Amazon Rainforest & Andean Eastern Slopes.

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Plum-Throated Cotinga.



ARRIVAL TO QUITO UNESCO World Heritage city, capital of Ecuador. Upon arrival in Quito, you will be transferred to your hotel. Most international flights to Ecuador arrive late at night. Overnight hotel in Quito.


Dedicated to ecotourism, environmental education and community projects in the Western Amazon Basin. Sani Lodge is 100% owned and managed buy the kichwa indigenous community of San Isla.


Ecuador is an outstanding country with the highest concentration of bird species per square Km in the world. The YasunĂ­ National Park is a uniquely diverse area that covers over 9,800 square kilometers (2 million acres) of pristine amazon rainforest. The park, considered in 1989 by UNESCO a Biosphere Reserve, is home to more than 550 bird species which represent about 40% of the bird species of the entire Amazon Basin. Sani Lodge, built and managed by the native Kichwa Community of Sani Isla is one of the best destinations in the entire Amazon region. Departing from Quito, a 30 minute flight over the eastern Andes mountain range will take us to the city of Puerto Francisco de Orellana. After landing, about mid morning, a 5 min transfer from the airport to the main dock will drive us to embark onto a comfortable covered motor boat. Here we start a canoe ride along the Napo River for about 2 1/2 hours while we enjoy a delicious box lunch served in route.



Along the way birds like egrets, herons, kingfishers, sandpipers and others can be spotted. The canoe ride is followed by a 15 minute walk on an elevated boardwalk through a spectacular flooded forest; then a 20-minute paddle canoe across the beautiful Challuacocha Lake will give us good possibilities of monkey sights of various species as well as birds like hoatzins, toucans, parrots and even macaws. The staff will welcome you with refreshing cold drinks and snacks before you settle down in your cabins. In the late afternoon, a short walk on the nearby trails or a canoe ride will provide many chances to observe primates, birds, black caymans and a close encounter with the amazing flora of this megadiverse place. When we return to the lodge, the chef will be happy to offer a variety of national and international cuisine. Finally, you will have a briefing about Amazonia while enjoying a drink.

Chestnut-Fronted Macaw

Wake up early to reach the best and most accessible parrot clay licks in Ecuador, where hundreds of parrots, macaws and parakeets gather to obtain the minerals contained in the soil that help them digest the seeds and fruits they feed on. Many of the seeds and nuts found in the rain forest contain toxins; animals come to clay licks to neutralize those toxins. This is a daily ritual for many birds in the Amazon. A real nature spectacle!


YASUNÍ NATIONAL PARK PARROTS CLAY LICK.. About 1 hour away from the lodge, we’ll reach one of the most accessible parrot clay licks of the hundreds scattered all over the Amazon rainforest. We’ll get there just before the parrot activity kicks off between 7:30 to Furthermore, waterfalls the frequent propertythisofclay 700 8:30. Five different species ofon parrots deep in the forestParakeet, are truly beautiful. This lickhectares, includingallthe Dusky-headed White-eyed combination invites you Parrot, for day excursions in the Parakeet, Blue-headed Yellow-crowned surroundings, which will Amazon acquaint Parrot. you with the Amazon Parrot, and the Mealy exuberant the and Cloud its bird After this we’llvegetation return to theofcreek thenForest, hike through diversity, and the trail fascinating adaptations to until life inwe this a terra-firme forest for about 30 minutes special reach the environment. second parrot clay lick. This one becomes A place with breathtaking views early in the morning. active around 10AM . The atmost wanted the very rare Once the clay lick, species visitors sithere in aare covered shelter Tanager Finch, thethe beautiful Barbet, and the about 75 yards from clay lickToucan and wait. spectacular Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan. A host of other subtropical species also occurs such as Gorgeted Sunangel, Grass-green Tanager, Dusky Bush-Tanager, and Pearled Treerunner.



