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construction holiday updates

Nicholas Schou is an award-winning investigative journalist and author of several books, including Orange Sunshine and Kill the Messenger. If you have tips or stories about Montecito, please email him at newseditor@montecitojournal.net

Meet the Head Honcho for 101

Freeway Widening Project A ssuming that Montecito makes it through the next few years without any ?ygetartS weN,raeY weN-1202major wildfires, floods, mudslides, earthquakes, or tsunamis (okay, so that last potential natu ?ygetartS weN,raeY weN-1202 stnemtsevni dna nalp ruoy tisiver ot emiT ral disaster seems about as likely as a meteor strike), then the biggest story that will affect every stnemtsevni dna nalp ruoy tisiver ot emiT tsal ,rotpursid eurt A .tsap eht ni 0202 evael ot emit si ti ,yllufknahT one in town for the foreseeable future is the 101 Freeway widennoitacude ,sboj ,htlaeh :syaw latnemadnuf ni sevil ruo dednepu raeying project. tsal ,rotpursid eurt A .tsap eht ni 0202 evael ot emit si ti ,yllufknahT .yenom dna With that in mind, the Montecito Journal has already begun pronoitacude ,sboj ,htlaeh :syaw latnemadnuf ni sevil ruo dednepu raey viding regular updates on ramp .yenom dna ot deen oiloftrop dna nalp laicnanfi ruoy tuoba snoisiced DIVOC-erPclosures and other traffic-relatni egnahc erom gnirb osla lliw 1202 .desiver ylbissop dna detisiver ebed issues. But to better underot deen oiloftrop dna nalp laicnanfi ruoy tuoba snoisiced DIVOC-erP dna segnahc wal xat ylekil ,sdnert gnigreme gnimoob fo mrof eht stand the many complex layers ni egnahc erom gnirb osla lliw 1202 .desiver ylbissop dna detisiver eb .setar tseretni revo snoitseuq of planning, preparation, and dna segnahc wal xat ylekil ,sdnert gnigreme gnimoob fo mrof eht oversight that go into this mam .setar tseretni revo snoitseuq gnola nalp laicnanfi a etaerc ro weiver dna tlusnoc ot em tcatnoC moth undertaking, the Journal is also committed to interviewing gnola nalp laicnanfi a etaerc ro weiver dna tlusnoc ot em tcatnoC .sraey gnimoc eht rof ygetarts tnemtsevni na htiw as many of the key players in the 101 Freeway Widening Project Head Honcho Fred Luna .sraey gnimoc eht rof ygetarts tnemtsevni na htiw project as possible. ecneirepxe ecnanfi lacol sraey 82* For this, the inaugural installation of what will be a series of profiles of the ecneirepxe ecnanfi lacol sraey 82* inmula BSCU* main characters involved in the project, we spoke with Fred Luna, director of inmula BSCU* project delivery and construction for the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments. According to Marjie Kirn, executive director of the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments, Luna, whose nickname is “The Machine,” boasts a combination of experience and leadership capabilities that makes him an ideal Highway 101 corridor manager. PFC ,ollaG .T rehpotsirhC®AMIC , ® AWPC tnemeganaM htlaeW - tnediserP eciV reganaM oiloftroP 5243-037-508 PFC ,ollaG .T rehpotsirhC®AMIC , ® AWPC tnemeganaM htlaeW - tnediserP eciV reganaM oiloftroP 5243-037-508 On The Record Page 344 “With thirty years of public and private professional experience, Fred has been effective at developing solutions to complex project management situations that involve coordination among multiple state, federal, and local governments while also balancing the needs of various construction teams and the moc.sbu@ollag.t.rehpotsirhc moc.sbu@ollag.t.rehpotsirhc

ollaG rehpotsirhC .cnI secivreS laicnaniF SBU ollaG rehpotsirhC

teertS ollirraC tsaE 222 .cnI secivreS laicnaniF SBU 601 etiuS teertS ollirraC tsaE 222 arabraB atnaS 601 etiuS ,AC 6417-10139 5243-037-508 4774-262-008arabraB atnaS ,AC 6417-10139 5243-037-508 4774-262-008

it's All About the Service

/moc.sbu ollagtrehpotsirhc/af

/moc.sbu ollagtrehpotsirhc/af

sreffo .cnI secivreS laicnaniF SBU ,stneilc ot secivres tnemeganam htlaew gnidivorp mrfi a sA egarekorb dna resivda tnemtsevni deretsiger-CES na sa yticapac sti ni secivres yrosivda tnemtsevni egarekorb dna secivres yrosivda tnemtsevnI .relaed-rekorb deretsiger-CES na sa yticapac sti ni secivres dna swal tnereffid yb denrevog era dna syaw lairetam ni reffid ,tcnitsid dna etarapes era secivres tcudnoc ew hcihw ni syaw eht dnatsrednu stneilc taht tnatropmi si tI .stnemegnarra etarapes eht tuoba meht ot edivorp ew taht serusolcsid dna stnemeerga eht daer ylluferac yeht taht ,ssenisub ta tnemucod FDP eht weiver esaelp ,noitamrofni erom roF .reffo ew secivres ro stcudorp yrammuspihsnoitaler/moc.sbu .eht snwo .cnI sdradnatS fo draoB rennalP laicnaniF defiitreC PFC skram noitacfiitrec®RENNALP LAICNANIF DEIFITREC dna ™ .S.U eht ni AMIC®deretsiger a si fo setatS detinU eht ni ,ACMI ylremrof ,etutitsnI htlaeW dna stnemtsevnI eht fo kram noitacfiitrec sreffo .cnI secivreS laicnaniF SBU ,stneilc ot secivres tnemeganam htlaew gnidivorp mrfi a sA egarekorb dna resivda tnemtsevni deretsiger-CES na sa yticapac sti ni secivres yrosivda tnemtsevni egarekorb dna secivres yrosivda tnemtsevnI .relaed-rekorb deretsiger-CES na sa yticapac sti ni secivres dna swal tnereffid yb denrevog era dna syaw lairetam ni reffid ,tcnitsid dna etarapes era secivres tcudnoc ew hcihw ni syaw eht dnatsrednu stneilc taht tnatropmi si tI .stnemegnarra etarapes eht tuoba meht ot edivorp ew taht serusolcsid dna stnemeerga eht daer ylluferac yeht taht ,ssenisub www.MONTECITO DANA ZERTUCHE 805.403.5520 · dana@danazertuche.com CALRE#01465425 .associates LORI CLARIDGE BOWLES 805.452.3884 · lori@loribowles.com CALRE#01961570 .ediwdlrow dna aciremAfo yraidisbus a si .cnI secivreS laicnaniF SBU .devreser sthgir llA .0202 SBU© ta tnemucod FDP eht weiver esaelp ,noitamrofni erom roF .reffo ew secivres ro stcudorp Owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. .CPIS/ARNIF rebmeM .GA SBU 92BFDB1E-SBU-Dyrammuspihsnoitaler/moc.sbu .eht snwo .cnI sdradnatS fo draoB rennalP laicnaniF defiitreC MONTECITO JOURNAL6 “The color of springtime is flowers; the color of winter is in our imagination.” - Terri Guillemets PFC skram noitacfiitrec®RENNALP LAICNANIF DEIFITREC dna ™ .S.U eht ni AMIC®deretsiger a si fo setatS detinU eht ni ,ACMI ylremrof ,etutitsnI htlaeW dna stnemtsevnI eht fo kram noitacfiitrec 24 – 31 December 2020 .ediwdlrow dna aciremAfo yraidisbus a si .cnI secivreS laicnaniF SBU .devreser sthgir llA .0202 SBU©

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