Chamber Connection (January 2022)

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Local Leaders Predict Competitive Labor Market, Flexible Work Environments on the Horizon for 2022 “Low unemployment, increasing salaries, government stimulus and supply shortages are causing inflation and increasing the cost of living. This puts pressure on families and businesses. We need to be aware of the competition and the markets as they shift and realize the value a business can add for employees and customers through avenues other than simple costs. Offering more services to customers and providing greater options for employees will allow us to think outside of the simple numeration of wages.” - Paul Cook, President/CEO, CoastHills Credit Union

to compete with the highly competitive market.” - Sandra Dickerson, CEO, Your People Professionals

“The greatest challenge I see for 2022 is managing increasing employee costs. We have seen that to just retain employees can mean a 6% raise, and then more to attempt

"The greatest opportunity for small businesses will be to utilize new methods of delivering products and services to their customers. Curb side pick-up and

“I feel my agency is in the best possible position to grow, as we have learned and adapted to our new normal and embraced change over the past year. Like many other businesses, the biggest challenge for us in 2022 will be hiring in this competitive job market.” - Donna Randolph, Agent/Owner, State Farm Insurance - Donna Randolph

deliveries have been successful for the large companies. If small businesses are not offering these services, it will be crucial to remain open. The trend will continue to be online shopping, local businesses will need to look at incorporating or growing their e-commerce." - Angelica Guiterrez, L & G Farms / DL Farms While 2022 will bring its own challenges, it will also being opportunities for businesses to adapt and continue to be inventive in ways that will benefit their business longterm. As always, the Santa Maria Valley Chamber will continue to be here for business as a champion for a strong Santa Maria Valley community into 2022 and beyond.

Santa Maria Valley Next November 2021: Agriculture & Natural Resources Santa Maria Valley Next highlights the career readiness training offered in high school career pathways and recognizes students who are excelling in these various pathways. This month, we are highlighting youth excelling in the Agriculture and Natural Resources pathways. Eric Ceja 12th Grade, Santa Maria High School Eric is a well-rounded individual that has extensive knowledge in the Agriscience Pathway. He is currently in the Advanced Interdisciplinary Agriculture Science class where he has excelled in every unit the class offers in Food Science, Plant Science, and Animal Science. According to his Agriculture Science teacher Marc DeBernardi, Eric is a student who is always willing to participate, first to volunteer in class, and really enjoys the numerous labs the class offers. Idalis Gil 12th Grade, Santa Maria High School was nominated by her agriculture teacher, Marc DeBernardi. Marc expressed that Idalis is a really intelligent, hardworking young lady that just gets her class projects done in the greenhouse, garden, and at the school farm. Idalis has been one of Santa Maria High Schools project leaders at the new CTE Center Pumpkin/Corn/Vegetable Project this year. 2

Angela Acevedo, a 12th grade student at Santa Maria High School, was nominated to be highlighted for excelling in agri-science, plant science, and leadership development. Angela Acevedo 12th Grade, Santa Maria High School Angela is a multitalented senior who enjoys staying busy within a wide range of interests. Angela is a scholar-athlete that has a passion for the agriculture industry. She is a four-year member of the agriculture education program where she has excelled in agri-science, plant science, and leadership development. Jada Sanchez 11th Grade, Righetti High School Jada has excelled in all 3 parts of the Agriculture Education model; classroom,

SAE, and FFA. Her involvement in FFA and CTE opportunities have continued to be consistent over the past year despite the restrictions and challenges among our school activities. Jada is the Chapter FFA Reporter and the Sectional Historian and keeps the public upated about the activities and achievements of theFFA program. Congratulations to these local students for being highlighted in this month's "Santa Maria Next" spotlight. The future looks bright for Santa Maria because of leaders like you!

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