Rancho Viejo Sold properties, Santa Fe, New Mexico

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Listings per Status

Minimum, Average, Maximum

Days On Market Analysis

Listing Price\Selling Price

http://santafemls.rapmls.com/scripts/mgrqispi.dll?APPNAME=SantaF... 1/22/2009

Mapped Listings Report

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Mapped Listings Report

# 1 2* 3 4* 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Listing # 801521 806089 805665 806088 804358 700940 802110 802852 803690 803496 804412 803837 804411 801192 802377 136982 802853 803497 802615 803984 802622

Status Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Sold within L/O

Address 44 VIA PUNTO NUEVO Santa Fe, NM 87508 67 Via Sagrada Santa Fe, NM 87508 60 Calle Agua Clara Santa Fe, NM 87508 26 Avenida Vista Esquisita Santa Fe, NM 87508 11 Grasslands Santa Fe, NM 87508 78 Saddleback Mesa Santa Fe, NM 87508 80 CALLE AGUA CLARA Santa Fe, NM 87508 34 AVENIDA VISTA ESQUISITA Santa Fe, NM 87508 59 VIA SAGRADA Santa Fe, NM 87508 79 VIA ORILLA DORADO Santa Fe, NM 87508 87 VIA ORILLA DORADO Santa Fe, NM 87508 54 CALLE AGUA CLARA Santa Fe, NM 87508 91 VIA ORILLA DORADO Santa Fe, NM 87508 8 NARBONA Pass Santa Fe, NM 87508 31 Sobradora Santa Fe, NM 87508 203 E Chili Line Rd Santa Fe, NM 87508 78 CALLE AGUA CLARA Santa Fe, NM 87508 70 CALLE AGUA CLARA Santa Fe, NM 87508 215 E Chili Line Rd Santa Fe, NM 87508 13 Buffalo Draw Santa Fe, NM 87508 3 Basketmaker Court Santa Fe, NM 87508

City Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe

List/Sell $ 492,369 190,161 210,991 188,574 347,000 475,000 332,683 183,469 187,369 367,496 372,227 191,911 379,420 370,000 330,000 450,000 199,363 235,960 595,000 310,000 235,000

http://mlalax.rapmls.com/MLA/GetReport.lfs?hidMLS=SFE&SessionN... 1/22/2009

Mapped Listings Report

22 803495 Sold within L/O 87 CALLE AGUA CLARA Santa Fe, NM 87508 23 803829 Sold by MLS Member 12 Enmedio Place Santa Fe, NM 87508 24 805023 Sold by MLS Member 6545 Richards Ave Santa Fe, NM 87508 25 806831 Sold by MLS Member 6549 S Richards Ave Santa Fe, NM 87508 26 803151 Sold by MLS Member 30 Arroyo Ridge Santa Fe, NM 87508 27 706949 Sold by MLS Member 6 Victorio Peak Santa Fe, NM 87508 28 800333 Sold by MLS Member 3 Whitewater Ct Santa Fe, NM 87508 29 803210 Sold by MLS Member 6 Madre Mountain Santa Fe, NM 87508 30 800181 Sold by MLS Member 8 Bear Mountain Santa Fe, NM 87508 31 805622 Sold by MLS Member 2 Woodflower Pl Santa Fe, NM 87508 32 803844 Sold by MLS Member 3 Jimson Weed Ct Santa Fe, NM 87508 33 803798 Sold by MLS Member 1 Escondido Mountain Santa Fe, NM 87508 34 804703 Sold by Non-Member 4 Conestoga Trail Santa Fe, NM 87508 * - Denotes a listing that could not be mapped Privacy Statement All information herein has not been verified and is not guaranteed.

