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Recovery After Inguinal Hernia Repair The remedial treatment involves a surgical operation. A considerable number of surgeons use ‘mesh repair’ as tension-free remedy. Yet another fact about the inguinal hernia surgery is that the success of the repair treatment is measured with the non-recurrence of the hernia situation or pain in the abdominal area where there is some unease because of the mesh.
Tips For Speedy Recovery From Your Inguinal Hernia Surgery: Despite the best treatment given by doctors as per the medical technology, it is equally important that the patient takes due care for recovering well from the inguinal hernia surgery. Here are some of the tips which will definitely contribute towards your recovery and proper healing. • Avoid sneezing or coughing and using a pillow for safety
• Avoid Smoking
• Walk Upright
• Preventive care and medication to keep infection away
• Clean Bowels
• Follow a healthy diet plan
• Complete elimination of lifting heavy weight items
• Don’t ignore the warning signs
• Choose comfortable clothes for your recovery time
Avoid Sneezing Or Coughing And Using A Pillow For Safety During your period of recuperation, one should avoid any such food stuff which may trigger coughing or sneezing. Yet it is advisable to keep a pillow within reach, which can be used to cover the incision in case there is the need to sneeze or cough.
Walk Upright Doctors recommend walking as a tool for recovery. Walking speeds up the process of healing and one should pay attention to walk straight and upright. In addition to reducing the muscle stiffness, it also reduces the probability of putting on few pounds to your existing weight. At the same time, be cautious of the responses of pain and discomfort which might indicate that you need to go little slow for proper recovery.
Clean Bowels To feel comfortable in the abdominal region, one has to ensure the there is no symptom or complaint of constipation. A fiber rich diet and sufficient amount of fluid intake ensures that the stool is passed easily. To be safe in avoiding any sort of strain in pushing the stool, it is recommended to use a stool softener before and after surgery in addition to taking dietary precaution.
Complete Elimination Of Lifting Heavy Weight Items For the initial 4 to 6 weeks, the patient should avoid lifting any sort of heavy objects. And, while lifting light weight items after recovery, make sure to engage your back muscles and knees so as to divert the stress from abdominal area.
Choose Comfortable Clothes For Your Recovery Time Everyone wants to look elegant despite even when you are recovering from your inguinal hernia surgery. However, it is suggested that one should wear clothes which are comfortable and have an expandable waistband. Be aware of the fact that even if your body weight is constant, there are chances of having swelling during the recovery time. In such a situation, one cannot restrict or strain the incision area with something which is tight and binding.
Avoid Smoking If you are a smoker, it is recommended to stop smoking before surgery. This helps in avoiding unnecessary complications. This also contributes towards the recovery after the surgery. Even during your recuperation, if you continue to refrain from smoking, it will help in recovery by improving the breathing and blood circulation.
Preventive Care And Medication To Keep Infection Away One should take the medications properly as recommended by the doctor. Yet the body is prone to catching infection during the recovery process, hence one should take sufficient care so that the body is able to recover well after the surgery.
Follow A Healthy Diet Plan Food is the source of nutrition and nourishment. By taking proper diet which is balanced with respect to its nutritional value, and consists of good amount of fiber, one ensures that the bowel movement is proper and there is no constipationIt also helps in managing the overall body weight and ensures that the diet is supporting the process of recovery.
Don’t Ignore The Warning Signs Some of the symptoms which can be alarming during a patient’s recovery from inguinal hernia surgery are: • Difficulty in urinating • Fever or Chills • Constipation • Excessive Sweating • Regular coughing or breathing problem • Pain in abdominal area if it is worsening • Bleeding • Redness or soreness around the surgical area.
Contact Us Santokh Hospital H.No. 846, Sector 38-A Chandigarh 160036 0172-2691846