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Mail letters to PO Box 4910, Santa Fe, NM 87502; or email them to editor@sfreporter. com. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. Letters will be edited for space and clarity.
The story about the second Governor’s Mansion revealed a bit of Santa Fe architectural history I knew nothing about. I started to wonder where precisely that gracious Georgian confection once stood.
Reports of flood damage suggested a location adjacent to the Santa Fe River. The tree shadows in a couple of photographs suggested the mansion faced south.
Sure enough, a 1930 Sanborn fire insurance map from the Library of Congress made note of this structure: due north of the Capitol (now the Bataan Memorial Building), roughly half-way between the Capitol and the river. A north-south line bisecting the Capitol would just about intersect the Governor’s Mansion through it’s front door…The city lost a distinctive landmark when it was demolished. Santa Fe apparently also lost what appears to be a shady park. Only two of the many trees survived on the grounds north of the Capitol, according to a 1954 picture in the current issue of El Palacio. (One of those trees is most likely the one to the left in the Reporter’s cover photograph.)
I can find no record of a major flood that could have damaged the mansion in the 1940s or early 1950s. Perhaps water damage of a different kind than an estuary overflowing its banks brought about the mansion’s demise.
The 20th century cliche, oft repeated, also held true regarding the second New Mexico Governor’s Mansion: The demolition site eventually became a place to park cars. JOHN WAGNER SANTA FE
An entertaining and informative review. GILDA SIMON VIA FACEBOOK
SFR will correct factual errors online and in print. Please let us know if we make a mistake: editor@sfreporter.com or 988-7530.
First woman: “On St. Paddy’s Day, we’re all Irish. We’re the O’Moores.” Second woman: “We’re the O’MyGods.”
—Overheard at Second Street Brewery on St. Patrick’s Day
—Tourists overheard at Altar Spirits looking up Railrunner schedule