeeded in business. “When I arrived in this town, my boy,” he begins,“I had nothing but the suit I was wearing and a small brown parcel which represented my entire worldly possessions. And now I own three factories, employ two thousand people, live in a large mansion and drive a Rolls Royce.” “Amazing,” says Fagin. “That is some achievement. But, tell me, what did you have in your brown paper parcel?” Old man Fink puffs on his cigar and says, “Two million in cash!”

On his return to earth an astronaut describes Mars and its men and women inhabitants.“The Martian women have an amazing peculiarity: their asses are at the front and their tits are at the back,” he states seriously. “But that’s horrible!” exclaims the reporter. “To look at, yes,” replies the astronaut, “but it’s wonderful for dancing!”

Mick Jagger orders an extremely expensive, custom-made suit, but is very dissatisfied with the finished garment. “I told you to make the pants tight!” he angrily remarks to the tailor. “I want them tight enough to show my sex.” “I’m sorry, sir,” the tailor protests, “but if they were any tighter they would show your religion!”

Moishe Finkelstein pays his bill and starts to get up from the table. “By the way, sir,” says the anxious-looking waiter,“do you believe that history repeats itself?” “I certainly do,” exclaims Moishe, “I know of a number of cases.” “Well, sir,” replies the waiter, rubbing his hands together, “one gentleman who was in here yesterday left me a five dollar tip.” “Amazing,” says Moishe, reaching for his hat, “perhaps he will be here again tomorrow.”


Paddy picks up a girl in the pub and then takes her for a drive in his old Ford car. He stops on a deserted section of country road, turns to the girl and begins to make some rather predictable advances. “Just a minute,” the girl declares, pushing him away. “I’m really a prostitute, and I have to charge you fifty dollars.” Paddy reluctantly pays her and they make love. Later Paddy sits silently at the wheel. “What’s the matter?” asks the girl. “Aren’t we leaving?” “Not quite yet,” says Paddy. “I’m really a taxi driver, and the fare back is fifty dollars.”

Paddy is driving along a winding mountain road in his old Ford car. Suddenly a sleek sports car going in the opposite direction almost runs him off the road. And to make things worse, a young woman driving the sports car sticks her head out of the window and yells at him, “Pig!” Paddy immediately reacts angrily by sticking his head out of his car and yelling back at her, “Bitch!” He then rounds the next bend in the road and smashes straight into a huge pig!

A young actor has just been hired for his first role in a play being performed on Broadway. “You have only one line,” the director tells him, “but it is an extremely important one. When you hear the sound of guns going off you say, ‘Hark! I hear the cannons roar!’ Do you understand?” “Of course,” replies the actor confidently, “Hark! I hear the cannons roar! No problem, I’ve got it already.” The following night the theater is packed and the young actor is striding about backstage repeating over and over, “Hark! I hear the cannons roar.” Then the audience goes quiet as the play begins. The director signals for the young man to go out on the stage and the curtain raises. Suddenly a loud thundering noise rolls through the theater. The startled actor spins round and shouts, “Shit! What the fuck was that?”

A man is telling friends that he has toured around the world looking for a perfect woman. One listener asks him, “Did you find her?” He says, “Yes, but she was looking for the perfect man.”

Little Rufus has been playing in the woods all day. Suddenly, he realizes that he’s lost and that it’s late. He hunts around for a way out, but finally gives up. Kneeling on the ground, he holds out his hands. “Please, god,” Rufus prays, “I’m lost. Please show me the way out of here.” Just then a little bird flies overhead and drops a load of shit on his outstretched hands. Little Rufus examines it closely and then goes back to praying. “Oh! Please, god!” he says. “I really am lost, so don’t hand me that shit!”


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Memories In the June

OSHOTIMES Your brain records everything – things that are worth remembering as well as those that are better forgotten. This month we look at how we can be in charge of this amazingly vast storage system instead of being overwhelmed by it.

How to Let Go of Boredom Living in the past is boring. The memories we collect are like a wall that keeps us isolated from the joy of the present moment.