Because this clay lick is in the forest, the birds are very wary of predators and can take hours for them get the nerve to fly down to the ground. The whole process is fascinating; upon arrival to the lick, the birds can be heard high up in the trees. Then, over time, the sound gets louder and closer as they fly down to the ground. This clay lick also has five species of regular visitors including Cobalt-winged Parakeet, Orange-cheeked Parrot, Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet, Scarlet Macaw and the Red and Green Macaw. This is a visit that depends on weather conditions, but is likely to be successful. Box lunch will be served at the parrot clay lick observatory. We’ll return to the lodge late in the afternoon.

CANOPY TOWER. Experience the life on the tree tops from the 36 meter (108 ft.) observation tower.


After an early breakfast we’ll depart from the lodge to the finest experience at a canopy tower. A 30 minute paddle on the Challuacocha Lake will be followed by a Furthermore, waterfalls on the theterra-firme propertyforest of 700 short 10-minute walk within that hectares, deep in the forest areft truly This leads us toallour destination. A 118 high beautiful. canopy tower combination you for the daylifeexcursions the is a great wayinvites to experience above the inforest surroundings, whichyouwill you with floor. As you ascend passacquaint through different levelsthe of exuberant vegetation of the Cloud Forest, its bird the forest and emerge on top of a huge Ceiba tree. This diversity, anda the fascinating adaptations this will give you unique perspective, openingtouplifea in whole special environment. new world of Amazon biodiversity that is often difficult, A place with breathtaking views in the morning. if not impossible to see from the early understory. The mostflocks wanted are the very right rare Imagine of species colorful here tanagers passing Tanager Finch, the beautiful Barbet, and the through the canopy of theToucan tree, Blue-and Yellow spectacular Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan. host of Macaws flying by; in nearby trees Spider AMonkeys other for subtropical also occurs suchcallas search fruit, whilespecies various species of toucans in Gorgeted Sunangel, Grass-green Tanager, Dusky the early mornings and afternoons... the life of the Bush-Tanager, and Pearled forest canopy opens right inTreerunner. front of you!!

Channel-Billed Toucan


Birds that are virtually impossible to see from the forest floor far below are suddenly right beside you, oblivious to your presence. We’ll go back for lunch to the Lodge. In the afternoon we’ll explore a terra-firme trail, hike along primary forest to discover the forest interior, with possibilities of finding colorful manakins, antbirds, woodcreepers, tinamous, the Black-Necked Red Cotinga and the vocally striking Screaming Piha; or just discover the relationships among the different living creatures and the role they play in this complex ecosystem. Many different species of birds, primates, reptiles, amphibians, insects can be seen in every excursion. After the hike, we’ll venture into the lake and creeks by dugout canoe and reach the lodge late in the afernoon for a well deserved dinner and rest.



The cone of the Sumaco volcano can sometimes be seen rising to 3730 meters (12,250 feet) through the misty distance of the east. On the 10th of November of 2000, UNESCO declared Sumaco – Napo – Galeras National Park and it’s surroundings a Biosphere Reserve, distinction only granted to the most valuable cultural and natural protected areas of the planet.

SANI LODGE - WILD SUMACO. Our early departure and last excursion from Sani Lodge may reveal new nature sights. Hiking and canoeing back to the Napo River and then embarking on motorized canoe will allow us to continue our trip back to Puerto Francisco de Orellana. After entering the docking area at port, we’ll make a brief stop to prepare and continue our road trip few hours out to Wild Sumaco Lodge. The lodge is set on a ridge in the Andes' eastern foothills, with panoramic views reaching across the Rio Pucuno Valley and to the Andes beyond. The lodge is located at a comfortable elevation of about 4900 feet a.s.l.; the forest reserve ranges from 3900 to 4900 feet a.s.l. Due to its location on the Equator, the steep Andean foothills, and the close proximity of the Amazon, the Sumaco area holds one of the richest diversity in the world. A wonderful mix of cloud forest species, foothill specialties, and typically amazonian birds share Wildsumaco's lush subtropical rain forest with a myriad of other animals. An astonishing 510 bird species have been recorded on this reserve and the immediately surrounding area, many of which are rare, endangered, or very difficult to see elsewhere. Overnight at Wild Sumaco.



