WHAT? Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a controversial marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. Many pyramid schemes attempt to present themselves as legitimate MLM businesses. Some sources define all MLMs as pyramid schemes, even if they are legal.MLM is illegal in mainland China. According to the U.S.
Why? • MLM Software will be Stable, Reliable and will support your growing business needs. • Our MLM Software will greatly integrate with other application such as Ecommerce Portal, accounting software, billing software and will provide substantial ROI. • This software will help you to improve Member Loyalty and Retention.
How? • Successful MLM business depends upon knowledge of multi-level marketing, effective MLM Software, right directional consultancy for MLM business, MLM Software India ready to assist you in this regards.
Benifits • Business booster • You can do part time business • Easy to understand business • You can add family members also
Advantages of Generation MLM Plan:
• Simplicity of MLM Plan is Generation Plan which is easy to explain for new comers or new members. • Compensation level is declared or customized as per company business requirements.
Advantages of Generation MLM Plan:
• Rewards and bonuses can be integrated easy at any level structure or frontline in Generation MLM Plan.
Generation Join Now: • ✔Option for join now via E-Pin, Payment gateway like CC Avenue , Pay U Money • ✔SMS Integration on joining • ✔Email integration (welcome email to new member's email)
Contact Us: 240/A, 3rd Cross, Gokula 1st Stage, 1st Phase Mathikere, Bangalore, India Need Any Software call