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Effects of Stress on Our Body
Incr ease d
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Excessive Fat With stress, there comes immense craving for food and hence excess weight or obesity.
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Lowered Immunity As much stress lingers on in your life, it gradually weakens the defense mechanism of the body and the body becomes more vulnerable to infections.
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Increased Blood Sugar Stress impacts the hormones thereby releasing extra sugar (blood glucose) into the blood stream, which may result in Type 2 Diabetes over time.
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High Blood Pressure
Stress hormones affect blood vessels by tightening them and raising blood pressure.
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Risk of Heart Atack Rapid breathing can be one effect of stress. This may trigger the cause for increased heart rate coupled with high blood pressure. This further damages the arteries increasing the risk for heart atack.
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Tips to Overcome Stress
Seek Help
Wa lk
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Identifying and Accepting Stress When you keep a check on your thoughts and moods, you’ll be able to identify how stress is affecting your healthy some typical traits or characteristics which are stress triggers.
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Opt for a Walk or a Glass of Water They say that reaction to stress can be dangerous. Try to walk away from the place and have some fresh air energizing your whole body. If this is not a possibility, try to hold back your reaction by counting up to 10.
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Seek Help The eternal truth is that we tend to find solutions very easily for others but we get stuck when it is about ourselves. It is good to share with people whom you trust and those who can understand your situation.
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Contact Us Santokh Hospital H.No. 846, Sector 38-A Chandigarh 160036
0172-2691846 htp://
Santokh hospital