SBCC's 2019-2020 Report to the Community

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community, and modeling best practices for diversity, equity and inclusion, the conversation about race is just as important here as it is anywhere, perhaps even more so. Students of all races benefit when SBCC faculty, staff, administrators, and other students gain racial literacy- that is, the ability to understand the impact of race in our society and hold meaningful, well-informed discussions about it. FACULTY MODERATORS STEP UP TO Newman: It’s incredibly important to have honest, open, and DISMANTLE RACISM transparent campus conversations about race because all of SBCC employees unconsciously hold implicit racial biases. We In July, Dr. Carrie Hutchinson and Dr. Donte Newman introall hold hidden biases because of our socialization in a society duced and moderated online webinars focusing on the present that preferences dominant groups over non-dominant groups. It and historic damage racial injustice has perpetrated on commuis through honest conversations where we can begin to radically nities of color, why it continues to occur, and ways in which all of rethink how we think about employees and students of color on us might work to implement positive change. our campus. Hutchinson’s “Disrupting Racism: Foundations for Allies Describe your hope for the main takeaway(s) of your Seeking to be Accomplices” focused on identifying common presentation. roadblocks experienced by people with racial privilege who want Hutchinson: People with racial privilege who are newly to fight racism. Newman’s “The America We Know” series; co-fa- interested in racial justice must identify our mutual interest cilitated by Interim Coordinator of Equity, Diversity, and Cultural and personal stake in dismantling systems of oppression so Competency Roxane Byrne; is a monthly offering for the “racially that we approach this work as though our lives depend on it, inept to the racially competent” that brings together marginalized because they do. We must work under the leadership of people voices to critically examine racial injustice in America. The profes- of color who are at the forefront of this movement, while identisors weighed in on these conversations and why they are crucial fying the ways in which we can leverage our racial privilege to in implementing change, especially in our campus community. best partner in a multi-racial coalition for our shared societal Why, in your opinion, is the conversation about race liberation. important for staff and faculty at SBCC? How might our Newman: My hope is that people will feel empowered and students of color benefit? more confident to learn about racism, talk about racism, write Hutchinson: The conversation about race and racism is about racism, challenge racism and practice anti-racism to important for everyone in our society, and SBCC is not exempt. dismantle racism. Given SBCC’s critical role in educating our students, serving our 12 |

| 2019-2020 Report to the Community

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