18 minute read
You Hurt My Feelings Review
Middle age and lying in filmmaker Nicole Holofcener’s newest
BY ALEX DE VORE alex@sfreporter.com
A stirring cast of relatable characters—for middle aged folks, anyway—rallies around veteran comic talent Julia Louis-Dreyfus in You Hurt My Feelings, director/writer Nicole Holofcener’s ode to aging, identity and the little white lies we tell our loved ones. Feelings is a smart yet simple tale told well, an homage to writing, really, both in how it portrays Louis-Dreyfus’ sometimes acerbic author, Beth, and in how the film itself bets big and mostly wins on its dialogue and actors.
We join our hero during the creation of her second book, her first take on fiction. Beth’s debut, a memoir built around her verbally abusive father, did OK, we’re repeatedly told. The new one, however, has fallen victim to overthought and way too many drafts. She works as a writing teacher at New York City’s New School, and between her agent’s tepid response to her new work and a classroom full of students who never bothered to read her first, Beth is fragile enough as it is, but then overhears her husband Don, a therapist who fears he’s losing his edge (Game of Thrones’ Tobias Menzies), say he just plain doesn’t like it.
Full disclosure? I’ve only seen the first Fast and/or Furious movie from 2001, but I must ask—what the hell happened with this series since then? Like, what in the emmer-effing, essing, effing eff happened? I thought these movies were about a cop who got Point Break’d by a car thief/mechanic and then they stole cars and stuff while racing? That first one was fun, even, but it turns out in Fast X from director Louis Leterrier— whom you likely know from movies like Now You See Me and The Transporter—the principal characters from eight movies I didn’t see now work for some kind of clandestine agency (called, get this, The Agency) and the things they must do are so absurdly over-the-top in the least fun ways that...y’know what? We should’ve sent a fan to review this, maybe.
In Fast X, Dom Toretto (a particularly wooden Vin Diesel) and the gang (people, I assume, from previous Fast films, such as Michelle Rodriguez and Charlize Theron) run afoul of this guy Dante (Jason Momoa, whose portrayal of mental illness is disappointing and lazily based in disaffected Joker-esque erraticisms) whose father they killed in a previous movie. He’s back now and attacks Dom’s family, which is the one thing everyone knows Dom hates. So the crew jetsets around the planet hacking stuff and driving fast and firing guns and driving some more until your head spins. Then Brie Larson appears to say, “You’ll never get away with this, bad guys!” followed by John Cena (who is way too good an actor to do this crap) and Jason Statham, furrowed brow and all (he belongs here).
Calamity ensues as Beth reels while wondering how her husband can possibly respect her if he doesn’t respect her work. Meanwhile, her sister (the ever-solid Michaela Watkins) navigates similar waters at home as her would-be actor husband grapples with his own demons surrounding aging, career and so forth. Without ever saying it out loud, Holofcener gracefully points out that terrifying and humiliating moment that eventually comes for folks who live long enough—the world went and got all screwy when we weren’t looking, now it might leave us behind.
Holofcener (Enough Said) excels at dialogue and thematics in Feelings and crafts the sort of small yet painfully pressing interpersonal exchanges that define ourselves and our relationships. Does lying about how much we enjoy our loved ones’ work or creative endeavors express disrespect, or is it more about supporting them when they need it most? We all place
Then a car falls out of a plane. Then you nod off in the theater for about 15 minutes, but come to just in time for the cliffhanger conclusion you don’t care about but that makes you wonder if you’ll ever see the sun again. Then you’ll wish the new Spider-Man cartoon had come out this weekend like you’d thought it would. Anyway, Fast X is stupid, even by the specially-made extra low bar by which these films deserve to be evaluated; and it is loooong. Too long. It’s long and stupid and bad. It’s not even fun in an escapist way like John Wick, nor bombastic like the recent and pretty enjoyable Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Instead, it’s written badly (thanks for nothing Dan Mazeau, Justin Lin and Gary Scott Thompson), its actors act badly (all the lines are like, “I took him down and I’ll take you down!” or, like, “I did it to protect you, John Cena’s nephew!”), its music and cinematography are forgettable and even its car-fu-ballet nonsense that finds people driving up walls or out-driving explosions or turning kayaks into planes (not kidding) plays so terribly that you almost want to call up Rita Moreno and Helen Mirren (they’re both in this thing somehow!) and ask them if the producers just straight up drove dump trucks full of money to their houses.
