Catalyst. Convener. Champion.
Chamber Connection SA NTA M A RIA VA LLE Y CH A MB E R MO NTHLY NE WS LE T TE R | J UNE 202 1
Forward Thinking: Chamber Leadership Focuses on Community Impact at Annual Board Retreat Over the next 2-4 years, where should the Santa Maria Valley Chamber focus their efforts in order to have the most positive impact on our local community? That was the question posed to Chamber staff and leadership at their annual board retreat, where the focus was centered around thinking big and tackling major community issues. “Coming out of the pandemic and finally seeing our community reopen again, the timing was right to work with our staff and board on long term planning for our organization,” said Glenn Morris, President/ CEO for the Santa Maria Valley Chamber. “Instead of looking at our existing programs and communications, we really wanted to get our organization thinking about some major, long term project and goals we’d like to focus on over the next 2-4 years, where we can leverage the strengths and mission of the Chamber to have a positive impact on the Santa Maria Valley community.” The retreat, a hybrid event held at the Radisson in Santa Maria and available on zoom, began with presentations from city and regional leaders. Melissa James, President & CEO for the regional organization REACH Central Coast, gave an overview of major regional projects their organization is focusing on, assets in the Santa Maria Valley area and ideas of where the Chamber may be able to
Santa Maria Valley Chamber President/CEO Glenn Morris talks with Chamber Staff and Board members during their annual Board Retreat, a hybrid event held at the Radisson. have a positive impact. James touched on ideas such as creating a startup ecosystem in the Santa Maria Valley, expanding the use of the Santa Maria Airport, supporting Vandenberg Space Force Base in their commercial expansion, and leveraging local assets to become a regional leader in AgTech. The group then received a more local perspective from Santa Maria City Manager Jason Stilwell, who provided an overview of the City’s strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, and discussed how the City and Chamber could partner to tackle some
of these projects and priorities. Stilwell saw opportunity for City and Chamber collaboration on issues including new and changing business regulations, public infrastructure and safety, and reclaiming/ establishing a positive identity for Santa Maria Valley in the regional conversation. Glenn followed the presentations by sharing results from a recent community impact survey, so the group could better understand what local businesses and residents saw as community strengths and Continued on p.2
Leadership Santa Maria Valley p. 3
CalChamber President's Circle p. 7
CalChamber Advocacy Tool p. 10