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Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe

448,113 320,000 345,000 385,000 540,000 285,000 339,000 425,000 427,500 285,000 215,000 337,000 376,000

http://mlalax.rapmls.com/MLA/GetReport.lfs?hidMLS=SFE&SessionN... 1/22/2009

MLS Property History Report (217)

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Property History Report Tax Parcel 910017646 44 VIA PUNTO NUEVO Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 801521 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 66 Date 10/17/08 08/27/08 08/13/08 03/18/08 03/18/08

Time 9:58:15 am 11:09:28 am 8:55:18 am 10:05:49 am 10:05:28 am

Picture History Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 492,369 New Status

Old Status

Sold within L/O Under Contract Active Under Contract Active

New Price

Under Contract Active Under Contract Active

Old Price Selling Date

492,369 492,300 492,300 457,000 457,000

492,300 492,300 457,000 457,000 0


DOM 15 15 1 1 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Status Price/Status Status New

Arthur Stern Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel 910016721 67 Via Sagrada Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 806089 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 72 Date 11/25/08 09/20/08 09/13/08

Time 10:52:14 am 10:46:25 am 1:03:17 pm

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 190,161 New Status

Old Status

Sold within L/O Under Contract Active

New Price

Under Contract Active

Old Price Selling Date

190,161 190,161 190,161

190,161 190,161 0


DOM 7 7 0

Change Type Changed By Status Status New

Arthur Stern Arthur Stern Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel 910016349 60 Calle Agua Clara Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 805665 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 90 Date 12/03/08 09/20/08 08/27/08

Time 11:32:16 am 10:49:04 am 10:59:00 am

Picture History Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 210,991 New Status

Old Status

Sold within L/O Under Contract Active

New Price

Under Contract Active

Old Price Selling Date

210,991 210,991 210,991

210,991 210,991 0


DOM 24 24 0

Change Type Changed By Status Status New

Arthur Stern Arthur Stern Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel AUTOFILL TAX DATA 60 Calle Agua Clara, Santa Fe NM 87508 +Listing # 807500 Listing Agent: Paul P. Thomas DOM: 2

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 210,991

Tax Parcel 910016680 26 Avenida Vista Esquisita Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 806088 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 100 Date 12/23/08 09/20/08 09/13/08


Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 188,574 New Status

Old Status

New Price

Old Price Selling Date

9:18:11 am

Sold within L/O

Under Contract



10:47:14 am 11:59:41 am

Under Contract Active


188,890 188,890

188,890 0



Change Type Changed By



Arthur Stern

7 0

Status New

Arthur Stern Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel 910000219 11 Grasslands Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 804358 Listing Agent: Ann Brunson DOM: 121 Date 11/07/08 09/29/08 08/25/08 08/07/08


Picture History Listing Office: Prudential Santa Fe RE/Don Gaspar Selling Price: 347,000 New Status

Old Status

New Price

12:12:32 pm Sold within L/O Pending Please Show 10:20:04 am Pending Please Show Active 1:24:16 pm Active Active 8:51:40 am Active Active

Old Price Selling Date

347,000 365,000 365,000 370,000

365,000 365,000 370,000 384,000



DOM 121 82 47 29

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Barbara Seawalt Status Ann Brunson Price Rebecca O'Day Price Ann Brunson


MLS Property History Report (217)


3:12:45 pm

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Ann Brunson

Tax Parcel not provided for listing 700940, cannot be used for searching property history. 78 Saddleback Mesa Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 700940 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 456 Date 10/30/08 10/04/08 08/02/08 07/11/08 06/28/08 05/07/08 03/19/08 12/12/07 10/31/07 10/22/07 07/18/07 07/18/07 02/27/07 02/27/07

Time 11:45:50 am 4:23:51 pm 3:46:20 pm 3:51:58 pm 1:07:48 am 4:03:37 pm 9:17:41 am 10:22:52 am 8:44:47 am 1:25:19 pm 8:46:06 am 8:45:49 am 10:33:14 am 10:32:20 am

Picture History Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 475,000 New Status Sold within L/O Under Contract Active Active Expired Active Active Active Active Active Active Under Contract Under Contract Active

Old Status

New Price

Under Contract Active Active Expired Active Active Active Active Active Active Under Contract Under Contract Active

Old Price Selling Date

475,000 475,000 475,000 499,000 499,000 499,000 531,000 531,700 551,700 548,800 583,000 583,000 546,839 546,839