C’mon Vin Diesel, you’re Groot, bro. Try a little, jeeze. (ADV) Regal, Violet Crown, PG-13, 141 min.
Uh-oh, friends and cinephiles, it seems we have unwittingly wandered into the timeline wherein little pressures on those around us every single day, but how do those things come out in the long run? Louis-Dreyfus masterfully glides through her character’s foibles and even her pettier moments, but small triumphs of motherhood, spousal life and self-reflection propel her to a greater level of understanding for the people around her even as she hides a competitor’s book beneath her own at the neighborhood book shop, even as she wrestles existentially with her 20-something son (Owen Teague). This one might not light up the box office with millions of adoring fans, but if You Hurt My Feelings is some sort of new beginning for the NYC-based warts-and-all rom-com, it’s a good start.
Directed by Holofcener filmmakers pump out business-glory prattle like the one about the Nike shoe guys and the other one about the janitor guy who invented Flamin’ Hot Cheetos (who, the Los Angeles Times reports, did not actually invent said Cheetos). One could easily argue such films fan the flames of today’s sick brand worship. And though BlackBerry from writer/director Matt Johnson seemingly straddles the style, another take ultimately emerges: Progress ain’t pretty and people are jerks.
With Louis-Dreyfus, Menzies, Watkins and Teague Violet Crown, R, 93 min.
BlackBerry recounts the rise of Canada’s Research in Motion, the company founded by nerds who created the first-ever smartphones in the 1990s. Of course, by today’s standards, BlackBerrys would be woefully out of date, but there once was a time when an email and instant messaging machine that could also phone was the height of amazing in the business and private sectors. Most of our phone habits were born of BlackBerry and, according to the movie, RIM controlled nearly half of the entire cellphone market at one point. Johnson’s film looks at how the company got there, how its founders were ill-suited to compete in a rapidly evolving marketplace and how the iPhone singularly crushed practically all competitors shortly after its 2007 first-gen launch.
Here the inimitable and underrated Jay Baruchel (Man Seeking Woman—maybe the funniest show ever) tackles Mike Lazaridis, the soft spoken co-CEO and co-founder of RIM who totally gets the tech but not the people. His foil, as it were, is Jim Balsillie (Always Sunny’s Glenn Howerton), a brash and success-obsessed capital-B businessman type who drops F-words while trampling anyone who doesn’t show him the respect he believes he deserves.
Baruchel has an undeniable vulnerability throughout the film, even when the chips are way down. Howerton, however—who has proven he’s got chops on shows like AP Bio—takes the cartoonish route. Some of this comes down to the writing, but in contrast to the legendary Michael Ironside as a bullish exec meant to keep the phone nerds in line...well, let’s just say quiet, threatening rage feels scarier than nonstop shouting any day. If the goal was to prove how real-life Balsillie was all bite and no substance, then mission accomplished. Still, Howerton delivers an irksome and dimensionless performance
There are enjoyable yet briefer turns from vets like Cary Elwes as the PalmPilot sonofabitch who thwarts Balsillie whenever possible, or Saul Rubinek (Frasier) as the Verizon guy who helped BlackBerry conquer the world. Johnson himself takes on a role as Lazaridis’ partner and friend, Doug Fregin, though his constant reminders that nerds enjoy Ninja Turtles and Spielberg movies and Doom feel less like sly nods and more like Balsillie’s nuclear tirades—awkward.