Falling in Love Again Do you fall in love again and again only to find yourself with the same type of person? Or perhaps again and again you see that you don’t trust enough to love anyone.Your unconscious memories are controlling your love life. What does it take to make a fresh start?

I Forgot Tension prevents our memory from functioning efficiently. And the biggest tension – the ego – prevents us from remembering the most important thing of all.

The Past Is Just Too Much The mind records all our experiences – for lifetimes! It’s quite a lot to have to carry around.We can learn to access what we need, when we need it and forget the rest.

In the coming months there will be features on:

In a Few Words What things are worth remembering?


Be Your Own Master

Surrender to Love


Back to the Heart Center

Osho on… Totality

Real Renunciation

Questions Lovers Ask

Osho on… Saying Yes to Life

Stay Connected–Subscribe Now! On page 74 of this issue Osho International Foundation

Subscribe online: osho.com/otsubscribe

May 2008 79



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Astrology May 2008

Astrology is the science of wholeness, unity, nonduality.


by Yogaraj

CAPRICORN (December 24 – January 20) Manifesting can be of the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. Especially in this time, be conscious of what you wish for….

CANCER (June 22 – July 22) Two parts in play: the out-going and the in-going. The outer going seeks expansion the inner going seeks depth. The trick is to celebrate both.

ARIES (March 21 – April 20) A struggle between all aspects feminine, unconscious and conscious, mother and daughter, lover and nun; a kaleidoscope of you just for the watching.

My whole effort here is to praise the feminine qualities. The world needs them. We have to change the whole gestalt of human consciousness, make it more surrendering, more receptive; we have to teach it how to relax. All that is great happens in a state of let-go. Keep the heart open, and you become a joyous spirit, you become a celebration. Osho

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21) Struggle is trying and tiring – and in this time struggle is a door to your creativity.

Energy needs expression, energy needs to be creative. Otherwise the same energy, coiled up within you, will become diseased, an illness. There is no happiness except in creativity. But creativity is work, with love. A painter paints. He is not working; he is loving. A dancer dances. If it is work, he will be tired. But if he really loves dancing, then the more he moves into it, the more energy he gets to move further on. Osho

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)

LIBRA (September 24 – October 23) The battle is between the demands of love of work and love of the lover. If you understand rightly the winner is – love.

Live in the world, but remain centered in yourself. Your energy goes on returning to yourself; you are no longer out-going. You have become in-going, a pool of energy, overflowing. You can share; you can give in love. If you put your energy into greed, it never comes back; in love, it comes back a thousand-fold. If you put your energy into anger, it leaves you exhausted, spent. If you use your energy in compassion, it comes back a thousand-fold. Osho

LEO (July 23 – August 23)

Love is power, the purest and the greatest power. Nothing can be higher than that. But this power is not a desire to enslave others, not a destructive force. This power is the very source of creation. This power is creativity. This power will transform you totally into a new being. It has no concern with anybody. Its whole concern is to bring your seeds to their ultimate flowering. Osho

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22)

Your search will need structure and structure begs technique. Let technique be your dogma, at least in this time.

There will be struggle against insecurity and it is insecurity that will support your understanding of self-love.

In the ultimate sense meditation is not a technique; it is an understanding, awareness. But you need techniques because that final understanding is very far away from you; deeply hidden. Right this moment you can attain it, but you will not, because your mind goes on. This very moment it is possible and yet impossible. Techniques are just to bridge the gap. In the beginning techniques are meditations; in the end you will laugh. Meditation is a totally different quality of being. Osho

I teach you self-love because it is only through self-love that you will be capable of loving others. Self-love is not against altruistic love, in fact it is the beginning of it. To love oneself goes against all the old teachings, traditions, conventions. But I can’t help that, I have to say the truth even if it goes against the whole of the human past. Love yourself; then love others. Osho

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 23)

VIRGO (August 24 – September 23) As playfully as you can, watch your thoughts and if you choose to give voice do so carefully, for in this time you can cut or care. In watching you will care, in not watching you will cut.