475,000 475,000 499,000 499,000 499,000 531,000 531,700 551,700 548,800 583,000 583,000 546,839 546,839 0


DOM 431 431 368 345 345 294 245 147 105 96 0 0 0 0

Change Type Changed By Status Arthur Stern Status Arthur Stern Price Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler Status Rapattoni Staff Price Lori Kuebler Price Lori Kuebler Price Lori Kuebler Price Lori Kuebler Price Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler Price Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler New Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel AUTOFILL TAX DATA for listing 802110 cannot be used for searching property history. 80 CALLE AGUA CLARA Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 802110 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 168 Date 12/04/08 09/26/08 04/10/08 04/10/08

Time 1:27:04 pm 12:00:35 pm 2:01:11 pm 2:00:54 pm

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 332,683 New Status Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Under Contract Active

Old Status

New Price

Sold within L/O Under Contract Active

Old Price Selling Date

332,683 312,000 312,000 312,000

312,000 312,000 312,000 0

09/25/08 09/25/08

DOM 168 0 0 0

Change Type Changed By Price Status Status New

Arthur Stern Arthur Stern Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel 910016684 34 AVENIDA VISTA ESQUISITA Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 802852 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 140 Date 10/04/08 09/26/08 05/11/08 05/11/08

Time 8:34:36 am 4:32:06 pm 1:29:19 pm 1:29:06 pm

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 183,469 New Status Sold within L/O Sold within L/O Under Contract Active

Old Status

New Price

Sold within L/O Under Contract Active

Old Price Selling Date

183,469 180,000 180,000 180,000

180,000 180,000 180,000 0

09/26/08 09/26/08

DOM 140 2 2 0

Change Type Changed By Price Status Status New

Arthur Stern Arthur Stern Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel 910016356 59 VIA SAGRADA Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 803690 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 169 Date 11/26/08 06/12/08 06/12/08

Time 11:06:38 am 12:26:21 pm 12:26:00 pm

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 187,369 New Status Sold within L/O Under Contract Active

Old Status

New Price

Under Contract Active

187,369 180,000 180,000

Old Price Selling Date 180,000 180,000 0


DOM 2 2 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Status New

Arthur Stern Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel 910016504 79 VIA ORILLA DORADO Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 803496 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 197 Date 12/19/08 06/06/08

Time 1:28:15 pm 10:12:34 am

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 367,496 New Status Sold within L/O Under Contract

Old Status

New Price

Under Contract Active

367,496 330,000

Old Price Selling Date 330,000 330,000



DOM 1 1

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Status

Arthur Stern Lori Kuebler


MLS Property History Report (217)


10:11:40 am

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Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel 910016430 87 VIA ORILLA DORADO Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 804412 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 196 Date 01/20/09 07/09/08 07/09/08


Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 372,227 New Status

Old Status

New Price

Old Price Selling Date

1:41:17 pm

Sold within L/O

Under Contract



12:51:56 pm 12:51:45 pm

Under Contract Active


330,000 330,000

330,000 0



Change Type Changed By



Arthur Stern

1 0

Status New

Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel 910016352 54 CALLE AGUA CLARA Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 803837 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 158 Date 11/21/08 06/18/08 06/18/08

Time 4:11:53 pm 10:57:19 am 10:56:52 am

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 191,911 New Status Sold within L/O Under Contract Active

Old Status

New Price

Under Contract Active

Old Price Selling Date

191,911 181,000 181,000

181,000 181,000 0



2 2 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Status New

Arthur Stern Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel 910016427 91 VIA ORILLA DORADO Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 804411 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 191 Date 01/16/09 07/09/08 07/09/08


Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 379,420 New Status

Old Status

New Price

Old Price Selling Date

2:50:59 pm

Sold within L/O

Under Contract



12:50:28 pm 12:49:44 pm

Under Contract Active


330,000 330,000

330,000 0



Change Type Changed By



Arthur Stern

0 0

Status New

Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel not provided for listing 801192, cannot be used for searching property history. 8 NARBONA Pass Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 801192 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 192 Date 10/17/08 09/20/08 08/27/08 08/27/08 07/24/08 05/29/08 04/25/08 03/05/08