And so it goes up until the mid-aughts, when the SEC took a look at the company; and the disastrous BlackBerry Storm release. That phone was meant to be the iPhone killer, but did you have one? Did anyone? The film posits that something like 93% were returned or forgotten. And though there’s no question that RIM and BlackBerry changed how we live, do business and interact with our phones and tech—not to mention how data is packaged and sold—Johnson and company don’t quite broach the question we should really be asking: Was it actually for the better? (ADV)
Violet Crown, R, 120 min.
by Matt Jones
Mind Body Spirit
Rob Brezsny Week of May 31st
ARIES (March 21-April 19): History tells us that Albert Einstein was a brilliant genius. After his death, the brain of the pioneer physicist was saved and studied for years in the hope of analyzing the secrets of why it produced so many great ideas. Science writer Stephen Jay Gould provided a different perspective. He said, “I am less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.” I bring this to your attention, Aries, in the hope it will inspire you to pay closer attention to the unsung and underappreciated elements of your own life—both in yourself and the people around you.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Human life sometimes features sudden reversals of fortune that may seem almost miraculous. A twist in my own destiny is an example. As an adult, I was indigent for 18 years—the most starving artist of all the starving artists I have ever known. Then, in the course of a few months, all the years I had devoted to improving my craft as a writer paid off spectacularly. My horoscope column got widely syndicated, and I began to earn a decent wage. I predict a comparable turn of events for you in the coming months, Taurus—not necessarily in your finances, but in a pivotal area of your life.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): I am weary of gurus who tell us the ego is bad and must be shamed. In my view, we need a strong and healthy ego to fuel our quest for meaning. In that spirit and in accordance with astrological omens, I designate June as Celebrate Your Ego Month for you Geminis. You have a mandate to unabashedly embrace the beauty of your unique self. I hope you will celebrate and flaunt your special gifts. I hope you will honor your distinctive desires as the treasures they are. You are authorized to brag more than usual!
CANCER (June 21-July 22): One study reveals that British people own a significant amount of clothing they never wear. Other research suggests that the average American woman has over a hundred items of clothing but considers just 10 percent of them to be “wearable.” If your relationship to your wardrobe is similar, Cancerian, it’s a favorable time to cull unused, unliked, and unsuitable stuff. You would also benefit from a comparable approach to other areas of your life. Get rid of possessions, influences, and ideas that take up space but serve no important purpose and are no longer aligned with who you really are.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In July 1969, Leo astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first human to walk on the moon. But he almost missed his chance. Years earlier, his original application to become part of NASA’s space exploration team arrived a week past the deadline. But Armstrong’s buddy, Dick Day, who worked at NASA, sneaked it into the pile of applications that had come in time. I foresee the possibility of you receiving comparable assistance, Leo. Tell your friends and allies to be alert for ways they might be able to help you with either straightforward or surreptitious moves.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Great shearwaters are birds that travel a lot, covering 13,000 miles every year. From January to March, they breed in the South Atlantic Ocean, about halfway between Africa and South America. Around May, they fly west for a while and then head north, many of them as far as Canada and Greenland. When August comes, they head east to Europe, and later they migrate south along the coast of Africa to return to their breeding grounds. I am tempted to make this globetrotting bird your spirit creature for the next 12 months. You may be more inclined than ever before to go on journeys, and I expect you will be well rewarded for your journeys. At the very least, I hope you will enjoy mind-opening voyages in your imagination.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): One of the central myths of Western culture is the Holy Grail. For over 800 years, storytellers have spun legends about the search for a precious chalice with magical qualities, including the power to heal and offer eternal youth. Sober scholars are more likely to say that the Holy Grail isn’t an actual physical object hidden away in a cave or catacomb, but a symbol of a spiritual awakening or an enlightening epiphany. For the purposes of your horoscope, I’m going to focus on the latter interpretation. I suspect you are gearing up for an encounter with a Holy Grail. Be alert! The revelations and insights and breakthroughs could come when you least expect them.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): June is Dare to Diminish Your Pain Month for you Scorpios. I hope you will aggressively pursue measures to alleviate discomfort and suffering. To address the physical variety, how about acupuncture or massage? Or supplements like boswellia, turmeric, devil’s claw root, white willow bark, and omega3 fatty acids? Other ideas: sunshine, heating pad, warm baths with Epsom salts, restorative sleep, and exercise that simulates natural endorphins. Please be equally dynamic in treating your emotional and spiritual pain, dear Scorpio. Spend as much money as you can afford on skillful healers. Solicit the help of empathetic friends. Pray and meditate. Seek out in activities that make you laugh.