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Prose, Autumn Rainfall .....................................Rain Hu ’22

Autumn Rainfall

Rain Hu ’22


It first starts with the dark cloud that floats over and covered the sky; then the first drip fell, splashing on the dry Earth. After that, a few more dropped down. One of them, as it performs its elegant free-fall motion, chooses to land in front of Jasmine’s clear glass window. At first, it was a gentle splashing sound. Pitterpatter as each droplet slid across the now wet outside surface. So gentle that it blends into the noise of the heating fan inside her room. But then, more comes. This time more forcefully. Like the gauge of the sky can no longer hold the desperate wish to free of the weight of these droplets. As if in response to this, they were all let out together at one time. Cascading down from the skies finding a target to hit. At first, she thought that she may have heard wrong; until one of them snuck its way into her room through the leaks of the window. All of a sudden, Jasmine realized that they came. Just as she was hoping for all day, the rain finally came down. She dropped her pen on her desk table and looked up to the sky. Noticing that there had already come a group of them landing on her window, forming a natural filter to this world. Jasmine stood up and opened up the window even wider as she was welcoming the visit of these little spirits from the sky.

Jasmine loved the autumn rainfall. It’s different from the summer rainfall that comes with the grand ceremony of thunder and lightning, the autumn rainfall comes without notice but often brings a sense of peacefulness to her heart. Jasmine fell back in her chair and closed her drooping eyes. Hearing the dripping sound of the rain, she imagined herself as one of them falling from the sky. Released from the sky with thousand of her siblings where they all dispersed to the different corners of this world. Witnessing this world from a new perspective, seeing the flashing lights in the traffic, the people rushing home on the sideway, every part of this world around her won’t be missed by the rainfall. Then, they

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