Time 3:58:49 pm 4:16:16 pm 11:12:07 am 10:20:33 am 10:58:39 am 2:00:22 pm 6:40:14 pm 1:20:40 pm

Picture History Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 370,000 New Status Sold within L/O Under Contract Active Active Under Contract Pending Active Active

Old Status

New Price

Under Contract Active Active Under Contract Pending Active Active

Old Price Selling Date

370,000 370,000 370,000 361,400 361,400 361,400 361,400 348,400

370,000 370,000 361,400 361,400 361,400 361,400 348,400 0



165 199 141 141 141 85 51 0

Change Type Changed By Status Status Price Status Status Status Price New

Arthur Stern Arthur Stern Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel not provided for listing 801192, cannot be used for searching property history. 8 NARBONA Pass, Santa Fe NM 87508 +Listing # 706215 Listing Agent: Roger Hophan DOM: 28

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Listing Price: 447,500

Tax Parcel not provided for listing 802377, cannot be used for searching property history. 31 Sobradora Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 802377 Listing Agent: Bob Burbic DOM: 131 Date 09/02/08

Time 3:34:22 pm

Picture History Listing Office: Santa Fe Realty Partners, Inc. Selling Price: 330,000 New Status Sold within L/O

Old Status

New Price

Pending Please Show

Old Price Selling Date 330,000






Change Type Changed By Price/Status

Dellor Grant


MLS Property History Report (217)

07/22/08 04/21/08

4:21:53 pm Pending Please Show 3:47:57 pm Active

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348,500 348,500

348,500 0

93 0

Status New

Lois Gray Jill Reynolds

Tax Parcel not provided for listing 136982, cannot be used for searching property history. 203 E Chili Line Rd Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 136982 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 860 Date 09/26/08 08/22/08 08/02/08 06/05/08 06/01/08 05/07/08 04/14/08 04/10/08 03/19/08 02/17/08 01/28/08 12/12/07 10/29/07 10/22/07 08/27/07 07/26/07 05/10/07 04/23/07 03/09/07 04/04/06

Time 11:56:44 am 10:19:39 am 3:47:50 pm 4:24:53 pm 4:51:57 pm 4:05:26 pm 11:43:16 am 1:53:28 pm 9:17:06 am 5:45:19 am 11:56:30 am 10:21:37 am 11:10:00 am 1:28:03 pm 7:53:51 am 9:38:51 am 4:16:42 pm 2:01:48 pm 3:40:39 pm 12:00:00 am

Picture History Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 450,000 New Status Sold within L/O Under Contract Active Active Pending Active Active Pending Active Active Pending Active Active Active Active Pending Active Pending Withdrawn Active

Old Status

New Price

Under Contract Active Active Pending Active Active Pending Active Active Pending Active Active Active Active Pending Active Pending Withdrawn Active

Old Price Selling Date

450,000 450,000 450,000 499,000 499,000 499,000 530,000 530,000 530,000 530,200 530,200 530,200 552,200 561,200 594,200 594,200 594,200 594,200 594,200 594,200

450,000 450,000 499,000 499,000 499,000 530,000 530,000 530,000 530,200 530,200 530,200 552,200 561,200 594,200 594,200 594,200 594,200 594,200 594,200 0


DOM 826 826 806 748 744 719 696 692 670 639 619 572 528 521 465 433 356 339 337 0

Change Type Changed By Status Arthur Stern Status Lori Kuebler Price Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler Price Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler Price Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler Price Lori Kuebler Price Lori Kuebler Price Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler Status Lori Kuebler New Rapattoni Staff

Tax Parcel 910016714 78 CALLE AGUA CLARA Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 802853 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 168 Date 10/24/08 05/11/08 05/11/08

Time 2:20:48 pm 1:33:35 pm 1:32:59 pm

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 199,363 New Status Sold within L/O Under Contract Active