From Wildsumaco's trails we might see Gray-tailed Piha, Blue-rumped Manakin, and Chestnut-crowned Gnateater. Short-tailed Antthrush and Wing-banded Wren often sing, while more uncommon species like Gray-throated Leaftosser and Plain-backed Antpittas are seen occasionally, and more often heard. The very rare Yellow-throated Spadebill has territories along several of our trails, and at any time the endangered Military Macaw or the rare Spot-winged Parrotlet might fly by, or the Black Hawk-Eagle may soar overhead. The road passing through the reserve offers great road birding, and this is one of many areas from which to see flocks. Possibilities here include Blue-browed Tanager, Yellow-breasted Antwren, and Coppery-chested Jacamar. Many colorful species of tanagers may be accompanied by Ecuadorian Tyrannulet, the recently described Foothill Elaenia, and sometimes Scarlet-breasted Fruiteater joins in. You'll have a wonderful experience at Wildsumaco, and will thoroughly enjoy your stay. Wildsumaco Lodge is the perfect destination for anyone seeking great birds and new experiences in Ecuador's Eastern Foothills.


Fiery-throated Fruiteater Š Mike Crew



In season, up to 20 migrant species from North America live in this forest, including the threatened Cerulean Warbler. At night, Great Potoo, Band-bellied Owl, Rufescent Screech-Owl and Foothill Screech-Owl often call from near by. Over 30 species of hummingbird have visited Wildsumaco's feeders to date, including sought-after birds as Lazuline Sabrewing, Ecuadorian Piedtail, Napo Sabrewing, Black-throated Brilliant, White-tailed Hillstar, Wire-crested Thorntail and Gould's Jewelfront. White-tipped Sicklebill frequents the heliconias that are abundant everywhere, and Gorgeted Woodstar, White-bellied Woodstar and Violet-headed Hummingbird can usually be found on the porterweed in front of the guest rooms. Most of Wildsumaco's mammals are shy or nocturnal, and usually much more difficult to see than birds, but Napo (formerly Black-mantle) Tamarin comes in daily to feed on bananas hanged from trees off the deck, and is often seen from the road or trails. White-fronted Capuchin monkeys have been seen a few times; Red Howler Monkey and Woolly Monkey are recent additions to our list. Night monkey is occasionally heard or seen around the lodge. Other large animals that have been seen here (albeit rarely) include Two-toed Sloth, Amazon Dwarf Squirrel, Black Agouti, Tayra, Collared Peccary, Kinkajou, Olingo, Greater Grison, Spectacled Bear, Puma, Jaguarundi and Margay.

Yellow-Tufted Woodpecker.


Caba単as San Isidro reserve and lodge is located at 6800 feet a.s.l. with an amazing view of the Quijos Valley and Guacamayos Ridge. The lodge is set on a re-growing pasture now surrounded by secondary forest. The cabins are only a five-minute walk from a large, privately-owned reserve of about 2200 acres of pristine primary humid forest that connects two larger national reserves, one at each end.


Inca Jay


WILD SUMACO, LORETO ROAD AND CABAÑAS SAN ISIDRO. Our morning will begin with an early birding session around Wild Sumaco Lodge. After breakfast we´ll drive to Cabañas San Isidro along the famous Loreto Road. Many Ecuadorian birds are found in relatively narrow altitudinal zones on one or both sides of the Andes because of the dramatic changes in vegetation with altitude. The Loreto Road transects most of these altitudinal zones. A full day of birding barely does it justice. Roadsides are excellent for birding along most of the road, so hiking is not necessary other than walking along the shoulder of the road. Our plan for later is to get to San Isidro in time to get settled into our rooms, and even take a quick look around before dinner. Large mixed species flocks roam the forest and hold flashy birds such as Saffron-crowned Tanager, Black-eared Hemispingus, and Rufous-breasted Flycatcher; whereas Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatchers and Long-tailed Antbirds skulk in the bamboo patches along the road. Hummingbird feeders attract many different species like Bronzy Inca, Collared Inca, Gorgeted Woodstar, Green Violetear, Long-Tailed Sylph, Fawn-breasted Brilliant, Sparkling Violetear among others. By night we’re within earshot of hollering Rufous-banded Owls, as well as the mysterious “San Isidro Owl,” which seems to be an undescribed species. Overnight at Cabañas San Isidro.