Nobody wants silent moments to ponder on one’s own being; the moment one is alone, fear arises. You start seeing that all that you think is valuable is rubbish.You feel that your world is falling apart. Great panic is bound to arise.You start searching for some new occupation, entertainment or intoxicant. But unless one searches for one’s own being nothing ever helps. Osho

Just watch and see the association of thought – how thoughts are linked, chained with each other – and enjoy it, let it be a game. Play it deliberately, and you will be surprised: sometimes just enjoying it, you will find those beautiful pauses I talk about. Go on easily. Awareness will come to you indirectly. Osho

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19) Aloofness through mind is in the way of meeting compassion of the heart. Let go of ideals for a time and come back to earth, the feminine.

The mind is only a servant. The master is the heart, because all that is beautiful grows in the heart; all that is valuable comes out of the heart – your love, your compassion, your meditation. Anything that is valuable grows in the garden of the heart. The heart is the only possibility for you to be bridged with your being, with existence. It is the only possibility for songs to arise, for stars to descend in you, for your life to become a rejoicing. Osho

PISCES (February 20 – March 20)

The male side may feel the need to be seen from the inside out and if ignored, you will meet the male from the outside in. Both will be interesting.

To ponder means to consider something deeply and thoroughly. This is time when deep self examination will support your hidden gifts. Ponder!

The problem with desire is this: if you don’t get it…which is almost inevitable because you ask for the impossible; it can’t happen in the nature of things, hence you feel frustrated when it doesn’t happen. And if at all it happens by some miracle, some accident, then too it is not going to fulfill you or make you contented because the moment it happens, again your mind starts asking for more – or by the time it happens you are no longer interested in it. Osho

How can reality be male or female? How can it be divided into the outer and the inner? The reality is one. This door – from one side it is an entrance, from another, an exit. It depends on where you are. People are wasting their energy in the objective world. Meditation teaches them how to come in. Once you have come in, you know that there is no out and no in. You can be in the marketplace and meditate; then divisions disappear. Osho

The pull is out of dreams of bliss and into reality – and in reality you will see the dream for what it is, an eternal escape from true bliss this moment.

Dance, sing, create music, paint, sculpt, or whatsoever you feel like doing. Find out what is your innermost joy and do it! Doing means: bring it from the invisible to the visible. Make the dream exist on the earth; let it become actual. That is the greatest joy there is. Real bliss is attained only when you are able to bring something from the unknown to the known, when you make, create, when you transform a dream into reality. Osho

See also



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Chillies I Am Not Your Father Figure It is good that you feel you are lost, because it opens a new dimension for search. It is good that you feel you are alone, abandoned, because that means you have to go inwards and be acquainted with your own interiority. You cannot see your father figure in me. I don’t want anybody to see a father figure, a leader, a prophet, a messiah in me, because these are the people who have been keeping you enslaved for centuries. So I am not your father figure, I am not your leader, I am not a prophet. And I do not know you at all. Excerpted from From Death to Deathlessness, Osho

The WOW is the highlight of our year. It is a life-changing experience for people who are motivated and determined to become the most beautiful and loving human beings they can be. The WOW is led by Veeresh and a team of talented staff who are personally familiar with all aspects of personal growth. You will live together on the Humaniversity campus, and for this one month it becomes your home. As a consequence, you will not only experience

growth and transformation, you will also learn about relationships and the incredible power of living together. The WOW is a 24 hour-a-day experience, in which you are constantly stimulated to see yourself through the eyes of others. It is a lot of fun and very exciting, because everything that you do together becomes a valuable learning experience for the rest of your life. Be ready to be surprised! You will experience a sense of great amazement, joy and appreciation for

life. You will fall in love with yourself, with others, and with the world. Simply WOW!

Full participation is for one month. Part- time participation requires a minimum booking of at least two weeks. Early Booking Discounts: If you book and pay the WOW before May 1st, the fee is: € 2,800 instead of € 3,300.

See also osho.com/vision

For further information & details contact: info@humanversity.nl, Dr. Wiardi Beckmanlaan 4, 1931 BW Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, Phone: +31(0)72 506 4114, Fax: +31(0)72 506 1844

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