Old Status

New Price

Under Contract Active

Old Price Selling Date

199,363 183,000 183,000

183,000 183,000 0


DOM 2 2 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Status New

Arthur Stern Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel 910016718 70 CALLE AGUA CLARA Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 803497 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 147 Date 10/30/08 06/06/08 06/06/08

Time 12:43:11 pm 10:21:33 am 10:21:15 am

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 235,960 New Status Sold within L/O Under Contract Active

Old Status

New Price

Under Contract Active

Old Price Selling Date

235,960 230,000 230,000

230,000 230,000 0


DOM 2 2 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Status New

Arthur Stern Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel not provided for listing 802615, cannot be used for searching property history. 215 E Chili Line Rd Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 802615 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 245 Date 12/31/08 05/01/08 05/01/08


Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 595,000 New Status

Old Status

New Price

Old Price Selling Date

2:24:58 pm

Sold within L/O

Under Contract



10:51:56 am 10:50:51 am

Under Contract Active


545,400 545,400

545,400 0



Change Type Changed By



Arthur Stern

1 0

Status New

Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel 910013096 13 Buffalo Draw Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 803984 Listing Agent: Amber/Meliss Haskel/Adair

Picture History Listing Office: Santa Fe Prop./Plaza de



MLS Property History Report (217)

DOM: 93 Date 09/25/08 08/31/08 08/19/08 07/08/08 06/24/08

Page 5 of 9

Selling Price: 310,000 Time

New Status

Old Status

New Price

1:12:59 pm Sold within L/O Pending Please Show 1:57:13 pm Pending Please Show Active 8:53:55 am Active Active 9:31:39 am Active Active 10:44:07 am Active

Old Price Selling Date

310,000 325,000 325,000 328,500 338,500

325,000 325,000 328,500 338,500 0



93 68 56 14 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Status Price Price New

Bridgette Tena Jason Grube Melissa Marano Melissa Marano Melissa Marano

Tax Parcel 910013096 13 Buffalo Draw, Santa Fe NM 87508 +Listing # 130675 Listing Agent: Paul P. Thomas DOM: 271

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 288,251

Tax Parcel not provided for listing 802622, cannot be used for searching property history. 3 Basketmaker Court Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 802622 Listing Agent: Mark R Williams DOM: 119 Date 08/28/08 08/15/08 07/24/08 06/06/08 05/01/08


Picture History Listing Office: Santa Fe Properties Selling Price: 235,000 New Status

Old Status

New Price

2:30:08 pm Sold within L/O Pending 12:12:56 am Pending Pending Please Show 10:12:40 pm Pending Please Show Active 6:49:12 pm Active Active 12:11:59 pm Active

Old Price Selling Date

235,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 250,000

240,000 240,000 240,000 250,000 0



119 105 84 36 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Status Status Price New

Bridgette Tena Mark R. Williams Mark R. Williams Mark R. Williams Suzanne Romero

Tax Parcel AUTOFILL TAX DATA for listing 803495 cannot be used for searching property history. 87 CALLE AGUA CLARA Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 803495 Listing Agent: Patrick Thomas DOM: 195 Date 12/17/08 06/06/08 06/06/08 06/06/08

Time 11:34:08 am 3:17:42 pm 9:47:26 am 9:47:03 am

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 448,113 New Status

Old Status

Sold within L/O Under Contract Under Contract Active

New Price

Under Contract Under Contract Active

Old Price Selling Date

448,113 337,000 34,700,000 34,700,000

337,000 34,700,000 34,700,000 0



1 1 1 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Price Status New

Arthur Stern Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler Lori Kuebler

Tax Parcel 910002344 12 Enmedio Place Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 803829 Listing Agent: Gail Stratton DOM: 123 Date 10/20/08 09/17/08 09/17/08 09/04/08 08/21/08 07/25/08 07/14/08 06/18/08 06/18/08


Picture History Listing Office: GMAC Real Estate Fine Properties Selling Price: 320,000 New Status