On the next day we’ll start with a morning excursion at San Isidro, we’ll put our birding caps on and get out for an early activity. While we slept, the lights around the lodge have collected a mob of moths and other insects, which means one thing: a buffet for insectivorous birds in search of breakfast! We will spend the early morning watching Masked Trogon, Inca Jay, Pale-edge Flycatcher, Barred Becard and different species of tanagers glean all sorts of bugs in a seemingly frantic attempt to satisfy their morning hunger. Soon after, we will venture down a nearby trail to watch the White-bellied Antpitta and Chesnut-crowned Antpittas as they come to devour worms at two feeding locations around the lodge... have your camera ready! After lunch, a 30 minute drive from San Isidro will lead us to the famous Cordillera de Guacamayos trail, an outlying ridge of the Andes with pristine forest and numerous rare and local species. While birding a trail along the ridge, we may see: White-capped Tanager, Black-billed Mountain-Toucan, Ocellated Tapaculo, Slate-crowned Antpitta, Dusky Piha, Crested Quetzal, Emerald Toucanet, Greater Scythebill and Barred Antthrush. Late in the afternoon we´ll head back to the lodge.



Sword-Billed Hummingbird

Guango Lodge, located near the paramo and hot springs of Papallacta, is a paradise for hummingbird lovers and photographers. Seeing 10 species of hummingbirds within an hour is not uncommon including the outstanding Sword-billed hummingbird with it's unique long bill.


Early in the morning we’ll drive to Guango Reserve just one hour away, where we will embark on a hike along the trails that fan out around the lodge to get a taste of the beautiful Andean temperate forests. Colorful mixed flocks with birds such as Lacrimose and Hooded Mountain Tanagers, Blue-backed Conebill, Black-capped Hemispingus can be seen around the lodge. Here we have possibilities for rare and very local birds like the Mountain Avocetbill, the stunning Gray Breasted Mountain-Toucan, Andean Guan, and Northern Mountain Cacique. Along the Papallacta river we’ll try to find a unique resident of fast flowing mountain rivers, a powerful swimmer and diver: the Torrent Duck. This could definitely be one of our day highlights! After an early lunch we’ll continue our journey. Just a 40 minutes drive brings you into the high elevation paramo at Papallacta, a very tundra-like habitat.

Chestnut-Breasted Coronet



On clear days the views of the surroundings and various volcanoes are breath-taking; a stop right up at the pass is one of the best spots from where to photograph the snow-capped Antisana Volcano as it towers over the mountains below. If weather allows from this point on we should start scanning the sky from time to time for the Andean Condor, Variable Hawk, Carunculated Caracara and Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle may soar overhead. We’ll check stands of Polylepis woodland for Giant Conebill , Black-backed Bush Tanager, White-chinned Thistletail,Buff-breasted Mountain-Tanager, Pearled Treerunner, Golden-crowned Tanager, Pale-naped Brush-Finch and the scarce Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant. At the highest elevations we’ll seek out the secretive and cryptic Rufous-Bellied Seedsnipe. Overnight in Quito.


ANTISANA Antisana Ecological Reserve is unique in several ways. Not only does it provide refuge for one of the largest concentrations of Andean Condors left in Ecuador, but it also provides much of Quito`s drinking water. Officially recognized as a national reserve only in 1994, its 120,000 hectares (296,400 acres) are now some of the most rigorously protected natural areas in Ecuador.