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): A hungry humpback whale can hold more than 15,000 gallons of water in its mouth at once—enough to fill 400 bathtubs. In a funny way, their ability reminds me of you right now. You, too, have a huge capacity for whatever you feel like absorbing and engaging with. But I suggest you choose carefully what you want to absorb and engage with. Be open and receptive to only the most high-quality stuff that will enrich your life and provide a lot of fun. Don’t get filled up with trivia and nonsense and dross.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Funny story: A renowned Hollywood movie mogul was overheard at a dinner party regaling an aspiring actor with a long monologue about his achievements. The actor couldn’t get in a word edgewise. Finally, the mogul paused and said, “Well, enough about me. What do you think of me?” If I had been in the actor’s place, I might have said, “You, sir, are an insufferable, grandiose, and boring narcissist who pathologically overestimates your own importance and has zero emotional intelligence.” The only downside to speaking my mind like that would be that the mogul might ruin my hopes of having a career in the movie business. In the coming weeks, Capricorn, I hope you will consistently find a middle ground between telling the brazen truth to those who need to hear it and protecting your precious goals and well-being.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): When faced with important decisions, most of us benefit from calling on all forms of intelligence. Simply consulting our analytical mind is not sufficient. Nor is checking in with only our deep feelings. Even drawing from our spunky intuition alone is not adequate. We are most likely to get practical clarity if we access the guidance of our analytical mind, gut feelings, and sparkly intuition. This is always true, but it’s extra relevant now. You need to get the full blessing of the synergistic blend. PS: Ask your body to give you a few hints, too!
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Has your intuition been nudging you to revise and refine your sense of home? Have you been reorganizing the domestic vibes and bolstering your stability? I hope so. That’s what the cosmic rhythms are inviting you to do. If you have indeed responded to the call, congratulations. Buy yourself a nice homecoming present. But if you have resisted the flow of life’s guidance, please take corrective measures. Maybe start by reorganizing the décor and furniture. Clean up festering messes. Say sweet things to your housemates and family members. Manage issues that may be restricting your love of home.
Homework: Tell a loved one a good secret about them. Newsletter.FreeWillAstrology.com
Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes . The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.
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Of New Mexico County Of Santa Fe
IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Elke Ottilie Bannwart, also known as Shanti E. Bannwart, and Shanti Elke Bannwart-Roesnner, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE
IS HEREBY GIVEN that Claude R. Phipps, Jr., whose address is The Wirth Law Firm, P.C., 708 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501, has been appointed as Personal Representative of the Estate of Elke Ottilie Bannwart, also known as Shanti E. Bannwart, and Shanti Elke Bannwart-Roesnner, Deceased. Creditors of the estate must present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or within sixty (60) days after mailing or other delivery, whichever is later, or the claims will be forever banned. Claims must be presented to the Personal Representative, Claude R. Phipps, Jr., in care of The Wirth Law Firm, P.C., 708 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501, or filed with the First Judicial District Court of Santa Fe County, New Mexico. Dated May 11, 2023
Respectfully submitted, The Wirth Law Firm, P.C. Attorneys for the Estate of Elke Ottilie Bannwart, also known as Shanti E. Bannwart, and Shanti Elke BannwartRoesnner, Deceased.
708 Paseo de Peralta Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 (505) 988-1668 ext. 103
By: Peter Wirth
KATHLEEN VIGIL, District Court Clerk
By: Bernadette Hernandez Deputy Court Clerk
Case No.
D-101-DM-2023-00163 pleading in said cause within thirty (30) days after the last publication of this Notice, a default judgment against you may be entered.
Petitioner, Benito Loya Miramontes VS. Respondent, Gloria Olivas Sinaloa.
Benito Loya Miramontes, Petitioner’s name.
3845 Riverside Dr Santa Fe, NM 87507 5053958572
Witness the Honorable, SHANNON BRODERICK
BULMAN, District Court Judge of the First Judicial District Court of the State of New Mexico, and the seal of the District Court of Santa Fe County, this 18 day of May, 2023.
Kathleen Vigil Clerk of the District Court
Esmeralda Miramontes Deputy Clerk
Petitioner, Alexis Nieto De Giron VS. Respondent, Roy Nieto. NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF SUIT. STATE OF NEW MEXICO to Roy Nieto. GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that Alexis Nieto De Giron, the above-named Petitioner/Plaintiff has filed a civil action against you in the above-entitled Court and cause number, the general object thereof being: To Dissolve the marriage between the Petitioner and yourself. Unless you enter your appearance in this cause within thirty (30) days of the date of the last publication of this Notice, judgment by default may be entered against you.