Old Status

New Price

Old Price Selling Date

6:28:26 am Sold by MLS Member Pending Please Show 320,000 341,905 9:09:20 am Pending Please Show Expired 341,905 341,905 1:08:25 am Expired Pending Please Show 341,905 341,905 6:51:58 pm Pending Please Show Active 341,905 341,905 11:26:08 am Active Active 341,905 359,900 10:21:23 am Active Active 359,900 370,405 3:04:13 pm Active Active 370,405 389,900 5:37:15 pm Active Active 389,900 38,990,000 5:11:03 pm Active 38,990,000 0



126 92 92 80 66 39 28 2 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Gail Stratton Status Gail Stratton Status Rapattoni Staff Status Gail Stratton Price Gail Stratton Price Gail Stratton Price Gail Stratton Price Gail Stratton New Gail Stratton

Tax Parcel not provided for listing 805023, cannot be used for searching property history. 6545 Richards Ave Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 805023 Listing Agent: Janie Shafer DOM: 39 Date 09/09/08 08/17/08 08/01/08


Picture History Listing Office: Coldwell Banker Trails West Selling Price: 345,000 New Status

Old Status

New Price

9:39:41 am Sold by MLS Member Pending Please Show 12:25:06 pm Pending Please Show Active 9:43:22 am Active

Old Price Selling Date

345,000 364,000 364,000

364,000 364,000 0



DOM 39 16 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Darlene Varela Status Darlene Varela New Ada DeAguero


MLS Property History Report (217)

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Tax Parcel not provided for listing 805023, cannot be used for searching property history. 6545 Richards Ave, Santa Fe NM 87508 +Listing # 707330 Listing Agent: Janie E. Shafer DOM: 293

Picture History

Listing Office: Coldwell Banker Trails West Listing Price: 379,000

Tax Parcel not provided for listing 805023, cannot be used for searching property history. 6545 Richards Ave, Santa Fe NM 87508 +Listing # 118350 Listing Agent: Roger Hophan DOM: 172

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 336,300

Tax Parcel 910004652 6549 S Richards Ave Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 806831 Listing Agent: Elayne Patton DOM: 56 Date 12/19/08 11/20/08 10/23/08


Picture History Listing Office: Santa Fe Realty Partners, Inc. Selling Price: 385,000 New Status

Old Status

New Price

5:28:38 pm Sold by MLS Member Pending Please Show 4:46:49 pm Pending Please Show Active 4:12:47 pm Active

Old Price Selling Date 385,000 385,000 385,000

385,000 385,000 0



Change Type Changed By 57 28 0

Status Status New

Dellor Grant Dellor Grant Lois Gray

Tax Parcel 910004652 6549 S Richards Ave, Santa Fe NM 87508 +Listing # 100071 Listing Agent: Carmela M. Nino DOM: 227

Picture History

Listing Office: Santa Fe Agency, The Selling Price: 389,900

Tax Parcel not provided for listing 803151, cannot be used for searching property history. 30 Arroyo Ridge Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 803151 Listing Agent: Patrick R Coe DOM: 173 Date 11/12/08 09/29/08 05/23/08


Picture History Listing Office: Prudential Santa Fe RE/Don Gaspar Selling Price: 540,000 New Status

Old Status

2:12:40 pm Sold by MLS Member 10:01:43 am Pending 10:50:10 am Active

New Price

Pending Active

Old Price Selling Date

540,000 568,000 568,000

568,000 568,000 0



Change Type Changed By

173 129 0

Price/Status Barbara Seawalt Status Crystal Wolf New Crystal Wolf

Tax Parcel 910009802 6 Victorio Peak Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 706949 Listing Agent: Mark T Ruhlman DOM: 117 Date 01/06/09 11/24/08 09/30/08 09/16/08 10/22/07 09/25/07


Picture History Listing Office: Columbus Capitol LLC Selling Price: 285,000 New Status

Old Status

8:21:45 am Sold by MLS Member 12:27:59 pm 2:41:09 pm 9:19:40 am 5:09:02 pm 1:21:05 pm