Andean Condor


Something that makes this place wonderful is the contact with undisturbed nature apart from crowded touristic places and it’s beautiful Andean scenery with flocks of birds. The reserve provides opportunities to see many high altitude and local specialties such as Ecuadorian Hillstar visiting the Chuquiragua bushes, Black-tailed Trainbearer Stout-billed Cinclodes, Andean Tit-Spineatil, Many-Striped Canastero, Tawny Antpitta, Tufted Tit-Tyrant, Red-crested Cotinga, Páramo Pipit, Plumbeous Sierra-Finch and Black-winged Ground-Dove. We’ll have the chance to see many Carunculated Caracaras, Andean Gulls, Andean Lapwings, and many other species that are absent or difficult at other sites such as the rare Black - Faced Ibis. Birdlife categorizes Antisana as an Important Bird Area and is part of The Nature Conservancy's Condor Bioreserve,



An early departure from Quito brings us to the western entrance of Antisana Ecological Reserve, a mix of elfin forest below and grassland paramo above. It is just a worthy glimpse between 10500 ft to 15000 ft a.s.l. Arriving at Lake Mica, we scan the lake shore for Andean Coots, Andean Teals, Andean Ruddy Ducks, and Yellow-billed Pintails. This is also the best place in Ecuador to observe closely the regal Silvery Grebe. We’ll leave the reserve around 3 pm. Farewell dinner and transfer out to catch your late international flight, or overnight in Quito if you decide to extend your trip to the western slopes or just have a day exploring the beautiful city of Quito.

The snow-covered top of Antisana Volcano is located at 18,886 ft a.s.l.. It’s the fourth highest peak of Ecuador.


This is a sample itinerary subject to change due to weather conditions, safety, and particular interests of guests and groups. Changes and additions are made in order to maximize birding, wilderness enjoyment and cultural interaction with local people.


I will run this tour with as few as 2 passengers. Price per person includes: -Accommodations: -Double or Triple occupancy USD$ 3350. -Single Supplement USD$ 510. -All meals, purified bottle water. -Snacks and water through out the trip. -Air tickets Quito-Puerto Francisco de Orellana. -River transportation. -Transfers In-Out . -All excursions including visits to the exclusive Yasuni National Park parrot clay licks. -Service of a native guide and a birding & naturalist bilingual guide. -Entrance fees to the Yasuni National Park and all the reserves.


-International airfare. -Drinks -Tips -Any other item not specified.


Optional excursions such as hikes through different trails and forest types. River islands birding, canoe rides exploring deeper areas of surrounding creeks with more wildlife possibilities, among other options upon your request and availability. PLEASE ASK FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OF OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL DAYS OR TO EXTEND YOUR TRIP FOR MORE DAYS TO OTHER LOCATIONS. I can easily set up a custom tour to virtually anywhere you can imagine. With a custom tour, you can travel with friends and family on dates that are convenient for your schedule and budget. The tour will be ran at the pace and difficulty you desire. If you are interested let me know; I will provide pricing and further information.

Born in Quito. English speaking tour leader, birding guide and naturalist, who began his experience as a guide 12 years ago, when he worked as the resident guide at the Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve in Northwestern Ecuador, this was his first school in the world of ecotourism. He has worked in environmental education programs , as an assistant and volunteer in scientific research and monitoring of wildlife conservation projects, surveying and mapping nests, as well as banding birds in the Choc贸 Bioregion and in the Galapagos Islands. Santiago has worked as resident naturalist and birding guide for several lodges and reserves in the Amazon rainforest. He studied Ecotourism and Hospitality in 2006 , obtaining his National Tour Guide License. He is currently enrolled in the School of Environmental Sciences at the Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja in Ecuador to pursue a degree in Environmental Engineering. His knowledge, and his passion for nature have made him successful in guiding in Ecuador麓s different regions.

Santiago Salazar Profile

Santiago Salazar BIRDS PHOTO CREDITS © Santiago Salazar. Fiery-throated Fruiteater Photo © Mike Crew. Wild Sumaco Lodge Picture courtesy of Wild Sumaco. Sani Lodge and canopy tower pictures courtesy of Sani Lodge.

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