Spanish projects' quiz 2011-2012

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S P A N I S H P R O J E C T S’ Q U I Z 2011-2012


NATIONAL COSTUMES 1.- When were the traditional costumes worn? a) between the 12th and 14th centuries b) between the 15th and 17th centuries c) between the 17th and 19th centuries

2.- The traditional costumes a) were all the same b) didn’t have the same parts c) were personalized

3.- What did they show? a) who you were married to b) where you were from c) whether you lived in the north or in the south

4.- The women’s aprons are adorned with a) jet beads b) pearls c) buttons

5.- Nowadays a) nobody wears them b) they are worn in folk festivals c) they are not available

LAW FOR YOUNGSTERS 6.- The coming of age in Spain is a) at the age of 16 b) at the age of 18 c) at the age of 21

7.- When you are 14 a) you can marry with your parents’ consent b) you can ride a moped with your parents’ consent c) you can be punished with imprisonment

8.- Compulsory schooling to the age of 16 comes from a) the beginning of the 21st century b) the end of the 20th century c) the middle of the 20th century

9.- When you are 14 a) you can go clubbing from 5-9 p.m. b) you can smoke c) you can play the lottery

10.- When you are 16 a) you can become emancipated b) you can work in the night-shift c) you can’t get the morning-after pill

ART GALLERY 11.- Isaac Díaz Pardo was a) a builder b) an artist c) a politician

12.- He started the last turn of his career in a) Castro de Samoedo b) Sada c) Magdalena

13.- The “laboratorio de formas” a) is the concept to show through designs what Galician art is like b) is the place where ceramics are made in Galicia c) is the place where things are shaped in Galicia

14.- For Isaac Díaz Pardo art was a way a) to strengthen and preserve Galician culture b) to develop the artist’s personality c) to become famous in Galicia

15.- He made his porcelain women copying them a) from the women he met in Argentina b) from the women he met in Madrid c) from figurative paintings

16.- What’s the name of the Art Gallery where the paintings are? a) Carlos L Bernárdez b) Serafín Avendaño c) Francisco Fernández del Riego

17.- Roberto González del Blanco’s paintings a) show tenderness b) show anger c) are pretentious

18.- Carlos Maside García a) taught Isaac Díaz Pardo and Luis Seoane how to paint b) showed the new trends in art to Galician artists c) never attended drawing lessons

19.- Manuel Torres Martínez a) was born and lived in Marín b) didn’t paint during the civil war c) copied Picasso’s paintings

20.- The three artists a) met for the first time in Lugo b) went to Madrid c) weren’t known in their life time

KEY 1c 2c 3a 4a 5b 6b 7a 8b 9a 10 a 11 b 12 c 13 a 14 a 15 c 16 c 17 a 18 b 19 a 20 b


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