Under Contract Active Active Withdrawn Active

New Price

Old Price Selling Date

Under Contract



Active Active Withdrawn Active

299,000 299,000 319,900 359,000 359,000

299,000 319,900 359,000 359,000 0



Change Type Changed By


Price/Status Mark T. Ruhlman

96 41 27 27 0

Status Price Price/Status Status New

Mark T. Ruhlman Mark T. Ruhlman Mark T. Ruhlman Mark T. Ruhlman Mark T. Ruhlman

Tax Parcel 910009802 6 Victorio Peak, Santa Fe NM 87508 +Listing # 707476 Listing Agent: C. David Sorenson DOM: 289

Picture History

Listing Office: Sotheby's Int. Realty/ANNEX Listing Price: 339,000



MLS Property History Report (217)

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Tax Parcel 910009802 6 Victorio Peak, Santa Fe NM 87508 +Listing # 125346 Listing Agent: Roger Hophan DOM: 89

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 277,175

Tax Parcel 910004663 3 Whitewater Ct Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 800333 Listing Agent: Roger Carson DOM: 253 Date


Picture History Listing Office: Sotheby's Int. RE/Washington Selling Price: 339,000 New Status

Old Status

New Price

10/01/08 12:06:38 pm Sold by MLS Member Pending Please Show 08/27/08 12:20:25 pm Pending Please Show Active 06/27/08 3:51:54 pm Active Active 05/29/08 4:52:04 pm Active Active 03/19/08 4:26:27 pm Active Active 01/22/08 10:58:48 am Active

Old Price Selling Date

339,000 349,000 349,000 369,000 389,000 399,000

349,000 10/01/08 349,000 369,000 389,000 399,000 0

DOM 253 218 157 128 57 0

Change Type Changed By

Price/Status Lynn Olmen Status Melissa Pippin-Carson Price Audrey M. Fisher Price Victor Johnson Price Audrey M. Fisher New Mark Dalton

Tax Parcel 910009937 6 Madre Mountain Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 803210 Listing Agent: Bob Burbic DOM: 135 Date 10/09/08 09/29/08 06/17/08 05/27/08


Picture History Listing Office: Santa Fe Realty Partners, Inc. Selling Price: 425,000 New Status

Old Status

New Price

12:37:34 pm Sold by MLS Member Pending Please Show 2:01:38 pm Pending Please Show Active 5:19:57 pm Active Active 1:02:44 pm Active

Old Price Selling Date 425,000 438,000 438,000 449,000

438,000 438,000 449,000 0



136 126 22 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Status Price New

Dellor Grant Lois Gray Jill Reynolds Jill Reynolds

Tax Parcel 910009937 6 Madre Mountain, Santa Fe NM 87508 +Listing # 703087 Listing Agent: Bob Burbic DOM: 181

Picture History

Listing Office: Santa Fe Realty Partners, Inc. Listing Price: 529,000

Tax Parcel 910009937 6 Madre Mountain, Santa Fe NM 87508 +Listing # 123027 Listing Agent: Paul P. Thomas DOM: 273

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 431,200

Tax Parcel 910009928 8 Bear Mountain Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 800181 Listing Agent: Kenneth Lee DOM: 219 Date 08/22/08 07/28/08 06/24/08 05/20/08 05/13/08 03/21/08 02/02/08 01/17/08


Picture History Listing Office: Prudential Santa Fe RE/Don Gaspar Selling Price: 427,500 New Status

Old Status

11:54:44 am Sold by MLS Member 9:12:46 am Pending 12:10:57 pm Active 9:52:24 am Active 9:40:38 pm Active 8:18:28 pm Active 12:40:20 pm Active 10:23:33 am Active

Pending Active Active Active Active Active Active

New Price

Old Price Selling Date

427,500 430,000 430,000 485,000 505,000 510,000 525,000 550,000

430,000 430,000 485,000 505,000 510,000 525,000 550,000 0



Change Type Changed By

219 194 160 125 118 65 17 0

Price/Status Barbara Seawalt Status Crystal Wolf Price Kenneth Lee Price Kenneth Lee Price Kenneth Lee Price Kenneth Lee Price Kenneth Lee New Kenneth Lee

