Prolifoss STE - EN

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Prolifoss STE

Biological reactivation and maintenance of waste water treatment plants

Prolifoss STE

Biological reactivation and maintenance of waste water

… for the smooth operation of waste water treatment plants of all sizes

With highly efficient soil bacteria and enzymes

Accelerates the decomposition of waste-waterborne substances

Accelerates the running-in of new and "tipped" waste water treatment plants

Creates and maintains a stable bacterial flora

Reduces unpleasant odours, foaming and blockages

Increases the tolerance of shock loads

Prevents/reduces bulking sludge formation and filamentous organisms

Reduces the biological and chemical oxygen requirement in the drain

Easy and safe application/dosage

Made in the EU

FELEMA GmbH • CH-8712 Stäfa • Switzerland E-mail:


Prolifoss STE is a powerful enzymatic and bacterial preparation that has been specially developed for the reactivation and maintenance of waste water treatment plants, (activated sludge systems, trickling filter systems) and lagoons (oxidation ponds), etc.

Prolifoss contains a balanced mixture of enzymes and bacteria. It is used for liquefying and breaking down faeces, cellulose, paper as well as protein-based and organic waste materials. Prolifoss creates a stable bacterial flora in the treated system and ensures smooth operation in the waste water treatment plants.


An irregular supply, disturbances in the aeration, various industrial pollutants or an increased infeed of chemical household products (acids, biocides, antibiotics, detergents, etc.) can adversely affect the bacterial balance. The formation of excessive sludge and foam can lead to blockages and impair proper functioning.

Prolifoss: How it works:

Brief information

Product form: Liquid

Ingredients: Apathogenic bacteria, enzymes (proteases, lipases, amylases, cellulases), nutrient salts, stabilisers

Package size: 25kg bidon (liquid)

Shelf life: 2 years

Enzymes break down the long molecular chains of the organic material. The decomposition products are then "aspirated" as gas (primarily CO2) by the microorganisms in the activated sludge tank and water. The microorganisms develop a stable flora and continue to maintain the reaction virtually independently.

Prolifoss STE Organic contaminants in water. Enzymes break down the molecular chains in the contaminants. The biodegradability increases.
FELEMA GmbH • CH-8712 Stäfa • Switzerland E-mail:
Bacteria break down organic material into gas and metabolites


Accelerates the decomposition of the waste water substances:

Prolifoss STE continuously supports and activates the functionality of waste water treatment plants. The active decomposition of waste water substances is accelerated and the biological and chemical oxygen demand in the effluent (BOD5 and COD) is reduced.

Accelerates the running-in of new and "tipped" waste water treatment plants

Prolifoss STE is suitable for the start-up of new waste water treatment plants as well as for restarting "tipped" biological systems due to the rapid build-up of a stable biocoenosis.

Shock loads are more easily tolerated

Prolifoss STE improves process stability over the long term. Seasonal shock loads are more easily tolerated.

Suppresses the formation of bulking sludge

Prolifoss STE cannot completely prevent the formation of filamentous organisms; however, it suppresses their growth and the associated formation of bulking sludge (increased sludge discharge).

Treated waste water for irrigation purposes

Waste water treated with Prolifoss STE can be used for irrigation purposes.


The natural components used in the Prolifoss STE product do not have any corrosive effects.

Environmentally friendly

The aerobic, non-pathogenic micro-organisms, enzymes, nutrients and carrier substances contained in the Prolifoss STE product are completely environmentally friendly.


In order for Prolifoss STE to be fully effective, the following conditions must be met prior to treatment in the biological part of the waste water treatment plant:

The fast development of a stable biocenosis by Prolifoss STE is facilitated if the sludge concentration (aeration tank) is reduced to 2–3g dry matter/litre during the initial treatment.

pH-value 6 - 8 6,5 - 7,5 Limit range Optimum application range Oxygen content 1 ppm - 2 ppm Minimum - Optimum N and P supply (BOD5:N:P) 100:5:1 Optimum Temperature 10° C - 40° C 20° C Limit range Optimum BOD5 Not less than 200 mg/l
FELEMA GmbH • CH-8712 Stäfa • Switzerland E-mail:


Prolifoss STE is supplied in liquid form and can be dosed manually or automatically. Ideally, a fully automatic dosing pump with timer function should be used. Prolifoss STE is pumped directly from the supplied bidon without any pretreatment and dosed into the inlet of the aeration tanks.


Maintenance treatment

Run-in operation

During the start-up phase of a system, the dosage must be doubled for four weeks. The same applies when restarting the system after a malfunction. In case of high loads, we recommend dividing the calculated quantity into 6 to 8 portions and filling them into the infeed of the aeration tanks at intervals of 3 to 4 hours or dosing them fully automatically using an automatic dosing machine.

For heavy grease loads: add Prolibac

If, in addition to the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins (e.g. cellulose, potato starch, etc.), problems with grease and fat deposits also occur in the waste water treatment plant, we recommend mixing Prolifoss STE with suitable quantities of Prolibac. (Prolibac is a variant of Prolifoss STE with bacteria specifically designed for fat breakdown. The documentation for this is available separately).

The total dosage remains unchanged. The mixing ratio of Prolifoss STE to Prolibac depends on the load and the protein/carbohydrate/grease ratio. The Prolifoss STE and Prolibac products can be mixed in any ratio.

System infeed quantity in m3/day Dosage quantity of Prolifoss STE (per day/per incoming m3) 0 - 1'999 m3 0,39 Gramm 2'000 - 4'999 m3 0,30 Gramm 5'000 - 9'999 m3 0,27 Gramm 10'000 - 14'999 m3 0,24 Gramm 15'000 - 19'999 m3 0,21 Gramm more than 20'000 m3 0,18 Gramm
FELEMA GmbH • CH-8712 Stäfa • Switzerland E-mail:

Prolifoss STE

State of matter: Liquid

Specific weight: 1,00 g/cm3

pH value: 8,0

Packaging: 25-litre canister

Dosage: Manual or fully automatic

Precautionary measures: Do not ingest. In case of accidental eye contact, rinse with ample water. Do not inhale dust.

Storage: Keep the product sealed in the original packaging. To prevent any loss of bacterial and enzymatic effect, do not store it above 40°C or above 45% relative humidity.

Warranty: 2 years after delivery

SZID no. (Switzerland): 118045

FELEMA GmbH • CH-8712 Stäfa • Switzerland

Our application notes, both in written and verbal form, are based on extensive testing. We provide advice to the best of our current knowledge, but without any obligation insofar as the application and storage are beyond our direct control. Product descriptions or information about the properties of the preparations do not contain any statements concerning liability for any damage.

FELEMA GmbH • CH-8712 Stäfa • Switzerland E-mail:

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