Alexis Nieto De Giron, Petitioner/Plaintiff.
706 Felipe Place Santa Fe, NM 87505
Witness this Honorable, SHANNON BRODERICK
BULMAN, District Court Judge of the First Judicial District Court of the State of New Mexico, and the seal of the District Court of Santa Fe/Rio Arriba/Los Alamos County, this 19th day of May, 2023.
Kathleen Vigil
Clerk of the District Court
Bernadette Hernandez
Deputy Clerk
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the following:
1.LUCY DIPONZIO, Deceased, died on November 09, 2021;
2.Gregg Gleba filed a Petition for Order of Complete Settlement of Estate by Personal Representative in the above-styled and numbered matter on May 2, 2023; and, 3.A hearing on the above-referenced Petition has been set for July 14, 2023, at 10 a.m. at the Judge Steve Herrera Judicial Complex, 225 Montezuma Avenue, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501, before the Honorable Matthew J. Wilson. All parties are to appear remotely for this hearing. Parties may appear either by video at meet.google. com/bbu-aujx-qfx or by calling 1-336-949-8079 and entering pin number 862702640#. Pursuant to Section 45-1-401 (A) (3), N.M.S.A., 1978, notice of the time and place of hearing on the above-referenced Petition is hereby given to you by publication, once each week, for three consecutive weeks.
DATED this 15th day of May, 2023. Gregg Gleba, Petitioner THE CULLEN LAW FIRM, P.C. Attorneys for Petitioner 2006 Botulph Road P.O. Box 1575 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504 (505) 988-7114 (office) (505) 995-8694 (facsimile) lawfirm@cullen.cc
NOTICE that in accordance with the Provisions of Sec. 40-8-1 through Sec. 40-8-3 NMSA 1978, et seq. The Petitioner, Maria Pilar Olivia Sisneros, will apply to the Honorable KATHLEEN MCGARRY
ELLENWOOD, District Court
Judge of the First Judicial District at the Santa Fe Judicial Complex, 225 Montezuma Ave., in Santa Fe, New Mexico, at 11:50a.m. on the 7th day of July, 2023. For an ORDER FOR CHANGE OF NAME from Maria Pilar Olivia Sisneros to Olivia Pilar Sisneros
KATHLEEN VIGIL, District Court Clerk
By: Gloria Landin Deputy Court Clerk
IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CONRAD CHURCHILL SKINNER, DECEASED. NOTICE OF HEARING BY PUBLICATION TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS OF CONRAD CHURCHILL SKINNER, DECEASED, AND ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS WHO HAVE OR CLAIM ANY INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF CONRAD CHURCHILL SKINNER, DECEASED, OR IN THE MATTER BEING LITIGATED IN THE HEREINAFTER MENTIONED HEARING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the following: 1. CONRAD CHURCHILL SKINNER, Deceased, died on March 2, 2023; 2. ELLEN BERKOVITCH filed a Petition for Adjudication of Intestacy, Determination of Heirship, and Formal Appointment of Personal Representative in the above-styled and numbered matter on May 16, 2023, and a hearing on the above-referenced Petition has been set for June 28, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the First Judicial District Courthouse before the Honorable Bryan Biedscheid to be held remotely by Google Meet. The Court prefers counsel and parties to participate by video at https://meet.google.com/hdcwqjx- wes. If it is not possible to participate by video, you may call 1 (954)-507-7909 and enter PIN: 916 854 445#
3. Pursuant to Section 45-1-401 (A) (3), N.M.S.A., 1978, notice of the time and place of hearing on the above-referenced Petition is hereby given to you by publication, once each week, for three consecutive weeks. DATED this 25th day of May, 2023.
/s/ Kristi A. Wareham, Esq. KRISTI A. WAREHAM, P.C. Attorney for Petitioner 300 Paseo de Peralta, Ste. 103 Santa Fe, NM 87501 Telephone: (505) 820-0698
Fax: (505) 629-1298