Tax Parcel 910009928



MLS Property History Report (217)

Page 8 of 9

8 Bear Mountain, Santa Fe NM 87508 +Listing # 140605 Listing Agent: Kenneth Lee DOM: 517

Picture History

Listing Office: Prudential Santa Fe RE/Don Gaspar Listing Price: 550,000

Tax Parcel 910009928 8 Bear Mountain, Santa Fe NM 87508 +Listing # 132294 Listing Agent: Roger Hophan DOM: 143

Picture History

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 531,000

Tax Parcel 910009928 8 Bear Mountain, Santa Fe NM 87508 +Listing # 127649 Listing Agent: Roger Hophan DOM: 365

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Listing Price: 531,000

Tax Parcel not provided for listing 805622, cannot be used for searching property history. 2 Woodflower Pl Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 805622 Listing Agent: Mary Layne DOM: 53 Date 10/17/08 09/10/08 08/25/08


Picture History Listing Office: Coldwell Banker Trails West Selling Price: 285,000 New Status

Old Status

New Price

1:23:15 pm Sold by MLS Member Pending Please Show 9:36:15 am Pending Please Show Active 1:00:22 pm Active

Old Price Selling Date

285,000 295,000 295,000

295,000 295,000 0



53 16 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Darlene Varela Status Darlene Varela New Ada DeAguero

Tax Parcel 910002382 3 Jimson Weed Ct Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 803844 Listing Agent: Robin Zabel DOM: 77 Date 09/04/08 09/01/08 08/25/08 07/24/08 06/18/08


Picture History Listing Office: Santa Fe Realty Partners, Inc. Selling Price: 215,000 New Status

Old Status

New Price

Expired 7:52:42 am Sold by MLS Member 1:06:14 am Expired Under Contract 12:03:49 pm Under Contract Pending Please Show 11:36:49 am Pending Please Show Active 2:56:56 pm Active

Old Price Selling Date 215,000 235,000 235,000 235,000 235,000

235,000 235,000 235,000 235,000 0



68 68 68 36 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Robin Zabel Status Rapattoni Staff Status Robin Zabel Status Dellor Grant New Lois Gray

Tax Parcel 910002382 3 Jimson Weed Ct, Santa Fe NM 87508-2169 +Listing # 106293 Listing Agent: Michael Nangle DOM: 134

Listing Office: Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe Selling Price: 159,500

Tax Parcel 910004773 1 Escondido Mountain Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 803798 Listing Agent: Candice Jager DOM: 45 Date 08/01/08 06/23/08 06/19/08


Picture History Listing Office: RE/MAX Capital Real Estate Selling Price: 337,000 New Status

Old Status

New Price

3:58:53 pm Sold by MLS Member Pending Please Show 8:40:24 am Pending Please Show Active 9:10:55 am Active

Old Price Selling Date 337,000 339,000 339,000

339,000 339,000 0



45 6 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Status New

Nancy Solis Nancy Solis Nancy Solis

Tax Parcel 910004773 1 Escondido Mountain, Santa Fe NM 87508



MLS Property History Report (217)

+Listing # 129449 Listing Agent: Robin Zabel DOM: 89

Page 9 of 9

Picture History

Listing Office: Santa Fe Properties Selling Price: 300,000

Tax Parcel 910002419 4 Conestoga Trail Santa Fe, NM 87508 Listing #: 804703 Listing Agent: Vincent P Tomardy DOM: 119 Date 11/19/08 10/15/08 07/23/08


Picture History Listing Office: The Rhino Group Inc. Selling Price: 376,000 New Status

Old Status

12:15:46 pm Sold by Non-Member 9:59:41 am Pending 6:26:56 am Active

Pending Active

New Price 376,000 394,000 394,000

Old Price Selling Date 394,000 394,000 0


DOM 119 84 0

Change Type Changed By Price/Status Vincent P. Tomardy Status Vincent P. Tomardy New Vincent P. Tomardy

Presented By: Susan Orth / City Different Realty All information herein has not been verified and is not guaranteed.



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